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Lesson 15-1: The New Frontier Name: ___________________

I. The Election of _____ - Sept 26 - ___ million people sat indoors and focused on their ______________ sets
a. Democrats spent more than ___ million, Republicans more than ___ million
b. John F. Kennedy (JFK)- ____________ nominee & senator – was a _____________ from wealthy
Massachusetts family. Richard M. Nixon - ______________ nominee & current VP, was a Quaker from
California. Kennedy seemed outgoing & ____________, Nixon struck many as _________ & stiff
c. Both portrayed themselves as “Cold Warriors” – determined to stop the forces of ______________.
Kennedy complained about a suspected “_________ gap”
d. US had never had a ___________ president
e. The series of four tv __________ influenced the election’s close outcome. JFK won - called on citizens to
take a more active role – “My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for ____, ask what ____
can do for your country”
II. JFK takes office – legislative agenda that became known as the _____ __________
a. Increase aid to __________, health insurance for the elderly, etc. JFK was _________ to push through many
of his programs.
b. To increase economic growth & create jobs, advocated _________ spending & investing more money in
________ & ________ exploration.
c. JFK asked businesses to hold down ______ & labor leaders to hold down ____ increases. Several ______
companies raised _______ sharply – JFK responded by threatening to have the Department of _______ buy
cheaper steel. The steel companies backed down – but the victory caused _________ relations w/businesses
d. JFK – lower ______ meant businesses would have more money to expand – this would create new ____ &
benefit everybody. Congress refused to pass because of fears it would cause ________. Did agree to JFK’s
request to raise the ________ wage
e. Created Commission on Status of _______ - proposed Equal ____ Act – signed in 1963
f. 1961 – President’s Panel on Mental _____________
g. Provided funds to train educational personnel to work with people with developmental _____________
h. The first Special __________ Games
III. _______ Court Reforms – chief __________ of the US
a. Reapportionment – _____ voters had far more political influence than ______ ones. Baker V. Carr (1962) –
courts can force states to redraw _______ Districts. Reynolds V. Sims (1964) – principle of “____ person,
____ vote.”
b. _____ __________ - law may not treat individuals unfairly, arbitrarily, or unreasonably
c. Mapp v. Ohio (1961) - US could not consider ___________ obtained in violation of the US Constitution.
Gideon v. Wainright (1963) – defendant in a state court had right to a _______, regardless of ability to ____.
Escobedo v. Illinois (1964) – Suspects must be allowed access to a ________ & informed of their right to
remain _______ before being questioned. Miranda V. Arizona (1966) – must _______ suspects of their right
to remain _______, that anything they ___ can & will be used against them in court; and they have a right
to a _______ - warnings known as _________ rights
d. Reaffirmed the separation of ______ & ______. Engel v. Vitale (1962) – states could not compose official
_______ & require them to be recited in public _______. Abington School District v. Schempp (1963) – ruled
against state-mandated ______ readings in public __________. Griswald v Connecticut (1965) – prohibiting
the sale & use of ______ ___________ violated citizens’ constitutional right to privacy. Some people
____________ these decisions & others did not.

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