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After Hours

by yoonminology

Category: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS

Genre: Alpha Min Yoongi | Suga, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alternate Universe, Anal
Fingering, Anal Sex, Angst, Enemies to Lovers, Fluff, Fucking, Knotting, M/M, Mating Cycles/In
Heat, Min Yoongi | Suga Is Whipped, Min Yoongi | Suga Is a Sweetheart, Misunderstandings,
Omega Park Jimin, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Park Jimin Is Bad at Feelings, Park
Jimin Is Whipped, Park Jimin Is a Brat, Rimming, Scent Marking, Scenting, Self-Lubrication,
Smut, jimin is a little salty, kind of?
Language: English
Status: Completed
Published: 2018-08-22
Updated: 2018-09-28
Packaged: 2019-07-01 04:21:48
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Chapters: 5
Words: 52,826
Story URL:
Author URL:
Summary: Jimin has hated Yoongi ever since he could remember.Yoongi has always thought
there was some deep reasoning behind it as the omega was always short and unresponsive to
him.Truth be told, Park Jimin doesn't really hate Yoongi. What he hates is the fact that the alpha
had rejected him back in kindergarten when he was just four years old.

1. Unexpected Roommates

"You can go outside and play now, Jimin,"  his teacher says after she's done wiping the
chocolate stained corners of his mouth, "And sweetie, do be careful not to fall and hurt yourself
again. You don't want your mom to be mad at you when she comes to pick you up, do you?"
She smiles warmly at him and Jimin shakes his head. He definitely doesn't want to make his
mom mad.

"I'll be good," he nods enthusiastically, eager to go out and play in the backyard with all of his

"And please, don't pick a fight with any of the older alphas," she warns before finally letting go of
his hand, "Their naptime was cut short today and they're very grumpy."

Jimin looks at her and pouts, tired of explaining that yesterday Hoseok hyung picked a fight with
/him/, and not the other way around.

_"Go, Jimin," she nudges him towards the door, and Jimin has no choice but to take his
backpack filled with toys and go outside._

_He steps out and scrunches his nose at the heat. It's way hotter than he expected and the
playground is filled with a bunch of children running around and screaming. He thinks for a
moment, trying to decide where he wants to go and play. He spots Yoongi near the swings, and
he happily starts waddling towards him._

_His little trip is cut short by Taehyung running up to him and grabbing his arm, dragging him
towards where he was playing in the sand._

_"Jiminie! Finally, where were you?" the little omega asks as he pulls Jimin to sit down in the
sand beside him, "I was gonna build a castle without you."_

_Jimin frowns. He really doesn't want to go play in the sandbox. What he actually wants is to go
and play with Yoongi by the swings. He sighs before he plops down on the sand next to
Taehyung, his eyes darting towards Yoongi with a longing look._

_He tries his best to focus on building the castle and he even lets Taehyung use the plushies
from his backpack as the castle guards. Taehyung is babbling but Jimin's eyes keep wandering
off to Yoongi who's still sat by the swings and playing with his toy cars._

_"Jiminie! Pay attention!" Taehyung slaps him and Jimin yelps and rubs his arm._

_"Hey!" Jimin glares at him, still rubbing the painful spot, "That hurt! Why did you do that for?"_

_"You weren't paying attention," Taehyung explains while carefully placing one of the plushies
on the left side of the castle. He scrunches his nose at it, not satisfied with the position and sets
it aside before he reaches for a grey, raccoon plushie instead._

_"Oh not that one please!" Jimin snatches the toy away from the younger omega's hands,
gripping it tightly to his chest._

_"Why not?" Taehyung furrows his brows and tries to reach for the toy again, but Jimin just pulls
it tighter towards himself._

_"I wanna show it to Yoongi hyung," he mumbles, cheeks flaring at the confession as he avoids
Taehyung's questioning gaze._

_Taehyung blinks in confusion a couple of times before a wide grin spreads across his face, and
he lets out a loud giggle._

_"Oooh, Jiminie has a crush on—" he starts yelling but Jimin is quick to drop his plushie and
force his hand onto Taehyung's mouth, before the younger omega said the whole sentence and
embarrassed him in front of everyone._

_"Shut up!" he hisses at the younger omega, still covering his mouth. Taehyung squirms and
mumbles into his hand but Jimin doesn't let go until he's sure that his friend has quieted down._

_"You have a crush on Yoongi hyung?" Taehyung whispers when Jimin finally lets go of him._

_ _Jimin looks away, his cheeks still burning, and he picks up the toy again and sits it in his lap.
He fidgets with it for a moment before looking back at Taehyung who's now completely forgotten
about his castle and has his focus directed towards Jimin._

_"No," he lies, digging his tiny fingers into the raccoon plushie in his lap, "It's not like that I

_Taehyung snorts and sticks his hand out, "Okay. Give me the toy, then."_


_"See?" Taehyung scoffs, "You like Yoongi hyung. And I know raccoons are his favorite

_"How did you know that!?" Jimin yells, and he feels everyone's heads snap in their direction so
he lowers his voice, "How did you know that? Did he tell you?"_

_"No," Taehyung shakes his head and turns back to scoop up sand with his yellow plastic
shovel, "Hobi hyung made fun of him because of it the other day at lunch time."_

_"Hobi hyung is mean."_


_"He's not mean, Jiminie," the younger omega rolls his eyes, "He has a point. Raccoons are

_Jimin wants to argue but he sees Yoongi get up from the swing set and walk over towards
where some of the kids are playing dodgeball. He decides to ignore Taehyung's snarky
comments and focuses on getting up and dusting off his Bermuda shorts and his plushie
instead. He sticks his tongue out to the younger omega before he turns around and walks over
to the older alpha, tightly holding his plushie._

_Yoongi is two years older than Jimin, and he's going to be seven next year — which means
Jimin won't be able to see him as much once he starts school in the fall, and it makes the little
boy very sad._

_He totters towards the red painted bench where Yoongi sits alone with his toy cars, watching
the intense game of dodgeball between the alphas from his class._

_"Aren't you gonna play?" Jimin asks plopping down on the bench next to Yoongi, carefully
placing the raccoon beside him._

_Yoongi usually smells like coffee, a smell that reminds Jimin of the mornings he spends in the
kitchen with his parents as he waits for them to get ready and drive him to kindergarten. It's
familiar, safe and comforting, and Jimin likes it. But today, the alpha's scent is a little off —
muffled almost, and rather than being warm and pleasant like usual, its undertone is a bit

_"Hi Jiminie," Yoongi says, not taking his eyes off of the dodgeball game, "Nah. I'm sick."_

_Yoongi scrunches his nose before he covers his mouth so he could let out a loud sneeze. The
alpha's nose is red, eyes watery — and Jimin hopes his hyung feels better soon. Yoongi wipes
his face with his sleeve and turns to flash Jimin his gummy smile._

_Jimin's heart jumps a little and he blushes, his gaze dropping to his lap as he nervously fidgets
with his fingers. He eyes the plushie beside him and takes it into his chubby hands._

_"Hey, Yoongi hyung?" he calls in a tiny voice, waiting for Yoongi to shift his attention back to

_"Yes, Jiminie?"_

_"Look." He lifts the raccoon from where it is placed beside him and carefully offers it to

_Jimin was careful not to scent it as his mom said that if he wants to share his toys with other
kids, he can't have them smelling like him. It's overstepping the boundaries, she says._

_Yoongi’s eyes widen as he takes the raccoon and turns it in his hands a couple of times,
inspecting it intensely._

_"Wow! It's so cool!" The alpha exclaims before he covers his mouth with his hand to cover up
yet another sneeze._

_"You like it?" Jimin beams, clapping his tiny hands together, "I picked it out myself."_

_"You know, I love raccoons," Yoongi says seriously, wiping his nose with his sleeve before he
sniffles again, "They're so cool. Not many people like them, but I think they're great. My dad said
they are clever, too."_

_Jimin nods enthusiastically. He loves raccoons as well. They're cute and they're Yoongi's
favorite, what's not to love?_

_"Do you wanna play with it?" Jimin asks while dangling his feet in excitement, pointing towards
the raccoon in Yoongi's hands._

_"Really? I can?" Yoongi asks, pulling the toy to his chest._

_"Yes, of course!" Jimin yells and Yoongi grins at him before he grimaces and sneezes one
more time._

_"Maybe I shouldn't," the alpha says while he wipes his nose with his now wet sleeve, "I'm sick.
Mom and dad will probably take me to the doctors later. Mom said I shouldn't be touching other
kids' toys today, anyways."_

_Jimin's face falls as he watches the older boy put the toy back on the bench, and he picks it up
and puts it on his lap. Yoongi continues watching the dodgeball game and Jimin nervously
chews on his bottom lip. He feels a little sad that Yoongi rejected his toy, but he quickly decides
to not take no for an answer._

_"Hyung, I have an idea," he pauses and waits for the alpha to turn to him again, "How about
you take it home with you for the weekend?"_

_Yoongi's eyes widen and Jimin reaches for the toy and holds it out for the alpha again._

_"Here, take it."_

_"Really?" Yoongi is hesitant, and he stops dangling his feet and studies Jimin's face, trying to
determine whether the boy was serious or not._

_"Yes hyung! It will help you feel better faster," The omega assures him, encouraging him to
take the toy, "I didn't even scent it or anything," he proudly adds._

_Yoongi reaches out and takes the raccoon in his small hands, and pulls the toy close to his

_"Thank you, Jiminie," Yoongi looks at him for a moment, protectively holding the plushie, "I'll
take good care of it, promise."_

_They sit on the bench together, watching as their friends run around and play. They don't talk
much, but Jimin is happy to see the alpha holding his raccoon close to his chest. It gives Jimin a
sense of comfort, and he can't help but hope that Yoongi might slip up and scent the toy while
it's in his custody._

_Once the game of dodgeball is over, Yoongi offers Jimin some of his toy cars and they play
together for a while before their parents come and it's finally time to go home._

_Yoongi's mom comes to pick him up first, and he shows her the raccoon Jimin had given him
to stay with them. She beams at Jimin and ruffles his hair, and Jimin smiles back at her._

_"Why don't you go give Jiminie a quick hug to thank him, Yoonie?" she coos at her son while
dusting his clothes off, "But a quick one, hm? We don't want Jiminie to get sick."_

_Yoongi scrunches his nose before he sneezes again and shakes his head._

_"I'm going to go get your backpack, okay?" She pats Yoongi's head before she turns to walk
inside, "You can stay to say bye and thank you to Jiminie, and I'll be waiting for you inside.
Dad's in the car, we're taking you to the doctors afterward."_

_Jimin watches as Yoongi ties his shoelace and he squirms nervously as he waits for the alpha
to stand up again. He really wants to hug his hyung._

_"She's so—" Yoongi begins but Jimin's nervous, giggly self is already in Yoongi's personal
space, wrapping his tiny arms around the alpha's neck. He's careful not to nuzzle into the scent
gland on his neck, but he stills squeezes the boy tightly._

_"Ewww, Jiminie!" Yoongi pushes him away before he sneezes again, "Get off!"_

_Jimin is startled as he stumbles backward, his eyes widening at the alpha's sudden outburst._

_"Why did you do that?" Yoongi grimaces and pinches his nose, "You stink Jiminie!"_

_"No I don't!" Jimin whines as his bottom lip starts to tremble and his eyes fill with tears, but
before he can add anything else, Yoongi's mom is calling him from the inside of the

_Yoongi's nose is still scrunched and he coughs a little, picking up the raccoon plushie from
beside him and wrapping his arms around it._

_"Yeah, you do," the alpha says before he turns to run towards his mother, "Take a bath or

_Jimin's little heart aches in his chest, and he wipes the corners of his watery eyes before he
returns to sit on the bench all by himself. It's not long before tears start streaming down his
chubby cheeks, and a small sob escapes his lips._

_In that moment, Jimin doesn't know exactly what it is that he feels, but he knows that he never
wants to feel it again._

It's nearly noon when Jimin rolls out of bed, rubbing the back of his neck while simultaneously
cracking each side. It feels strained and Jimin's surprised he can even move it at all. Last night
was pretty wild, even for his standards, and the fact that the weekend has only started and he
felt borderline dead already wasn't really the outcome he had hoped for.

He's still wearing last night's clothes which are now sticking to his body from all the sweat and
drinks that were spilled over him during the night. He stumbles into the living room where
Taehyung is wrapped around Hoseok on the sofa, and they both give him a rather unamused

Jimin nods his head and waves them off, signaling them to be quiet, as he's really not in the
mood to talk before he's had his morning (or in this case, afternoon) coffee. He needs a shower,
he realizes, and he also needs to take his suppressants — which he had so irresponsibly
forgotten to take the day before — meaning that the double dose of hormones he takes today is
going to be fucking with him hard for the next week, and he's probably going to be moodier than
usual. Just great.

After taking his suppressants, he showers and it already makes him feel somewhat better. His
neck still hurts a little, but the hot water helps relax the muscles and he figures that by
tomorrow, he'll be as good as new. He makes himself the strongest black coffee he can possibly
take, and walks back to the living room to join Taehyung and Hoseok.

He plops down on the armchair next to the sofa and props his legs on the coffee table, eyeing
the cuddled up couple while he takes a big sip of his coffee.

"You reek." He raises his eyebrows at Taehyung who rolls his eyes as he continues flipping the

"Yeah," he replies,"My heat is due in three days."

Jimin furrows his brows. He's pretty sure Taehyung's had a heat not _that_ long ago, but for
whatever reason, he couldn't remember. He sets his mug on the table beside him and
scrunches his nose.

"Didn't you have one not too long ago?"

Taehyung shakes his head. "No, it was three months ago. This one is just in time."

Jimin purses his lips and narrows his eyes. Really? Has it already been three months?

"So you know the drill Jiminie," Hoseok stretches from under Taehyung, his hand covering his
yawn before he continues, "You gotta crash at Guk's."

Jimin lets out a deep sigh. Taehyung's heat had completely slipped his mind and he hadn't had
the time to give Jeongguk a heads up. He pulls his phone out and shoots the younger alpha a
message, asking him if it was cool to crash at his once Taehyung's heat hits.

He usually stayed with Jeongguk during the younger omega's heats, and it was always a nice
change. The alpha was quite flexible with his schedule as he was a majoring in animation; he
always had classes in the afternoon, while Jimin had his at night, so they never bothered each
other much. Besides, Jeongguk was one of his best friends since high school, and he loved the
younger alpha and his omega, Namjoon, like brothers.

Just after he's done with his first coffee for the day his phone buzzes, a text from Jeongguk —
he realizes, explaining that he's visiting family in Busan and won't be back until after Taehyung's
heat breaks.

"Shit," he mumbles and both Taehyung and Hoseok give him a questioning look from where
they're still laying on the couch, "Guk is out of town, he's visiting family in Busan for spring

He shoves his phone back to his pocket and massages his temples in annoyance — firstly
because Taehyung _really_ reeks and so do the pheromones that Hoseok's releasing in
response to his mate, and secondly, because his heat completely slipped Jimin's mind and now
he has three days, if that, to find a place to crash.

He knows he can't crash at Namjoon's as there's no room in the older omega's apartment, and
he really dreads asking one of his classmates, as he's extremely sensitive to smells, whether it
be an alpha or an omega — he doesn't like scents he's not used to, especially when it requires
sleeping in someone's bed.

"Oh shit," Hoseok pauses, "Well, you can always stay at my place?"

Jimin looks at him like he's insane.


"Really?" he snorts, "And share a place with Yoongi hyung for a week? I don't think so."

Hoseok scoffs and untangles Taehyung from himself. The omega whines and reaches for his
alpha, but Hoseok is already on his feet and walking towards the kitchen.

"Why not? Yoongi's room is on the completely opposite side of the apartment, even further apart
than yours and Tae's," Hoseok yells with his head in the refrigerator, "Besides, he's out for the
majority of the afternoon and evening. And he doesn't make noise."

"I'm not staying with him." Jimin clenches his fist a little in annoyance, "I'll figure something out."

"Suit yourself," Hoseok shrugs as he walks back from the kitchen carrying two water bottles,
"Let me know if you need to crash at ours, though."

As determined as he was to find a place to stay for the week — Jimin unsuccessfully exhausted
every single one of his options. He even asked the most annoying omega girl in his multimedia
class if he could crash at hers, but just like everyone else, she was going away for spring break
and Jimin was really dreading asking Hoseok if he could stay in his and Yoongi's apartment.

He would have gone back home to his parents' house himself, but he had extra credit essays
that needed to be written during spring break and there was no way he was ever getting
anything done if he went back home to his annoying family which had no sense of personal

"Oh good, you're here," Jimin sighs as he walks into his apartment and sees Hoseok watching
TV in the living room, "Where's Tae?"

"Asleep," Hoseok replies, scooting over so Jimin could sit next to him, "I think his heat is going
to hit early."

Jimin nods.

"I think so too," he agrees, knowing he has to ask the inevitable, "Is it still okay for me to crash
at your place?"

He really, _really_ doesn't want to share an apartment (or anything, for that matter) with Min
Yoongi, especially not for an extended period of time, but at this point, he really doesn't have a
choice. Taehyung's heat was probably going to hit tonight, and he felt nervous and fidgety
knowing that the omega might wake up any minute and start hissing at him for being too close
to his alpha.

"Yeah, I'll text Yoongi right now," he says, pulling his phone out and sending his roommate a
message, "You can go pack your stuff, Yoongi's a quick texter and I already kind of gave him a
heads up about this."

"I'm really fucking dreading this," Jimin mumbles as he gets up to go pack a bag, "We're not
exactly on the friendliest of terms, him and I."

"You mean _you_ are not on the friendliest of terms with _him_ ," Hoseok corrects him,
"Because he's been nothing but nice to you, whenever I'm around at least. I don't understand
what your problem with him is but—"

"He's just an asshole, 'kay?" Jimin almost hisses at the alpha, marching towards his room so he
could pack his stuff and leave.

"Whatever you say," he hears Hoseok chuckle before he slams the door shut behind him.

Before Jimin can use Hoseok's keys to unlock the door, the lock clicks and they open wide, and
he's face to face with a black-haired alpha with dark, sharp eyes and lips pressed into a firm
line. Their eyes meet and Jimin is immediately overwhelmed with Yoongi's scent, a strong
coffee flavor mixed with a hint of cardamom. He takes in a shaky breath and his stomach flips at
the familiar, alluring scent of the alpha. Jimin hasn't had many opportunities to smell it,
especially not in the last few years, but somehow, the scent always stayed warm and familiar;
soothing, almost. It makes Jimin want to nuzzle into the crook of Yoongi's neck, it makes him
want to be closer to the alpha, and it makes him want to bare his neck for him in submission.

He doesn't do any of the above; instead, he thickly swallows and picks his bag up, wanting to be
out of alpha's face as soon as possible.

"Hey, Jimin," Yoongi steps aside so Jimin can enter, "It's been a few months."

"Hi. The semester's been busy," Jimin shrugs as he picks up his bag and walks past Yoongi into
the narrow hallway.

"Sorry about Tae's heat. I hope you're okay with staying here, I know it’s not ideal but I’ll try—"
the alpha begins in low voice, nervously scratching the back of his neck as he follows behind,
but the omega quickly cuts him off.

"Look," he takes a deep breath, "We really don't have to do this."

Yoongi blinks.

"Do what?" he asks, eyes narrowing.

"Pretend like we care how the other is doing," Jimin explains, dropping his bag onto the floor,
folding his arms over his chest as he tries to give the alpha his most intimidating stance, "I don't
give a fuck, and I sure as hell know you don't give a fuck. I'm very appreciative of you letting me
stay here for the next few days, and I know it was on a whim, so let's just do our best to stay out
of each other's way, sound good?"

He finishes his monologue, and Yoongi stares at him blankly before a low chuckle emerges
from his throat, and the alpha suddenly looks rather amused.

"Alright, sounds good," he confirms and Jimin picks his bag up again and makes his way
towards Hoseok's bedroom; the tiniest part of him a bit dissatisfied with Yoongi's response.
"However, you're staying in my room, and I'm taking Hoseok's for the time being."

Jimin freezes with his hand on the doorknob and looks at the alpha over his shoulder. He's not
sure if he's heard him right, or if he's just imagining things. He hopes the alpha is joking, but the
playful smirk on Yoongi's face really doesn't reveal much.

"You're joking, right?"

"Not at all," Yoongi's lips are still curled into a smirk, "You're not going to sleep in a mated
alpha's bed. Taehyung will flip out once he sleeps over and smells a different omega in his
alpha's sheets, even if it's his best friend."

Yoongi certainly doesn't look like he's joking anymore, and Jimin's heart feels as if it might jump
out of his chest. He was hoping to find sanctuary in Hoseok's room, hoping that the strong
mahogany fragrance will overpower and protect him from Yoongi's everpresent scent which
lingered everywhere else in the apartment.

Jimin sucks in a breath as he stands there like a deer in headlights, almost as if he was waiting
for the alpha to burst out laughing and play everything off as a joke any moment now. However,
Yoongi just points towards his own bedroom, and Jimin gulps and nods, making his way over to
the opposite side of the apartment.

Once he's behind closed doors, Jimin realizes his legs are shaking. He leans his back against
the door and slides all the way down until his knees are pressed to his chest. He lets out a deep
sigh and covers his face with his hands, shaking his head in disbelief. He prays that the alpha
couldn't smell the distress on him, hoping his scent is unpleasant enough for Yoongi to not
notice anything. He does his best to reassure himself; besides, Yoongi was more than clear on
how he felt about Jimin's scent very early on in their childhood.

He looks around the room, taking everything in. It's fairly big — a king sized bed with maroon
bedding, dark gray walls with black shelves stretching out all the way to where the wall curves.
The shelves are filled with books, CDs and surprisingly, a lot of stuffed animals.

Jimin isn't the kind of person to stereotype an alpha, but he really wasn't expecting two shelves
filled with plushies. He's never been in Yoongi's room, he realizes, and he wasn't exactly sure
what he was expecting, but a plushie filled shelf was probably not on the list of things.

Jimin gets up and looks around. The room is quite neat, but if Jimin was going to stay in here, it
wasn't going to stay tidy for long. However, instead of focusing on the potential problem of
Yoongi getting pissed at him for making a mess of his room, Jimin walks over to the bed and
opens a large window right above it. Yoongi's scent is everywhere, embedded in the walls, in
his desk, in the bedsheets, carpet, _everything._ If he was even going to attempt to sleep in
here, he needed to make the scent at least somewhat bearable. With another glance to
Yoongi's bed and the calming smell of coffee and cardamom infiltrating his nostrils, Jimin has to
fight the omega in him, urging him to start nesting right then and there. He shakes his head
once again and sticks his head out the window, trying to breathe in as much as fresh air as

Much to his displeasure, he realizes he's most likely going to be spending most of his time out in
the living room, where Yoongi's lingering scent mixed with Hoseok's and made it at least

He takes a deep breath and lays on the floor, gathering his thoughts in attempt to control his
urges. He could already tell that this was going to be a long week, and he's been in the
apartment for less than an hour. Honestly, _fuck_ Taehyung and his heat.

Once Jimin gathers the courage to emerge from Yoongi's room, he realizes that the alpha is no
longer in the apartment. He sighs in relief as he walks towards the living room, plopping down
onto the couch and grabbing the TV remote. He takes the neatly folded blanket that's placed
over the armrest and wraps himself in it before he settles down to watch a movie he's seen at
least five times by now. The blanket smells a bit like Yoongi too, but it's rather comfortable than
overwhelming. Jimin nuzzles into it and his breathing steadies — a wave of calmness washing
over him as his eyelids get heavier and he drifts off to sleep.

He's jolted awake by the doorbell not too long after, jumping in surprise at the aggressiveness of
the ring. He's only disoriented for a moment before he paces towards the door and opens it to
find Yoongi standing there.

"I forgot my keys," the alpha explains as he walks past him, "I wasn't sure if you had your
headphones on or whatever, my room's a bit secluded so I don't always hear the doorbell."

"It's fine, I was watching TV in the living room."

Yoongi stops as he eyes the ruffled blanket on the couch, and the corners of his lips curl into a
playful smirk.

"And scenting my blanket, I see."

Jimin's stomach drops and he can physically feel his cheeks _burn_ at the words coming from
Yoongi's mouth. The alpha looks rather amused which makes the heat from Jimin's cheeks
spread down to his neck, leaving him absolutely mortified.

"I— I didn't—" he stutters, looking away from Yoongi, his body feeling hot as he approaches the
couch and takes the blanket. It really did smell like him, but Jimin could have sworn he didn't
nuzzle into it _that_ much. "I— I'll wash it."

Yoongi takes off his leather jacket and throws it on the couch, eyeing Jimin as he sits on one of
the chairs next to the coffee table, casually crossing his legs. Jimin rushes to fold the blanket so
he can make his way over to the bathroom as soon as possible. There's no way he could have
known that the blanket was specifically Yoongi's when the damn thing smelled like Hoseok too.


Jimin freezes for a brief moment, but the alpha behind him stays silent and Jimin continues
struggling with folding the blanket. He can feel Yoongi's eyes on the back of his neck and his
scent is making Jimin so, _so_ nervous, so he just gives up and tosses the blanket over his
shoulder before he starts making his way towards the bathroom.

"Jimin." The alpha calls again, voice firmer than before.


Jimin turns and his eyes meet Yoongi's, who's now leaning forward, his elbows propped onto
his thighs.

"What?" He blinks.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm taking the blanket so I can wash it?"

Yoongi narrows his eyes at him, looking genuinely confused.


"Because I scented it, and it's yours?"

Yoongi leans back into the couch and laughs a little, and Jimin suddenly forgets he's mortified;
actually, he's rather annoyed with the alpha who's tossed his head back as small chuckles
emerge from his throat, his scent glands exposed and Jimin wants nothing more than to nuzzle
into them right _now._

"You don't have to wash the blanket Jimin," Yoongi begins, stretching his arms over his head,
"It's honestly not a big deal. We're gonna be sharing this place for a week, you can help yourself
to whatever you want to. I won't be home in the evenings anyway so you have the whole place
to yourself. Just don't bring any people I don't know without letting me know first. Is that okay?"

Jimin examines Yoongi's features for a moment. His dark eyes, sharp jawline and high
cheekbones were in complete contrast to his soft cheeks and lips — yet they gave his facial
structure the perfect balance. He hasn't changed much since he was a little boy, Jimin thinks.
He grew into his features, and his scent had gotten an edge to it; it kept Jimin on his toes —
even though he hates it, he couldn't deny it.

Throughout the years, it was quite easy to avoid the alpha — he's two years older, and as they
both grew up, even going to the same school and having pretty much the same circle of friends,
Jimin managed to avoid him for the most part, and they never grew close.

However, once Taehyung started dating Hoseok in his freshman year of high school, it became
somewhat harder for him to avoid Yoongi completely, but he always managed a safe distance.
Still, he'd always feel self-conscious around the alpha, being that his own scent was something
he had absolutely no control over, but Yoongi's words stuck with him throughout the years and
he always remained self-conscious when in alpha's presence.

Now, Jimin _knew_ he smelled good to most alphas. He's never had trouble attracting any, and
he was aware of the effect he had on them; it was just that around _this_ particular alpha Jimin
would feel somewhat frail and insecure, and he hated him for it.

"Jimin?" Jimin snaps back into reality and quickly drops the blanket back over the armrest of the

"Huh? Sorry. Yeah, that's fine," he replies while he absently stares at Yoongi's slight pout, "I
don't really bring people over to mine and Tae's apartment either."

"Good," Yoongi nods before getting up from the softa, "I understand how staying with an alpha
you're not particularly close with can be uncomfortable. I can smell the distress on you. But
we've known each other since we were children, there's no need to make things awkward."

Jimin winces at the words. So Yoongi _could_ smell the distress on him, after all. Not that he
was particularly surprised as he was never really been good at controlling his pheromones, but
his cheeks still flared up at the statement.

Embarrassed, Jimin just gives the alpha a short nod. They stand awkwardly in the middle of the
living room for a couple of seconds before Yoongi clears his throat and excuses himself,
heading towards Hoseok's room.

Once the door is closed behind the alpha, Jimin sobers up and retracts back into Yoongi's room.
He throws himself onto the bed face down, inhaling the deep scent of coffee that's already
began to settle in his sensory memory as something familiar. God, sometimes he really hated
his inner omega.

He groans before he rolls off the bed to reach for his backpack so he could pull the laptop out.
He really should be focusing on all the extra credit he has to do for three of his classes, rather
than act like a mess around this particular alpha.

Work doesn't go as well as Jimin had planned, though. He's squirming on the bed with his
laptop set on his thighs and his eyes keep darting towards the pillows that are just _not_ sitting
right on the bed. He sets his laptop aside, and positions himself so that he's now facing them.
There's at least ten, Jimin notices, and the duvet is just _all_ wrong. He moves the pink strands
of hair away from his forehead before he he starts rearranging the pillows. He throws them
around until he's entirely satisfied and they are lined up good enough for him to focus on the
duvet. It's fluffy, but it's laying too flatly on the bed, Jimin thinks. He scrunches it up and lines it
alongside the mess he's made out of pillows in the corner of the bed. Now, Jimin is faced with a
different problem. The bed is too _bare._ He needs blankets, preferably two. One to go in the
other corner of the bed, and one that he could use to actually cover himself with.

He gets off the bed and walks over to the small closet in the corner of the room, hoping that
Yoongi keeps spare blankets somewhere on the embedded shelves. He drags the chair away
from Yoongi's desk and in front of the closet, climbing on top of it so he could peek at the top
shelf. Once he makes sure none of the blankets are hiding in there, he returns the chair back
behind the desk. The omega in him isn't letting him rest, and he's ready to swallow his pride and
go over to Hoseok's room and ask Yoongi where he keeps his blankets, but he stops once he
takes a better look at the desk and the chair.

The desk is positioned opposite to the door, and it's not sitting well with him. If he could _just_
move it a teeny tiny bit to the side that's closer to the bed, it would be perfect. He takes his
bottom lip between his teeth, gnawing on the skin until it's sore and sensitive; he really shouldn't
be making a mess of Yoongi's room like this, but he just can't help it.

He pushes the desk towards the bed, making small huffing noises at the resistance and
heaviness of it. After he positions it right where he wants it, he pulls the chair and pushes it back
behind the desk. He looks around, realizing that the left side of Yoongi's room is left almost
entirely bare, minus the shelves that were embedded into the wall and there was no way for him
to move anything. He contemplates rearranging the order of the plushies, however, but decides
that it's too much — even for him.

With another glance towards the bed, Jimin knows he's not going to be entirely content until he
gets the blankets, so he sucks in a deep breath and marches straight to Hoseok's room. He
knocks carefully once in front of the door, and Yoongi appears quickly with a questioning look
on his face.

"Is everything okay?" Yoongi frowns while rubbing the back of his neck, confusion on his face
clearly indicating that he was not expecting to have another encounter with the omega today.

But, Jimin is a man on a mission.

"Perfect," he hums in response, "I was just wondering if you could tell me where you keep your
spare blankets."

Jimin even smiles, a little too sweetly perhaps, because Yoongi looks as confused as ever.

"Uh... In the closet in the hallway," he pauses, "Is it cold? I can adjust the AC in my room to a
higher temperature if you need me—"

"Oh, that won't be necessary," Jimin says quickly, "I just need the blankets. Thanks!"

He rushes towards the closet in the hallway, leaving a very confused alpha behind him.

He quickly manages to distinguish between the blankets, his sharp nose able to determine
which ones were mostly used by Yoongi and he pulls out the two, rushing back to the room so
he could finish making his nest.

Once he's placed everything how he'd imagined it, Jimin curls up under the blanket and sighs
contently. The itch that's been irking him ever since he first entered the alpha's room was finally
gone, and he nuzzles into the sheets, taking in the soft smell of coffee and cardamom, now
mixed with his own flowery scent.

Truth be told, Jimin has no idea why he just acted the way he did, as he never had the urge to
nest in another alphas bed. However, he doesn't question it too much, what matters to him is
that he's finally happy and that the unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach is finally gone.

Once he takes his phone to shoot Taehyung a message and check how he's doing he realizes
it's past midnight, and that it would probably be best if he tried and get some sleep.

