A Systematic Review of Procyanidins Updates On Current Bioactivities and Potential Benefits in Wound Healing

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International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies

ISSN(print): 2767-8326, ISSN(online): 2767-8342

Volume 02 Issue 08 August 2022
Page No: 718-723
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmscrs/v2 -i8-01 , Impact Factor: 5.365

A Systematic Review of Procyanidins: Updates on Current Bioactivities and

Potential Benefits in Wound Healing
Ferni1, Clara Alverina2, Ahmad Fawzy Mas’ud3
Department of Emergency, Purwokerto Orthopaedic Hospital, Central Java, Indonesia
Plastic Surgery Intern, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of General Soedirman, Central Java, Indonesia
Department of Emergency, Brawijaya Military Hospital, East Java, Indonesia
Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon, Head of Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of General Soedir-
man, Central Java, Indonesia


Introduction: Procyanidins are a class of flavonoids found in many fruits and plants and have Published On:
been used as traditional medicine or other homemade remedies, particularly for wound healing. 02 August 2022
This study systematically reviews the available literature on the potential benefits of procyanidins
for wound healing in human cells.
Materials/Methods: Relevant keywords consisting of "Procyanidin" AND "Wound healing"
was explored in databases including PubMed, Google Scholar, Nature, and Science Direct. This
is a systematic review following the guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement.
Results: Seven (7) articles met the established inclusion and exclusion criteria. Procyanidins pre-
sented a potential benefit in cellular proliferation and migration, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory,
and antioxidant activity in wound healing.
Conclusion: Procyanidins are beneficial for developing therapies in wound healing, and our re- Available on:
view provides a scientific basis for future research. https://ijmscr.org/

KEYWORDS: Human cell; Procyanidins; Systematic review; Wound healing

INTRODUCTION many cells and their products. The four main phases of wound
Procyanidins are a subclass of flavonoids comprised of mon- repair are hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and re-
omers, oligomers, and polymers (1). They consisted of fla- modelling (3–5).
van-3-ol units, epicatechins, and catechins. It is a type of pol-
yphenolic polymer that can be found in legumes, fruits, METHODS
grains, and leaves. It also can be found in chocolates, apples, Relevant keywords, including "Procyanidin" AND "Wound
cocoa powder, grapes, red wine, kiwi, pears, banana, lettuce, healing", were inputted into search engines, including Pub-
cinnamon, and pumpkin. Procyanidin has many benefits such Med, Google Scholar, Nature, and Science Direct. Data pool-
as antioxidant, anticancer, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, im- ing was performed from 1 to 20 December 2021. Acquired
munosuppressive, anti-allergy, protective properties against studies were screened to exclude non-human studies, human
chronic disease and metabolic disorders, antibacterial, and experimental studies, unrelated study topics, a publication of
antivirus (2). more than ten years, and studies published in languages be-
The skin has many vital functions, such as a barrier between sides English and Indonesian. Collected studies were then re-
the body and the external environments, sensing extrinsic viewed to ensure synchronous outcomes and enable compar-
stimuli even regulating thermostability. It is composed of the ison. This study is in line with the PRISMA flow diagram,
epidermis and dermis. Cutaneous wound healing is a compli- and the data summary was extracted in a table. This study
cated physiologic process formed by the collaboration of aims to review the effect of procyanidin in wound healing.

718 Volume 02 Issue 08 August 2022 Corresponding Author: Ferni

A Systematic Review of Procyanidins: Updates on Current Bioactivities and Potential Benefits in Wound Healing

719 Volume 02 Issue 08 August 2022 Corresponding Author: Ferni

A Systematic Review of Procyanidins: Updates on Current Bioactivities and Potential Benefits in Wound Healing
RESULTS The characteristics of the included studies are summarized in
The database search identified 84 records for preliminary re- Table.1. In this review, only one of the selected articles was
view. After we removed duplicates, 73 references were published in more than the last five years, which points to the
screened based on their title and abstract, and we submitted current invention and relevance of the subject. The main
43 articles for a full-text review. Of all studies that have been mechanisms of action were cell migration, antioxidant, and
reviewed, there were 36 studies excluded and seven studies anti-inflammatory activity. The primary outcome studies
included in this systematic review (Fig.1). were to accelerate the wound healing process.

