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Ronny Richard Mera-Flores1,2, Irina Patricia Mera-Flores2, Andrea Monserrate
Murillo-Mera1,2, Carlos Fabricio Intriago-Cedeño1,2
School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Ecuador.
Asociación Científica de Estudiantes de Medicina de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí.


MODY is a rare endocrinopathy originated from various genetic

mutations that, independently of each other, express in the pa-
tient characteristics of a specific subtype of MODY, thirteen of
which have been identified to date, however, only some of the-
se subtypes have been delimited due to, among other factors,
levels of overlapping of clinical characteristics and the need for
Corresponding author:
Ronny Richard Mera-Flores
genetic tests as the only definitive diagnostic resource.
richard_mera_flores@ The primary defect in pancreatic cell function, the absence of debut by ketoacidosis, the disease will affect three family ge-
nerations, the diagnosis in childhood or adolescence, the low
obesity index and evolution of slow progress without insulin
Received: 03/10/2018
treatment in the early stages of the disease, are the general
Accepted: 14/05/2018 characteristics of the Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young. On
the other hand, the diagnosis of MODY X is given to the iden-
Keywords: tified patients whose genetic tests do not express mutations
Glucose Metabolism known to be associated to MODY but that present the clinical
Disorders, Diabetes Mellitus, criteria
MODY, Genetic Variation,
Insulin-Secreting Cells.

©2018 Vol 2. N°1. DM, Discover Medicine. Todos los derechos reservados.
BACKGROUND insulin during the first 5 years after diagno-
sis (7).
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the non-
communicable diseases (NCDs), with a mar- METHODS
ked degree of severity and the most fre-
quent range of complications in the world, A systematic search was performed in data-
which demonstrates its relevance at the bases such as SciElo, ScienceDirect, LILACS,
level of public health; it is estimated that of Redalyc, IntechOpen, PubMed, with selec-
56 million deaths in 2012, 68% were caused tion criteria such as: bibliographies no grea-
by an NCD; diabetes is among the diseases ter than 5 years old, clinical criteria such as
with the highest mortality rate along with presentation less than 25 years, low rate of
cardiovascular diseases, cancer and chronic obesity, 3 consecutive family generations
lung diseases. The WHO, in 2014, estimated affected, affected genes (HNF-4α, GCK,
that the global prevalence of diabetes is 10% TCF-1, IPF1, HNF-1β, NEUROD1). Approxi-
(2), the value of individual variation in rela- mately 20,000 results, between articles,
tion to the degree of development and social, books and other types of publications, and
demographic and cultural characteristics of 35 were selected that fulfilled the selection
the population, and with the recent increa- criteria.
se in prevalence of obesity, diabetes has in-
creased. In Ecuador, the National Institute of
Statistics and Census (INEC) reported diabe- DIABETES MELLITUS
tes mellitus as the second cause of death in
2014, the leading cause of death in fema- DM is a clinical syndrome cataloged among
les and the third in men (3). Diabetes MODY the noncommunicable diseases, it is charac-
(Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young) was terized by the alteration of the metabolism
originally described by Stefan S. Fajans, an or intermediate due to faults of the action
American researcher, who studied a family of the insulin on the tissues due to decrease
group, with children and adolescents, with of the sensitivity of these to the hormone
a previous family background of DM type 2; and/or alteration on the insulin secretion by
years of studying allowed to determine that the pancreatic cells, which constitutes 60-
MODY is a monogenic disease whose trans- 70% of the endocrine component in the hu-
mission mode is autosomal dominant (4,5); man pancreas (8-10), these conditions can
it affects a single gene, whose mutation has be isolated or coexist in the same patient.
a 50% probability of being present in direct Its clinical manifestation is elevated blood
descendants, without the influence of se- glucose levels; however, its more severe
xual genes. The American Diabetes Asso- expression leads to ketoacidosis and hype-
ciation (ADA) classifies DM into Type 1 dia- rosmolar non-ketotic syndrome (8). The
betes; Type 2 diabetes; gestational diabetes treatment of diabetes depends on to the
mellitus, and specific types of diabetes due multifactorial reduction of risks produced in
to other causes, among which is MODY (6). long term; micro and macrovascular dama-
MODY is a heterogeneous subtype of Type 2 ge in different structures such as feet, eyes,
DM in which a patient debuts before the age kidneys, nerves, heart and vessels (6).
of 25, there is evidence of deficient insulin
secretion and absence of insulin. Insulin re- MATURITY ONSET DIABETES OF THE
sistance is present on family background of YOUNG
at least 3 generations of diabetic patients
and usually does not need treatment with The ADA, in 2017, classified MODY in other
specific types of diabetes, more specifically of nuclear receptors of thyroid and steroid
in genetic defects of the beta cell. Nowa- hormones. Under physiological conditions,
days, specific mutations have been studied they regulate the secretion of insulin by
in thirteen types of MODY (6,11,12), despite pancreatic islets in the presence of high le-
this, there are unclear limits and unspecified vels of glucose, they also take charge of the
results between subtypes with a low mor- expression of genes related to the metabo-
bidity rate. It has been defined that MODY lism of glucose and lipids such as fatty acids
type 1, 2 and 3 are the most common for- and cholesterol (11,18). The insulin sensiti-
ms of this monogenic disease with autoso- vity is conserved with defective stimulation
mal dominant inheritance with incomplete on the secretion of this hormone by gluco-
penetrance (6,11,13). There are patients se intervention, gradual decrease and early
that does not show alterations in the genes deficiency of insulin secretion by pancreatic
identified for MODY, but they have clinical cells, hyperglycemia; vascular complications
criteria, so MODY X (7.13) is diagnosed. such as microangiopathy, rarely are obese
MODY is characterized by presenting fami- and they respond positively to insulin treat-
lial non-ketotic hyperglycemia, starting in ment (11,18).
childhood, adolescence or young adulthood,
classically before the age of 25, however, MODY 2: MUTATION IN THE GLUCOKINA-
the diagnosis can be made years later, an SE GENE (GCK)
indicator for this is the presence of DM in
at least three generations. There have been It was identified for the first time in French
cases with the absence of that criterion families (18), but it is currently distribu-
(12,14-16). It is associated with primary ted throughout the planet, the main ethnic
alterations in insulin production, and de- groups are Caucasians, 12.5% in British fa-
fects in the action of this hormone are mi- milies and 63% in French and Pacific Islan-
nimal or non-existent, so 2-5% of diabetes der families, not found in Japanese families.
are not dependent on insulin treatment (6, No predominance has been reported by sex
11,12,16), a fact that remains constant du- (19). The mutation of the GCK gene present
ring the first 5 years of development of the in chromosome 7p13 affects Glucokina-
endocrinopathy (16), which expresses its se (17), an enzyme that mediates glucose
unusual appearance, without relegating its catabolism in glucose-6-phosphate in the
relevance in public health, where it has been first reaction of glycolysis, is considered a
identified at least 1,200 genes that induce blood glucose sensor, variable in function of
various pathologies and phenological traits, which initiates or inhibits the metabolic pa-
which some are discussed below. thway (20 -22).

