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Version: 1.

Latest Version: 1.01
Twenty Questions Helper

How to use this?

- Use File / Make a copy to make your own copy of this workbook.
You will then be able to edit it.

- Use the "Characters" sheet to create characters, 1 per column

Fill in these fields Don't touch these cells


(Use drop-down lists These will be filled

when available) automatically if applicable

- Make your way down the list until all 20 questions and choices are complete

- Your characters, final statistics will be at the bottom, ready to be copied to you

To-do List

- Add an extra Kiho choice for Togashi characters (from school ability)
- Add Mantis clan, family and schools
- Add Peasant Family option p. 306
- Add inventory management
- Character sheet export?

Change Log

v 1.0 Initial release

v1.01 Added missing skill increase at Question 17!
Fixed wrong honor & glory increases on Samurai Heritage table
Fixed wrong family drop-down

if applicable

d choices are complete

ready to be copied to your sheet

m school ability)

urai Heritage table

Part 1 - Identity and Clan
1. What Clan does your character belong to?
Ring Increase
Skill Increase
2. What family does your character belong to?
Ring Increase (Choose One)
Skill Increase 1
Skill Increase 2
Part 2 - School And Role
3. What is your character’s school and role?
Role (Choose One)
Ring Increase 1
Ring Increase 2
Ring Increase (Isawa & Ronin)
Choose Two
Skill increase (Choose one)
Skill increase (Choose one)
Skill increase (Choose one)
Skill increase (Choose one)
Skill increase (Choose one)
Available Techniques
Technique (Choose one)
Technique (Choose one)
Technique (Choose one)


4. How does your character stand out within

your school?
Ring Increase
Part 3 - Honor and Glory
5. Who is your lord?
Giri: What is your duty to them?
6. What
relationship with your
your character longclan?
Do you believe in what your clan stands for
or disagree with their values?
Skill Increase
Glory Increase
8. Opinion on Bushido
Skill Increase
Honor Increase
Part 4 - Strengths and Weaknesses

9. What is your greatest accomplishment so


10. What holds you back?


11. What makes you feel at peace?


12. What troubles your character the most?


13. Who have you learned from the most My Lord

Choose one Advantage
OR Disadvantage
and Skill Increase

Part 5 - Personality and Behavior

14. What do people notice first upon

encountering you?

15. How do you react to stressful situations?

16. What is your relationship with other

Choose one item of rarity 7 or lower
Part 6 - Ancestry and Family

17. How would your parents describe you?

Choose a skill in which you have 0 ranks

18. Who wereheritage

Samurai you named
(rollto honor?
2d10 and choose 1 or
choose with GM, p. 95)
Honor Modifier
Glory Modifier
Status Modifier
Skill increase
Ring Increase
Ring Decrease
Additional Advantage
Additional Technique

19. What is your personal name?

Part 7 - Death

20. How should your character die?

Final Checks You cannot increase any ring above 3 at character creation. If a ring ends up a
Ring to Decrease
Ring to Increase

Final Stats

Character Name
Clan 0
Family 0
School & Rank
Roles 0
Ninjo 0
Giri 0
Honor #VALUE!
Glory #VALUE!
Status #VALUE!
Air 1
Fire 1
Earth 1
Water 1
Void 1
Martial Arts [Melee]
Martial Arts [Ranged]
Martial Arts [Unarmed]





Derived Attributes
Endurance 4
Composure 4
Focus 2
Vigilance Err:511
School Ability (p.)

any ring above 3 at character creation. If a ring ends up above 3, decrease it and increase another ring instead. (Check final ratings below)

Narrative Mode

0 0 0
0 0 0

0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0

1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1

0 0 0

0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0

0 0 0
0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0
0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0
0 0 0
Conflict Mode

4 4 4
4 4 4
2 2 2
Err:511 Err:511 Err:511

(p.) (p.) (p.)

ring instead. (Check final ratings below)

