(Reviewer) UP 2020 BOC Reviewer in Insurance Law

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Training and Convention Bar Operations Commissioner Faculty Advisers

Division Joshua Ejeil A. Pascual Prof. Rafael A. Morales

Atty. Glenda T. Litong Prof. Marie Cecile R. Quintos
Academics Committee Heads Prof. Josephine R. Santiago
Atty. Renee A. Fopalan
Ana Regina A. Buban
Atty. Jelorie F. Gallego Overall Heads
John Alfred H. Mendoza
Kent A. Alonzo
Ms. Hannah Georgia F. Plopinio
Mikaela V. Bernardino
Deputy Heads
Mary Clarence Angela T. Protacio Subject Heads
Irene Carmella P. Trinidad Jena Veronica F. Fernandez
Janna Jee-Anne G. Abella
Layout Committee Head Vianca Mikaella S. Miguel
Niegel F. Simon


Joshua Ejeil A. Pascual Karen Faith L. Abrea FOR ACADEMICS
Ana Regina A. Buban
Cristina D. de los Reyes Ven Gabriel G. Tan
FOR OPERATIONS Julia Gabrielle D.R. Lagman Felix Gerard D. Leyson Jr.
Nicholas William G. Di
Ana Regina A. Buban Christine Joy S. Escalante Andrea Mae M. Muhlach Aloysius Francis M. Bresnan
John Alfred H. Mendoza Pristine Bernadette F. Soriano Prudente Ricardo Paulo C. Soller Allison Michael Jude T. Maraon
Gabriel D. Vera Cruz
Mary Clarence Angela T. Protacio Shania Vie T. Bautista Jules Bernard V. Guevarra LINKAGES
Irene Carmella P. Trinidad Kenneth P. Geolina Alexandra Yvonne A. Orias Jan Fredrick P. Cruz
Erickson C. Mariñas
Niegel F Simon EVENTS Kennedy E. Espina Jose Victor A. Dimaculangan
Enrico Miguel D.R. Dizon Andrea Jasmine O. Yu
Jose Alfonso O. Altamira DAY OPERATIONS Mikaela D.C. Solmerano
Gianna Chris Gaile E. Bitancor MERCHANDISE Jamela Vidad B. Devanadera
Bernadine Louise C. Tan John T. Lansangan John Edrick R. Serrano
John Victor C. Sosito
Beatriz M. Zamora


Prof. Rafael A. Morales PROPERTY LAW Niegel F. Simon
Prof. Marie Cecile R. Ouintos HEAD
Prof. Josephine R. Santiago Vianca Mikaella S. Miguel
OVERALL HEADS Bianca Ortiz Nicolas Japheth D. Mabini
Kent A. Alonzo
Regina Victoria B. Medina
Mikaela V. Bernardino sEcURITY REGULATIONS
CODE, TRUST RECEIPTS, Patricia Marie P. Sales
Jena Veronica F. Fernandez Kent A. Alonzo Mae Celriz O. Yano

Kent A. Alonzo Simplicio Pio I. Mathay III
Anna Nikita R. Bayot INSURANCE LAW &
Freya Elessandra G. Patron BANKING LAW
Micah Amethyst M Taguibao HEAD
Samantha Isabelle Vitriol0 Mikaela V. Bernardino
Janna Jee-Anne G. Abella Mikaela V. Bernardino

Kent A. Alonzo
Romina Luz B. Medina
Simplicio Pio I. Mathay III
Anne Renee T. Suarez







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INSURANCE ............................................................. 1 TRANSPORTATION ............................................... 56

A. CONCEPT OF INSURANCE.......................................... 2 A. COMMON CARRIERS ................................ 57

B. ELEMENTS OF AN INSURANCE CONTRACT ............... 3 1. Diligence Required of Common Carriers 58
C. CHARACTERISTICS AND NATURE OF AN INSURANCE 2. Liabilities of Common Carriers ................ 59
CONTRACT ....................................................................... 5 3. Classification of transport network vehicle
D. CLASSES ........................................................................... 6 services and transport network companies 60
1. Marine Insurance....................................... 6 B. VIGILANCE OVER GOODS ...........................................60
2. Fire .......................................................... 11 1. Exempting Causes .................................. 61
3. Casualty .................................................. 13 2. Contributory Negligence .......................... 63
4. Suretyship ............................................... 14 3. Duration of Liability .................................. 63
5. Life .......................................................... 15 4. Stipulation for Limitation of Liability ......... 64
6. Microinsurance ........................................ 17 5. Liability for Baggage of Passengers ........ 66
7. Compulsory Motor Vehicle Liability C. SAFETY OF PASSENGERS ..........................................67
Insurance ................................................... 18 1. Void Stipulations...................................... 67
8. Compulsory Insurance Coverage for 2. Duration of Liability .................................. 68
Agency-Hired Workers............................... 19 3. Liability for Acts of Others........................ 69
E. VARIABLE CONTRACTS .............................................. 19 4. Liability for Delay in Commencement of
F. INSURABLE INTEREST ................................................. 20 Voyage ...................................................... 71
1. In Life/Health ........................................... 21 5. Liability for Defects in Equipment and
2. In Property ............................................... 23 Facilities..................................................... 72
3. Double Insurance and Over Insurance .... 25 6. Extent of Liability for Damages ................ 72
4. Multiple or Several Interests on Same D. BILL OF LADING .............................................................74
Property ..................................................... 26 1. Three-Fold Character .............................. 74
G. PERFECTION OF THE CONTRACT OF INSURANCE 28 2. Delivery of Goods .................................... 74
1. Offer and Acceptance/Consensuality ...... 28 3. Period for Filing Claims ........................... 76
2. Premium Payment ................................... 29 4. Period for Filing Actions........................... 77
3. Non-Default Options in Life Insurance ..... 30 5. Effects of Stipulations .............................. 77
4. Reinstatement of a Lapsed Policy of Life E. MARITIME COMMERCE ................................................77
Insurance ................................................... 31 1. Charter Parties ........................................ 77
5. Refund of Premiums................................ 31 2. Liability of Ship Owners and Shipping Agents
H. RESCISSION OF INSURANCE CONTRACTS ............. 32 ................................................................ 79
1. Concealment ........................................... 32 3. Accidents and Damages in Maritime
2. Misrepresentation/Omissions .................. 35 Commerce ................................................. 82
3. Breach of Warranties............................... 36 4. Carriage of Goods by Sea Act (COGSA) 85 F.
I. CLAIMS SETTLEMENT AND SUBROGATION ............ 38 PUBLIC SERVICE ACT ..................................................86
1. Notice and Proof of Loss ......................... 39 1. Definition of Public Utility ......................... 86
2. Guidelines on Claims Settlement ............ 40 2. Necessity for certificate of public
J. BUSINESS OF INSURANCE; REQUIREMENTS ......... 43 convenience .............................................. 86
K. INSURANCE COMMISSIONER AND ITS POWERS .... 47 G. THE W ARSAW CONVENTION .....................................89
1. Jurisdiction and Adjudicatory Powers ...... 47
BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS................................ 93
2. Revocation of Certificate of Authority ...... 47
3. Liquidation of Insurance Company .......... 48 A. PARTNERSHIPS .............................................................94
1. General Provisions .................................. 94
PRE-NEED .............................................................. 49
2. Rights and obligations of partnership and
A. DEFINITION ..................................................................... 50 partners ................................................... 100
1. Pre-Need Plans ....................................... 50 3. Dissolution and Winding Up .................. 111
2. Pre-Need Company................................. 50 4. Limited Partnership ............................... 118
B. REGISTRATION OF PRE-NEED PLANS .................... 51 B. CORPORATIONS ........................................... 126
C. LICENSING OF SALES COUNSELORS AND GENERAL 1. Definition of Corporation ........................ 126
AGENTS .......................................................................... 52 2. Classes of Corporations ........................ 127
D. DEFAULT AND TERMINATION..................................... 53 3. Nationality of Corporations .................... 133
E. CLAIMS SETTLEMENT ................................................. 54 4. Corporate Juridical Personality.............. 136
5. Capital Structure.................................... 140
6. Incorporation and Organization ............. 147

7. Corporate Powers ................................. 162 B. LAW ON SECRECY OF BANK DEPOSITS ............... 307
8. Stockholders and Members ................... 179 1. Purpose ................................................. 307
9. Board of Directors and Trustees ............ 205 2. Prohibited Acts ...................................... 307
10. Capital Affairs .................................... 219 3. Deposits and Investments Covered ....... 307
11. Dissolution And Liquidation ............... 231 4. Exceptions............................................. 308
12. Other Corporations............................ 242 5. Garnishment of Deposits, Including Foreign
13. Merger and Consolidation ................. 264 Deposits................................................... 309
14. Investigations, offenses, and penalties ... 6. Penalties for Violation ............................ 310
.......................................................... 268 C. GENERAL BANKING LAW OF 2000 (GBL) ........ 310
1. Definition and classification of banks ..... 310
SECURITIES ......................................................... 276
2. Distinction of banks from Quasi-banks and
A. STATE POLICY ............................................. 277 trust entities ............................................. 311
B. DEFINITION OF SECURITIES ..................................... 277 3. Bank Powers and Liabilities................... 311
C. KINDS OF SECURITIES .............................................. 278 4. Diligence required of banks in view of
1. Exempt Securities [Sec. 9] .................... 278 fiduciary nature of banking ....................... 313
2. Exempt Transactions [Sec. 10].............. 279 5. Nature of Bank Funds and Bank Deposits ..
3. Non-exempt transactions ...................... 281 .............................................................. 314
D. POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE SECURITIES AND 6. Grant of Loans and Security Requirements
EXCHANGE COMMISSION .............................................. 282 .............................................................. 314
E. PROCEDURE FOR REGISTRATION OF SECURITIES ... 7. Penalties for violations .......................... 317
.................................................................. 282 D. PHILIPPINE DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ACT.
F. PROHIBITIONS ON FRAUD, MANIPULATION, AND .................................................................. 319
INSIDER TRADING ............................................................. 284 1. Basic Policy ........................................... 319
1. Manipulation of security prices [Sec. 24] .... 2. Powers and functions of the PDIC;
.............................................................. 284 prohibitions .............................................. 319
2. Short sales [Rule 24.2-2, 2015 SRC IRR]... 3. Concept of insured deposits .................. 321
.............................................................. 286 4. Liability to depositors ............................. 321
3. Option trading [Sec. 25] ......................... 287 5. Concept of bank resolution .................... 325
4. Fraudulent transactions [Sec. 26] .......... 287 6. Role of the PDIC in relation to banks in
5. Insider trading [Sec. 61]......................... 288 distress .......................................................... 326
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW ...................... 331
1. Tender offer rule .................................... 289
2. Rules on proxy solicitation ..................... 291 A. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IN GENERAL. 332
3. Disclosure rule....................................... 292 1. Intellectual Property Rights.................... 332
2. Differences between copyright, trademarks,
BANKING .............................................................. 295
and patents .............................................. 332
A. THE NEW CENTRALBANK ACT ............... 296 3. Technology Transfer Arrangements ...... 332
1. State Policies......................................... 296 B. PATENTS ...................................................................... 333
2. Creation of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas 1. Patentable Invention.............................. 333
.............................................................. 296 2. Non-Patentable Inventions .................... 334
3. Responsibility and Primary Objective of BSP 3. Ownership of a Patent ........................... 335
.............................................................. 296 4. Grounds for Cancellation of a Patent..... 336
4. Corporate Powers ................................. 297 5. Remedy of the True and Actual inventor.....
5. Operations of the BSP ........................... 297 .............................................................. 336
6. Monetary Board (MB); Powers and 6. Rights Conferred by a Patent ................ 337
Functions ................................................. 300 7. Limitations of Patent Rights ................... 337
7. How The BSP Handles Banks In Distress .. 8. Patent Infringement ............................... 339
.............................................................. 300 9. Licensing ............................................... 340
8. Administrative sanctions on supervised 10. Assignment and Transmission of Rights
entities ..................................................... 304 344
9. Rules on bank deposits and investments by C. TRADEMARKS ............................................................. 344
directors, officers, stockholders and their 1. Definition of Marks, Collective Marks, and
related interests ....................................... 304 Trade Names ................................................. 344
10. Supervision and regulation of bank 2. Acquisition of Ownership of Mark .......... 346
operations ................................................ 305 3. Acquisition of Ownership of Trade Name....
11. Rate of exchange .............................. 306 .............................................................. 347
4. Non-Registrable Marks .......................... 347

5. Prior use of mark as a Requirement ...... 348 2. Financial Rehabilitation and Insolvency Act
6. Tests to Determine Confusing Similarity of 2010..................................................... 423
between Marks ........................................ 350 F. DATA PRIVACY ACT OF 2012 ........................ 437
7. Well-Known Marks ................................ 351 1. Definitions and Scope ........................... 437
8. Rights Conferred by Registration........... 352 2. Extraterritorial Application...................... 438
9. Use by third parties of names, etc. similar to 3. Processing of personal information ....... 438
registered mark ........................................ 354 4. Rights of the data subject; exceptions/non-
10. Infringement and remedies................ 354 applicability .............................................. 440
11. Unfair Competition ............................ 356 5. Duties and responsibilities of personal
12. Registration of marks under the Madrid information controller ............................... 442
Protocol ................................................... 357 G. PHILIPPINE COMPETITION ACT .............................. 443
D. COPYRIGHT ................................................................. 360 1. Definitions and Scope of Application ..... 443
1. Basic Principles ..................................... 360 2. Powers and functions of the Philippine
2. Copyrightable Works ............................. 360 Competition Commission ......................... 444
3. Non-Copyrightable Works ..................... 361 3. Prohibited acts....................................... 445
4. Rights of Copyright Owner .................... 363 4. Covered Transactions ........................... 448
5. Rules on Ownership of Copyright .......... 367 5. Determining the Relevant Market .......... 449
6. Limitations on Copyright ........................ 369 6. Determining the control or dominance of.......
7. Copyright Infringement .......................... 370 market...................................................... 449
7. Determining Existence of Anti-Competitive
SPECIAL LAWS .................................................... 376
Conduct ................................................... 450
A. SECURED TRANSACTIONS .................... 377 8. Forbearance by the Philippine Competition
1. Personal Property Security Act.............. 377 Commission ............................................. 450
2. Real Estate Mortgage Law..................... 391
3. Guaranty ............................................... 392
4. Surety .................................................... 397
5. Letters of credit...................................... 399
B. TRUTH IN LENDING ACT ........................................... 402
1. Purpose ................................................. 402
2. Obligation of Creditors to Persons to whom
Credit is Extended ................................... 402
3. Covered and Excluded Transactions ..... 402
4. Consequences of Non-Compliance ....... 403
1. Policy of the Law ................................... 403
2. Covered Institutions and Their Obligations .
.............................................................. 404
3. Covered and Suspicious Transactions . 405
4. Money Laundering; how committed; unlawful
and predicate crimes ............................... 406
5. Anti-Money Laundering Council; functions .
.............................................................. 407
6. Safe Harbor Provision ........................... 408
7. Application for Freeze Orders................ 408
8. Authority to Inquire into Bank Deposits. 409
D. FOREIGN INVESTMENTS ACT ................ 411
1. Policy of the law .................................... 412
2. Definition of terms ................................. 412
3. Registration of investments of non-Philippine
nationals .................................................. 414
4. Foreign investments in export enterprises ..
.............................................................. 414
5. Foreign investments in domestic market
enterprises ............................................... 415
6. Foreign Investment Negative List .......... 415
E. INSOLVENCY LAWS ................................ 418
1. Concurrence and preference of credits. 418


Page 1 of 450

parties do not know about it e.g., prior loss of a

A. CONCEPT OF ship at sea (applicable only to marine
INSURANCE insurance) [de Leon, The Insurance Code of
the Philippines Annotated (2014)].
Insurance is essentially a contract by which
one party (the insurer), for a consideration that The unknown event may be past or future.
is usually paid in money, either in a lump sum Even if the proximate cause of the loss is a
or at different times during the continuance of fortuitous event, the insurer may still be liable if
the risk, promises to make a certain payment, it is the event or peril insured against [de Leon].
usually of money, upon the destruction or injury
of “something” in which the other party (the Form
insured) has an interest [Carale, The Philippine There is no particular form required for a
Insurance Law (2014)]. contract of insurance.

On August 15, 2013, RA 10607 was signed into The Insurance Code has no provision requiring
law. It is a restatement of the Insurance Code a particular form for the validity of an insurance
(PD 612), with amendments. contract. In our jurisdiction, the Supreme Court
has not made a categorical ruling against the
The section numbers hereinafter generally validity of an oral contract of insurance
pertain to RA 10607, unless otherwise [Carale].
An insurance policy is different from the
1. Contract of Insurance contract of insurance. The policy is the formal
A contract of insurance is an agreement written instrument evidencing the contract of
whereby one undertakes for a consideration to insurance entered into between the insured
indemnify another against loss, damage or and the insurer. [Sec. 232]
liability arising from an unknown or contingent
event. [Sec. 2(a)] 2. Doing or Transacting Insurance
Definition The term “doing an insurance
Thus, a contract of insurance is: business or transacting an insurance
1. A contract of indemnity; business” includes:
2. Wherein one undertakes for a 1. Making or proposing to make, as insurer,
consideration; any insurance contract;
3. To indemnify another against loss, 2. Making or proposing to make, as surety,
damage, or liability; any contract of suretyship as a vocation
4. Arising from an unknown or contingent and not as merely incidental to any other
event. legitimate business or activity of the surety;
3. Doing any kind of business, including a
Contingent Event Unknown Event reinsurance business, specifically
Event that is not Event which is certain to recognized as constituting the doing of
certain to take happen, but the time of an insurance business within the
place. its happening is not meaning of the Insurance Code;
known. 4. Doing or proposing to do any business in
substance equivalent to any of the
foregoing in a manner designed to evade
General Rule: A past event cannot be a
designated event in an insurance contract. the provisions of the Insurance Code. [Sec.
Exception: It may be a designated event only
in cases where it has happened already but the

Page 2 of 450

General rule: An insurance business consists 4. Parties to an Insurance Contract

in undertaking, for a consideration, to
indemnify another against loss, damage or Two Parties to a Contract of Insurance:
liability arising from an unknown or contingent a. Insurer or the party who assumes or
event. accepts the risk of loss and undertakes for
consideration to indemnify the insured or to
Exception: Those not formally designated as pay a certain lump sum on the happening
insurance businesses but are deemed “doing of the event or peril insured against. May
or transacting an insurance business” as listed be any person, partnership, association, or
in Sec. 2(b). corporation [Sec. 6]; and
b. Insured or the person in whose favor the
The “principal object and purpose test” contract is operative and whose loss is the
 Determines: occasion for the payment of the insurance
- Whether the assumption of risk and proceeds by the insurer. [Carale]
indemnification of loss are the principal
object and purpose of the organization; May be any person except a public enemy
or [Sec. 7]
- Whether they are merely incidental to
its business. There is no definition of what a “public enemy”
 From such determination, it concludes that: is, but a definition that is generally accepted
- If these are the principal objectives, the and in keeping with the nature of an insurance
business is that of insurance. contract is one where a person possesses the
- But if they are merely incidental and nationality of the state which another is at war.
service is the principal purpose, then [Carale]
the business is not insurance.