MODY 1: MUTATION IN THE HEPATIC NU- Glucokinase is expressed especially in pan-

CLEAR FACTOR 4 ALPHA GENE (HNF-4α) creatic cells and hepatocytes (17,21). In the
pancreas it regulates the function of glycoly-
Mutation of the HNF-4Α gene located on sis, thus reversing and producing adenosine
chromosome 20q13.12 (17) is one of the triphosphate; energy, and the secretion of
less frequent MODY subtypes, with few ca- insulin, under normal conditions, fulfils its
ses reported outside from Michigan (US), function as a sensor efficiently (19), howe-
where it was identified for the first time in ver, patients with MODY 2 require plasma
the offspring of a couple who emigrated glucose at higher than normal levels, so pa-
from Germany (18). This gene codes Hepatic tients have basal hyperglycemia and mild
Nuclear Factor 4 alpha, of its super-family diabetes due to changes in sensitivity that
©2018 Vol 2. N°1. DM, Discover Medicine. Todos los derechos reservados.
induce abnormal glucokinase activity, which glucose level is higher than 140 mg/dl are
is total dysfunction or functional interfe- unable to increase insulin secretion. Prior
rence. Unusual cases have been reported to the onset of diabetes, the carriers of
where the mutation boosts enzyme activity, this mutation manifest a glucose overload,
which increases insulin secretion with con- which causes glycosuria; to determine whe-
sequent hypoglycemia (16,18). In the liver it ther a person is a carrier of this mutation,
participates in the storage of glucose in the a glycosuria test is performed two hours
form of glycogen (17,18). In MODY 2, there after the oral glucose overload, which test
are heterozygous mutations of an allele and leads to a subsequent evaluation of the ca-
patients receive diet therapy and oral anti- rriers (25). It is frequently diagnosed in the
diabetics for presenting little or no chronic post-pubertal age group (19), between the
complications such as obesity, hyperten- ages of 14 and 30, although in adolescence
sion, or others. Patients who inherit two it occurs with greater incidence. Hypergly-
alleles with mutations in the GCK gene have cemia and insulin deficiency are severe in
neonatal diabetes with a deficiency in insu- this type of MODY, prevailing in the Cauca-
lin production that requires lifelong insulin sian and Japanese ethnic groups (26). Fre-
treatment (21,22). The inheritance of MODY quently, MODY 3 is associated with dyslipi-
2 is direct and each child has a 50% chance demia and high blood pressure, and obesity
of having the same mutation in the gene for is not common (23). In the first 10 years of
the enzyme GCK, except in de novo muta- life, patients have normal blood glucose le-
tions. The probability of inheriting the mu- vels, with subsequent deterioration of pan-
tation is 75% when both parents are carriers creatic function, but from the third decade
(19). of life onwards insulin secretion decreases,
requiring treatment (26). Diabetics with the
MODY 3: MUTATION IN THE HEPATIC NU- HNF-1α MODY mutation are more sensiti-
CLEAR FACTOR 1-ALPHA GENE (HNF-1α) ve to insulin and to sulfonylureas that lower
blood sugar levels than type 2 diabetics.
The most common appearance of MODY This alteration is the response of the whi-
diabetes in countries where research te tissue to a drug, induced by the pharma-
has been done is the mutation of the cogenetics of underlying etiology to MODY
HNF-1α gene, encoded on chromosome 3(25). Several studies show the weighting
12q24.2(17,19,23). It accounts for 70% of of HDL levels over triglycerides in patients
cases (24) and there are marked variations with MODY 3 in relation to patients with
depending on the ethnic group involved in T1DM (15,29). Several clinical studies have
the disease (7). The HNF-1α gene activates shown that patients with the MODY 3 indu-
genetic transcription of insulin (25,26). Lack cer mutation can control their glycemia level
or deprivation of HNF-1α function leads by meticulously administering sulfonylu-
to severe defects in the results of insulin reas treatment with low doses that guaran-
secretion to glucose and leucine (26). Cell tee an effect with short non-hypoglycemic
