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Instructions for 2nd Assignment

Subject: “In depth Analysis of 2 apparently flawed High Court Judgements”

Groups: This will be a group Assignment in groups of 3. The relevant groups as per
Roll nos are indicated below.

Methodology: Select any two High Court Judgements preferably out of the out of the
Acts covered. The cases should be such where there is apparently some
error(s) in the judgements in the context of legal issues involved.

Detailed analysis of each judgement may be done in the following format:

i) Brief facts of the case

ii) Contention of the complainant/petitioner
iii) Contention of the defendant/respondent
iv) Main legal issues involved.
v) Basis and reasoning of the High Court judgement
vi) Analysis – identifying lacunae in the judgement based on the legality of the issues
and alternative interpretation and judgement of the group.

Please give citation of the judgements. There should be no repetition or common cases
between any of the groups.

Last date for submission (hard copy): 25 th August 2022.

Group Roll Numbers Assessment no 2
1 1,4,7,
2 2,5,8
3 3,6,9
4 10,20,30
5 11,14,17
6 12.15.18
7 13,16,19
8 21,24,27
9 22,25,28
10 23,26,29
11 40,50,60
12 31.34.37
13 35,38, 79
14 33,36,39
15 41,44,47
16 42,45,48
17 43,46,49
18 51,54,57
19 52,55,58
20 53,56,59
21 61.64,67
22 62,65,68,
23 63,66,69
24 71,74,77
25 72,75,78
26 70,73,76

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