3. Governing Law
General Rule: The Insurance Code primarily INSURANCE
governs insurance contracts.
Exception: When there is a special law which
specifically governs (e.g., insurance contract C2 R2 I M
under R.A. 1161 or the Social Security Act), in a) Cause – event or peril insured against;
which case, the Insurance Code governs b) Consideration – premium payments paid
subsidiarily. by the insured
c) Risk of loss or damage being assured by
Matters not expressly provided for in the the Insurer
Insurance Code and special laws are regulated d) Risk-Distributing Scheme – distribution
by the Civil Code. and transfer by the insurer of risk of loss,
damage or liability among persons having
Other special laws: similar risks;
a. National Health Insurance Act of 2013 (RA e) Insurable interest - the insured possesses
10606, amending RA 7875) an interest of some kind which the event
b. The Revised Government Service insured against may cause loss or damage
Insurance Act of 1997 (RA 8291) f) A Meeting of Minds of the parties upon all
c. The Social Security Act (RA 8282) the foregoing essentials.
d. The Property Insurance Law (RA 656, as
amended by PD 245)
e. The Philippine Deposit Insurance Act of
1963 (RA 3591)

Page 3 of 450

1. Cause 5. Insurable Interest

Cause refers to an event or peril insured Insurable interest is the interest which the law
against. requires the owner of an insurance policy to
have in the person or thing insured [Carale].
2. Consideration
An insurance premium is the agreed price for In terms of the event insured against, it is the
assuming and carrying the risk. It is the relation between the insurer and the risk
consideration paid to the insurer for insured, such that the occurrence of the risk will
undertaking to indemnify the insured against a cause substantial loss or harm of some kind to
designated peril. It is based on probability of the insured [Carale].
loss and extent of liability [43 Am. Jur. 2d 326].
Under the Code, the following are void:
Premium Assessment . Stipulation in a policy for the payment of
A sum levied and A sum specifically loss whether the person insured has or
paid to meet levied by mutual has not any interest in the property
anticipated loss, insurance insured;
assessments are companies or i. Stipulation that the policy shall be
collected to meet associations, upon a received as proof of such interest;
actual loss [Vance, fixed and definite ii. Policy executed by way of gaming or
Handbook on the plan, to pay losses wagering. [Sec. 25]
Law of Insurance and expenses. [Sec.
(1951)]. 403] Note: Insurable interest is not required in
industrial life insurance [Sec. 235-237].
3. Risk of Loss or Damage
Peril is the contingent or unknown event which 6. Meeting of the Minds
may cause a loss. Its existence creates a risk The two parties to a contract of insurance
and its occurrence results in loss. whose minds need to meet regarding the
essential elements are:
The event or peril insured against must be such a. Insurer or the party who assumes or
that its happening will: accepts the risk of loss and undertakes
a. Damnify or cause loss to a person; or foonsideration to indemnify the insured or
b. Create liability against him [Sec. 3] to pay a certain lump sum on the
happening of the event or peril insured
against; and
4. Risk-Distributing Scheme b. Insured or the person in whose favor the
Insurance contracts serve to distribute the risk contract is operative and whose loss is the
of economic loss, damage or liability among as occasion for the payment of the insurance
many as possible of those who are subject to proceeds by the insurer [de Leon].
the same kind of risk.
The insured is not always the person whom the
Scheme: proceeds are paid. Such person is the
i. The payment of premiums by all will beneficiary [Vance].
inure to a general fund, out of which
payment will be made for anyone who
has suffered an economic loss.
ii. Hence, each member contributes to a
small degree toward compensation for
losses suffered by any member of the

Page 4 of 450

c. Voluntary
AND NATURE OF AN General rule: Contracts of Insurance are not
compulsory and the parties are free to
INSURANCE incorporate such terms and conditions they
CONTRACT may deem convenient provided they are not
contrary to law, morals, good customs, public
1. In General order, or public policy [de Leon].

An insurance contract is: Exceptions: Insurance contracts particularly

CAVE-CCPU liability insurance, may be required by law in
a. Consensual; certain instances:
b. Aleatory; 1. For motor vehicles [Compulsory Motor
c. Voluntary; Vehicle Liability Insurance, Secs 386-402,
d. Executory and unilateral, but Insurance Code];
synallagmatic; 2. For employees [Compulsory Coverage in
e. Conditional; State Insurance Fund, Articles 168-184,
f. Contract of adhesion; Labor Code];
g. Personal contract; 3. As a condition to granting a license to
h. Uberrimae fides contract (i.e. a conduct business or calling affecting the
contract of the highest degree of good public safety or welfare [de Leon];
faith). 4. Social Insurance for members of the
Government Service Insurance System
a. Consensual (GSIS) and for the employees of the private
Sector covered by the Social Security
General Rule: An insurance contract is System (SSS).
perfected by the meeting of the minds of the
parties. There must be concurrence of offer d. Executory and Unilateral but
and acceptance. The insurance policy merely Synallagmatic
evidences the terms and conditions thereof.
Once the insured pays the premium, the
Exception: It is stipulated that the policy is contract already takes effect. After the payment
essential to the existence of the contract. of premiums, the insurance imposes a
[Campos, Insurance (1983)]. unilateral obligation on the insurer who
promises to indemnify in case of loss.
b. Aleatory
It is also synallagmatic and reciprocal such
It is aleatory because it depends upon some that even if the contingent event or designated
contingent event. The obligation of the insurer peril does not occur, the insurer has still
to pay depends on the happening of an event provided protection against the risk for the
which is uncertain, or though certain, is to occur period covered by the insurance contract.
at an indeterminate time [Art. 2010, NCC].
e. Conditional
Being an aleatory contract does not
necessarily mean that it is a “contract of It is conditional because the insurer incurs
chance” because in a contract of insurance, the liability only upon the happening of the event
parties seek to distribute possible loss by insured against. However, many other
reason of mischance, unlike a wagering conditions are usually required (e.g. payments
contract [Carale]. of premium or performance of other act) as
precedent to the right of the insured to claim
benefit under the insurance.

Page 5 of 450

f. Contract of Adhesion (Fine Print 2. For Specific Kinds of Insurance

Rule) Contracts

Insurance contracts are already presented to a. For Non-Life Insurance

the insured in its printed form on a “take it or
leave it” basis. The insured merely has to agree Contract of Indemnity
to its terms. Such contracts of adhesion are The insured who has insurable interest over
valid. the property is only entitled to recover the
amount of actual loss sustained. The burden
General Rule: When the terms of the contract is upon him to establish the amount of such
are clear and leave no doubt upon the intention loss. Property insurance is personal in the
of the contracting parties, the literal meaning of sense that it is the damage to the personal
its stipulations shall control [Art. 1370, NCC]. interest not the property that is being
Exception: Where the terms of the insurance
contract are ambiguous and susceptible to General rule: Only non-life insurance or
various interpretations, the issue is to be property insurance contracts are contracts of
resolved against the insurer, being the party indemnity. Life insurance contracts are not
that prepared the contract [Art 1377, NCC]. contracts of indemnity because the value of a
Thus, ambiguity shall be interpreted liberally in life is immeasurable.
favor of the insured and strictly against the
insurer who prepared the same. Exception: Where the basis of the insurable
interest of the policy owner on the life of the
g. Personal Contract insured is a commercial relationship (e.g.,
creditor-debtor, mortgagor/guarantor-
The contract of insurance is basically between mortgagee), then such contract of life
the insurer and the insured. insurance is an indemnity contract.

The insured cannot assign, before the b. For Life Insurance

happening of the loss, his rights under a
property policy to others without the consent of Nature of property
the insurer [Sec. 20, 58, and 83]. Life insurance policies, unlike property
insurance, are generally assignable or
h. Uberrimae fides Contract transferrable [Sec. 81] as they are in the
nature of property.
Each party is required to:
1. Deal with each other in utmost good faith;
2. Disclose conditions affecting the risk, of
which he is aware;
3. Disclose any material fact which the
applicant knows and those which he ought
to know. 1. Marine Insurance

Violation of this duty gives the aggrieved party a. Definition

the right to rescind the contract. Where the
aggrieved party is the insured, the bad faith of Marine insurance is a type of transportation
the insurer will preclude it from denying liability insurance which is concerned with the perils of
on the policy based on breach of warranty. property in, or incidental to transit, as opposed
[Campos] to property perils at a generally fixed location.

Page 6 of 450

Marine insurance includes: c. Loan on Bottomry and

1. Loss or damage to: Respondentia Distinguished
a. Vessels, cargo, freightage, profits, and Loan on Bottomry Loan on
all kinds of property and interests Respondentia
therein, in connection with any and all Loan that is obtained Loan that is obtained
risks or perils of navigation; for the value of the as security for the
b. Person or property appertaining to a vessel on a voyage. value of the cargo to
marine, inland marine, transit or be transported.
transportation insurance;
c. Precious stones, jewels, jewelry, In a bottomry loan, the insurable interest of a
precious metals, whether in course of ship owner on its bottomed boat is the
transportation or otherwise; difference between the amount of the loan and
d. Instrumentalities of transportation and the value of the boat. Thus, if the amount of the
communication, excluding buildings, loan does not cover the total value of the boat,
aids to navigation and transportation, the owner can still insure the boat.
and appurtenant facilities for the
control of waterways. Both loans depend on upon the safe
2. Marine protection and indemnity insurance conclusion of the voyage. [Carale]
against liability incidental to ownership,
operation, maintenance or construction of d. Risks
vessels and facilities therefore. [Sec. 101;
i. Perils of the Sea
b. Divisions ii. Perils of the Ship

Marine insurance has two major divisions: i. PERILS OF THE SEA

1. Ocean marine insurance insures against
risk connected with navigation to which a Ocean marine insurance protects ships at sea
ship, cargo, freightage, profits or other and the cargo or freight on such ships from
insurable interest in movable property, may standard “perils of the sea” or “perils of
be exposed during a certain voyage or a navigation”.
fixed period of time. Its scope includes:
a. Ships or hulls; Includes:
b. Goods or cargoes; i. Losses caused by sea damage, or by
c. Earnings such as freight, passage the violence of the elements;
money, commissions, or profits; and ii. Losses from extraordinary occurrences
d. Liability (protection and indemnity or those which cannot be guarded
insurance). against by the ordinary exertion of
2. Inland marine insurance covers the land human skill or prudence;
or over-the-land transportation perils of iii. Barratry or the willful and intentional act
property shipped by railroads, motor on the part of the master or the crew, in
trucks, airplanes, and other means of pursuance of some unlawful or
transportation. It also covers risks of lake, fraudulent purpose, without the
river or other inland waterway consent of the owner, and to the
transportation and other waterborne perils prejudice of his interest (e.g., burning
outside those covered by ocean marine the ship, unlawfully selling the cargo).
Ordinary wear and tear of the voyage and from
injuries suffered by the vessel in consequence

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of her not being unseaworthy. [Roque v. IAC, e. Loss

G.R. No. L-66935 (1985)]
 Loss may be total or partial.
ii. PERILS OF THE SHIP  Total loss may be actual or constructive.
Perils of the ship are those which cause a loss
which in the ordinary course of events, results: TOTAL LOSS
1. From the ordinary, natural and inevitable 1. Actual loss exists when the subject matter
action of the sea; of the insurance is wholly destroyed or lost
2. From ordinary wear and tear of the ship; or when it is so damaged that it no longer
and exists in its original character. [Vance]
3. From the negligent failure of the ship’s
owner to provide the vessel with the proper It is caused by:
equipment to convey the cargo under a. A total destruction of the thing insured;
ordinary conditions. [de Leon] b. The irretrievable loss of the thing by
sinking, or by being broken up;
Perils of the Sea Perils of the Ship c. Any damage to the thing which renders
it valueless to the owner for the
Covers those Covers losses purpose for which he held it;
casualties due to resulting from d. Any other event which effectively
unusual violence or ordinary wear and deprives the owner of the possession,
extraordinary causes tear, or other damage at the port of destination of the thing
connected with incident to the insured. [Sec. 132]
navigation. voyage.
An actual loss may be presumed from the
Covers losses which Covers losses which continued absence of a ship without being
cannot be guarded result from the heard of. The length of time which is sufficient
against by prudence negligent failure of the to raise this presumption depends on the
and the ordinary ship’s owner to circumstances of the case. [Sec. 134]
exertion of human provide the vessel
skill. with proper 2. Constructive total loss or “technical total
equipment, and can loss” is one in which the loss, although not
thus be guarded actually total, is of such character that the
against by ordinary insured is entitled, if he thinks fit, to treat it
exertion of human as total by abandonment. [45 CJS 1150]
A constructive total loss is one which gives to a
RULE ON ALL RISKS COVERED person insured a right to abandon. [Sec. 133]
General Rule: In the absence of stipulation,
the risks insured against are only perils of the As to when a constructive total loss exists,
sea, and does not embrace all losses three rules exist:
happening at sea. [Go Tiaco y Hermanos v. 1. English rule: there is constructive total loss
Union Ins. Society of Canton, G.R. No. 13983 when the subject matter of the insurance,
(1919)] while still existent in specie, is so damaged
as not to be worth, when repaired, the cost
Exception: However, in an all risk policy, all of the repairs;
risks are covered unless expressly excepted. 2. American rule: there is constructive total
The burden rests on the insurer to prove that loss when it is so damaged that the costs
the loss is caused by a risk that is excluded. of repairs would exceed one-half of the
[Filipino Merchants Ins. Co. v. CA, G.R. No. value of the thing as acquired (also known
85141(1989)] as the “fifty percent rule”);

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3. Philippine rule: the insured may not information is of a doubtful character, the
abandon the thing insured unless the loss insured is entitled to a reasonable time to
or damage is more than ¾ of its value. [de make inquiry [Sec. 143];
Leon] 3. Abandonment is made by giving notice
thereof to the insurer, which may be done
A person insured by a contract of marine orally, or in writing: Provided, That if the
insurance may abandon the thing insured and notice be done orally, a written notice of
recover for a total loss thereof when the cause such abandonment shall be submitted
of the loss is a peril insured against – within seven days from such oral notice
1. If more than ¾ thereof in value is actually [Sec. 145];
lost, or would have to be expended to 4. Abandonment must be absolute and
recover it from the peril; total.
2. If it is injured to such an extent as to reduce
its value by more than ¾; No notice of abandonment is required for
3. If the thing insured is a ship, and the recovery of loss in cases of actual total loss.
contemplated voyage cannot be lawfully
performed without incurring either an Where the information upon which an
expense to the insured of more than ¾ the abandonment has been made proves
value of the thing abandoned or a risk incorrect, or the thing insured was so far
which a prudent man would not take under restored when the abandonment was made
the circumstances; or that there was in fact no total loss, the
4. If the thing insured is cargo or freightage, abandonment becomes ineffectual.
and the voyage cannot be performed, nor
another ship procured by the master, within Characteristics
a reasonable time and with reasonable A valid abandonment has the following
diligence, to forward the cargo without characteristics:
incurring either an expense to the insured 1. There must be an actual relinquishment
of more than ¾ the value of the thing by the person insured of his interest in the
abandoned or a risk which a prudent man thing insured;
would not take under the circumstances 2. There must be a constructive total loss;
[Sec. 141]. 3. It must be factual [Sec. 144];
4. The notice of abandonment must be
Note: Freightage cannot in any case be explicit and must specify the particular
abandoned unless the ship is also abandoned. cause of the abandonment. [Sec. 146]

f. Abandonment Effects
1. An abandonment is equivalent to a transfer
Definition by the insured of his interest to the insurer,
Abandonment, is the act of the insured by with all the chances of recovery and
which, after a constructive total loss, he indemnity [Sec. 148];
declares the relinquishment to the insurer of his 2. If a marine insurer pays for a loss as if it
interest in the thing insured. [Sec. 140] were an actual total loss, he is entitled to
whatever may remain of the thing insured,
Conditions or its proceeds or salvage, as if there had
Aside from the requirement under Sec. 141 been a formal abandonment [Sec. 149];
already mentioned above: 3. Upon an abandonment, acts done in good
1. An abandonment must be neither partial faith by those who were agents of the
nor conditional [Sec. 142]; insured in respect to the thing insured,
2. An abandonment must be made within a subsequent to the loss, are at the risk of the
reasonable time after receipt of reliable insurer, and for his benefit [Sec. 150].
information of the loss, but where the

Page 9 of 450

g. Average 3. It must be successful (i.e., resulted in the

saving of the vessel and/or cargo);
An Average is the extraordinary or accidental 4. Expenses or damages should have been
expense incurred during the voyage for the incurred or inflicted after taking proper legal
preservation of the vessel, cargo or both and steps and authority. [Magsaysay v. Agan,
all the damages to the vessel and cargo from G.R. No. L-6393 (1955)]
the time it is loaded and the voyage
commenced until it ends and the cargo is Vance, however, includes as part of the
unloaded. [Art. 806, Code of Commerce] requisites:
1. Sacrifice was made by the master or upon
There are two kinds of averages: his authority; and
1. Gross or general averages; and 2. That it was not caused by any fault of the
2. Simple or particular averages. party asking for the contribution. [Carale]

