Understanding The Self Syllabus

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Semester Adopted: Sem: 1st AY: 2022-2023

Revision Status: Ist Draft

Republic of the Philippines Revision Date: July 26, 2022
Western Mindanao State University Recommending approval: RUTH MIRIAM DE SOSA-RACHO


For the 1st Semester, SY 2022 - 2022

Western Mindanao State University College of Teacher Education

Vision GOALS
College Goals
The University of Choice for higher learning with strong research orientation that The Bachelor of Secondary Education Program of the College of Teacher
a. provide high quality Western
Education, teacher Mindanao
that is responsive to education-for-all
State University aims to: in the
produces professionals who are socially responsive to and responsible for human
development; ecological sustainability; and, peace and security within and beyond nation and education for sustainable development needs in the world:
the region. b. a.
realize thethe
develop threefold
knowledge, institutional thrust
attitudes, skills of instruction,
and habits research
of the prospective highand
community outreach in higher education;
school teacher to enable him to harness his potentials as a human person,
Mission c. honefamily
the students
member, and to the competencies
community and skills of a new breed of 21st
b. caterteachers, such of
to the needs asitsinformation-media literacyclientele
socio-culturally-pluralistic communication skills,
by continuously
The Western Mindanao State University, set in a culturally diverse environment, revising/global
civic literacy, enriching/ upgrading
awareness, its curricular
among others; offerings;
shall pursue a vibrant socio-economic agenda that include: d. c. provide
create adequate training
an environment for totransformational
would-be teachersleadership
in evolving among
a sound students
 A relevant instruction paradigm in the education and training of competent who will be imbued with energy, enthusiasm and passion forfor
philosophy of life inspired by an abiding faith in God and love passion for
and responsive human resource for societal and industry needs; positivefellowmen;
change in the teaching profession; and
 A home for intellectual formation that generates knowledge for people d. instil
e. instill thecritical
of lifelongas well as aesthetic
learning among andgraduates
cultural values
whoamong the only
will not
empowerment, social transformation and sustainable development; and; prospective high school teachers, and;
desire to become full-fledged professionals but also molders and artist who
 A hub where science, technology and innovation flourish enriched by the e. the
blend produce a new
natural breed ofand
qualities teachers
strongwho are imbued
desire withbest
to be the altruism,
in thedynamics,
wisdom of the Arts and Letters, and Philosophy. responsibility and ethics virtues

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Effective Date: 24-JUN-2020
Program Outcomes Specific to a sub-discipline and a major

Program Outcomes (PO): The graduate of the College of teacher Education can:
a b c D E
a. articulate the rootedness of education in philosophical, socio-cultural, historical, legal, ethical, psychological, political context in explaining current
issues ;(PPST D-1)
b. demonstrate qualities of an innovative teacher who has mastery of subject matter across curriculum areas with critical understanding of application of
theories and principles of teaching and learning;(PPST-D-1)
c. employ principles of sustainable development in the teaching and learning ,and provide safe, secure and fair and supportive learning environment
and manage learner behavior towards attainment of the high standards of learning;(PPST-D2)
d. facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies, delivery modes and resources appropriate to specific learners, their characteristics,
experiences , and environments ; (PPST D-3)
e. plan, develop and implement innovative curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches, and resources for diverse learners , integrate local &
global perspectives in teaching and principles; (PPST D-3)
f. apply skills in the development and utilization of ICT to promote, quality relevant, and sustainable educational practices(ICT Competency Standards);
g. demonstrate variety skills, like leading , organizing, planning, coordinating communities towards self-reliance and self- sufficiency
h. practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the local, national, and global realities in establishing school-community partnerships
aimed at enriching the learning environment, as well as the community’s engagement in the educative process; (PPST D-6)
i. pursue lifelong learning for the personal and professional growth through professional reflection, and varied experiential and filed based opportunities
with primary regard to high teacher qualities and standards .(PPST – D-7)



COURSE CREDIT 3 Units (3 hours lecture)

COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is intended to facilitate the exploration of the issues and concerns regarding self and identify to arrive at a better
understanding of one’s self. It serves to meet this goal by stressing the integration of the personal with the academic-
contextualizing matters discussed in the classroom and in the everyday experience of students-making for better learning,
generating anew appreciation for the learning process, and developing a more critical and reflective attitude while enabling them
to manage and improve their selves to attain a better quality of life. This course includes the mandatory topics on Family Planning
and Population Education.

