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TAHUN 2022
No Training Day Cost (IDR) Agustus September Oktober November Desember

Quality Management Training

Foundation & Implementing ISO
1 2 3.000.000 6-7 7-8

2 Internal Auditor ISO 9001:2015 Training 2 3.500.000 14-15 20-21 12-13

3 Customer Satisfaction 2 3.000.000 22-23 15-16

4 Risk Based Thinking 2 2.500.000 15-16 18-19 19-20

5 Process Mapping 2 3.000.000 20-21

6 Training Needs Analysis 2 2.500.000 30-31

Enviromental Training
Foundation & Implementing ISO
7 2 3.000.000 15-16 16-17

8 Internal Auditor ISO 14001:2015 Training 2 3.500.000 25-26 21-22 26-27 12-13

Manajemen Limbah B3 (Bahan Berbahaya

9 2 3.500.000 17-18
dan Beracun)

10 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) 2 3.500.000 29-30 21-22

11 Significant Aspect and Impact 1 1.500.000 27 20

Safety Training
Foundation & Implementing ISO
12 2 3.000.000 20-21 7-8

13 Internal Auditor ISO 45001:2018 Training 2 3.500.000 9-10 20-21 12-13

14 OHS Risks & Opportunities and Others 1 1.500.000 17

15 Fatigue Management 2 2.500.000 23-24 15-16

16 Fire Management 2 2.500.000 22-23 19-20

Improvement Training
TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) for
45 2 2.500.000 10-11
Excellent Maintenance

46 Total Quality Management (TQM) 2 2.500.000 2-3 22-23

47 GKM (Gugus Kendali Mutu) 2 2.500.000 13-14 14-15

48 Budaya Kerja 5R/5S 2 2.500.000 18-19

49 7 QC Tools 2 2.500.000 22-23 28-29

50 Supply Chain Management 2 2.500.000 21-22 22-23

Soft Skill Training

51 Training for Trainer 2 3.000.000 4-5 3-4 15-16

52 Destroying Mental Block for Success 2 3.000.000 7-8 16-17

53 Excellent Teamwork 2 3.000.000 22-23 23-24

54 Leader Skills, Managerial and Motivation 2 3.000.000 13-14

55 Problem Solving & Decision Making 2 3.000.000 12-13 28-29

Lead Auditor Training

56 Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015 5 7.000.000 8-12 17-21 14-18

57 Lead Auditor ISO 14001:2015 5 7.000.000 24-28

58 Lead Auditor ISO 45001:2018 5 7.500.000 22-26 26-30 19-23

59 Lead Auditor ISO 21001:2018 5 7.500.000 19-23 21-25 12-16

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Telephone / Hp: 0819.3977.4667 / 031-843 1224

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