Gross/General Simple/Particular An example of particular average loss would be

Average Average the wages of the crew when the vessel is
Includes damages Includes damages detained by reason of force majeure. In such a
and expenses which and expenses case, the loss is only partial and must be borne
are deliberately caused to the vessel by the owner of the vessel alone. [Carale]
caused by the or her cargo, which
master of the vessel have not inured to Rule on averages in marine insurance
or upon his authority, the common benefit Where it has been agreed that an insurance
in order to save the and profit of all the upon a particular thing, or class of things, shall
vessel, her cargo, or persons interested in be free from particular average:
both at the same the vessel and her i. A marine insurer is NOT liable for any
time from a real and cargo [Art. 809, particular average loss not depriving
known risk [Art. 811, Code of Commerce]. the insured of the possession of the
Code of Commerce]. whole of such thing, or class of things
The loss is borne The loss is suffered at the port of destination (even though
by all the owners of by and borne alone it becomes entirely worthless);
the interests by the owner of the ii. HOWEVER, such insurer is liable for
involved, who are cargo or of the his proportion of all general average
pro tanto obliged to vessel, as the case loss assessed upon the thing insured.
give proportionate must be [de Leon]. [Sec. 138]
contributions to Such loss is NOT
make up for such suffered by all h. Warranties
loss, since the persons contributing
sacrifice was made ratably [Carale]. Marine Insurance is unique in that it has certain
for the common implied warranties:
benefit of all who 1. Implied Warranty of Seaworthiness
have an interest in 2. Implied Warranty of Against Improper
the venture [Art 812, Deviation
Code of Commerce; 3. Implied Warranty of proper Documentation
Implied Warranty of Seaworthiness
To claim general average contributions, the In every marine insurance upon a ship or
requisites are: freight, or freightage, or upon anything which is
1. There must be a common danger to the the subject of marine insurance, a warranty is
vessel or cargo; implied that the ship is seaworthy. [Sec. 115]
2. The sacrifice must be for the common
safety or for the benefit of all;

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A vessel is seaworthy if: Implied Warranty Against Improper

1. It is fit to perform the service and to deviation
encounter the ordinary perils of the voyage A deviation is a departure from the course of
contemplated by the parties to the policy the voyage insured, or an unreasonable delay
[Sec. 116]; in pursuing the voyage or the commencement
2. It is properly laden; of an entirely different voyage. [Sec.125]
3. It is provided with a competent master;
4. It is provided with a sufficient number of Deviation is proper (Insurer remains liable):
competent officers and seamen; 1. When caused by circumstances over which
5. It is provided with the requisite neither the master nor the owner of the ship
appurtenances and equipment; has any control;
6. It is provided with other necessary or 2. When necessary to comply with a
proper stores and implements for voyage. warranty, or to avoid a peril, whether or not
[Sec.118] the peril is insured against;
3. When made in good faith, and upon
A vessel should be seaworthy at the time reasonable grounds of belief in its
commencement of the risk or start of the necessity to avoid a peril; or
voyage, except: 4. When made in good faith, for the purpose
1. When the insurance is made for a specified of saving human life or relieving another
length of time, the implied warranty is not vessel in distress. [Sec. 126]
complied with unless the ship be
seaworthy at the commencement of Every deviation not specified in the last section
every voyage it undertakes during that is improper [Sec. 127]. Effect of any loss
time (Time Policy); subsequent to an improper deviation: Insurer
2. When the insurance is upon the cargo is not liable. [Sec. 128]
which, by the terms of the policy,
description of the voyage, or established Implied Warranty of Proper documentation
custom of the trade, is to be transhipped at Where the nationality or neutrality of a ship or
an intermediate port, the implied warranty cargo is expressly warranted, it is implied that
is not complied with unless each vessel the ship will carry the requisite documents to
upon which the cargo is shipped, or show such nationality or neutrality and that it
transhipped, be seaworthy at the will not carry any documents which cast
commencement of each particular reasonable suspicion thereon. [Sec. 122]
voyage (Cargo Policy). [Sec. 117]
2. Fire
Where different portions of the voyage
contemplated by a policy differ in respect to the a. Definition
things requisite to make the ship seaworthy
therefor, a warranty of seaworthiness is Fire Insurance is a contract of indemnity by
complied with if, at the commencement of each which the insurer, for a stipulated premium,
portion, the ship is seaworthy with reference to agrees to indemnify the insured against loss
that portion. [Sec. 119] by:
i. Fire, lightning, windstorm, tornado or
The insurer is not liable despite breach of earthquake; and
warranty when the ship becomes unseaworthy ii. Other allied risks, when such risks are
during the voyage to which an insurance covered by extension to fire insurance
relates, but there is an unreasonable delay in policies or under separate policies.
repairing the defect. [Sec. 120] [Sec. 169]

Fire is oxidation which is so rapid as to produce

either a flame or a glow. Spontaneous

Page 11 of 450

combustion is usually rapid oxidation. Fire is as it burns in the place where it ought to be.
always caused by combustion, but combustion [Carale]
does not always cause fire. [Western Woolen
Mills Co. v. Northern Assurance Co., 139 Fed c. Alterations in Use or Condition
637 (1905)]
An alteration in the use or condition of a thing
Fire cannot be considered a natural disaster or insured from that to which it is limited by the
calamity since it almost always arises from policy:
some acts of man or by human means. It 1. Entitles an insurer to rescind a contract
cannot be an act of God unless caused by of fire insurance if such alteration:
lightning or a natural disaster or casualty not a. Increases the risks, and
attributable to human agency. [Phil. Home b. Was made: (i) Without the consent
Assurance Corp. v. CA, G.R. No. 106999 of the insurer, and (ii) By means
(1996)] within the control of the insured;
2. Does not affect a contract of fire
Fire or other so-called “allied risks” insurance if the alteration does not
enumerated in Sec. 169 must be the proximate increase the risk. [Sec. 170-171]
cause of the damage or loss.
Note: A contract of fire insurance is not affected
The presence of heat, steam, or even smoke is by any act of the insured subsequent to the
evidence of fire, but taken by itself will not execution of the policy, which does not violate
prove the existence of fire. its provisions, even though it increases the risk
and is the cause of the loss. [Sec. 172]
b. Risks
Transferring machinery to another location,
Rule: The risk assumed by the insurer is the despite a provision in the policy stating that the
loss and damage caused by hostile fire and not machine cannot be transferred without the
friendly fire. consent of the insurer, is considered an
alteration in the condition and location of the
thing insured. [Malayan Insurance Co, Ltd v.
Hostile Fire Friendly Fire
PAP Co., Ltd., G.R. No. 200784 (2013)]
Fire that escapes Fire that burns in a
from the place where place where it is d. Measure of Indemnity
it was intended to intended to burn and
burn and ought to be, ought to be like fire 1. In an open policy, only the expense
or one which remains burning in a stove or necessary to replace the thing lost or
completely within its a lamp. [de Leon] injured in the condition it was at the time of
proper place but the injury will be paid;
because of the Friendly fire may 2. In a valued policy, the parties are bound
unsuitable materials become hostile fire by the valuation, in the absence of fraud or
used to light it, by escaping from the mistake [Sec. 173];
becomes inherently place where it ought 3. The parties may provide for an option-to-
dangerous and to be to some place in rebuild clause concerning the repairing,
uncontrollable. [de which it ought not to rebuilding, or replacing of buildings or
Leon] be [Carale]. structures wholly or partially damages.
[Sec. 174]
The principle underling this distinction is that
Valued policy
the policy shall not be construed to protect the
If there is a valuation, the effect shall be similar
insured from injury consequent upon his
to a marine insurance policy wherein the
negligent use or management of fire, so long

Page 12 of 450

valuation is conclusive between the parties in Excluding:

adjusting the loss. [Sec. 158] Certain types of loss which by law or custom
are considered as falling exclusively within the
Open policy scope of other types of insurance, such as fire
In the absence of express valuation in a fire or marine. [Sec. 176]
insurance policy, the insured is only entitled to
recover the amount of actual loss sustained b. Intentional and Accidental Injury
and the burden of proof is upon him to establish Distinguished
the amount of such loss by preponderance of
evidence. Intentional Injury Accidental Injury
Injury involves the Injury happens by
In an open policy, the actual loss, as exercise of the chance or
determined, will represent the total indemnity reasoning faculties, fortuitously, without
due the insured except only that the total consciousness and intention or design,
indemnity shall not exceed the total value of the volition which is
policy. [Development. Ins. Corp. v. IAC, G.R. unexpected,
No. 71360 (1986)] unusual and
Open to rebuild clause Where a provision of The terms do not,
Whenever the insured desires to have a the policy excludes without
valuation named in his policy, insuring any intentional injury, it is qualification,
building or structure against fire, he may the intention of the exclude events
require such building or structure to be person inflicting the resulting in
examined by an independent appraiser and the injury that is damage due to
value of the insured’s interest therein may then controlling fault, recklessness
be fixed as between the insurer and the or negligence of
insured. The cost of such examination shall be If the injuries suffered third parties.
paid for by the insured. A clause shall be by the insured clearly
inserted in such policy stating substantially that resulted from the
the value of the insured’s interest in such intentional act of the
building or structure has been thus fixed. [Sec. third person, the
174] insurer is relieved
from liability as
3. Casualty stipulated.

a. Definition c. Divisions

Casualty Insurance is insurance covering loss Casualty insurance has two general divisions:
or liability arising from accident or mishap. 1. Liability Insurance - against specified
perils which may give rise to liability on
Including, but not limited to: the part of the insured;
i. Employer’s liability insurance, 2. Indemnity insurance – against
ii. Motor vehicle liability insurance, specified perils which may affect the
iii. Plate glass insurance, persons.
iv. Burglary and theft insurance,
v. Personal accident and health Except with respect to compulsory motor
insurance, as written by non-life vehicle liability insurance, the Insurance Code
insurance companies, and contains no other provisions applicable to
vi. Other substantially similar kinds of casualty insurance or to robbery insurance in
insurance. particular. These contracts are, therefore,
governed by the general provisions applicable

Page 13 of 450

to all types of insurance. Outside of these, the principal or obligor, of an obligation or

rights and obligations of the parties must be undertaking in favor of a third party called the
determined by the terms of their contract, obligee. [Sec. 177]
taking into consideration its purpose and
always in accordance with the general It includes official recognizances, stipulations,
principles of insurance law [Fortune Insurance bonds or undertakings issued by any company
& Surety Co. v. CA, G.R. No. 115278 (1995)]. by virtue of and under the provisions of Act. No
536, as amended by 2206. [Sec. 177]
Liability Insurance
The insurer assumes the obligation to pay the Nature of Contract
third party in whose favor the liability of the It shall be deemed as insurance contract if the
insured arises. The liability of the insurer surety’s main business is that of
attaches as soon as the liability of the insured suretyship, and not where the contract is
to the third party is established. It covers merely incidental to any other legitimate
liability incurred from quasi-delict or criminal business or activity of the surety.
negligence but cannot cover deliberate criminal
acts [DE LEON]. It is an accessory contract unlike a contract
of insurance which is the principal contract
Indemnity Insurance itself.
Under this kind of insurance, no action will lie
against the insurer unless brought by the The contract of a surety is evidenced by a
insured for loss actually sustained and paid by document called surety bond which is
him. Liability of the insurer attaches only after essentially a promise to guarantee the
the insured has paid his liability to the third obligation of the obligor. In turn, the obligor
party [DE LEON]. executes an indemnity agreement in favor of
the insurer [de Leon].
d. No Action Clause
When the obligee accepts the bond, the bond
A no action clause is a requirement in a policy becomes valid and enforceable, whether or not
of liability insurance which provides that a suit the premium has been paid by the obligor,
must first be instituted, and a final judgment be unlike in an insurance contract where payment
first obtained against the insured before the of premium is necessary for the contract to be
person injured can recover on the policy. valid. If the obligee has not yet accepted, then
payment of premium is still necessary for the
However, a no-action clause cannot prevail contract of suretyship to be valid.
over the Rules of Court provisions which are
aimed at avoiding multiplicity of suits. Parties Liability of Surety
(i.e. the insured and the insurer) may be joined The liability of the surety or sureties under a
as defendants in a case commenced by the bond is joint and several, or solidary [Sec.
third party claiming under a liability insurance, 178]. This means that upon the default of the
as the right to relief in respect to the same principal obligor, the surety becomes primarily
transactions is alleged to exist. [Sec. 5, Rule 2 liable. Unlike a guarantor, a surety is not
and Sec. 6, Rule 3, 1997 Rules of Civil entitled to the benefit of exhaustion of the
Procedure; Guingon v. Del Monte, G.R. No. L- principal obligor’s assets and assumes a
22042 (1967)] regular party to the undertaking.

4. Suretyship Said liability is limited or fixed to the amount of

the bond.
A Contract of Suretyship is an agreement
whereby a party, called the surety, guarantees
the performance by another party, called the

Page 14 of 450

5. Life may be made payable on the death of the

person, or after his surviving a specified period
a. Definition (as an annuity or endowment), or otherwise
contingently on the continuation or cessation of
Life Insurance is insurance on human lives life.
and insurance appertaining thereto or
connected therewith. Group life
The ff. shall be considered a life insurance It is a blanket policy covering a number of
contract for purposes of the Insurance Code: individuals who are usually a cohesive group
1. Every contract or undertaking for the (e.g., employees of a company) and subjected
payment of annuities; to a common risk. No medical examination is
usually required of each person insured (in
 Including contracts for the payment of
contrast to individual life insurance).
lump sums under a retirement program
where a life insurance company
manages or acts as a trustee for such Group insurance is a single insurance contract
retirement program that provides coverage for many individuals.
2. Every contract or pledge for the payment of The employer-policy holder is the agent of the
endowments or annuities. [Sec. 181-182] insurer in collecting the premium. [Pineda v.
CA, G.R. No. 105562 (1993)]
An insurance upon life may be made payable:
1. On the death of the person, or Typically, the policy owner is an employer and
2. On his surviving a specified period, or the policy covers the employees or members of
3. On the continuance or cessation of life. the group, with one master contract kept by the
[Sec. 182] employer. Where the employee is required to
pay a portion of the premium, the arrangement
PARTIES [Carale] is called a contributory plan, wherein his share
is deducted from his wages. [Carale]
Owner of With the power to name the
the policy beneficiary, assign it, cash it
in or use as collateral, with Industrial life
the obligation to pay the Industrial life insurance refers to an
premiums insurance policy under which the premiums are
payable either monthly or oftener, if:
Cestui que One on whose life insurance 1. The face amount of insurance provided in
vie is obtained any policy is not more than 500 times that
Beneficiary One to whom the proceeds of the current statutory minimum daily
may be paid wage in the City of Manila; and
2. The words “industrial policy” are printed
There are also cases wherein there may be upon the policy as part of the descriptive
one person only for all three parties. matter. [Sec. 235]

b. Types It provides insurance coverage to industrial

workers or people who are unable to afford
There are 4 types of Life Insurance insurance for bigger amounts.
1. Individual Life
2. Group Life It shall not lapse after non-payment of
3. Industrial Life premiums in 3 months after the expiration of
4. Microinsurance the grace period, if such non-payment is due to
the failure of the company to send its
Individual life representatives to the insured to collect
Insurance on human lives and insurance premium. [Sec. 235]
appertaining thereto or connected therewith. It

Page 15 of 450

c. Other Classifications of Life provides, need not reimburse any

Insurance Policies part of the premiums paid.
h. Endowment policy – where the
1. Ordinary or whole life policy, where the insured is paid the face value of the
insurer agrees to pay the face value of the policy if he outlives the designated
policy upon the death of the insured; period. If he dies within said period,
the insurer pays the proceeds to
Distinct variations of Whole Life Policy: the beneficiary. This is a
a. Ordinary Life Insurance – combination of term policy and
Premiums are paid throughout the pure endowment policy.
lifetime of the person insured or
until the person reaches a 2. Term Life Insurance, which provides for
predetermined specified age at the payment of a specified amount if death
which point the coverage continues occurs within the time period designated in
without the payment of additional the policy, usually for periods of one to five
premiums. years.
b. Limited Payment Life Insurance
– Premiums are paid only during a 3. Modified Life Insurance, which is a policy
specified number of years or until a that combines term and whole life
specified event occurs. insurance into a single insurance policy.
c. Single Premium Life Insurance – Premiums paid by the insured are
the coverage is acquired by the substantially less during the first few years
payment of a single premium. then later on increases during the
d. Joint Life Insurance – coverage is remaining term of the policy. [Carale]
payable upon the first death among
two or more insured (normally d. Risks
purchased by business partners or
spouses) and paid to the survivor. Five important risks:
e. Universal Life Insurance – 1. Death or Survival
emphasizes the separation of the 2. Suicide
portion of the premium that is used 3. Death at the hands of the law
to cover the insurance protection 4. Killing by the beneficiary
from the portion of the premium 5. Accidental Death
allocated to an investment.
f. Variable Life Insurance – some Death or survival
amount of death benefit provided Life insurance may be made payable on the
by a variable life insurance policy is death of the person, or on his surviving a
guaranteed by the insurer, but the specified period, or otherwise contingently on
total death benefit and the cash the continuation or cessation of life. [Campos]
value of the insurance before death
depend on the investment Death of the insured must be proven by the
performance of that portion of the beneficiary before the insurer can be made to
premium which is allocated to a pay.
separate fund.
g. Pure endowment policy –where Suicide
the insurer pays the insured if the Insurer is liable in any of the following cases:
insured survives a specified period. 1. If committed after 2 years from the date of
If the insured dies within the period, the policy’s issue or its last reinstatement
the insurer is released from liability unless the policy provides for a shorter
and unless the contract otherwise period.

Page 16 of 450

Note: Any stipulation extending the 2-year design and are unexpected, unusual, and
period is void. unforeseen.