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Effective Date: 24-JUN-2020
At the end of the course, the student can:
a b c d e F G
The Self From Various Perspectives
1. Discuss the different representations and conceptualizations of various disciplinal perspectives.
2. Compare and contrast how the self has been represented across the different disciplines and
3. Examine the different influences, factors and forces that shape the self.
4. Demonstrate critical and reflective thought in analyzing the development of one’s self and identity
by developing a theory of the self.
Unpacking The Self
5. Explore the different aspects of self and identity.
6. Demonstrate critical, reflective thought in integrating the various aspects of self and identity.
7. Identify the different forces and institutions that impact the development various aspects of self and
8. Examine one’s self against the different aspects of self discussed in class.
Managing and caring for the Self
9. Explain he theoretical underpinnings on how to manage and care for different aspect of the self.
10. Acquire and hone new skills and learnings for better managing of one’s self and behaviors.
11. Apply these new skills to one’s self and functioning for a better quality of life.

 Alata, Eden Joy P., Caslib, Bernardo M. Jr., Serafica, Janice Patria J. and Pawilen R. A. (2018) Understanding the Self. Sampaloc Manila, Rex Book Store, Inc.

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Effective Date: 24-JUN-2020
The following books will be used as major references

1. Mansilla, Veronica Boix, (2010) MYP Guide to Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning. Cardiff, International Baccalaureate. 13 – 26
2. Mitchell, H.B. (2011) Roots of Wisdom: A Tapestry of Philosophical Traditions. 6th Edition Wadsworth, Cangage Learning. 116 – 148
3. Baldwin, John D. (1986) The Self and Society In George Herbert Mead: A Unifying Theory for Sociology. London, Sage Publications. 106 – 122
4. Quappe, Stephanie and Giovanna Cantatore. (2005) What is Cultural Awareness, anyway? How do I build it? Accessed on May 2, 2017 from
5. Schultz, Duane and Sydney Schultz. (2013) “Carl Roger’s Self – Actualization Theory” in Theories of Personality 10th Edition. Belmont, Wadsworth.
6. Nisbett, Richard E. (2003) “Living Together vs. Going It Alone” in The Geography of Thought: How Asians and Westerner Think Differently and
Why. New York, The Free Press. 47 – 77
7. Greenberg, Jerrold, et. Al. (2014). “Introducing the Dimensions of Human Sexuality” in Exploring the Dimensions of Human Sexuality, 5 th Ed.
Burlington, Jones and Barlett Learning. 2 – 36
8. Richardson, Niall and Adam Locks. (2014) “Body Image: Beauty and Age (ing)” in Body Studies: The Basics. New York, Routledge. 30 – 48
9. Department of Health. (2014). The Philippine Clinical Standards Manual on Family Planning.
10. Belk, Russell. (1988). “Possessions and the Extended Self” in The Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 15, No. 2. The University of Chicago Press.
139 – 168.
11. Belk, Russell. (2013). “Extended Self in the Digital World” in Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 40, No. 3. The University of Chicago Press. 477 –
12. White, Richard. (2013). “Introduction” in the Heart of Wisdom: A Philosophy of Spiritual Life. Plymouth, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 1 –
13. Romulo, Carlos P. (August 6, 1941). “I am a Filipino” in the Philippine Herald. Philippines.
14. Santrock, John W. and Jane S. Halonen. (2010). “Commit To College Success” in Your Guide to College Success: Strategies for Achieving Goals.
Boston, Wardsworth. xvii – xxxv
15. Santrock, John W. and Jane S. Halonen. (2010). “Diverify your Learning Style” and “Enhance Your Study Skills and Memory” in Your Guide to
College Success: Strategies for Achieving Goals. Boston, Wadsworth. 89 – 118; 191 – 200
16. Clinic Community Health Center, Canada, 2 – 11, Stress and Stress Management (2010).
17. Just For Teens: A Plan for Managing Stress, IL, 1 – 5. Ginsburg. K. & Jablow, M. (2014).

