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Q.P.Code: 13CE605 4) 6) 2) Ris. III B.Tech I Semester Regular & Supplementary Examinations, May 2018 FOUNDATION ENGINEERING (Civil Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 Answer One Question from each Unit of Part- A (4X14=56M) Answer 14 bits from Part-B (14x1=14M) PART-A u 1 8. Describe auger boring in detail 7™ b. List various samplers. Explain any one in detail ™ (oR) a. Describe Swedish circle method 7M b. Explain plate load test in detail 7™ INIT a, Determine the passive earth pressure by Rankine’s theory per unit run for a retaining 10M wall 4m high with i=1S° $=15 ° and y=19Kwm’, The back face of the wall is smooth and vertical 4M b, State the assumptions in Coulomb's theory (OR) A retaining wall has a vertical back and is 8m high. The back face of the wall is 7M smooth and the upper face of the fill is horizontal. Determine thrust on the wall per unit length. Take c=10KN/m? , y=19Kn/m’ and $=20°. Neglect tension b, State the different types of retaining walls. Explain any one in detail ™ UNIT -11 a, A square footing is required to carry a net load of 1200 KN. Determine the size of the 7M footing if the depth of foundation is 2 m and the tolerable settlement is 40mm. The soil is sandy with N=12, Take a factor of safety of 3. The water table is very deep. Use Terzahi,s equation. b. Discuss Meyerhofts bearing capacity theory ™M (OR) a What are the different types of shallow foundations? Explain with the help of 7M sketches b A strip footing of 2m width is founded at a depth of 4m below the ground surface. 7M Determine the ultimate bearing capacity using Skemptons equation. The soil is elay(g =0, c=10Kn/m*, The unit weight of the soil is 20 Kn’m* UNIT-1V a. A concrete pile 30 cm diameter is driven into a medium dense sand (g =35, y =21 7M Kn/m*, K=I and 8 =0.7) for a depth of 8m. Estimate the safe load, taking a factor of safety of 2.5 b. How do you estimate the group capacity of piles sand ii) clay ™ ee Q.P.Code: 13CE605 8) (OR) a. What are the various components of a well foundation? What are their uses b. Discuss the measures for rectification of tilts and shifts Answer the following List the different types of borings for exploration State the examples of finite slopes What is infinite slope What is slope stability State the different types of earth pressures State the different types of retaining walls What is the purpose of the Rankine's theory What is allowable bearing pressure State the different types of settlements ‘What is net safe bearing capacity What do you mean by Negative skin friction. Name the most commonly used well foundation List the different shapes of well foundation What is the difference between sand and clay ™ ™

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