He hears the water running in the bathroom, and he figures Yoongi's taking a shower. He
squirms some more under the blanket until the water is finally off and he hears the alpha pacing
around the bathroom.

He hears him exit the bathroom, and then the footsteps get gradually closer to Jimin's room
before he can hear them stop right in front of the door. There's a light knock — and Jimin
freezes under the covers.

"Jimin? Are you asleep? Can I come in?" Yoongi asks from the other side of the door, and
Jimin's breathing rapidly increases as he imagines what the look on the alpha's face will be
once he walks in and sees the mess he's made out of his room.

"Yeah," he squeals, tightly closing his hand around the blanket and pulling it up to his chin.

The door clicks and Yoongi walks in, his hair still damp from the shower, wearing shorts and a t-
shirt. He freezes once he catches the sight of Jimin under the covers, his eyes scanning the bed
which was now turned into the omega's nest.

A low rumble emerges from the alpha's throat, and Jimin immediately feels small. He squeezes
his eyes shut in embarrassment that's slowly settling in the pit of his stomach, tightly gripping
the blanket as Yoongi scans the room.

Yoongi's eyes don't leave Jimin for what feels like an eternity, and the omega knows he can
smell the mortification on him. He squirms a little under the blanket and lets out a barely audible
whine, and it seems to have a sobering effect on the alpha.

Yoongi blinks a couple of times before he clears his throat and awkwardly rubs the back of his

"I, uh... I just need to g-get some clothes, if that's o-okay," he stutters, looking away from Jimin.

"Go ahead," Jimin's voice is unnatural and high pitched, and he just wants the ground to
swallow him whole.

He watches as the alpha stumbles towards the closet and picks out a couple of flannels with
shaky hands — he sees the back muscles tense up underneath Yoongi's shirt, and he knows
they're both extremely aware of each other.

Jimin inhales deeply as he keeps his eyes on the alpha who seems to be taking his time picking
out the clothes from the closet. Shortly, a wave of calmness infiltrates the pit of his stomach as
he watches Yoongi search for his jeans, and he sighs deeply, snuggling further into the blanket.
He relaxes his muscles and inhales the rich scent of coffee that's surrounding him, feeling
content and ready to fall asleep.

His eyelids become heavier even with the alpha still in the room, and his eyes meet Yoongi's
dark ones one last time before he drifts off to sleep.

_He's aware of Yoongi's hands placed next to his sides, and he's alarmingly aware of the space
that's closing between them. He can smell the arousal on both himself and the alpha, and he
can feel the wetness of his slick dripping down the back of his thighs. Yoongi sucks in a sharp
breath and closes his eyes, slowly leaning into Jimin's personal space. The alpha's breath is
dangerously close to Jimin's scent gland, and the omega shivers as more slick pours out of his

_The back of his pants are now completely coated in slick and the stickiness is making him
uncomfortable, but the alpha breathing down his neck and making him shiver is all he can focus
on. Yoongi seems infatuated with Jimin's scent and he lets out a low growl before he closes his
mouth around the scent gland, harshly nipping at the skin there as Jimin moans and digs his
fingers into Yoongi's shoulders, another wave of slick pouring out of his pulsing hole._

Jimin isn't sure what time it is when he wakes up, but what he does know is that he's coming
into his underwear and that he's having trouble breathing. He moans into his release and his
body twitches hard enough to completely wake him up. He shoves his face into the pillows and
moans as quietly as he can, another spurt of come spilling into his underwear. He wails and
whimpers until he's down from his high, and rolls to his back again after his breathing returns to

He's poured slick everywhere, he realizes, sheets wet and sticky. He's annoyed for a moment,
his pajamas stuck to his ass, bedsheets reeking of his flowery scent and once he glances at his
phone, he realizes it's barely after three in the morning.

Jimin knows that if the alpha steps foot in his room again, he would be able to smell the slick
stained sheets, and he's thankful Yoongi already got what he needed earlier that night. He
debates whether he should wash the sheets immediately, but the sound of running water at
three in the morning is sure to wake Yoongi up, and Jimin isn't ready to be embarrassed for the
third time in twenty-four hours.

He strips out of his pajamas and underwear, pulling a face as he throws the slick and come
stained clothes into his bag and pulls out new, clean ones. He scrunches his nose at the wet
bed sheets, debating whether he really wants to go back to sleep in them, but given that he
doesn't have much of a choice, he climbs back into bed, sighing deeply after he's hit with
Yoongi's coffee scent mixed with his own.

Oddly content, Jimin relaxes into the pillows and the blanket, falling asleep just as quickly as he
did the first time.

First thing Jimin does in the morning is make sure he checks whether the alpha is in the
apartment still. Unfortunately for him, he is, and the way his nose twitches once Jimin walks in,
Jimin knows he can still smell last nights arousal on him. He doesn't say anything though, so
Jimin feels less distressed as he quietly makes his morning coffee.

He politely offers some to Yoongi and the alpha accepts, and soon enough they're both sat at
the dining room table, awkwardly drinking coffee together.

"Are you alright? Did you sleep well?" Yoongi asks, clearing his throat as he props his chin on
his hand.

"I am, why wouldn't I be?" Jimin retorts, pushing his hair away from his forehead.

He squirms in his seat a little and feels the heat spread throughout his stomach and lower back,
but this time he's determined to play it cool. Jimin avoids eye contact to the best of his abilities,
and with every glance in alpha's direction, an image from last night's dream flashes in front of
his eyes and he can practically feel the alpha's mouth on his scent gland.

Yoongi studies his face but Jimin attempts to keeps his posture calm and collected to the best of
his abilities. He notices Yoongi's nostrils flare, followed by a strong clench of his jaw. The
alpha's eyes narrow and Jimin almost shivers at his intense gaze.

He watches as Yoongi leans back into the chair and crosses his legs, taking his coffee mug into
his hands. Jimin's never noticed his hands before — they're big and defined — maybe even a
little rough looking, fingers long and bony, but something about the paleness of his skin makes
them look softer than they appear at first glance.

"I'm just asking," Yoongi breaks the silence and Jimin snaps out of his thoughts, his eyes darting
away from the alpha's hands. "You look like you've slept well."

Confused, Jimin blinks a couple of times before he realizes there's a smirk plastered across the
alpha's face. His mild embarrassment quickly morphs into frustration and he glares at the alpha
who's now laughing with his gums showing, his shoulders shaking slightly as he laughs

"You're such a piece of shit," Jimin slurs, getting up from his seat, glaring at the alpha.

Yoongi's smirk fades and he purses his lips.

"What?" He asks innocently, "I just said you look like you've slept well. It was a compliment."

Jimin snorts, baffled that the alpha is mocking him directly to his face. He attempts to stare him
down but Yoongi looks nothing short of amused. Eventually, he sighs before he takes his coffee
and retreats back to the room, painfully aware of the fact that he's going to have to smuggle the
sheets to the bathroom so he could properly wash them.

He paces around the room, pressing his ear against the door every now and again to try and
asses whether the alpha is still in the apartment or not. Once he's fairly sure he's heard the front
door close, he steps out of the room, voice shaky when he calls, "Yoongi hyung?"

Fortunately, he's met with silence so he takes another step, more confidently this time, and calls
out for Yoongi again, in a louder, firmer voice. The apartment remains silent, and Jimin quickly
removes the sheets off the bed, grimacing at the large slick stain spread across it. He's not too
pleased when he realizes that his slick has soaked into the mattress too, but his main priority
now is the sheets.

He's embarrassed, but he wasn't going to take no shit from any alpha. He knows the omega in
him is squealing at the fact that the whole room smells like both him and Yoongi, and that it's
making him way more content than he would like it to. Still, he wasn't about to give into his
instincts, no matter how good the alpha smelled. He's an _asshole,_ for fuck's sake.

Jimin does his best to manually rinse the sheets, and he leaves them drying on Yoongi's
balcony. He's lucky, he thinks, that even though it's only spring, it's quite warm outside, and if
he's lucky, the sheets will be dry in a few hours.

He throws himself into work for the next few hours, determined to get as much as extra credit
done as he can before the alpha comes back and distracts him with his presence.

Somewhere around noon Taehyung finally calls and Jimin is happy to hear from his best friend.

"Hey Tae," he says as he continues writing his essay, phone pressed between his shoulder and
his ear, "How are you?"

"Tired with a knot on my mind 24/7, but Hoseok has been filling me up real good," he can
practically see Taehyung's sheepish grin on the other side of the line, "How are you doing?
Have you two killed each other yet?"

Jimin snorts and rolls his eyes. Taehyung was truly beyond disgusting at times.

"No," he replies, "But I have a big problem, Tae. Is Hoseok there?"

"He's not," Taehyung assures him, "He went to make us something to eat before this buttplug
that's been stuck up my ass stops being satisfactory and I start whining again, so you have
about ten minutes. What's up?"

"It's fucking Yoongi, Tae. He's taking Hoseok's room and I'm sleeping in his. His scent is fucking
everywhere, and it's driving me nuts," he pauses to take a deep breath before he tells Taehyung
the actual embarrassing part, "I had a fucking wet dream about him last night, Tae. What am I,
fucking twelve? I stained his sheets with my slick and it's gone through onto the fucking
mattress too."

"Fuck, Jimin," Taehyung gasps, "It's that bad, huh?"

"It is, and it's been what? A day?" he sighs and takes his phone and presses it to his other ear
after he leans back into the chair and stretches his free arm out, "It's driving me insane."

"Did he say anything? He must have smelled it."

Jimin squeezes his eyes shut and rubs his cheek, embarrassment flowing through him as he
remembers Yoongi's smirk from earlier.

"He said I looked like I've gotten some good sleep or something like that," Jimin scoffs,
"Basically mocked me, like I need to be reminded that he thinks I fucking stink."

Taehyung chuckles on the other side and Jimin hears a tiny whine emerge from his friends'

"Fuck, I'm getting all squirmy again. Where is this idiot alpha of mine and what is taking him so
long? Hoseok! I need the knot again, hurry up!" he sighs into the phone and whines again
before continuing, "Anyways, are you sure that's the case, Jimin? God, I'd hate to be in your
shoes. That's beyond uncomfortable."

"Yeah, whatever. I'll deal with it," he shrugs, "I washed the sheets so the evidence is gone.
Once I air the mattress and put clean sheets over it, he won't know the extent. For all he knows
I might have just been jacking off in his room to porn or something."

Taehyung whines again and Jimin quickly tells him not to worry and that he should go get as
much food and rest as he can. He reminds him to drink enough water before Taehyung
reassures him he'll call again soon and they hang up.

Feeling a little better after he had voiced his frustrations to his best friend, Jimin goes back to
work. He takes a small break to have lunch and he doesn't even notice when the alpha returns

He's on his way to get a snack when he realizes that Yoongi is back from wherever he was and
that there are strange sounds coming from the bathroom. The door is open, he realizes and
curiosity pushes him to see what's going on.

Jimin almost snorts at the sight. The alpha is leaning over the sink, bleach in one hand, his
brows furrowed as he tries to understand the instructions written on the bottle. There's hair dye
splattered everywhere, and half of Yoongi's dark hair has already gone orange.

"What are you _doing_?" Jimin can't help but laugh at the helpless alpha in front of him.

Yoongi's body jerks and he jumps a little as he turns around to see Jimin leaned against the
doorway. His cheeks flare and he looks mildly embarrassed, and Jimin can't help but feel a
small sense of victory as he's not the one feeling mortified this time. He rubs the back of his
neck but quickly yelps and pulls his hand back, realizing there are remains of bleach still left on
the glove.

"Your hair's going to fall off, you're doing it all wrong," Jimin suddenly forgets his supposed
irritableness with the alpha and grabs the bleach from his hands, "Oh my God. This is all wrong.
Where's the hair dye?"

Yoongi hands him the hair dye from the sink, and Jimin takes it and sets it on the counter
behind him. Without thinking, he takes the alpha's hands into his own and slowly strips the latex
gloves off. Yoongi watches him intently and once Jimin touches his bare hands his whole body
tenses up, suddenly incredibly aware of the proximity.

He's suddenly surrounded by Yoongi scent, the strong smell of coffee winding him up and
making him fidgety.

"Do you need a new pair?" The alpha rasps and Jimin nearly jumps at the closeness of Yoongi's


"Of gloves," Yoongi pulls away from his grip, making Jimin realize he's been holding his hands
this entire time, "Those are ruined. Do you need a new pair?"

"Oh," Jimin replies stupidly, "Yes. And get me a chair."

Yoongi fishes out a new pair of latex gloves from underneath the sink and brings a chair from
the kitchen, just like Jimin asks.

The omega signals him to sit down facing the mirror, and Jimin positions himself behind the
alpha, assessing the damage he's already done to his hair.

It was light orange in certain areas while others were still auburn and the rest entirely black.
Jimin sighs and shakes his head, Yoongi was truly on a great path of ruining his hair, and he
couldn't help but laugh at the mess the alpha made.

"Stop laughing at me," Yoongi says softly while Jimin brushes through his hair in repetitive
motions, "I’m doing this because of a dare, okay? I lost a bet."

Jimin can't help but giggle louder, lightly tugging on Yoongi's hair as he tries to evenly distribute
bleach and coat all of the hairs equally.

"Annoying little omega," Yoongi growls, but it's not threatening — it only makes Jimin chuckle
more, "Ouch! Stop pulling my hair, you little shit."

He yanks Jimin's hand and the omega yelps as he leaps forward, suddenly much closer to the
alpha. They look at each other for a couple of moments, both smiling widely before Yoongi
scrunches his nose, grimacing in the process.

"Ugh, it stinks in here," he says and Jimin's stomach immediately drops.

"I'm sorry," he replies helplessly, quickly stepping back behind Yoongi so the alpha wouldn't see
his eyes fill with tears.

"Don't apologize," Yoongi waves his hand off, "It's not something you can control."

It's not tears of sadness and it's not like Jimin wasn't very well aware of the fact. Still, Yoongi
voicing it out loud after so many years hits a nerve Jimin didn't know was still there — and he’s
disappointed with himself.

Not being able to see the alpha's face helps a little, so he continues coating his hair with bleach,
silence filling the room as he tries his best to hold the tears of frustration back.

Yoongi attempts starting the conversation multiple times, but Jimin cannot help but shut down.
After his job is done he retreats back to his room, busying himself with airing the slick stained
mattress and checking if the sheets had finally dried. He feels a little better when he realizes
that the sheets no longer smell so strongly of the alpha, and figures that tonight he might get
some continuous sleep without any interruptions.

He's only been in the apartment for twenty-four hours and has already experienced four very
embarrassing situations. The alpha was driving him crazy, tickling his senses, and the fact that
he was incredibly handsome really didn't make Jimin feel any better.

He just couldn't wait for the week to pass so he could finally be out of here and back in the
comfort of his own apartment and his own room so that everything would finally go back to

Jimin normally isn't a very whiny omega, and he blamed his moodiness and taking everything
so personally onto the fact that the other day he had taken a double dose of suppressants, and
that always made him quite irritable and emotional.

He blinks a couple of times as he stares at the ceiling. Fucking suppressants. He was supposed
to take them yesterday, and he'd forgotten to take them. _Again_.

His stomach drops, and he knows he’s fucked. This is the second time he’s missed a pill, and
taking a double dose in a span of a month is not something no doctor ever advised  — he was
most likely going to go into heat.

He quickly rolls off and kneels in front of the bed, reaching out to get his bag. He digs through
his things until he finally finds his cosmetic bag, grabbing suppressants and flipping the bottle to
see if there are any instructions written on the back of it. He finds nothing, so he sits behind the
desk and opens his laptop, googling the suppressants company in hopes to find the answer to
what he needs to do in order to avoid into going into heat.

He's an idiot — he knows, and he's always been irresponsible with taking suppressants as the
pill was to be taken once every two weeks, and Jimin never seemed to be able to remember
when the last time he took them was. However, this is the first time he's been late twice in a
row, and his stomach is turning in knots as he frantically searches the internet for necessary
information on what steps he should take to prevent going into full-blown heat after he's been
late with two doses of suppressants.

_"...If the pill has been missed more than once in the span of 15-20 days, the consumer is
advised to immediately stop usage and not take double doses of suppressants as the risk of
hormonal imbalance arises with every intake of double dosage. After the missed pill, the
consumer will experience a short-term heat (lasting up to 2 days) before they are ready to start
a new bottle of suppressants. If the consumer happens to miss a dosage from the new pack as
well, they must terminate the use of suppressants entirely and go through a regular-lasting heat
in order to avoid infertility or any other health complications..."_

"Oh fuck my entire existence," Jimin whispers, panic washing over him, "I'm going to have to go
through a fucking heat."

On the bright side, this is the first time he's missed out on two pills, so he's not going to have to
go through a regular lasting heat. Usually, his heats lasted anywhere from five days to a week
and they were pure _hell_ , but, unlike Taehyung who went through a heat once every two to
three months, Jimin had two to three heats a year.

He gnaws on his bottom lip as he nervously rereads the article, doing his best to ignore his body
heating up in panic, sweat rolling down his back as his eyes anxiously skim across the screen.

He spends almost an hour reading forums and online comments, but any shred of hope of
preventing the heat was lost when every website basically confirms the same thing.

Disappointed, he sighs and buries his face into his hands, wiping the tiny drops of sweat away
from his forehead. His thoughts race a hundred miles an hour — how's he going to pull off a
heat with an alpha in the apartment? How is he going to _react_ to Yoongi's scent that's been
driving him insane?

He knew he had no choice. He had to tell Yoongi and deal with an incredibly, beyond
embarrassing situation.

Jimin leans back into the chair and squeezes his eyes shut, his bottom lip trembling. The sole
thought of the having to confess this to the alpha gives him an overwhelming feeling of distress
and anxiety, and he wants nothing other than for the ground to swallow him whole.

2. Preheat

**Summary for the Chapter:**

> “You’re purring for me now, omega,” Yoongi’s voice is dark and velvety, and Jimin shivers
even though the water around him is warm, “But you’ll be screaming later, I promise you that.”

**Notes for the Chapter:**

> hello~
> hope you like this chapter! i struggled with it a bit but i tried my best to make it enjoyable.
> come say hi to me on [twitter](
> also thank you to @mydearyoon for making the amazing mb for this chapter

Judging by what Jimin's read, it takes anywhere between 24 to 48 hours for the heat to strike,
and he doesn't want to waste too much time with telling Yoongi. He doesn't know how the alpha
will react, but he prays that at least a small part of him is going to be somewhat understanding.

Jimin feels a little sweaty and flustered already, partially because of all the information he’s just
been hit with, and partially because his oncoming heat symptoms have slowly started
presenting since last night, but he was too busy nesting and feeling mortified to actually pay
attention to anything.

He's aware that this is entirely his fault as the suppressants are his responsibility, but he hopes
Yoongi doesn't get too pissed off. It's a messed up situation Jimin's putting them both in, and he
just wants to get it over with as soon as possible, kind of like ripping a bandaid off.

Suddenly, last night's urge to nest made a lot more sense — Jimin was an instinctual omega,
but his instincts never pushed him to do anything to that extent, especially not without an
alpha's permission.

He's no stranger to spending heats all alone, and truth be told, it's been a little while since Jimin
last had to go through a heat with an alpha somewhere in the picture. It's been a little over a
year and a half — Jimin thinks, since he's last had sex during his heat. He cringes at the
memories of him begging for the knot, grinding up on his ex boyfriend like his life depended on
it, and the inevitable soreness and exhaustion that followed afterwards. He scrunches his nose
and gets up, taking a deep breath before he leaves the room to talk to Yoongi.

He finds the alpha curled up on the couch with his phone in his hand, and he furrows his brows
at Jimin once the omega steps in front of him.

"Holy shit, Jimin," Yoongi says in a low voice, putting his phone down and sitting up straight, his
eyes not leaving omega's.

"W-what?" Jimin gulps, sitting down on the coffee table opposite of the couch, facing the alpha.

Yoongi's scent hits him hard and sweat beads coat his forehead. He swallows thickly and tries
to hold his breath as much as he possibly can, needing his head to be clear while he explains
the situation. He wasn't even in heat yet and was already struggling to breathe around Yoongi.

"When's your heat due? I could have sworn I smelled something last night. It was a little
stronger today when you were dyeing my hair, but now it _really_ smells like it's coming, Jimin."

"About that," Jimin feels dizzy just looking at the alpha in front of him and he's subconsciously
pinching his thigh as he taps his foot on the wooden floor, "I've forgotten to take my
suppressants twice this month. It's incredibly stupid and irresponsible of me, but I'm going to
have to go through a heat."

Yoongi's eyes widen at Jimin's confession and the omega quickly tries to save the situation.

"It's only going to be a day or two — I don't think it's going to start until maybe tomorrow night or
maybe even the day after tomorrow—"

"I think tomorrow is more likely. Shit, Jimin, are you going to be okay?"

Jimin blinks a couple of times, Yoongi's unexpected reaction catching him off guard. The alpha's
face shows deep concern, his eyebrows furrowed worriedly as he brings his knees to his chest
and sets his chin on top of them.

"I—I think so? Luckily it's only going to last a couple of days," he replies. "I'm really sorry about
this. I—"

"Don’t apologize, it could have happened to anyone," Yoongi waves him off, concern still visible
on his face, "Do you want me out of here? You're going to be in heat and I—"

"No," he replies a little too fast, so his cheeks flush and his gaze drops to his lap. He fidgets with
the rings on his fingers, a sudden need to be close to the alpha washing over him. He's much
calmer than he initially thought he was going to be, and he realizes that Yoongi's releasing
comforting pheromones as the alpha's probably noticed him squirm and sweat.

"No," he repeats a little slower this time, "This is your apartment. I don't want you to leave. I
should be the one to leave but you know what the situation is like..."

Jimin's voice trails off and him and Yoongi stare at each other for a couple of minutes. The
alpha runs his hand through his bleached hair and sighs loudly, his eyes not leaving Jimin's. He
searches Yoongi's face, looking for a sign of annoyance, frustration — anything that might imply
that he's angered the alpha. Yoongi looks none of those things, he just watches him intently as
he hugs his knees closer to his chest.

"I'm going to do anything I can to make you as comfortable as possible," Yoongi says shyly, his
cheeks turning pink and he smiles a little before his eyes dart away from Jimin's, "You can uh...
Use my room, you know. Also, I’m not going to kick out an omega in heat. I’m not a monster."

Jimin's mouth drops upon hearing the words and he stares at Yoongi, the alpha's "I'm going to
do anything I can to make you as comfortable as possible" ringing in his head. He swallows
thickly as he wipes the sweat away from his forehead and Yoongi suddenly jumps off the couch
and onto his feet.

"Are you hungry?" he asks, heading towards the kitchen before Jimin can even manage to

He gets up and follows behind him, Yoongi already getting the meat and the pans out, pulling
out a knife from the drawer and opening the meat packet.

"I'm fine, hyung," Yoongi looks a little startled with the word 'hyung' coming out of his mouth,
something Jimin thoroughly avoided using for as long as he could remember. He usually settled
for Yoongi-ssi, a more formal approach, so the alpha's surprise is quite evident on his face.

He's not the best at controlling his facial expressions, Jimin notes, and relief washes over him
as he concludes that perhaps he's not the only one who's unable to maintain a good poker face.

"You need to eat, Jimin-ah," Yoongi cuts the meat in squares and Jimin blinks in confusion as
his eyes follow the alpha's rapid movements. There's a hint of authority in the undertone of
Yoongi's voice and Jimin sits down behind the kitchen table with his hands between his legs,
trying to make himself as tiny as possible.

Before he knows it, there's a plate filled with rice, meat and vegetables in front of him, and a
very flustered alpha is shoving chopsticks into his hands, urging him to start eating.

He doesn't protest — he eats silently as Yoongi watches him with intense eyes. He's a little
agitated, the heat in his stomach is accumulating slowly but surely, and the fact that the alpha's
releasing pheromones in order to calm him down helps just enough for him to not squirm in his

Jimin's focused on the food, aware of Yoongi watching him like a hawk. He's not sure why he's
reacting the way he is, but he's not complaining. It feels good to have an alpha watch over him,
even if his body temperature slowly goes up every time Yoongi breathes in his direction.

He feels oddly content, Yoongi's proximity has a calming effect on his mind and the food he ate
is something he didn't even know he was craving. Yoongi's a good cook, he observes, which
doesn't really help add negative traits to Jimin's "Why Min Yoongi Sucks" list.

"Do you have experience with omegas in heat?" Jimin blurts and instantly regrets, his hand
rushing to cover his mouth.

Yoongi's looks somewhat taken aback by the question although he quickly fixes his posture and
his features soften as he flashes Jimin a tiny smile.

"I didn't mean to—"

"It's alright," Yoongi cuts him off, "Yes actually, I do have experience with omegas in heat. An ex
I've dated a few years ago had heats once a month. It was torture. More so for him than for me,
but still."

"Oh?" Jimin's interest sparks and he moves the hand away from his mouth. He's never known
much about Yoongi's personal life, but having to deal with heats once a month sounded like the
alpha had a lot of patience on him — as well as stamina.

He blushes at the thought, gaze dropping onto the empty plate in front of him.

"Yeah," Yoongi chuckles, "I was twenty-one at the time, I think. It was my first experience with a
heat, and let me tell you, no amount of health classes I've attended have prepared me for it. We
were together for six months, and his heat schedule was so incredibly demanding for him. It was
very eye-opening. It taught me a lot about how to treat an omega during the cycle, and I also
developed a strong sense of what certain non-verbal cues mean, as well the scent change. For
example, you smelled of distress even though I was releasing my pheromones to calm you
down and I immediately figured you must be hungry. Besides, you're not gonna eat much in the
next couple of days."

Jimin's mouth hangs open as he stares at the alpha who warmly smiles back at him. Yoongi's
features look soft — maybe it's the bleached hair adding onto the look — but his sharp eyes are
sparkling and Jimin just wants to climb into his lap and nuzzle into the crook of his neck. He
wasn't expecting Yoongi to share something personal about himself, and he hasn't expected
him to be this open, either.

_He's always been a good guy,_ a tiny voice speaks in the back of Jimin's mind, _you've just
been butthurt over him not drooling over you like you've been drooling over him._

Jimin frowns and shakes his head, chasing the thought away, and focuses his attention back to
the alpha.

He thought about having to go through a heat every month. He only knew one person who's had
monthly heats, one of his cousins, Jisoo — but he was never close with her and asking always
felt a little too personal.

"It must have been very hard for you, heats are no joke." He blurts again, a bit more
shamelessly this time.

He pulls his chair a bit closer to the edge of the table, leaning a little closer to the alpha.

"I was more worried about him, you know. Like you said, heats are no joke. I learned that the
hard way. I think every alpha needs to know how to treat an omega in heat. Unfortunately,
health classes don't really prepare you for the real thing. Especially when it's so frequent. So if
you're worried about me being in the apartment while you—"

"No," Jimin cuts him off, shaking his head, "I'm not worried. I was just... Curious. I don't know
you that well."

It's not a lie. He's not worried, or scared, which is a little unusual considering that his contact
with the alpha was on the bare minimum throughout the years. Their families remained friends
to this day, though, and Yoongi's mom absolutely loved him.

Perhaps it was the fact that even though he hadn't really known much about Yoongi, he did
know his family, thus his worries were barely present. He was more worried about being able to
control himself while knowing there's a ridiculously attractive alpha just a few meters away.

"Yeah, I always wondered about why that is," Yoongi mumbles absently, staring at the empty
plate in front of Jimin.

The omega isn't sure whether it's a question as it sounds more as if Yoongi's just thinking out
loud, rather than needing for him to provide a specific answer.

"You can ask me anything you want, I'm pretty much an open book" Yoongi refocuses his
attention back to Jimin before the omega is able to give him an answer, "We're in an
unconventional situation. I don't want you to be uncomfortable even though I understand that
going into heat in a stranger's apartment must be incredibly stressful for you. But if there is
anything you need, I'm here."

Jimin takes in the words and carefully nods. He's surprised at the genuineness and warmth of
Yoongi's voice. The alpha is reassuring and gentle with his tone, and Jimin can't help but feel
bad for all the times he's been nothing but short with him.

Realistically speaking, it's not Yoongi's fault he didn’t find Jimin’s scent as alluring as the omega
found his. Still, he wonders if the pettiness he’s exhibited might have cost him a really good
friend he could have had in the alpha.

He's always _known_ Yoongi was a decent guy, his family was great and his friends were
Jimin’s friends too — he's never heard bad things except for maybe a few hearts that alpha's
broken over the years, but that was something Jimin was guilty of as well, and he was never
going to hold that against anyone.

"I'm not uncomfortable. I think it's partially because I know your family fairly well," he says
honestly, "I think they're great, and they hang around my family a lot, still. I just don't want you to
be uncomfortable. This is entirely my fault and I feel awful."

Yoongi shakes his head.

"Like I said, it could have happened to anyone," Yoongi says, slowly pushing himself away from
the table and onto his feet, "You'll be more careful next time. I know suppressants can be a bit

Jimin watches as Yoongi stands above him and the alpha seems a bit fidgety. He's biting on his
bottom lip and tapping his foot whilst looking down at Jimin, and the next question catches the
omega by surprise.

"Would you like me to draw a bath for you?"

Jimin stares at him for a bit before he becomes painfully aware of the sweat that's been dripping
down his back, making his shirt stick uncomfortably to his skin.

He probably does need a bath, even though by tomorrow there's going to be so much sweat
and slick pouring out of him that no amount of baths are going to be able to wash it off.

"It's okay, I'll just do it myself," he says weakly, not really wanting to move from the chair.

Other than the obnoxious sweating, he actually feels fine. Maybe a little fidgety, but his stomach
was doing okay overall with no signs of cramping and he felt pleasantly full from all the food he

"No, no, just relax," Yoongi's already one foot out the door, quickly pacing towards the
bathroom, "I'll be back in second."

Jimin sits silently in the kitchen, faint sounds of running water coming through the walls. He's
almost baffled with how understanding Yoongi's being, thinking that if it was himself in the
alpha's position he would have definitely been nothing short of annoyed with an irresponsible
omega. Now that he thinks about it, Hoseok did have a point the other day. Jimin was the one
who's always had a problem with the alpha, and Yoongi's been nothing but nice to him for as
long as he could remember.

He leans back into the chair and wipes his forehead with his sleeve. His skin burns a little bit at
the sensation and he lets out a deep sigh. He wiggles his toes and stretches his arms,
squirming in his seat as his face morphs into a slight frown, feeling more and more unsettled as
the seconds pass and the alpha's not there.

Just as he was about ready to get up and walk towards the bathroom to find Yoongi, a pile of
bleach blonde hair pokes out from behind the kitchen door and Jimin immediately simmers

"It's done," he says, signaling Jimin to follow him, "I put my mom's essential oils in there too.
They help a lot, I promise. My ruts are quite extreme, and the oils help like you wouldn't

Jimin blushes at the mention of Yoongi's ruts and his mind immediately starts forming explicit
images which only make his cheeks burn harder.

"Jimin, are you okay? Does it hurt?" Yoongi asks worriedly and Jimin's hands automatically cup
his own cheeks, attempting to hide the redness.

"Huh? No, no," Jimin turns his back to Yoongi and leans over the bathtub so he could inhale the
calming scent of essential oils, "I'm fine. This smells amazing."

"It feels better than it smells, I promise," Yoongi chuckles awkwardly, "Just relax. I'll be in my
room if you need anything."

Yoongi exits the bathroom and closes the door behind him, leaving Jimin alone with his
thoughts. He strips out of his clothes and carefully puts his toes in the water, checking whether it
was too hot or too cold. The temperature is just right, much to Jimin's surprise, and he sinks his
whole body into the warm water.

He rests his head against the bathtub, squeezing his eyes shut as the soothing combination of
warm water and essential oils relaxes his muscles. He feels content and at ease, his oncoming
heat slipping his mind entirely for a moment.

His thoughts drift off to Yoongi as he still smells the alpha in the bathroom and he can't help but
feel giggly at how well he's treated him.

For a moment, he forgets that he thinks Yoongi's an asshole who hates his scent and lets
himself fantasize about what things would be like if the alpha was attracted to him at least a little

Jimin wants to be annoyed with himself for indulging in such high schooler thoughts, but he
doesn't care as long as he feels content. He splashes around in the water a bit, in a childlike
manner, before a tiny whine emerges from hs throat.