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Effective Date: 24-JUN-2020
Suggested Readings
The Diderot Effect

Relevant Videos

Understanding the Self : The Self from various Philosophical Perspective

Understanding the Self : Sociological Perspective of the Self (The Self, Society, and Culture)

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Effective Date: 24-JUN-2020
RATING Midterm Grade..........................50%
96-100 1.0 Final term Grade.......................50%
91-95 1.25
86-90 1.5
Midterm Exam.................................................................40%
81-85 1.75 Quizzes............................................................................30%
76-80 2.0 Group Work.....................................................................10%
71-75 2.25 100%
66-70 2.5
Final Term Exam............................................................40%
62-65 2.75 Quizzes............................................................................20%
Seatwork/Group Work.....................................................20%
60-61 3.0 Project.............................................................................20%
Below 60 5.0

Lacks requirements and/or final exam INC FORMULA FOR COMPUTING PERCENTAGE GRADES

Authorized Withdrawal (Dropped with permit) AW Passing Grade =60%

Unauthorized Withdrawal (Dropped from class for non- Percentage Grade = raw score / total number of items x 55 + 45
UW Example: raw score = 28, total items = 50
attendance/non-appearance for 20% of prescribed attendance)
GRADE = 28/50 x 55 + 45
= 0.56 x 55 +45
=30.8 +45

TOTAL SCORE....................................28 correct out of 50 items

PERCENTAGE GRADE......................76%
NUMERICAL RATING.......................2.75
REMARKS........................................... PASSED


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Effective Date: 24-JUN-2020
 1 Project for the final term
 Compilation of all exercise (MIDTERM-FINAL)
 2 Written Major Exams (Midterm and Final Examination)  Active participation in all class activities.
 2 Hands-On Major Exam  At least 55% passing in all exams and other graded requirements.
 At least 6 Quizzes (3 quizzes midterm + 3 quizzes final term)

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Effective Date: 24-JUN-2020
Syllabus for [indicate subject code and subject ID]

Desired Student MODE OF DELIVERY

Learning Outcome-Based (OBA) Note: Which ever mode of delivery is applicable to the
Evidence of
Course Content Outcomes/Competenc Activities Course students, adapt a flexible learning delivery as
Time Outcomes Program
(No. of Hours Per ies (Teaching, Learning Learning appropriate to the required activities.
Frame (Assessment of Outcomes
Topic) At the end of each Activities, & Outcomes
Learning Outcome) PURELY PURELY
topic and semester, the Contextualization) BLENDED
students can ONLINE OFFLINE
WEEK 1 TOPIC 1 (3 hours):  Exhibit awareness • Individual participation in Rubric score cards of Online face to
and appreciation of class discussion and group class participation face
A. WMSU the University presentation using a rubric to accomplished by: Google
VMGO, Vision, Mission assess quality of participation. Professor classroom
Classroom and Quality Policy Peer Video
Policies, and College Goals, Self presentation of
Course and Program the subject
Overview, Objectives. matter
Requirements,  Demonstrate
Grading understanding of
System the classroom
policies, course A, B
requirements, and
grading system.
 Two truths and a Lie
B. Getting to  Get to know each Analysis and
Know You other by sharing discussion
facts and fictions
about themselves.

WEEK TOPIC 2:  Elaborate Number Heads Together Rubrics for A, G Video On line face to Equivalent

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Effective Date: 24-JUN-2020
Syllabus for [indicate subject code and subject ID]

