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Part 2 Applying Technology at the Internship

Learning Objective: At the end of the activity, the students, using their research from
the host company will have connected and documented how technology has helped the
company and how they have made technological contributions during the internship.

Directions: Complete the following prompts below on how technology has helped both
your host company and how you are contributing.

Describe how technology has benefited your host company.

Technology has benefited my host company by making it possible to be the first of its
kind in the industry. Before theCoderSchool there were no pragmatic ways to teach
the youth coding skills without immense resources. With all of the advances of current
technology at our disposal the teaching of code to young students has cause the
industry to come a long way and made the ways in which we pass along this
knowledge much easier. An example of how advances in technology has specifically
aided this company in helping teach young students coder skills is the Arduino Uno.
The Arduino company is a relatively new hardware-based company that focuses on
making microcomputers and electrical components that are conducive to teaching
young students the inner workings of computers. TheCoderSchool uses their
technology to teach young students how to assemble and code hardware, which
would not have been possible in the near past. Other examples of advances in
technology that have made the process much more effective are similar coding
softwares that are aimed at teaching children how to code such as Scratch. The few
versions of the Scratch software were intended to make learning to code simple and
easy by using a block based system and syntax based on actual coding languages.
TheCoderSchool also uses Scratch to teach young children coding skills which has
benefited their offered services immensely.

Describe how you are personally using technology at your host company to enhance

I personally have been using a variety of organizational and communicative forms of

technology at my company to increase my productivity. For starters, I have been using
Google Docs and Sheets to keep all of my activities recorded and organized while on
site and at home. I have also used a few forms of technological communication to be
efficient at contacting my manager and coworkers such as Discord. Discord is an
online chatting platform that is really useful at quickly relaying information especially
when it’s important. I also have been using the softwares mentioned like scratch to get
acquainted with the material being taught so that I myself am ready to teach. I actually
taught a Scratch camp at the school a few weeks back and that would not have been
possible without the software, thus making me more productive.

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