2. If committed in a state of insanity, Where the death or injury is not the natural or
regardless of the date of the commission, probable result of the insured’s voluntary act,
unless suicide is an excepted peril. [Sec. or if something unforeseen occurs in the doing
183] of the act which produces the injury, the
resulting death is within the protection of the
Since suicide is contrary to the laws of nature policies insuring against death or injury from
and the ordinary rules of conduct, it is never accident. [Carale]
presumed. The burden of proving lies with the
insurer, who seeks to avoid liability under a life An event is not an accident if it is due to a
policy, excepting it from coverage. [Campos] voluntary and intentional act on the part of
anyone, including third parties. In the absence
Death at the hands of the law of proof that the incident was intentional, the
Death at the hands of the law (e.g., legal insurer shall pay the beneficiary the value of
execution) is one of the risks assumed by the the supplemental policy covering death by
insurer under a life insurance policy in the accident. [Calanoc v. CA, G.R. No. L-8151
absence of a valid policy exception. [Campos] (1955)]

Killing by the beneficiary The fact that there were nine wounds in total is
General rule: The interest of a beneficiary in a proof that the victim was killed intentionally, as
life insurance policy shall be forfeited when the this cannot be considered accidental. Thus,
beneficiary is the principal, accomplice or the incident is not covered by the supplemental
accessory in willfully bringing about the death insurance on death by accident. [Biagtan v.
of the insured. In such event, the other Insular [G.R. No. L-25579 (1972)]
beneficiaries so named shall receive their
share and divide among them the forfeited 6. Microinsurance
share of the “guilty” beneficiary. In the absence
of other beneficiaries, proceeds shall be paid Microinsurance is a financial product or
according to the policy contract, and if silent, it service that meets the risk protection needs of
shall be paid to the estate of the insured. [Sec. the poor, where:
12] 1. The amount of contributions, premiums,
fees or charges, computed on a daily basis,
Exceptions does not exceed 7.5% of the current daily
1. Accidental killing minimum wage rate for nonagricultural
2. Self-defense workers in Metro Manila; and
3. Insanity of the beneficiary at the time he 2. The maximum sum of guaranteed benefits
killed the insured is not more than 1,000 times of the said
4. Negligence current daily minimum wage rate. [Sec.
Note: Conviction of the beneficiary is
necessary before his interest in the insurance No insurance company or mutual benefit
policy is forfeited in favor of the others indicated association shall engage in the business of
in Sec. 12. Microinsurance UNLESS it possesses all the
requirements as may be prescribed by the
Accidental death Commissioner. [Sec. 188]
The terms accident and accidental means
have been taken to mean that they happen by
chance or fortuitously, without intention and

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7. Compulsory Motor Vehicle The claimants/victims may be a passenger or

a third party. The insured may be the party at
Liability Insurance fault as against claims of third parties (i.e. third-
party liability) or the victim of the contingent
Compulsory motor vehicle liability event.
insurance is a policy of insurance or guaranty
in cash or surety bond to indemnify the death, The following clauses are relevant to
bodily injury, and/or damage to property of a compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance:
third-party or passenger arising from the use of 1. Authorized Driver Clause is a stipulation
a motor vehicle. in a motor vehicle insurance policy which
provides that the driver, other than the
It shall be unlawful for any land transportation insured owner, must be duly licensed to
operator or owner of a motor vehicle to operate drive the motor vehicle, otherwise the
the same in the public highways unless there is insurer is excused from liability;
in force, a policy of insurance or guaranty in 2. Theft Clause is a stipulation including theft
cash or surety bond: as one of the risks insured against. If there
1. Issued in accordance with the is such a provision and the vehicle was
provisions of this chapter; unlawfully taken, the insurer is liable under
2. To indemnity the death, bodily injury the theft clause and the authorized driver
and/or damage to property of a third- clause does not apply. The insured can
party or passenger, as the case may recover even if the thief has no driver’s
be, arising from the use thereof. [Sec. license.
387] 3. No Fault Clause is a provision required in
every compulsory motor vehicle liability
It is a requisite for registration or renewal of insurance regarding claims for death or
registration of a motor vehicle by every land injury to a passenger or third party on a
transportation operator or owner. [Sec. 390] It liability insurance policy covering the
is the only type of compulsory insurance vehicle.
provided for under the Insurance Code.
Any claim for death or injury to any passenger
It applies to all vehicles whether public or or third party shall be paid without the necessity
private vehicles. of proving fault or negligence of any kind,
provided the total indemnity in respect of any
To the extent that motor vehicle insurance is person shall not exceed P15,000.
compulsory, it must be a liability policy, and
the provision making it merely an indemnity The claim shall be made against only one
insurance contract cannot have any effect. motor vehicle. It shall lie against the insurer of
[Campos] the vehicle in which the occupant is riding, and
no other. The claimant is not free to choose
The insurer’s liability is direct and primary so from which insurer he will claim the no fault
the insurer need not wait for final judgment in indemnity. [Perla Compania de Seguros v.
the criminal case to be liable. The purpose is to Ancheta, G.R. No. L-49699 (1988)]
give immediate financial assistance to victims
of motor vehicle accidents and/or their
dependents, regardless of the financial
capability of motor vehicle owners or operators
responsible for the accident sustained. [Shafer
v. Judge, RTC Olongapo, G.R. No. 78848

Page 18 of 450

8. Compulsory Insurance relatives within the fourth civil degree of

consanguinity or affinity who work or have
Coverage for Agency-Hired interest in any of the licensed
Workers recruitment/manning agencies or in any of the
government agencies involved in the overseas
a. Definition employment program shall be disqualified from
providing the migrant worker’s insurance
Compulsory Insurance Coverage for coverage.
Agency-Hired Workers is an insurance
mechanism made available by the law to It shall be the duty of the said directors,
provide insurance protection for OFWs. partners, officers, employees or agents to
disclose any such interest to the IC and POEA.
Each migrant worker to be deployed by a [Sec. 2, Insurance Guidelines on Rule XVI of
recruitment/manning agency shall be covered the Omnibus Rules and Regulations
by a compulsory insurance contract which shall Implementing RA 8042]
be secured at no cost to the said worker.

Basis: It is the policy of the State to provide E. VARIABLE CONTRACTS

adequate protection to the overseas Filipino
workers by ensuring coverage under the
compulsory insurance requirement in Section Variable contract refers to any policy or
37-A of the Migrant Workers and Overseas contract, on either a group or on an individual
Filipinos Act of 1995, as amended. [Sec. 1(b), basis, issued by an insurance company
Insurance Guidelines on Rule XVI of the providing:
Omnibus Rules and Regulations Implementing 1. Benefits or other contractual payments or
RA 8042] values thereunder to vary, so as to reflect
investment results of:
b. Qualifications a. Any segregated portfolio of
investments; or
To be qualified to provide for the Migrant b. A designated separate account in
Workers’ Compulsory Insurance Coverage, the which amounts received, in
insurance company must: connection with such contracts shall
1. Be a reputable private life, non-life and have been placed and accounted for
composite insurance company; separately and apart from other
2. Be duly licensed by IC; investments and accounts; AND/OR
3. Be in existence and operational for at least 2. Benefits or values incidental thereto
five (5) years; payable in fixed or variable amounts, or
4. Have a net worth of at least Php both.
500,000,000 based on the audited financial
statements for the immediately preceding It shall not be deemed to be a security or
year; securities as defined in The Securities Act, as
5. Have a current year certificate of authority; amended, or in the Investment Company Act,
and as amended, nor subject to regulations under
6. Have an IC-approved standard policy. said Acts. [Sec.238(b)]
[Sec. 1, Insurance Guidelines on Rule XVI
of the Omnibus Rules and Regulations No insurance company authorized to transact
Implementing RA 8042] business in the Philippines shall issue, deliver,
sell or use any variable contract in the
c. Disqualifications Philippines, unless and until such company
Insurance companies who have directors, shall have satisfied the Commissioner that:
partners, officers, employees, or agents with

Page 19 of 450

a. Its financial and general condition; and combination of fixed amount and variable
b. Its methods of operations, including the amount of benefits, and for option lump-sum
issue and sale of variable contracts, payment of benefits. [Sec. 239]
are not and will not be hazardous to the
public or to its policy and contract owners.
No foreign insurance company shall be
authorized to issue, deliver or sell any variable Insurable interest
contract in the Philippines, unless it is likewise That interest which a person is deemed to have
authorized to do so by the laws of its domicile. in the subject matter insured, where he has a
[Sec. 238(a)] relation or connection with or concern in it, such
that the person will:
In determining the qualifications of a company  Derive pecuniary benefit or advantage from
requesting authority to issue, deliver, sell or the preservation of the subject matter
use variable contracts, the Commissioner shall insured; and
always consider the following:
 Suffer pecuniary loss or damage from its
destruction, termination, or injury by the
1. The history, financial and general condition
happening of the event insured against.
of the company: Provided, That such
[Lalican v. Insular Life Ins., G.R. No.
company, if a foreign company, must have
183526 (2009)].
deposited with the Commissioner for the
benefit and security of its variable contract An insurable interest is one of the most basic
owners in the Philippines, securities and essential requirements in an insurance
satisfactory to the Commissioner contract.
consisting of bonds of the Government of
 The existence of an insurable interest gives
the Philippines or its instrumentalities with
a person the legal right to insure the subject
an actual market value of Two million
matter of the policy of insurance [Lalican v.
pesos (P2,000,000.00);
Insular Life Ins., G.R. No. 183526 (2009)].
2. The character, responsibility and fitness of
 It may NOT be waived by stipulation.
the officers and directors of the company;
 Absence of insurable interest renders the
insurance contract void. [Sec. 25]
3. The law and regulation under which the
company is authorized in the state of
General Rule: Insurable interest must be
domicile to issue such contracts. [Sec.
capable of pecuniary estimation because the
238(c)] purpose of insurance is to indemnify. It would
be difficult to measure if the benefit derived or
If after notice and hearing, the Commissioner
the loss incurred is not capable of pecuniary
shall find that the company is qualified to issue,
deliver, sell or use variable contracts in
Exception: The insurable interest need not
accordance with this Code and the regulations
always be pecuniary in nature (e.g., in insuring
and rules issued thereunder, the
the life of a person, the purpose is not to
corresponding order of authorization shall be
indemnify but to act as an investment or
issued. Any decision or order denying authority
savings instrument). [Lucena v. Crawford,
to issue, deliver, sell or use variable contracts
2Bos & PNR 269 (1806)]
shall clearly and distinctly state the reasons
and grounds on which it is based. [Sec.238(d)]
Rationale: As a deterrence to the insured
Any insurance company issuing variable
contracts pursuant to this Code may, in its
discretion, issue contracts providing a

Page 20 of 450

A policy issued to a person without insurable General rule: A change of interest in the thing
interest is a mere wager policy or contract and insured does not transfer the policy, but
is void for illegality. [de Leon] suspends the insurance to an equivalent extent
until the interest in the thing and the interest in
Evidence that life insurance is regarded as the insurance policy are vested in the same
a wager policy: person. Thus, the contract is not rendered void
a) The original proposal to take out but is merely suspended. [Sec. 20]
insurance was that of the beneficiary;
b) The premiums are paid by the Exceptions
beneficiary; 1. Life, health, and accident insurance.
c) The beneficiary has no interest, 2. A change of interest in the thing insured
economic or emotional, in the after the occurrence of an injury which
continued life of the insured. [de Leon] results in a loss does not affect the policy.
[Sec. 21]
As a measure of limit of recovery 3. A change in the interest in one or more of
The insurable interest is the measure of the several things, separately insured by one
upper limit of his provable loss under the policy, such as a conveyance of one or
contract. Insurance should not provide the more things, does not affect the policy with
insured means of making a net profit from respect to the others not so conveyed.
the happening of the event insured against. [Sec. 22]
[de Leon] 4. A change of interest by will or succession
on the death of the insured. His interest
When insurable interest should exist passes to his heir or legal representative
Insurable Interest Required who may continue the insurance policy on
Inceptio Interveni Occurren the property by continuing paying
n ng Period ce of Loss premiums. [Sec. 23]
Life/Heal ✓ 5. A transfer of interest by one of several
th partners, joint owners, or owners in
Property ✓ ✓ common, who are jointly insured, to the
others. This will avoid the policy only as to
the selling partners or co-owners, but not
For Life Insurance: Insurable interest over as to others. [Sec. 24]
life/health must exist at the time of the inception 6. Automatic transfers of interest in cases in
of the contract, but may be lost after. [Sec. 19] which the policy is so framed that it will
inure to the benefit of whosoever may
For Property Insurance: Insurable interest become the owner of the interest insured
must exist at the time of the inception of the during the circumstance of the risk. [Sec.
contract and at the occurrence of the loss. 57]
 But it need not exist during the intervening
period or from the time between when the It is an exception to the general rule that upon
policy takes effect and the loss occurs. maturity, the proceeds of a policy shall be given
 The alienation of insured property will not exclusively to the proper interest if the person
defeat a recovery if the insured has in whose name or for whose benefit it is made.
subsequently reacquired the property and
possesses an insurable interest at the time In case of an express prohibition against
of loss. [Sec. 19] alienation in the policy [Art. 1306, NCC],
alienation will not merely suspend the contract
CHANGE OF INTEREST but avoid it entirely.
Change of interest means the absolute transfer
of the property insured.

Page 21 of 450

1. In Life/Health Each person has unlimited interest in his own

life, whether the insurance is for the benefit of
Every person has an insurable interest in the himself or another. [40 CJS 909]
life and health:
(a) Of himself, of his spouse and of his The beneficiary designated need not have any
children; interest in the life of the insured when the latter
(b) Of any person on whom he depends wholly takes out policy on his own life. [de Leon]
or in part for education or support, or in
whom he has a pecuniary interest; INTEREST IN LIFE OF ANOTHER
(c) Of any person under a legal obligation to The insurable interest in the life of another:
him for the payment of money, or (i) Must be a pecuniary interest;
respecting property or services, of which (ii) Exists whenever the relation between
death or illness might delay or prevent the the assured and the insured is such
performance; and that the assured has a reasonable
(d) Of any person upon whose life any estate expectation of deriving benefit from the
or interest vested in him depends. [Sec. 10] continuation of the life insured or of
suffering detriment through its
A person is not allowed to take out insurance termination. [de Leon]
upon the life of a stranger. [Carale]
General Rule: When the owner of the policy
There is no insurable interest in the life of an insures the life of another, and designates a
illegitimate spouse. A creditor may take out third party as beneficiary, both the owner
insurance on the life of his debtor, but his and beneficiary must have an insurable
insurable interest is only up to the amount of interest in the life of the cestui que vie.
the debt, and only when the debt is unsecured.
[Carale] Exception: An assignee of the insurance
contract is not required to have insurable
General Rule: The measure of indemnity under interest in the life of the insured, since insurable
a policy of insurance upon life or health is the interest over life should exist only during the
sum fixed in the policy. inception of the contract.
Exception: Unless the interest of a person Note: An assignment of the insurance contract
insured is susceptible of exact pecuniary is different from a change in the designated
measurement. [Sec. 186] beneficiary.

But if a person obtains a policy on the life of

In Life Insurance
another and names himself as the beneficiary,
he must have insurable interest therein [de
Life insurance policies may be divided into two
general classes:
A beneficiary is the person named or
Insurance upon one’s life
designated in a contract of life, health, or
Insurance upon the life of another
accident insurance as the person who is to
receive the proceeds or benefits which become
payable, if the insured risk occurs.
The cestui que vie is the insured himself. The
insured can designate anyone to be the
General rule: A person may designate a
beneficiary of the policy.
beneficiary, irrespective of the beneficiary’s
lack of insurable interest, provided he acts in
good faith and without intent to make the

Page 22 of 450

transaction merely a cover for a forbidden In Health Insurance

wagering contract, [de Leon]
General rule: Interest in the life or health of a
Exceptions: Any person who is forbidden from person must exist at the inception of the
receiving any donation under Art. 739, Civil insurance contract but need not exist thereafter
Code cannot be named beneficiary of a life or when the loss occurs. [Sec. 19]
insurance policy by the person who cannot
make any donation to him [Art. 2012, NCC]. Exceptions
1. In the case of a creditor’s insurance taken
Art. 739, NCC. The following donations are on the life of the debtor, insurable interest
void: disappears once the debt has been paid;
(1) Those made between persons who were 2. In the case of a company’s insurance taken
guilty of adultery or concubinage at the on the life of an employee, insurable
time of the donation; interest disappears once the employee
(2) Those made between persons found leaves the company.
guilty of the same criminal offense, in
consideration thereof; 2. In Property
(3) Those made to a public officer or his wife,
descendants and ascendants, by reason The following are considered as insurable
of his office. (…) interest, provided that they are of such nature
that a contemplated peril might directly damnify
General Rule: The insured shall have the right 1. Every interest in real or personal property;
to change the beneficiary he designated in the or
policy. [Sec. 11]  e.g., ownership
2. Any relation thereto; or
Exception: If the insured expressly waived his  e.g., interest of a trustee or a
right to change the beneficiary, this makes the commission agent
latter an irrevocable beneficiary. But despite 3. Any liability in respect thereof. [Sec. 13]
the waiver, he can still change the beneficiary,  e.g., interest of a carrier or
provided he obtained the beneficiary’s consent. depository of goods
[Sec. 11]
A person has an insurable interest in property
Under the Slayer Statute, when the beneficiary when he sustains such relation with respect to
is the principal, accomplice or accessory in it that he has a reasonable expectation of:
willfully bringing about the death of the insured,  Benefit to be derived from its continued
the interest of beneficiary in life insurance existence; or
policy is forfeited. [Sec. 12]  Loss or liability from its destruction.
[Carale; Gaisano Cagayan Ins. V. Ins. Co.
TRANSFER OF POLICY of North America, G.R. No. 147839 (2006)]
The life insurance policy can be transferred
whether the transferee has insurable interest or An insurable interest in property may
not. Notice of the transfer to the insurer is not consist in:
required for the validity of the same. [Sec. 184 a. An existing interest; [Sec. 14]
and 185]  Existing interest in property may be a
legal title or equitable title. [DE LEON]
There is no right of subrogation in life  Examples of those having existing
insurance, because it is not a contract of interest are:
indemnity. (1) Owners as regards their

Page 23 of 450

(2) Trustees in the case of the seller may sell the remains without prejudice to
of property not yet delivered, his right to recover; [Sec. 21]
(3) Mortgagors over the property 2. A change of interest in one or more several
mortgaged, and lessor, lessee distinct things, separately insured by one
and sub-lessee over the property policy. This does not avoid the insurance
leased. [de Leon] as to the others; [Sec. 22]
b. An inchoate interest founded on an 3. A change in interest by will or succession
existing interest; [Sec. 14] or upon the death of the insured; [Sec. 23]
 Inchoate interest in property exists but 4. A transfer of interest by one of several
is incomplete or unripe until the partners, joint owners, or owners in
happening of an event. [de Leon] common who are jointly insured. The
 Examples of inchoate interests are: acquiring co-owner has the same interest;
(1) The interest of stockholders with his interest merely increases upon
respect to dividends in case of acquiring other co-owners interest. [Sec.
profits and shares in the assets, 24]
(2) The interest of a partner in the Note: This makes a distinction between a
properties belonging to the transfer in favor of a partner and in favor of a
partnership. [de Leon] stranger. The latter will avoid the policy while
c. An expectancy, coupled with an the former will not. [Carale]
existing interest in that out of which the
expectancy arises. [Sec. 14] Mere transfer of the property does not transfer
 For example, a farmer who planted the policy but suspends it until the same person
crops has insurable interest over his becomes the owner of both the policy and the
harvest which can be expected. [de thing insured. [Sec. 20]
Measure of Indemnity
A mere contingent or expectant interest in
anything, not founded on an actual right to the Being a contract of indemnity, the measure of
thing, nor upon any valid contract for it, is not insurable interest in property is the extent to
insurable. [Sec. 16] which the insured might be damnified by the
 A son has no insurable interest over loss of injury thereof. [Sec. 17]
the property of his father because
such is just a mere expectancy and The insured cannot recover a greater value
has no legal basis before he inherits than that of his actual loss because it would be
such property. [Carale] a wagering policy contrary to public policy and
Time of Existence
A carrier or depository of any kind has an
General rule: Interest in property insured must insurable interest in a thing held by him as
exist both at inception and at time of loss, but such, to the extent of his liability but not to
not in the intervening period [Sec. 19]. exceed the value thereof. [Sec. 15]

This means that the insurable interest in the

property must exist both at the inception of the
contract and at the time of the loss [Carale].