Desired Student MODE OF DELIVERY

Learning Outcome-Based (OBA) Note: Which ever mode of delivery is applicable to the
Evidence of
Course Content Outcomes/Competenc Activities Course students, adapt a flexible learning delivery as
Time Outcomes Program
(No. of Hours Per ies (Teaching, Learning Learning appropriate to the required activities.
Frame (Assessment of Outcomes
Topic) At the end of each Activities, & Outcomes
Learning Outcome) PURELY PURELY
topic and semester, the Contextualization) BLENDED
students can
2 Interdisciplinary definition of (NHT) Presentation, Oral 1, 2 presentation, face coverage through
Learning Towards interdisciplinary Milling discussion rated by face to face – on Google class handouts,
Self – learning through Filling up retrieval chart self, peer and line meetings, room modules or
Understanding (3 sharing / Demonstration and Role Play professor. Google Video workbook will
hours): collaborative classroom or presentation of be provided to
learning; equivalent the subject the students
A. Defining  Give examples of coverage matter
Quality interdisciplinary through
Interdiscipli learning; handouts,
nary  Relate modules or
Learning interdisciplinary workbooks will
learning to his/her be provided to
real-life situations. the students

TOPIC 3: The Self  Explain why it is Individual Activity: Do You Using their own Video On line face to
From Various essential to Truly Know Yourself? words, students will presentation, face
Perspectives (21 understand the (Students will be asked to be asked to state what face to face – on Google class
hours): self. answer series of questions “self” is for each of line meetings, room
 Describe and about themselves as fully and the philosophical Google Video
C. Philosophy discuss the precisely as they can). perspective discussed 1, 2 A, B, D, E, classroom or presentation of
 Socrates, Plato and different notions of in the class and F, G equivalent the subject
Augustine and the self from the explain how their coverage matter
Descartes, Locke, points – of – view concept of “Self” is through
Hume, Kant, Freud, compatible with how handouts,
of the various
Ryle, Churchland the philosophers modules or
and Merleau – Ponty
across time and conceived the “Self”. workbooks will
– all try to answer
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Effective Date: 24-JUN-2020
Syllabus for [indicate subject code and subject ID]

Desired Student MODE OF DELIVERY

Learning Outcome-Based (OBA) Note: Which ever mode of delivery is applicable to the
Evidence of
Course Content Outcomes/Competenc Activities Course students, adapt a flexible learning delivery as
Time Outcomes Program
(No. of Hours Per ies (Teaching, Learning Learning appropriate to the required activities.
Frame (Assessment of Outcomes
Topic) At the end of each Activities, & Outcomes
Learning Outcome) PURELY PURELY
topic and semester, the Contextualization) BLENDED
students can
the question Who place. Analytical rubric will be provided to
are You  Compare and be used to assess the the students
contrast how the student’ output.
self has been
represented in
 Examine one’s self
against the
different views of
self that were
discussed in class.
D. Sociology Answering essay
 The self as a  Explain the Class Activity: “Human questions: e.g. How
product of modern relationship Bingo” Reflection Activity would you describe
society among other between and will follow. yourself? 3, 4 A, B, F, G
constructions. among the self,
society and Individual Activity: “My Self
 Mead and the culture; Through the Years” (Student Analytical rubric will
social self will be asked to paste their be used to assess the
picture when they were in student’s output.
 Describe the elementary, in high school,
different ways by and in college. Below the
which society and pictures, they are also to list
culture shape the down their salient
self. characteristics that they
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Effective Date: 24-JUN-2020
Syllabus for [indicate subject code and subject ID]

Desired Student MODE OF DELIVERY

Learning Outcome-Based (OBA) Note: Which ever mode of delivery is applicable to the
Evidence of
Course Content Outcomes/Competenc Activities Course students, adapt a flexible learning delivery as
Time Outcomes Program
(No. of Hours Per ies (Teaching, Learning Learning appropriate to the required activities.
Frame (Assessment of Outcomes
Topic) At the end of each Activities, & Outcomes
Learning Outcome) PURELY PURELY
topic and semester, the Contextualization) BLENDED
students can

 Compare and PowerPoint Presentation.

contrast how the
self can be
influenced by the
institutions in the
society; and

 Examines one’s
self against the
different views of
self that were
discussed in the
E. Anthropology Rubrics for
 The Self  Explain the Class Activity: Playing Participation 3,4 A, B, D, F,
Embedded in
concept of self in Traditional Games “Tumba G
relation to their Lata” or “Syatong”
 The Self and
cultural heritage.
Person in PowerPoint Presentation
 Identify different
 The Self
concepts of self
Embedded I Culture
from various
WMSU-VPAA-FR-032.00 Page 11 of 20
Effective Date: 24-JUN-2020
Syllabus for [indicate subject code and subject ID]