He frowns as he sinks deeper into the tub, the water level just a bit under his nose. He hopes
the whine was quiet enough to not leave the bathroom and he frowns at nothing in particular,
scolding himself for being so needy.

He's not usually whiny before a heat — yes, he does have the urge to nest, but that's usually as
far as his preheat symptoms go.

Even at times when he's had an alpha, Jimin wouldn't get too territorial and possessive. His
preheat symptoms were mostly reflected on his sexual behavior rather than instinctual and

That's what makes him somewhat surprised now — his preheat symptoms are almost traditional
and by the book; the sweating, the whining, the slight hollowness he feels in his stomach as the
alpha's scent slowly fades away from the bathroom.

He shakes his head at himself. It's not even _his_ alpha out there in the apartment, Jimin
_knows,_ but the omega in him doesn't really seem to care.

Jimin lets out a muffled whine again, bubbles surfacing as the noise emerges from his throat.
He sits up and grabs a washcloth, soaking it in the water before he brushes it up and down his
arms, the fabric feeling soothing against his skin.

He takes a deep breath, taking in as much of the aroma as possible, his body feeling light and

He soaks for a bit longer before the water starts getting colder, forcing him out of the tub. He
pulls the drain stopper and watches the water level down before he gets out of the tub and
wraps himself in a towel. The sweat-stained clothes laid across the floor don't look appealing to
him at all, and his eyes land on a huge bathrobe hanging from a hook at the door.

Slowly, Jimin walks over to the door and nuzzles into the fluffy bathrobe without thinking,
rubbing his scent glands into the fabric and drenching it in its scent. It's Yoongi's, he can smell
it, but Jimin wants it to smell like him too.

Guided by his instincts, he takes the bathrobe and puts it on without hesitation. Somewhere in
the back of his mind, he knows this is highly inappropriate. Still, he ties the robe firmly around
himself and confidently exits the bathroom.

His confidence disappears once he enters the living room and sees the alpha sat in there again,
scrolling through his phone. Yoongi lifts up his gaze once he hears Jimin come in and his eyes
immediately scan the omega's body, making him feel small. Jimin's cheeks flare and he
immediately looks down, taking small steps towards the couch. He sits on the edge of the
couch, looking down to his lap as he tightly grips the strings of the robe, tying them even tighter
around his waist.

Jimin feels Yoongi's eyes on him and he squirms in his seat, mentally slapping himself for
recklessly taking something that had belonged to the alpha without asking first. He gathers the
courage to look up at Yoongi and as soon as their eyes meet he whines. It's a little raspy and
high pitch, and the alpha's lips curl into a slight smirk.

"You know, if you want, you can take anything you’d like from my closet."

Jimin's jaw drops and he stares at the alpha for a couple of seconds before he nearly runs into
his room and opens the closet door, stepping inside without hesitation. He wants to feel
embarrassed at the neediness, but he just cannot bring himself to care about anything else but
the content that being surrounded by Yoongi's scent gives him.

He frantically looks through the clothes, touching fabrics in an attempt to assess what feels the
softest. Finally, he chooses a long sleeved hoodie and black sweatpants and he dries his hair
before he makes his way back to the living room, not wanting to be too far away from Yoongi.

He stops for a second to wonder what Yoongi thinks of all this, but his thoughts disappear as he
lays his eyes on the alpha who's sprawled across the big couch with four blankets next to him.

Their eyes meet and Yoongi smiles as he sees the omega appear in his clothes, and Jimin's
cheeks flare as the alpha's eyes scan up and down his body. Yoongi softly taps the spot beside
him, signaling Jimin to sit down and the omega almost runs to climb on the couch.

He takes his time to arrange the blankets just the way he pleases before he finally leans into the
pillow and sighs happily.

"How was the bath?" Yoongi asks, grabbing the remote and turning the big flat screen TV on.

"Good," Jimin hums as he snuggles further into the pillows, his side dangerously close to
Yoongi's, their arms almost brushing. "It was very relaxing. You were right, those oils are

"I'm glad it helped," Yoongi says as he hands Jimin the remote, "Pick a movie or something. I
can watch anything but I'm warning you if you pick a horror movie you're going to have to be the
one to take care of me."

Jimin chuckles as he takes the remote from Yoongi's hand, careful to not let their hands touch.
He flips through the channels for a little while before he finally decides to turn Netflix on. He
scrolls until he finds what he's looking for — Madhunter — one of his favorite TV shows.

"You watch Madhunter?" Yoongi turns to him, his voice surprised.

"It's one of my favorite shows," Jimin's eyes widen as he faces the alpha.

"Mine too!"

Jimin gasps a little before a grin spreads across his face and him and Yoongi both start
laughing. The alpha shakes his head in disbelief as he takes the remote to turn the volume up.

"I can't believe it," Yoongi says, "Hoseok absolutely hates it. He says it's too scary or some shit
like that. He doesn't know how to let himself be entertained."

"I think it's great," Jimin agrees, "Hoseok has a terrible taste in TV shows. His idea of good TV is
binge-watching Big Brother with Taehyung."

Yoongi's giggles fill the room and it takes Jimin everything in him not to just reach over just a
little, _tiny_ bit over to the side and nuzzle into Yoongi's scent glands.

They sit and watch the TV show, Jimin snuggled under the blankets and Yoongi laying beside
him, a tiny bit of space between them. They talk during the scenes, just enough so neither of
them are annoyed with the other, and they laugh at the absurd events, their shoulders brushing
when they do so.

It's funny, Jimin thinks, how comfortable he feels and how easy the conversation is flowing
between them. He never really thought about him and Yoongi ever having any shared interests,
which was a little naive on his part, considering that they were majoring in the exact same thing,
and that Yoongi was doing his masters degree in the same field Jimin wanted to do his.

Two episodes later, their arms are touching entirely and not just if one of them leans a bit to the
side whilst laughing. Jimin is aware and the touch feels pleasant, and he bites on his lower lip
as he glances down to where Yoongi's hand is on the couch between them.

He'd really like to hold it, he thinks.

Three episodes later Yoongi and Jimin are sharing the same blanket and Yoongi makes sure
that Jimin is entirely tucked in ever so often. At one point, Jimin has to swallow a purr, and he's
praying that the volume on the TV is loud enough for the alpha to misinterpret it as a noise
coming from the speakers.

Four episodes in and Yoongi's hand is somehow resting on Jimin's thigh. It's so casual that if
Jimin wasn't going through preheat symptoms he might have not even noticed.

However, Jimin can't stop staring at it. He feels the weight of his hand and the occasional
movement every now and again when the alpha's muscle twitches. He's almost not paying any
attention to the show anymore, now entirely focused on Yoongi's hand placed on his thigh.

His own hand rests a little above Yoongi's, and he slowly starts moving it closer to the alpha's.
Jimin's pleased with his smugness when his hand is only an inch away from Yoongi's and he
keeps it there for a few minutes, too big of a coward to make another move and just grab his

He fights the urge to squirm, not wanting to cause Yoongi to move his hand away from his thigh.
He releases a short breath, uneasiness settling in the pit of his stomach. He's getting more
irritated with himself, fighting the urge to move around and too big of a coward to intertwine his
fingers with Yoongi’s. It's highly inappropriate, he knows, he really does, but the omega in him is
screaming and Jimin feels entirely helpless.

It's when he starts to sweat again that he feels Yoongi release his calming pheromones that he
relaxes into the pillows again, and the alpha smoothly takes his hand into his own, locking their
fingers together.

Jimin looks over at him but the alpha squeezes his hand and continues staring at the TV. He
decides to be bold so he scoots a little closer, their sides finally pressing together as Yoongi
holds his hand.

They stay like that, Yoongi's thumb brushing over his knuckles ever so often, and Jimin wants to
melt into the couch as his heart flutters.

He's not really thinking much, he doesn't even have the strength to even process everything
that's happened in the past few hours. He's just going with his gut — and so far his gut has
given him nothing but joy and content.

Once Yoongi's fingers brush Jimin's knuckles one more time he really feels as if his heart is
going to burst. He can't hold the purr in anymore and Yoongi's eyes widen a bit once he lets the
sound out from his throat. Jimin looks at him and his first reaction is to giggle, that is, before his
cheeks flare in embarrassment which only lasts for a moment before a small smile appears on
the alpha's face and he focuses back on the TV.

"How's your stomach? Is it cramping?"

"No," Jimin replies and it's not a lie, his stomach feels just fine — except for the butterflies in it
making an absolute mess every time Yoongi squeezes his hand.

Suddenly, Yoongi lets go of his hand and Jimin whines in protest, shamelessly pouting at the
alpha gets off the couch.

"Want some ice cream? I have some vanilla and strawberry," the alpha pauses, "Well,
technically _I_ don't have any, but Hoseok does."

"But Hoseok's not here."

Yoongi gives him a sheepish smile and winks before he speedwalks to the kitchen.

"I like the way you think, Jimin," he hears the alpha shout from the kitchen, and Jimin can
almost picture him talking with his head in the freezer.

He returns with a box of ice cream and two spoons, handing one to Jimin as he gets rid of the
lid. He plops back down on the couch next to him, shoving a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth
and Jimin watches as the alpha squeezes his eyes shut and nods his head, clearly going
through some type of a brain freeze.

"So good," he mumbles, his mouth still full, "Eat. It'll help cool you down a bit."

The ice cream does look good; he loves strawberry, and watching Yoongi eat and moan in
approval at how good it is, really makes him crave it.

He wants to just shove his spoon in there and scoop it all out, but, the way Yoongi's gripping his
spoon and his knuckles flex every time he takes some more of the ice cream out, Jimin can't
help but just sit and stare.

He looks down at his own spoon, finally ready to take some of it himself, when there's a
spoonful of ice cream right in front of his mouth.

Jimin pulls back in surprise, his eyes meeting Yoongi's as the alpha intently looks at him,
nudging his arm towards Jimin's mouth.

The omega tilts his head slightly before he wraps his small hands around Yoongi's wrist, guiding
it towards his mouth, not because it's necessary but because of how good his skin feels on the

He closes his lips around it, his eyes not leaving Yoongi's as he swallows.

"Good?" Yoongi's voice is velvety and his eyes are dark, and he pulls his hand away to scoop
out some more.

Jimin nods and purses his lips, waiting for the alpha to feed him again.

He's aware of how needy he’s appearing to be, but he decides to blame it on the preheat. It's
given him a sudden wave of confidence and he has decided to ride it and make the best of it. At
this point, overthinking things just made him nervous and squirmy, and with his hormones all
over the place, it's probably not the best idea to indulge in that, anyway.

A part of him hopes that Yoongi is perhaps responding to him instinctively, but in reality, he
knows that isn't the case — Yoongi had reminded him how uncomfortable he is with his scent
just earlier that day.

He settles down for the simple "he's just being nice" and it's enough for him to stop questioning
both himself and the alpha, at least for the time being. His mother would always say that one of
his biggest strengths as well as his biggest flaws was his tendency to live in the moment —
perhaps a little too much at times, thoughts of the consequences of his actions always coming
in a little late.

It's okay, though, he thinks, because this means nothing to the alpha. He knows that.

"More," he demands and Yoongi raises his eyebrows at him, his tongue tracing his bottom lip as
he scoops up more ice cream.

"More?" He asks and Jimin nods, leaning forward a bit, ready to have another bite.

Yoongi slowly brings the spoon to his mouth, and just as Jimin is ready to open it and taste the
ice cream, the alpha pulls his hand away and shoves it into his own mouth, licking it clean as he
watches Jimin's baffled expression in amusement.

He hums as he licks around the spoon, and Jimin's stomach twists in a bit of an annoyance.

" _Hyung,"_ he whines, "It's not _fair._ "

"That's what you get for being a demanding little omega," Yoongi chuckles but feeds Jimin some
more anyway, and soon the entire box of ice cream is almost licked clean.

Jimin huffs petulantly, pursing his lips and crossing his arms over his chest whilst he eyes the
empty container which is now placed on the coffee table.

"What is it?" Yoongi asks and Jimin just squirms.

"You can't just pout and expect me to figure it out," the alpha laughs, "Do you want me to go
and buy some more?"

Jimin thinks about it for a moment. Yes, he wants more ice cream, but what he doesn't want is
for Yoongi to leave him. It's a miracle they're even spending time together right now, and Jimin
doesn't want to risk ruining the night just because he's being demanding. That being said, he
can't go with him either, he reeks of preheat and he doesn't smell like Yoongi, or frankly, any
other alpha — it would be stupid and dangerous.

"No, I'm good," he finally decides, falling back into the cushions and covering himself with a

"You sure?" Yoongi asks, sliding his arm beneath Jimin and pulling him closer to himself, "Come

Jimin's heart flutters at Yoongi taking initiative, and he presses his body to his side as the alpha
wraps his arm around his shoulder and pulls him even closer to himself.

Jimin's head is resting on Yoongi's chest, right underneath the alphas chin, his hand placed on
his upper abdomen. The alpha breathes evenly and Jimin feels calm and content as they
continue watching the show.

There are so many unspoken words between them, but Jimin thinks that at this moment saying
anything would be the same as saying too much — so he just quietly rests his head on the
alpha's chest. They lay like that for what feels like hours as they watch episode after episode,
making snarky comments every now and again, Jimin giggling every time Yoongi tries to
reenact some stupid scene.

At one point he feels Yoongi's fingers press to the nape of his neck, gently massaging the spot
he strained just a few days ago. He closes his eyes and relaxes into the touch as Yoongi's
fingers press up and down the back of his neck. Once he feels Yoongi's hand brush through his
hair he lets out a muffled purr, hiding his face in the alpha's chest in embarrassment. He feels
Yoongi's body vibrate underneath him and he figures he's probably laughing — and he can't
help but giggle as well. It's stupid, and a bit embarrassing as well, but Jimin is still riding this
unexpected wave of confidence — it's all just the preheat's fault, after all.

"Feels good?" Yoongi mumbles and Jimin hums in response, nuzzling his cheek further into
Yoongi's chest.

"How's your stomach? Does it hurt?"

"Not yet," he says after a short pause. His stomach feels quite alright still, maybe a tiny cramp
here and there, but Jimin's too busy being focused on how good Yoongi's hand feels that he
barely even acknowledges the heat that's slowly accumulating in his gut.

Yoongi's hand travels down the back of his neck and over to his shoulder, massaging and
rubbing at the tense muscles, and Jimin boldly shoves his face up into the crook of Yoongi's
neck, right below the scent gland.

He feels the alpha flinch a bit in response and his cheeks redden, and Jimin lifts his gaze to
meet Yoongi's, who seems a bit surprised by the omega’s sudden boldness.

"Is it okay if I...?" Jimin's voice trails off as he looks at Yoongi, and the alpha's body visibly
relaxes and nods his head in approval.

_Finally,_ Jimin thinks as his nose brushes around Yoongi's scent gland and he takes a deep
breath — a strong scent of coffee laced with cardamom washing over him as he nuzzles into the
crook of the alpha’s neck. His hand, no longer willing to rest on Yoongi's stomach travels
upwards to the other side of the alpha's throat, and he pulls himself upwards as Yoongi lets out
a low growl his fingers tracing along Jimin's back as the omega brazenly scents him.

Yoongi rumbles in content and Jimin swears he can smell a hint of arousal, although it could be
his nose playing tricks on him. It wouldn't be the first time, so his mind doesn't leech onto the
thought too much.

"Fuck, Jimin," Yoongi growls in his ear as Jimin nuzzles into his neck, trying to take in as much
scent as he can before he knows it's time to pull away.

Yoongi cups his face gently as he pushes him away a bit, and Jimin holds his breath as the
alpha stares him down, a low rumble emerging from his throat which makes Jimin whine in

"How are you feeling?" He asks as he gently squeezes Jimin's cheeks, his thumb brushing over
his cheekbone.

Jimin's not entirely sure what this question refers to — his heat or the fact that he just scented
him — but either way, he feels more than okay.

His stomach feels a bit heavier than before, a faint hint of heat gathering in it as the time passes
but it's nothing too bad. A part of him feels bad that he's scented the alpha and that he's going
to have to go to bed bathed in the scent of a not-so-pleasantly-smelling omega, but in Jimin's
mind, this almost comes as a form of revenge for the alpha's mocking he'd had to endure that

For a moment, he forgets to answer Yoongi's question and he chuckles at his own pettiness,
marking victory in a nonexistent game he's made up in his head.

"I keep telling you I'm _fine_ ," Jimin childishly purses his lips, "You know, you never really
seemed like the worrying type."

"Oh no?" Yoongi asks, surprise evident on his face. "I think it's natural that I worry, I have an
omega in preheat laying on top of me."

Jimin's stomach drops a little and he looks away, searching for where the best place to hide his
face is. He doesn't dare look at the alpha so he slowly attempts to untangle his legs from
Yoongi's but the alpha softly cups his face again and turns him so that they're eye to eye again.

"I didn't say I mind it."

Jimin lets out a breath he didn't even realize he was holding, relieved, but still a little
embarrassed at the same time. Yoongi wraps his arms around him again and breathes in, and
Jimin somewhat relaxes after he feels Yoongi's steady heartbeat underneath his hand.

"I'm just..." he begins, but his voice trails off, "I'm— I don't—"

"Shhh," Yoongi pats the back of his head soothingly, "It's okay, I get it. It's gonna be fine. Your
preheat is probably driving you crazy."

_You and your stupid scent are driving me crazy,_ Jimin wants to say, but it seems a bit much.
The alpha is right. It's the preheat.

He hums and nuzzles into Yoongi, the alpha's scent mixed with his own leaving him satisfied
and content, so he sighs and focuses back on watching the TV show.

They lay together with Yoongi's hands tangled in his hair, playing with the strands as he
absently watches the scenes switch on the TV. Jimin purrs every now and again when Yoongi
adds pressure in massaging his scalp, and the alpha growls a little bit in response every time.
He enjoys the way their scents are intertwined with one another, that is, until he starts getting
fidgety again.

He frowns a bit, trying to stay as still as possible, but he's feeling hot again, and there's a layer
of sweat coating his forehead. His back starts feeling a little damp too, and he huffs in
annoyance because in that exact moment Yoongi decides to stop patting his head and Jimin is
_beyond_ irritated.

He whines in protest and the alpha immediately releases his calming pheromones, his fingers
quick to tangle into Jimin's hair again, gently caressing the omega who relaxes under the touch

His content is short-lived though, the heat in his stomach now accumulating at a faster pace,
and Jimin wonders when he'll start leaking slick. When that happens, whatever it is that he's
doing with Yoongi right now is over, he knows, and he's going to have to move to the alpha's
room and stay there for the next two days.

"What's wrong?" Yoongi asks, "Is it your stomach? Is it cramping? Does it hurt?"

Jimin makes a face. It doesn't necessarily hurt, but it doesn't feel good either. There's an
emptiness he feels, like something's missing — a feeling a little too familiar, and Jimin shudders.
It's not the heat that's hitting just yet, but it's close, Jimin can feel it, and he knows that Yoongi
can smell it.

"It doesn't _hurt_ ," Jimin says, "But it's probably not going to be too long until... You know."

Yoongi nods and his hand absently starts going up and down Jimin's back, squeezing the
omega's shoulders in an attempt to calm him down.

"It's not going to hit yet," he says and Jimin can't help but be impressed at the accuracy of
Yoongi's nose, "Do you want me to scent you?"

Jimin blinks.

Yoongi's cheeks flush and he awkwardly rubs the back of his neck as he looks away.

"I mean... It can help— Sometimes omegas feel better if an alpha scents them. It's totally fine if
you don't want to." He quickly adds, his cheeks reddening even more and Jimin is happy he's
not the only embarrassed one.

"If—If you could do that, I'd really appreciate it."

Reluctantly, Jimin unwraps himself from the alpha and sits up, and Yoongi does the same. The
alpha watches him through his lashes, eyes dark and intense. Jimin catches a glimpse of his
tongue tracing his bottom lip before he leans in to nuzzle into his neck, and he bites his own lip
in anticipation.

It almost feels unreal, when Yoongi nuzzles into his neck with his breath lingering over the scent
gland and Jimin wishes he would just _maybe_ press his lips there too. Yoongi’s hand is on his
shoulder in order to keep him from squirming too much, and Jimin holds his breath as the alpha
scents him.

The feeling Jimin gets once the alpha scents him is something that goes beyond just content —
it feels right, like that’s the way it was supposed to be all this time. Jimin can’t quite grasp it or
explain it properly to himself, so he doesn’t try to. He’s still determined to just go with the flow,
he’ll think about what the fuck it is that they’re doing once his heat is over.  

It’s probably a bit silly that he’s contributing everything to his preheat symptoms — he’s had
heats ever since he was fifteen, and they’ve never really made him lose his mind. They were
somewhat severe, yes, but Jimin always knew what he was doing and why he was doing it.

The alpha is being incredibly sweet and caring, and it’s all Jimin wants and needs right now.
Yoongi grunts lowly into his ear before he pulls back and Jimin shivers, chills running down his
spine as he lets out a breath.

“Is that okay?” the alpha asks, pulling back just enough so that he can look into Jimin’s eyes.
Their faces are so close their noses are almost touching, and Jimin’s breath gets shakier as he
scans the alpha’s face.

“You reek of me now, omega,” Yoongi growls, gripping Jimin’s shoulder a little tighter, and Jimin
whines in response, tilting his head to the side a bit, baring his neck.

He watches as Yoongi’s eyes widen and if he wasn’t so mesmerized by the alpha, he would
probably smirk at him or at least make a snarky comment. Now, Jimin is almost paralyzed, with
a semi-bared neck, not sure what he wants Yoongi to do with that but absolutely loving the
reaction the alpha is giving him.

Something in Jimin snaps, and before he can even assess the chaos that he could potentially
cause with his question, he can hear himself asking:

_“What would you say if I asked you to help me with my heat?”_

His voice sounds confident, seductive almost, and he’s quite surprised with himself since his
breath feels hitched in his throat and his heart is fluttering. His stomach cramps a little —
nothing unbearable, but it does, and it’s almost as if it’s calling for the alpha.

Yoongi’s mouth drops and his wide-eyed gaze makes Jimin swallow thickly, the alpha’s
expression of surprise hard to read as either positive or negative, his hand still frozen on the
omega’s shoulder.

He sits there with his neck half-bared, holding his breath as he watches Yoongi open and close
his mouth, clearly taken aback.

Chills run up and down Jimin’s whole body, making him tingly and hot, and as the seconds
pass, he’s more aware of how long the alpha’s taking to respond to him and he can almost
_hear_ the silence between them mocking his blatant idiocy.

He mentally slaps himself, his confidence dropping with every passing moment. He’s ready to
apologize, to attempt to do damage control the best way he knows how, when Yoongi's
expression morphs into somewhat of a smirk, his eyes drooping as he brings his face closer to
the side of Jimin’s neck, where right below his jawline.

The omega closes his eyes and holds his breath — he’s trembling a little, partially because his
stomach cramps again, and partially because the sweat drops on his back suddenly feel very
cold. Yoongi leans in and takes a loud whiff, right next to his scent gland.

Jimin shivers again and the alpha’s hand relaxes on his shoulder; the omega had completely
forgotten it was there and his shoulder feels a bit relieved.

“I’d say,” the alpha begins as his nose brushes alongside Jimin’s jawline, his breath tickling the
omega’s skin, “Why would you want me to do that? As far as I’m aware, you aren’t too fond of
your hyung.”

“I-It doesn’t matter,” Jimin says breathily, barely recognizing his own voice, “It’s just this once. A
one-time thing.”

Yoongi moves his hand from his shoulder to the nape of his neck, his fingers gently rubbing the
strained spot again as he pulls Jimin a little closer to himself. Jimin’s heart skips a beat, unsure
of what’s going to happen next. The suspense is killing him and he could probably cut the
tension in the air with a knife, but he doesn’t dare move an inch.

As Yoongi carefully inspects his face, Jimin becomes aware of how loudly he’s actually
breathing, and he just wants the alpha to say _something_ already.

Why is Yoongi smelling him so much? Is he trying to assess how bad it was going to be if
Jimin’s slick started pouring and the whole apartment _really_ started smelling like him?

“You don’t smell like you’re in heat yet,” Yoongi says as if he could read the omega’s mind, “So
you’re in your right mind. Are you sure you want this, Jimin?”

Yoongi’s face is serious and Jimin looks at him and gulps loudly, nodding his head.

“I’m sure,” he squeaks, squirming as another drop of sweat rolls down his back.

“Okay,” Yoongi replies slowly, his other hand rushing to wipe the sweat away from Jimin’s
forehead. “Okay. I want to take care of you, Jimin. But if I’m going to do that then we’re going to
do things the right way.”

Jimin has no idea what doing things the “right way” means but he wants to scream and jump
into Yoongi’s lap, and nuzzle into his scent glands until the alpha is reeking of his scent.

Yoongi suddenly gets up and holds his hand out to him, and the omega takes it without thinking.

“Let’s go, bath time.”

“But I just had a bath,” Jimin whines in protest, pouting as Yoongi drags him towards the

“That was five hours ago,” Yoongi stops and turns to him, cupping his face while he smiles at
the omega, “I told you, we’re doing this the right way.”

Jimin huffs and stomps his foot a little, pouting slightly. He doesn’t want a bath, he wants

Yoongi closes the bathroom door behind them and Jimin sits on the counter while he watches
the alpha turn the water on, his brows furrowed as he focuses on making the water temperature
just right. He watches as Yoongi pours in the oils and his eye catches a glimpse of one of the
bottles — lotus essential oil.

He for a fact knows that lotus is predominant in his own scent, and seeing how vocal Yoongi
was about him smelling bad just earlier that day he’s quite confused as to why the alpha would
use anything that smells even remotely like that.

Jimin gnaws on his bottom lip and dangles his legs, forgetting about the stomach cramps as he
has an internal battle on whether he wants to ask Yoongi about that or not. Finally, he decides
against it, too scared of what the answer might be.

“Done,” Yoongi turns to smile at him when he’s done filling the bathtub, “Clothes. Off.”

Jimin blinks stupidly. He hasn’t really thought about the fact that he’s going to take his clothes
off, which is really, _really_ stupid, considering that the alpha dragged him to the bathroom so
he could take a _bath._

He giggles a bit when Yoongi turns his back once he starts stripping his clothes off, amused
with how respectful the alpha’s being.

“You can look, you know,” Jimin says, as he stands butt naked in front of the bathtub, “You’re
going to help me with my heat, so you’ll see me naked anyway.”

Yoongi turns and his eyes meet Jimin’s, and the omega smirks when he hears him suck in a
sharp breath. He can see the alpha’s gaze darken as he scans up and down his body, and
suddenly he feels very exposed — but it feels good. The look on Yoongi’s face as he’s taking
everything in is giving him chills, but he’s happy to see that he’s affecting the alpha at least a
little bit.

“Get in,” Yoongi orders and Jimin giggles as he enters the bathtub, the warm water washing
over him as he settles and breathes in the soothing mix of essential oils.

Yoongi rolls his sleeves and takes a washcloth, soaking it into the water and gently wiping off
the sweat off of Jimin’s forehead. He pushes his hair back to get better access, and Jimin closes
his eyes and relaxes while he lets the alpha clean his face and the rest of his body.

Another purr emerges from his throat and Yoongi’s growl in his ear startles him and he splashes
the water outside of the tub.

“You’re purring for me now, omega,” Yoongi’s voice is dark and velvety, and Jimin shivers even
though the water around him is warm, “But you’ll be screaming later, I promise you that.”

Yoongi’s words send shocks through his body and in that moment, Jimin’s stomach cramps and
he whines for the alpha, grabbing his arm, desperately needing to have his hands on him. He
knows Yoongi can smell the arousal on him, and he wonders how much longer he has until his
heat actually hits. Looking at the alpha’s lustful expression Jimin can’t help but wonder what
alternate universe he’s living in, and how the fuck the stars aligned so perfectly for him to be
with Yoongi like this. He’s never been more thankful to Taehyung’s heat and his worrisome lack
of responsibility.

Yoongi finishes washing him and wraps him in a large towel once he’s out of the tub. He towel-
dries his hair and Jimin giggles at the ticklish sensation, and once Yoongi flashes him his
gummy smile, Jimin’s heart flutters.

“You’re cute,” Yoongi says and Jimin sighs contently, still giggling as the alpha ruffles his hair.

“I am?”

“Mhm,” Yoongi hums as he pats Jimin dry and hands him a bathrobe, “A very cute pink haired

Jimin blushes and his gaze drops, and he stares down at his feet while he ties the bathrobe
loosely around himself.

He follows Yoongi out of the bathroom and back to the living room, watching as the alpha picks
up the blankets and cushions from the couch.

“What are you doing?” Jimin frowns, not happy with how his little nest is being ruined.

“We’re going to my room, you can take anything you want from my closet and you can add
these to your nest there.  

Jimin rushes to Yoongi’s room, quickly putting his underwear on and taking one of Yoongi’s
shirts after a long few minutes of trying to determine which one smells the most like him.

“You know, I can just scent any of those if you need me to,” Yoongi says as Jimin walks out of
the closet, and the omega just shrugs.

He glances over to the bed, seeing that Yoongi’s brought everything from the living room and
dumped it there. He huffs in annoyance because everything’s _all_ wrong, and he rushes to
align the pillows on each side of the bed, as symmetrically as he possibly can. He places the
blankets in the middle, moving the duvet closer to the headboard so it can serve as a pillow. He
looks over at Yoongi after he’s done making his nest, waiting for the alpha’s approval as he sits
silently on the bed.

Yoongi takes his sweatpants off and he’s left only in his underwear and a shirt when he climbs
onto the bed next to Jimin after he’s turned the lights off, laying down and pulling the omega into
his embrace. Jimin sighs contently as he nuzzles into Yoongi’s neck, brushing over his scent
gland with his mouth. Yoongi growls quietly, grabbing Jimin by the jaw, forcing him to look at

“It’s a dangerous game you’re playing, Jimin,” he whispers as he brushes their noses together,
their lips almost touching, “But you’re in luck, because I love to play.”

With that, the alpha presses his lips onto Jimin’s and Jimin almost chokes as the electricity runs
through his body. He tangles his fingers into Yoongi’s hair, pulling him closer as he breathily
deepens the kiss, slipping his tongue in, moaning as Yoongi tugs him closer to himself. He
throws his leg around Yoongi’s waist, locking them together as the alpha growls into the kiss,
his hands gripping tighter at the omega’s hips. He feels so needy, his body yearning for the
alpha even though he’s right _there,_ his hands finding their way underneath Yoongi’s shirt,
touching and exploring every inch of the bare skin. He’s breathing heavily, and once he pulls
away he can see that Yoongi’s just as affected. He tugs Yoongi by the shirt and their lips crash
together again, and this time neither of them waste time with deepening the kiss. It’s hot and
open-mouthed, their tongues exploring each other's mouths, but Yoongi’s hands remain on
Jimin’s lower back, even though the omega would like them to go lower.

Once he nibbles on Yoongi’s scent gland, the alpha snarls and climbs on top of him, pinning him
down into the mattress. Jimin breathes heavily, a whine escaping his lips and he watches
Yoongi’s eyes sparkle in the dark. The alpha leans in, growling into his ear before he starts
leaving kisses alongside his jawline.

“You have no idea what you do to me,” he growls in between kisses, “I’m going to knot the living
shit out of you, Jimin. I’m gonna fill you up so good you’ll never have to beg for another knot
ever again.”

Jimin gulps and his cock twitches in his underwear, and an astounding wave of slick pours out
of his hole.

_He’s ready._

**Notes for the Chapter:**

> hope you liked this chapter!

> it doesn't answer too many questions, but i promise the upcoming chapters will explain
everything some of you have been dying to know.
> also, sorry if there are some mistakes, i hate editing so some parts i just skimmed over lol
> i'll start working on the next update immediately, so it will come fairly soon. i think most of you
know what's coming hehe
> comments & kudos help me a lot and are highly appreciated! ^^

3. Heat & Heartbreak

**Summary for the Chapter:**

> "You smell good," he blurts out and his cheeks immediately flare because the stupidest thing
he could have done in order to change the topic was to bring up an even more sensitive one.
> "Oh? What do I smell like? Something you like?"
> Jimin gulps. There's no turning back now.