0 0
0 0

0 0
0 0
0 0

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

0 0

0 0
0 0
0 0

0 0
0 0

0 0

0 0
0 0

0 0

0 0
0 0

4 4
4 4
2 2
Err:511 Err:511

(p.) (p.)
Name Ring
Ally [Name] Water
Ambidexterity Air
Benten’s Blessing Air
Bishamon’s Blessing Water
Blackmail on [Name] Fire
Blessed Lineage Void
Blissful Betrothal Water
Daikoku’s Blessing Water
Dangerous Allure Fire
Ebisu’s Blessing Earth
Famously Honest Air
Famously Lucky Void
Famously Reliable Earth
Famously Successful Fire
Famously Wealthy Water
Flexibility Water
Fukurokujin’s Blessing Fire
Indomitable Will Earth
Jurojin’s Blessing Void
Keen Balance Earth
Keen Hearing Air
Keen Sight Water
Keen Smell Fire
Karmic Tie Void
Kisshōten’s Blessing Water
Large Stature Earth
Paragon of A Bushidō Tenet Various
Precise Memory Earth
Quick Reflexes Fire
Seasoned Void
Sixth Sense Void
Small Stature Air
Subtle Observer Air
Support of [One Group] Water
Animal Bond Earth
Armament Earth
Brushwork Air
Curiosity Fire
Daredevil Fire
Enlightenment Void
Fashion Fire
Fortune-telling Void
Generosity Water
Gossip Air
History Earth
Ikebana Water
Playfulness Air
Provocation Fire
Sake Water
Secrets Void
Stories Earth
Tea Void
Travel Water
Wordplay Air
Benten’s Curse Air
Bishamon’s Curse Water
Bitter Betrothal Water
Blackmailed by [character’s Name] Air
Blindness Water
Bluntness Air
Clumsiness Fire
Cognitive Lapses Void
Daikoku’s Curse Water
Damaged Heart or Organ Earth
Deafness Air
Discomfiting Countenance Air
Disdain for A Bushidō Tenet Various
Ebisu’s Curse Earth
Fractured Spine Earth
Fukurokujin’s Curse Fire
Gaijin Name, Culture or Appearance Fire
Haunting Void
Incurable Illness Earth
Jurōjin’s Curse Void
Kisshōten’s Curse Water
Lost Arm or Lost Hand Fire
Lost Eye Water
Lost Fingers Fire
Lost Leg Water
Lost Memories Void
Maimed Arm Fire
Maimed Visage Air
Momoku Void
Muteness Air
Nerve Damage Air
Scorn of [One Group] Water
Shadowlands Taint (Air) Air
Shadowlands Taint (Earth) Earth
Shadowlands Taint (Fire) Fire
Shadowlands Taint (Void) Void
Shadowlands Taint (Water) Water
Sworn Enemy Earth
Whispers of Cruelty Earth
Whispers of Doom Void
Whispers of Failure Fire
Whispers of Poverty Water
Whispers of Treachery Air
Addiction Earth
Battle Trauma Fire
Cynicism Fire
Dark Secret Void
Delusions of Grandeur Void
Fear of Death Earth
Ferocity Air
Impatience Earth
Intolerance Water
Irrepressible Flirtation Earth
Jealousy Air
Materialism Void
Meekness Fire
Painful Honesty Air
Paranoia Water
Perfectionism Water
Phobia Water
Softheartedness Fire
Superstition Void
Description Type
Do not use my name too freely, beloved, on every tInterpersonal
The eager bandits circled the wagon. The wagon driPhysical
Daidoji Shingen sauntered down the gangplank from Interpersonal,
t Spiritual
The walls of many an inn in Rokugan ring with a welPhysical, Spiritual
“I had hoped to find you here,” Yogo Hiroue began.Interpersonal
“Perhaps you’d like to match your words with your Interpersonal, Spiritual
Autumn nights, it seems Are long by repute alone: Interpersonal
There were few merchants in all of Rokugan who had Interpersonal, Spiritual
Every samurai of Rokugan knows the tale of the Crim Physical, Interpersonal
Ryuichi, a poor blacksmith, entered the champions Physical, Spiritual
Nobody thought that Hida Suzu’s marriage to KakitaFame, Interpersonal
“A master is one who leaves their mark upon the wor Fame, Interpersonal
When the lord came to see how the smith was proceed Fame, Interpersonal
“Victory will make even the most honorable of samur Fame, Interpersonal
“Wealth isn’t the same as money. A merchant who Fame, wo Interpersonal
The door to the cell opened with a crash, and the Physical
The Sacred Library is located at Fire Tooth Castle. Mental, Spiritual
The travelers cowered as the ghost, shrieking hideoMental, Interpersonal
The Order of Longevity, a sect of the Brotherhood oPhysical, Spiritual
During the Obon Festival of 1120, in the City of the Mental, Physical
Kakita Toshimoko crept silently across the darkenedPhysical, Mental
Kitsuki Yuikimi walked slowly around the corpse of Physical, Mental
The bandits had been plaguing the village of Nemuro Physical, Mental
She walked over one thousand li, slept in shrines orInterpersonal, Spiritual
Children in Rokugan are welcomed into the world wit Physical, Spiritual
Many children’s stories feature tales of giants. The Physical
“The heroes of myth—even the ones who were notMental, of Virtue Pick One: Com
The great libraries of the Phoenix Clan’s Asako famiMental
The duelist Bayushi Eiya, known as the Artist of De Physical, Interpersonal
“If you’re here to stop me, you’re wasting your timeMental, Interpersonal
It is said that the Kuni Witch Hunters of the Crab Spiritual
In the cities of Rokugan, there is a rumor of a clan Physical
The lady of the house poured the tea, turning the cInterpersonal, Mental
Akodo Emi avoided the rōnin’s stroke narrowly, swee Interpersonal
The rat ran down the length of the dungeon corridor Interpersonal, Mental
“The craftsmanship on this truly is exquisite,” Iko Mental
There are few arts more respected in Rokugan thanMental,
t Physical
“A curious mind is a blessing. Yet, one should be c Mental
“Those who fear to act have already failed. Lose yoMental, Physical
For some, the Tao of Shinsei is like a road map left Spiritual
Akodo Fudai stood before the polished mirror as the Interpersonal, Mental
“For the second time this month, the constellation Mental, Spiritual
During the sixth month of the year after the biannua Interpersonal
The courts of Rokugan are a battlefield as deadly a Interpersonal
“A samurai is no more than the sum of their memorMental
The art of flower arranging is practiced by many nob Mental
The warriors had been drinking most of the evening. Interpersonal
A popular pastime at Winter Court, the game of Sada Interpersonal
In the lands of the Crane Clan, the village of Sakur Mental
There is no thrill to compare to having a secret. I Mental, Interpersonal
A person with the ability to weave a tale by a firesi Mental, Interpersonal
“Without the bastions of civility that are teahousesPhysical, Spiritual
The old man sat heavily on the stool outside the coMental, Physical
The language of Rokugan is particularly suited for Interpersonal, Mental
One of the more popular tales of the rakugoka, theInterpersonal, Spiritual
“A straightforward samurai is a well-honed blade, vPhysical, Spiritual
“My husband returns home tonight,” she said in a lo Interpersonal
“I know of your misdeeds,” the letter simply said Interpersonal
Though Muika could not see the faces of the Shosuro Physical, Scar
“You look terrible, my lord.” Interpersonal
“Oh my. I am terribly sorry, sir.” Kitsune Sōren tri Physical
There are cases of samurai who have suffered a killMental, Scar
Daidoji Shingen let Hiramichi Anjiro lean a bit heav Interpersonal
“My lord, your heart!” Akodo Yasuteru shook the sePhysical, Scar
A tap on her shoulder drew Masa around to watch Physical,
he Scar
The rōnin strode forward, and my hand tightened up Interpersonal, Physical
“We Brothers of the Boar are very loyal samurai, indFlaw, Mental Choose One: Com
“And the harvest?” Doji Kiseki concealed her worryPhysical, Spiritual
Moto stories tell of the famous Khan Who Rode a Car Physical, Scar Effect: The following apply to a character with the Fractur
“Study is like sailing against a current; a boat mu Mental, Spiritual
The Crane courtier bowed deeply, a thin, insincere Interpersonal (Name), Menta
The tale is told of Toritaka Kanoshi, a young samur Interpersonal, Spiritual
The next morning, as we prepared our horses for the Physical
The battle was won; the castle had been taken. I foPhysical, Spiritual
“Children are but a reflection of their parents.” – T Physical, Spiritual
“Turn and face me, dog!” Takeda stiffened and turned Physical, Scar
Johei poured the water from the kettle and it missed Physical, Scar
The weathered old Crab held up his hands, and thePhysical,
ch Scar
After Hiruma Noriko lost her leg while rescuing AsahPhysical, Scar
Utsuro bowed as he accepted the bowl, then sat bac Mental, Scar
The samurai kept her arm tucked in her kimono. Her Physical, Scar
“You have a villain’s look about you. Why should wePhysical, Interpersonal, Scar
A favorite shadow-puppet play often performed duri Spiritual
The Quiet Monks of Kaitō Province take vows of sil Interpersonal, Physical or M
Matsu Makoto sat with a perfect stillness of impatiPhysical, Scar
“Hatsumon cannot assume the command,” Utaku Kamok Interpersonal
The Obsidian Journal is a secret text, written hund Curse, Interpersonal, Spiritu
“The swordsman bled from two dozen cuts, each ofCurse,wh Physical, Spiritual
“Sakori is lost to us. During our recent excursion Curse, Mental, Spiritual
“We sent a patrol out yesterday. Only Akihiro returCurse, Spiritual
“A man was killed trying to get over the Wall todayCurse, Physical, Spiritual
“As soon as a person leaves their house, they have Interpersonal
“The Peace of the Unicorn is restored to these landInterpersonal, Infamy
Orphaned by the time she was six, Doji Hatsuhina wInterpersonal, Infamy
“Some say failure is the true death of a samurai, butInterpersonal, Infamy
A certain samurai of the Phoenix Clan so embarrasse Interpersonal, Infamy
Bayushi Kyo groaned. “We’re doing this again? Now?” Interpersonal, Infamy
The smoke curled in pleasing patterns above my head. Mental, Physical
The thousand cuts I have borne And the thousand IMental, Physical
“This is ridiculous,” Onishi scoffed. “Powder makes Interpersonal,
fo Mental
“I’m sorry that you saw that, Megumi-chan,” Kayoko Interpersonal
“Do not be wary of those who take risks with titles Mental, Interpersonal
There are few crimes worse in the mind of the Rokug Mental, Physical
With a cry like an enraged animal, Hida Amoro threPhysical, Mental
Historians tell the story of the Battle of Thunder Mental
“Savages!” Matsu Agetoki threw his helmet across hi Interpersonal
“So I snuck through the estate to her ladyship’s a Interpersonal
The story is told of Shiba Shikitora, a Phoenix Cla Physical, Mental
“All lust is grief, and born of too great an attachm Mental
“Do you have something to add, Takeshiro?” AbbotInterpersonal
A popular, if bawdy, song at many roadside inns in RInterpersonal
“A person who sees enemies everywhere is always Physical,
bl Mental
In the Imperial Palace at Otosan Uchi, in a room entPhysical, Mental
Lord Shosuro Kosugi was said to have been terrifiedPhysical, Mental
“Go,” I said, breaking the bandit’s bow over my kneInterpersonal, Mental
“A great deal of folk wisdom revolves around deathMental, Spiritual
Effect Page Name & Page
The following apply to a character with the A 101 Ally [Name] (p.101
