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Shin Thant Aung Highway Engineering Assignment-1

HND: 1854C


Engineering projects are social activities, which integrate with technology, economy,
management and organization. There are uncertainties in each respect of engineering projects,
and identification and planning before starting for earthwork operation are described. Pipe
jacking method is used for tunneling and flexible pavement is selected. Estimating traffic flow
and land acquisition procedure are necessary for highway project and tolls and public revenues
for funding. Earthwork operation like rock blasting cut and fills for new route.

Shin Thant Aung Highway Engineering Assignment-1
HND: 1854C

CHAPTER (1)................................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Aim and objectives................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Case study area......................................................................................................................................4
1.3 Report outlines......................................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER (2)................................................................................................................................................5
IDENTIFICATION AND PLANNING STAGE OF A NEW SECTION OF HIGHWAY...............................................5
2.1 Estimating future traffic volume............................................................................................................5
2.2 Land acquisition procedure...................................................................................................................6
2.3 Environment impact assessment...........................................................................................................6
2.4 Funding arrangements...........................................................................................................................7
2.4.1 Proposed tolls.....................................................................................................................................7
2.4.2 Public contributions............................................................................................................................7
2.4.3 Revenue sources.................................................................................................................................8
CHAPTER (3)................................................................................................................................................9
EARTHWORK OPERATIONS..........................................................................................................................9
3.1 Cut and fill in highways..........................................................................................................................9
3.2 Soil stabilization using chemical............................................................................................................9
3.3 Rock blasting........................................................................................................................................10
3.4 Tunneling.............................................................................................................................................11

Shin Thant Aung Highway Engineering Assignment-1
HND: 1854C

In this report, the study of new toll road course is identified, deliberate and designed, and
how to route a new road section and all planned earthmoving operations for a new primary
highway within a developed sector of a community. And discuss roughly the interrelationship
between earthmoving operations, the bridge and the construction of tunnels of a new highway.

1.1 Aim and objectives

 To know the level of road construction when we build a brand new road
 To recognize about the financing settlement
 To know the methods of operations of earthworks, bridges and tunnels this can be used in
the connection with highway construction.
 To review a schematic design, considering the application of present day practice.
 To produce the scheme layout and method announcement for the formation of a tunnel
section at the proposed new road

Shin Thant Aung Highway Engineering Assignment-1
HND: 1854C

1.2 Case study area

Location- From Yangon to Phyu
Distance between Yangon and Phyu is 189.56 km. This distance is equal to 117.79 miles.

Figure (1.1) Map distance between Yangon to Phyu

1.3 Report outlines

Chapter (1) Introduction

Chapter (2) Identification, planning and designing

Chapter (3) The methods of earthwork operations, bridges and tunneling

Chapter (4) Pavement construction type selection

Chapter (5) Improvement and maintenance techniques for highway road

There will be first 3 Chapters and the other 2 will be described in report 2.

Shin Thant Aung Highway Engineering Assignment-1
HND: 1854C


Roads make a crucial contribution to economic development and growth and bring
important social benefits. They are of vital importance in order to make a nation grow and
develop. In addition, providing access to employment, social, health and education services
makes a road network crucial in fighting against poverty. Construction of new highways need a
lot of construction works. Before starting a highway project, identification and planning are
needed to be carried out first. Some of them are as follow:
 Estimating future Traffic volume
 Land acquisition procedure
 Environment impact assessment (EIA)
 Funding arrangements

2.1 Estimating future traffic volume

The facts about the traffic volume are crucial in many transports and decision-making
models. They are used to estimate the miles traveled by car for accident rates and environmental
impact analyzes. Estimated traffic volumes are also used in the evaluation of infrastructure
control desires, such as the determination of road geometry and the creation of avenues and
protection programming.
With better estimates of visitors on low-volume roads, more focused and more powerful
protection improvement efforts can be made. The best estimates of visitor volumes will allow for
more effective plans and greater ecological operation of local transport systems. The facts of the
traffic count on the sampled roads accumulated as the established variable. The system to
accumulate additional counts of site visitors was concerned with dividing each zone to ensure
adequate spatial insurance of the local avenue network in the counties.
Once the count information has been accumulated, the statistics have been summarized
and some analyzes have been performed to obtain an attitude of the composition of the facts.