Table 1. Overview of the characteristics of the included studies

Country/ Samples Material Method Outcome References
Germany, 2015 C. mucronatum Primary natural hu- Samples extrac- C. mucronatum in- E. Kisseih et al.
leaves man epidermal tion, CLSM, hibited cellular pro- (2015)
keratinocytes Western Blot liferation and trig-
(pNHEK) and der- analysis, im- gered skin cells into
mal fibroblasts munoblot assay terminal cellular
(pNHDF) differentiation.
The United Wild Alaskan berry Primary human der- Samples extrac- Procyanidin B2 and Esposito et al.
States, 2019 (Vaccinium uligi- mal fibroblasts tion, ANC deter- its structural me- (2019)
nosum L., Empetrum (HDFa, Invitrogen, mination via tabolites demon-
nigrum L., Vaccinium C-013-5C) HPLC and LC- strated anti-inflam-
vitis-idaea L.) MS, PAC com- matory activities.
position by nor- Still, they appeared
mal-phase to promote wound
HPLC-FLD repair via increas-
analysis, Cell ing mitochondrial
culture, cell via- basal respiration,
bility, dose ATP production,
range determi- and maximum res-
nation, cell mi- piratory capacity,
gration assay, potentially contrib-
fluorescence im- uting to upregu-
aging analysis, lated expression of
scratch wound integrins and other
healing assay, molecules regulat-
qPCR array ing the ECM.
South Korea, Oligomeric procya- Normal human fi- Cell culture, cell OPC did not affect Kim et al.
2017 nidin broblast cell line, cytotoxicity as- cell proliferation (2017)
Hs27 say, OPC treat- and necrosis. OPC
ment, real-time inhibited procolla-
PCR, Western gen secretion, re-
Blot analysis of sulting in cytoplas-
procollagen type mic accumulation.
I, Immunocyto-
chemistry for lo-
calization of
procollagen type

720 Volume 02 Issue 08 August 2022 Corresponding Author: Ferni

A Systematic Review of Procyanidins: Updates on Current Bioactivities and Potential Benefits in Wound Healing
China, 2020 Procyanidin B2 Human umbilical Cell culture, PCB2 attenuates Nie et al (2020)
(PCB2) vein endothelial qRT-PCR, the ER stress in-
cells (HUVECs) Western blotting duced by high glu-
cose or tunicamy-
PCB2 ameliorated
high glucose-trig-
gered ER stress and
endothelial dys-
Poland, 2021 Leaves of: R. nigum BJ Cells, HaCaT Samples extrac- All samples show Ziemlewska
L., V. myrtillus L., R. cells (normal hu- tion, DPPH rad- antioxidant activity (2021)
fruticosus L., F. vesca man keratinocytes) ical scavenging and stimulate
L. assay, Cell via- keratinocyte migra-
bility assay, tion.
Scratch wound
Argentina, “San Andreas” straw- Primary human der- Samples extrac- CEs of both sam- Van de Valde
2018 berry and “Black mal fibroblasts iso- tion, HPLC- ples enhanced cell (2018)
Satin” blackberry lated from adult PDA and LC- production and mi-
crude extracts skin (HDFa) ESI-MS analy- gration and have
sis, Cell culture, antioxidant and
ROS assay, NO anti-inflammatory
assay, Anti-in- activity
flammatory as-
say, Skin fibro-
blast migration,
and proliferation

Turkey, 2016 Aerial parts (flowers Human lung carci- Samples extrac- Bellis perennis has Karakas et al.
and leaves) of wild- noma cell, Colon tion, Cell cul- antibacterial, anti- (2016)
grown adenocarcinoma ture, Antibacte- inflammatory, and
Bellis perennis cell, rial activity as- antioxidant activ-
Normal skin fibro- say, Anti-in- ity.
blast cell lines flammatory ac-
tivity assay, An-
tioxidant activ-
ity assay