**Notes for the Chapter:**

> i hope you enjoy this chapter and if you have any questions, come yell at me on [twitter]
( !!

Jimin screams as Yoongi presses his mouth onto his scent gland, sinking his teeth into it, just
enough for Jimin to gush out another wave of slick, but not enough to break the actual skin. The
alpha's nails sink into the soft flesh of his hips, and Jimin squirms under him, panting as Yoongi
pulls away to look in his eyes.

"Speak up."

Jimin shivers, another wave of slick coming out of his pulsing hole, his thighs and Yoongi's
bedsheets completely soaked in it. He's lost track of how much slick he's leaked, but he's pretty
sure it's never been this intense. Yoongi stares him down and he takes in a sharp breath,
trembling under the alpha. His cock is twitching, the heat in his stomach is nearly unbearable,
but what he's not going to do is beg for the knot.

He wants it, he _ needs it _ , but he's not going to beg. There's no fucking way.

Jimin can't stop the whine that comes out of his throat, and he pushes his hips up towards
Yoongi, needing any sort of friction on his cock. His arms are restricted by the alpha in a firm
lock above his head, and all he can do is squirm and move his hips.

Yoongi doesn't seem to budge, though. It's clear what the alpha wants, and the only way for
Jimin to get what he needs is to use his words.

"I- Please. I need it."

A low growl emerges from the alpha's throat, and he lowers his face, their lips almost touching.
Yoongi's lips curl into a smirk, and he brushes their noses together, his eyes not leaving Jimin's.

"You need what, omega?" Yoongi's voice is low and sweet, and Jimin is about ready to lose his

He's beyond turned on, and it's not just the heat, he knows it. His body reacts to every little
breath, every touch and every word that comes from the alpha in such ways that if he wasn't in
heat, he'd be beyond embarrassed.

Yoongi sighs and kisses his cheek all the way from his ear up to his mouth, taking his bottom lip
in between his teeth, growling in anticipation.

Jimin whines again as the alpha lets go of his lip and his stomach cramps just as more slick
gushes out of him. His face twists in pain and Yoongi immediately releases his calming
pheromones, making Jimin's breathing just a little more bearable.

"I-I need it, hyung," he gives in, sweat washing over him as the heat in his gut becomes almost
intolerable, "please, please, _ please _ , give me your knot."

Yoongi's smirk turns into a wide smile and he presses his lips to Jimin's, stroking his hair and
simultaneously wiping his sweaty forehead.

"Okay," he says, pressing another kiss on his lips before he backs away and sits himself
between Jimin's legs. "Hyung's gonna take care of you."

Jimin shivers at the words, the smoothness of Yoongi's voice sending chills down his spine.
He's beyond turned on, panting heavily and shaking in anticipation as Yoongi's hands slide
across his thighs.

Before he has the time to process what's going on, he's lying on his stomach, his face buried in
the pillows and he feels Yoongi's hands spread his asscheeks while more slick pours out and
runs down the back of his thighs.

His cheeks flare and he buries his face further into the pillows, his hole clenching around
nothing when he hears the alpha's low growl. He needs something inside him right _ now, _ so
he automatically pushes his ass further towards the alpha, shamelessly presenting himself in
hopes that Yoongi will finally do _ something. _

He lets out a muffled whine, and he covers the back of his head with his hands, the heat in his
stomach burning and spreading like wildfire through his entire system — he needs a relief, he
needs it to stop, he needs the hollowness to be filled—

Jimin gasps as he feels two fingers enter his hole one by one, and he pushes his ass further
towards the alpha who reaches for the back of his neck, pinning him down into the mattress so
his movements are restricted again. He fucks into him for a little while before he adds in a third
finger — and Jimin finally loses it.

His moans are stuck in his throat, he's profoundly sweating, and once Yoongi curls his fingers
inside him his eyes roll to the back of his head he's coming all over the slick-stained sheets, his
screams broken and muffled as he cries into the pillows.

"Fucking hell," Yoongi hisses. "Look at you, so fucking sensitive and we haven't even started

The omega shudders again, and he knows Yoongi can feel him trembling under him. He doesn't
want to react that way, he really doesn't, but truth to be told, he could come from the sound of
Yoongi's voice alone.

Yoongi removes his hand from where he was keeping him in place and slowly rolls Jimin onto
his back, the omega still coming down from his high as his cock spurts tiny shots of come over
his abdomen.

As his orgasm fades, the heat in his stomach accumulates again, the hollowness in it almost
painful, so he whines again, tears gathering his lash line while Yoongi cups his face and kisses
the corner of his mouth.

"A-alpha, p-please," Jimin chokes out, reaching for the alpha's cock which is still tucked away in
his underwear.

He pulls the waistband of Yoongi's underwear down, exposing his leaking cock and Jimin can't
control the gasp that escapes his lips once he's met with the size of it. His mouth waters, and he
practically drools when he looks back at the alpha.

Yoongi looks somewhat amused, a cocky smirk plastered on his face as his tongue hangs out of
his mouth, tracing his upper lip while he looks at Jimin as if he could eat him alive.

Slick runs down his thighs and Jimin whines again after his stomach cramps, and he just knows
he can’t take it anymore — he needs the alpha or anything else inside of him _ right now. _

He lets go of Yoongi's cock, and his fingers mindlessly travel towards his hole, ready to get
himself off the best way he knows how. His hand is quickly slapped away and his eyes widen as
he meets Yoongi's, the alphas brows furrowed and lips pressed into a thin line.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I- _ Please, _ " he breathes, his voice cracking near the end. "You _ promised— _ "

He feels Yoongi's lips press on his and he moans into the kiss as he desperately licks into the
alpha's mouth, his hands tugging and pulling on his hair as he settles between his legs.

"I rolled you over so you could look me in the eyes while I knot you, omega," Yoongi says
through his teeth, a low growl forming somewhere in the back of his throat. "Do you understand

"Y-yes," his cheeks flare and he faces away from the alpha, squeezing his eyes shut as more
slick drips down his thighs, and by now he's sure he's probably ruined the mattress.

Yoongi gently cups his jaw and turns his head back to face him, and Jimin clings to him as he
lifts himself up so he can leave a kiss on the alpha's cheek.

Yoongi chuckles and spreads Jimin's legs further apart, slowly pushing his cock between his
slick coated asscheeks. He presses at the rim and Jimin holds his breath, shaking eagerly, his
hole immediately clenching around him.

The alpha slides in effortlessly, and Jimin's heartbeat rapidly increases, his cock spurting
precome all over his abdomen as Yoongi slowly thrusts in and out, giving Jimin the time to
adjust to his length.

Yoongi presses his lips against Jimin's forehead, and the heat in his stomach finally begins
retracting as the alpha thrusts in and out.

It's slow at first, but it feels so, _ so _ good, and Jimin can't help but moan each time Yoongi
fills him up.

It's short-lived though, and the second Jimin whines for more the alpha rams his cock inside him
hard and fast, making his whole body twitch, and so he yelps, his nails digging into Yoongi's

The alpha is merciless, and the second he presses his mouth onto Jimin's nipple and gently
licks around it, Jimin is coming again, come splattering between the two of them as Yoongi
continues slamming his cock into him, growling in his ear as Jimin slowly feels the knot
beginning to form.

"Look at you, taking your alpha's knot like a good omega that you are," he snarls, harshly biting
down on Jimin's scent gland and the omega feels as if he's going to combust in pleasure. His
mind is absolutely blank, he's drooling everywhere, and he's pretty sure he's trying to say
something, but all that comes out is a series of broken cries as he weakly tries to hold onto
Yoongi's back, his hands slipping because the alpha is just as sweaty as he is.

Just as he feels the alpha's knot begin to expand and the feeling of content in his stomach
grows, Yoongi slows down the pace, his lips meeting Jimin's, slowly kissing him, his thrusts at a
slower and calmer.

Jimin looks at him through his lashes, and the look on Yoongi's face is somewhat unreadable.
His eyes are glossy, his breathing heavy, but he brushes through Jimin's hair and kisses his
cheeks like he wasn't fucking the living shit out of him just a second ago.

Jimin takes a moment to wrap his head around the sudden change of pace, but as long as the
alpha's thrusts are deep, the heat in his stomach doesn't burn — instead, he's captured
Yoongi's full attention, and that's enough to make him feel more than content.

There's something about the way Yoongi looks at him like he _ sees _ him, that makes Jimin
grip tighter onto the alpha, like never wants to let him go.

Yoongi buries his face in Jimin's neck, lazily leaving kisses there as he keeps a steady pace.
Jimin moans breathily, tangling his hand into the alpha's hair while his leaves a long scratch
down his back with the other.

Something in Yoongi snaps as the omega drags his nails across his back, and he slams into
Jimin so hard his body goes completely numb for a moment — but the alpha doesn't stop,
instead, he continues slamming into Jimin as if he's trying to fuck the last breath out of him.

Jimin feels the knot finally starting to fully expand, and once he feels it almost fill him up entirely,
there's another orgasm forming in his gut. Yoongi's scent spikes up in arousal and Jimin almost
chokes on it — it's so strong in the room, almost as if Yoongi's marking his territory with the
amount of pheromones he's releasing.

His body jerks and he whimpers as his cock twitches and he spills more come onto his
abdomen, shaking as Yoongi's knot fully forms and the fire in his stomach is put out and he's
entirely filled up and pleased.

It takes a few minutes for him to regain control of his breathing, and Yoongi remains on top of
him, gently brushing through his hair until he's completely calmed down.

"Shhh, you did so well, Jiminie." Jimin's eyes dart towards the alpha as he calls him a nickname
he hasn't heard him use since kindergarten. "You're okay now, hyung's got you."

Jimin is unable to speak for a few moments, so he just sighs contently as he feels Yoongi spill
inside him, wrapping his hands around the alpha's neck, pulling him closer to himself.

"It's gonna be like this for a while," Yoongi murmurs in his ear, slowly maneuvering them so they
could lay on their sides, facing one another. "It can last up to two hours."

Jimin blinks at him, processing the information.

"Oh wow."

"I know," Yoongi chuckles weakly, pulling Jimin closer to himself. "I wasn't kidding when I told
you you're never going to have to beg for another knot ever again."

Jimin laughs as well and buries his face into Yoongi's neck, settling right below the scent gland.
Yoongi's scent feels soothing and most importantly, he feels safe and comfortable in his arms.
He's finally comfortable in his own skin again, the heat in his stomach entirely gone and
Yoongi's arms wrapped around him feel like home.

His eyes slowly droop as he feels the alpha gently stroke the back of his neck, kissing his
forehead every so often. It feels pleasant, and his heart is full, tiredness slowly kicking in. He
nuzzles his face into Yoongi's neck one last time before his body goes entirely limp and he drifts
off to sleep.

He's slowly awakened by Yoongi pressing soft kisses on his shoulder, brushing his nose against
the crook of his neck. Jimin blinks disorientedly, and a familiar burning sensation hits him — it's
like his skin is on fire, the heat in his stomach unbearable and he realizes he's pouring slick
again. Yoongi's knot is gone and his hole is empty and hollow.

He whines loudly, clinging onto the alpha who immediately kisses his lips, muffling his oncoming
cries as he soothingly brushes his thumb over his cheek.

"Shhh, Jiminie," Yoongi mumbles as Jimin automatically lifts his hips and grinds against the
alpha. "You're burning up. Let hyung take care of you."

Jimin squeezes his eyes shut and swallows thickly, the cramps in his stomach suddenly much
more painful than they were the first time around. It really, _ really _ hurts, but somehow having
Yoongi there keeps him from completely losing his mind.

The alpha lowers himself, leaving a trail of kisses on the inside of his trembling thighs, and Jimin
bites down on his hand to prevent himself from actually screaming. For a split second, he
realizes that Yoongi was the one who woke him up after feeling he’s started burning up and not
the other way around — somewhat of an anomaly, even in mated couples, let alone unmated.

He quickly buries the thought in the back of his mind, attributing it to the fact that Yoongi was
probably already awake anyway.

He looks down and sees the alpha licking the slick off his thighs, and Jimin's eyes widen at the
realization of where this is going. He gasps inaudibly, his breath hitching in his throat as he tries
his best not to squirm.

Once he feels Yoongi's tongue press against his rim, he whines and pushes his ass a bit
towards the alpha, wanting him as deep inside as possible.

It almost feels unreal, and he has to force himself to open his eyes and check for whether the
alpha is really between his legs, or if he's just imagining it.

Tears spill from his eyes as Yoongi tongue fucks him, loud slurping noises filling the room as
Yoongi swallows gushes of slick Jimin's uncontrollably releasing.

"S-so fucking good." Yoongi's voice is strained and muffled, his hands squeezing Jimin's ass so
hard Jimin's sure there's gonna be marks later. "You taste so fu-fucking good."

He doesn't give a shit about the marks, though; Yoongi's tongue inside him feels so good, his
scent wrapped around him and he smells just how turned on the alpha is by this too. It sends
Jimin over the edge, the alpha lapping at his asshole, swallowing oncoming waves of slick as if
it's the tastiest thing he's ever had.

Jimin doesn't even try to fight the orgasm that comes — he spills all over his stomach as he
screams and whimpers while the alpha tongue-fucks him through it.

He's ecstatic — and when Yoongi climbs back on top of him, he almost comes again at the sight
of alpha's face drenched in his slick. Once Yoongi leans in to kiss him Jimin can smell himself
on him, his cock is immediately hard again as if he didn't come just a minute ago, the fire in his
abdomen igniting almost instantly.

His hips jerk and he whines into Yoongi's mouth, making the alpha shush him with a wet kiss.
The combination of his slick and Yoongi's saliva arouses him even more — he doesn't know
how, but this time Jimin finds it in him to push the alpha off of himself.

Yoongi falls on his back in surprise, but it only takes him a second to realize what the omega _
really _ wants. Jimin quickly straddles his hips, leaning his face to nuzzle into his neck as his
slick drips from his hole onto the alpha's cock. He takes his time scenting the alpha even though
he's dripping in sweat and his stomach cramps with every breath he takes.

With one short nod from the alpha Jimin slowly lowers himself and sits down on Yoongi's cock.
It feels natural, Jimin's muscles immediately relaxing as he sits all the way down, already
stretched from before. Yoongi's hands are on his hips and Jimin moves his damp hair away
from his eyes while he stares down at the alpha. Yoongi's lips are parted, his gaze is dark and
focused on Jimin, and the omega rolls his hips, not taking his eyes off of him.

Yoongi grunts when Jimin rolls his hips again, more aggressively this time as the only way to
settle the heat in his stomach is to do exactly that.The alpha digs his nails into the flesh of
Jimin's hips as the omega fucks himself on his cock, tears staining his cheeks because of how
good it feels every time Yoongi lifts his hips a little to meet Jimin's, ramming his cock deeper
inside him.

"You're d-doing so well for hyung, omega." Yoongi reaches to wipe away one of the tears away.
"So w-well Jimin, fuck."

"It feels so good, _ Yoongi, _ " Jimin babbles, his eyes squeezed shut as he's unable to keep
them focused anymore. "I've ne-never—"

"I know, baby," Yoongi growls and pushes Jimin down as he simultaneously lifts his hips up and
Jimin screams, this time collapsing onto the alpha, shaking as the pleasure runs through his

Yoongi catches him and locks him firmly into his grip, fucking him from underneath as Jimin
cries into his shoulder.

Jimin comes dry, biting down on Yoongi's throat, using his last bits of strength and awareness to
not leave anything similar to a mating mark. He's shaking in Yoongi's arms and the alpha fucks
into him until his knot starts to swell, filling Jimin up again and the cramping slowly disappears
with each thrust until the knot finally locks them together.

Jimin pants and manages to lift himself up on shaky hands, just enough so he can leave a small
kiss on Yoongi's lips. The alpha slowly rolls him over on his side and cups his cheek, gently
kissing the tip of his nose.

The knot keeps them locked together and Jimin slowly regains control of his body, and he rests
his head just underneath Yoongi's chin, his arms securely wrapped around him.

"Hey," Yoongi says, brushing through Jimin's damp hair. "You good?"

"Mhm," he gives Yoongi a tiny nod. "Thank you."

The alpha chuckles lowly, and Jimin can feel his throat vibrate underneath his cheek.

"I think I'm the one who should be thanking you," he says. "I never thought this would happen in
a million years."

Jimin pokes his head out from the crook of Yoongi's neck and meets the alpha's eyes. Yoongi
looks down at him, eyebrows raised as he anticipates Jimin's question.

The omega clears his throat, unsure of what Yoongi's statement implies. He squirms a little,
biting his lip as he thinks of what he should even say. With Yoongi's knot inside of him, he's
happy and content enough to think somewhat clearly, or so he hopes.

He contemplates asking the alpha to clarify, but instead, he just nuzzles back into his neck. He's
scared of what Yoongi might say, and Jimin isn't in a position where he could take any form of
rejection. He briefly reminds himself that Yoongi doesn't owe him anything — the alpha is doing
him a favor, not the other way around.

"You smell good," he blurts out and his cheeks immediately flare because the stupidest thing he
could have done in order to change the topic was to bring up an even more sensitive one.

"Oh? What do I smell like? Something you like?"

Jimin gulps. There's no turning back now.

"Like fresh morning coffee. And maybe a bit of cardamom. You smell safe."

He buries his face into his hands, too embarrassed to look at the alpha.

_ It's just the heat talking, he'll understand that. _

But at this very moment, Jimin doesn't feel any signs of heat. He feels happy with Yoongi's knot
spilling inside him and filling him up, his skin isn't burning up and his stomach isn't cramping.

"You smell like flowers. Lotus, to be exact," Yoongi says as he softly strokes his hair. "And water
lilies. Lotus and water lilies."

Yoongi buries his nose into his hair and Jimin hears the alpha inhale and sigh deeply, pulling
away so he can rest his cheek on top of his head again.

"It's flowery, but it's not too sweet." For a moment it sounds like the alpha wants to add
something, but he doesn’t.

Jimin sighs in relief, thankful that Yoongi was careful with his words this time around. He knows
it's because he's in heat, but he's still thankful that the alpha is being considerate enough. He
doesn't think he'd be able to handle hearing anything even remotely negative about himself,
especially coming from Yoongi.

He feels a wave of pleasure rush through his body as Yoongi jerks a little beside him, his knot
spilling into him again, calming him down immediately.

Jimin doesn't say anything for a while, he just lays there in Yoongi's comforting embrace,
purring as the alpha scratches the back of his neck.

"You should sleep some more, Jiminie." Jimin's heart melts at the nickname. "You know this
won't be going down anytime soon. Maybe I could get you cleaned up a little bit later, hm?"

Yoongi shifts a little to make their position more comfortable and Jimin whines, his hole
instinctively clenching around his knot, the omega in him fearful of potential pups slipping out.
The alpha immediately releases his pheromones and Jimin is lulled back into comfort. His eyes
slowly droop shut as the alpha subtly scents him, and he sighs contently, feeling at ease again.

He snuggles into Yoongi's chest and lets himself drift off to sleep.

Jimin awakens again presumably a few hours later, light coming into the room through the half-
shut blinds. It's either really early, which doesn't seem likely, or the day is just gloomy, as Jimin's
pretty sure he's dozed off for at least a few hours.

He frowns at the slick and come stained sheets beside him, realizing the bed is empty and that
Yoongi isn't in the room. His stomach immediately cramps and he whines for the alpha, the
hollowness starting to settle in as if every second spent without Yoongi is pure torture.

Jimin whines and as if on cue, Yoongi pokes his head through the door, a somewhat worried
expression on his face. His features soften as he approaches the bed and caresses Jimin's
cheek, the omega immediately calming down once he feels the alpha's skin on his.

"It's okay, Jiminie," he says, softly pulling him to sit up straight. "I'm right here."

Jimin is surprised when he realizes how sore he actually is. He was too busy focusing on the
cramping in his stomach all this time to actually notice his thighs aching, muscles strained and
twitching as he tries to balance himself sitting up. He whines and looks at Yoongi, his bottom lip
trembling and his eyes stinging with the oncoming tears. God, he fucking hates feeling so
powerless, but even with the few hours of sleep he's gotten, he feels exhausted.

As much as he enjoyed being pampered and cared for, Jimin hated feeling useless, and that's
exactly how he feels in this moment. Yoongi wraps one arm around his waist and hooks the
other underneath his legs and lifts him up bridal style, shushing his small cry with a kiss.

"Hey, it's okay, you're fine," Yoongi whispers while he carries him out of the room and through
the hallway, stopping for a moment to kick the bathroom door open. "Will you let me take care of
you, hm?"

Jimin sniffles and nods weakly, rubbing his cheek against Yoongi's shoulder. The alpha sits him
down on the bathroom tiles which feel cool against his heated skin, and he sets his hands on his
stomach, wanting to somehow stop the emptiness that was already beginning to spark up inside

Yoongi fills the tub pretty quickly and Jimin finds himself in the alpha's arms again, getting
carried into the warm water filled with a bunch of oils. His body feels limp and as he settles in
the water, leaning his head against the edge of the tub, looking up to meet Yoongi's concerned
eyes. A thin whine emerges from his throat after his tummy cramps underwater, making his face
twist in pain.

"I-Yoongi, p-please," his voice cracks as he pleads, clinging onto the alpha's arm as he tries to
clean his face with a washcloth.

"Jiminie, I have to clean you," the alpha responds, voice soft but firm. "I know it hurts but can
you please, _ please _ try and push through it for a little while? It will make you feel better, I

Jimin's stomach cramps again and he's pretty sure his cock is hard under the water, but all he
can do in response is whine for the alpha again.

"I'm not trying to make this harder on you, I promise," Yoongi assures him as he squeezes the
lotus essential oil onto his palm and starts rubbing Jimin's tense shoulders.

He massages the nape of his neck, and Jimin closes his eyes, briefly forgetting about the pain
that's accumulating in his stomach. He contently purrs as the alpha massages him, relaxing
entirely while Yoongi rubs the oil into his skin and cleans him with a washcloth. His stomach
twists and turns even though he tries his best to avoid it because the alpha's hands feel so, _
so _ good on him, but he doesn't know how much longer he can take.

Just as he's about to whine again he feels Yoongi's hand wrap around his cock and slide it up
and down with ease, and Jimin's whole body jerks when Yoongi leans to press his mouth ever
his scent gland.

He moans at the touch, the alpha stroking his aching cock hard and steady under the water, and
nibbling on his scent gland, making Jimin's eyes roll to the back of his head.

It only takes a couple more strokes for him to finally reach his orgasm, and his whole body
spazzes at the sensation, instant relief washing through him. It still feels like something is
missing though, his stomach still aches for the knot, and he feels somewhat insatiable.

"T-thank you." He leans his forehead against Yoongi's and sighs contently. "I feel better."

He really does, he doesn't know how but his muscle pain feels bearable, and his orgasm helped
settle the heat in his stomach just enough for him to not go insane. He doesn't remember the
last time a heat hit him this hard, especially in the first 24 hours, except for maybe his first heat
ever.It makes him a little confused; he's way too experienced in this to be feeling _ this _
needy for an alpha.

_ It must be because it's a short-term heat, _ he thinks to himself, _ so it's hitting twice as hard.

Yoongi takes him out of the tub and dries him off, wrapping him into a previously scented
bathrobe. Jimin isn't too pleased when the alpha carries him into the kitchen, settling him onto
his lap in front of a bowl full of ramen.

"This is why I was gone when you woke up," Yoongi explains, picking the noodles up with
chopsticks and blowing at them before he brings the food to Jimin's lips.

Jimin's reluctantly opens his mouth and lets the alpha shove noodles in it, and once he
swallows it he realizes how much he had actually needed this. He lets Yoongi feed him and
after he's finished eating he feels like an entirely new person.

Yes, his muscles hurt and his stomach is cramping but at least there's a spark of energy
returning to his body.

"I promised I'd take care of you, didn't I?"

Jimin hums and nuzzles into Yoongi's neck, wrapping his hands around him as he mumbles a
barely audible "thank you".

He's distressed when Yoongi leaves him to change the sheets on his bed, but luckily it doesn't
take him more than seven minutes, not that Jimin was counting.

Jimin almost cries once Yoongi carries him back and he realizes that the alpha made his nest
exactly how it initially was before they messed it all up. He entirely forgets about self-control for
a second and pushes the alpha onto the bed, leaving a series of kisses all over his face, his
heart fluttering once a giggle escapes Yoongi's lips.

He settles between the pillows and pulls Yoongi closer to himself, needing to close any
unnecessary space between them. It's funny, Jimin thinks, the way his body curls up perfectly
against Yoongi's. His small hand fits perfectly into the alpha's, and Yoongi's lips on his feel like
the softest pillow. Hell, even his knot fits so perfectly, Jimin has never felt anything like it or been
filled up that good, no matter how insatiable he's feeling right now.

"You're starting to burn up again," Yoongi says after he pecks Jimin's forehead. "It's okay, I got

Jimin's eyes flutter open and he whines once his focus shifts to the cramping in his stomach,
and after Yoongi kisses his lips roughly, a gush of slick pours out of his hole and his cock is
immediately hard again.

It's beyond irritating, the way his own skin feels uncomfortable unless the alpha is touching him.
It's not something that he can explain, but knowing that Yoongi is there right now gives him a
strong sense of comfort that overpowers any pain he's in. All he knows is that he'll _ never _
forget to take his suppressants ever again.

Yoongi works his fingers inside of him and Jimin is beyond oversensitive. Still, even through his
moaning and whimpering, he can't help but notice how careful Yoongi's being. He's not too
thrilled about it now, the heat is making him too greedy — but he knows he'll be thankful for it
later when the heat breaks and he's too sore to function.

Yoongi is careful once he pushes his cock in again and Jimin quickly adjusts to the length,
whimpering a little at first when it brushes against his sensitive rim. Yoongi thrusts into him
slowly and carefully, and he adjusts his pace every time Jimin winces even a tiny bit.

Once the alpha's knot has fully expanded inside of him and he's entirely filled up and content,
his phone starts ringing on the nightstand and Yoongi quickly reaches over to pass it to him.

His blood runs cold when he realizes the caller ID says Taehyung. He hasn't had the time to
check up on him, and frankly, he hasn't even thought about it, too occupied with his own

"Answer it," the alpha quietly encourages him, nuzzling into the pillow as he intently watches

Jimin's cheeks redden, and he's suddenly very aware of Yoongi's knot inside of him, keeping
them locked together.

"Tae? How are y—"

"I'm doing good and the heat hasn't killed me yet, thanks for asking, asshole," Taehyung barks
from the other side of the line, annoyance evident in his voice.

Jimin rolls his eyes and Yoongi giggles into the pillow, clearly able to hear Taehyung through
the phone.

"I'm sorry, I'm in a bit of a situation here myself—"

"Oh I bet, you must have it _ so _ much worse than me, drooling over Yoon—"

"Tae! Shut it!" he immediately panics and his eyes dart towards Yoongi, who is examining his
tiny hand and playing with his fingers, no longer seeming interested in what Taehyung is saying.
"It's really not a good time. I'm sorry, I'll explain everything tomorrow."

“Don’t you dar—”

He hangs up before Taehyung has a chance to respond and tosses his phone away, covering
his face with his hands.

Yoongi takes his hand and intertwines their fingers together, brushing his cheek against it. It's a
cute and intimate gesture, Jimin thinks, and it's not very usual for an alpha to be too cuddly with
an omega that's not his. The omega furrows his brow a bit as Yoongi stills and closes his eyes,
his lips slightly parting and his breathing deepening.

Jimin stares at the alpha's complexion for a while, and he can't help but notice he's a little paler
than usual, and that there's a hint of dark circles forming under his eyes. He must be exhausted,
Jimin thinks, and his heart tightens a little in his chest. Jimin’s never had anyone take such good
care of him and Yoongi has shown to be nothing short of caring and respectful.

He untangles his hand from Yoongi's and places it on the alpha's puffy cheek and he cutely
scrunches his nose. He opens one eye and Jimin smiles warmly at him, shifting a little closer to
him so their noses are almost touching.

"Mmph, did you tell Tae?" he mumbles sleepily and Jimin can't help but let out a muffled laugh
at how disoriented and lost Yoongi looks.

He must be beyond exhausted.

"No," Jimin says softly. "Go back to sleep."

"There's nothing to tell, anyway, I guess." Yoongi closes his eyes again and shifts a little closer
to him as his voice slowly drifts off. "It's just a one-time thing."

Jimin freezes and looks down at him, but the alpha looks sound asleep again. Jimin's stomach
drops, his heart starts racing and his eyes slowly swell up with tears. Suddenly, he's annoyed
that they're stuck in a position where Jimin is forced to look at his face, but he's at least relieved
that Yoongi is asleep and that he won't have to see the tears as they slowly stream down his

He does his best not to sniffle or wake the alpha up, so he buries his face into the pillow. He's
not even sure _ why _ it is that he's crying, he just knows that for whatever reason, Yoongi's
words hurt.

It's a strange feeling to have — on one hand, Yoongi's knotted him and it feels so, incredibly
good, and on the other, his heart feels fragile and tight in his chest. He doesn't understand
himself, he really doesn't, and this heat has been messing with his mind way more than he
expected it to.

Luckily, he only has to endure this for a little while before everything goes back to normal.


"Hey." He's greeted with Yoongi's soft voice, the alpha lazily scratching his back in the pitch
black room. "How are you feeling?"

Jimin's eyes try to focus despite it being so dark in the room, and once he's fully awake he
realizes he's not profoundly sweating, and that his stomach feels fine.

He's beyond sore, though, his thighs hurt as if he had just run a marathon and his rim doesn't
feel too good either. After all the sex they had just a few hours earlier, Jimin is happy to realize
that his heat is probably over.

There's a slight discomfort in his abdomen, but it's nothing in comparison how it was just earlier
that day.

"Better," he says in a hoarse voice, frowning at how unnatural it sounds. His throat is dry, and
he feels dehydrated on top of everything else.

His eyes finally adjust to the darkness and he can see Yoongi's features somewhat clearly, and
the alpha reaches to brush the hair away from his forehead. Jimin flinches away without
thinking, wincing in pain as his movement is a little too sudden.

"Your heat," Yoongi clears his throat a little. "It's over."

Jimin manages to make himself sit up straight, feeling a little light headed as he tries to push
himself off the bed and onto his feet. Yoongi's eyes follow him from where he's still lying in the
bed, Jimin can feel them and it sends chills down his spine. He pulls his bag from under
Yoongi's bed and quickly puts underwear on, doing his best to ignore the alpha while he
clumsily dresses himself.

"Jimin," Yoongi tries again. "What are you doing?"

He's doing his best to ignore Yoongi and he's a little disgusted with himself for putting on clean
clothes over his sweat and come stained body, but his mind can't stand to be in the same room
as the alpha, even though everything else in him screams otherwise.

Yoongi's words ring in his ears still, and Jimin makes sure to repeat them in his head like a
mantra — it was just a one-time thing.



"Jimin, let me help you. I know you're in pain."

Jimin realizes the alpha has moved and is now sitting at the edge of the bed, much closer to
where he's standing and even in the dark, Jimin can see a glimpse of confusion on his face.

"No need," he turns his back to quickly pull on a shirt. "One-time thing right?"

He feels the oncoming tears burn his eyes, but he's determined to make it to the bathroom
without spilling a single one. He's so, _ so _ sore, and his exhaustion is beyond his
comprehension. Jimin doesn't wait for the alpha to answer him, he just grabs his phone and
storms out of the room, fighting every single instinct inside of him to just go back and wrap
himself around Yoongi.

After the bathroom door is safely shut and locked behind him, he lets out a deep breath. He
sinks down onto the floor, his knees pressed firmly to his chest, and glances up to his phone.
It's a little after two in the morning, and with the sporadic sleep he's had in the past 48 hours,
he's not even surprised.