Shin Thant Aung Highway Engineering Assignment-1
HND: 1854C

2.2 Land acquisition procedure

No physical displacement (relocation) is not expected for subprojects; it is possible that
short and permanent lack of small areas of land, crops and trees. The temporary loss or
interruption of the use of the land or of different belongings may be the result of production work
and the storage and movement of construction equipment and materials. Any production or
improvement on the street can be done to the current alignments and new land will not be
acquired completely.
The construction of any storage and / or processing facility could be applied in
communities that have agricultural production cooperatives and on land already acquired or
acquired by the cooperative under non-public commercial transactions. The safeguards team
visited and showed the provision of appropriate land in the open asset market. A preliminary
design for irrigation updates has been prepared as part of the feasibility study of the subproject
carried out during the preparation of the task.
There are no different engineering designs available for recognized subprojects of
medium or different level, and the specific impacts should be reassessed as soon as the particular
designs and actual websites are finalized. You cannot demolish your belongings and / or access
the properties until the affected family is fully compensated and relocated.

2.3 Environment impact assessment

To ensure that each of the capacity mitigation measures is applied at some stage of the
creation section, the Contractor will be responsible within the segment prior to the construction
of the Environmental Management Plans instruction
General tree protection: protection of trees is a key to inexperienced pavement sites, since
cars can also directly cross tree root systems. By reducing tensions in the subsurface soil
structure, Neoloy prevents soil compaction and damage to tree roots.
Waste management: the contractor must develop and present a waste control plan that
describes the measures to manage and eliminate all waste streams, such as hazardous waste and
techniques to recycle the waste that must be collected, in which must eliminate hazardous waste
and soil.
To protect the herbal environment, preference should be given to the use of well-prepared
and effective excavators over the use of excavators, specifically to determine the direction and

Shin Thant Aung Highway Engineering Assignment-1
HND: 1854C

limits of the execution area on steep terrain. In mountainous areas, the cleaning of the bushes
should be kept to a minimum to avoid soil erosion. When operating near waterways, it can be
vital to take precautions to prevent sediment from washing in the streams. The preventive
measure may include the installation of slime traps or slime screens.
The maximum crucial role that the device operator plays in the course of avenue
production is to determine the safest and most efficient use of the system. Forest avenue
managers should keep in mind that the total cost of the road is not the most effective, but also the
environmental impact caused by the construction and use of the road. Excavator and excavator
operators and forest road inspectors and supervisors should know and learn about
environmentally friendly procedures.

2.4 Funding arrangements

2.4.1 Proposed tolls
The toll highway, the turnpike or the express toll road, to travel on a toll road, to continue
traveling the toll road, want to pay additional tolls for new roads that will be built and maintained
without increasing the tax rate from the public standard. Most of the roads are built with local,
national or national government cash collected through the construction of tolls. Toll roads are
removed while tolls recover sufficiently as the price of construction.

2.4.2 Public contributions

Road project require a high level of financing. It can be difficult to raise private capital
for this investment without a little support from the public-sector support. Bank loans may be the
next financing offer capacity. Bank loans are widely used for financing investment initiatives. In
practice, the amount of finance attracted with the help of this supply for unique projects may
vary. Often, road projects are built in phases. Attracting capital with the help of loan funds is
appropriate due to the fact that the price range can be distributed in tranches for each level of
construction. Reduces charges related to hobby payments on the loan.

Shin Thant Aung Highway Engineering Assignment-1
HND: 1854C

2.4.3 Revenue sources

Non-highway-based financing includes revenue gadgets that have little or no direct
connection to the highway user tax base. Most of these revenues are within the preferred fund
and, ultimately, are allocated to roads. The most commonly used revenue instruments include
fashion taxes on assets, sales and income taxes. Local governments rely on income resources
based primarily on non-dual highways to finance highway programs. Although most of these
sources of income do not have a single reference to the toll road tax base, some include popular
taxes on revenues that apply to taxes on automobile, automobile and personal property fuels.


Shin Thant Aung Highway Engineering Assignment-1
HND: 1854C


3.1 Cut and fill in highways

In highway projects, economic considerations are as vital as other design controls and
design factors. As a result, the toll road plotter must consider reducing and filling stability along
with minimizing earthworks, which can also significantly reduce creation costs. In practice, one
way to decrease the amount of earthworks is to establish the slope line as close as possible to the
land line while also considering the balance of cut and fill.

Figure (3.1) Cut and fill in highway

3.2 Soil stabilization using chemical
Chemical solutions are some of the main varieties of soil stabilization. All these
techniques depend on adding additional material to the ground in order to physically engage with
it and change its properties. Lime can be used to deal with soils, so that one can improve their
work capacity and load characteristics in a number of situations. When lime is delivered to a
reactive soil to generate long-term resistance, soil stabilization occurs.
Lime stabilization is not difficult to maintain. After performing the correct design of the
mixture and the test, the mixture in place is normally used to add the appropriate amount of lime
to the soil, mixed at the ideal depth. Spraying and mixing are used to fully integrate lime and soil
into susceptible soil areas.

