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Introduction proceeded to brutally suppress the Philippine

independence movement.
The Republic of the Philippines sits on an
archipelago in Southeast Asia and consists of In 1916, the US passed the Jones Act which
7,107 islands with a total area of 300,000 specified that independence would only be
square kilometres. It is located at the granted upon the formation of a stable
intersection of several bodies of water: it is democratic government modelled on the
bounded by the Pacific Ocean in the north, the American model, not the French model as the
South China Sea in the west, the Sulu and previous constitution had been. The US
Celebes Seas in the south, and the Philippine approved a ten-year transition plan in 1934
Sea in the east. Over 90 million people live on and drafted a new constitution in 1935. World
the islands, some 12 million of whom live in War II and the Japanese invasion on
the capital region, Metro Manila. Most of the December 8, 1941, however, interrupted that
people on the islands are of the same racial plan. After heroic Filipino resistance against
stock as the Malays and the Indonesians, but overwhelming odds finally ended with the fall
a Chinese minority (around 1.5%) make up an of Bataan and Corregidor in 1942, a Japanese
influential part of the Philippine economy. “republic” was established, in reality, a period
There are eight major languages and close to of military rule by the Japanese Imperial Army.
a hundred dialects. A new constitution was ratified in 1943 by
Filipino collaborators who were called the
Kapisanan sa Paglilingkod ng Bagong
Constitutional history Pilipinas (Kalibapi). An active guerilla
movement continued to resist the Japanese
The Philippines had long been used as a occupation. The Japanese forces were finally
trading port in Asia, and this led to their defeated by the Allies in 1944 and this sorry
colonization by the Spanish and later by the chapter came to a close.
Americans. The Spanish converted most of
the population to Catholicism and the religion Philippine independence was eventually
remains the dominant one in the country. achieved on July 4, 1946. The 1935
During the later part of more than 300 years of Constitution, which featured a political system
Spanish rule, nationalist sentiment began to virtually identical to the American one,
grow among groups of Indios (which was how became operative. The system called for a
the Spanish referred to the Filipinos), fuelled President to be elected at large for a 4-year
in large measure by the writings of national term (subject to one re-election), a bicameral
hero Jose Rizal (later executed by the Congress, and an independent Judiciary.
Spanish authorities) and other ilustrados (the
Filipino intellegensia). A revolution was
launched against Spain and the
revolutionaries declared Philippine Independence to martial law
independence in Kawit, Cavite on June 12,
From the moment of independence, Filipino
1898. What became known as the Malolos
politics have been plagued by the twin
Congress was convened on September 15,
demons of corruption and scandal.
1898 and the first Philippine Constitution,
Notwithstanding, Presidents Ramon
called the Malolos Constitution, was approved
Magsaysay (1953-57), Carlos Garcia (1957-
on January 20, 1899, ushering what is called
61), and Diosdado Macapagal (1961-65)
the First Philippine Republic. In the Spanish-
managed to stabilize the country, implement
American War of 1898, the revolutionaries
domestic reforms, diversify the economy, and
sided with the Americans, hoping that, with
build Philippine ties not only to the United
the defeat of Spain, independence would be
States, but also to its Asian neighbours.
granted by the US to the Philippines. This,
however, did not happen. After Spain ceded
Ferdinand Marcos was elected president in
(or sold) the islands to the United States in the
1965 and was re-elected in 1969, the first
Treaty of Paris, the US immediately
president to be so re-elected. Desirous of
remaining in power beyond his legal tenure,
he declared martial law in 1972, just before
The 1987 Constitution
the end of his second and last term, citing a Aquino began her term by repealing many of
growing communist insurgency as its the Marcos-era regulations that had repressed
justification. He then manipulated an ongoing the people for so long. In March, she issued a
Constitutional Convention and caused the unilateral proclamation establishing a
drafting of a new constitution – the 1973 provisional constitution. This constitution gave
Constitution – which allowed him to rule by the President broad powers and great
decree until 1978 when the presidential authority, but Aquino promised to use them
system of the 1935 Constitution was replaced only to restore democracy under a new
with a parliamentary one. Under this new constitution. This new constitution was drafted
system, Marcos held on to power and in 133 days by an appointed Constitutional
continued to govern by decree, suppressing Commission of 48 members and ratified by
democratic institutions and restricting civil the people in a plebiscite held on February 2,
freedoms. In 1981, martial law was officially 1987. It was largely modelled on the American
lifted, but Marcos continued to rule by the Constitution which had so greatly influenced
expedient of being “re-elected” in a farce of an the 1935 Constitution, but it also incorporated
election to a new 6-year term. He continued to Roman, Spanish, and Anglo law.
suppress dissent and thousands of vocal
objectors to his rule either mysteriously The 1987 Constitution established a
disappeared or were incarcerated. Despite representative democracy with power divided
economic decline, corruption allowed Marcos among three separate and independent
and his wife Imelda to live extravagantly, branches of government: the Executive, a
causing resentment domestically and criticism bicameral Legislature, and the Judiciary.
internationally. There were three independent constitutional
commissions as well: the Commission on
Audit, the Civil Service Commission, and the
The people’s choice Commission on Elections. Integrated into the
Constitution was a full Bill of Rights, which
When opposition leader Benigno Aquino Jr. guaranteed fundamental civil and and political
was assassinated upon returning from exile in rights, and it provided for free, fair, and
1983, widespread outrage forced Marcos to periodic elections. In comparison with the