Desired Student MODE OF DELIVERY

Learning Outcome-Based (OBA) Note: Which ever mode of delivery is applicable to the
Evidence of
Course Content Outcomes/Competenc Activities Course students, adapt a flexible learning delivery as
Time Outcomes Program
(No. of Hours Per ies (Teaching, Learning Learning appropriate to the required activities.
Frame (Assessment of Outcomes
Topic) At the end of each Activities, & Outcomes
Learning Outcome) PURELY PURELY
topic and semester, the Contextualization) BLENDED
students can

 Appreciate
diversity of
backgrounds by
sharing thoughts
on how to promote
cultural awareness.

F. Psychology
 The Self as a Write and Drop Activity: 3,4 A, B, F, G
Research Activity:
Cognitive “You” Through Others Eyes
 Identify the Student will be asked
Construction: different ideas in to do a research and
- William James Videos:
psychology about list ten (10) things to
and the Me – “I am Beautiful”
the “Self” boost their self –
Self; I – Self “Pinoy Millenials”
 Analyze the effects esteem or improve
- Global vs. “The Parable of a Pencil”
of various factors their self-concept.
identified in
models Processing and Discussion
psychology in the
- Real and Ideal
formation of the Research output with
“Self” analysis.
- Multiple vs.
 Explain Carl
Unified Selves
Roger’s Self –
- True vs. False
WMSU-VPAA-FR-032.00 Page 12 of 20
Effective Date: 24-JUN-2020
Syllabus for [indicate subject code and subject ID]

Desired Student MODE OF DELIVERY

Learning Outcome-Based (OBA) Note: Which ever mode of delivery is applicable to the
Evidence of
Course Content Outcomes/Competenc Activities Course students, adapt a flexible learning delivery as
Time Outcomes Program
(No. of Hours Per ies (Teaching, Learning Learning appropriate to the required activities.
Frame (Assessment of Outcomes
Topic) At the end of each Activities, & Outcomes
Learning Outcome) PURELY PURELY
topic and semester, the Contextualization) BLENDED
students can
 The Self as  Explain and relate
Proactive and the concept of real
Agentic self and ideal self
to one’s
 Identify the
characteristics of a
fully functioning
person and assess
oneself in relation
to it
 Appreciate the
psychological view
of self through Students will create a
G. The Self in sharing representation,
Western Group Activity: “Two Sides diagram, or concept 3,4 A, B, F, G
Oriental/Eastern of the Same Planet” Students map of the SELF
Thought  Differentiate the will write five (5) differences according to Filipino
concept of Self between Western and Eastern culture
 Individualistic according to society, culture and
vs. Collective Western thought individuals.
Self against Eastern / Reflection Paper
Oriental Film Viewing:
 The Social perspective “Rush Hours”
Construction of
the Self in Processing and Discussion.
WMSU-VPAA-FR-032.00 Page 13 of 20
Effective Date: 24-JUN-2020
Syllabus for [indicate subject code and subject ID]

Desired Student MODE OF DELIVERY

Learning Outcome-Based (OBA) Note: Which ever mode of delivery is applicable to the
Evidence of
Course Content Outcomes/Competenc Activities Course students, adapt a flexible learning delivery as
Time Outcomes Program
(No. of Hours Per ies (Teaching, Learning Learning appropriate to the required activities.
Frame (Assessment of Outcomes
Topic) At the end of each Activities, & Outcomes
Learning Outcome) PURELY PURELY
topic and semester, the Contextualization) BLENDED
students can
Western  Describe how the
Thought western and
eastern differ in
 The Self as their concept of
embedded in self as shown in
relationships their social
and through relations
development in  Explain the
Confucian concept of self as
thought found in Asian

