P.5 English Reading

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Mary is a primary 5 student. She loves eating very much. Now, she is reading
an article about chocolate chip cookies in the library. Read the article.

Have you ever tasted chocolate chip cookies? Can you believe that
chocolate chip cookies were invented by accident rather on purpose?

Back in 1930, Ruth Wakefield and her husband opened a restaurant in. The
U.S. She worked as a waiter and a cook there. The home-made meals and
desserts made by Ruth were popular. They attracted people from all over the

One day, Ruth made some chocolate cookies in the kitchen. She had no
time to melt the chocolate before adding it to the mixture. She then broke
the chocolate into small pieces and threw them into the mixture when they
were baking in the hot oven.

When Ruth took the cookies out of the oven, however, she could still see
those chocolate pieces on top of the cookies. Thinking that the cookies were
not good enough to serve, Ruth let her customers eat them for free. To
Ruth’s surprise, her customers liked the cookies very much!

Ruth’s chocolate chip cookie became more and more popular. During the
Second World War, Us soldiers who were stationed oversea shared the
cookies they received in the car packages from home with each other. Soon,
hundreds of soldiers were writing home asking their families to send them
some chocolate chip cookies, and Wakefield was soon received thousand of
letters from around the world requesting her the recipe. Many people started
to make their home-made chocolate chip cookies.

We should thank Ruth Wakefield for this delicious mistake!

1 What is the test type?

A. A diary entry B. A poem C. A story D. A recipe

2. Why Ruth’s restaurant became famous in 1930?( two answers )

A. Good service B. Delicious desserts C. Great meals D. Nice view

3. In line 10, what does “they” refer?

A. Chocolate mixture B. Chocolate cookies

C. Chocolate desserts D.Chocolate pieces

4. What is the best title for this passage?

A. An Unexpected Mistake B. The Second World War

B. C. Tasty Chocolate D. An Awful Accident

5. In paragraph 4, what made Ruth surprised?

A. The customers paid for the cookies. B. The customers enjoyed eating the

C. The customers hated the cookies. D. The customers melt the cookies.

6. How did the people in the Second World War think about the cookies?

How do you know? Support your answer using the information from the text?




May is writing in her diary. Complete the diary entry with the correct form of the
very in brackets.

30th October (Sunday)

Yesterday I __________ (go) to Lion Rock Country Park with Mum, Dad and little
Jenny. It _________(be) a fine day with occasional light breezes. Mum ________(put)
on lots of sunscreen because she did not want to __________(get) burned. She
__________(ask) me to put on some sunscreen but I did not listen to her. I
_________(hate) sunscreen. It always __________(make) my skin sticky and oily!

Dad ___________(bring) along his new digital camera. He took lots of family
pictures along with some cheeky monkeys in the background! In the pictures, we
all ___________(have) a big smile.

Jenny _________(feel) unwell later in the afternoon while we were hiking. Perhaps
the weather was too hot and she _____________(not drink) enough water. We
__________(rest) at almost every rest shop to help her recover from the heart. She
soon looked better.

Going to the country park is a great family activity and Lion Rock Country Park
_______(be) a great place to go. I hope I ________(go) there again soon.

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