His body tenses up when he hears the alpha's footsteps approaching and stopping in front of
the door he's leaned up against, and he can smell the warm coffee scent on the other side. It
has an undertone to it, though, there something bitter to it — and Jimin knows the alpha is in

It's a rare thing for an omega to smell — an alpha in distress — and there's an alarm going off in
his head and his skin crawls, his instincts screaming at him to do _ something. _

_ To comfort his alpha. _

He chokes on a whine and immediately covers his mouth with his hands, tears spilling once he
squeezes his eyes shut.

"Jimin," Yoongi's voice is calm, but Jimin can hear the hint of uneasiness. "Please talk to me."

"I-There's nothing to say," he sniffles and stomps his foot in anger, frustrated at how broken his
voice sounds. "Please, just leave me be."

He knows the alpha can hear the cracks in his voice, and he can probably tell he's crying. Jimin
is doing his best not to hiccup or sniffle too much, and he slowly curls into a ball on the cool
bathroom tiles, his bottom too sore for him to be sitting up straight.

"Please Jimin, just talk to me," Yoongi pleads from the other side of the door. "Open the door.
Let me help."

Even through the door, Jimin can feel Yoongi releasing his pheromones, and it helps Jimin
simmer down just a tiny bit. He lies on the floor, and even though the scent is muffled, it's still
comforting, and Jimin really, _ really _ wants to open the door and let Yoongi in.

He wants to, but he can't. It's only going to be harder to let him go once everything is done.

"Just go." He finally says, his fists clenching as he braces himself to be deprived of Yoongi's
comforting pheromones.

"Why won't you talk to me?" the alpha asks. "What have I done?"

Jimin's heart breaks a little, he can imagine Yoongi standing in the hallway with his brow
furrowed in confusion, but he can't have this discussion right now. He's overly sensitive and
dramatic, he knows, but he can't help it. The omega in him is screaming for the alpha, the need
to be close is almost unbearable.

"Fucking hell Yoongi, just _ go _ ," he says through his teeth while he drags himself over to the
bathtub and runs the water. "I just want to be left alone. Please."

Within a few seconds, he can no longer smell the pheromones and uneasiness washes over
him as he settles in the bathtub. He feels as if he was run over by a truck, both physically and
mentally. The alpha has given him everything he needed while still being very gentle, and
Jimin's heart aches in his chest knowing that it will never happen again.

He's such an idiot, he thinks, for ever thinking that this was going to have no repercussions. He
was too self-involved, his preheat clouded his judgment, and now he was sat in a bathtub, his
muscles sore, too exhausted to even pick up the washcloth and rinse himself properly.

It hurts, everything hurts, but above all things, the pain he feels in his chest hurts the most.

He's not surprised when he starts crying again, more so out of helplessness and annoyance
with himself than anything else. The bathroom is filled with his sniffles and sobs, and all he
wants is to have the alpha comfort him. He chokes on a whine, and he hopes that Yoongi is far
enough from the bathroom that he can't hear him.

He reaches for his phone, and even though it's almost three in the morning, he dials Taehyung's
number. Surprisingly, the omega picks up almost immediately, and Jimin sighs in relief when he
hears his best friends voice on the other side of the line.

"It's three in the morning Jimin and I was just about to finally get some sleep," he pauses once
he hears Jimin's muffled cries and he loses his bratty tone, concern immediately evident in his
voice. "Jiminie? What's wrong?"

"I f-fucked up, Tae," he stutters "I'm an idiot."

"What did you do?"

"I f-forgot to, I forgot to take my su-suppressants." Jimin grimaces as he tells his best friend
about his stupidity. "And I had to go through a heat."

Taehyung gasps on the other end of the line and Jimin can practically see him covering his
mouth with his hand.

"Holy fucking shit Jimin, are you okay?" he pauses. "What did Yoongi say?"

"H-he helped me thro-through it," he starts sobbing again, and he has to put the phone down for
a second so he can collect himself.

"Are you serious? You let him help you through your _ heat? _ " Taehyung's voice is squeaky,
"How did that happen? Was it good? Did you take his knot? Why are you crying now? Wait, did
he do something to you? I'll wake Hoseok up right now and I don't care that I'm in heat, we will
come over even if I have to fuck myse—"

"No, no, no." Jimin does not want to hear the end of that sentence, but he does manage to smile
a bit at his friend's protectiveness. "He took such good care of me Tae, and I don't just mean the

"So, why are you crying?"

Jimin is happy to notice that his sobs have died down and that tears are no longer staining his
cheeks, but he's still hiccuping and his vision is a bit blurry.

"I'm in so much pain, I've never been this sore in my life," he explains. "I basically just told him
to piss off because it was a one-time thing. I did him a favor, it just hurts. My heat just broke and
I feel like I’m overreacting."

No amount of Taehyung's soothing words help fill the void he feels in his gut, but he's still
beyond thankful to his friend for at least trying. He makes sure that Taehyung is okay before
they end the conversation and he promises to call once he's calmed down.

He exits the tub as the water has gotten cold and  doesn't feel comfortable anymore, and he
stares at his reflection in the mirror after he's dried himself and put on clothes.

Jimin barely recognizes his own face, he looks exactly how he feels — miserable. His eyes are
bloodshot and swollen, his cheeks hollower than usual, and his normally tanned skin looks
rather pale, and the dark circles under his eyes only accentuate that.

He shakes his head and his stomach is filled with anxiety once his hand sets on the doorknob,
realizing that he's probably going to face the alpha again. He carefully opens the door and
rushes through the hallway, cautiously glancing towards the living room, making sure Yoongi's
not anywhere in sight. Jimin is surprised to see the door of Hoseok's room wide open without
the alpha inside. The living room is empty and so is the kitchen, and Jimin frowns as he paces
towards Yoongi's room, the omega in him hoping that he is waiting in there, ready to talk things

Yoongi's room is empty, though, but he can see that the sheets are changed and that the bed is
made, and that there's a sandwich left on the nightstand. The knot in Jimin's stomach tightens
as he realizes that he made the alpha leave his own apartment in the middle of the night, but
not without making sure he's been taken care of first.

He feels awful for being so hostile towards him, but he knows it was for the best. He is just
trying to protect himself. It doesn't feel like he's protected anything or anyone, though, and he
eats the sandwich even though knowing that the alpha made it for him after he's treated him like
that leaves a bitter taste in his mouth.

It's funny how the two days they have spent together suddenly canceled out years of effort Jimin
has put into avoiding Yoongi. It hadn't been always been easy — he'd see him during playtime
in kindergarten but avoiding him wasn’t too difficult as Yoongi usually stuck to his alpha friends
who were also supposed to start school soon.

He never got his raccoon back, even though he's pretty sure Yoongi had tried giving it back on
more than one occasion. He’s never seen the alpha play with it ever again, either.

Once Yoongi started school, everything progressed much easier. Jimin didn't have to see him
on the daily, and the shift in their dynamic made a lot more sense. Yoongi made new friends
and didn't care much for Jimin who was still a kindergartner. On the occasions where they'd
have to see each other, it was always convenient that there were other kids too, so he didn't
have to talk to him much anyways.

In middle school, one of Yoongi’s friends conveniently made fun of Jimin for being short, and
that somehow gave Jimin a good reason to label the alpha as an asshole — not that the alpha
was even there when it happened, or had anything to do with it. It was just easier that way.

When they got older, even though they went to the same high school, Yoongi was quite a
popular alpha and friends with the older kids — he had always been nice and polite to Jimin but
at that point, they had drifted apart so much that there was no point in pretending they were
friends, even for their other friends' sake.

Jimin was always short and snappy with him— and as years went on, his scent evolved and
became even more alluring to him, and he decided it was probably best to avoid Yoongi
altogether, if possible.

That became very hard once Taehyung started dating Hoseok. He'd look for any and every
excuse to not be around Yoongi, and even to be somewhat rude to him if the opportunity had
presented itself. He hated the feeling of self-consciousness he had when Yoongi was around,
and the only person who understood that was Taehyung. They never really told Hoseok
anything and the alpha had always been confused as to what Yoongi could have possibly done
to upset Jimin so much.

It was an omega thing alphas simply couldn't understand. No matter how much Jimin had
always hated that classist bullshit, he couldn't deny his nature — the scent was probably the
most important thing to an omega, something they'd pride themselves on, and explaining to an
alpha how much hearing something negative about that has hurt ever since kindergarten
sounded both ridiculous and useless.

When Hoseok and Taehyung mated after Taehyung graduated high school, Yoongi had gotten
so drunk at the celebration that he could barely walk. They all went to this barbecue place and
Taehyung and Hoseok were buying everyone drinks, even Jimin, who liked to think of himself as
someone who could handle his alcohol well, was pretty damn drunk.

It was the first time Yoongi and he actually interacted properly and even managed to hold a
decent conversation. Before he entirely blacked out he gave him some college advice, given
that Jimin decided to major in the same thing he did. The alcohol helped ease the tension
between them and Jimin was so intoxicated with both the alcohol and the alpha that he just let
himself go with the flow. He still remembers Taehyung eyeing him from the end of the table
then, watching as the conversation unfolded between the two. It was the first time Jimin had
forgotten how self-conscious he felt around the alpha, and they even decided to take a taxi to go
home together, as Taehyung's and his apartment was in the same direction as Yoongi's and
He remembers the alpha slurring his words in the back of the cab, and it was all going just fine
until he started mentioning Jimin's scent. It was as if he had immediately sobered up right then
and there, his cheeks immediately burning up as he was reminded of it. The alpha kept huffing
and slurring something about it being too much, and he even opened the _ window _ of the
car. Jimin had never been so embarrassed in his life, he almost told the taxi driver to stop and
let him get out right then and there. He didn't, though, so he just settled for looking out the
window and ignoring the alpha's babbling as much as he could, trying to hold back the tears that
were starting to burn his eyes.

After the taxi ride incident, Jimin had tried not to hold too big of a grudge, knowing that the alpha
was blackout drunk. Still, the words burned into the back of his mind, only further confirming
what he had known the alpha to think of him throughout the years.

Jimin swallows his tears as he sulks in the freshly made bed, reluctantly remembering their not
so pleasant interactions from the past. The same thing happened in the bathroom the other day,
he remembers, when the alpha straight up mentioned how much it stank.

Then why did Yoongi agree to help him during his heat? Had he felt that bad for him? Jimin
couldn't just forget the past two days where the alpha has been nothing but sweet and
understanding towards him, and his gut filled with even more anxiety thinking that he might have
lost the potential friendship they could have had.

He hates how unstable his thought process is, he's confused by everything and he's slowly
beginning to regret his heated reaction. As his mind begins to clear, he realizes that he needs to
be an adult about this. If he had the balls to ask for the alpha to help him during his heat,
regardless of his raging hormones, he should have the balls to talk things out with him too. He
seems reasonable enough, and in all honesty, Jimin was surprised to find out how easy it is to
get along with Yoongi, and maybe, once he learns to control his drooling over the alpha's scent,
they could start building a friendship.


He groans and rubs his eyes, and his gaze drops onto the shelf above the desk. He blinks at it
for a couple of moments, waiting for his vision to clear as he stares at the plushies sitting there.

He frowns and scoots closer to the edge of the bed where he can see the plushies better and
holds his breath as he carefully examines them one by one.

_ It can't be, _ he thinks and pushes himself onto his feet, slowly walking over to the shelf. He
reaches out and takes one of the plushies sitting at the back, and his heart races as he brings it
closer to himself.

It's _ the _ raccoon, the one Jimin had given Yoongi in kindergarten and he has to flip it in his
hands multiple times in order to make sure it's the exact same one. There's no mistake, though,
it looks a little worn out, due to how old it is and how long the alpha's had it, a couple of patches
on his tail which presumably fell off at some point. Still, it's there, sitting amongst other plushies
in all its glory.

Knowing that Yoongi had kept the raccoon for all these years sparks something inside of him,
and he feels the warmth settle in his stomach as he holds the plushie tightly to his chest. He
walks back to the bed and climbs under the covers with the toy still in his hands, nuzzling into it
and inhaling Yoongi's strong coffee scent which is embedded in it. It feels comforting and smells
so much like the alpha that Jimin is almost overwhelmed. His lips curl into a small smile when
he thinks about how Yoongi's had something of his this whole time, and that he had liked it
enough to keep it around even during his college days.

The scent of the toy settles the uneasiness he feels in the pit of his stomach enough for him to
finally let the exhaustion take over him so he can finally get some sleep.

He wakes up feeling a little better despite his muscles still feeling sore. The hollowness in his
stomach due to Yoongi's absence feels tolerable, and Jimin assumes it was because he'd slept
with the plushie that smells almost as strong as the alpha himself.

He wonders if Yoongi's returned home, and he hopes he can apologize for the way he's acted
and finally clear the air with him once and for all. He drags himself to the bathroom, noting that
Hoseok's room and the living room are still empty. His face drops as he realizes that he's not
there yet and walks over to the kitchen, desperate to get something to eat.

As he approaches the kitchen door he realizes there's definitely someone inside, and his
anxiety spikes up as he's met face to face with the alpha. Yoongi looks as if he hasn't slept at
all, his hair somewhat messy and his neck bruised around his scent glands.

Jimin gulps as he's hit with his scent, but there's something different about it, something Jimin
can't quite put his finger on. He smells the usual warmth of coffee and cardamom, but there's
something else there. Something sweet, most likely honey, and maybe even a hint of vanilla. It’s
unfamiliar, and his heart drops once their eyes meet.

And that's when he realizes.

_ He smells like another omega. _

4. Unresolved

**Summary for the Chapter:**

> "You did, you abandoned it and you never wanted it back," Yoongi insists, "but that's okay. I
was more than happy to keep it for you. Until maybe, you've changed your mind."

**Notes for the Chapter:**

> hello i'm veryyyyyy nervous about this chapter ok but i hope you like it, and sorry for the
mistakes, i almost gauged my eyes out while editing!
> come say hi to me on [TWITTER](

Jimin can feel his heartbeat ring in his ears, and everything feels like it's going in slow motion.
His vision is blurry and he feels detached for a moment, not sure if his nose is playing tricks or
him or not.

_ "Jimin." _

He hears Yoongi's voice somewhere in the distance and it takes a second for his visual and
auditory senses to come back to him. His vision clears and he's staring at Yoongi, eyes wide
and glossy. Jimin's gaze drops to the alpha's neck again and he carefully examines the bite
marks around his scent glands. The skin there is red going purple, the bruises there looking

The omega swallows thickly, meeting Yoongi's eyes again. He looks as tired as Jimin feels, but
Jimin can't bring himself to speak. His nose twitches and he sees the change in the alpha's
expression once that happens. Yoongi is right _there_ , in front of him, but he can't seem to
think about anything else but honey and vanilla in the undertone of his scent. It's so, _so_ faint,
and he's not sure how he can even smell it, but it's like it's the only thing he can focus on.

Very sweet and subtle, and he absolutely hates it. It's disgusting, and it doesn't mix well with
Yoongi's scent, not even one bit. It's all wrong and it gives him a very unsettling feeling, adding
onto the pile of uneasiness he's already felt since last night.

"You smell different," he says flatly, eyes fixated on the alphas.

He's focused on every movement, every twitch of the alpha's muscle, and he's sure to notice
when Yoongi's jaw clenches as well as the tiny crease in his brow. It seems as if he's about to
reach out for the omega, but Jimin is quick to flinch away, even though he's not sure what the
alpha's intention was in the first place.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean," he takes in a sharp breath, "that you are a filthy liar."

Jimin's nostrils flare and he inhales dramatically, not taking his eyes off of the alpha. His
stomach is upset, there is a lump in his throat and the honey scent feels almost acidic. It burns
the skin inside of his nose and he nearly chokes on it — too dramatic for how faint it is, but the
omega in him won't let him rest.

"And what is it exactly that I have lied about?" Yoongi's clenched jaw relaxes and his features
soften, confusion taking over his expression.

Jimin pauses for a moment, as if he's sobered up and brought back to reality. He immediately
regrets saying that, he knows it’s not right. Yoongi hasn't lied about anything, not that Jimin is
aware of, so his words really hold no weight. He's acting stupid, letting his hormones cloud his
judgment, but his own instincts don't let him just apologize and walk away, even though he
knows that’s the right thing to do.

It's a conflicting situation to be in, to feel as if you want to do one thing but feel the _ need _ to
do another; and standing there in the middle of the kitchen, one pair of brown eyes staring into
the other — he's never felt so torn.

The omega clears his throat and looks away, his cheeks burning a little as he realizes that
there's no good way to respond to Yoongi's question without making himself sound like an
absolute crazy person.

Yoongi folds his arms across his chest after he rubs at his eyes, fatigue evident on his face.
He's waiting for the omega to answer, and Jimin grips at the chair behind him, leaning his entire
weight on it as he gulps and looks back at the alpha.

"Just..." he begins but his voice trails off, unsure of what to say.

"What did I lie about? Because you are the one who told me to get lost last night. Is there
something I have done that I'm unaware of? I'm trying really hard to understand what's going on,
Jimin." Yoongi says, and Jimin really doesn't know how to word what's bothering him or why. He
knows he has no right to.

Jimin fidgets and taps his foot nervously, gnawing on his bottom lip. His eyes dart around the
room as if the kitchen appliances are hiding the answer he needs in order to make sense of
what he's saying.

"You _ smell _ different." He insists dumbly, and Yoongi's face falls a little.

The alpha looks somewhat disappointed, Jimin notices, and the anxiety from the pit of his
stomach travels all the way up to his throat and he unwillingly whines as he stares at Yoongi's
expression. The omega isn't quite sure in what direction this is heading, but the faint scent of
honey and vanilla combined irks him so much he's about ready to start hissing.

He has no right to, though, he reminds himself once again, even though claiming ownership
over something that’s not his was partially instinctually embedded in his DNA. These weren't the
old times, and it's not like he was going to shift into a wolf and track the other omega down so
he could rip their throat out. Alphas and omegas have evolved and stopped shifting, their own
personalities taking over and being in control of their primal instincts, so Jimin really has no
excuse in acting posessively or just downright mean, other than the fact that he’s just being a
bitch for the sake of it.

It's not like his reaction right now is severe, but it's not right, he knows that. But, just because he
knows, doesn't mean it's going to stop him from acting like an absolute idiot.

"I know." Is all the alpha says, looking Jimin straight into the eyes as the words leave his lips.

The lump in Jimin's throat intensifies, and he feels as if he might choke. He's nauseous and it's
difficult for him to breathe, so he quickly pulls out the chair he's been leaning on and sits down
on it instead. He folds his arms over the backrest and rests his cheek on his forearm. Jimin can
see the alpha slowly approaching with the corner of his eye, and it's not long until the alpha
lowers himself and crouches down, their eyes meeting again.

"Jimin," he begins softly, his hand resting over the omega’s, "you told me to get lost last night.
I'm not sure I can understand what it is that's bothering you unless you tell me. I'm tired of
assuming, and I'm clearly very bad at it, too."

Jimin's eyes sting and he rubs the tears away before they start falling — he's tired of all the
crying he's done and he's tired of looking so weak. He tries to ignore the omega in him as much
as he can, attempting to focus on forming coherent sentences that at least somehow make

This would probably be the best time to put all the cards on the table and Jimin sniffles before
he speaks again. He's not going to cry.

"I... You—" he struggles, and Yoongi just gives him a nod of encouragement. "You smell like
another omega."

He hears the words leave his mouth but he doesn't remember his brain approving of them and
Jimin really feels like slapping himself, _ hard _ . Yoongi blinks up at him for a couple of
seconds before he nods again.

"I do."

Jimin thinks of ways he could potentially save himself from an even more embarrassing
situation. Minutes pass before a lightbulb goes off in his head, and he sighs in relief before he
gathers the courage to look the alpha straight in the eyes again.

"It bothers me," he says.

There's a shift in Yoongi's expression again and he looks as if he's almost relieved. Jimin isn't
sure why, but soon after there's a smile spread across the alpha's face, and he tightens his grip
on Jimin's hand.


"Yes," Jimin clears his throat, "I'm allergic to honey. It really bothers me."

"You're... what?" Yoongi's face drops and he frowns in confusion, his hand slipping away from
Jimin's and softly hitting his knee. "I don't even know how you're able to smell it. It bothers you
that much because you're allergic to honey?"

Jimin nods.

"That's... Seokjin's scent is something that usually causes other people's mouths to water. I
swear he's even had omegas court him."

The words feel like a slap to his face and he's sure to grimace once they leave the alpha's lips.
No wonder he had no problem leaving in the middle of the night — he was probably sick of
Jimin's scent being everywhere, and he went to another omega to relieve himself. He hates that
this thought even occurred to him, but he can't deny that it doesn't make sense. He also can't
really blame Yoongi, either.

Yoongi is still looking at him, his expression a mix of confused and perhaps even disappointed.

"I'm sorry," he finally says as he pushes himself to stand up straight and Jimin's eyes follow his
movements, "I don't want it to bother you. I'll go take a bath and get rid of it."

He leaves the kitchen before Jimin can open his mouth to say anything, and he shakes his head
in an attempt to chase the tears away. His heart tightens in his chest as he listens to the alpha's
footsteps which slowly fade, and he finally stands up himself, not paying any attention to his
stomach rumbling.

Remembering the initial reason he even came to the kitchen in the first place, he opens the
refrigerator and stares at the food for a few minutes before he closes it. He doesn't feel like
eating anymore, the taste in his mouth too bitter after his conversation with the alpha. It would
be stupid to say that his heart broke, but he feels like it did. His insecurities creep up on him
again and he feels very self-conscious again — a feeling he hates the most, even more than
being embarrassed.

He wishes he wasn't so affected by Yoongi's words and he wishes he wasn't so quick to give
into his instincts. Once again, the late regret kicks in as he walks back to Yoongi's room, and he
feels incredibly stupid for even mentioning he could smell anything on him.

Jimin climbs onto the bed again and pulls the blanket up to his chin. He misses Yoongi's
comforting pheromones soothing him and he wonders if anything will ever have as big of a
calming effect on him as that does. He decides to settle for the next best thing — the raccoon
which is now the closest thing to Yoongi's scent he actually has.

The omega snuggles the raccoon and breathes in the warm coffee scent, his distress a little
eased. He still feels very tired and drained, and the conversation couldn't have gone farther than
what he had hoped it would go like. The sweet honey vanilla scent burns in his nostrils still and
his heart breaks a little as he wishes he smelled like that, too. He's never really hated his own
scent, he was fond of flowers and for the most part, everyone else was too. His was different —
refreshing even, but somehow all the praises he had gotten over the years meant nothing when
he wasn't appealing to the one person he had realized he wanted — Yoongi.

One would think that sex wasn't such a big deal to him, and it really wasn't. It wasn't about that,
though, it was about the closeness he felt to the alpha. He wanted him close, _ needed _ him
close, and if that meant having him only as a friend, Jimin was willing to take it. Whether he was
able to handle just being friends was doubtful, though, and truth be told, he probably wasn't. He
didn't think of himself as a weak person, but in this situation, he certainly seemed that way.

He nuzzles further into the plushie and closes his eyes, hugging his stomach as it rumbles
again.  Even though he's hungry still, he cannot bring himself to eat. There's a knot in his
stomach and a lump in his throat — he wants to eat, but he might throw it all back up if he dares
take a bite of anything.

Jimin lays there with his eyes closed, inhaling the comforting scent of the plushie. He feels
drowsy and it's almost as if he might fall asleep again — but he doesn't, not entirely. His
thoughts are scattered and he's not entirely aware of everything around him so he doesn't hear
the knock on the door the first time as he's half napping, his mind going in and out of

There's a knock on the door again, a little louder this time, followed by a soft "Jimin?" coming
from the other side. He forgets where he is for a brief moment, and he mumbles a barely
audible "come in", his half-conscious self expecting Taehyung to walk through to the door.

The door clicks and the alpha walks in, his scent cleared of any unfamiliar undertones. It
immediately sobers Jimin up and he snaps back into reality, freezing in place as he realizes his
nose is still buried in the raccoon plushie.

Slowly, his gaze darts towards the door where Yoongi is standing still, his eyes slightly widened
as he stares down at Jimin. The omega squirms a bit and his cheeks turn into the brightest
shade of red — he can _ feel _ it — and his body immediately feels hot and tingly, his heart
racing as he turns his face to meet Yoongi's eyes.

Yoongi doesn't say anything and Jimin quickly ducks his head under the covers, the same way
he used to when he was a child and his mother would catch him doing something he wasn't
supposed to. It's an automatic ego defense mechanism, something he goes back to when he's
absolutely mortified. And if there weren't enough embarrassing situations he's found himself in
ever since he's entered this damned apartment, this one sure takes the cake.

Jimin’s neck and cheeks burn but his tense muscles relax a bit and he doesn’t feel as if he’s
going to throw up anymore. It’s Yoongi releasing his comforting pheromones, he realizes, and
he relaxes under the blanket, slowly pulling it down to uncover himself, stopping right below the

The alpha is looking at him tentatively and he’s hesitant himself — until Yoongi rubs the back of
his neck and clears his throat.

“It’s yours, you know.” He says, voice a little airy.

Jimin notices a slight shade of pink spread across the alpha’s cheeks, and he suddenly feels a
bit better. The pheromones help too, and there’s a strange feeling of relief that comes with the
comfort — it feels as if his safe place has returned to him, and he smiles a little. He looks at
Yoongi with a little more confidence now, and then back at the plushie that's safely pressed to
his chest.

"You still have it," is all he manages to say as he pushes himself up to sit up straight, back
resting against the headboard.

Yoongi takes a few tiny steps towards the bed, hesitantly stopping right at the edge of it. Jimin
folds his legs underneath himself and sets the plushies on his lap, slightly digging his fingers
into it in order to calm the rest of his nerves.

"I do," the alpha replies, taking another hesitant step towards the bed, "I've had it all this time,
was my favorite thing to play with growing up."

Jimin can't help the smile that slowly starts spreading across his face. He looks down to his lap
in order to avoid eye contact and he feels a slight dent in the bed. The alpha now sits on the
opposite side of it, carefully eyeing Jimin who digs his nails further into the plushie. Looking at
Yoongi's puffy face in broad daylight, seeing the dark circles around his eyes and the purple
bruises on his neck makes Jimin all hot on the inside as the flashbacks from what they were
doing up until last night on this exact bed slowly creep in. He blushes again and rubs his cheek,
shifting a little so he's sitting more comfortably.

"Raccoons were your favorite animals, right?"

"They still are," Yoongi chuckles, "I think my love for them grew even more after you gave me

Jimin's eyes widen as he looks at the alpha, wondering if his words could mean what he would
like them to. Yoongi shifts a bit towards Jimin, closing the space between them. He's sat
somewhere in the middle of the bed now, much closer to him, and he slowly reaches out. It
takes Jimin a couple of seconds to understand what it is that Yoongi wants and he almost
stupidly holds his own hand out. Luckily, he quickly realizes that the alpha is reaching out for the
plushie and Jimin hesitantly gives it to him. He's careful to not make their hands touch as he
gives it to Yoongi, and the alpha cutely pulls it to his chest after Jimin releases his grip. The
omega almost laughs, it's as if nothing has changed since kindergarten and Yoongi looks
exactly the way Jimin remembers him from that day — minus the bleached hair.

"It's yours, technically," Yoongi says again as he absently looks at the raccoon. "I just never
gave it back."

"You're like, twenty years late in returning it," Jimin laughs and shakes his head, his eyes
focused on how carefully the alpha is handling the toy. "But it's okay. You can keep it."

Yoongi lifts his head up again and their eyes meet, making Jimin all hot and tingly again. God,
he's so beautiful.

"Oh really? I can?" Yoongi's lips curl into a smirk and he snorts loudly, hugging the raccoon
tighter to his chest. "I don't think it would want to go back to his original owner, anyways. He
abandoned him."

Jimin gasps and dramatically covers his mouth with his hand. The atmosphere between them
has shifted and feels so much more comfortable, the tension almost gone.

"I did not!" He yells and reaches for the raccoon but Yoongi is quick to snag it away in one swift

They're a bit closer to each other now, and Jimin's heartbeat is a little faster than usual. Their
conversation is playful and Jimin is relieved, but all he can think about is how he has to
apologize for what he's said in the kitchen. It wasn't right and he isn't that kind of a person.

_ It's not just your scent he hates, you're an asshole too, _ it occurs to him, but he quickly
pushes the thought to the back of his mind.

"You did, you abandoned it and you never wanted it back," Yoongi insists, "but that's okay. I
was more than happy to keep it for you. Until maybe, you've changed your mind."

There's something about Yoongi's words that makes Jimin stop chuckling and once he lifts his
gaze up from the plushie, he realizes that the alpha is staring at him intensely. He gulps, and he
can't help but feel like there's something more to Yoongi's words, like there's something he's
missing. It's almost as if he's not even talking about the raccoon at all, like there's something
Jimin should already know or at least have figured out by now.

He decides to ignore the tension that's rinsing between them again and he swallows thickly.

"Hyung, I'm sorry," he says honestly, looking straight into Yoongi's eyes. "I'm sorry for making
you so uncomfortable last night that you had to leave your own apartment. I have no excuse."

Yoongi tilts his head to the side a little and his eyes soften as he looks back at Jimin. He nods
slowly and Jimin takes a deep breath before he continues.

"I also want to apologize for calling you a filthy liar earlier. I don't know what came over me, it
was such a stupid thing to say," he laughs uncomfortably. "I'm not usually like this, I promise.
This heat hit me way harder than I expected it to. I guess I'm just finding it hard to keep my
hormones in check since it was so hard and sudden, and it ended before I was able to wrap my
head around it."

Yoongi looks down at the plushie and doesn't say anything for a little while as he plays with the
raccoon's tiny paws. It's quiet and Jimin swallows around the lump in his throat which only
seems to grow as the seconds of silence turn into minutes.

The alpha finally looks at him and smiles shyly, slowly shaking his head.

"You know," he begins, "I always feel like there's something I'm missing with you. I've been
trying really hard to understand you for a very long time now, and the other day, when you were
in preheat, I honestly finally thought I did."

Jimin's eyes feel as if they might water but he just takes a breath and nods along the alpha's
words. He firmly presses his lips and lets the alpha continue, determined to hear him out this
time before he jumps to any conclusions.

"It's been a concern of mine for some time now, and I've even tried talking to Taehyung about it
a few times after I've gotten nowhere with Hoseok," he sighs loudly and fidgets with the
raccoon's paws again before he blows at his bangs and continues, "of course he said that if I
ever wanted answers I should come and talk to you. And when your preheat started, it affected
me too, you know? But we started getting along so well just like that time at that restaurant
when Taehyung and Hoseok mated, remember? I think there is a lot of potential for us to be
friends, Jimin. I think we're quite similar. But I can't help but feel like I'm missing something with
you. I've gone back and forth in my mind trying to remember every interaction we've ever had
and what had caused you to have such a strong dislike towards me. At one point I honestly
thought you just didn't like me, period. But now, I can't help but feel like that's not the case,
Jimin. So, there must be a reason. How long are you going to let me bang my head over this?"

Jimin's mouth drops open and he takes a moment to process everything the alpha had said.
Taehyung has told him that Yoongi had asked about him before, but it was never explicit — he
would usually mention it in passing as they would talk about something else and Jimin had
always been quick to brush it off. It didn't seem important at the time, but now he wishes it did.

His heart beats loudly in his chest, and he's certain that the alpha can hear it. Jimin notices that
Yoongi has moved a bit closer to him again, their knees almost touching now. His throat is dry
and he doesn't know how to approach the situation without pushing Yoongi away again or
creating another rather uncomfortable one for himself. If he's honest, he never really thought the
alpha cared whether or not Jimin ever spoke to him but he was right — there always so much
potential for them to be friends, Jimin just never wanted to be _ just _ that.

The omega feels beyond torn. On one hand, all he wants is to have the opportunity to become
closer to Yoongi, but on the other, he's scared it could be too much for him. He tries to think
about this as rationally as he can. Jimin doesn't know if he'd be able to handle having Yoongi
around just as a friend after knowing how good it feels to be _ with _ him. Still, he knows that
there's no letting go of Yoongi now, the omega in him won't let him distance himself even
though the closeness might hurt much more.

He gulps.

"I'm s-sorry," he starts hesitantly, still unsure of what's going to come out of his mouth, "I'm not
trying to make this difficult. I know we've not been on the best of terms and that I haven't been
fair to you on many occasions, and I'm really sorry. I just..."