The following apply to a character with the Am 102 Ambidexterity (p.1
The following apply to a character with the Be 102 Benten’s Blessing
The following apply to a character with the Bi 102 Bishamon’s Blessi
The following apply to a character with the B 102 Blackmail on [Nam
The following apply to a character with the Bl 103 Blessed Lineage (
The following apply to a character with the Bl 103 Blissful Betrothal
The following apply to a character with the D 103 Daikoku’s Blessing
The following apply to a character with the D 103 Dangerous Allure
The following apply to a character with the Eb 104 Ebisu’s Blessing (
The following apply to a character with the F 104 Famously Honest
The following apply to a character with the Fa 104 Famously Lucky (p
The following apply to a character with the F 104 Famously Reliable
The following apply to a character with the Fa 105 Famously Successf
The following apply to a character with the F 105 Famously Wealthy
The following apply to a character with the Fl 105 Flexibility (p.105)
The following apply to a character with the Fu 105 Fukurokujin’s Bles
The following apply to a character with the I 106 Indomitable Will (
The following apply to a character with the Ju 106 Jurojin’s Blessing
The following apply to a character with the Ke 106 Keen Balance (p.1
The following apply to a character with the Ke 107 Keen Hearing (p.1
The following apply to a character with the Ke 107 Keen Sight (p.107
The following apply to a character with the Ke 107 Keen Smell (p.107
The following apply to a character with the Ka 108 Karmic Tie (p.108)
The following apply to a character with the K 108 Kisshōten’s Blessi
The following apply to a character with the La 108 Large Stature (p.1
The following apply to a character with the Pa 108 Paragon of A Bush
The following apply to a character with the Pr 109 Precise Memory (p
The following apply to a character with the Qu 109 Quick Reflexes (p
The following apply to a character with the 109 Seasoned (p.109)
The following apply to a character with the Si 110 Sixth Sense (p.11
The following apply to a character with the Sm 110 Small Stature (p.1
The following apply to a character with the S 110 Subtle Observer (
The following apply to a character with the Su 110 Support of [One G
The following apply to a character with the An 111 Animal Bond (p.11
The following apply to a character with the A 111 Armament (p.111)
The following apply to a character with the Bru 111 Brushwork (p.111)
The following apply to a character with the Cu 112 Curiosity (p.112)
The following apply to a character with the Dar 112 Daredevil (p.112)
The following apply to a character with the E 112 Enlightenment (p.
The following apply to a character with the Fa 112 Fashion (p.112)
The following apply to a character with the Fo 112 Fortune-telling (p.
The following apply to a character with the Ge 113 Generosity (p.113
The following apply to a character with the Go 113 Gossip (p.113)
The following apply to a character with the Hi 113 History (p.113)
The following apply to a character with the Ik 113 Ikebana (p.113)
The following apply to a character with the Pl 114 Playfulness (p.114
The following apply to a character with the P 114 Provocation (p.11
The following apply to a character with the Sa 114 Sake (p.114)
The following apply to a character with the S 115 Secrets (p.115)
The following apply to a character with the Sto 115 Stories (p.115)
The following apply to a character with the Te 115 Tea (p.115)
The following apply to a character with the Tr 115 Travel (p.115)
The following apply to a character with the Wo 116 Wordplay (p.116)
The following apply to a character with the Be 116 Benten’s Curse (p
The following apply to a character with the Bi 117 Bishamon’s Curse
The following apply to a character with the Bi 117 Bitter Betrothal (p
The following apply to a character with the B 117 Blackmailed by [c
The following apply to a character with the Bl 118 Blindness (p.118)
The following apply to a character with the Bl 118 Bluntness (p.118)
The following apply to a character with the Clu 118 Clumsiness (p.118
The following apply to a character with the Co 118 Cognitive Lapses
The following apply to a character with the Da 119 Daikoku’s Curse (
The following apply to a character with the Da 119 Damaged Heart or
The following apply to a character with the D 119 Deafness (p.119)
The following apply to a character with the Di 120 Discomfiting Coun
The following apply to a character with the Di 120 Disdain for A Bush
The following apply to a character with the Eb 120 Ebisu’s Curse (p.1
ffect: The following apply to a character with the Fractur 120 Fractured Spine (
The following apply to a character with the Fu 121 Fukurokujin’s Curs
The following apply to a character with the G 121 Gaijin Name, Cult
The following apply to a character with the Ha 122 Haunting (p.122)
The following apply to a character with the Incu 122 Incurable Illness (
The following apply to a character with the Jur 123 Jurōjin’s Curse (p
The following apply to a character with the K 123 Kisshōten’s Curse
The following apply to a character with the Lo 123 Lost Arm or Lost
The following apply to a character with the Lo 124 Lost Eye (p.124)
The following apply to a character with the Lo 124 Lost Fingers (p.12
The following apply to a character with the Lo 124 Lost Leg (p.124)
The following apply to a character with the Lo 124 Lost Memories (p.
The following apply to a character with the Ma 125 Maimed Arm (p.12
The following apply to a character with the Ma 125 Maimed Visage (p
The following apply to a character with the M 126 Momoku (p.126)
The following apply to a character with the M 126 Muteness (p.126)
The following apply to a character with the Ne 126 Nerve Damage (p.
The following apply to a character with the S 127 Scorn of [One Gro
The following apply to a character with the S 127 Shadowlands Taint
The following apply to a character with the Sh 127 Shadowlands Taint
The following apply to a character with the S 128 Shadowlands Taint
The following apply to a character with the Sh 128 Shadowlands Taint
The following apply to a character with the Sh 128 Shadowlands Taint
The following apply to a character with the Sw 129 Sworn Enemy (p.1
The following apply to a character with the W 129 Whispers of Cruelt
The following apply to a character with the W 129 Whispers of Doom
The following apply to a character with the Wh 130 Whispers of Failur
The following apply to a character with the W 130 Whispers of Pover
The following apply to a character with the Wh 130 Whispers of Treac
The following apply to a character with the Ad 131 Addiction (p.131)
The following apply to a character with the Bat 131 Battle Trauma (p.
The following apply to a character with the Cyn 131 Cynicism (p.131)
The following apply to a character with the Dar 132 Dark Secret (p.13
The following apply to a character with the De 132 Delusions of Gran
The following apply to a character with the Fea 132 Fear of Death (p.1
The following apply to a character with the Fe 132 Ferocity (p.132)
The following apply to a character with the Imp 133 Impatience (p.133
The following apply to a character with the I 133 Intolerance (p.133
The following apply to a character with the Irr 134 Irrepressible Flirta
The following apply to a character with the Je 134 Jealousy (p.134)
The following apply to a character with the Mat 134 Materialism (p.134
The following apply to a character with the Me 134 Meekness (p.134)
The following apply to a character with the Pa 135 Painful Honesty (p
The following apply to a character with the Par 135 Paranoia (p.135)
The following apply to a character with the Pe 135 Perfectionism (p.1
The following apply to a character with the Pho 136 Phobia (p.136)
The following apply to a character with the Sof 136 Softheartedness (
The following apply to a character with the Su 136 Superstition (p.13
Adv/Disadvantage Category
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Distinction
Advantage Passion
Advantage Passion
Advantage Passion
Advantage Passion
Advantage Passion
Advantage Passion
Advantage Passion
Advantage Passion
Advantage Passion
Advantage Passion
Advantage Passion
Advantage Passion
Advantage Passion
Advantage Passion
Advantage Passion
Advantage Passion
Advantage Passion
Advantage Passion
Advantage Passion
Advantage Passion
Disadvantage Adversity
Disadvantage Adversity
Disadvantage Adversity
Disadvantage Adversity
Disadvantage Adversity
Disadvantage Adversity
Disadvantage Adversity
Disadvantage Adversity
Disadvantage Adversity
Disadvantage Adversity
Disadvantage Adversity
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Disadvantage Adversity
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Disadvantage Adversity
Disadvantage Adversity
Disadvantage Adversity
Disadvantage Adversity
Disadvantage Adversity
Disadvantage Adversity
Disadvantage Adversity
Disadvantage Anxiety
Disadvantage Anxiety
Disadvantage Anxiety
Disadvantage Anxiety
Disadvantage Anxiety
Disadvantage Anxiety
Disadvantage Anxiety
Disadvantage Anxiety
Disadvantage Anxiety
Disadvantage Anxiety
Disadvantage Anxiety
Disadvantage Anxiety
Disadvantage Anxiety
Disadvantage Anxiety
Disadvantage Anxiety
Disadvantage Anxiety
Disadvantage Anxiety
Disadvantage Anxiety
Disadvantage Anxiety
Roll Thing Combo
1 Famous Deed 1 - Famous Deed
2 Glorious Sacrifice 2 - Glorious Sacri
3 Wondrous Work 3 - Wondrous Wo
4 Dynasty Builder 4 - Dynasty Build
5 Discovery 5 - Discovery
6 Ruthless Victor 6 - Ruthless Victo
7 Elevated for Service 7 - Elevated for S
8 Stolen Knowledge 8 - Stolen Knowl
9 Imperial Heritage 9 - Imperial Heri
10 Unusual Name Origin10 - Unusual Nam
chooses one quality from the list of item qualities, on page Glory Honor
240; these areis,applied
the heirloom but youtocould
the item.
later reclaim it during 3
the campaign.
(1–3: Aesthetics, 4–6: Composition, 7–8: Design, 9–10: 5 5
Smithing); gain +1
(1–3: Command, rank
4–6: in that skill.
Courtesy, 7–8: Games, 9–10: 5
Performance); gainSentiment,
(1–3: Culture, 4–5: +1 rank in 6–7:
that skill.
Government, 8–9: -3
Medicine, 10: Theology);
Arts [Ranged], gain [Unarmed],
8: Martial Arts +1 rank in that skill. 10:
9: Tactics, 3
Meditation); gaindie
Roll a ten-sided +1again
rank to
in determine
that skill. a Trade skill -5
(1–3: Commerce,
can perform 4–5: Labor,even
that technique 6–7:ifSeafaring, 8: Skulduggery, 9–10: Survival); gain
it is not normally -3+1 rank in that skill.
You gainbytheyour school
Blessed Lineage advantage (see page -5
103) (this can be assigned in excess of the normal limitations on advantages at character creation).
Choose two of your character’s rings; you may reduce the value of on -3
Status Skill Increase Advantage