1. A change in interest over the thing insured
after the loss contemplated. The insured

Page 24 of 450

Interest in Property and Life 3. The same subject matter;

Distinguished 4. The same interest insured; and
5. The same risk or peril insured against.
Property Life [Malayan Insurance v. Philippine First
Extent Insurance, G.R. No. 184300 (2012)]
Limited to actual Unlimited (save in life
value of the interest insurance effected Double insurance is NOT prohibited under the
thereon by a creditor on the law, unless the policy contains a stipulation to
life of the debtor – the contrary.
amount of debt only)  Usually, insurance policies contain an
Existence other insurance clause, which requires
Must exist when the Must exist at the time disclosure of other existing insurance
insurance takes the insurance takes policy.
effect and when the effect, BUT need not  In such case, non-disclosure will avoid the
loss occurs, BUT exist thereafter policy. It is intended to prevent over
need not exist in the insurance and thus avert the perpetration
meantime of fraud.
Expectation of benefit to be derived
If there is double insurance and loss occurs:
Must have legal Need not have legal
basis basis  Each of the insurers will be liable only up to
the face value of their respective policies;
Interest of beneficiary
Must have insurable Need not have
 The insured has the option of choosing the
interest over the insurable interest
order by which he will claim from the
thing insured over the life of the
insurers. [Carale]
insured if the insured
himself secured the
policy. But if the Over Insurance
insurance was
obtained by the Over insurance occurs when the value of the
beneficiary, the latter insurance exceeds the value of the insurable
must have insurable interest.
interest over the life
of the insured Over insurance It is not per se void, however:
[SUNDIANG and  Recovery is allowed only to the extent of
AQUINO] the loss or damage incurred by the insured.
 An insurer may cancel an insurance policy,
3. Double Insurance and Over other than life, based on a “discovery of
Insurance other insurance coverage that makes the
total insurance in excess of the value of the
Double Insurance property insured”, subject to the
requirement of prior notice. [Sec. 64(f)]
Double insurance exists where the same  The insured is entitled to a ratable return of
person is insured by several insurers the premium, proportioned to the amount
separately in respect to the same subject and by which the aggregate sum insured in all
interest. [Sec. 95] the policies exceeds the insurable value of
the thing at risk (in case of an over
Requisites: insurance by several insurers other than
1. The same person is insured; life). [Sec. 83]
2. Two or more insurers insuring separately;

Page 25 of 450

If there is over-insurance and loss occurs, then ratably to the loss or damage considering that
the insurers will pay pro-rata or in the order as the several insurances cover the same subject
stated in contract or excess clause. matter and interest against the same peril. If
the loss is greater than the sum total of all the
Double Insurance Over Insurance policies issued, each insurer is liable for the
Amount of insurance Amount of insurance amount of his policy.
may or may not exceeds the value of
exceed the value of the insured’s 4. Multiple or Several Interests
the insured’s insurable interest
insurable interest
on Same Property
There are always There may be one or
General Rule: The insurance proceeds shall
several insurers more insurers
be applied exclusively to the proper interest of
the person in whose name or for whose benefit
Rules for Payment it is made.
Where the insured in a policy other than life is Exception: Unless otherwise specified in the
over insured by double insurance: policy. [Sec. 53]
(a) The insured, unless the policy otherwise
provides, may claim payment from the Examples wherein multiple persons may each
insurers in such order as he may select, up have insurable interest over the same property:
to the amount for which the insurers are (1) Corporations – the corporation and its
severally liable under their respective stockholders have insurable interest over
contracts; the corporate assets.
(b) Each insurer is bound, as between himself (2) Partnerships – the partnership and the
and the other insurers, to contribute ratably partners composing it have insurable
to the loss in proportion to the amount for interest over its assets.
which he is liable under his contract. [Sec. (3) Assignments – the assignor and assignee
96] have insurable interest over the property
Rules for claiming payment under Valued (4) Trusts – the trustor and trustee have
Policies vs. Unvalued Policies [Sec. 96] insurable interest over the property in trust.
Valued Policy Unvalued policy (5) Lease Agreements - the lessor, lessee and
Any sum received by Any sum received by sub-lessees have insurable interest over
him under any other him under any policy the property in lease.
policy shall be shall be deducted (6) Mortgages – the mortgagor and
deducted from the against the full mortgagee/s have insurable interest over
value of the policy insurable value for the property mortgaged.
without regard to the any sum received by
actual value of the him under any policy
Multiple Interests over Mortgaged
subject matter
The Insurance Code recognizes that:
Where the insured receives any sum in
 Both the mortgagor and mortgagee have
excess of the valuation (for valued policies),
each separate and distinct insurable
or of the insurable value (for unvalued
interest in the mortgaged property.
policies), the insured must hold such sum in
trust for the insurers, according to their right  They may take out separate policies with
of contribution among themselves. the same or different insurance companies.
 Insurance taken by one on his own name
only, does not inure to the benefit of the
Sec. 96 enunciates the principle of contribution
other. [Sec. 53]
which requires each insurer to contribute

Page 26 of 450

Thus, a mortgagor has an insurable interest insurer, to the extent of the insurance money
equal to the value of the mortgaged property paid. [Palileo v. Cosio, G.R. No. L- 7667
and a mortgagee, only to the extent of the debt (1955)]
Secured by the mortgage. [Geagonia v. CA,
G.R. No. 114427(1995)] When mortgagor takes out insurance policy
When a mortgagor takes out an insurance for
Mortgagor Mortgagee his own benefit, only he can recover from the
As owner, the Only to the extent of insurer but the mortgagee has a lien on the
interest is to the the debt secured proceeds by virtue of the mortgage. A
extent of the value of mortgagor can make the proceeds payable to
the property, or assigned to the mortgagee [de Leon].
regardless of
whether it equals to Ways where mortgagee may be the
the mortgage debt or beneficial payee [Geagonia v. CA, G.R. No.
not 114427 (1995)]:
His interest lies in What is insured is (1) As assignee with the consent of the
that the loss or not the property, but insurer;
destruction of the his interest as (2) A pledge without such consent;
property will not mortgagee, which (3) The original policy may contain a mortgage
extinguish his subsists until the clause;
mortgage debt mortgage debt is (4) A rider making the policy payable to the
extinguished mortgagee “as his interest may appear”
[CARALE] may be attached;
(5) A “standard mortgage clause,” containing a
When mortgagee takes out insurance collateral independent contract between
policy the mortgagee and the insurer may be
 When a mortgagee insures his own interest attached;
in the mortgaged property without (6) The policy, though by its terms payable
reference to the right of the mortgagor, absolutely to the mortgagor, may have
mortgagee is entitled to the proceeds of the been procured by a mortgagor under a
policy in case of loss to the extent of his contract duty to insure for the mortgagee's
credit. [de Leon] benefit.
 If the proceeds are more than the total
amount of credit, then mortgagee has no Open Loss Payable Mortgage
right to the excess. Clause
 If the proceeds are equal to the credit, then
insurer is subrogated to the mortgagee’s An open loss payable clause states that the
rights and mortgagee can no longer proceeds of the insurance contract is payable
recover the mortgagor’s indebtedness. to the mortgagee as beneficiary.
 If the proceeds are less than the credit,
then the mortgagee may recover from the The contract, however, is procured by the
mortgagor the deficiency. Upon payment, mortgagor for his interest in the property. He is
the insurer is subrogated to the rights of the the party to the contract, not the mortgagee.
mortgagee against the mortgagor to the
extent of the amount paid. The acts of the mortgagor prior to the loss,
which would otherwise avoid the insurance,
When a mortgagee insured his own interest affects the mortgagee, even if the property is in
and a loss occurs, he is entitled to recover on the hands of said mortgagee.
the insurance. The mortgagee, however, is not
allowed to retain his claim against the
mortgagor, but it passes by subrogation to the

Page 27 of 450

Union Mortgage or Standard in the application that contract shall not

Mortgage Clause become binding until the policy is delivered and
the first premium is paid. [de Leon]
A standard or union mortgage clause makes a
separate and distinct contract of insurance on Cognition Theory
the interest of the mortgagee, thus any act of An acceptance made by letter shall not bind the
the mortgagor will not affect the mortgagee. person making the offer, except from the time
[Carale] it came to his knowledge.

This clause is similar to an open loss payable In Enriquez v. Sun Life Assurance Co. [G.R.
clause, except that it is stipulated that the acts No. L-15895 (1920)] the Court held that:
of the mortgagor cannot invalidate the a) The submission of an application,
insurance, provided that if the mortgagor fails even with premium payment is a mere
to pay the premiums due, the mortgagee shall, offer on the part of the applicant, and
on demand, pay said premiums. [de Leon] does not bind the insurer;
b) An insurance contract is also not
perfected where the applicant dies
G. PERFECTION OF THE before the approval of his application
CONTRACT OF or it does not appear that the
acceptance of the application ever
INSURANCE came to the knowledge of the
1. Offer and
Acceptance/Consensuality Delay in Acceptance

Delay in acting on the application does not

An insurance contract is consensual, it is
constitute acceptance even though the insured
therefore perfected by mere consent.
has forwarded his first premium with his
application. [Perez v. CA, G.R. No. 112329
Consent is manifested by the meeting of the
offer and the acceptance upon the object or the
cause which are to constitute the contract.
When there is delay in acceptance due to the
negligence of the insurance company which
There is an offer when the insured submits an
takes unreasonably long time before the
application to the insurer.
application is processed and the applicant dies,
the contract is not perfected.
There is acceptance when the insurer
approves the application.
The insurer can be liable for damages in
accordance with the “tort theory.”
So long as an application for insurance has not
been either accepted or rejected, it is merely a
The insurance business is imbued with public
proposal or an offer to make a contract. [Perez
interest, thus it is the duty of the insurer to act
v. CA, G.R. No. 112329 (2000)]
with reasonable promptness in acting on
applications submitted to it. [Wallace v.
The insurance contract becomes effective
Hartford Fire Insurance Co, 31 Idaho 48r,
upon payment of first premium, provided there
has been an approval of the application.

The parties may impose additional conditions

precedent to the validity of the policy as a
contract as they see fit. Usually, it is stipulated

Page 28 of 450

Delivery of Policy Jurisprudence decided before RA 10607

provides two further exceptions:
Delivery is the act of placing the insurance a) Agreement to grant payment of premium in
policy (i.e. the physical document) into the installment basis and partial payment has
possession of the insured. been made; [Makati Tuscany v. CA, G.R.
No. 95546, (1992)]
The delivery can be proof of the acceptance of b) When parties are barred by Estoppel.
the insurer of the offer of the insured. [UCPB v. Masagana Telemart, G.R. No.
137172 (2001)]
It is not, however, a pre-requisite of a valid
contract of insurance. Authority of Agent to Receive
Actual manual delivery is not necessary for the
validity of the contract; constructive delivery Where an insurer authorizes an insurance
may be sufficient. agent or broker to deliver a policy to the
insured, it is deemed to have authorized said
Delivery to the agent cannot be considered agent to receive the premium in its behalf.
delivery to the insured, as the agent of the
insurance company is not the agent of the The insurer is bound by its agent’s
insured. [Bradley v. New York Life Ins., 275 F. acknowledgement of receipt of payment of
657 (1921)] premium. [American Home Assurance Co. v.
Chua, G.R. No. 130421 (1999)]
2. Premium Payment
Payment by Post-Dated Check
An insurance premium is the agreed price for
assuming and carrying the risk, that is, the The payment of premium by a postdated check
consideration paid an insurer for undertaking to at a stated maturity subsequent to the loss is
indemnify the insured against the specified insufficient to put the insurance into effect.
But payment by a check bearing a date prior to
General rule: No insurance policy issued or the loss, assuming availability of funds, would
renewal is valid and binding until actual be sufficient, even if it remains unencashed at
payment of the premium. Any agreement to the the time of the loss. The subsequent effects of
contrary is void. [Sec. 77] encashment would retroact to the date of the
instrument and its acceptance by the creditor.
Exceptions [Vitug, Commercial Laws and Jurisprudence
1. Whenever the grace period provision (2006)]
applies in the case of a life or an industrial
life policy. [Sec. 77] Non-Payment of Premium
2. Whenever under the broker and agency
agreements with duly licensed Effects of non-payment of first premium:
intermediaries, a 90-day credit extension is (1) Prevents the contract from becoming
given. binding, unless waived. [Philippine Phoenix
Note: No credit extension to a duly licensed Surety and Insurance v. Woodworks, G.R.
intermediary should exceed 90 days from No. L-25317 (1979)]
the date of issuance of the policy. [Sec. 77] (2) Does not affect the validity of the contracts
3. When there is an acknowledgment in the unless, by express stipulation, it is provided
contract that the premium has been paid. that the policy shall, in that event, be
[Sec. 79] suspended or shall lapse.

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Applicable Grace Periods Cash Surrender Value (CSV)

In case of individual life insurance, the policy
holder is entitled a grace period of either 30 The CSV is the amount that the insured is
days or one month within which payment of any entitled to receive if he surrenders the policy
premium after the first may be made. [Sec. 233] and releases his claims upon it.
 The right to CSV accrues only after three
In cases of industrial life insurance, the grace full annual premium payments.
period is four weeks, and where premiums are  The insured is given the right to claim the
paid monthly, either 30 days or one month. amount less than the reserve, reduced by
[Sec. 236] surrender charge, [Sec. 233(f)(1)]

Excuses for Non-Payment The CSV is an amount which the insurance

(1) Fortuitous events which render payment company holds in trust for the insured to be
by the insured wholly impossible will not delivered to him upon demand. When the
prevent forfeiture of the policy when the company’s credit for advances is paid out of the
premium remains unpaid. In other words, it cash value or cash surrender value, that value
is not an excuse. and the company’s liability is diminished.
(2) Non-payment of premiums occasioned by [Manufacturer’s Life Ins. v. Meer, G.R. No. L-
war causes an insurance to be not merely 2910(1951)]
suspended, but completely abrogated.
[Constantino v. Asia Life Ins. Co. G.R. No. Rationale: The premium is uniform throughout
L-1669 (1950)]. a lifetime, but the risk is varied (i.e. higher risk
when older, lower when young). Thus, the cost
3. Non-Default Options in Life of protection is more expensive during the early
years of the policy.
In the case of individual life or endowment Alternatives to CSV
insurance, the policy shall contain a provision
specifying the options to which the policyholder (1) Extended insurance/term insurance -
is entitled to in the event of default in a premium where the insured, after having paid three
payment after three (3) full annual premiums full annual premiums, is given the right to
have the policy continued in force from
shall have been paid. [Sec. 233(f)]
date of default for a time either stated or
Such option shall consist of: equal to the amount of the CSV, taken as a
(1) A cash surrender value payable upon single premium.
surrender of the policy which shall not be
less than the reserve on the policy. The face value of the policy remains the
- The basis of which shall be indicated, same but only within the term.
for the then current policy year; and
- Any dividend additions thereto, shall be If death occurs during this period, the
reduced by a surrender charge, which beneficiary can recover the face value of
shall not be more than one-fifth (1/5) of the policy, but if the insured survives, the
the entire reserve or two and one-half beneficiary gets nothing.
percent (2½%) of the amount insured
and any dividend additions thereto Reinstatement is allowed if made within the
(2) One or more paid-up benefits on a plan or term purchased; no reinstatement after the
plans specified in the policy of such value lapse of the term purchased.
as may be purchased by the cash
surrender value. [Sec. 233(f)] (2) Paid-up insurance - where, after the
insurance is “paid-up,” the insured who has

Page 30 of 450

paid three full annual premiums is given the  Upon production of evidence of insurability
right, upon default, to have the policy satisfactory to the company; and
continued from the date of default for the  Upon payment of all overdue premiums
whole period of insurance without further and any indebtedness to the company
payment of premiums. upon said policy, with interest rate not
exceeding that which would have been
It is also called reduced paid-up because in applicable to said premiums and
effect the policy, terms and conditions are indebtedness in the policy years prior to
the same but the face value is reduced to reinstatement. [Sec. 233(j)]
the “paid-up” value.
Reinstatement of a lapsed life insurance policy
The terms and conditions of the original is NOT a non-default option.
policy remain the same, however, the  It does not create a new contract, but
amount will be less than the original face merely revives the original policy so insurer
value. cannot require a higher premium than the
amount stipulated in the contract.
(3) Automatic premium loan (APL) - where,  It does not apply to group/industrial life
upon default, the insurer lends/advances to insurance.
the insured without any need of application
on his part, the amount necessary to pay Requisites: [Sec. 233(j)]
overdue premium, but not to exceed the a. It must be exercised within three years from
CSV of the policy. date of default;
b. The insured must present evidence of
It only applies if requested in writing by the insurability satisfactory to the insurer;
insured either in the application or at any c. He must pay all back premiums and all
time before expiration of the grace period. indebtedness to the insurer (with interest);
d. The CSV must not have been duly paid to
In effect, the insurance policy continues in the insured nor the extension period
force for a period covered by the payment. expired;
e. The application must be filed during the
After the period, if insured still does not insured’s lifetime, [Andres v. Crown Life
resume paying his premiums, the policy Ins., G.R. No. L-10874 (1958)]
lapses, unless CSV still remains. If there is
still CSV, APL continues until CSV is 5. Refund of Premiums
Return of premiums can be made in the
4. Reinstatement of a Lapsed following cases:
Policy of Life Insurance a. If the thing insured was never exposed to
the risks insured against, the whole
In the case of individual life or endowment premium should be refunded. [Sec. 80(a)]
insurance, the policy shall contain a provision b. When the contract is voidable due to the
that the policyholder shall be entitled to have fraud or misrepresentation of insurer or his
the policy reinstated: agent, the whole premium should be
 At any time within three (3) years from the refunded. [Sec. 82]
date of default of premium payment c. When by any default of the insured other
o Unless the cash surrender value than actual fraud, the insurer never
has been duly paid incurred any liability under the policy and
o Unless the extension period has the whole premium should be refunded.
expired, [Sec. 82]