DISCUSSION cyanidins are members of the proanthocyanidin class of fla-

Wound healing is a complex, continuous process supported vonoids, which is recently very interesting to discuss due to
by many cellular events coordinated to repair tissue damage their benefits for health. Unfortunately, there are still few
(5). Many cells have been participating in the wound healing studies examining their use in wound healing.
process, such as cytokines, chemokines, growth factors, mon- Proliferation and Cell Migration Activity
onuclear cells, skin cells, regulatory molecules, and extracel- Cell migration plays a vital role in tissue formation and repa-
lular matrix. The process has been organized in four continu- ration. It is also associated with maintaining tissue homeosta-
ous steps: the hemostasis phase, the inflammatory phase, the sis and immune response (6).
proliferative phase, and the remodelling phase (3–5) Conversely, in 2018 Van de Velde reported the potential cell
Many fruits and herbs have been used as traditional medicine migration found in polyphenolic compounds of blackberry
or other homemade treatment, particularly for wound healing. and strawberry extract. Fibroblast migration was found in the
Numerous studies indicate those materials are rich in bioac- positive control after 48h using anthocyanin-enriched frac-
tive compounds, especially polyphenols and flavonoids. Pro- tions (AEFs). Moreover, anthocyanin also induced keratino-
cytes and increased the production of VEGF (7).
721 Volume 02 Issue 08 August 2022 Corresponding Author: Ferni
A Systematic Review of Procyanidins: Updates on Current Bioactivities and Potential Benefits in Wound Healing
In line with the previous study, Esposito et al. reported a fi- strongly inhibit LPS-induced NO secretion. NO is an endog-
broblast migration, supporting active tissue repair and pro- enous free radical species. It is synthesized in many living
moting skin cell proliferation and migration (8). Furthermore, tissues and is a valuable promoter of physical homeostasis,
in 2021 Ziemlewska et al. performed a scratch wound assay, from L-arginine by nitric oxide synthase (NOS). High levels
and the results showed that the migration process of the tested of NO are highly associated with the pathophysiology of nu-
cells is affected, to varying degrees, by the analyzed extracts merous inflammation diseases (11).
of procyanidin from four different plants. The extract of R. Antioxidant Activity
fruticosus L. leaves at a concentration of 1.0% could sturdily The DPPH assay showed a significant correlation between
stimulate keratinocyte migration, resulting in almost a com- the total phenolic content and the radical scavenging activity.
plete wound closure. Increasing procyanidin concentrations may enhance free rad-
Many works of literature found that the proliferation of cells ical scavenging activity (6,11). Moreover, Van de Velde sug-
depends on the compound of plant origin. The concentration gested that anthocyanin components may be less active
of compounds in each extracted plant largely determines their against oxidative stress than proanthocyanidin (7).
effect and performance on cells. In line with the statement, In a high glucose setting, X. Nie et al. reported that PCB2
many studies have shown that these compounds are dose-de- significantly attenuated the endoplasmic reticulum stress. It
pendent. (6). inhibited the activation of IRE1α, PERK, and ATF6 path-
While in other studies it has contradictory results. In 2015, ways. PCB2 also decreased the mRNA levels of the ER stress
Kisseih et al. reported that C. mucronatum extract inhibited response genes, including GRP78, ATF3, ATF4, and CHOP
cellular proliferation but found cellular differentiation. Two (12).
typical markers of keratinocyte differentiation were found in Cell Toxicity
cells: involucrin and cytokeratin K10 X. Lower concentration The amount and type of phenolic content of extracts depend
of C. mucronatum extract (0.01–1μg/mL) expressed a more on three things. Firstly, it depends on the part of the plant ma-
robust expression of cytokeratin but not involucrin (9). terial. Secondly, it is subject to the type of extraction solvent,