10 Blessed Lineage (p.103)

Clan Crab Crab Crab
School Hida Defender Hiruma Scout Kaiu Engineer
Role 1 Bushi Bushi Artisan
Role 2 Shinobi Bushi
Role 3
Ring 1 Earth Air Earth
Ring 2 Water Water Fire
Starting Skills 5 5 5
Skill 1 Fitness Fitness Command
Skill 2 Martial Arts [Melee] Martial Arts [Melee] Design
Skill 3 Martial Arts [Ranged] Martial Arts [Ranged] Labor
Skill 4 Martial Arts [Unarmed]Skulduggery Martial Arts [Ranged]
Skill 5 Meditation Survival Medicine
Skill 6 Survival Tactics Smithing
Skill 7 Tactics Theology Theology
Skill 8
Honor 40 35 40
Katas 1 1 1
Rituals 1 1 1
Shujis 1 1 1
X 1 1
Starting Technique 1 (ChooseStriking as Earth Pelting Hail Style
Striking as Water Rushing Avalanche Style

Starting Technique 2 (choose one) Striking as Earth

Striking as Water
Starting Technique 3 (choose one)

Starting Technique 4 Lord Hida’s Grip Stonewall Tactics

Starting Technique 5 Tactical Assessment
Starting Technique 6 Stirring the Embers
Starting Technique 7
School Ability Way ofrank
school the Crab
(to a Flickering Flame
rank until the SkirmiMasterful
start Builder
of to ✽ results equal to
Description minimum of 0). your next turn. your school rank.
Traveling clothes, Traveling clothes,
Lacquered armor, ashigaru armor, ceremonial clothes,
traveling clothes, daishō (katana and ashigaru armor,
daishō (katana and wakizashi), yari daishō (katana and
wakizashi), tetsubō or (spear) or yumi (bow) wakizashi), club,
ō tsuchi (war club or and quiver of arrows, oyumi (crossbow),
hammer), club, knife, knife, traveling pack, quiver of bolts,
Starting Outfit traveling pack. finger of jade. traveling pack.
Page 57 58 59
Crab Crab Crane Crane
Kuni Purifier Yasuki Merchant Asahina Artificer Daidoji Iron Warrior
Shugenja Courtier Shugenja Bushi
Bushi Artisan

Earth Air Air Earth

Fire Earth Fire Water
3 5 3 5
Martial Arts [Melee] Commerce Aesthetics Command
Medicine Composition Courtesy Courtesy
Sentiment Courtesy Culture Culture
Skulduggery Culture Design Fitness
Survival Design Games Government
Theology Government Theology Martial Arts [Melee]
Martial Arts [Ranged] Tactics

35 40 50 55

1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 3 1
Striking as Earth Rustling of Leaves Blessed Wind Striking as Earth
Striking as Water Well of Desire Armor of Radiance Striking as Water
Inari's Blessing
Reflections of P'an Ku
Token of Memory

Commune with the SpiriArtisan's Appraisal Commune with the SpiriIron Forest Style
Threshold Barrier Cleansing Rite
Jade Strike
Armor of Earth
if youinto
are Shadow
unsure if a Way of the Carp
adjustments as usual based on the Spiritual Artisan
equal to your school Vigilance
suffers byof Mindthat
being is Tainted or not. specifics of the market available. rank. amount.
Lacquered armor,
ceremonial clothes,
daishō (katana and
wakizashi), yari
(spear) or naginata
Sanctified robes, Traveling clothes, ceremonial (polearm), yumi
wakizashi (short clothes, wakizashi (short sword), (bow), quiver of
sword), knife, makeup knife, yumi (bow), quiver of arrows, knife,
kit, scroll satchel, arrows, calligraphy set, traveling calligraphy set,
traveling pack. pack. traveling pack.
60 61 62 63
Crane Crane Dragon Dragon Dragon
Doji Diplomat Kakita Duelist Agasha Mystic Kitsuki Investiga Mirumoto Two-He
Courtier Bushi Shugenja Courtier Bushi
Artisan Bushi