Page 31 of 450

d. When the contract is voidable because of i. Which are material to the contract;
the existence of facts of which the insured ii. As to which he makes no warrant; and
was ignorant without his fault, the whole iii. Which the other has not the means of
premium should be refunded. [Sec. 82] ascertaining. [Sec. 28]
e. Where the insurance is for a definite period
and the insured surrenders his policy, the An intentional or fraudulent omission, on the
portion of the premium that corresponds to part of one insured, to communicate
the unexpired time at a pro rata rate, unless information of matters proving or tending to
a short period rate has been agreed upon prove the falsity of a warranty, entitles the
and appears on the face of the policy insurer to rescind. [Sec. 29]
should be return. [Sec. 80(b)]
f. When there is over-insurance by several Note: If the applicant is aware of the existence
insurers, the return premiums should be of some circumstance which he knows would
proportioned to the amount by which the influence the insurer in acting upon his
aggregate sum insured in all the policies application, good faith requires him to disclose
exceeds the insurable value of the thing at that circumstance, though unasked. [Vance]
risk. [Sec. 83]
g. When rescission is granted due to the Matters which Need Not be Disclosed
insurer’s breach of contract. 1. Matters already known to the insurer [Sec.
2. Matters which each party are bound to
H. RESCISSION OF know [Sec. 30(b) and Sec. 32];
INSURANCE CONTRACTS 3. Matters of which the insurer waives
communication [Sec. 30(c) and Sec. 33];
4. Matters which prove or tend to prove the
1. Concealment existence of a risk excluded by a warranty
and which are not otherwise material [Sec.
A concealment, whether intentional or 30(d)];
unintentional, entitles the injured party to 5. Matters which relate to a risk excepted in
rescind a contract of insurance. [Sec. 27] the policy, and which are not otherwise
material [Sec. 30(e)];
Rationale: The contract of insurance is one of 6. Information of the nature or amount of the
perfect good faith (uberrimae fides) not for the interest of one insured unless if inquired
insured alone, but equally for the insurer [Qua upon by the insurer, except if required by
Chee Gan v. Law Union & Rock Insurance, Sec. 51 [Sec. 34];
G.R. No. L-4611(1955)]. 7. Matters of opinion. [Sec. 35]

Definition Each party to a contract of insurance is bound

Concealment is the failure to disclose facts to know all the general causes which are open
which the applicant at the time of application, to his inquiry, equally with that of the other, and
knows or ought to know and are material to the which may affect the political or material perils
insurance applied for. [Carale] contemplated; and all general usages of trade.
[Sec. 32]
A neglect to communicate that which a party
knows and ought to communicate, is called a Requisites of Concealment:
concealment. [Sec. 26] a. A party knows a fact which he neglects to
communicate or disclose to the other;
Duty to Communicate by the Insured b. Such party concealing is duty bound to
Each party to a contract of insurance must disclose such fact to the other;
communicate to the other, in good faith, all c. Such party concealing makes no warranty
facts within his knowledge: of the fact concealed;

Page 32 of 450

d. The other party has not the means of (3) Accepting the application for
ascertaining the fact concealed; insurance. [Sec. 31]
e. The fact concealed is material.
The test is the effect which the knowledge of
Failure of the insured to disclose conditions the fact in question would have on the contract.
affecting the risk, of which he is aware, makes It is sufficient if the knowledge of it would
the contract voidable at the insurer’s option, the influence the party in making the contract. [de
ratio being that a contract of insurance is of Leon]
good faith.
In several cases, the cause of death may have
But, Sec. 27, uses the phrase “injured party”, no relation to the fact or facts concealed.
thus the insured may also rescind the contract. [CARALE]

Concealment may be committed by either the Effects

insurer or the insured. [Qua Chee Gan v. Law
Union & Rock Ins. Co. G.R. No. L-4611(1955)] General rule: Concealment vitiates the
contract and entitles the insurer to rescind,
Proof of Fraud in Concealment even if the death or loss is due to a cause not
related to the concealed matter. [Sec. 27]
General rule: Fraud need not be proven in
order to prove concealment. Good faith is not a Exceptions
defense. [Saturnino v. Phil. American Life 1. Concealment after the contract has
Insurance, G.R. No. L-16163 (1963)] become effective, because concealment
must take place at the time the contract is
Exception: When the concealment is made by entered into in order that the policy may be
the insured in relation to the falsity of a avoided; [Vance]
warranty, the non-disclosure must be 2. Waiver or estoppel;
intentional and fraudulent in order that the 3. In marine insurance, where concealment of
contract may be rescinded. [Sec. 29] the following matters does not vitiate the
entire contract, but merely exonerates the
Rationale: The insured is under no obligation to insurer from a loss resulting from the risk
reveal things of which he makes a warrant concealed:
because it would constitute a superfluity of a. The national character of the insured;
disclosure. [Carale] b. The liability of the thing insured to
capture and detention;
Test of Materiality c. The liability to seizure from breach of
foreign laws of trade;
The test of materiality is whether the insurer d. The want of necessary documents; and
would have agreed to issue the policy had it e. The use of false and simulated papers.
known of the facts concealed or, perhaps, [Sec. 112]
impose additional terms or require higher 4. Incontestability clause: stipulates that the
premium. [Carale] policy shall be incontestable after two
years from its date of issue or of its last
Materiality relates to the probable and reinstatement. The incontestability clause
reasonable influence of the facts upon the is a mandatory provision in life and
party to whom the communication should have endowment policies, [Sec. 233 (b) and
been made, in: Sec. 48]
(1) Assessing the risk involved;
(2) Making or omitting to make further
inquiries; and

Page 33 of 450

INCONTESTABILITY CLAUSE Grounds still available:

In the case of individual life or endowment 1. Non-payment of premium to make the
insurance, the policy shall contain a provision policy effective or remain in force
that the policy shall be incontestable. 2. Lack of insurable interest
 After it shall have been in force during the 3. Coverage such that the loss/damage did
lifetime of the insured for a period of two (2) not arise from the risks covered
years from its date of issue as shown in the 4. Violation of military or naval service
policy, or date of approval of last provisions of the policy (also an issue of
reinstatement. [Sec. 233(b)] coverage)
 Exceptions: 5. Failure to commence action within
o Non-payment of premium reglementary period
o Violation of the conditions of the 6. Failure to comply with conditions (proof of
policy relating to military or naval loss, etc.) subsequent to the loss; or
service in time of war [Sec. 233(b)] 7. The particular viciousness of the fraud
employed by the insured to procure the
The insurer CANNOT prove that the policy is contract, such as:
void ab initio or is rescindable by reason of the Where the policy was taken pursuant to
fraudulent concealment or misrepresentation a scheme to murder the insured, or
of the insured or his agent: the insured substitutes himself with
 After a policy of life insurance made another during the medical
payable on the death of the insured shall examination.
have been in force during the lifetime of the
insured for a period of two (2) years from Concealment in Marine and
the date of its issue or of its last Ordinary Private Insurance
reinstatement [Sec. 48] Distinguished
 The insurer’s right to rescind a contract is
not exercised previous to the Marine Ordinary
commencement of an action on the Insurance Insurance
contract. [Sec. 48]
Required Exact and Substantial
Disclosure whole truth truth
Effect of the incontestability clause Effect of Concealment Any kind of
The insurer cannot prove that the policy is: Concealment of the concealment
 Void ab initio; or
matters will make the
 Rescissible by reason of –
specified in insurer not
o Fraudulent concealment by the
Sec. 112 will liable.
insured or his agent;
not entirely
o Misrepresentation by the insured or
his agent. [Sec. 48] avoid the
contract but
The incontestability clause is made for the will merely
benefit of the insured, and not the insurer, exonerate
considering that its effect and purpose is to cut the insurer
off, after a considerable period, any assertion from losses
that the policy is invalid. resulting
from the risk
Defenses, other than concealment,
misrepresentation and breach of warranty are
still available to the insurer, subsequent to the
2-year period. [Carale]

Page 34 of 450

Concealment in Non-Medical Just like concealment, misrepresentation is

Insurance committed before or at the time of the
commencement of the insurance contract.
The cause of death is not important because it Subsequent to this time, an insured may no
is well settled that the insured need not die of longer be guilty of misrepresentation as the
the disease he had failed to disclose to the insurer had already been persuaded to assume
insurer. It is sufficient that his nondisclosure the risk. [Carale]
misled the insurer in forming his estimates of
the risks of the proposed policy or in making There is no false representation if the matter is
inquiries. [Sunlife v. Sps. Bacani G.R. No. true at the time the contract takes effect
105135 (1995)] although false at the time it was
Where matters of opinion or judgment are
called for, answers made in good faith and Requisites of misrepresentation:
without intent to deceive will not avoid the a. The insured stated a fact which is untrue;
policy even though they are untrue. Reason: b. Such fact was stated with knowledge that it
The insurer cannot simply rely on those is untrue and with intent to deceive or which
statements. He must make further inquiry. he states positively as true without knowing
[Philamcare Health Systems v. CA, G.R. No. it to be true and which has a tendency to
125678 (2002)] mislead;
c. Such fact in either case is material to the
2. Misrepresentation/Omissions
Like in concealment, fraud or intent is not
Representations are factual statements made essential to entitle the insurer to rescind on the
by the insured at the time of, or prior to, the ground of misrepresentation. [Sec. 45]
issuance of the policy, which give information
to the insurer and induce him to enter into the
insurance contract. It may be about a past, an
Kinds of Representations
existing fact, or a future happening. [Carale]
a. Affirmative – Refers to any allegation as
to the existence or non-existence of a fact
A representation:
when the contract begins [de Leon]
 May be oral or written. [Sec. 36]
b. Promissory - Any promise to be fulfilled
 May be made at the time of or before, the
after the contract has come into existence;
issuance of the policy. [Sec. 37]
or any statement concerning what is to
 May be altered or withdrawn before the
happen during the existence of the
insurance is effected, but not afterwards.
insurance. [Sec. 39]
[Sec. 41]
 Must be presumed to refer to the date on A promissory representation is substantially a
which the contract goes into effect. [Sec. condition or warranty. [de Leon]
Test of Materiality
Misrepresentation is a false representation
which the insured states with knowledge that is The materiality of a representation is
untrue, intended to deceive the insurer into determined by the same rules as the materiality
accepting risk. It can be distinguished from of a concealment. [Sec. 46]
concealment in a sense that it is an active form
of deception, while concealment is the passive Materiality is a judicial question and not left to
form thereof. [Carale] the insurance company’s sole discretion.

Page 35 of 450

Effects estopped. [Edillon v. Manila Bankers Life, G.R.

No. L-34200 (1982)]
General Rule: The injured party is entitled to
rescind from the time when the representation Despite not answering the questions and
becomes false. [Sec. 45] keeping blank certain questions in the
application regarding ailments he has suffered,
Exceptions when the insured signed the pension plan
1) Incontestability clause; application, he adopted the written
2) Misrepresentation after contract takes representations and declarations embodied in
effect; as his own. Therefore, it is clear from these
3) Waiver, made by acceptance of insurer of representations that he concealed his chronic
premium payments despite knowledge of heart ailment and diabetes. [Florendo v. Philam
the ground for rescission [Sec. 45]; Plans, G.R. No. 186983 (2012)]
4) A representation of the expectation, belief,
opinion, or judgment of the insured, Concealment Misrepresentation
although false, and even if material to the Who may commit
risk [Philamcare Health Systems, Inc. v. May be committed Committed only by
CA, G.R. No. 125678 (2002)]; by either insured or insured
5) Representation by insured based on insurer
information obtained from third persons Act involved
(not his agent), provided the insured: Passive form Active form
a) Has no personal knowledge of the Insured withholds Insured makes
facts; information of erroneous
b) Believes them to be true; and material facts from statements of facts
c) Explains to the insurer that he does so the insurer; he with the intent of
on the information of others; maintains silence inducing the insurer
6) A misrepresentation as to age does not when he ought to to enter into the
constitute a ground for rescission. If the speak insurance contract
age of the insured was considered in Materiality
determining the premium and the benefits Determined by the same rules
under the policy and the age is misstated, Effects
the amount payable for the policy shall be Same effects on the part of the insured;
as if the policy was purchased at the insurer has right to rescind
correct age. [Sec. 233(d); Carake] Injured party is entitled to rescind a contract
of insurance on ground of concealment or
A representation cannot qualify an express false representation, whether intentional or
provision or an express warranty of insurance not.
[Sec. 40] because a representation is not part
of the contract but only a collateral inducement
to it. However, it may qualify as an implied 3. Breach of Warranties
A warranty is a statement or promise by the
It is sufficient that the representation is insured set forth in the policy itself or
substantially or materially true, and in case of incorporated in it by proper reference, the
promissory representation, it is sufficient that it untruth or nonfulfillment of which in any respect
is substantially complied with. [Carale] and without reference to whether the insurer
was in fact prejudiced by such untruth or non-
The insurer is not entitled to rescission for fulfillment, renders the policy voidable by the
misrepresentation of age if the birth date on the insurer. [Vance]
policy leads to the conclusion that the insured
is beyond the age covered. Insurer is deemed

Page 36 of 450

Statements or promises agreed upon by both Kinds of Warranties

parties to the insurance contract which are
contained in the contract or properly Express Warranty
incorporated constitute warranties. [Carale]
The Code does not prescribe a particular form
A warranty may: for a warranty to be considered as such. [Sec.
 Relate to the past, the present, the future, 69]
or to all of these. [Sec. 68]
 Be made in any form of words. [Sec. 69] However, the Code prescribes a requirement
 Also be made by the insurer. [Carale] for express warranties. It must be an
agreement contained in the policy or clearly
Warranties, Riders, and incorporated therein as part thereof, relating to
Endorsements the person or thing insured or to the risk as a
fact. [Sec. 71]
A rider is a printed or typed stipulation
contained in a slip of paper attached to the Thus, it is not enough, for a stipulation to
policy and forming an integral part thereof. become a warranty, that the parties intended it
Thus, it does not need to be signed by the as such. It must form part of the contract of
insured. insurance.

The signature of the insured is required only if Implied Warranty

the warranties, or endorsements are in another
instrument. Deemed included in the contract although not
expressly mentioned (e.g., implied warranty of
For any rider, clause, warranty or endorsement seaworthiness of the vessel in marine
to be binding on the insured: [Sec. 50] insurance and implied warranty not to alter the
 Such rider, clause, warranty or circumstances of the thing insured). This is
endorsement, must be pasted or attached only available for marine insurance.
to the policy;
 The descriptive title or name of the rider, Affirmative Warranty
clause, warranty or endorsement must also
be mentioned and written on the blank Asserts the existence of a fact or condition at
spaces provided in the policy; the time it is made.
 Such rider, clause, warranty or
endorsement issued after the original Promissory Warranty or Executory
policy must be countersigned by the Warranty
insured or owner.
o Unless the same is applied for by The insured stipulates that certain facts or
the insured or owner conditions pertaining to the risk shall exist or
o Such countersignature shall be that certain things with reference thereto shall
taken as his agreement to the be done or omitted. It is in the nature of a
contents of such rider, clause, condition subsequent. [Sec. 72 and 73]
warranty or endorsement
Effect of Breach
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the policy may
be in electronic form subject to the pertinent MATERIAL WARRANTY
provisions of Republic Act No. 8792, otherwise The violation of a material warranty, or other
known as the ‘Electronic Commerce Act’ and to material provision of the policy, on the part of
such rules and regulations as may be either the insured or insurer, entitles the other
prescribed by the Commissioner. to rescind. [Sec. 74]

Page 37 of 450

Breach of a material warranty may either be: Warranty Representation

1. Without fraud, in which case, the insurer Nature
will be exonerated from the time it occurs. Part of the contract Mere collateral
If made during the inception, it will prevent inducement
the policy from taking effect. [Sec. 76] Form
2. With fraud, in which case, the policy is Written on the policy, May be written in the
avoided ab initio and the insured is not actually or by policy or may be oral
entitled to the return of the premiums paid. reference
[de Leon] Materiality
Presumed material Must be proved to be
Exceptions material
1. Loss occurs before the time of Compliance
performance of the warranty; [Sec. 73]
Must be strictly Requires only
2. Performance becomes unlawful; [Sec. 73]
complied with substantial truth and
3. Performance becomes impossible; [Sec.
Applicability of incontestability clause
4. Waiver or estoppel.
Does not apply Applies
A policy may declare that a violation of I. CLAIMS SETTLEMENT
specified provisions thereof shall avoid it,
otherwise the breach of an immaterial provision AND SUBROGATION
does not avoid the policy. [Sec. 75]
Loss in insurance law embraces injury or
General rule: Breach of an immaterial damage.
provision does not avoid the policy. [Sec. 75]
Exception: Breach of an immaterial provision Recovery upon a loss requires that:
avoids the policy when the parties stipulate that a. The insured must have insurable
violation of a particular provision, though interest in the subject matter;
immaterial, shall avoid the policy. In effect, the b. The interest is covered by the policy;
parties converted the immaterial provision into c. There be a loss; and
a material one. [Sundiang and Aquino] d. The loss must be one for which the
insurer is liable;
A condition in the policy which requires the e. Notice and proof of loss must be given
insured to disclose to the insurer of any if policy is fire insurance or when the
insurance that, if violated by the insured, would same is stipulated in the policy.
ipso facto avoid the contract. [Pioneer v. Yap,
G.R. No. L-36232 (1974)] Causes of loss

Insurer is barred by waiver (or estoppel) to 1. Remote Cause

claim violation of the so-called hydrants An event preceding another in a causal chain,
warranty when, despite knowing fully that only but separated from it by other events.
2 fire hydrants existed (out of the 11 hydrants 2. Proximate Cause
required), it still issued the insurance policies That cause, which, in natural and continuous
and received the premiums. [Qua Chee Gan v. sequence, unbroken by any efficient
Law Union, G.R. No. L-4611 (1955)] intervening cause, produces the injury, and
without which the result would not have
occurred. [Vda. De Bataclan v. Medina, G.R.
No. L-10126 (1957)]
3. Immediate Cause

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The cause, not the proximate cause, which investigation and take such action as may be
immediately precedes the loss. necessary to protect its interest.