 Create a
representation of
the Filipino Self

WEEK TOPIC 4: 5,6 A, C, E, G Video Face to face Equivalent

11 - 15 Unpacking the Self presentation, online coverage through
(15 hours): face to face – on discussions handouts, will be
line meetings, provided to the
a. THE PHYSICAL  Discuss the Individual Activity: “Defining Group Creative Google Soft copy of the students

WMSU-VPAA-FR-032.00 Page 14 of 20
Effective Date: 24-JUN-2020
Syllabus for [indicate subject code and subject ID]

Desired Student MODE OF DELIVERY

Learning Outcome-Based (OBA) Note: Which ever mode of delivery is applicable to the
Evidence of
Course Content Outcomes/Competenc Activities Course students, adapt a flexible learning delivery as
Time Outcomes Program
(No. of Hours Per ies (Teaching, Learning Learning appropriate to the required activities.
Frame (Assessment of Outcomes
Topic) At the end of each Activities, & Outcomes
Learning Outcome) PURELY PURELY
topic and semester, the Contextualization) BLENDED
students can
SELF: development Beauty” (Students will Work: Students will classroom or handouts can be
The Self as aspect of the complete sentences. E.g. For make a slogan or a equivalent provided to
impacted by the reproductive me, beauty means ________) poster about coverage students via
body system. becoming a 9, 10 A, B, C, D, through email
 The impact of  Describe the responsible Internet E, F, G handouts,
culture on body erogenous zones. Group Sharing: “My FB user. modules or
Experiences” workbooks will
image and self
esteem: The be provided to
importance if the students

b. THE DIGITAL  Define online

Quickie Survey: “Who goes
SELF: Self and identity
online and why”?
other in cyberspace  Compare real
identity vs. online
 I, me, myself and identity
my user ID online  Describe the
Identity influence of
Internet on
sexuality and
 Articulate the risks
and benefits of
different identities
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Effective Date: 24-JUN-2020
Syllabus for [indicate subject code and subject ID]

Desired Student MODE OF DELIVERY

Learning Outcome-Based (OBA) Note: Which ever mode of delivery is applicable to the
Evidence of
Course Content Outcomes/Competenc Activities Course students, adapt a flexible learning delivery as
Time Outcomes Program
(No. of Hours Per ies (Teaching, Learning Learning appropriate to the required activities.
Frame (Assessment of Outcomes
Topic) At the end of each Activities, & Outcomes
Learning Outcome) PURELY PURELY
topic and semester, the Contextualization) BLENDED
students can
 Discuss the proper
way of
values and
attitudes online

WEEK TOPIC 5: A, C, E, F, Video Face to face Equivalent

16 – 17 Managing and G presentation on online coverage through
Caring for the Self video clips discussions handouts, will be
(6 hours): provided to the
Face to face Soft copy of the students
a. Learning to be a  Explain how Answering the Metacognitive Scenario Analysis 9, 10 online handouts can be
better student learning occurs Awareness Inventory (MAI) discussions provided to
* What happens  Enumerate various students via
during learning? metacognition and “Beautiful or Not Beautiful” Soft copy of the email
studying Sharing Session of handouts can
techniques be provided to
 Identify the students via
metacognitive email; or
techniques student will
follow the
A, C, E, G
b. THE SEXUAL  Explain human Motivational: Group Creative Work: 5, 6 instructions,
SELF sexual behavior PPT “Lust, Love and Students will propose guidelines and
 Dimensions of  Characterize the Attachment” a program in school activities in the
Human Sexuality or community that
WMSU-VPAA-FR-032.00 Page 16 of 20
Effective Date: 24-JUN-2020
Syllabus for [indicate subject code and subject ID]