hold “snap” elections a year early. The weak document that had given Marcos a legal
election was marked by fraud on the part of fiction behind which to hide, this Constitution
Marcos and his supporters but Marcos had seemed ideal to many Filipinos emerging from
himself declared the winner constitutionally, 20 years of political repression and
amidst international condemnation and oppression.
nationwide domestic protests. A small band of
military rebels tried to mount a coup, which Executive branch
failed because of its discovery, but this
triggered what became internationally The Executive branch is headed by the
celebrated as the “People Power” revolution, President and his appointed Cabinet. The
when droves of people spilled out onto the President is the head of the state and the
streets to protect the rebels, eventually chief executive, but he is subject to significant
numbering well over a million. Under pressure checks from the other branches, especially in
from the United States, Marcos and his family times of emergency, which, given the history
fled into exile. His election opponent, Benigno of the country, was obviously intended to be a
Aquino Jr.’s widow Corazon, was installed as safeguard against a repeat of Marcos’ martial
president on February 25, 1986. law despotism. For example, in cases of
national emergency, the President can still
declare martial law, but not for a period longer
than 60 days. Congress can revoke this
decision by a majority vote, or it can also
extend it for a period to be determined by the Congress, a representative of the Integrated
Congress. Additionally, the Supreme Court Bar, a professor of law, a retired member of
can review the declaration to decide if there the Supreme Court, and a representative of
were sufficient facts to justify martial law. The the private sector. The first four serve for four
President can grant pardons and amnesty. He years, the law professor for three, the retired
is also empowered to make or accept foreign Justice for two, and the private sector
loans. He cannot, however, enter into treaties representative for one year. The Supreme
without the consent of the Senate. The Court Justices may hear, on appeal, any
President and Vice-President are elected at cases dealing with the constitutionality of any
large by a direct vote, but the President may law, treaty, or decree of the government,
only serve one 6-year term. The Cabinet, cases where questions of jurisdiction or
consisting of the President’s advisers and judicial error are concerned, or cases where
heads of departments, is appointed by the the penalty is sufficiently grave. It may also
President and it assists him in his governance exercise original jurisdiction over cases
functions. involving government or international officials.
The Supreme Court also is charged with
Legislative branch overseeing the functioning and administration
of the lower courts and their personnel.
The legislative power is vested in a Congress
which is divided into two Houses, the Senate Government oversight bodies
and the House of Representatives. The 24
members of the Senate are elected at large by The Constitution also establishes three
a popular vote and can serve no more than independent Constitutional Commissions. The
two consecutive 6-year terms. The House is Civil Service Commission acts as a central
composed of 250 elected members. Most of agency in charge of government personnel.
these Representatives are elected by district The Commission on Elections enforces and
for 3-year terms, but 20% of the total administers all election laws and regulations
membership is chosen in proportion to party to ensure that they are free and fair for all
representation. Besides the exclusive power involved. Finally, the Commission on Audit
to legislate, one of the most important powers examines all funds, transactions, and property
of Congress is the ability to declare war, which accounts of the government and its agencies.
it can through a two-thirds vote in both Each of these Commissions is given
houses. Even the power to legislate, however, governing and financial autonomy from the
is subject to an executive check. The other branches of government to ensure
President retains the power to veto a bill unbiased decision-making. All decisions made
passed by both houses, and Congress may by these Commissions are reviewable by the
override this veto only with a two-thirds vote in Supreme Court. To further ensure the ethical
both houses. and lawful functioning of the government, the
Constitution also creates an Office of the
Judicial branch Ombudsman to investigate complaints
regarding public corruption, unlawful
The Court system in the Philippines exercises behaviour of public officials, and other public
the judicial power of government and it is misconduct. The Ombudsman can then
made up of a Supreme Court and lower courts charge such misbehaving public officials
created by law. The Supreme Court is a 15- before a special court called the
member court appointed by the President Sandiganbayan. The Ombudsman is also
without need for confirmation by Congress. independent administratively and financially
Appointment, however, is limited to a list of from the other branches of government,
nominees presented to the President by a although the President is vested with the
constitutionally-specified Judicial and Bar power to appoint the Ombudsman and his
Council. This Council consists of 7 members: Deputies (from a list also prepared by the
the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the Judicial and Bar Council) for single 7-year
Secretary of Justice, a representative from terms. Only the House has the power to
initiate impeachment of the President, the Issues Challenges
members of the Supreme Court, and a few
other constitutionally protected public officials economic the military in
like the Ombudsman. The Senate is then elites and give political
supposed to try the impeachment case. Each more actual questions
of these aforementioned independent
power to the  Ending the
agencies was created for the purpose of
promoting moral and ethical conduct in people? Muslim
government.  Better insurgency in
governance – southern
how to make Mindanao
System of Government more effective
under 1987 Constitution in meeting the
Branch Hierarchy  Spreading
growth – how
to have more
even regional
Issues and Challenges development?
Issues Challenges