His voice trails off and he pauses, thinking how to phrase what he wants to say next. It's not the
easiest task when he has Yoongi there, in his space, studying his face so carefully as he

"I do want to try and be friends. We are very similar in certain ways and we do have a lot of
interests in common, I agree with you on that. You're not all that bad," he jokes a little before his
face turns serious, and he gulps at what he's about to say next. "But the comments about my
scent... They need to stop."

He gathers the courage and looks the alpha dead in the eyes, and Yoongi seems taken aback
by his words.

"About... your scent?"

"Yes. The bathroom comment."

Yoongi narrows his eyes and he looks beyond confused.


"And that time when we were sharing a cab? After Tae's and Hoseok's celebration party?"
Yoongi still looks a little confused so Jimin quickly clarifies, "when you literally rolled the window
down because it was too much for you? At least that's what you said."

Yoongi's eyes widen a little and his cheeks turn bright red. Jimin is caught off guard too as he's
never seen an alpha look so embarrassed and uncomfortable, and if the situation wasn't so
serious and he wasn't talking about something that's been weighing on him all this time, he
would probably laugh. He wants to mention the kindergarten incident too but it seems ridiculous
— these two instances were more than enough.

"I..." Yoongi stutters and there is so much tension between them that Jimin almost regrets even
saying anything. "I am so, beyond sorry. Oh my god, I was so drunk that night. I opened the
damn window!?"

The alpha looks a little frantic and Jimin just nods slowly.

"Oh my fucking god," Yoongi shoves his face into his hands and shakes his head, looking
absolutely mortified. "Oh my god, Jimin I am so, _ so _ sorry. God, that must have made you
so uncomfortable. I'm so sorry. I can't apologize enough."

He shakes his head in disbelief and Jimin wants to reach out and put his hand on the alpha's
knee, but he doesn't.

"I'm such an idiot," Yoongi rambles on, gesturing vaguely as if he's trying to make up for the loss
of words. "No wonder you can't stand me. I must have made you so uncomfortable, oh my god.
Jimin I promise you I'm so sorry. I'm not _ that _ kind of an alpha, I swear. I'll never mention it
again. Please forgive me? That was beyond inappropriate of me."

Jimin frowns a bit, unsure of what he meant that he's not "that" kind of an alpha. Mean?
Insensitive? He's not sure, but he's grateful that Yoongi has at least apologized. A tiny part of
him had hoped that the alpha would deny his own words, that he'd give him some sort of an
excuse clarifying that it was all a misunderstanding which would somehow make total sense in
his head. Unfortunately, he’s met with the harsh reality — and as much as it hurts, it’s not
unexpected. He decides to be reasonable this time around, and he softly places his hand on
Yoongi’s knee, squeezing it slightly.

“Thank you for apologizing,” he says. “Just don’t do that to any other omegas, okay?”

He tries to make light of the situation but Yoongi’s expression looks rather offended. He narrows
his eyes, flinching away a bit.

“I wouldn’t…” the alpha pouts, irritably rubbing the back of his neck. “I don’t do that. I don’t go
around telling every omega—”

“It’s okay,” Jimin softly interrupts. “I just… it didn’t feel good.”

Yoongi’s face drops even more, his dark circles accentuated as his expression looks beyond
upset. Jimin’s eyes dart towards Yoongi’s lap and he realizes that the alpha is squeezing the
plushie really tight, only releasing a bit once Jimin tightens his grip on his knee.

“This whole thing was a mistake,” Yoongi sighs, squeezing his eyes shut, his cheeks still red.

“What was?”

“Us… you know. We should have known better,” he pauses, “fuck, no, _ I _ should have
known better. I’m so sorry, Jimin.”

Jimin feels as if a hundred daggers stabbed him right in his heart and his stomach, and he
quickly drops his gaze down to his own lap before Yoongi can notice the tears that are gathering
in his eyes. It burns, and Jimin almost chokes as he’s trying not to sniffle. He covers his eyes
and fake yawns in an attempt to hide the real reason as to why he’s frantically rubbing at them.
The unsettling feeling in his stomach makes its return, and he suddenly feels even worse once
he remembers that Yoongi had caught him nuzzling into his raccoon.

_ He must find me pathetic, _ he thinks, but he can’t say that he blames the alpha.

“I’m going to go get some sleep. I barely managed to get any last night, and I see you’re tired as
well.” Yoongi says and slowly pushes himself off the bed, still looking rather disappointed. He
sighs somewhat sadly, and Jimin stares at him, holding his tears back to the best of his abilities.

“Let’s…” Yoongi begins quietly, “let’s have dinner together tonight? We could just try and… talk.
As friends?”

He looks hopeful, and Jimin’s heart breaks a little more. The omega can’t say no, he doesn’t _
want _ to say no, so he just nods. It’s a short nod, but Yoongi understands, and he makes his
way out on somewhat wobbly legs.

“Yoongi hyung?” Jimin calls just as the alpha is about to close the door behind him.


“Thank you,” he clears his throat. “Thank you for taking such good care of me while I was… you
know. And I’m sorry about last night. And this morning. You’re my hyung and I’ve been
disrespectful towards you for no reason. I’d love to try and be… friends.”

Once the door is closes behind the alpha, Jimin throws himself onto his back, shaking his head
in frustration and kicking at the bed mattress. He’s frustrated, he’s heartbroken, but a part of him
can’t help but feel a little bit relieved. Yoongi and him are at least going to try and have a
friendship, and at this point, Jimin will have him any way he can. Even if it hurts.

Huffing in annoyance, he walks towards the window and opens it, He tries to not sulk in the bed
for too long and gets his laptop out in an attempt to catch up to all the work he has neglected
due to his unexpected heat. Work has always been a good distractor for him, and Jimin hated
being irresponsible and slacking with his essays. He buries himself in work even though he’s
tired still but surprisingly, he manages to distract himself for a solid few hours.

The next time he glances at the clock he realizes it’s been almost four hours since he’s first sat
down and that his back is killing him. He stretches his arms out and cracks his neck a couple of
times before he decides to get up and stretch his legs, too. His stomach is twisting in pain, he
finally notices, but this time it’s not like during his heat. He realizes he hasn’t eaten anything at
all and it was almost dinner time. Rubbing his stomach, he steps out of the room into the dark
hallway and makes his way over to the living room. It’s dark but the TV is on mute, and he’s
surprised to find the alpha there with the AC on, wrapped into a blanket, half asleep.

Yoongi looks so warm and cozy and Jimin’s heart jumps in his chest a little as he tiptoes around
the couch and heads towards the kitchen, thinking this might be a good time for him to make
some dinner. He looks for something quick and easy since his stomach is twisting and rumbling,
and he quickly manages to find some instant noodles. It’s not the best option but it’s the fastest
as it would take ages for the meat to defrost and prepare.

He takes two packets of instant noodles and quickly cooks them, his stomach rumbling even
louder as the pleasant smell of food spreads throughout the kitchen. Jimin pours the noodles
into two bowls and grabs chopsticks from a drawer next to the kitchen sink before he makes his
way out of the kitchen and back to the living room. Yoongi is asleep and his nose cutely twitches
once the smell of the freshly cooked noodles fills the room. Jimin sets the bowls on the coffee
table and sits next to the alpha, gently shaking him so he could wake up.

"Hyung," Jimin whispers and Yoongi nuzzles his face further into the cushion, a whiny sound
emerging from the back of his throat.

The alpha throws his arm over Jimin's lap and the omega immediately freezes, feeling as if he
was electrocuted by the unexpected physical contact. He looks down at Yoongi's limp arm and
he bites his lip, holding back a small smile. Yoongi doesn't move again and Jimin sits still for a
second before he reaches out to shake the alpha again.

This time, his grip is a little firmer and the alpha's eyes flutter open almost immediately. He
takes his arm off of Jimin's lap and rubs his eyes, blinking up at the omega as his nose
scrunches at the smell of the food in the room.

"What time it is?" The alpha asks as his eyes close again, his breathing deepening.

Jimin thinks he might fall back asleep, but Yoongi opens his eyes and gives Jimin a lost look
and the omega shifts just a tiny bit so he could look at his face better.

"It's not that late," Jimin says. "Almost seven. But I made some food."

“Food?” Yoongi perks up and Jimin reaches for the bowl, holding it up in front of the alpha so he
can see it better.

“Yeah, instant noodles.” He grins and Yoongi rubs at his eyes again before he sits up and blinks
around disorientedly with his mouth opening and closing as if he’s trying to taste the noodles.

Jimin hands him the bowl and the chopsticks, and Yoongi quietly digs in, his eyes still adjusting
to the brightness of the TV that’s been left on. Jimin starts eating too, and he swears that those
are probably the most delicious noodles he’s ever had. Either that, or he’s so, beyond hungry at
this point that everything tastes like absolute heaven.

By the time Jimin is finished with his food, Yoongi is still is still quietly slurping on his noodles.
His stomach is finally full and he lays back into the cushions as he waits for the alpha to empty
his bowl as well. He watches the TV and once Yoongi is finally finished he turns to Jimin and
gives him a small smile.

“Thank you for the food,” he says as he stretches his arms in front of him, yawning after he does

“I literally just poured boiling water over the noodles,” Jimin laughs, shaking his head. “Besides,
this is your food. I should probably go grocery shopping tomorrow and fill the fridge up a little bit.
We still have to be roomates for a few days.”

“Absolutely not,” Yoongi waves his hand and grabs the remote so he could change the channel,
“There’s plenty of food. If you need anything, I’m more than happy to get it for you. Besides, you
still smell like heat.”

Jimin blinks.

“You can still smell me?”

Even in the dark, Jimin is pretty sure he can see the alpha’s cheeks go red, embarrassment
evident on his face.

“I… Yeah.” Yoongi says, eyes not leaving the TV. “Probably not a good idea for you to leave the
house just yet. Not alone, at least.”

Jimin scrunches his nose and lays back into the cushions, and Yoongi tosses half of his blanket
over him, not sparing him a glance. The omega gives him a questioning look and Yoongi just
shrugs, eyes still on the TV.

“The AC is on. I don’t want you to catch a cold.”

Jimin nods and pulls the blanket up to his chin, shivering a little at the mention of the AC. It’s as
if he’s just realized how low the temperature in the room is, and he’s suddenly very thankful for
the blanket. It smells like Yoongi, warm and soothing, and he tries his best not to nuzzle into it.

They don’t talk much, and Jimin can’t help but notice how the atmosphere between them is a
little tense, after all. Maybe it’s just him making it awkward in his head, but there’s definitely a
shift between them, and it makes Jimin feel uneasy. He suddenly remembers Yoongi saying
that what happened between them was a mistake, and it’s so, _ so _ stupid to feel bad over it,
but he does. He replays the scene from just two days ago in his head, right on this couch, where
they held hands and ate ice cream — and Jimin would give anything if they could do that again.
This time, Yoongi’s hands rest in his lap with no indication that they’ll be moving over to touch
Jimin anytime soon. It’s much harder than he’d thought it would be, they’ve been sitting here for
half an hour at best, and Jimin is about ready to lose his mind.

Yoongi’s scent is so intoxicating, so alluring yet so calming and familiar at the same time, and
Jimin breathes through his mouth whilst he tries to gather his thoughts. He wants to nuzzle into
Yoongi’s neck and scent the living shit out of him, but he can’t — it’s not something he’ll be able
to do ever again. Jimin is too aware of the alpha’s proximity but the established distance
between them is killing him, and he’s contemplating going back to his room just avoid the
feeling. His stomach feels funny — it’s not cramping, it doesn’t hurt, but there’s a strange feeling
hollowness inside, and the only way Jimin can think of settling it is being bathed in Yoongi’s

He wraps his half of the blanket tighter around himself, inhaling the deep coffee scent. It’s the
closest he can get to Yoongi without actually touching him. It feels nice for a little while until he
finds himself restless again, and he squirms underneath the blanket, the lack of contact
between the two of them seriously bothering him.

It’s not long before he’s lulled back into comfort by Yoongi releasing his pheromones, and Jimin
mentally slaps himself for showing his distress so evidently. The alpha doesn’t say anything but
the pheromones calm Jimin down just enough for him to stop squirming. It doesn’t stop his mind
from racing though, the flashbacks of the nights they’ve spent together distracting him from
peacefully watching the TV.

“Is everything alright?” Yoongi finally asks during one of the commercial breaks, finally turning to
face Jimin. “Are you hungry, still?”

“I’m fine,” Jimin huffs, tightening the blanket around himself.

“You sure?” The alpha gives him a long look, and Jimin looks back at him again.

For a moment, he contemplates just telling Yoongi what he wants, asking him if he could scent
him, just this _ once _ , but he decides against it. Even though his hormones haven’t exactly
settled, he still has nothing rational to blame his irrational behavior on, and he doesn’t want to
ruin the barely established friendship. Or at least, something that looks like the start of it.

“I’m sure.”

Yoongi doesn’t seem to buy it so Jimin forces himself to smile, and the alpha squints at him a
little bit before he shifts his focus back to the TV. His distress doesn’t go away entirely despite
Yoongi releasing his pheromones, but he does his best to keep still.

“Would you like some wine?” Yoongi suddenly asks, jumping to his feet and startling Jimin.

“Wine?” He repeats stupidly and the alpha nods, nervously shifting his weight as he awaits
Jimin’s answer.

He gulps. “I’ll have some wine.”

Yoongi nods again before he heads to the kitchen, and Jimin exhales loudly as the alpha leaves
the room. Truth be told, he probably could use some alcohol. Drinking wasn’t the healthiest
coping mechanism but in his case it did help — and he knew that within a couple of drinks, he’s
going to feel less tense.

The alpha comes back with a bottle of white wine and pours them two full glasses, and Jimin
doesn’t even try to hide his eagerness when he gulps his drink down. He downs the first glass of
wine fairly quickly and Yoongi isn’t too far behind him, and the conversation quickly starts
unfolding all on its own.

They have so much to talk about, Jimin realizes. It feels nice and pleasant, and he’s all warm
and fuzzy on the inside. After his second glass he feels a bit buzzed, and he can tell Yoongi’s
becoming more talkative, too. It feels as if with every drink, Jimin shifts a little closer to the
alpha, and Yoongi’s gaze becomes more intense on him. He might be imagining things, it might
just be the wine, but Jimin swears he can feel the tension between them — almost the same as
when he was in preheat.

“You’re a heavy drinker,” Yoongi remarks, his speech a bit slurred.

“I handle my alcohol well.” Jimin giggles in response, slamming his hand on the couch as if his
reply was the most hilarious thing he could have said.

“Oh holy shit—” Yoongi’s voice cuts off, “we downed the whole bottle.”

Jimin’s eyes dart towards the empty bottle and his face drops, realizing that there’s no wine left.

“Shit.” He gulps. “I guess we did.”

He looks back at Yoongi and their eyes meet in a long, intense gaze and Jimin’s heart jumps up
to his throat, beating so loud he feels as if it might burst out. It’s hard to breathe with the alpha’s
dark eyes watching him intently, and he swallows heavily before he breaks eye contact and
looks down to his lap.

“Are you up for another one?”

Jimin looks back up and they look at each other for a few short seconds before they both start
laughing hysterically and the omega falls back into the cushions, his arms wrapped around his
stomach as he laughs.

"Fuck it," he manages somehow, "let's have another one."

Soon enough, Yoongi is back with another bottle and the tension between is almost entirely
gone. They laugh and talk, both of their tongues becoming looser as the bottle slowly empties.

They're sat quite close to each other at this point, and Jimin is sure to slap Yoongi's thigh every
time the alpha makes him laugh really hard. He's only half aware of it, and Yoongi doesn't seem
to flinch at the touch, so he keeps doing it anyway. The warmth of the alpha's body which Jimin
feels through his sweatpants every time his hand ends up on his thigh makes his cheeks flush a
little, but he quickly shakes it off as just the alcohol effect.

Jimin starts feeling really loose halfway through the second bottle, and as time passes and they
down more drinks, the alpha's gummy smile doesn't leave his face. It makes Jimin happy to see
that he's able to make him laugh so much and that the tension is finally gone. He's in Yoongi's
space quite a bit now, and they're leaning towards each other when they laugh. They're leaning
so close into each other's personal space that their foreheads almost touch every single time.
Jimin wants to reach out and put his hand onto the back of Yoongi's neck and kiss him
whenever this happens, but not even the alcohol can make him that brave. Whatever it is that
they’ve had for those two days, it's over now. No amount of drunkness can erase the image of
disappointed Yoongi from that morning telling him that what they've done was a mistake.

It makes Jimin sad for a moment, but he's quick to shake it off. They're having a good time and
he wasn't about to sulk and ruin it.

"That ex of yours," Jimin blurts without thinking, interrupting Yoongi's mockery of the TV
commercial which was playing in the background, "the one who'd go into heat every ten
minutes. Why did you guys break up?"

Yoongi narrows his eyes and Jimin's cheeks flush and he takes a sip of his drink to hide the
embarrassment. It's a bold question to ask, but he doesn't really care. He's drunk and nosy, but
these types of boundaries are blurred and don't give too much out — he's just curious about his
new friends' dating life, so sue him.

The alpha looks at him for a couple of seconds longer before he bursts into laughter, his gums
showing as he leans towards Jimin, their faces dangerously close.

"Heat every ten minutes!" He snorts and takes another sip of his wine, pulling away from Jimin.
"That's hilarious. You're hilarious."

"So, are you going to tell me why?" Jimin bats his eyelashes, hiding behind his glass.

Yoongi eyes Jimin as he leans back and rests his arm over the headrest, crossing his legs while
he balances his wine glass on his knee.

"Maybe," he smiles sheepishly and takes another sip.

Jimin glances at the bottle and he realizes it's soon to be empty, so he quickly pours himself
some more, eager to get as much alcohol in his system as he possibly can.

"Tell me, come on," he whines and Yoongi snorts again before he sighs and scoots over a bit
closer to Jimin, making himself more comfortable.

"Well, for starters, we were quite different. I don't think he was necessarily what I'm looking for in
a mate and vice versa—"

"Why?" Jimin interrupts. "What is it that you're looking for in a mate?"

It's a very personal question, but Jimin doesn't care. He doesn't even feel embarrassed as the
alcohol kicked in just enough to embrace his bluntness without making him feel guilty for it. The
alpha's brows furrow at the question, but he doesn't seem mad. He looks rather confused, Jimin
thinks, but he patiently awaits the answer.

"I don't know," Yoongi finally says. "Stability, I guess? I feel as if that's the most important thing
to me. I'd like to have a partner, and not just an "omega", if that makes sense?"

Jimin nods. Suddenly, his heart tightens in his chest at the words. Yoongi wants a partner, not

"I want someone who I can talk to about anything and I want someone who will understand if I
don't want to talk, either," he continues, "and I don't want to just settle. I want the real thing. But,
I'm twenty-six, and almost all of my friends are mated, except for me. So, it's a little hard for me
to think about that so I try not to."

"Oh," Jimin says dumbly.

He hadn't thought about that. Jimin was never the one to really comply with social standards,
and his parents never urged him to find a mate even though, now that he thinks about it, most of
his friends are in fact mated.

Taehyung and Hoseok were the first couple to mate within his close friend group, quickly
followed by Jeongguk and Namjoon. The latter came as a bit of a surprise as Jeongguk was still
in his senior year of high school, but, as Namjoon's mother had said at the time, there really isn't
an alpha that's better suited for Namjoon than Jeon Jeongguk.

His own parents had never pressured him to find a mate — Jimin has had boyfriends before,
he's had flings, he's even tried dating betas. It was all satisfactory at best, not that he was
necessarily complaining, but nobody ever _ really _ appealed to him. Not the way Yoongi did,
at least.

"What did he smell like?" Jimin blurts again, but this time he regrets it. He doesn't really want to

His body feels as if it's vibrating, but the alcohol buzzing through his system doesn't kill the
anxiety that forms as he awaits Yoongi's response. What a stupid thing to ask.

"Like freesia," Yoongi closes his eyes and his nose scrunches a bit, kind of like he's able to
smell the scent right now, "freesia and there was a hint of something else too. I could never
figure out what the other thing was, but to be honest, it used to drive me nuts, especially when
he would be in distress. I couldn't figure out what it was, and it would confuse me so much
because I always felt as if the undertone kind of didn't belong there? I don't know, I'm talking
stupid. I'm drunk."

Jimin's jaw drops. Flowers. His ex-boyfriend smelled like fucking _ flowers. _ Jimin's anxiety
spikes up and this time, Yoongi's words really sting. Hard. He was expecting anything but
flowers, as flowers really weren't _ that _ common in omegas. Now, Jimin's alcohol-gained
confidence dropped even lower. It wasn't the scent of flowers that was the alpha's problem — it
was just _ his _ scent in particular.

"No, no, you're not talking stupid," Jimin croaks, trying to collect himself. He takes another sip of
his wine, and he feels the light dizziness as the alcohol effect washes over him. "It makes
sense. I always hate it when I like the predominant scent but can't get on board with the
undertone. It's like it ruins everything."

"What's your excuse?"

"What for?"

"For not being mated yet."

Jimin swallows around the lump in his throat and looks down into his glass which is almost
empty. He glances towards the bottle and there's very little left in it as well and he runs his
fingers through his hair, sighing before he decides to answer the question.

"Same reasons as you, I guess," Jimin replies. "I don't want to settle. My grandma would
probably say I'm being too picky and that as an omega, I'm being too harsh on the alphas
around me, but I don't really care."

Yoongi nods and finishes his drink. He reaches for the bottle and empties the rest of its content
into the glass and smiles to himself, making Jimin's brows furrow in confusion. He's not sure if
Yoongi's mocking him or not, but this time he decides not to jump to any conclusions. The alpha
looks him straight in the eyes and there's a glimpse of something in his eyes that Jimin can't
really catch. It almost looks like a hint of sadness, but Jimin is sure his eyes are playing him and
that his mind is too drunk to read any non-verbal cues properly.

"You shouldn't."


"Settle," Yoongi explains, his eyes not leaving Jimin's. It's such an intense look that the omega
can't help but shiver, gripping nervously at the blanket that's the only thing separating them.
"You should never, ever settle."

Jimin doesn't know how to take this but before he has the time to process it, Yoongi hands are
cupping his face, and he feels as if his heart is going to beat out of his chest. He forgets how to
breathe, and he feels hot under Yoongi's touch, and it's not just the alcohol.

The alpha's face is dangerously close, so close he can feel his wine laced breath on his lips,
and Jimin wants nothing more than to pull him by the collar of his shirt and lock their lips
together. The only thing stopping him is his uncertainty, so he waits. He waits because he
doesn't want to be the one who keeps assuming and pulling reckless shit, so he doesn't do

"I shouldn't..." Yoongi whispers, his eyes focused on Jimin's lips.

"Please," Jimin chokes on his own breath. "I want you to. Please."

Yoongi's lips slowly brush against his and the omega stills, not sure what to do with his hands.
He wants to tangle them in Yoongi's hair, to pull him closer, to deepen the kiss, but he doesn't.
He patiently waits, his heart beating so loudly in his throat as if it's threatening to choke him, and
Yoongi's lips brushing softly against his feel electrifying.

The alpha pulls Jimin a little closer, licking at his lower lip and it's so painfully slow but it feels
so, so good. He gives him a soft, gentle kiss on the lips and Jimin breathes out into Yoongi's
mouth, finally gathering the courage to throw his arms around the alpha's neck.

He forgets about their conversation from earlier that day, forgets how Yoongi said it was all a big
mistake — he isn't the one who's initiated anything this time, and the responsibility isn't on him.
He's sober enough to know better, but he can't help it. The hollowness that’s been present in
the pit of his stomach ever since his heat broke is finally gone — his heart feels whole when
Yoongi's lips are on his, he feels as if this is how it was always supposed to be. It feels _ right.

Yoongi leaves a trail of kisses from the corner of his mouth, all the way down his jawline and on
the side of his neck, and Jimin tosses his head back as he holds onto the alpha's broad

Their lips meet again and Jimin climbs into Yoongi's lap, straddling his hips as he deepens the
kiss. The alpha's hands rest on his lower back and Jimin's whole body burns with arousal. He
rolls his hips against Yoongi's crotch and the alpha moans into his mouth, his grip tightening on
his hips.

"Jimin," he pulls away, looking into Jimin's eyes as he tries to catch his breath. "Jimin, we

He doesn't let go of him, though, and Jimin looks into Yoongi's eyes long enough to know that
Yoongi's not playing around. He doesn't blame him, though, he knows they shouldn't, not after
everything they've talked about. Not after knowing that there will never be anything between
them. A part of him wonders if Yoongi can smell the lust on Jimin everytime their eyes meet and
if he is doing this out of pity — but for the first time ever since Jimin’s set foot in this apartment,
it doesn't seem that way. Yoongi looks genuinely torn, even though Jimin doesn't know over
what, but he has a feeling that there's more to their conversation from earlier than he had
initially thought. The way the alpha holds him, the way he kisses him, hell, even the way he _
looks _ at him is almost at an utmost contrast to his words, and Jimin wonders if maybe there's
something between them that's left unspoken on Yoongi's part as well.

Jimin sighs and stills in Yoongi's lap, laying his forehead down to rest on the alpha's shoulder.
Yoongi wraps his arms around him and holds him tight, both of them just listening to each
other's heavy breathing and irregular heartbeats.

"I'm sorry," Jimin says, not sure what he's apologizing for.

"It's not your fault. None of this is," Yoongi laughs a little as he gently strokes the back of Jimin's
neck. "I'm the one who needs to learn how to move on."

Jimin goes a little limp in Yoongi's arms, his nose resting just below the alpha's scent gland.
He's not even sure if he's heard the alpha well, all he knows he needs to stay here, feeling the
warmth of his body and inhaling his intoxicating scent. Jimin cups Yoongi's cheek and brushes
his fingers along his cheekbone, his eyes drooping slowly as the adrenaline rush retracts,
drunkenness making its return once again.

"Me too," he sighs deeply even though he's not sure if he's heard him well the first time.

He hears the vibrations of Yoongi's body from underneath him as the alpha mumbles
something, but he's suddenly too sleepy to pay any attention. He closes his eyes and breathes
in Yoongi's calming scent once again before he lets the tiredness take over and he falls asleep
in the alpha's arms.

Jimin is jolted awake by a harsh knock on the door followed by a loud ring of the doorbell. He
finds himself to be lying on the couch in the living room, rolled up into Yoongi's blankets with the
alpha nowhere in sight.

He suddenly remembers their make-out session from last night and his heart starts racing, and
he quickly looks around in hopes to see Yoongi somewhere, but the apartment seems empty.
His stomach flutters at the flashbacks and he smiles to himself, running his fingers through his
hair as he disorientedly glances towards the front door.

"Yoongi!" he hears a muffled yell from the other side of the door followed by another hard knock,
and Jimin forces himself to slowly get up.

The omega waddles towards the door, grimacing at his messy reflection as he passes the
hallway mirror. He unlocks the door and opens it widely, his hand covering his mouth as he
tiredly yawns into his palm.

He's met face to face with a tall, broad-shouldered omega. He's gorgeous, Jimin thinks, with
plump lips and dark hair, unusually tall and very angry-looking. Jimin frowns at the man who
stands at the doorstep with his arms crossed over his chest, and the omega scans him head to
toe, quirking his eyebrow when their eyes meet again.

It takes a moment for Jimin to breathe in the scent and once it hits him, his heart drops and his
stomach twists into a million knots. He almost whines in pain but he manages to swallow it.

The honey-vanilla scent is everywhere around him, infiltrating his nostrils, burning the back of
his throat and making nausea settle in his gut. It's _ the _ omega, Seokjin if he recalls the
name correctly, Jimin can _ smell _ him, and he has to fight the oncoming hiss which forms in
the back of his throat.

"H-hi," he gulps, trying his best to breathe through his mouth.

"Hi," Seokjin replies in a flat tone. "And who the fuck are you?"

**Notes for the Chapter:**

> i was very very nervous about this chapter and i've struggled with it a lot! i hope you liked it
though (and also don't kill me pls)
> comments & kudos are highly appreciated ^-^
> find me on: [TWITTER](

5. At Last

**Summary for the Chapter:**

> “I want us to be together, hyung,” Jimin whispers, resting his hand on the alpha’s cheek. “I
know we’ve missed out on a lot, but it doesn’t have to be that way anymore. I don’t want it to be
that way anymore.”

"What? Who the fuck am I?" Jimin frowns, taken aback by the blatant rudeness of the omega
standing at the door. "Who the fuck are _ you _ ?"

He damn well knows who's right in front of him, and it's taking everything in him to swallow the
oncoming hiss that's forming in the back of his throat. The honey and vanilla surrounding him
are so, _ so _ sweet, and Jimin can vividly remember smelling this scent on Yoongi just
yesterday. It makes him want to puke.

"I'm Kim Seokjin," he replies flatly, eyes going up and down Jimin's body, scanning every inch of
it. Judging.

Seokjin doesn't wait for him to answer but rather pushes past him and walks into the living
room, and Jimin can't do much but close the door behind him and follow. The living room is a bit
of a mess, he realizes as he rubs at his eyes again, the empty wine bottles still on the coffee
table as well as the empty bowls of noodles they ate prior to drinking. Jimin's stomach twists
and he realizes he must be hungry again. This realization only adds up to his feeling of
irritableness, and with the unfamiliar omega sitting down on the footstool after he's dramatically
avoided the couch, Jimin thinks he's not going to be able to contain his hiss for much longer.

"So, Jimin," Seokjin eyes him from where he's sat and he definitely doesn't look amused nor
friendly. He knows his name too, he realizes, which must mean Yoongi has been talking about
him. But, judging by the look on the omega's face, he definitely wasn't singing praises. "Where
is Yoongi?"

Good question. Jimin would like to know the answer to that as well, but he's somehow almost
relieved that the alpha isn't here. It would have probably made the situation ten times more

"I don't know," he replies honestly, plopping down onto the couch.

Seokjin quirks his eyebrow and takes a deep breath, moving the strands of hair away from his
forehead before he speaks again.

"It smells like _ this _ in here, and you don't know where he is?" He asks sarcastically, and
Jimin frowns at the tone. "Did you kick him out again?"

Jimin chokes on his own spit. He's suddenly mildly aware of the presence of his hangover, a
late realization due to such rude awakening. This is the omega Yoongi has gone to after Jimin
had told him to leave him alone, he knows, and it only intensifies his headache. He rubs at his
temples, breathing evenly and trying to keep his shit together.

"No," he finally says, lifting his gaze so his eyes could meet Seokjin's. "He left while I was still

"I see," Seokjin nods and his eyes soften a bit as he looks around the room, nose scrunching
once he glances over at the mess of blankets that's beside Jimin. "You reek of him."

It's Jimin's turn to nod as he doesn't know what to say to that. It's a statement that makes him
suddenly feel very self-conscious — he doesn't know this omega, nor his and Yoongi's

"Yoongi is my favorite dongsaeng and one of my closest friends," Seokjin begins as if he just
read Jimin's mind, "I worry about him a lot. The other night when you kicked him out of here he
asked if he could crash at my place. He was really upset, Jimin."

Jimin blinks. He doesn't know what he's supposed to say, so he just aimlessly keeps staring at
the older omega. A shot of relief goes through him at the words "closest friends", and he feels
bad that he had upset the alpha — still, he's not quite sure where Seokjin is going with this.

"I guess what I don't understand is why does it smell like this in here, and why do you reek of
coffee and cardamom when the other day you have made it abundantly clear you want nothing
to do with him?" He finishes and Jimin blinks up at him again, brows furrowed.

"I-What do you mean?" Jimin asks, unsure of what the question implies. It's true that he's acted
like a piece of shit towards Yoongi, but it was never a question in _ his _ mind whether he
wants something to do with him or not. They were doomed from the second Jimin started
nesting in Yoongi’s bed.

