Yayasan Widya Satria Nusantara Sma Satria Nusantara Betung 2018

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Sekolah : SMA
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/ Semester : X / Genap
Materi Pokok : 3.9 Fungsi Sosial! Unsur Ke#ahasaan
$.9 Makna Lirik Lagu
Pertemuan ke : Pertemuan Pertama

A. Tujuan P$m&$lajaran
Setelah mengikuti proses pem#elajaran! peserta &i&ik &iharapkan &apat:
• Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK
• Menentukan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK
• Menyimpulkan pesan moral dari lagu yang didenga
• Menganalisis makna terkait fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan secara kontekstual lirik lagu
terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK

B. Petunjuk Kerja
Rewrite and analyze the song below !

C. Pernyataan Materi
➢ Introduction

Can you sing an English song? Is it difficult for you or not? Singing an English song
can help us to learn English. It is a fun way.

Do you have a favorite singer? Who is he/he? Why do you like him/her? Do you like
his/her songs, too? One of the best tools to learn foreign language is using songs. The real
songs can be very efective to help us understand English.

There are some reasons why many people use songs to learn English. First, song are
authentic materials. If we want to learn English, we should listen to English songs. Second,
English songs also contain culture and history.

The reason is that song contain repetitions and repetitions enhance learning. The next
reason is it's a good way to learn voccabulary and pronunciation. An last, English songs are
fun and they can easily energize the listeners.

➢ Social Function

The social function of song are:

- To entertain the listeners.

- To teach moral value through the lyrics of the songs.

- To provide a way of managing the realitionship between our public and private
emotional life.

- To express personal feeling and cultural values.

- To give someone to not only shares their emotions with others, but also to have an
emotional connection that just can't be experienced in any other way.

➢ General Structure of Song

The general structure of a song consists of verse-chorus-verse-bridge-chorus. It is better for

us to learn more about the complete structure of songs.

a. Intro

The introduction establishes melodic, harmonic, and/or rhythmic related to the main body of
b. Verse

It is the section of the song structure that tells the story. This is the exposition, describing the
scene or the person, or an emotion. There are usually two or three verses in a row that have
the same musical structure, the same rhyme and poetic meter, but different words. The
second verse builds on the picture painted in the first verse, etc.

c. Chorus of Refrain

A chorus is the most repeated section, so it’s the easiest remembered. A chorus is the
summary of the song’s story. All the verses have been leading up to the chorus, and is
usually the part of the song people sing along with. A chorus can come at the beginning of
the song structure; it can also start in the middle, or come at the end. In fact, some songs
don’t have choruses at all. Some people are usually confused to differentiate between
choruses and refrain. A refrain is any line that repeats in the song lyric, while a chorus is any
group of lines that repeat.

d. Break

A break is actually a brief “rest” or “pause” for the core melody within a song used to add
further dimension and excitement. It may include a quick instrumental solo or drum interlude
or it may be a brief moment of silence, or acombination of each of these elements.

e. Bridge

This is the part of the song that shifts. It can suddenly change tempo, or volume, or
instrumentation. The bridge is the section that gives the audience time to reflect on the story,
or gives them the “climax” or conclusion of the story through verses and chorus. Bridges can
be used to give the singer a break.

f. Outro or Coda

This is the end of the road for the song. It can repeat the intro, chorus or a refrain as an outro,
or a bridge with an instrumental solo.

➢ Language Feature
The Language Feature of song namely :
a. Figurative Words (words, phrase or sentences to beautify the meaning)
is the use of words, phrase, or sentence to beautify or sometimes to hide the
meaning. For example:

- I tried to be chill but you’re so hot that I melted

b. Denotation
is the real or the literal (dictionary definition). Connotation is the hidden meaning.
c. Conotation
Is the hidden meaning
- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan, seperti
d. Rhyme (Ritme)

is a repetition of similar sounds (not letters) For example:

- Well, you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you’re so hot that I mel ted
- I fell right through the crack
Now I'm trying to get back

➢ Translate it into Indonesian! Learn the song and find out the social function, moral value
and language feature of the song!

Example :
Count on
Me By
Bruno Mars

If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea,

I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see,
I'll be the light to guide you
Find out what we're made of
When we are called to help our friends in need
You can count on me like one two three
I'll be there
And I know when I need it I can count on you like four three two
You'll be there
'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah
Whoa, whoa
Oh, oh
Yeah, yeah
If you tossin' and you're turnin' and you just can't fall asleep
I'll sing a song
Beside you
And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me
Everyday I will
Remind you
Find out what we're made of
When we are called to help our friends in need
You can count on me like one two three
I'll be there
And I know when I need it I can count on you like four three two
You'll be there
'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah
Oh, oh
Yeah, yeah
You'll always have my shoulder when you cry
I'll never let go
Never say goodbye
You know you can
Count on me like one two three
I'll be there
And I know when I need it I can count on you like four three two
And you'll be there
'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah
Oh, oh
You can count on me 'cause I can count on you

D. Questions
1. 5ranslate the song into In&onesian0
C. 1o (ou fin& figurati2e +or&s in the song0 Please +rite
3. 1o (ou fin& )onnotation an& &enotation from the song0 Please +rite
$. Write the moral 2alue )an (ou fin& from the song0

E. Sum#er Belajar
8 Buku Penunjang Kurikulum CD13 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas X! Kemen&ik#u&! *e2isi
5ahun CD1E
8 http://+++.songfortea)hing.)om/)ountonme.BrunoMars.php

Palem#ang! 8 Septem#er CD18

Instruktur 1 Instruktur C Peserta

Ida Rosmalina, S.Pd, M.Pd Dra. Rita Hayati, MA Budiman, S.Pd


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