Liability for Loss Failure to Give Notice

In fire insurance: An insurer is exonerated, if
Loss for which the Loss for which the notice of loss be not given to him by an insured,
insurer is liable insurer is not liable or some person entitled to the benefit of the
Loss the proximate Loss by insured’s insurance, without unnecessary delay. [Sec.
cause of which is the willful act 90]
peril insured against
[Sec. 86] In other types of insurance:
Loss the immediate Loss due to General Rule: Failure to give notice will not
cause of which is the connivance of the exonerate the insurer.
peril insured against, insured [Sec. 89] Exception: Unless there is a stipulation in the
except where the policy requiring the insured to do so.
proximate cause is
an excepted peril However, it has been held that formal notice of
Loss through Loss where the loss is not necessary if insurer has actual
negligence of excepted peril is the notice of loss [Fidelity Phoenix Insurance v.
insured except proximate cause Friedman, 174 SW 215 (1987)] but there is a
where there was ruling to the contrary [Col. Sav. Bank v.
gross negligence American Surety, 87 P 118].
amounting to willful
acts Form
Loss caused by In case of loss as regards fire insurance, there
efforts to rescue the must be a written notice thereof [Sec. 90]. But
thing from peril as to other non-life insurance policies, the law
insured against if, does not provide for a necessity of written
during the course of notice. [de Leon]
the rescue, the thing
is exposed to a peril The notice of loss may be in the form of an
not insured against, informal or provisional claim containing a
which permanently minimum of information, as distinguished from
deprives the insured a formal claim which contains the full details of
of its possession in the loss, computations of the amounts claimed,
whole or in part [Sec. and supporting evidence, together with a
87] demand or request for payment [de Leon].

Time for Giving Notice

1. Notice and Proof of Loss Notice of loss must be given within reasonable
time. [Bachrach v. Britain American Assurance,
Notice of Loss G.R. No. L-5715 (1910)]

This refers to the formal notice given the For compulsory motor vehicle insurance, the
insurer by the insured or claimant under a notice must be given within six months from the
policy of the occurrence of the loss insured date of the accident. [Sec. 397]
For other non-life insurance, the Commissioner
Purpose may specify the period for the submission of
Its purpose is to apprise the insurance the notice of loss. [Sec. 90]
company so that it may make proper

Page 39 of 450

Proof of Loss 2) For notice of loss, a formal notice of loss is

not necessary if insurer has actual notice
It is the formal evidence given to the insurance of loss.
company by the insured or claimant, under a
policy, of: 2. Guidelines on Claims
 The occurrence of the loss,
 The particulars thereof, and
 The data necessary to enable the company
Claims settlement is the indemnification of the
to determine its liability and the amount. [de
loss suffered by the insured. The claimant may
be the insured or reinsured, the insurer who is
entitled to subrogation, or a third party who has
a claim against the insured.
Its purpose is to give the insurer information by
which he may determine the extent of his
Where a policy gives the insurer the control of
liability but also to afford him a means of
the decision to settle claim or litigate it, the
detecting any fraud that may have been
insurer nevertheless is required to observe a
practiced upon him, and to operate as a check
certain measure of consideration for the
upon extravagant claims.
interest of the insured.
Like a notice of loss, in the absence of any
Life Insurance Non-Life
stipulation in the policy, proof may be given
orally or in writing.
Either: 1. Upon happening
The insured is not bound to give such proof as
1. Upon death of of event insured
would be necessary in a court of justice; but it
the person against; and
is sufficient for him to give the best evidence
insured; 2. Event must occur
which he has in his power at the time. [Sec. 91]
2. Upon his within the period
surviving a specified in
specific period; policy, otherwise
General Rule: Timely compliance with the
or insurer has no
notice and proof of loss is a condition
3. Otherwise liability
precedent to the right to recover if the policy is
contingently on
fire insurance, or when the same is stipulated
in the policy [Sec. 90]. the continuance
or cessation of
life. [Sec. 182]
1) For both notice and proof of loss, defects Delivery of Proceeds
or delay in the presentation of notice may
be waived:
a) Defects in a notice or proof of loss
may be waived when such defects,
which the insured might remedy, are
not specified without unnecessary
delay to him as ground of objection by
the insurer. [Sec. 92]
b) Delay in presentation to an insurer of
notice or proof of loss is waived if
caused by any act of his, or if he omits
to take objection promptly and
specifically upon that ground. [Sec. 93]

Page 40 of 450

General rule: The 1. Within 30 days Unfair Claims Settlement;

proceeds should be after: Sanctions
delivered a. Proof of loss is
immediately upon received by No insurance company doing business in the
maturity of policy. insurer; and Philippines shall:
b. Ascertainment of (1) Refuse, without just cause, to pay or settle
Exceptions: loss or damage is claims arising under coverages provided
1. If payable in made either by by its policies; nor
installments or agreement (2) Engage in unfair claim settlement
as an annuity, between the practices. [Sec. 247]
when such insured and
installments or insurer or by Unfair Claim Settlement Practices
annuities arbitration Any of the following acts by an insurance
become due; 2. If ascertainment company, if committed without just cause and
2. If maturity is is not made performed with such frequency as to indicate a
upon death, within 60 days general business practice, shall constitute
within 60 days after such receipt unfair claim settlement practices:
after by insurer of (1) Knowingly misrepresenting to claimants
presentation of proof of loss, pertinent facts or policy provisions relating
claim and filing then loss or to coverage at issue;
of proof of death damage shall be
of insured. [Sec. paid within 90 (2) Failing to acknowledge with reasonable
248] days after such promptness pertinent communications with
receipt. [Sec. respect to claims arising under its policies;
Effect of refusal or failure to pay claim (3) Failing to adopt and implement reasonable
within time prescribed standards for the prompt investigation of
1. This entitles the beneficiary to collect claims arising under its policies;
interest on the proceeds of policy for the
duration of the delay at rate of twice the (4) Not attempting in good faith to effectuate
ceiling prescribed by the monetary board prompt, fair and equitable settlement of
(unless refusal to pay is based on claims submitted in which liability has
ground that claim is fraudulent) become reasonably clear; or
2. In case damages are awarded, this
includes attorney’s fees and other (5) Compelling policyholders to institute suits
expenses incurred due to delay (plus the to recover amounts due under its policies
interest) [Sec. 248 and 249] by offering without justifiable reason
substantially less than the amounts
In case of litigation, it is the duty of the ultimately recovered in suits brought by
Commissioner or the Court to determine them. [Sec. 247]
whether the claim has been unreasonably
denied or withheld. Failure to pay any such Admissible Evidence
claim within the time prescribed shall be The following shall be admissible in evidence
considered prima facie evidence of in an administrative or judicial proceeding for
unreasonable delay in payment. [Sec. 250] the purpose of determining whether unfair
claim settlement practices have been
(a) Evidence as to numbers and types of valid
and justifiable complaints to the
Commissioner against an insurance
company; and

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(b) The Commissioner’s complaint experience insurer, NOT from the time when the loss
with other insurance companies writing actually occurs.
similar lines of insurance. [Sec. 247]
The cause of action in an insurance contract
Penalty Per Violation does not accrue until the insured's claim is
If it is found, after notice and an opportunity to finally rejected by the insurer. This is because
be heard, that an insurance company has before such final rejection, there is no real
violated this section, each instance of necessity for bringing suit. [Eagle Star
noncompliance: Insurance vs Chia Yu, G.R. No. L-5915 (1955)]
(1) May be treated as a separate violation; and
(2) Shall be considered sufficient cause for the Subrogation
suspension or revocation of the company’s
certificate of authority. Subrogation is a process of legal substitution.
The insurer, after paying the amount covered
Sec. 247 lists the grounds which are sufficient by the insurance policy, steps into the shoes of
cause for the suspension or revocation of the the insured and avails himself of the latter's
insurer’s certificate of authority [Sec. 247(c)]. rights that exist against the wrongdoer at the
time of loss.
Prescription of Action
The insurer becomes entitled to recover from
Should the insurer reject the claim of the the wrongdoer the amount of the loss it may
insured, the remedy of the latter would be to file have paid to the insured.
an action against the insurer with the proper
tribunal [Carale]. Note: Subrogation applies only to property
insurance and non-life insurance.
An “action” or “suit” is an act by which one sues
another in a court of justice for the enforcement Right of Subrogation
or protection of a right, or the prevention or The insurance company shall be subrogated to
redress of a wrong. [Lopez v. Filipinas the rights of the insured against the wrongdoer
Compania de Seguros, G.R. No. L-19613 or the person who has violated the contact if:
(1966)] (1) The plaintiff’s property has been insured,
Prescriptive Period (2) The plaintiff has received indemnity from
General Rule: It being based on a written the insurance company for the injury or loss
contract, the action prescribes in ten years. arising out of the wrong or breach of
[Art. 1144, NCC] contract complained of. [Art. 2207, NCC]

Exception: The parties may validly agree on a Rights Transferred

shorter period, provided it is not less than one A subrogee-insurer cannot succeed to a right
year from the time the cause of action accrues. not possessed by the subrogor. A subrogee
[Sec. 63] can recover only if the insured likewise could
have recovered. [Sulpicio Lines, Inc. v. First
Note: In compulsory motor vehicle insurance, Lepanto-Taisho Ins. Corp., G.R. No. 140349
the action prescribes in one year from the (2005)]
denial of the claim. [Sec. 397]
Right to Recover Deficiency Not
Reckoning Point Subrogated
The period of commencing an action under a If the amount paid by the insurance company
policy of insurance under Sec. 63 is to be does not fully cover the injury or loss, the
computed from the time when the insured aggrieved party shall be entitled to recover the
has a right to bring an action against the

Page 42 of 450

deficiency from the person causing the loss or

injury. [Art. 2207, NCC]
The insured can no longer recover from the
offended party what was paid to him by the
insurer, but he can recover any deficiency if the
Business of Insurance
damages suffered are more than what was
The term “doing an insurance
paid. The deficiency is not covered by the right
business or transacting an insurance
of subrogation.
business” includes:
(1) Making or proposing to make, as insurer,
The insurer must present the policy as
any insurance contract;
evidence to determine the extent of its
(2) Making or proposing to make, as surety,
coverage. [Wallem Phil. Shipping v. Prudential
any contract of suretyship as a vocation;
Guarantee, G.R. No. 152158 (2003)]
- Must not be merely incidental to any
other legitimate business or activity of
Where There is No Right of Subrogation
the surety
1. Where the insured by his own act releases
(3) Doing any kind of business, specifically
the wrongdoer or third party liable for the
recognized as constituting the doing of an
loss or damage;
insurance business within the meaning of
2. Where the insurer pays the insured the
the Insurance Code;
value of the loss without notifying the
- Including a reinsurance business,
carrier who has in good faith settled the
(4) Doing or proposing to do any business in
insured’s claim for loss;
substance equivalent to any of the
3. Where the insurer pays the insured for a
foregoing in a manner designed to evade
loss or risk not covered by the policy; [Pan
the provisions of the Insurance Code. [Sec.
Malayan Ins. Co. v. CA, G.R. No. 81026
4. In life insurance;
The following shall NOT be deemed conclusive
5. For recovery of loss in excess of insurance
to show that the making thereof does not
coverage. [de Leon]
constitute the doing or transacting of an
insurance business:
The right of subrogation is not dependent upon,
a. The fact that no profit is derived from
nor does it grow out of, any privity of contract
the making of insurance contracts,
or upon written assignment of claim. It accrues
agreements or transactions; or
simply upon payment of the insurance claim by
b. The fact that no separate or direct
the insurer. [Pan Malayan Ins. Co v. CA, G.R.
consideration is received therefor.
No. 81026 (1990)]
[Sec. 2(b)]
Should the insured, after receiving payment
For the purpose of determining what "doing an
from the insurer, release the wrongdoer who
insurance business" means, we have to
caused the loss, the insurer loses his rights
scrutinize the operations of the business as a
against the latter. But in such a case, the
insurer will be entitled to recover from the whole and not its mere components. [Philippine
insured whatever it has paid to the latter, Health Care Providers, Inc. v. CIR,
unless the release was made with the consent G.R.167330 (2009)]
of the insurer. [Manila Mahogany v. CA G.R.
No. L- 52756 (1987)] Requirements to Engage in the Business of
1. Certificate of Authority
2. Sufficient paid-up capital, Surplus Fund &

Page 43 of 450

3. Filing with the Commissioner interests a contributed surplus fund of

4. Reserves not less than P100,000,000.00;
5. For foreign companies: Sufficient capital (2) The company to submit to him a business
and securities deposited with the plan showing the company’s estimated
Commissioner receipts and disbursements, as well as the
6. For foreign companies: Resident Agent basis therefor, for the next succeeding
7. For foreign companies: Surplus Fund, three (3) years. [Sec. 194]
Legal Reserves
An insurance company doing business in the
1. Certificate of Authority Philippines shall at all times maintain the
No insurance company shall transact any minimum paid-up capital and net worth
insurance business in the Philippines until after requirements as prescribed by the
it shall have obtained a certificate of authority Commissioner. Such solvency requirements
for that purpose from the Commissioner upon shall be:
application therefor and payment by the (1) Based on internationally accepted
company concerned of the fees hereinafter solvency frameworks; and
prescribed. [Sec. 193] (2) Adopted only after due consultation
with the insurance industry
2. Sufficient paid-up capital, Surplus Fund associations. [Sec. 200]
& Solvency [Sec. 194, 197, 200]
No new domestic life or non-life insurance 3. Filing with the Commissioner [Sec. 195]
company shall, in a stock corporation, engage Every company must, before engaging in the
in business in the Philippines unless business of insurance in the Philippines, file
possessed of a paid-up capital equal to at with the Commissioner the following:
least One billion pesos a) A certified copy of the last annual
(P1,000,000,000.00): Provided, That a statement or a verified financial
domestic insurance company already doing statement exhibiting the condition and
business in the Philippines shall have: affairs of such company; and
(1) By June 30, 2013 – P250,000,000.00
net worth If A copy of the articles of
(2) By December 31, 2016 – An additional incorporated incorporation and bylaws,
P300,000,000.00 in net worth; under the and any amendments to
(3) By December 31, 2019 – An additional laws of the either, certified by the SEC
P350,000,000.00 in net worth; and Philippines
(4) By December 31, 2022 – An additional 1. A certificate from the
P400,000,000.00 in net worth. [Sec. SEC showing that it is
194] duly registered in the
Note: The President of the Philippines may mercantile registry of
order a periodic review every two (2) years the that Commission in
capital structure set out above to determine the If accordance with the
capital adequacy of the local insurance incorporated Corporation Code
industry from and after the integration and under any 2. If organized or formed
liberalization of the financial services, including laws other under any law requiring
insurance, in the ASEAN Region. than those such to be filed: A copy
of the of the articles of
The Commissioner may also, as a pre- Philippines incorporation and
licensing requirement of a new insurance bylaws, and any
company, require: amendments to either
(1) The stockholders to pay in cash to the 3. If not so organized: A
company in proportion to their subscription copy of the law, charter
or deed of settlement

Page 44 of 450

under which the deed of A. Possessed of unimpaired capital or

organization is made assets and reserve of not less than
4. A certificate under the One billion pesos (P1,000,000,000.00)
hand and seal of the B. It has deposited with the Commissioner
proper officer of such for the benefit and security of the
state or country that policyholders and creditors of such
such corporation or company in the Philippines, securities
company is : satisfactory to the Commissioner:
i. Organized under the Provided That –
laws of such state or (1) At least fifty percent (50%) of such
country, securities shall consist of bonds or
ii. With the amount of other instruments of debt of the
capital stock or assets Government of the Philippines, its
and legal reserve political subdivisions and
required by this Code; instrumentalities, or of GOCCs and
A certificate setting forth: entities, including the Bangko Sentral
i. The nature and ng Pilipinas;
character of the (2) The total investment of a foreign
business, insurance company in any registered
ii. The location of the enterprise shall not exceed twenty
principal office, percent (20%) of the net worth of said
iii. The name of the foreign insurance company nor twenty
individual or names of percent (20%) of the capital of the
If not the persons registered enterprise, unless
incorporated composing the previously authorized in writing by the
and of partnership or Commissioner. [Sec. 197]
foreign association,
domicile iv. The amount of actual Securities, for the purposes of this
capital employed or to requirement, consist of:
be employed therein, - Good securities of the Philippines,
and - New issues of stock of registered
v. The names of all enterprises
officers and persons
by whom the 6. For foreign companies: Resident Agent
business is or may be The Commissioner must require as a condition
managed. precedent to the transaction of insurance
business in the Philippines by any foreign
4. Reserves insurance company, that such company file in
Every insurance company, other than life, shall his office:
maintain a reserve for unearned premiums on A. A written power of attorney:
its policies in force, which shall be charged as (1) Designating some person who
a liability in any determination of its financial shall be a resident of the
condition. [Sec. 219] Philippines as its general agent on
whom any notice provided by law
5. For foreign companies: Sufficient or by any insurance policy, proof of
capital and securities deposited with loss, summons and other legal
the Commissioner [Sec. 197, 198] processes may be served in all
No insurance company organized or existing actions or other legal proceedings
under the government or laws other than those against such company, and
of the Philippines shall engage in business in (2) Consenting that service upon such
the Philippines unless: general agent shall be admitted