"I mean," Seokjin huffs in annoyance, clearly displeased with the lack of answers he's been
getting, "you've hated the guy for ages without a particular reason, no? Then suddenly, you ask
him to help you with your heat, and he does — and mind you, I've known Yoongi for a very long
time and I _ know _ how much he's liked you for _ years _ , so, therefore, I'm going to be bold
and assume he treated you like a fucking king during the whole thing, so I'm really having
trouble understanding why was it that you told him to fuck off after it was over? Better yet, why
did you even ask him to help you in the first place? Or actually no — I can even understand that,
maybe you were in preheat and you were getting horny and he was the only alpha in sight. I can
understand that. That's why I told him that the two of you need to talk. What I actually don't
understand is why would you tell him that he makes you uncomfortable and then have sex with
him again or whatever it is that you two did here last night?"

Jimin's jaw drops and he stares at the agitated omega in front of him. He's hit with too much
information all at once, and his heart starts fluttering before he can even process everything
Seokjin has just said. It's a lot to take in, and he's not sure he even understood it all, but he's
sure he's heard one thing — that Yoongi has liked him for years. It doesn't make sense in his
mind, not even a little bit, but he's sure that it's exactly what the older omega has said. His
thoughts race a million miles per hours and he closes his eyes for a second, his headache
intensifying as he tries to make sense of what he’s just heard.

Finally, he buries his face in his hands, sighing deeply before he says, "I'm so confused."

He rubs his cheeks as his eyes meet Seokjin's again and the older omega doesn't look pissed
off anymore, but rather confused as well. Seokjin takes the footstool he's sat on and drags it
closer to the couch where Jimin is sitting, until he's right in front of him, only a few inches away.

"Okay, Jimin, I know I might have dumped a lot on you," he says, voice much softer than before.
"I know that you're probably still a little hormonal from your heat. It's not my intention to scare
you. I'm very overprotective of Yoongi. I'm just trying to understand what's going on and why
you're leading him on if you've clearly stated he makes you uncomfortable?"

"What do you _ mean _ he makes me uncomfortable?” Jimin whines, genuinely lost. "When
have I ever said that?"

Seokjin pulls away a bit, frowning as he rubs at his cheek. "What do you mean when have you
ever said that? He called me yesterday after you guys talked. You've said you don't want him
commenting on your scent and you've even mentioned that incident in the taxi where he rolled
the window down. So if that made you so uncomfortable, why are you leading him on?"

Jimin makes a face, not sure if Seokjin is fucking with him or what.

"Okay," he begins, trying to collect himself as frustration piles up in the pit of his stomach, "how
would _ you _ feel if someone opened a car window because you fucking stink, if not

Jimin folds his arms across his chest, raising his eyebrows at the older omega who at this point,
looks even more confused than before. They look at each other in silence for a couple of
minutes, and Jimin swears he can hear them both think. There's something they're both missing
it would seem, and it takes another couple of minutes before Seokjin's expression morphs into
something that looks like a mixture of relief and amusement, and he facepalms himself so hard
Jimin almost jumps in his seat.

"Oh my fuck—" Seokjin laughs in disbelief and runs his hand over his face, "the two of you are
absolute fucking idiots. You think he thinks you stink?"

"Yes?" Jimin is now irritated and as lost as ever because nothing Seokjin is saying is making
sense in his head and he refuses to believe he's been wrong about how Yoongi feels about him
this whole time.

Seokjin bursts into laughter and Jimin jumps up in surprise, startled at the squeaky sounds the
older omega is making. He sounds ridiculous and it doesn't fit his poised self at all, and if Jimin
wasn't hungover and confused out of his mind he would have started laughing, too.

"The two of you are absolute idiots! What are you even talking about? He rolled the window
down because it was too much for him, you fool. And not in a _ bad _ way." He laughs again,
slapping Jimin's thigh. "He loves lotus. Like, actually loves. Have you _ seen _ his little
essential oil collection?"

Jimin nods stupidly. He's not sure if Seokjin is saying what he actually think he's saying but the
words made his throat feels dry. His heartbeat accelerates and the knot in his stomach tightens
and he feels a little light headed. Before he can begin to process what Seokjin had just said, the
older omega is on his feet and grabbing Jimin by his forearm, pulling him towards the bathroom.

He frowns as he watches Seokjin searching the cabinets and he finally pulls out Yoongi's stash
of oils and holds out the lotus oil bottle, the exact one alpha used on him the other day.

"You see this?"

Jimin nods.

"It's his favorite," Seokjin says knowingly. "See how big this bottle is? It's bigger than the rest of
these. The rest are basically sample sized."

The younger omega hesitantly approaches the drawer, immediately realizing that Seokjin is
absolutely right. The bottle _ is _ a lot bigger than the others, he notices.

"But, he literally told me I stink the other day when I was helping him bleach his hair," Jimin says
weakly, his voice thin.

"You can't possibly be this dense," Seokjin puts the oil back to the drawer and closes it with his
hip, leaning his back against it as he faces Jimin again. "He was probably referring to the
bleach. He was so distraught the other night when you kicked him out. I assure you, Jimin, he
doesn't think you stink. Is that why you've been pushing him away this whole time?"

Jimin nods, his eyes burning a little. He feels the tears gathering in his lash line but he's not
actually sad, maybe relieved, but not sad. He's not going to cry though, it's just all the
information hitting him all at once and he's struggling to wrap his head around it.

"Y-yes," he answers, voice shaky. His mind is racing so fast it’s making him dizzy, he’s trying to
remember every interaction he's had with the alpha throughout the years, every look, every
touch, every exchange.

Suddenly, their dynamic in the past few days makes absolute sense — Jimin had wanted him
but he never once thought that Yoongi had wanted him back, which now, with certain things put
into perspective, made no sense at all for him to think that way. Yoongi took such good care of
him, they were so in sync during his heat, and the distress he had smelled on the alpha the
night his heat broke wasn't Yoongi being mad — he was heartbroken.

It hits Jimin like a ton of bricks, and he realizes that even yesterday when they had both sat
down to talk, they were talking about two entirely different things. He can't believe how stupid,
how oblivious, and how self-absorbed he was this whole time, where if he had just given Yoongi
a chance, none of this would have had to be so complicated.

Jimin is mad at his own pettiness, and even though he still vividly remembers the kindergarten
incident, he realizes it doesn't matter. It never did. Yoongi was _ six _ .

"Do you like him, Jimin?"

"You have no idea how much," Jimin whispers. "Since I was a kid. And it's not just liking.
There's something there, I don't know how to explain it, but there is. At least on my part."

Seokjin nods and they both slowly walk out of the bathroom and back to the living room. They
sit in silence for a while as Jimin tries to process everything he had just heard in an attempt to
make some sort of sense of it.

"I genuinely can't believe that the two of you are this stupid," Seokjin snorts, sitting back down
on the footstool. "You were supposed to talk everything out so that you could be clear on where
you stand with each other."

"And we did!" Jimin pouts defensively, "or, at least, we tried to. I thought we were clear, I didn't
realize that we were on two different ends of the same story. I thought we were on the same
page. But last night he kissed me and I was trying so hard not to overthink it, and I just went
with it. There's something pulling me to him every time and I feel hollow when he's gone."

Seokjin glances at his phone and frowns before he gets up, shaking his head at Jimin ever so

"I have to go, I have work and I'm already late. I stopped by only to see if Yoongi was alive since
he wasn't answering any of my calls last night and we were supposed to go to a bar, but now I
see he's had his drinks anyways," he smiles as his eyes dart towards the empty wine bottles.
"The two of you need to talk, _ actually talk _ , and you need to tell him what you've told me. I
assure you Jimin, he feels the same way, if not stronger."

Jimin nods and gets up to walk Seokjin out, and the older omega is just outside the door before
he remembers to ask what he had wanted to ask this whole time, but was too embarrassed to.
Still, he needed to know.

"Seokjin-ssi," he begins, his cheeks flaring.

"Hyung is fine," Seokjin interrupts, turning to face him.

"H-hyung," he chokes out, "have you and Yoongi ever... you know."

Seokjin blinks at him for a couple of seconds before he bursts into laughter, his squeaks
echoing in the dark corridor of the building. Jimin can feel his cheeks burn, and it's not like it had
mattered anyway; Yoongi wasn't _ his _ — not yet at least, so it really wasn't his place to ask.
Still, he wouldn't be able to rest if he hadn't.

"Jimin-ah," Seokjin shakes his head, still laughing. "You crack me up. I'm pretty offended that
you'd ask me something like this, because, well, look at me. No offense to you, but I can do so
much better than an alpha who buys the whole "I'm allergic to honey" as an excuse from an

Jimin chokes on his spit and Seokjin winks at him before he puts his hand onto his shoulder,
squeezing it lightly.

"Don't worry," the older omega says seriously, "it's never been like that at all. He's my
dongsaeng. We're good friends. I'm pretty sure that if he thinks anyone stinks, he thinks that
about me. He's not a fan of honey. Trust me, we've never even had a remote interest in one
another. If we did, I wouldn't be here telling you to get your shit together and stop wasting your
time with him."

With that, Seokjin pats his shoulder and turns around to leave, and Jimin closes the door behind
him, sighing in relief once he presses his back against it. There's a little lump in his throat but it's
not sadness this time — it's anticipation.

His stomach flutters and he feels as if there are rocks being thrown inside of it, his heart
threatening to burst out of his chest with every passing beat. Jimin stays like that, with his back
pressed against the door for a few minutes before he decides to walk back into the living room.
He plops down onto the couch, pulling the blanket over himself again, thinking about what just

Jimin feels warm on the inside, and there's a slight rush of happiness resonating within him. He
closes his eyes and lets Seokjin's words echo in his head, his gut filling with content as he
remembers the exact words — _ I assure you Jimin, he feels the same way, if not stronger. _

The omega covers his face with his hands, smiling stupidly while he kicks his legs in the air,
feeling as giddy as ever. He lets out a deep breath and moves his hands away from his face,
looking around the room. Even though he had no idea where Yoongi was, he was probably
going to get home soon, and they will _ finally _ going to be able to put all of the cards on the
table. No bullshit this time, just pure honesty.

Jimin knows he is going to have to be honest, but this time, that doesn’t scare him. There is a
hint of anxiety in him still, but it‘s hard to focus on it with the eagerness inside him — he just
can’t wait to be near the alpha again. He can’t remember the last time he felt so happy or so
excited for the future, and if him and Yoongi could get over years and years of animosity, they
could get over anything.

Forgetting about his hangover, Jimin jumps to his feet and frantically starts cleaning up the
mess they left on the coffee table last night. He quickly throws the empty wine bottles away and
washes the glasses and the bowls which were laying there ever since they've had dinner, and
after he's smelled himself, he realizes there's alcohol still oozing out of him. Disgusting. Quickly,
he paces to the bathroom, determined to take a shower and look somewhat presentable before
the alpha returns.

He’s quick to wash himself and jump into clean clothes, deciding to let his hair air dry. Jimin is
sure he hears some rumbling outside and that can only mean one thing — Yoongi is back. His
heart jumps and his anxiety spikes up, nervousness settling in. After he takes a deep breath in
an attempt to calm his nerves, he exits the bathroom and his nose twitches as he’s hit with not
just Yoongi’s scent; there’s a strong hint of cinnamon laced with a bit of apple, and Jimin knows
that mixed scent all too well.

_ Hoseok. _

Jimin slowly walks into the living room and both Hoseok and Yoongi are standing there —
turning to him once they hear him approach.

“Jiminie!” Hoseok exclaims, rushing over and giving him a big hug, much tighter than necessary.

Jimin stays put with his arms by his sides, frowning at Yoongi over Hoseok’s shoulder. Yoongi’s
eyes meet his but his expression isn’t something Jimin was expecting — he looks… off. His
eyes dart towards the coffee table which is filled with grocery bags and Jimin figures that’s what
the alpha has been doing — grocery shopping, most likely initiated by their conversation last
night. It makes Jimin’s heart feel warm until his eyes meet Yoongi’s again, and he notices the
deep worry set in them. He knows something is wrong, he can _ tell _ something is wrong and
then the scent hits him. It’s a little bitter, kind of like that night when his heat broke. He’s in
distress, and even though Jimin doesn’t know why, everything in him screams to push Hoseok
off of himself so he could run to Yoongi and comfort him. It hurts him, he doesn’t even know
what’s going on but it hurts, and it feels like there are rocks settling down in the pit of his

Hoseok lets go and Jimin doesn’t even blink, frozen in place as he stares at Yoongi, unsure of
what to do.

“Tae’s heat broke early thanks to those new suppressants he’s started using a couple of months
ago,” Hoseok explains, even though nobody asked. “We’ve been trying to reach you since last
night, to tell you that you can come back to the apartment, but you weren’t answering. We got
worried and Tae’s in no condition to go anywhere so, I’m here to get you and give you a ride

Jimin blinks. His phone was in Yoongi’s room and he hasn’t checked it last night at all. He’s not
too worried about that, though. He’s worried about Yoongi who has now picked up the grocery
bags, rushing towards the kitchen without sparing him and Hoseok another glance. Jimin’s eyes
follow him until he’s disappeared into the kitchen entirely, closing the door behind him.

“Jiminie,” Hoseok waves his hand in front of his face. “Are you okay?”

“Fine,” Jimin blinks, collecting himself. “I’m fine. I… Tae’s heat broke? How is he?”

“He’s good,” Hoseok frowns. “Just really, really sore. But anyways, you can get your stuff and I
can drive you home. I’m sure you’ll be happy to finally be out of here and back in your own bed,

“Yeah I…” Jimin’s voice trails off and he glances towards the kitchen again. He remembers
Seokjin’s words, and he knows he needs to stop wasting time _ now _ , but he’s also aware
that it’s going to have to wait. They can’t talk while Hoseok is here. Yoongi is in distress for
whatever reason and Jimin needs to take care of that first and everything else second. “I just
need to talk to Yoongi hyung really quick.”

“Maybe that’s not such a—” Hoseok begins but Jimin has already turned and started pacing
towards the kitchen.

He barges into the kitchen, his hands shaking and his legs feeling wobbly. The bitterness in the
undertone of Yoongi’s scent almost suffocates him, and he finds the alpha frantically putting the
groceries away.

“Yoongi,” he breathes, “Yoongi, Seokjin was here.”

The alpha closes the fridge and leans his back against the kitchen counter, rubbing his hand
over his face, looking really distraught. As if he’s going to fall apart.

“I-He called me.” Yoongi looks really tired. Like, really tired. Jimin knows something is wrong, he
can feel it, he can smell it, and it takes everything in him to not just rush over to nuzzle into his
scent gland, to bathe him in his scent and ease his distress.

“We’re going to have to talk,” Jimin whispers. “About last night, too.”

“And I do want to talk, Jimin. I really do. But just as I ran into Hoseok by the elevators
downstairs, I got a call from my father. My mother has been struggling with high blood pressure
for a while now and she had a heart attack last night, Jimin. I need to go to Daegu, I don’t know
when I’ll be back.”

Jimin’s heart drops. “Holy shit, Yoongi. Holy shit I’m so sorry. Is she okay?”

“She will be fine, I think. But I really need to go and be there for her and my dad. There’s a train
in like, an hour. So, I _ really _ have to go.”

“No, yeah, of course,” Jimin clears his throat, trying to hold his tears back.

He feels as if the world around him has shattered, and not because he’s selfish and wants to
kiss and hold Yoongi _ right now _ , but because this is a situation in which his hands are tied
and he knows he can’t do anything to help. It’s awful, the way Yoongi looks devastated and
scared, and it’s awful that there’s absolutely nothing Jimin can do about it. He understands that
Yoongi needs to leave to be with his family. He just wishes it wasn’t under those circumstances.

“Was Seokjin mean to you? I’m sorry I wasn’t there, Jimin. I promise he means well,” Yoongi
sighs, looking tiredly at Jimin. “I’m also sorry I have to leave you like this.”

Jimin’s heart breaks into a million pieces. Even though he’s not the one who’s in distress,
Yoongi is making sure he’s taken care of first. His heart aches in his chest and he takes a
hesitant step towards the alpha, legs shaky and uncertain.

Yoongi holds his hand out to him and Jimin desperately takes it, his breath hitched as he
presses his body against Yoongi’s, wrapping his hands around the alpha’s neck. He breathes in
his deep scent, and even with the bitterness to it, it still feels so, _ so _ safe. Like he never
wants to part with it. He feels Yoongi’s arms around his waist and he carefully nuzzles into the
alpha’s neck, giving Yoongi space to push him away if he wants to. He doesn’t — instead, he
reaches to comfortingly stroke the back of Jimin’s neck while the omega scents him. As Jimin
rubs his scent all over Yoongi he slowly feels the alpha’s distress retract, not entirely, but a little
bit, at least. It feels incredibly intimate, maybe even more than kissing would, and Jimin takes a
deep breath before he softly presses his lips onto the alpha’s scent gland. He lingers there for a
moment as Yoongi’s hand rests on the nape of his neck, his face buried in Jimin’s hair. The
omega feels the alpha shiver under his touch, and Yoongi’s skin burns against Jimin’s lips in the
most pleasant way. All Jimin wants to do is kiss the pain away.

“I’m sorry it isn’t the right time for us,” Yoongi says as Jimin slowly pulls away. “When I’m back, I
promise we will talk. Actually talk. Okay?”

His hands are still around Jimin’s waist and as pain sets in his eyes, Jimin can’t help but get a
little teary eyed. He wishes he could erase it, he wishes he could be there for Yoongi through
this difficult time but he’s late and it’s not his place right now. In the future, maybe, but not right

“Please don’t apologize for something you have no control over. Focus on your family right now,
this is something that can wait. I will wait.”

Yoongi nods and Jimin pulls away entirely, and in that moment Hoseok walks in, blinking at
them both and scrunching his face at them.

“Hyung, I’ll go get my stuff and we can go,” Jimin says before Hoseok manages to say anything,
glancing at Yoongi one more time before he exits the kitchen. “I’ll be quick, okay?”

“Okay, Jiminie.”

It doesn’t take him long to pack, as he never really unpacked in the first place. Yoongi says bye
to them both and Hoseok gives him a long hug before they leave, asking if he’s sure he doesn’t
need a ride to the train station after all. Yoongi reassures him that he’ll call once he’s in Daegu,
promises that he’ll keep him updated on his mother’s condition.

In the car ride back to his place, Hoseok doesn’t say he’s noticed the shift in the dynamic
between Yoongi and Jimin, but rather talks about how whiny and difficult Taehyung was this
time around, and how he’s relieved that his heat broke early this time, before his dick fell off.

Just as they stop in front of Jimin’s building, Hoseok turns and gives him a knowing look.      

“You know, it really reeked in that apartment.”

“I know.”

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. I’m sad for him, but I’m fine,” Jimin sighs, “I’m scared for his mom, though. His mom is
amazing. I hope she’ll be fine.”

“He loves his mom a lot. He’s really close with her,” Hoseok says, gnawing worriedly on his
bottom lip. “I’m not sure what’s going on between the two of you, but I assure he’s a good guy,
Jiminie. A really good guy. He’s my friend and so are you and I don’t want either of you to get

Jimin sighs. He understands where Hoseok is coming from, and even though he phrased it in a
way where he expresses concert for them both, Jimin knows he means mostly Yoongi.
Especially because of the way Jimin has been treating the alpha throughout the years, and
Hoseok knows it.

Jimin can’t blame him.

Taehyung is incredibly annoying, even more annoying than he usually is after his heat. Jimin is
happy for the distraction though, as the hollowness in the pit of his stomach won’t let him think
about anything else that isn’t Yoongi. He wonders if he’s okay, if his mother is okay, if his family
is okay. Jimin even calls his own parents, thinking maybe his own mother has more information
than him, but unfortunately, she doesn’t. All he knows is that the alpha’s mother is still in the
hospital, and that’s about it.

First day back home day passes with Taehyung mostly clinging to him like a leech, and even
though they lay together in his bed, Jimin feels so, _ so _ alone. It’s ridiculous to feel that way,
dramatic even, and Yoongi isn’t even Jimin’s alpha, not yet at least, and it confuses him, the
degree to which he feels empty without him around. He’s lying there, Taehyung’s hands carding
through his hair as he tells him about everything, the preheat, the heat, the after heat, Seokjin,

“Well, honestly, it does make sense that it was a huge misunderstanding.”

“Yeah, how so?” Jimin asks, surprised at Taehyung’s reacting.

“Well, first of all, he was always really nice and never seemed repulsed by you as you always
made it seem. Second of all, he did try to make an effort to figure out why you didn’t like him,
but what was I gonna do? I always sided with you, you’re my best friend,” Taehyung sighs
deeply. “Third of all, you’re just a petty dumbass, no offense. But be offended.”

Jimin snorts and rolls his eyes, playfully punching Taehyung’s shoulder. He doesn’t disagree,
though. He knows his best friend is right, and that his stomach can’t help but twist every time he
thinks about how much time he has wasted just being petty and stupid.

_ It’s okay, _ he tries to convince himself, _ soon enough, Yoongi will be back and everything
will be okay. It has to be. _

More than anything, Jimin needs to know if Yoongi is okay. Remembering the distress the alpha
was in, the worry on his face and the pain in his eyes make Jimin shudder a little every time he
thinks about it. It’s the uncertainty of it all — not knowing if Yoongi’s mom was going to be okay,
not knowing if Yoongi was okay. He debates reaching out and texting him for the whole day, but
he decides against it after all, guided by Taehyung’s advice. It’s too early and he probably just
wants to be with his family anyways, and Jimin doesn’t want to be a bother. Yoongi had
promised him they will talk, and he knows they will. He _ knows _ .

Two days pass and Jimin feels alone and empty, but he knows he can’t sulk forever. He feels
useless, just lying in his bed with Taehyung coming in for cuddles every now and again, so on
the third day without Yoongi, he decides he needs to finish up on his courseworks, since the
semester was resuming the day after tomorrow.

For the next couple of days he buries himself in work, only hearing updates about Yoongi when
Hoseok comes over and tells them. It’s difficult, the alpha says, but Jimin is happy to find out
that his mother’s condition is no longer critical. He debates reaching out to Yoongi again but
he’s talked out of it by Hoseok.

“I know you have the best intentions, Jiminie,” Hoseok says, “but trust me, he barely texts me to
let me know that everything is okay so far and that’s it. If I ask anything else, I don’t get a
response. Just let him be.”

Classes start and Jimin finds himself subconsciously searching for Yoongi on campus. It’s
stupid because he knows the alpha is in Daegu still, and it’s only been what, five days or so. But
he can’t help it when his eyes automatically dart towards the campus coffee shop, the one in
which he often runs into Yoongi on Tuesdays, where they exchange awkward head nods and
move on with their day. He can’t help but be hopeful that he’ll run into him after his six o’clock
multimedia class on Wednesday that’s right across from where Yoongi has his class at the
same time, or where he usually runs into him at the Chinese takeaway place that’s a little off
campus, where he would sometimes see Yoongi getting food for him and Hoseok, either alone
or with one of his classmates. It’s stupid the way his stomach twists everytime he remembers
that he doesn’t get to see Yoongi, not yet.

His heart hurts because he doesn’t know if the alpha is okay, if he’s sad, if he’s scared, if he’s
devastated, or if he’s all of the above. He does his best to keep busy with all the work he has to
do, focuses on applying for his masters and ignores the hollowness in his stomach that only
grows with each day passing.

A little over a week after Yoongi’s left for Daegu, Jimin is sitting on his bed and squirming,
unable to control the urge to reach out to the alpha. He doesn’t ask any questions, just sends a

_ Hyung, I hope everything is okay. I hope you are eating well and that your mom is doing
better. Don’t forget to take care of yourself. Jimin x _

He doesn’t really expect a response but it still hurts a little when he doesn’t get one, after all.
Taehyung and Hoseok assure him that it’s not because Yoongi is trying to be mean, just needs
some time for himself. Jimin knows that, he _ knows _ that, but his insecurities creep up on
him, just a little bit, and he starts thinking what if maybe, just maybe, Yoongi’s had enough alone
time to think about this and realize that Jimin is maybe not worth his time or attention after all.

He’s quick to shake the thoughts off, though, as Taehyung tells him he’s being absolutely
ridiculous. Which he is aware of. For the most part. He sticks to working on his assignments and
studying for his finals, barely leaving his room for any reason other than going to class.

Around two weeks after Jimin had last seen Yoongi, Jeongguk decides he’s had enough of
Jimin’s bullshit and shows up on his doorstep on a Friday night, huffing at his watch in

Once Jimin opens the door the younger alpha makes a face at his outfit, and he remembers
he’s wearing his fluffy baby blue pajamas. He hadn’t even bothered to put contacts in and he
hasn’t washed his hair in solid three days, and the longer Jeongguk stares at him with his nose
scrunched, the more uncomfortable Jimin feels.

“You have forty-five minutes to get dressed and get ready, and preferably _ bathe _ ,”
Jeongguk grimaces as he stares at Jimin’s greasy hair, “before I have to forcefully drag you out
of your own house so you could come get drinks with Namjoon and me.”

Jeongguk really doesn’t look like he’s playing around and Jimin has no doubt that the alpha
would literally throw him over his shoulder and carry him out of his own apartment.

“I’m your _ hyung _ , watch your tone with me,” Jimin pouts but moves to the side so that
Jeongguk can enter, and the alpha flashes him a sheepish grin as he plops down onto the sofa
and immediately grabs the Playstation, permanently losing interest in whatever it is that Jimin
has to say.

“Whatever,” he waves his hand so Jimin could move away from the TV, “just go get ready. It’s
Friday and Joon and I want to get fucked up. I’m tired of your bullshit excuses so just go get
ready and we can have some actual fun.”

Jimin sighs but decides not to argue. He’s been sulking ever since Yoongi went back to Daegu,
but his insecurities reached their peak when he heard that the alpha’s mother is just fine and
recovering well at home. On one hand, he was so incredibly relieved and happy when he had
heard the good news, and his heart fluttered knowing that Yoongi must be feeling much better
now. Still, as days went on without him hearing from the alpha, his anxiety spiked up and he
couldn’t help but feel like something was off. Regardless, he did his best to ignore his gut
feelings and to throw himself into as much work as he could, choosing not to jump to
conclusions again since so far it hasn’t gotten them anywhere.

He showers and gets dressed fairly quickly, a tiny bit of excitement bubbling up inside him.
Jimin hasn’t gone out in _ ages _ it feels like, and the more he thinks about it the better the
idea of him, Jeongguk and Namjoon drinking together on a Friday night sounds.

Jeongguk is still playing Playstation when Jimin comes back to the living room, growling under
his breath at the screen.

“If you break the thing, you’re buying a new one.”

“I’m done, it’s fucking shit anyway,” Jeongguk rolls his eyes and turns the game off, getting off
the couch and onto his feet. “Ready hyung?”


When they arrive to the bar Namjoon is already there, saving a table for them. He and Jeongguk
take much more time with their hello makeout than Jimin thinks is necessary, and his thoughts
immediately trail off to Yoongi again. He wonders where he is and how he’s feeling, but he
doesn’t have too much time to think about that as Namjoon shoves a shot of vodka right in front
of his face.

“How have you been?” Namjoon asks while him and Jeongguk down their shots immediately,
smiling at each other as they scrunch their noses at the bitterness of the alcohol.

“Been better,” Jimin sighs and follows their lead, emptying the shot glass. “Just studying a lot.
Like, _ a lot _ . Like, my eyes are going to fall out of my head and my brain is going to bleed out
a lot.”

Namjoon pulls a face and looks at Jeongguk. “That’s disgusting. Is he okay?”

Jeongguk squints.

“I don’t know. Are you?” he looks at Jimin, lining the shot glasses in between them again so they
could drink another round. “I mean, I’m pretty sure you haven’t bathed in like a solid week
before I came to get you. Is this about Yoongi hyung?”

“Yoongi hyung?” Namjoon frowns, clinging onto his glass. “What about Yoongi hyung?”

“I’m not sure,” Jeongguk says after he takes a shot, “he kept blowing me off ever since classes
started again, but Tae did tell me some—“

“Can the two of you stop talking about me as if I’m not here,” Jimin hisses at the couple,
downing his drink in annoyance, “I’m _ fine _ , first of all, and second of all what did Tae tell
you? There’s nothing there. I’m waiting for Yoongi to come back from Daegu and then I’ll know if
there’s something to tell or not.”

Namjoon blinks up at him in confusion and just as he opens his mouth to speak, Jimin’s
stomach drops. Something doesn’t feel right.

“Jimin-ah, Yoongi _ is _ back from Daegu,” the older omega clears his throat, brows furrowed
in confusion. “He came back yesterday. As a matter of fact, I ran into him on campus.”

He knew it. Jimin fucking _ knew _ it. He knew the second Namjoon’s brows furrowed and the
way he blinked a little too fast that he was going to hear something he didn’t like, and he did.
The two shots he had just taken burn in the back of his throat and in the pit of his stomach and
Jimin’s vision blurs for a solid moment. It’s hard to breathe and hard to swallow but he somehow
he manages. There’s not a doubt in his mind that Namjoon is telling the truth, but it’s like all of
his fears suddenly came true and, frankly, he doesn’t know what to do with that information.

“Oh,” he says stupidly. “Okay, then.”

A million thoughts run through Jimin’s head, one of them being the idea of pulling his phone out
and calling Yoongi right then and there, demanding to know what the fuck is going on. But he
doesn’t do that. What he does do, though, is order five more drinks. Or maybe eight. He hates
the anxiety, he hates the uncertainty, and most importantly, he _ hates _ himself for
immediately jumping to the worst possible conclusions. So, he decides to get so drunk he
hopefully forgets that Yoongi is back. So drunk, that maybe he forgets about the feeling of
loneliness that’s been haunting him for weeks now. So drunk, that maybe he stops wondering if
he’s good enough.

He notices Jeongguk and Namjoon giving worried looks, but he manages to stir the
conversation into a different direction, and once they’re all pleasantly drunk, or better yet — _
they’re _ pleasantly drunk and Jimin is rather fucked up, the couple stop asking questions and
treating Jimin as if he’s going to break.

If Jimin thought alcohol was going to make him forget anything, he couldn’t have been more
wrong. He rests his cheek on his hand as he watches Namjoon and Jeongguk bicker over some
movie they watched the night before but he can’t focus on what they’re saying. He’s drunk, _
really _ drunk. So drunk, in fact, that he can barely hear what Namjoon and Jeongguk are
saying even though they’re sat right across the table. He barely hears the music even though
it's gotten distinctly louder since they first arrived, and the people around them are a blur. The
only thing he can focus on is the warmth of all the alcohol he's consumed which now sits in the
pit of his stomach, and, of course, Yoongi.

_ Yoongi. _

Jimin closes his eyes and his head spins, and all that flashes through his mind is images of him
and Yoongi together. Yoongi holding his hand, how they fit together so, _ ridiculously _ good,
how he kissed him for the first time, so deep and soft, yet so needy. He can practically feel
Yoongi's hands on him, gripping tightly at his waist, cupping his face while his thumb brushes
over his cheekbone, he can literally feel _ everything. _

And it's stupid, it's so, so stupid that he's missing him so much, that he can't just go back to the
way it was before Taehyung had his stupid heat. It's so stupid that he can't get rid of that
dreadful feeling of loneliness and emptiness like there's a part of him missing, a part which he
never really had to begin with.

He vaguely hears Namjoon telling him something, but he's too drunk to talk properly, all he
wants is his alpha. All he wants is _ Yoongi _ .

Jimin promised Jeongguk this was his last drink probably three drinks ago, and now he's feeling
as if he's about to pass out right at this table. His eyes are droopy and he can vaguely smell an
alpha somewhere near him — probably one of his classmates as the smell is somewhat familiar
— telling him something but he's having trouble talking, his words so slurred he can barely form
a sentence.

Once he starts feeling a little sick to his stomach is when he finally lets Jeongguk and Namjoon
drag him out of the bar. Even though his head is spinning he still appreciates how pretty the
street lights look even though they're blurry and he can barely stand.

Namjoon and Jeongguk manage to put him in bed even though he falls over at least four times
whilst trying to get out of his clothes and into his pajamas. He rambles about nothing and
everything, he hears the couple huff at him as they try to get him to bed but he just _ needs _
to tell them all about Yoongi, and he also _ needs _ to change the pajamas he's currently in
(twice) because the ones he's chosen just aren't comfortable enough. They leave once they've
made sure he's too exhausted to get out of his bed _ again _ , and Jeongguk assures him he'll
call to check in on him in the morning, or rather, the afternoon, when he wakes up.