 Economic  Corruption Timeline

development  Poor law
– how to enforcement and 1542 Spanish claim the islands
ensure that an ineffective
economic justice system 1898 Spain cedes the Philippines to the US
growth also  Lack of
benefits the transparency 1902 US establishes civil government to
poorer and replace military rule
classes? accountability in
 Minority rights public office 1935 The Commonwealth of the
– how to  Polarization Philippines is established under
ensure multi- between the few President Manuel Quezon and the US
ethnicity and who are wealthy promises independence in 10 years
pluralism for and the many
religious and who are poor 1941 Japanese forces invade the islands
ethnic  Weak actual
minorities? protection of the 1944 The US retakes the islands
 De- human rights of
concentration vulnerable 1946 The US grants the new Republic of
of power – groups (women, the Philippines full independence
how to reduce children,
the minorities, 1965 Ferdinand Marcos becomes President
considerable journalists,
power of the political activists) 1969 Marcos is reelected despite
political and  Involvement of allegations of elections fraud,
Vietnam protests begin, Muslim June 2004 Arroyo elected to Presidency
separatists begin guerrilla war in the
2005 Arroyo resists attempt to impeach
her under allegations of vote-rigging,
1972 Marcos declares martial law, declares a state of emergency in
suspends parliaments, arrests response to an alleged military coup
opposition leaders, and imposes
2007- Ethnic tensions mount between
censorship regulations
2009 Islamic separatist groups and
1973 New constitution adopted granting Christian majority
Marcos broad powers
June 2010 Beningo “Noynoy” Aquino, son of
1981 Marcos wins reelection, martial law Corazon Aquino, elected President
*Developed with input from Dr Florangel Braid
1983 Oppoisiton leader Benigno Aquino (former member of the Constitutional
Commission) and Rene Azurin
killed as he returns to the Philippines
from exile
1986 Marcos opposed in elections by
Aquino’s widow Corazon, mass  United States. CIA World Factbook:
Philippines. , 2011. Web. 27 Jun 2011.
protests of election results in favour
 "Philippines Country Profile."
of Marcos forces him into exile 22/04/2011. BBC News. Web. 27 Jun
11 New Constitution passed  United States Department of
February State. Background Note: Philippines. ,
1987 2011. Web. 27 Jun 2011.
 United States Library of Congress. A
1992 Aquino replaced as President by Country Study: Philippines. , 2011.
Web. 27 Jun 2011.
defence minister Fidel Ramos  1987 Constitution of the Republic of
the Philippines. 1987. Web. 27 Jun
1996 Peace agreement signed with Muslim 2011.
separatist group  Maddex, Robert L. Constitutions of the
World. 3rd ed. Washington, D.C.: CQ
1998 Joseph Estrada, former film star, Press, 2008. Print.
elected President  Bacani, Benedicto. Presidential
System in the Philippines: Some
Issues and Concerns. Web. 8 Jul.
January Impeachment trial against Estrada
2000 suspended, leading to mass protests
which replace Estrada with Vice-
President Gloria Arroyo

April 2001Estrada found guilty of stealing more

than 80 million dollars of state funds
during Presidency, but later pardoned

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