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Modified Self-Learning Module SHS

Core Subject

Reading and Writing

Third Grading, Module 3

(Patterns of Development
in Writing)

Images taken from: https://www.

Karen R. Royo

España National High School

I. Most Essential Learning Competency:

 Compare and contrast patterns of written texts across discipline.

(Cause and effect and Problem- solution)

At the end of the lesson, it is expected that you should be able to:

1. identify similarities and or differences of each writing pattern based

on its aim/purpose and its feature.

2. identify the different patterns of written texts across discipline

through sample paragraphs;




Purpose: This pattern of development in writing is used to explain how

an event or action leads to another.


The following words can be used to signal cause and effect:

 as a result

 accordingly

 because of (this)

 due to (this)

 consequently

 hence/therefore/thus

There are three different ways to use the cause-and-effect pattern in


1. Cause to effect- The cause, which can be an event or action, can be

stated right at the beginning of a paragraph, followed by sentences
stating the effects. This type of organization is best for explaining a
single cause with different effects.


Salmonellosis is a type of food poisoning caused by Salmonella enterica

bacterium. People who are infected with such illness experience abdominal cramps,
fever, and diarrhea. Consequently, they suffer from severe dehydration, vomiting,
headaches, and body aches. Furthermore, salmonellosis can lead to complications,
such as Reiter’s syndrome (reactive arthritis) and focal infection.

2. Effect to cause- The effect can be stated at the beginning of the text,
followed by sentences and paragraphs that expound on the causes. This
type of organization is best for presenting a single effect with different


Global warming, the increase of Earth’s average surface

temperature, is happening. One of its major causes is the buildup of
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Those gases trap heat in the
atmosphere, which keeps the Earth warm. However, burning fossil fuels
like coal, oil, and natural gas produces more carbon dioxide, a
greenhouse gas, in the atmosphere. Thus, more heat is trapped in the
atmosphere, and the Earth gets warmer than usual.

Another major cause of the global warming is deforestation. When
forests are burned, large amounts of carbon are released into the
atmosphere. Likewise, when trees are cut down, much carbon dioxide
from living things, some of which is absorbed by the trees, goes to the
Moreover, nitrogen-based fertilizers are contributing to global
warming. They are used in farming to stimulate microbes in the soil. At
a very fast rate, the microbes convert nitrogen to nitrous oxide, a
greenhouse gas that can trap more heat than carbon dioxide can. Also,
it destroys the ozone, Earth’s defense from ultraviolet light.

3. Consecutive cause and effect- In this type of organization, the causes,

each with its corresponding effect, are tackled one by one in a few
sentences or a paragraph. The writer explains each cause and effect
completely before moving on to the next cause and effect.


American women gained status during World War II. Many of

them took over men’s jobs in factories and farms as men enlisted into
the military. As a result, they learned new skills and experienced work
outside of the home. Also, women were allowed to serve in the military
following the bombing of Pearl Harbor, so they felt the pride of being in
the military service. Lastly, because of the absence of men, women
made decisions for themselves and their families.


Purpose: This pattern of development in writing is used to deal with topics

that pose problems and present solutions in a logical manner.

Feature: There are three ways to use a problem- solution pattern in


1. The problem-solution pattern is a straightforward approach. The
problem is expressed in a simple statement, and a possible solution is


The fast-food chain Charlie's Chicken wants to attract younger

customers, ages 13 to 17, to dine in their restaurants. The management
is thinking of launching a new mascot called Clucky, a cool and trendy
anthropomorphic chicken. This brand overhaul would be very
expensive, though. So, they are also exploring digital marketing options.
Through the Web and social media, the company can promote the
brand at a lower cost.

2. In a problem-cause-solution pattern, the cause of the problem is

identified and analyzed before a possible solution is presented.

Women are significantly underrepresented in the fields of
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The small
number of women working in those fields can be attributed to the
prevailing attitudes of people in general about the ideal career
aspirations of women. Educating people then is a way to change how
they think and feel about women. Furthermore, the government and
public organizations should support programs that increase women’s
interest in the STEM fields.

3. In a problem-process-solution pattern, the process or procedure is

discussed extensively. In the discussion, the problem is addressed; the
readers are led to the solution.

A study will set out to determine the effects of ultraviolet light on
live cells. In an experiment, a microbial sample will be subjected to UV
light from a 24-watt light bulb. After six hours, the sample will be
analyzed. The experiment aims prove that the UV light causes
irreparable DNA damage that causes cell death. The results can be used
to develop more effective ways to protect human skin from the UV light
from the sun.

Practice Exercise.

Directions: Read the paragraphs below and identify what pattern of

development in writing is used. Write your answer on the blank space
after each paragraph. Use the given answer key to check your answers.
This activity will not be recorded, so please do not submit this activity
during retrieval.

