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Crafted to be of Help

God said , “Bulahan ang mga kabus kay ila ang gingharian sa Dios.” This bible verse
come into my mind as I traveled along the rocky road of Catablaran, Cabanglasan. I
never closed my eyes looking at the families’ home built along the way. I can see their
means of living. They really need help especially on their financial status. Mostly are
really poor. As I heard the testimony of an old man, my heart began to cry. They lack of
many things. Financial, and social were deprived. They can barely provide for everyday
expense. It is because they are very far from the market place.
Thing could have been dreadful back then for them. The place was very far and it
is a place were in you can say that there is a difficulty in travelling. Vehicles could not
freely access the place. Therefore, help from the government and other organization
would be a trouble in going there. How much more during the time when it was worse.
For once, I have realized, looking at the place, hardships of everyday living is
inevitable. Aside from that, residents there don’t have sustainable education. I have
observed that, at early age, they are already married. And at certain points, bearing of
children were problem for them. The right provision of education for children could not
provided well. As I interviewed a few, even providing paper is a concern for students as
they go to their school in their community.
Due to poor-stricken community, financial assistance on their livelihood which is
farming is a concern. I have seen how they stand on their everyday life. And I can really
say, they need help. We have heard of their please. Despite the language barriers we
face, we couldn’t understand the words they are saying, yet we understand the
concern. I , myself, could feel what they want to tell.
Without a doubt, we can make a difference if we extend a helping hand. When I
was there present and standing amidst the many residents of Catablaran, I feel a sense
of honor as a volunteer to be part of the organization, as the one handling them gifts
from different people, which they could use. As I have mentioned, Through the
blessings of God, people who are poor will be provided. I do hope that for upcoming
programs, the needs and concerns of the residents there will be address.
Never in my life have I experienced such adventure going to a secluded place.
The trill and excitement going there, and the feeling of empathy as I interacted with
them could not be exchanged and paid with money. I could say, I want to experience it
again. Somehow, someday.

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