Page 45 of 450

and held as valid as if served upon (1) Set aside an amount corresponding to the
the foreign company at its home legal reserves of the policies written in the
office. Philippines; and
B. Agreement or stipulation, executed (2) Invest and keep the same therein in
by the proper authorities of said accordance with the provisions of this
company, which states that: section. [Sec. 199]
(1) Service of any notice provided by
law, or insurance policy, proof of The legal reserve therein required to be set
loss, summons, or other legal aside shall be invested only in the classes of
process may be made upon the Philippine securities described in Section
Insurance Commissioner 206: Provided, however, That –
(2) Such service upon the Insurance (1) No investment in stocks or bonds of any
Commissioner shall have the same single entity shall, in the aggregate exceed
force and effect as if made upon 20% of the net worth of the investing
the company if at any time said company or 20% of the capital of the
company shall: issuing company, whichever is the lesser,
a. Leave the Philippines, or unless otherwise approved in writing by the
b. Cease to transact business Commissioner.
therein, or (2) The securities purchased and kept in the
c. Be without any agent in the Philippines under this section, shall not be
Philippines on whom any sent out of the territorial jurisdiction of the
notice, proof of loss, Philippines without the written consent of
summons, or legal process the Commissioner. [Sec. 199]
may be served, then in any
action or proceeding Rule as to Partnerships, Persons, or
arising out of any business Association of Persons
or transaction which General Rule: No person, partnership, or
occurred in the Philippines association of persons shall transact any
(3) Whenever such service of notice, insurance business in the Philippines except as
proof of loss, summons, or other agent of a person or corporation authorized to
legal process shall be made upon do the business of insurance in the
the Commissioner, he must, within Philippines.
ten (10) days thereafter, transmit
by mail, postage paid, a copy of Exceptions: Such person, partnership, or
such notice, proof of loss, association of persons may transact insurance
summons, or other legal process to business in the Philippines, provided that:
the company at its home or (1) It is possessed of the capital and assets
principal office. [Sec. 196] required of an insurance corporation doing
the same kind of business in the
7. For foreign companies: Surplus Fund, Philippines and invested in the same
Legal Reserves [Sec. 196, 199] manner;
The Commissioner may, as a pre-licensing (2) The Commissioner granted it a certificate
requirement of a new branch office of a foreign to the effect that it has complied with all the
insurance company, require the company to provisions of this Code. [Sec. 192]
have an additional surplus fund in an amount
to be determined by the Insurance
Commission. [Sec. 197]

Every foreign company doing business in the

Philippines shall:

Page 46 of 450

documents or contracts or other records which

K. INSURANCE are relevant or material to the inquiry [Sec.
ITS POWERS Note: However, the Insurance Commission has
no jurisdiction to decide the legality of a
1. Jurisdiction and Adjudicatory contract of agency entered into between an
insurance company and its agent. The same is
Powers not covered by the term “doing or transacting
insurance business” under Sec. 2, neither is it
The Insurance Commissioner exercises covered by Sec. 439, which grants the
administrative supervision over insurance Commissioner adjudicatory powers. [Sundiang
companies, mutual benefit associations and and Aquino]
trusts for charitable uses. He has the duty to
see that all laws relating to insurance
companies and other insurance matters are 2. Revocation of Certificate of
faithfully executed. [Carale] Authority
In addition to administrative powers, the The Certificate of Authority issued to the
Commissioner has the power to adjudicate domestic or foreign company by the
disputes relating to an insurance company’s Commission may be revoked or suspended by
liability to an insured under a policy. [Sec. 437] the Insurance Commissioner for any of the
following grounds:
A complaint or claim filed with such official is . The company is in an unsound condition
considered an “action” or “suit” the filing of a. That it has failed to comply with the
which would have the effect of tolling the provisions of law or regulations obligatory
suspending the running of the prescriptive upon it
period. b. That its condition or method of business is
such as to render its proceedings
Concurrent jurisdiction (with regular civil hazardous to the public or its policyholders
courts) over cases where any single claim does c. That its paid-up capital stock, in the case of
not exceed P5,000,000 involving liability a domestic stock corporation, or its
arising from: available cash assets, in the case of a
a. Insurance contract; domestic mutual company, or its security
b. Contract of suretyship; deposits, in the case of a foreign company,
c. Reinsurance contract; is impaired or deficient
d. Membership certificate issued by members d. That the margin of solvency required of
of mutual benefit association [Sec. 439] such company is deficient. [Sec. 254]

Primary and exclusive jurisdiction over claims The Commissioner is authorized to suspend or
for benefits involving pre-need plans where the revoke all certificates of authority granted to
amount of benefits does not exceed P100,000. such insurance company, its officers and
[Sec. 55, RA 9829] agents, and no new business shall thereafter
be done by such company or for such company
For the purpose of proceeding under its by its agents in the Philippines while such
adjudicatory powers under the Insurance suspension, revocation, or disability continues
Code, the Commissioner or any officer thereof or until its authority to do business is restored
designated by him, is empowered to administer by the Commissioner. [Sec. 254]
oaths and affirmation, subpoena witnesses,
compel their attendance, take evidence and Before restoring such authority, the
require the production of any books, papers, Commissioner shall require the company

Page 47 of 450

concerned to submit to him a business plan

showing the company’s estimated receipts and
disbursements, as well as the basis therefor,
for the next succeeding three years. [Sec. 254.

3. Liquidation of Insurance
If the company is determined by the
Commissioner to be insolvent or cannot
resume business, he shall, if public interest
requires, order its liquidation. [Sec. 256]

This should be distinguished from a situation

where a conservator is appointed when the
Commissioner finds that a company is in a
state of continuing inability or unwillingness to
maintain a condition of solvency or liquidity
adequate to protect the policyholders and
creditors. The conservator will take charge of
the management of the insurance company.
[Sec. 255]

Page 48 of 450


Page 49 of 450

1. Pre-Need Plans
Pre-need plans are contracts which provide
The section numbers hereinafter generally pertain to for the rendering of services or payment of
RA 9829 (Pre-Need Code), unless otherwise indicated. money to plan holders or their beneficiaries
when the actual need for such payment or
Pre-need plans are contracts, agreements, rendition of services accrues. [Carale]
deeds or plans for the benefit of the
planholders which provide for the performance They are governed by the Pre-Need Code (RA
of future services, payment of monetary 9829). They are not considered as
considerations or delivery of other benefits at insurance contracts because:
>the time of actual need or agreed maturity a. Pre-need plans can have insurance
date, as specified therein, in exchange for cash coverage, implying that they are separate
or installment amounts with or without interest contracts; and
or insurance coverage and includes life, b. Pre-need plans do not involve unknown or
pension, education, interment and other plans, contingent events but events certain to
instruments, contracts or deeds. [Sec. 4(B)] happen at a certain time.

Contracts However, all Pre-need plans are under the

Agreements primary and exclusive power supervision and
Deeds regulation of the Insurance Commission. [Sec.
Plans 5, RA 9829. In addition, the Insurance
Beneficiary Planholder/s Commissioner shall have the primary and
To provide for the: exclusive power to adjudicate any and all
- Performance of future claims involving pre-need plans. If the amount
services of benefits does not exceed P100,000, which
Purpose - Payment of monetary decision shall be final and executory. [Sec. 55]
considerations; or
- Delivery of other 2. Pre-Need Company
At the time of actual need A Pre-need Company refers to:
OR a. Any corporation
benefits may
On agreed maturity date  Registered with the Commission and
be availed
specified therein
authorized/licensed to sell or offer to sell
Cash or installment pre-need plans
amounts with or without b. Schools, memorial chapels, banks,
interest, OR nonbank financial institutions and other
Insurance Coverage entities
Life  Authorized/licensed to sell or offer to sell
Pension pre-need plans insofar as their pre-need
Education activities or business are concerned. [Sec.
Interment 4(c)]
Other plans, instruments,
contracts, or deeds

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(c) Opinion of independent counsel on the

B. REGISTRATION OF legality of the issue;
PRE-NEED PLANS (d) Audited financial statements;
(e) Viability study with certification, under oath,
Powers of the Commission of pre-need actuary accredited by the
i. Promulgate rules governing the registration
(f) Copy of the proposed pre-need plan; and
of pre-need plans and the required
documents. Said rules shall further set (g) Sample of sales materials.
forth the:
a. Conditions under which such Such registration statements and sales
registration may be denied materials required under this section shall
revoked, suspended or withdrawn; contain the appropriate risk factors as may be
determined by the Commission. [Sec. 15]
b. Remedies of pre-need companies
in such instances;
ii. Approve all forms, including amendments, 4. Accreditation of Actuary
relating to the pre-need plans. [Sec. 14 & An actuary prepares and certifies, under oath,
17] the viability study required for registration.
[Sec. 15]
Required Documents for Registration
a. The viability study Requirements to be a Pre-Need Actuary:
b. Certification, under oath, of a pre-need i. Must be accredited by the Commission.
actuary accredited by the Commission [Sec. 15]
ii. Must NOT be engaged by the pre-need
c. A copy of the pre-need plan
company as actuary, and at the same time:
d. Any information brochure
e. Information and documents necessary to  Be a stockholder; or
ensure the protection of planholders and  Serve as:
the general public [Sec. 14] a. Director of the board
b. Chief executive officer or
c. Chief financial officer of the
1. Necessity of Registration company, or
a. To be granted a license to do business as d. Any such position that the
a pre-need company Commission may determine to
b. To file a registration statement with the have an inherent conflict of
Commission for the sale of pre-need interest to the position of an
plans actuary. [Sec. 16]
- This is required for every pre-need
plan which the company intends to The Commission shall have the power to:
offer for sale to the public [Sec. 14] 1. Set standards for the accreditation of
actuaries directly responsible for the
2. When Registered preparation and certification of the viability
Within a period of forty-five (45) days after the study of the pre-need plan submitted by the
grant of a license to do business as a pre-need pre-need company for registration or
company. [Sec. 14] amendment with the Commission;
2. Define the obligations and liabilities of
3. Registration Requirements actuaries accredited by it.
The Commission shall require the following
documents, among others: 5. Pre-Need Advertising Rules
(a) Duly accomplished Registration Pre-need plans shall be advertised and sold in
Statements; an appropriate non-misleading manner in
(b) Board resolution authorizing the accordance with the rules to be prescribed by
registration of applicant’s pre-need plans; the Code.

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It shall be unlawful for any pre-need company d. Such other information that the
to adverti>se itself or its pre-need plans unless Commission shall require by rule. [Sec. 19]
the Commission has approved such
advertising material. The making of any untrue statement of a
material fact in an information brochure is a
The Commission shall have a period of ten (10) ground for administrative sanctions and
working days to approve or deny the criminal penalties. [Sec. 56(a)(i), IRR of RA
advertising material and failure to act within the 9829]
said period shall cause the advertising material
to be approved. For purposes hereof, the
Commission shall have the power to define the
scope of its advertising rules to appropriately COUNSELORS AND
cover advertising or other communications to
the public.
Any person who sells or offers to sell any pre- 1. Qualifications for Issuance
need plan or contract by any means or No sales counselor shall be allowed to solicit,
instruments of communication in violation of sell or offer to sell pre-need plans under this
this section shall be liable to the person Code without being licensed as such by the
purchasing such pre-need contract who may Commission.
sue to recover the consideration paid for such
pre-need contract with interest thereon. In Such license shall automatically expire every
addition hereto, the Commission shall have the 30th day of June or such date of every year as
power to pursue the erring pre-need company may be fixed by the Commission and may be
in an administrative or criminal proceeding. accordingly renewed.

A fine of P100, 000,000.00 shall be imposed on Qualifications for the issuance of a license:
any pre-need company found to have violated a. The applicant must be of good moral
this section: Provided, That a second violation character and must not have been
of this section shall, in addition to the fine convicted of any crime involving moral
imposed, result in the suspension of the license turpitude;
of the pre-need company. [Sec. 18] b. The applicant has undergone a training
program approved by the Commission and
6. Disclosures to Prospective Planholders such fact has been certified under oath by
No registered pre-need plan shall be sold to a duly authorized representative of a pre-
prospective planholders unless an information need company; and
brochure, which has been filed with the c. The applicant has passed a written
Commission, has been provided to the examination administered by the
purchaser. Commission: Provided, that the
administration of the examination may be
The information brochure shall contain: delegated to an independent organization
a. An explanation of the principal features of under the supervision of the Commission.
the pre-need plan; [Sec. 20]
b. A statement that the planholder may avail
of a default or reinstatement period within 2. Denial, Suspension, or Revocation of
which to reinstate his lapsed plan; License
c. The conditions of the same and the rates of An application for the issuance or renewal of a
return for scheduled benefit plans and license to act as sales counselor may be
illustrative yields for contingent benefit denied, or such license, if already issued, shall
be suspended or revoked based on the
following grounds:

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(a) Materially misrepresented statements in grace period or a longer period, as provided in

the application requirements; the contract within which to reinstate his plan.
(b) Obtained or attempted to obtain a license
by fraud or misrepresentation; No cancellation of plans shall be made by the
(c) Materially misrepresented the terms and issuer during such period when reinstatement
conditions of pre-need plans; may be effected.
(d) Sold, solicited or attempted to solicit or sell
a pre-need plan by means of false or Notice Requirement
misleading representation and other The pre-need company shall give written notice
fraudulent means; to the planholder that his plan will be cancelled
(e) Terminated for cause from another pre- if not reinstated within two (2) years.
need company;
(f) Similar grounds found in Section 11 of RA Two notices shall be given:
9829;  Within thirty (30) days from the expiration
(g) Wilfully allowing the use of one’s license by of the grace period; and
a non-licensed or barred individual;  Within thirty (30) days from the expiration
(h) Analogous circumstances. [Sec. 21] of the reinstatement period, which is two (2)
years from the lapse of the grace period.
3. Licensing of General Agents
If the issuer should contract the services of a Failure to give either of the required notices
general agent to undertake the sales of its shall preclude the pre-need company from
plans, such general agent shall be required to treating the plans as cancelled. [Sec. 23]
be licensed as such with the Commission, in
accordance with the requirements imposed by 2. Termination of Pre-Need Plans
the Commission. [Sec. 22] A planholder may terminate his pre-need plan
at any time by giving written notice to the
issuer. [Sec. 24]
TERMINATION Termination Value
The termination value of the pre-need plan
shall be predetermined by the actuary of the
1. Default; Reinstatement Period
pre-need company upon application for
registration of the pre-need plans with the
Grace Period
Commission and shall be disclosed in the
The pre-need company must provide in all
contracts issued to planholders a grace period
of at least sixty (60) days within which to pay
A pre-need plan shall contain a schedule of
accrued installments, counted from the due
termination values to which the planholder is
date of the first unpaid installment.
entitled to upon termination.
Nonpayment of a plan within the grace period
Such schedule of termination value shall be
shall render the plan a lapsed plan.
required for all in-force pre-need plans and
shall be fair, equitable and in compliance with
Any payment by the planholder after the grace
the Commission issuances. [Sec. 24]
period shall be reimbursed forthwith, unless the
planholder duly reinstates the plan.

The planholder shall be allowed a period of not
less than two (2) years from the lapse of the

Page 53 of 450

Contingent Benefit Plans

In the case of contingent benefit plans, the
E. CLAIMS SETTLEMENT benefits shall be paid by the pre-need company
thirty (30) days upon submission of all
necessary documents. [Sec. 26]
1. Unfair Claims Settlement Practices
No pre-need company shall refuse, without just
Refusal or Failure to Pay
cause, to pay or settle claims arising under
coverages provided by its plans nor shall any General Rule: Refusal or failure to pay the
such company engage in unfair claim claim within fifteen (15) days from maturity or
due date will entitle the beneficiary to collect
settlement practices.
interest on the proceeds of the plan for the
duration of the delay at the rate twice the legal
The following acts constitute unfair claims
settlement practices:
1. Knowingly misrepresenting to claimants
Provided, That the planholder has duly
pertinent facts or plan provisions relating to
complied with the documentary requirements
coverages at issue;
of the pre-need company.
2. Failing to acknowledge with reasonable
promptness pertinent communications with
Exception: Unless such failure or refusal to
respect to claims arising under its plan;
3. Failing to adopt and implement reasonable pay is based on the ground that the claim is
standards for the prompt investigation of fraudulent.
claims arising under its plan;
3. Recovery of Investment
4. Failing to provide prompt, fair and equitable
settlement of claims submitted in which The planholder may institute the necessary
legal action in court to recover his/her
liability has become reasonably clear; or
investment in the pre-need company thirty (30)
5. Compelling planholders to institute suits or
days upon submission of all necessary
recover amounts due under its plan by
offering, without justifiable reason,
substantially less than the amounts
However, in case the insolvency or bankruptcy
ultimately recovered in suits brought by
is a mere cover-up for fraud or illegality, the
planholder may institute the legal action
Any violation of this section shall be considered directly against the officers and/or controlling
owners of the said pre-need company. [Sec.
sufficient cause for the suspension or
revocation of the company's certificate of 27]
authority. [Sec. 25]
4. Consequences of Delay or Default
In case of any litigation for the enforcement of
2. Payment of Plan Proceeds
any pre-need plan, it shall be the duty of the
Commission to determine whether the
Scheduled Benefit Plans
payment of the claim of the planholder has
General Rule: In the case of scheduled benefit
been unreasonably denied or withheld.
plans, the proceeds of the plan shall be paid
immediately upon maturity of the contract.
The failure to pay any such claim within the
time prescribed in Section 26 hereof shall be
Exception: Unless such proceeds are made
considered prima facie evidence of
payable in installments or as an annuity, in
unreasonable delay in payment. [Sec. 27]
which case the installments or annuities shall
be paid as they become due.
If found to have unreasonably denied or
withheld the claim, the pre-need company shall
be liable to pay damages, consisting of actual

Page 54 of 450

damages, attorney’s fees and legal interest, to

be computed from the date the claim is made
until it is fully satisfied.

5. Distribution of Profits
A pre-need company may declare
divided: Provided, That the following shall
remain unimpaired, as certified under oath by
the president and the treasurer with respect to
items (a) and (b); and in the case of item (c), by
the trust officer:
(a) One hundred percent (100%) of the capital
(b) An amount sufficient to pay all net losses
reported, or in the course of settlement,
and all liabilities for expenses and taxes;
(c) Trust fund.

Any dividend declared under the preceding

paragraph shall be reported to the Commission
within thirty (30) days after such declaration.
[Sec. 29]

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