1. There are several reasons why you need an effective time-

management in finishing your modules as you continue your studies
in time of this pandemic. First, an effective time- management is
necessary since you are a student who aims to pass the grade level
you are in. That’s one basic objective anyone who studies has. And
if you pass, most probably, you, yourself and your loved ones will be
happy for the achievement. When you pass, it will be one step
making you closer to your goal. Second, an effective time-
management important in order for you to finish your modules on
time before the scheduled date of retrieval. This serves as your time-
table to help you get through your modules easier. Having a strict
and religiously followed time schedule in answering your modules is
better than cramming to answer your activities before the day of
submission. You will be able to find time to relax and not pressure
yourself to finish your tasks. Third, setting a time- frame is the same

as training your mind to work. In real life, when you have a habit of
practicing an effective time- management, you know how the saying
goes. Practice makes perfect. If you practice effective time-
management, then you are more likely to get the outcome that you
expect. Who doesn’t want to see good scores on his or her papers
without pressuring and cramming oneself? These are just some of
the causes and effects of having an effective time- management. You
may discover more if you actually do it.

Your answer______________________

2. The Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has drastically

changed the lives of every people today more likely the Sibuyanons.
Many usual activities that we seem to enjoy has been prohibited or
limited. Going out is now a privilege and a great responsibility. Being
at work and coming home from work has become a big challenge.
And having a stable income is a major struggle. But how do we, the
Sibuyanons of today deal with things new to us? How do we fight
against these? Two significant attitudes emerge from us in this
trying time- resilience and cooperation. We have been proven to be
resilient in times of calamities. We are still able to flash a smile
despite heavy burdens and fear of the unseen enemy. What makes
us take in everything, both the negative and positive events is the
sense of cooperation. Left and right, we see donors. Local
Government Unit and even ordinary people find a way to share what
they can. We witness neighbors and strangers help each other in any
way they can. These are why we, the Sibuyanons are still one in
continuing the battle against the pandemic.

Your answer______________________

Key to Practice Exercise:
1. Paragraph number 1 used the cause and effect pattern of
development in writing, specifically the consecutive cause and
effect pattern. As you can notice, the causes, each with its
corresponding effect, are tackled one by one in a few sentences or a
paragraph. The writer explains each cause and effect completely
before moving on to the next cause and effect.
1st Cause: First, an effective time- management is necessary since
you are a student who aims to pass the grade level you are in.
Effect: And if you pass, most probably, you, yourself and your loved
ones will be happy for the achievement. When you pass, it will be
one step making you closer to your goal.
2nd Cause: An effective time- management important in order for you
to finish your modules on time before the scheduled date of retrieval.
Effect: This serves as your time- table to help you get through your
modules easier.
3rd Cause: Setting a time- frame is the same as training your mind
to work.
Effect: You are more likely to get the outcome that you expect: good
scores without pressuring and cramming oneself.

2. Paragraph number 2 used the Problem- Solution pattern of

development in writing. The problem identified in the paragraph is
how the Sibuyanons of today deal with the drastic change brought
by Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. The solutions
identified are: (1.) Being resilient- smiling despite the fears and
burden brought by the unseen enemy and (2.) Showing cooperation
through the spirit of giving or donating to those in need in order to
lessen the hardship they are also experiencing.

Thank you for answering the practice exercises. If you answered the practice
exercises correctly, you are now ready to proceed to do the written works. If
not, please try until you arrived on the correct answer.


Directions: Based on your understanding of our lesson discussed, you are

going to accomplish the given Venn- diagram to show the comparison and
contrast between and among the patterns of development of writing (cause
and effect and problem- solution pattern) as to its aim or purpose in writing
and its distinguishing feature.

Note: A Venn diagram is used to show the similarities and differences between
two or more objects or ideas. It uses overlapping circles to represent different
objects or ideas that share similar characteristics in some way. The
intersection or the area where the circles overlap shows the characteristic
that is common between or among the objects or ideas.


 Anudin, Ali G. and Peña, Andrew Rey S., Reading and Writing, Quezon
City: Vibal Publishing House, 2016.
 Domagsang, Anne Gelene T., Exploring Grammar and Literature,
Quezon City, Brilliant Creations Publishing, Inc., 2016.
 Sample paragraphs used in the Example: Quipper School retrieved on
January 15, 2019


NAME: _________________________________________ GRADE 11- GAS (__)

DATE SUBMITTED: ____________________________ SCORE: ______

REMINDERS: On top of this answer sheet, always indicate your NAME,

GRADE/SECTION, date submitted. This answer sheet will be submitted to the
Focal Person assigned in your Sitio. This assessment is good for 10 points.

Cause- Effect Problem- Solution


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