Air Air Earth Air Earth

Water Earth Water Earth Fire
5 5 3 5 5
Aesthetics Courtesy Fitness Culture Command
Composition Design Martial Arts [Un Government Composition
Courtesy Fitness Medicine Martial Arts [MelFitness
Culture Martial Arts [MelMeditation Medicine Martial Arts [Mel
Design Meditation Smithing Sentiment Meditation
Government Sentiment Theology Skulduggery Tactics
Martial Arts [Ranged] Smithing Survival Theology

50 50 40 45 50

1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
Cadence Shallow Waters The Fires from WStriking as Air Striking as Fire
Shallow Waters Weight of Duty Tetsubō of Earth Tactical AssessmStriking as Water
Whispers of Court Striking as Earth

Lady Doji's Decree Iaijutsu Cut: Risi Cleansing Rite Shallow Waters Dazzling Perform
Commune with the Spirits
Path to Inner Peace
Jurō jin’s Balm
Speaking in Silence
set to ✽ results equal Way of the CraneElemental Trans Kitsuki's Method Way of the Drago
to your school rank. Once per round, yWhen performingWhen a performingOnce
a per round du
Ceremonial clothes,
wakizashi (short
sword), yumi (bow) or
yari (spear),
calligraphy set,
traveling pack, an
attendant or Rokugani
pony (see page 326). Traveling clothesSanctified robes, w
Traveling clothes,Traveling clothes
64 65 66 67 68
Dragon Lion Lion Lion Lion Phoenix
Togashi TattooedAkodo CommandIkoma Bard Kitsu Medium Matsu Berserker Asako Loremaste
Monk Bushi Courtier Shugenja Bushi Courtier

Earth Earth Fire Void Earth Air

Void Water Water Water Fire Earth
4 5 5 3 5 5
Fitness Command Composition Courtesy Command Culture
Martial Arts [MelFitness Courtesy Government Fitness Government
Martial Arts [Un Government Culture Meditation Labor Martial Arts [Un
Meditation Martial Arts [MelMartial Arts [RanPerformance Martial Arts [MelMedicine
Survival Martial Arts [RanPerformance Survival Martial Arts [RanPerformance
Theology Meditation Theology Martial Arts [Un Sentiment
Tactics Survival Theology

40 50 45 50 55 45
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 2 1 1
Earthen Fist Striking as Earth The Rushing WavRushing AvalanchAncestry Uneart
Earth Needs No EStriking as Water Path to Inner PeaSpinning Blades SCadence
Flame Fist Biting Steel
Ki Protection
Water Fist

Lord Togashi’s InLord Akodo’s RoaWarrior's Resolv Commune With the Stirring the EmbeCivility Foremost
Fanning the FlamCleansing Rite
Tributaries of Tr Ancestry Unearthed

Blood of the KamWay of the Lion Heart of the Lion Favor of the AnceMatsu's Fury Wisdom of the Ag
You have one myst
When you succeedOnce per scene, aOnce per scene, yAfter you suffer When performing a
Common clothing,Ashigaru armor, tTraveling clothesSanctified robes, Ashigaru armor, tCeremonial robes,
69 70 71 72 73 74
Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Scorpion Scorpion Scorpion
Isawa ElementalisShiba Guardian Kaito Shrine Kee Bayushi ManipulaShosuro Infiltrat Soshi Illusionist
Shugenja Bushi Monk Courtier Shinobi Shugenja
Courtier Courtier Courtier
Any Two Earth Air Air Air Air
Any Two Water Water Fire Fire Water
3 5 4 5 5 3
Composition Courtesy Fitness Command Courtesy Courtesy
Courtesy Fitness Martial Arts [RanCourtesy Fitness Fitness
Medicine Martial Arts [MelMeditation Design Games Theology
Meditation Meditation Performance Martial Arts [Un Martial Arts [MelGames
Performance Survival Smithing Performance Martial Arts [Un Performance
Theology Tactics Theology Sentiment Performance Skulduggery
Theology Skulduggery Skulduggery

40 45 45 35 30 30

1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
3 1 2 1 1 3
Path to Inner PeaStriking as Earth Commune
Threshold with the
BarrierCadence Whispers of CourBō of Water
Extinguish Striking as Fire Rustling of LeaveSensational DistrCloak of Night
Tempest of Air Cleansing Rite Nature’s Touch
Grasp of Earth Token of Memory

Lord Shiba's ValoTempest of Air Lord Bayushi’s WhDeadly Sting

Commune With the Commune with the
Divination Hawk’s Precision All in Jest

One with the Ele Way of the PhoenSacred Arrows Weakness is my SThe Path of Shad The Kami's Whis
Once per scene whOnce per scene, wAs an action, yo When you exploitWhile performingWhile you are per
Sanctified robes, Ashigaru armor, tSanctified robes, Ceremonial clotheCeremonial clotheSanctified robes,
75 76 77 78 79 80
Scorpion Unicorn Unicorn Unicorn Unicorn Unicorn
Yogo WardmasteIde Trader Iuchi Meishō dō MMoto Conqueror Shinjo Outrider Utaku Battle Mai
Shugenja Courtier Shugenja Bushi Bushi Bushi
Artisan Courtier

Earth Air Earth Fire Earth Air

Water Water Water Water Fire Earth
3 5 3 5 5 5
Composition Commerce Aesthetics Command Commerce Command
Fitness Courtesy Design Fitness Martial Arts [MelFitness
Martial Arts [MelGames Martial Arts [MelPerformance Martial Arts [RanGovernment
Martial Arts [Un Labor Meditation Martial Arts [MelMedicine Martial Arts [Mel
Meditation Martial Arts [RanSurvival Martial Arts [Un Skulduggery Meditation
Theology Medicine Theology Survival Survival Smithing
Survival Tactics Tactics Survival

40 45 40 35 40 50

1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 2 1 1 1
Jade Strike Cadence Grasp of Earth Lightning Raid Striking as Fire Crescen Moon Sty
Grasp of Earth Shallow Water Jurō jin’s Balm Slippery ManeuveStriking as WaterIron Forest Style
The Rushing Wave The Rushing Wave
n of Memory

Ancestry Unearthed
Well of Desire
Commune with theTributaries of Tr Commune with theAll in Jest Lady Shinjo’s Sp Warrior's Resolve
Threshold Barrier
Shallow Waters

Mystical Script Vendor of Strang The Way of NameSwirling Desert Born in the SaddlHeroic Charge
You can have a nuIgnore the ForbidAs a downtime act
When performingOnce
a per scene, When you succeed
Sanctified robes, Traveling clothesTraveling clothesTraveling clothesAshigaru armor, tLacquered armor,
81 82 83 84 85 86
No Clan
Worldly Rō nin

Any Two
Any Two
Martial Arts [Melee]
Martial Arts [Ranged]
Martial Arts [Unarmed]