But when the two of them leave and Jimin is left alone in the dark of his room, he can't fall
asleep. He's squirming in the bed, the room around him is spinning and he feels sick, but it's not
because of the alcohol. It's because he remembers that the alpha is back, and has been for a
day or two, but still hasn't reached out to him. He tries to get his phone from his nightstand and
he aimlessly searches for it with his hand but it's not there and he huffs in annoyance, turning to
his side and putting his hands under his cheek. He snuggles further into the pillow and lets out a
tiny whine before he closes his eyes and tries to sleep.

A hangover is an understatement for how Jimin feels once he wakes up somewhere around
three in the afternoon, and his stomach immediately growls at him, reminding him he hasn't
eaten anything in the past twenty-four hours. He rubs at his eyes and makes a displeased
sound, his head pounding so hard he's surprised he can even hear himself think.

"Tae!" He screeches towards the direction of Taehyung's room but, hears nothing back.

There's no response and Jimin tries again before he groans in frustration and untangles himself
from the sheets, his feet sliding down onto the cold floor. The weather is awful, he notices
before he walks out of the room, dark and raining heavily, wind hitting his windows, making the
most irritating whistling sounds as it goes through to the wooden window frames.

He stumbles towards Taehyung's room and barges in without knocking, kind of as the younger
omega does to him, like, all the time. Jimin furrows his brows when he finds Taehyung's bed
empty and the rest of his room spotless. He rubs his cheek in confusion; it was Saturday, and
Taehyung was _ always _ home on Saturday afternoons.

It takes Jimin a solid ten minutes to find a painkiller for his headache, and he's more than
displeased to find the fridge empty. His stomach twists in pain and he can't focus on anything
else other than finding his phone and getting some food.

He finds his phone empty and in the pocket of his jeans which he's kicked off on the bathroom
floor last night, so he quickly connects it to power and impatiently taps his foot as he waits for it
to turn on.

When it does he immediately calls Taehyung, massaging his temples as he waits for the omega
to pick up. It doesn’t happen though, so he orders food instead and frustratedly tosses his
phone to the side, leaving it to charge fully.

Hoping it will help wash the hangover off, he loses his pajamas and goes straight to the
bathroom ready to hop under boiling hot water. He freezes under the shower when the first
wave of water hits him — and he remembers. It’s vague, but he’s sure Namjoon has said it.
Yoongi is back. Yoongi is here.

Holy shit. Yoongi is _ here. _

It hurts all over again, knowing that the alpha is back but hasn't reached out to him yet. Jimin
knows he shouldn't be jumping to conclusions again, but he can't help it. It doesn't feel good,
and the lump in his throat makes it hard for him to breathe. He doesn't want to cry but he's so
tired of being so worried and anxious for the past few weeks, and the uncertainty is killing him.

Jimin is still sniffling when he gets out of the shower and into clean clothes, and he plops onto
the bed, wrapping himself into a blanket. He sulks in there as he waits for the food he's ordered
and huffs in annoyance every now and again when he tries calling Taehyung and gets no
answer. It’s not like his best friend to not answer his phone at all, unless he’s in heat or Hoseok
is having his rut—

The omega slaps himself so hard it echoes throughout the empty apartment. Taehyung had
probably mentioned, but he must have missed it — Hoseok’s rut. It was usually a couple of
weeks after Taehyung’s heat so the timing was perfect, and Jimin had completely forgotten
about that. He feels a little stupid now, realizing he was too self-absorbed to pay attention to
what his friend was saying, and his stomach twists a little as he remembers how unappreciative
he must have been of Taehyung throughout the past couple of weeks.

He sighs deeply, rubbing a hand over his face in frustration because he’s so tired of feeling like
shit. More so, he feels guilty for feeling like shit when it’s actually the alpha who’s been having a
really tough time, and he feels even guiltier for being so dismissive towards Taehyung and
Hoseok who’ve done nothing but try and make him feel better and assure him that everything
was going to be just fine.

In all honesty, Jimin isn’t entirely sure that everything is going to be okay, and he’s trying really,
_ really _ hard not to make any rash decisions even though it’s hard. He’s not used to feeling
like his hands are tied behind his back and he can’t do anything about what’s bothering him, and
he’s afraid that if he does something, such as call the alpha or confront him or whine about it,
the effect might be counterproductive.

So, he’s only left to wait until Yoongi is ready to reach out to him. If he still wants to, anyway.

The painkiller he took earlier finally starts kicking in and he feels much better after he’s eaten
and rested some more. Jeongguk checks in with him as promised, but other than that he
spends his day wrapped into a blanket, watching shitty TV and replaying Namjoon’s words in his

_ Yoongi is back. He’s back. _

He lets out a sound that resembles a groan which turns into a very high pitched squeak and he
kicks his legs up in the air multiple times, frustrated that he can’t get that those stupid words out
of his head. He’s so tired of letting himself get so worked up over everything in relation to
Yoongi and he hates that this affects him so much but it does and he can’t help it.

Jimin sulks in his bed for hours upon hours, moving only if absolutely necessary. He feels like
his muscles might as well go into atrophy but he doesn’t care, the less he moves, the less he

He’d been staring at the same spot for god knows how long, it’s been dark out for ages and the
thunderstorm had only just now started to settle a bit. When he finally decides to glance at his
phone it’s well after one o’clock in the morning, and to his surprise, he has two unread
messages on his phone, both from Taehyung. Jimin is happy to have his assumptions
confirmed and he’s a little relieved that the younger omega is in fact at Hoseok’s, helping him
with his rut.

He’s half paying attention to some stupid TV show and half paying attention to the game he’s
playing on his phone, still wrapped up in a blanket so tightly he’s only able to move his fingers.
There’s a noise at the front door and he glances at it from where he’s lying in his bed in his
room, frowning as a minute passes and he doesn’t hear anything. He shifts his attention back to
his phone, but he’s interrupted again and this time he’s almost _ certain _ that there was a
knock at the door. Jimin squints at the door again as if he’s trying to see if there’s anyone
behind it and untangles himself from the blanket, grabbing the remote so he could put the TV on
mute. He carefully listens and just as he’s about to put the sound back on the doorbell rings,
startling him so bad he almost falls off the bed. His heart races and he frowns as he carefully
approaches the door, unsure of who the hell it could be at this hour. Quickly, he realizes it’s
most likely his and Taehyung’s annoying neighbor, the one who often gets locked out and asks
to wait at their place until she can get a hold of her omega.

He paces towards the door, huffing in annoyance as he is really not in the mood for any guests,
especially not uninvited ones. He was perfectly fine sulking in his bed for the past ten hours and
he was honestly not in the mood to face another human being. Plus, he looks and feels like
absolute shit.

He twists the doorknob and opens the door, stumbling back a little as he’s hit with a warm,
familiar scent.


Jimin blinks up a few times as he’s met with those dark eyes he’d missed so much over the last
few weeks, and his heart immediately tightens in his chest, a sound of surprise escaping his lips
as he stares at the alpha at his door.


“Your hair,” Jimin says absent-mindedly, staring at the alpha’s now dark hair as if it’s the most
important thing in this moment, “it’s black again. It’s not bleached. Looks healthy.”

Yoongi looks at him for a second and then his lips curl into a tiny smile, but it’s enough to make
Jimin’s heart flutter. He tries to hold his breath so he could appear as composed as possible,
even though he knows he looks like and he _ needs _ to feel that scent, he needs to breathe it
in, he needs to fill the hollowness that’s been sitting in the pit of his stomach for weeks.

“I dyed it back, it was too much of a hassle,” Yoongi says, looking a little amused. “I know it’s
really late but I couldn’t go any longer without seeing you. Is there a chance that I could maybe
come in and we could talk? I can come back in the morni—”

“No!” Jimin yells, his cheeks flaring. “No, no. Please. We can talk. I-I want to talk.”

He steps aside and lets the alpha in, taking in his scent as he walks by him and his mouth
almost starts watering. Yoongi kicks his shoes off and the omega signals him to follow him to his
room, unnecessarily closing the door behind them, as if they’re not alone in the apartment.

“We can sit here,” Jimin says, settling on one side of the bed, leaning up against the headboard
and folding his legs underneath himself. Yoongi hesitantly pushes himself closer to Jimin so
they’re both sitting in the exact same position with their knees touching.

Jimin feels as if his heart might burst out of his chest, and despite the fabric of their clothes and
it’s just their _ knees _ brushing against one another, Jimin feels the sparks fly between them.
He gnaws at his bottom lip and nervously scratches his palm, his toes curling in anticipation. His
heart is fluttering and once Yoongi reaches between them and takes his sweaty hand in his and
locks their fingers together, Jimin’s breath hitches in his throat and he lets out a barely audible

“Jimin,” the alpha begins, but Jimin is quick to interrupt.

“Before you say anything,” he almost chokes on his words, “is your mom okay? Are you okay?
Is your family okay?”

Yoongi’s eyes crinkle and he squeezes Jimin’s hand, brushing his thumb over the omega’s
knuckles. He looks at him so warmly it makes Jimin want to melt into him, but he stays put and
tries to focus on breathing evenly.

“She’s recovering just fine, thank you for asking,” Yoongi smiles widely, his gums showing.
“Everyone is doing well. But we can talk about that later, okay?”

“I just—”

“Shhh. You don’t have to worry about that. Just let me talk first, okay?” The alpha asks, fidgeting
with Jimin’s fingers. “I want to make sure there is no more misunderstandings between the two
of us. I want to make sure I touch up on everything.”

Jimin nods, anxiously biting the inside of his cheek.

“Okay,” Yoongi takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. “Okay. So, I’ve met with Seokjin earlier
today. That’s when I finally had the chance to actually talk to him and make sense of everything
he’s told you and vice versa. First, I want to apologize for not being there when you woke up
that day. I wanted to make us breakfast and maybe somehow try to win you over and I was sure
you wouldn’t be up for at least a little while longer. I had no idea that hyung would show up and I
know he can be a little much sometimes. I’m sorry. That being said, I’m kind of glad he did,
because if it weren’t for him sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong, you and I wouldn’t be able
to sit here like this right now.”

Yoongi waves their hands together in front of their faces and smiles, making the omega’s heart
flutter, a tiny giggle escaping his lips. He looks carefully at the alpha as he’s talking and it’s
taking everything in him to not just leap into Yoongi’s arms and nuzzle in the crook of his neck.
He takes Yoongi’s hand in between his own and squeezes it a little, a small sign of
encouragement for the alpha to continue talking.

“I’ve thought about you every day. I thought how much it would mean to me if you could be by
my side when I’m scared or lonely, how much I _ want _ you to be there. It sounds selfish, and
maybe it is. But, I was really scared, and the only person I could think about was you.” Yoongi
pauses, taking a deep breath again, pushing himself just a tiny bit closer to Jimin. “And I know
you sent me that message, and trust me, I wasn’t ignoring you. I was so afraid and so anxious
that I was sure if I had responded to you then, I would have dumped all of my problems on you
and depended on you to make me feel better and that’s just not fair to you nor would it be
healthy, for that matter. I would have been a shitty alpha if I had done that.”

“I was worried you changed your mind. Or that something bad happened. I was so, _ so _
worried.” Jimin whispers, looking down at their hands.

Yoongi tilts his head a little and brings his other hand to cup Jimin’s cheek, softly brushing his
thumb over the omega’s cheekbone. He looks a like a wounded puppy, Jimin thinks, and all he
wants to do is to climb into the alpha’s lap and tell him that it’s okay. That it doesn’t matter

“Well fuck,” Yoongi laughs bitterly, looking away from Jimin. “I was trying my best to _ not _
have you worried. I would have come and talked to you immediately after I got home from
Daegu, but I needed to take care of things in the administration office. I’ve missed a lot of
mandatory classes so I needed to get that sorted, and I was also late in submission for some of
my papers and that was like, urgent. And I literally finished submitting the last essay I was late
with an hour ago and I rushed over here. I didn’t want to have a half-assed conversation with
you. That’s why I had to sort everything for my classes first and then come and talk to you.”

Jimin nods. He feels as if a huge weight has been lifted off his chest, and he lets out a breath
which was sitting heavily in his lungs. It’s a huge relief, knowing that there was never a reason
for him to worry, that Yoongi didn’t change his mind and that everything was okay.

“It’s okay,” Jimin reassures him, “I promise. It’s fine. I was just scared that you’ve changed your
mind about me. About… us.”

Yoongi blinks.

“You’re an absolute fool, Park Jimin,” Yoongi chuckles lowly. “I’ve been in love with you since
we were children. Well, on and off throughout the years, plus you hated my guts, but pretty
much in love nonetheless.”

Jimin’s heart hurts jumps and he studies the alpha’s expression, a smile plastered across
Yoongi’s face as he nuzzles his cheek into Jimin’s hand, shyly looking at the omega.

“I thought you hated my scent.” He says pathetically, needing to clear that up once and for all.

“Is it because I opened the window in the taxi?”

“And because you said it really stinks in the bathroom when I was helping you bleach your hair.
I thought you were referring to me.”

Yoongi squeezes Jimin’s hand and brushes his lips against the back of it, chuckling lightly as he
eyes the omega who’s squirming in his seat, cheeks red in embarrassment.

“I promise I was talking about the bleach and the hair dye.” Yoongi says gently. “I don’t think you
stink, Jimin. I never have.”

Jimin takes a deep breath. He’s so beyond relieved, but he’s not done yet. He _ needs _ to
know. Once and for all.

“O-one more thing,” his cheeks flare and his palms start sweating again, and Jimin knows how
stupid this is going to sound.

“Shoot.” Yoongi is still nuzzling his cheek into the back of Jimin’s hand.

“So li-like, in kindergarten,” Jimin begins and he feels beyond stupid and uncomfortable, “when I
gave you the raccoon, remember?”

Jimin waits for Yoongi to nod before he continues. The alpha frowns a bit, as if he’s unsure
where he’s going with this, but nods anyway.

“So, you know, I gave it to you because you were sick and wanted you to feel better and
everything,” he looks down to his lap and nervously picks at the skin on his thigh with his free
hand. “And then your mom came, and she said you should thank me and she mentioned a hug
and I-I well, I got s-so excited a-and, I literally jumped on you and you-you pushed me away and
said that I stink and I—”


“I know it’s stupid and if you say it’s not like that now then it’s not I just—”


Yoongi’s lips are pressed against his inner wrist and his skin burns under the touch. It feels so
good, so warm and soft and Jimin gasps a little as he looks at Yoongi who’s staring at him
through his dark bangs.

“Jiminie, please tell me your animosity towards me this whole time wasn’t because of some
stupid shit I’ve said when I was in kindergarten.”

The alpha is smiling at him and Jimin just wants to close his eyes and let the ground swallow
him whole, mentally slapping himself for even mentioning anything at all. It sounds even
stupider once said out loud so Jimin untangles his and Yoongi’s hands and rolls onto his
stomach and buries his face into the pillow.

“I’m such a moron,” Jimin whines and he can feel the alpha shift and lay next to him, his hand
rubbing his back soothingly.

“Hey, hey, it’s okay, look at me,” Jimin turns to meet Yoongi’s eyes and finds the alpha’s face
just inches away from his. He puts his hand on the omega’s cheek and brushes his thumb
against it, his other hand traveling to the back of Jimin’s neck and pulling him closer so he could
rest their foreheads together. “I was a kid, Jiminie. Also, I was sick and my nose was way off.
Doesn’t your nose get all fucked up when you’re sick?”

Jimin nods and closes his eyes again, breathing in Yoongi’s comforting scent.

“I also probably freaked out that you hugged me so I did what any other idiot kid would do. You
just happened to take it to the next level and decided to never let me live that down,” Yoongi
laughs and Jimin’s eyes burn, and he can feel the tears coming.

It’s stupid and embarrassing, and there’s no words he can use to try and explain to Yoongi how
guilty he feels for holding a grudge over something so, beyond childish.

“I’m so sorry, Yoongi,” Jimin says honestly as he carefully pushes the bangs away from the
alpha’s forehead. “I’m a fucking idiot. I’ve literally been in love with you since kindergarten. If
you don’t believe me you can ask Tae. I think the reason it hurt me so much is _ because _ I
was so in love with you and knowing that out of all things, you don’t like my scent, the _ one _
thing I can’t change just hurt a lot. I was a stupid kid, and then it kind of all played into my favor,
you know? Like, you’re two years older so we naturally drifted apart and stuff, some of your
other friends were assholes, and then the taxi situation and the fact that you never bothered too
much to make friends with me… I don’t know. I overthink a lot and I have a big ego. Two very
bad and very contradictory traits of mine.”  

Yoongi hums in understanding and Jimin reaches for the blanket on the side and covers them
both with it. The alpha makes sure that Jimin is all tucked in and warm and lightly wraps his arm
around the omega’s waist and tugs him a little closer to himself. Their noses are almost
touching and Jimin’s heart races as he holds his breath, his fingers still playing with the alpha’s

“The first night in your apartment, wow, that was a lot. I don’t know if it was the combination of
your scent and knowing that you’re there or just the fact that my preheat was coming because I
forgot to take suppressants, but I couldn’t stop _ nesting _ , and what’s even worse and even
more embarrassing, I had a fucking wet dream and I’m pretty sure I ruined your mattress.”

The alpha laughs loudly and leans further into Jimin’s face cupping his face with both of his
hands and brushing their noses together.

“I don’t think it’s the wet dream that ruined my mattress,” he grins sheepishly, and Jimin giggles,
lightly smacking the alpha on the shoulder.

“Shut up,” Jimin whines and Yoongi chuckles, brushing his fingers through the omega’s hair.

The alpha tangles their legs together and Jimin rests his hand on Yoongi’s chest, feeling his
steady heartbeat, completely opposite to his own.

“I tried courting you like, six times. In middle school. Half of the plushies on the shelf in my
bedroom are my failed court gifts to you.”

Jimin’s heart jumps.

“Why didn’t you?”

“Because you were a mean little shit, Park Jimin. You wouldn’t even look at me. Broke my ten
year old heart six times. Honestly, I shouldn’t even be here right now.” Yoongi laughs and the
omega whines, lightly smacking the alpha’s shoulder again.

He wants to cry when he thinks about all the time he’s wasted, and the tears in his eyes sting a
little as he looks back at the alpha. Still, his heart feels warm, the hollowness in his stomach
gone, a pleasant feeling of content set in there instead. He feels safe, everything feels so, _ so
_ right, and with every look into Yoongi’s eyes, Jimin feels as if he might burst.

God, he’s never been so in love.

“I want us to be together, hyung,” Jimin whispers, resting his hand on the alpha’s cheek. “I know
we’ve missed out on a lot, but it doesn’t have to be that way anymore. I don’t want it to be that
way anymore.”

“I’m happy to know that we’re finally on the same page, Jiminie,” Yoongi’s face is dangerously
close now and Jimin can feel the alpha’s breath on his lips. He can hear his own heart beat, and
Jimin wonders if he’s always going to feel like this when the alpha is near. “Because I really,
really want us to be together, too. I think,” Yoongi takes in a sharp breath, “I think this is it for
me. I don’t want anyone else. I just want you.”

Yoongi’s words tickle against Jimin’s skin, and he holds his breath and the alpha’s lips slowly
brush against his. Yoongi’s hand rests on the nape of his neck, his fingers slightly tracing over
his skin. Jimin gets goosebumps all over his body and shivers a little as the alpha’s hand travels
up and his fingers tangle in Jimin’s hair. Yoongi’s lips linger just an inch away from his, and
Jimin thinks he might as well faint right there on the spot. He’s never felt anything so intense
and for the first time, he doesn’t want to rush it.

The alpha presses his lips against Jimin’s so gently it almost feels as if he’s imagining it.
Yoongi’s lips feel so, _ so _ warm, and Jimin cups the alpha’s cheek as he slowly adds more
pressure into the kiss. It feels as if they’ve never kissed before, like it’s new and familiar all at
the same time, and Jimin wants nothing more than to stay like this forever. Yoongi kisses him as
if he’s his most prized possession, as if he’s going to break in his arms. Jimin’s breath hitches in
his throat and he deepens the kiss, his tongue making his way into the alpha’s mouth as Yoongi
pulls them even closer together. He pants into the kiss and he feels Yoongi’s lips curl into a
smile, and the alpha pulls away, making a tiny whine emerge from Jimin’s throat. He leans back
in to place a soft kiss on the tip of Jimin’s nose and then forehead, wrapping both of his arms
around Jimin, pulling him semi on top of himself. Jimin’s head rests in the crook of Yoongi’s
neck, his nose right below Yoongi’s scent gland. He breathes in the soothing coffee scent and
smiles to himself knowing that he’s never going to have to be deprived of it again.

“I want this forever, hyung.” He whispers as his breathing syncopates with Yoongi’s, and the
alpha places a kiss on top of Jimin’s head. “I want you forever.”

Jimin pulls away to meet the alpha’s eyes, and Yoongi looks at him seriously before he kisses
him again.

“I want us forever.” Yoongi says, resting his forehead against the omega’s.

They fall asleep curled up together as the sounds of rain and thunder fill the room,  and
everything feels right in this world.

“And to think you genuinely couldn’t stand his guts because of something he said in _
kindergarten _ ,” Hoseok shakes his head in disbelief, “and now you’re going to mate? Jesus,
this could have been so much easier for the both of you.”

Jimin’s cheeks flush and he buries his face into Yoongi’s shoulder, hiding in embarrassment.
The alpha gently rubs his back and kisses his temple, and Jimin can hear him chuckling in

“Don’t laugh,” he pinches Yoongi’s thigh and the alpha yelps, laughing even louder. “It’s not

“It’s pretty funny.”

“No, he’s right,” Taehyung chimes in, “it’s not funny. It’s sad.”

They all sit together in what’s soon to be Yoongi and Jimin’s apartment, cardboard boxes laying
everywhere as the four of them sit on the just delivered sofas. The past year and a half had
been the best year and a half of Jimin’s life — he finished his undergraduate studies and started
his master’s, managed to land a good internship, and most importantly, his relationship with
Yoongi was everything he ever wanted and more. He never thought he could be so in sync with
someone, so comfortable yet always on his toes a little bit, and he’s never felt happier. Jimin
genuinely believed he found his soulmate, and he knew Yoongi thought that, too. They learned
about each other’s habits, even the tiniest ones, like for example, how Yoongi doesn’t like his
tea bag to be in the boiling hot water for more than a minute, or how Jimin refuses to eat any
part of the chicken unless it’s the breast.

They work so well together, so good, and Jimin knows he never wants to be without the alpha
again. He’s known that ever since the first night he spent in Yoongi’s apartment, and now, he
finally never has to be.

The mating talk started when they spent Yoongi’s rut together for the first time, a little over two
months after they’d gotten together. Jimin could tell how hard Yoongi was trying to make it as
enjoyable for Jimin as possible, how hard he was trying not to leave any marks or bruises, how
hard he was trying not to mate him right then and there, even though Jimin kept baring his neck
in submission every time he’d hear the alpha growl. He’s never experienced a rut that extreme
before, and seeing how gentle Yoongi was with him despite everything just confirmed what he
had already known for a while — he wants this forever. He couldn’t imagine himself with anyone
else. The sole thought of there ever being anyone who isn’t Yoongi gave him chills.

Now, they’re sat in their new apartment which needed a little more furnishing and they moved in
it officially today, ready to start a new chapter of their life together. _ Finally. _

“Well, we have to get going guys,” Hoseok says, using Taehyung’s thigh for support as he gets
up, “but I’m so happy for you both. I’m so happy that the both of you are happy. I can’t wait to
celebrate your bond on Friday.”

“Same, the both of you are honestly glowing.” Taehyung agrees as he gets up and wraps his
arms around Hoseok’s waist, resting his chin on his alpha’s shoulder. “I was always hoping
Jiminie would find someone who makes him happy. I’m glad it’s you, hyung.”

“I’m glad it’s me, too.” Yoongi says as he looks lovingly at Jimin, and the omega’s heart skips a
beat just like it does every time the alpha glances at him still, wondering how the fuck did he
manage to get this lucky.

Most of the boxes are thrown away and the living room is cleared of any unnecessary clutter,
their bedroom is finally entirely ready and the only thing that’s missing is the refrigerator, but that
doesn’t really matter. They’ll have to eat takeout for the next couple of days until it arrives, but
it’s not like they care.

“Wait, baby, where’s the raccoon? Did you bring it?” Jimin asks as he frantically searches one of
the boxes which is filled with some of Yoongi’s old plushies, and he could have _ sworn _ he
saw Yoongi put the raccoon in there.

“Huh?” Yoongi walks out from the bathroom, wrapped up in a towel, his hair still damp from the
shower. “Yes, it’s in the bedroom. Don’t worry.”

Jimin breathes out in relief and wraps his arms around Yoongi’s neck, breathing in the familiar
scent he’s grown to love even more.

“Good,” he says as he looks into the alpha’s eyes, slightly leaning in. “Kiss me.”

And Yoongi does. It always makes Jimin’s heart flutter, the way Yoongi’s lips brush against his

slowly at first, like he wants to savor every second of it. Jimin immediately presses further into
the alpha, breathing into his mouth as his tongue traces Yoongi’s bottom lip. He pushes him
towards the bedroom, and Yoongi stumbles backwards, smiling into the kiss.

“You’re so eager, baby,” Yoongi chuckles once Jimin pushes him onto the bed and climbs on
top of him, unwrapping the towel from around the alpha and throwing it somewhere beside the

The alpha laughs at Jimin’s yelp once he flips the omega over and pins him down into the
mattress, a growl emerging from his throat, turning Jimin on even more. He’s gushing slick out
of his hole already and he knows Yoongi can smell it, and he’s painfully hard in his sweatpants
even though the alpha hasn’t even properly touched him yet.

“Mate me.” He says as he looks Yoongi dead in the eyes, his breaths hitched and heavy.

Yoongi looks at him with a serious face for a moment and Jimin holds his breath as he waits for
him to say something. The alpha’s lips curl into a wide smile and he kisses Jimin’s jaw, cheeks
and nose before he finally kisses his mouth, deep and hot, like he really, really means it.

“I love you so fucking much,” he murmurs against Jimin’s skin, making the hair on the back of
his neck stand up.

Jimin gasps into his mouth, his cock twitching in his sweatpants as another wave of slick gushes
out of his hole, and he whimpers and screams in pleasure as Yoongi nibbles on his scent gland.

“I’m gonna make you mine,” Yoongi growls as his hands travel underneath Jimin’s shirt, “all
mine. You’re gonna be mine for fucking ever.”

Jimin moans and tangles his fingers in the alpha’s hair and let’s him takes his sweatpants off,
breathing heavily as Yoongi lowers himself to take his underwear off as well, exposing his
leaking cock. His thighs are coated in slick, all wet and sticky, and he senses Yoongi’s scent
spike up in arousal once he spreads his legs. He has a dark look on his face and it makes Jimin
even more turned on if that was even possible, and he gasps loudly as Yoongi takes his cock
into his mouth, licking it clean of all the precome.

He yelps as the alpha flips him around and spreads his asscheeks, shivering as he feels
Yoongi’s lingering breath on his rim. He closes his eyes and focuses on not choking on his
breaths, his thighs shaking as more slick pours out of him. Jimin squirms and wails once he
feels Yoongi’s tongue press against his rim, growling as he laps at the slick that’s pouring out of
the omega.

Jimin moans and twitches once he feels the alpha’s tongue push past his ring muscle, and
Yoongi’s grip tightens on his ass as he tongue-fucks him, the room filled with nothing but the
noise of alpha’s slurps and Jimin’s moans. The omega spills all over the sheets as Yoongi sucks
on his rim, choking a little as he’s met with an unexpected wave of slick that pours out of Jimin
in response.

“Baby, you’re so beautiful,” the alpha says as he rolls Jimin onto his back, his lips and his chin
coated with Jimin’s slick, “so, so beautiful. I’m so lucky to have you.”

Jimin whines and leeches onto Yoongi, lifting himself up to kiss the alpha’s lips. He licks into his
mouth and takes his lower lip between his teeth, nibbling on it as the alpha growls and properly
climbs back on top of him.

“I love you so much, hyung,” Jimin breaths, his eyes filling up with tears of joy as he stares at
the alpha’s face. “So, so, much.”

“Jesus,” Yoongi says, “you have no idea what you do to me.”

His fingers travel up to Jimin’s hole and Jimin readily takes the first finger, clenching as Yoongi
pushes it deep inside, second finger coming shortly after the first one. Jimin moans and
whimpers as Yoongi peppers the side of his jaw with kisses, carefully scissoring his fingers
inside him.

Jimin is almost fully hard again, and he moans as Yoongi’s fingers hit his prostate, his body
spazzing and tears spilling from his eyes. He vaguely hears Yoongi whispering something in his
ear and he just grips tighter at the alpha.

“Mate me, please,” Jimin says breathily “make me yours, hyung, mate me.”

Yoongi doesn’t need to be told twice. Jimin can feel him take his fingers out and the omega’s
hole clenches over nothing, a whine emerging from his throat as the feels empty again. Yoongi
shushes him with a kiss, and he immediately feels the head of the alpha’s hard cock push past
his rim, and he gasps into his mouth as it takes him a second to adjust to the alpha’s length. It
feels so, _ so _ good to be filled up like this, and his whole body jerks in pleasure as Yoongi’s
slowly starts thrusting in and out. They kiss messily each time Yoongi thrusts back in, and
Jimin’s heart tightens in his chest as he tries to maintain eye contact with his alpha — _ his _
alpha who he loves the most in this world.

“Baby,” Jimin whispers between kisses, bearing his neck as Yoongi sharply thrusts inside of
him, “claim me.”

Jimin tries to savor every second of it but no matter how hard he tries to concentrate it feels like
a blur — one second Yoongi’s lips are on his and the next he’s stopped thrusting and he feels
his breath under his scent gland, where his neck meets his shoulder — right where the mating
mark needs to be, and he screams in both pain and pleasure as the alpha sinks his teeth into
the flesh of his skin. Jimin cries out and digs his nails into Yoongi’s shoulders, his toes curling
when the alpha leaves a kiss over the fresh bite mark, the one that will never fully heal.

He can taste his own blood on his tongue as the alpha kisses him, and he can feel as Yoongi’s
knot begins to expand as he starts thrusting in and and out again. Jimin’s mind is in too big of a
bliss for him to even notice when he comes again, but he manages to refocus when he feels
Yoongi’s knot fully expand, filling him up completely and locking them together. His mating mark
burns in the best possible way, and he shakily kisses his alpha, brushing the damp hair away
from his forehead.

Yoongi breathes heavily on top of him, his lips curling into a smile as he exhaustedly tilts his
head to the side, exposing his bare neck.

“Make me yours,” he says breathlessly, leaning in to give Jimin better access.

Slowly, Jimin brushes his fingers against the skin, right where the mark goes and his lips linger
there a little before he takes in a deep breath and presses his lips there. His teeth sink in and he
breaks the skin with ease, biting down so head he hears the alpha growl in his ear, but he
doesn’t care. Yoongi is his. Forever. He can feel Yoongi’s blood on his tongue and he sucks at
the wound a little before he reluctantly lets go.

The alpha collapses beside him, cupping Jimin’s face and kissing his forehead, and the omega
notices that his eyes are teary, too.

The feeling that resonates within him is nothing Jimin ever felt before, he feels so full — but it’s
not just the knot inside of him that makes him feel this way. He feels as if everything is right in
this world, like he’ll never be alone again no matter where he goes. Like Yoongi will be with him
forever, just how he wants it.

“I love you, Jiminie. It’s just you and me forever now. I love you.”

“I’m so happy,” Jimin says as tears stream down his face, and he brushes through Yoongi’s
hair, leaning in to kiss the corner of his mouth. “Do you know how happy you make me? Do you
know how much I love you?”

The alpha smiles widely, his gums showing, and it’s Jimin’s favorite smile in the world.
“I know, baby. I know.”

**Notes for the Chapter:**


> thank you everyone for being so patient with me with this last chapter, i know it took a little
longer than the previous ones!
> i hope you've enjoyed this story, i hope you like the way it ends so please!!!!! make sure to let
me know in the comments! i was very nervous to post this chapter so i hope it's satisfactory :>
> if you want, come yell at me on [TWITTER](

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