Shin Thant Aung Highway Engineering Assignment-1
HND: 1854C

3.3 Rock blasting

In difficult terrain, the choice of the place of the road is mainly based on the principles of
large-scale production practices, limitations due to forest ownership and land limitations.
Therefore, rock surfaces cannot always be avoided and the plan planning engineer can specify
large rock blasting.
Although more sophisticated blasting techniques have been developed, rock blasting is
avoided, since the use of rock drilling devices and explosives increases the prices of street
construction and there are great dangers in the use of explosives.

Figure (3.3) Rock blasting

Table (3.1) Evaluation of anticipated earthwork operation for proposed highway road

Mean Earthwork
Station NCL FL Depth,d Depth,D Area (m2) Ƹarea(m2) Interval Balancing
BD Sd2 Cutting Filling
0 251 252 1 0
30 250.9 251.8 0.9 1.15 11.5 2.645 14.145 30 424.35
60 250.9 251.6 0.7 1.3 13 3.38 16.38 30 491.4
90 250.8 251.4 0.6 0.9 9 1.62 10.62 30 318.6
132 0 0.25 2.5 0.125 2.625 42 110.25
120 251.2 250.8 -0.4 -0.25 -2.5 0.0625 -2.4375 -12 29.25
150 251.4 250.6 -0.8 -0.7 -7 0.49 -6.51 30 -195.3
NSL=Natural Surface Level
FL=Formation Level

Shin Thant Aung Highway Engineering Assignment-1
HND: 1854C

3.4 Tunneling
To plan, design and effectively construct a street tunnel task, several types of research
techniques are required to achieve a broad spectrum of relevant topographic, geological,
subsurface, geohydrological and structural information and data.

Pipe jacking is a technological approach without trenches to install a prefabricated

pipeline across the floor from a pressure shaft to a receiving shaft. In the pipe lift operation, the
jacks placed inside the drive shaft drive the pipe. The lifting pressure is transmitted through the
interaction from pipe to pipe, to the excavation surface.

Pipe jacking causes little or no effect on the environment and reduces the effect on
pedestrians, traffic, roads and noise pollutants that also provide optimal energy with precision
installation on each line and level. Pipeline raising requires less assets and costs, as in the case of
another method.

Figure (4.1) Pipe jacking

Shin Thant Aung Highway Engineering Assignment-1
HND: 1854C

During the execution of the process, the hydraulic jack uses thrust energy to transport the
pipe to the floor. Cat rams retract after the installation of each pipe. This facilitates orientation of
the back pipe in a function to copy the same procedure.

Soil removal begins with the classification of waste. After that, find a place along the
way to receive the waste and an area that provides excellent value for money. We can both
dispose of waste to fill land and production avenues or landfills.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC-P) membranes, which could be the most cost-effective and
powerful materials for tunnel waterproofing, can argue that the most critical factor in the
waterproofing operation is membrane welding, which should be done with a lot of Caution to
preserve continuity. of the waterproofing system. They have a fairly low elastic modulus, to
resist deformations more easily. Its behavior is excellent for packages with a load that induces
flat tensions in the membrane. In this situation, a membrane can guide a high power with a
clearly low elongation.

The materials used in the tunnels vary with the design and production strategies selected
for each project. The grout used to stabilize the ground or fill gaps in the back of the tunnel
lining can also contain numerous materials, along with sodium silicate, lime, silica fume, cement
and bentonite (a fairly absorbent volcanic clay). Bentonite and water slurry is also used as a
means of suspension and transport for the mud (particles excavated from the tunnel) and as a
lubricant for objects that are pushed through the tunnel (eg, TBM, shields).

Water is used to govern dust in the course of drilling and after blasting, which is done
regularly with a low-free gelatin explosive. Water brine and salt or liquid nitrogen are common
refrigerants to stabilize the soft floor through freezing. The maximum modern, non-unusual
coating material, concrete reinforced with metal or fiber, can be sprayed, solidified in place or
prefabricated in panels.

Shin Thant Aung Highway Engineering Assignment-1
HND: 1854C

Geometric analysis of different roads has become evitable in today’s world. It is quite interested
in indulging us in this research as we have interest towards this subject. Further in Myanmar
geometric analysis of roads are to be done and for this we want to prepare ourselves. We believe
that after the completion of this project we are not only capable of geometrically analyzing
existing as well as newly prepared roads but also can put forward our suggestions to ensure or
increase the safety, strength and durability of the roads.

Shin Thant Aung Highway Engineering Assignment-1
HND: 1854C

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ROGERS, M. (2008) Highway Engineering. 2nd ed. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
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O’FLAHERTY, C. (2002) Highways: The Location, Design, Construction & Maintenance of
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