All in Jest
Honest Assessment
Stirring the Embers
Rustling of Leaves

Pelting Hail Style

Crescent Moon Style

ior's Resolve

School of Waves
Choose one bonus curriculum skill; this skill henceforth counts as part of the Worldly Rō nin Path curriculum for you at a
Traveling clothes, any one weapon of rarity 6 or lower, katana (long sword) or yumi (bow), wakizashi (short sword), an
n Path curriculum for you at all ranks. Each time your school rank increases, choose one additional bonus curriculum skill this way. W
wakizashi (short sword), any two items of rarity 4 or lower.
us curriculum skill this way. When you make a check using one of your bonus curriculum skills, you may negate 1  symbol
y negate 1  symbol
Name Page Rank Type Subtype
Battle in the Mind 174 3 Kata General Kata
Breath of Wind Style 175 4 Kata General Kata
Crashing Wave Style 175 4 Kata General Kata
Crescent Moon Style 175 2 Kata General Kata
Crimson Leaves Strike 175 3 Kata General Kata
Disappearing World Style 175 4 Kata General Kata
Flowing Water Strike 175 3 Kata General Kata
Heartpiercing Strike 176 3 Kata General Kata
Iron in the Mountains Styl 176 4 Kata General Kata
Lord Hida’s Grip 176 2 Kata General Kata
Lord Shiba’s Valor 177 2 Kata General Kata
Soaring Slice 177 1 Kata General Kata
Soul Sunder 177 5 Kata General Kata
Striking as Air 177 1 Kata General Kata
Striking as Earth 178 1 Kata General Kata
Striking as Fire 178 1 Kata General Kata
Striking as Void 178 5 Kata General Kata
Striking as Water 178 1 Kata General Kata
Tactical Assessment 178 2 Kata General Kata
Warrior’s Resolve 178 1 Kata General Kata
Coiling Serpent Style 179 2 Kata Close Combat Kat
Iaijutsu Cut: Crossing Blad 179 2 Kata Close Combat Kat
Iaijutsu Cut: Rising Blade 179 2 Kata Close Combat Kat
Iron Forest Style 180 2 Kata Close Combat Kat
Open-Hand Style 180 2 Kata Close Combat Kat
Rushing Avalanche Style 180 2 Kata Close Combat Kat
Spinning Blades Style 180 2 Kata Close Combat Kat
Thunderclap Strike 180 3 Kata Close Combat Kat
Veiled Menace Style 181 2 Kata Close Combat Kat
Hawk’s Precision 181 1 Kata Ranged Combat K
Pelting Hail Style 181 2 Kata Ranged Combat K
Pin the Fan 181 5 Kata Ranged Combat K
Cleansing Spirit 182 1 Kihō Earth Kihō
Earth Needs No Eyes 182 1 Kihō Earth Kihō
Earthen Fist 183 1 Kihō Earth Kihō
Grasp the Earth Dragon 183 3 Kihō Earth Kihō
Way of the Earthquake 183 2 Kihō Earth Kihō
Air Fist 183 1 Kihō Air Kihō
Riding the Clouds 184 2 Kihō Air Kihō
The Great Silence 184 1 Kihō Air Kihō
Way of the Willow 184 3 Kihō Air Kihō
Breaking Blow 184 1 Kihō Fire Kihō
Channel the Fire Dragon 185 2 Kihō Fire Kihō
Flame Fist 185 1 Kihō Fire Kihō
The Body Is an Anvil 186 1 Kihō Fire Kihō
Way of the Falling Star 186 3 Kihō Fire Kihō
Freezing the Lifeblood 186 2 Kihō Water Kihō
Ki Protection 186 1 Kihō Water Kihō
Ride the Water Dragon 187 3 Kihō Water Kihō
Water Fist 187 1 Kihō Water Kihō
Way of the Seafoam 187 1 Kihō Water Kihō
Death Touch 188 4 Kihō Void Kihō
Still the Elements 188 3 Kihō Void Kihō
Touch the Void Dragon 188 5 Kihō Void Kihō
Way of the Edgeless Swor 188 5 Kihō Void Kihō
Blessed Wind 192 1 Invocation Air Invocation
By the Light of the Lord M 192 1 Invocation Air Invocation
Call Upon the Wind 192 2 Invocation Air Invocation
Cloak of Night 192 1 Invocation Air Invocation
False Realm of the Fox Spir 193 4 Invocation Air Invocation
Grasp of the Air Dragon 193 3 Invocation Air Invocation
Mask of Wind 193 2 Invocation Air Invocation
Nature’s Touch 194 1 Invocation Air Invocation
Rise, Air 194 4 Invocation Air Invocation
Secrets on the Wind 194 2 Invocation Air Invocation
Summon Fog 195 2 Invocation Air Invocation
Tempest of Air 195 1 Invocation Air Invocation
Token of Memory 195 1 Invocation Air Invocation
Vapor of Nightmares 195 3 Invocation Air Invocation
Wrath of Kaze-no-Kami 196 5 Invocation Air Invocation
Yari of Air 196 1 Invocation Air Invocation
Armor of Earth 197 1 Invocation Earth Invocation
Bind the Shadow 197 2 Invocation Earth Invocation
Caress of Earth 197 1 Invocation Earth Invocation
Courage of Seven Thunder 197 1 Invocation Earth Invocation
Earthquake 198 4 Invocation Earth Invocation
Earth Becomes Sky 198 3 Invocation Earth Invocation
Embrace of Kenro-Ji-Jin 198 2 Invocation Earth Invocation
Grasp of Earth 199 1 Invocation Earth Invocation
Jade Strike 199 1 Invocation Earth Invocation
Jurōjin’s Balm 199 1 Invocation Earth Invocation
Power of the Earth Dragon 200 3 Invocation Earth Invocation
Rise, Earth 200 4 Invocation Earth Invocation
Symbol of Earth 200 2 Invocation Earth Invocation
Tetsubō of Earth 200 1 Invocation Earth Invocation
Tomb of Jade 201 5 Invocation Earth Invocation
Wall of Earth 201 1 Invocation Earth Invocation
Armor of Radiance 202 2 Invocation Fire Invocation
Biting Steel 202 1 Invocation Fire Invocation
Breath of the Fire Dragon 202 3 Invocation Fire Invocation
Extinguish 202 1 Invocation Fire Invocation
Fukurokujin’s Wit 203 1 Invocation Fire Invocation
Fury of Osano-wo 203 3 Invocation Fire Invocation
Katana of Fire 203 1 Invocation Fire Invocation
Matsu's Battlecry 204 1 Invocation Fire Invocation
Ravenous Swarms 204 3 Invocation Fire Invocation
Rise, Flame 204 4 Invocation Fire Invocation
The Cleansing Fire 204 1 Invocation Fire Invocation
The Fires from Within 205 1 Invocation Fire Invocation
The Soul’s Blade 205 5 Invocation Fire Invocation
Wall of Fire 205 2 Invocation Fire Invocation
Wings of the Phoenix 206 4 Invocation Fire Invocation
Bō of Water 207 1 Invocation Water Invocation
Dance of Seasons 207 2 Invocation Water Invocation
Dominion of Suijin 207 1 Invocation Water Invocation
Ever-Changing Waves 208 5 Invocation Water Invocation