Collagen synthesis plays a vital role in the remodelling phase. and thirdly, it depends on the extraction method used. Procy-
Kim et al. reported that OPC inhibited secretion of procolla- anidin B2 from C. Mucronatum extract did not influence the
gen type I in Hs27 cells. It resulted in almost complete sup- cell viability at 0.17 – 172 μm but strongly decreased cellular
pression in more than 10μg/mL concentration. The overabun- proliferation at higher concentrations (9). Extract of black-
dance of collagen deposition causes keloid, hypertrophic scar, berry and strawberry in the range of 50-250 μm/mL would
and fibrosis. OPC induces the accumulation of procollagen in not reduce the cell viability (7).
the cytoplasm but does not affect procollagen gene expres- Furthermore, in 2021, analyses demonstrated that the higher
sion, mRNA expression, and enzymes of collagen biosynthe- concentrations of procyanidin extracts inhibit the viability
sis (10). and metabolism of the cell lines tested. Cytotoxicity tests ex-
Antibacterial Activity ecuted on keratinocytes (HaCaT) revealed the most advanta-
Karakas et al. tested the antibacterial activity of Bellis prennis geous effect at a concentration up to 1.0%. Conversely, con-
L. (common daisy) with the disc diffusion assay. Bellis pren- centrations of all tested extracts equal to or greater than 5.0%
nis L. (common daisy), for a long time known as a wound- lessen the keratinocyte's viability and proliferation. It shows
healing plant in Europe, is a medicinal plant. In this study, the the reduction of cellular metabolism associated with concen-
extract of the flowers exhibited a broad spectrum of activity tration’s cytotoxic effect. A higher concentration may cause
against Gram-positive (S. aureus, S. epidermidis, and S. py- cell death. The results showed that 0.5-1.0% concentration of
ogenes) and Gram-negative bacteria (E. cloacea). The anti- analyzed plants promotes fibroblasts and keratinocyte prolif-
bacterial activity of the flower extracts occurred due to the eration (6). However, Kim et al. reported that Oligomeric
high phenolic content (11). Procyanidins (OPCs) have no cytotoxic effect on cells (10).
Anti-inflammatory Activity
Procyanidin B2 and its structure show anti-inflammatory ac- CONCLUSION
tivities. However, it appeared to support wound healing by This study shows some plants (flowers and fruits) contain
increasing ATP production, basal mitochondrial respiration, high amounts of polyphenols and flavonoids, which are very
and upregulated expression of integrins and other molecules beneficial for wound healing due to their antibacterial, anti-
regulating the ECM (8). Van de Velde also reported that all oxidant, and anti-inflammatory activities. This could be con-
polyphenol extracts significantly suppressed COX-2 gene ex- sidered as an alternative for wound healing treatment. Some
pression and the chronic pro-inflammatory gene IL-6 (7). In studies report in vivo application in animals; however, future
their study, Karakas et al. determined the anti-inflammatory research should be intensified on the practical use.
activities of procyanidin by measuring the ability to prevent
cellular nitric oxide (NO) production. They reported that the
plants' phenolic, flavonoid, and terpenoid constituents

722 Volume 02 Issue 08 August 2022 Corresponding Author: Ferni

A Systematic Review of Procyanidins: Updates on Current Bioactivities and Potential Benefits in Wound Healing
Conflict of Interest Thonn.: Oligomeric procyanidins as strong induc-
None. tors of cellular differentiation. J Ethnopharmacol.
Availability of Data and Materials
X. Kim BJ, Park JK, Kim BK, Park SJ, Kim MK, Lee
The published articles include all data that are used in this
C won, et al. Oligomeric Procyanidins (OPCs) In-
hibit Procollagen Type I Secretion of Fibroblasts.
Ethics Approval and Consent to Participate Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2017;14(3):297–306.
None. XI. Karakas FP, Turker AU, Karakas A, Mshvildadze V,
Pichette A, Legault J. In vitro cytotoxic, antibacte-
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723 Volume 02 Issue 08 August 2022 Corresponding Author: Ferni

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