functions affected by the HNF-1α mutation prolongation, however, it will be necessary
induce a deficiency in pancreatic beta cells to progressively inhibit drug treatment of
at the molecular pathway level (27). The de- this nature due to the tendency to deterio-
fect of the pancreatic beta cell in this type rate glycemic control (30). Diet therapy and
of diabetes is progressive naturally (28). oral or insulin pharmacological treatment
Carriers of the HNF-1α mutation who do similar to that of patients with type 1 diabe-
not yet have diabetes show normal blood tes mellitus is recommended (26,31).
glucose levels when fasting, but when the
in 5 to 10% of cases, including de novo mu-
MODY 4: MUTATION IN THE INSULIN PRO- tations, the primitive description of this as-
MOTER FACTOR-1 GENE (IPF-1) sociation between early diabetes and renal
pathology with the appearance of cysts (35).
The genetic mutation of chromosome MODY 5 diabetes is similar to MODY 3, sin-
13q12.2 of the insulin promoter factor-1 ce it can present renal, pancreatic, hepatic
(IPF-1), causes a rare type of diabetes, ca- complications and genital malformations,
lled MODY 4. Under normal conditions, this the diagnosis of diabetes in intrauterine
gene is essential to normalize insulin syn- conditions can be anticipated. Probably due
thesis via transcription and organogenesis to the decrease in the action of HNF-1β in
of the pancreas (19). However, the mutation the liver and kidney, patients have a low le-
limits the protein binding that promotes the vel of liver sensitivity to insulin, so the ad-
insulin gene and alters the development of ministration of an oral treatment such as
pancreatic beta cells. In IPF-1 mutations, metformin would be the primary option af-
when the affected gene is heterozygous, it ter the application of insulin (23).
produces MODY, but if it is homozygous, it
causes pancreatic agenesis (26). 1% of all
reports of MODY type diabetes are diagno- MODY 6: MUTATION IN THE NEUROGENIC
sed in young adults, which characterizes the DIFFERENTIATION FACTOR 1 GENE
low prevalence, treatment requires the ad-
ministration of insulin and oral antidiabetics A rare type of diabetes is MODY 6, which
(23), although 30% of people diagnosed only is caused by the mutation on chromosome
require insulin (19,32,33). MODY 4 diabetes 2q32 and genetically affects neurogenic di-
has a lower risk of chronic complications fferentiation factor 1 (NEUROD1 or BETA2).
compared to MODY 1, MODY 3 and MODY Commonly the NEUROD1 factor has func-
5(19). tions such as: regulating the formation of
the endocrine pancreas (25), as a protein
MODY 5: MUTATION IN THE HEPATOCYTE regulating pancreatic development, with
NUCLEAR FACTOR-1 BETA GENE (HNF – tissue expression in the pancreas, intestine
1β) and central nervous system (26). When the
NEUROD1 factor mutation occurs, it causes
The genetic mutation of chromosome moderate or severe diabetes, with ranges
17q21.3(25) of hepatocyte nuclear fac- in various age groups (19). Some authors
tor-1 beta (HNF – 1β) causes MODY 5-type mention that it affects mostly young adults
diabetes. This nuclear transcription factor (25). MODY 6 is expressed in the brain, in-
is found in the pancreatic islets, and un- testine and pancreatic islets, resulting in
der normal conditions has the function of long-term progressive hyperglycemia (23).
homodimer or heterodimer with HNF-1β,
which normalizes the genetic presence in CONCLUSIONS
tissues of organs such as the pancreas and
kidney, so that when the mutation occurs, It is important to determine clinically when
it impairs pancreatic and renal function and it is a question of type 1 and 2 diabetes me-
organogenesis (26). It frequently appears llitus, and when MODY is considered in any
in adolescence or in young adulthood, and of its types, bearing in mind that the majo-
describes a wide clinical spectrum (34), so rity of cases of MODY type diabetes coinci-
it must be diagnosed in specific clinical si- de with patients with a low rate of obesity,
tuations. It is considered the least common, of less than 25 years of age, affected by 3
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