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Types of Art Example How does this How does this

expression express? unmask the

Visual Arts Paintings, drawing, Artists explore Through visual arts,
printmaking, color, shape, and artists were able to
sculpture, line through bring their
ceramics, painting, sculpture imaginations or
photography, video, making, designing, perceptions into
filmmaking, design, and the like. Artist physical forms and
crafts, and also uses a variety make people who
architecture. of media such as see their works feel
modeling clay, and understand the
paper collage, meaning of it.
textile, and
construction to
create a piece of
Films Venom, Film simulates  Artists have always
Spiderman, experiences that influenced other
Avengers, etc. communicate artists. Some
stories through the filmmakers even
use of moving use a novel written
images. These by other artists to
images are make a movie. In
generally this case,
accompanied by filmmakers make
sound and other use of their
sensory stimulation. creativity
The moving images by transforming
of a film are created imaginations
by photographing formed through
an actual scene reading into reality.
with a camera by
drawings or
miniature models
using traditional
techniques, using
CGI and computer
animation, and
other visuals.
Performance art Ballet, acrobatics, Performance Art is Through performing
opera, and drama usually done in an artist uses their
front of a live talent to make a
audience using the message to its
human body as the audience and
main source of the create a connection
performance. with them. An artist
allows the audience
to experience the
situations and
portrayed on stage
since they share
the same space,
time, and air during
the performance.
Today, most
performance arts
are about the
happenings in the
world in which
artists create
stories to send a
message to society.
Poetry Wussy Boy In this form of art, An artist uses
performance Manifesto words are being words to express
used to create art. his deep emotions
It shows how words and share his
can be creative and experiences. Some
imaginative. This artist turns their
allows an artist to ordinary
see or visualize experiences into
things and give a fascinating tales
meaning of how with underlying
one might feel and storylines and
understand a messages. They
certain sometimes
phenomenon. transform
themselves into the
character of the
story by telling their
Architecture Philippine Arena, Creating and Architects are the
Philippine Sports designing the ones who design all
Complex, structure. Method kinds of buildings.
Malacanang of constructing a A design is a plan,
Palace, etc. building. Planning where an architect
needs to draw and
visualize his
desired kind of
building. They are
considering a lot of
before they draw
the plan, the
building’s function,
types of activities
that will be done in
that building, how
many people are
going to use the
building, and many
Dance Hip-Hop Dance, Dancing involves a Dancing allows a
ballroom, Cha-Cha, series of body person to express
etc. movements his inner feelings,
rhythmically, thoughts, and
usually ton music. experiences by
To express one’s making his body
idea or emotion, move freely. It
dancing allows a expresses how free
person to release one’s body is. Also
energy, or simply helps an artist
take delight in the generate and
movement itself. release his
emotions by
displaying body
according to his
Literary art Novels and comics Literary art focuses Most of the times
on writing and writers or authors
using words with a express their true
unique style. At selves through
times the text will writing using their
be able to make style and
their readers feel techniques. It is
their emotions. their way to
communicate to
present their
experiences, ideas,
values, and culture
so that their
readers can learn
more about these
things and share
their inner thoughts.
Theater Miss Saigo n Theatre or theater Theaters are most
uses live commonly known
performers, called for their art in
actors or actresses, acting. An artist
to present the uses their acting
experience of a real skills to perform an
or imagined event art naturally and
to a live audience in realistically to
a specific place. communicate or
The performers express the
may communicate thoughts and
this experience to feelings of the
the audience character in a
through particular situation.
combinations of An actor makes the
gestures, speech, expression of these
song, music, and thoughts to present
dance. They also the story being told.
often use their
voices and body to
express actions. In
theatre, the
performer must
understand the
script and deliver it
excitingly and
appropriately. The
blocking, costume
designs, set
designs, and other
aspects of the show
should blend to
make the
Applied arts Fashion design, Applied arts is used Applied arts are
decorative design, for artistic designs. used to apply
graphic design, etc. It includes industrial beauty charm and
design, graphic comfort to ordinary
design, fashion useful things in our
design, decorative daily lives. The
arts, and interior artist makes a
design. Also, unique finished
design and product from simple
decoration come to ordinary one to
together to create make it more
things that are attractive and easy
aesthetically to use. Also, artists
beautiful and usually combine
useful, it is done by functionality and
making drawings, style.
paintings, and

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