Hands of the Tides 208 3 Invocation Water Invocation
Heart of the Water Dragon 208 2 Invocation Water Invocation
Inari’s Blessing R 209 1 Invocation Water Invocation
Path to Inner Peace 209 1 Invocation Water Invocation
Reflections of P’an Ku 209 1 Invocation Water Invocation
Rise, Water 210 4 Invocation Water Invocation
Stride the Waves 211 2 Invocation Water Invocation
Strike the Tsunami 211 3 Invocation Water Invocation
Suijin’s Embrace 211 4 Invocation Water Invocation
Sympathetic Energies 211 2 Invocation Water Invocation
The Rushing Wave 211 1 Invocation Water Invocation
Cleansing Rite 212 1 Ritual Ritual
Commune with the Spirits 212 1 Ritual Ritual
Divination 212 1 Ritual Ritual
Tea Ceremony 213 2 Ritual Ritual
Threshold Barrier 213 1 Ritual Ritual
Artisan’s Appraisal 214 2 Shūji Air Shūji
Bend with the Storm 214 5 Shūji Air Shūji
Cadence 214 1 Shūji Air Shūji
Feigned Opening 214 2 Shūji Air Shūji
Prey on the Weak 215 2 Shūji Air Shūji
Rustling of Leaves 215 1 Shūji Air Shūji
The Wind Blows Both Way 215 3 Shūji Air Shūji
Whispers of Court 215 1 Shūji Air Shūji
Wolf’s Proposal 215 4 Shūji Air Shūji
Ancestry Unearthed 216 1 Shūji Earth Shūji
Civility Foremost 216 2 Shūji Earth Shūji
Honest Assessment 216 1 Shūji Earth Shūji
Pillar of Calm 216 4 Shūji Earth Shūji
Stonewall Tactics 216 1 Shūji Earth Shūji
Touchstone of Courage 217 3 Shūji Earth Shūji
The Immovable Hand of P 217 5 Shūji Earth Shūji
Weight of Duty 217 1 Shūji Earth Shūji
Bravado 218 4 Shūji Fire Shūji
Dazzling Performance 218 3 Shūji Fire Shūji
Fanning the Flames 218 2 Shūji Fire Shūji
Lightning Raid 218 2 Shūji Fire Shūji
Rallying Cry 219 3 Shūji Fire Shūji
Sear the Wound 219 5 Shūji Fire Shūji
Sensational Distraction 219 1 Shūji Fire Shūji
Stirring the Embers 219 1 Shūji Fire Shūji
Truth Burns through Lies 219 1 Shūji Fire Shūji
All in Jest 220 1 Shūji Water Shūji
Buoyant Arrival 220 5 Shūji Water Shūji
Ebb and Flow 220 3 Shūji Water Shūji
Regal Bearing 220 4 Shūji Water Shūji
Shallow Waters 220 1 Shūji Water Shūji
Slippery Maneuvers R 221 2 Shūji Water Shūji
Tributaries of Trade 221 2 Shūji Water Shūji
Well of Desire 221 1 Shūji Water Shūji
All Arts Are One 222 3 Shūji Void Shūji
A Samurai’s Fate 222 4 Shūji Void Shūji
Courtier’s Resolve 222 1 Shūji Void Shūji
Lady Doji’s Decree 222 2 Shūji Void Shūji
Lady Shinjo’s Speed 222 2 Shūji Void Shūji
Lord Akodo’s Roar 223 2 Shūji Void Shūji
Lord Bayushi’s Whispers 223 2 Shūji Void Shūji
Lord Togashi’s Insight 223 2 Shūji Void Shūji
Rouse the Soul 223 5 Mahō Mahō
Incite Haunting 224 1 Mahō Mahō
Grip of Anguish 224 1 Mahō Mahō
Mark of Desecration 225 1 Mahō Mahō
Sinful Whispers 225 1 Mahō Mahō
Unholy Fervor 225 1 Mahō Mahō
Skulk 226 1 Ninjutsu Ninjutsu
Deadly Sting 226 2 Ninjutsu Ninjutsu
Noxious Cloud 227 3 Ninjutsu Ninjutsu
Silencing Stroke 227 4 Ninjutsu Ninjutsu
Battle in the Mind (p.174) - Rank 3 General Kata
Breath of Wind Style (p.175) - Rank 4 General Kata
Crashing Wave Style (p.175) - Rank 4 General Kata
Crescent Moon Style (p.175) - Rank 2 General Kata
Crimson Leaves Strike (p.175) - Rank 3 General Kata
Disappearing World Style (p.175) - Rank 4 General Kata
Flowing Water Strike (p.175) - Rank 3 General Kata
Heartpiercing Strike (p.176) - Rank 3 General Kata
Iron in the Mountains Style (p.176) - Rank 4 General Kata
Lord Hida’s Grip (p.176) - Rank 2 General Kata
Lord Shiba’s Valor (p.177) - Rank 2 General Kata
Soaring Slice (p.177) - Rank 1 General Kata
Soul Sunder (p.177) - Rank 5 General Kata
Striking as Air (p.177) - Rank 1 General Kata
Striking as Earth (p.178) - Rank 1 General Kata
Striking as Fire (p.178) - Rank 1 General Kata
Striking as Void (p.178) - Rank 5 General Kata
Striking as Water (p.178) - Rank 1 General Kata
Tactical Assessment (p.178) - Rank 2 General Kata
Warrior’s Resolve (p.178) - Rank 1 General Kata
Coiling Serpent Style (p.179) - Rank 2 Close Combat Kata
Iaijutsu Cut: Crossing Blade (p.179) - Rank 2 Close Combat Kata
Iaijutsu Cut: Rising Blade (p.179) - Rank 2 Close Combat Kata
Iron Forest Style (p.180) - Rank 2 Close Combat Kata
Open-Hand Style (p.180) - Rank 2 Close Combat Kata
Rushing Avalanche Style (p.180) - Rank 2 Close Combat Kata
Spinning Blades Style (p.180) - Rank 2 Close Combat Kata
Thunderclap Strike (p.180) - Rank 3 Close Combat Kata
Veiled Menace Style (p.181) - Rank 2 Close Combat Kata
Hawk’s Precision (p.181) - Rank 1 Ranged Combat Kata
Pelting Hail Style (p.181) - Rank 2 Ranged Combat Kata
Pin the Fan (p.181) - Rank 5 Ranged Combat Kata
Cleansing Spirit (p.182) - Rank 1 Earth Kihō
Earth Needs No Eyes (p.182) - Rank 1 Earth Kihō
Earthen Fist (p.183) - Rank 1 Earth Kihō
Grasp the Earth Dragon (p.183) - Rank 3 Earth Kihō
Way of the Earthquake (p.183) - Rank 2 Earth Kihō
Air Fist (p.183) - Rank 1 Air Kihō
Riding the Clouds (p.184) - Rank 2 Air Kihō
The Great Silence (p.184) - Rank 1 Air Kihō
Way of the Willow (p.184) - Rank 3 Air Kihō
Breaking Blow (p.184) - Rank 1 Fire Kihō
Channel the Fire Dragon (p.185) - Rank 2 Fire Kihō
Flame Fist (p.185) - Rank 1 Fire Kihō
The Body Is an Anvil (p.186) - Rank 1 Fire Kihō
Way of the Falling Star (p.186) - Rank 3 Fire Kihō
Freezing the Lifeblood (p.186) - Rank 2 Water Kihō
Ki Protection (p.186) - Rank 1 Water Kihō
Ride the Water Dragon (p.187) - Rank 3 Water Kihō
Water Fist (p.187) - Rank 1 Water Kihō
Way of the Seafoam (p.187) - Rank 1 Water Kihō
Death Touch (p.188) - Rank 4 Void Kihō
Still the Elements (p.188) - Rank 3 Void Kihō
Touch the Void Dragon (p.188) - Rank 5 Void Kihō
Way of the Edgeless Sword (p.188) - Rank 5 Void Kihō
Blessed Wind (p.192) - Rank 1 Air Invocation
By the Light of the Lord Moon (p.192) - Rank 1 Air Invocation