Desired Student MODE OF DELIVERY

Learning Outcome-Based (OBA) Note: Which ever mode of delivery is applicable to the
Evidence of
Course Content Outcomes/Competenc Activities Course students, adapt a flexible learning delivery as
Time Outcomes Program
(No. of Hours Per ies (Teaching, Learning Learning appropriate to the required activities.
Frame (Assessment of Outcomes
Topic) At the end of each Activities, & Outcomes
Learning Outcome) PURELY PURELY
topic and semester, the Contextualization) BLENDED
students can
 Family Planning diversity of sexual will raise the handouts.
behavior Gallery Walk on Natural and awareness of the
 Describe sexually Artificial Methods of students and to help
transmitted Contraception eliminate sexually
diseases transmitted diseases
 Differentiate especially among the
natural and youth.
artificial methods Raise awareness
of contraception. about teenage
c. THE MATERIAL early teenage
/ ECONOMIC  Explain the pregnancy 6, 7 A, B, C, D,
SELF association of self Individual Activity: E, F, G
and possessions “Debit Card Challenge”
 I shop, therefore I  Identify the role of The Diderot Effect
am: I have, therefore consumer culture Processing and analysis of Collage on: Me and
I am? to self and identity students’ output My Favorite Things
 Shaping the way  Appraise one’s self SUGGESTED MOVIE (what these are and
we see ourselves: based on the “Shopaholic” what they say about
The role of description of me)
consumer culture on material self.
our sense of self –  Demonstrate Rubrics for assessing
identity knowledge and students’ output.
fairness, respect
regardless of social
status that they
find most
WMSU-VPAA-FR-032.00 Page 17 of 20
Effective Date: 24-JUN-2020
Syllabus for [indicate subject code and subject ID]

Desired Student MODE OF DELIVERY

Learning Outcome-Based (OBA) Note: Which ever mode of delivery is applicable to the
Evidence of
Course Content Outcomes/Competenc Activities Course students, adapt a flexible learning delivery as
Time Outcomes Program
(No. of Hours Per ies (Teaching, Learning Learning appropriate to the required activities.
Frame (Assessment of Outcomes
Topic) At the end of each Activities, & Outcomes
Learning Outcome) PURELY PURELY
topic and semester, the Contextualization) BLENDED
students can
appropriate for

- Brain and behavior Processing and Analysis of
changes Students Output

 Metacognition and Video Clip: “The Power of

study strategies Habit”
 Managing your
own learning: Self-
regulated learning

b. Setting goals for

Success A, C, E, F,
10, 11 G
 The Importance of Individual Activity: “5 – 10 –
Goals 20 Selfie” Students will draw
 Bandura’s Self how they envisioned “Future
Efficacy, Dweck’s Self” in 5, 10 and 20 years “Self – Efficacy –
Mindset (Growth vs. from now. Collage” Students
Fixed) will make a collage of
 Locke’s goal their own perceived
setting theory self – efficacy using
Bandura’s four
sources of influence
for the development
WMSU-VPAA-FR-032.00 Page 18 of 20
Effective Date: 24-JUN-2020
Syllabus for [indicate subject code and subject ID]

Desired Student MODE OF DELIVERY

Learning Outcome-Based (OBA) Note: Which ever mode of delivery is applicable to the
Evidence of
Course Content Outcomes/Competenc Activities Course students, adapt a flexible learning delivery as
Time Outcomes Program
(No. of Hours Per ies (Teaching, Learning Learning appropriate to the required activities.
Frame (Assessment of Outcomes
Topic) At the end of each Activities, & Outcomes
Learning Outcome) PURELY PURELY
topic and semester, the Contextualization) BLENDED
students can
and maintenance of
self – efficacy.

“Goal Setting Plan”

Students will make a
goal setting plan
(short term for one
semester only) based
e. Taking Charge of on what you learned
One’s Health Answering of “College from Locke’s goal
 Stressors and Student’s Stressful Event setting theory.
 Explain the effects
responses Checklist”
of stress to one’s
 Sources of Coping
and Strength Discussion and analysis of “Self-Care Plan”
 Examine cultural
 Stress and students score and its students will design a
dimension of stress
Filipinos: The social interpretation self – care plan for the A, C, E, F,
and coping
and cultural whole school year. G
 Design a self –
dimensions of stress 11
care plan
 Taking care of the
self: The need for
self-care and



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Effective Date: 24-JUN-2020
Syllabus for [indicate subject code and subject ID]

Prepared By: Noted: Recommending Approval: Approved:

BERHANA I. FLORES Department Head Dean Vice – President for Academic Affairs

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Effective Date: 24-JUN-2020

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