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Name: Lê Mạnh Duy

Class: CC01

Subject: Strategic Management

I am very honored to have a conversation and exchange with Mr. Quang, Director of Green Viet
Company, thanks to Mr. Lai Van Tai's invitation. I'm writing this report to express my thoughts on the
Guest's talk session.

I get the impression that he is an enthusiastic person from his talking style and the way he conveys
information, which creates closeness, encourages students to be open-minded and dynamic, and gives
them more confidence when learning how to manage strategies.

Despite the short duration of the conversation, he provided a wealth of useful information, primarily for
students to observe and consider some very real situations in various contexts.

We listened to Mr. Quang share about the company's formation process, the reasons for its formation,
the challenges it faced the first time, and the issues it faced during the Covid-19 epidemic period. Mr.
Quang introduces me to new ways of thinking about strategy, such as learning from competitors or
stakeholders, expanding the market to the United States, or changing the business approach to
customers. Despite not spending a lot of money on advertising, the company is still growing and
expanding thanks to a form that only focuses on potential clients and is only promoted through
professional media. Furthermore, I am very interested in how the company responds to changing future
trends, such as the need to continuously release inventions, gather information from developing
countries or research countries that are interested in investing in the Vietnamese market, and learn
from large enterprises. Always staying ahead of the curve and setting new trends to pique the interest of
potential partners and contractors.

Through the sharing session, I gained a better understanding of the importance of a company's mission
and vision, as well as how companies use it to create their own mission and vision. The influence of
trends on corporate strategies and the adjustment of strategies over time. The company's long-term
operating strategy, as well as how to use strengths and opportunities in the process of operating and
developing the business.

This is the first time, in my opinion, that I have directly heard from a CEO about his company's strategies,
management skills, staff management, goals, or difficult internal issues. The talk session provided me
with a clear picture of the value that Strategic Management has provided to me; it helped me visualize
the real business environment and provided theoretical foundations to help me feel more confident
about my ability to adapt to real-world challenges.

Through the sharing of the guests, I learned that the real world is very different and has unexpected
challenges compared to the basic knowledge learned in school, but after hearing how the CEO has
applied his knowledge, I learned that the real world is very different and has unexpected challenges. To
be able to continue operating the business, I need to understand how I need to learn and improve, as
well as gain more market experience. To put it another way, I can envision the path I'll take and know
how to set specific goals for my future career.

Finally, Mr. Quang's presentation has inspired and motivated me to continue my education, as well as
given me many ideas for my future career goals.

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