Call Upon the Wind (p.192) - Rank 2 Air Invocation
Cloak of Night (p.192) - Rank 1 Air Invocation
False Realm of the Fox Spirits (p.193) - Rank 4 Air Invocation
Grasp of the Air Dragon (p.193) - Rank 3 Air Invocation
Mask of Wind (p.193) - Rank 2 Air Invocation
Nature’s Touch (p.194) - Rank 1 Air Invocation
Rise, Air (p.194) - Rank 4 Air Invocation
Secrets on the Wind (p.194) - Rank 2 Air Invocation
Summon Fog (p.195) - Rank 2 Air Invocation
Tempest of Air (p.195) - Rank 1 Air Invocation
Token of Memory (p.195) - Rank 1 Air Invocation
Vapor of Nightmares (p.195) - Rank 3 Air Invocation
Wrath of Kaze-no-Kami (p.196) - Rank 5 Air Invocation
Yari of Air (p.196) - Rank 1 Air Invocation
Armor of Earth (p.197) - Rank 1 Earth Invocation
Bind the Shadow (p.197) - Rank 2 Earth Invocation
Caress of Earth (p.197) - Rank 1 Earth Invocation
Courage of Seven Thunders (p.197) - Rank 1 Earth Invocation
Earthquake (p.198) - Rank 4 Earth Invocation
Earth Becomes Sky (p.198) - Rank 3 Earth Invocation
Embrace of Kenro-Ji-Jin (p.198) - Rank 2 Earth Invocation
Grasp of Earth (p.199) - Rank 1 Earth Invocation
Jade Strike (p.199) - Rank 1 Earth Invocation
Jurōjin’s Balm (p.199) - Rank 1 Earth Invocation
Power of the Earth Dragon (p.200) - Rank 3 Earth Invocation
Rise, Earth (p.200) - Rank 4 Earth Invocation
Symbol of Earth (p.200) - Rank 2 Earth Invocation
Tetsubō of Earth (p.200) - Rank 1 Earth Invocation
Tomb of Jade (p.201) - Rank 5 Earth Invocation
Wall of Earth (p.201) - Rank 1 Earth Invocation
Armor of Radiance (p.202) - Rank 2 Fire Invocation
Biting Steel (p.202) - Rank 1 Fire Invocation
Breath of the Fire Dragon (p.202) - Rank 3 Fire Invocation
Extinguish (p.202) - Rank 1 Fire Invocation
Fukurokujin’s Wit (p.203) - Rank 1 Fire Invocation
Fury of Osano-wo (p.203) - Rank 3 Fire Invocation
Katana of Fire (p.203) - Rank 1 Fire Invocation
Matsu's Battlecry (p.204) - Rank 1 Fire Invocation
Ravenous Swarms (p.204) - Rank 3 Fire Invocation
Rise, Flame (p.204) - Rank 4 Fire Invocation
The Cleansing Fire (p.204) - Rank 1 Fire Invocation
The Fires from Within (p.205) - Rank 1 Fire Invocation
The Soul’s Blade (p.205) - Rank 5 Fire Invocation
Wall of Fire (p.205) - Rank 2 Fire Invocation
Wings of the Phoenix (p.206) - Rank 4 Fire Invocation
Bō of Water (p.207) - Rank 1 Water Invocation
Dance of Seasons (p.207) - Rank 2 Water Invocation
Dominion of Suijin (p.207) - Rank 1 Water Invocation
Ever-Changing Waves (p.208) - Rank 5 Water Invocation
Hands of the Tides (p.208) - Rank 3 Water Invocation
Heart of the Water Dragon (p.208) - Rank 2 Water Invocation
Inari’s Blessing R (p.209) - Rank 1 Water Invocation
Path to Inner Peace (p.209) - Rank 1 Water Invocation
Reflections of P’an Ku (p.209) - Rank 1 Water Invocation
Rise, Water (p.210) - Rank 4 Water Invocation
Stride the Waves (p.211) - Rank 2 Water Invocation
Strike the Tsunami (p.211) - Rank 3 Water Invocation
Suijin’s Embrace (p.211) - Rank 4 Water Invocation
Sympathetic Energies (p.211) - Rank 2 Water Invocation
The Rushing Wave (p.211) - Rank 1 Water Invocation
Cleansing Rite (p.212) - Rank 1 Ritual
Commune with the Spirits (p.212) - Rank 1 Ritual
Divination (p.212) - Rank 1 Ritual
Tea Ceremony (p.213) - Rank 2 Ritual
Threshold Barrier (p.213) - Rank 1 Ritual
Artisan’s Appraisal (p.214) - Rank 2 Air Shūji
Bend with the Storm (p.214) - Rank 5 Air Shūji
Cadence (p.214) - Rank 1 Air Shūji
Feigned Opening (p.214) - Rank 2 Air Shūji
Prey on the Weak (p.215) - Rank 2 Air Shūji
Rustling of Leaves (p.215) - Rank 1 Air Shūji
The Wind Blows Both Ways (p.215) - Rank 3 Air Shūji
Whispers of Court (p.215) - Rank 1 Air Shūji
Wolf’s Proposal (p.215) - Rank 4 Air Shūji
Ancestry Unearthed (p.216) - Rank 1 Earth Shūji
Civility Foremost (p.216) - Rank 2 Earth Shūji
Honest Assessment (p.216) - Rank 1 Earth Shūji
Pillar of Calm (p.216) - Rank 4 Earth Shūji
Stonewall Tactics (p.216) - Rank 1 Earth Shūji
Touchstone of Courage (p.217) - Rank 3 Earth Shūji
The Immovable Hand of Peace (p.217) - Rank 5 Earth Shūji
Weight of Duty (p.217) - Rank 1 Earth Shūji
Bravado (p.218) - Rank 4 Fire Shūji
Dazzling Performance (p.218) - Rank 3 Fire Shūji
Fanning the Flames (p.218) - Rank 2 Fire Shūji
Lightning Raid (p.218) - Rank 2 Fire Shūji
Rallying Cry (p.219) - Rank 3 Fire Shūji
Sear the Wound (p.219) - Rank 5 Fire Shūji
Sensational Distraction (p.219) - Rank 1 Fire Shūji
Stirring the Embers (p.219) - Rank 1 Fire Shūji
Truth Burns through Lies (p.219) - Rank 1 Fire Shūji
All in Jest (p.220) - Rank 1 Water Shūji
Buoyant Arrival (p.220) - Rank 5 Water Shūji
Ebb and Flow (p.220) - Rank 3 Water Shūji
Regal Bearing (p.220) - Rank 4 Water Shūji
Shallow Waters (p.220) - Rank 1 Water Shūji
Slippery Maneuvers R (p.221) - Rank 2 Water Shūji
Tributaries of Trade (p.221) - Rank 2 Water Shūji
Well of Desire (p.221) - Rank 1 Water Shūji
All Arts Are One (p.222) - Rank 3 Void Shūji
A Samurai’s Fate (p.222) - Rank 4 Void Shūji
Courtier’s Resolve (p.222) - Rank 1 Void Shūji
Lady Doji’s Decree (Crane) (p.222) - Rank 2 Void Shūji
Lady Shinjo’s Speed (Unicorn) (p.222) - Rank 2 Void Shūji
Lord Akodo’s Roar (Lion) (p.223) - Rank 2 Void Shūji
Lord Bayushi’s Whispers (Scorpion) (p.223) - Rank 2 Void Shūji
Lord Togashi’s Insight (Dragon) (p.223) - Rank 2 Void Shūji
Rouse the Soul (p.223) - Rank 5 Mahō
Incite Haunting (p.224) - Rank 1 Mahō
Grip of Anguish (p.224) - Rank 1 Mahō
Mark of Desecration (p.225) - Rank 1 Mahō
Sinful Whispers (p.225) - Rank 1 Mahō
Unholy Fervor (p.225) - Rank 1 Mahō
Skulk (p.226) - Rank 1 Ninjutsu
Deadly Sting (p.226) - Rank 2 Ninjutsu
Noxious Cloud (p.227) - Rank 3 Ninjutsu
Silencing Stroke (p.227) - Rank 4 Ninjutsu

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