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Learners' Development Matrix

Record the data you gathered about the learners' characteristics and needs in this matrix. This
will allow you to compare the characteristics and needs of learners at different levels. The items
under each domain are by no means exhaustive. These are just sample indicators. You may add
other aspects which you may have observed.

Development Preschooler Elementary High School

Gross-motor skills • They like to move • They body muscle
around. • They’re more is build that they
• They so energetic and energetic. can lift heavy
participative to the • They can do big things.
starting movements such as • They can able to
ceremony/energizer. run and play around. dance with a more
• They like to dance and • Their body can dangerous move
play with their handle/lift big things. like cheer dance.

Fine-motor skills • They practicing their • Their writing skill is • They can create a
writing skills and the improved, the grasp handy craft.
drawing is more on of pen is more • They can fix
scrabble. appropriate. wirings and
• They can put their • They can draw a electronics
plastic and paper visible image with a appliances.
garbage. fine line and stroke. • They can write
stories and poems
• They not stick the • They can write in a with a good hand
Self-help skills paper well but still cursive style. written.
inside to the board.
• They can handle • They can handle
• They need the guide of they self but still their selves even
the teacher but there need the guidance of without guide of
also things that they teacher. the teacher.
can handle by their

Interaction with • They have a good • They have a good • They have a great
Teachers connection. connection with the connection with
• They always ask the teacher. the teacher.
teacher if they can’t • They always as the • They share their
understand. teacher a question. feeling and
• They like to share story • They not shy to thoughts to the
Interaction with with her. share their thoughts. teacher. They
Classmates/friends reach their teacher
• They playing around. • They have a good like a friend.
• They sharing objects bond to their • Everyone has a
and foods. classmate and group of friends.
• They always always talk to each • They mostly
communicating/talking one. helping each other
to each other. • Helping each one to to their task.
• Helping each other in their task. • Always asking
their activities. and talking to each
• They boys interested one.
to the sports like • The boys
Interest basketball and the interested to the
Others • They more active to girls into making sport and the girls
performance activitie s jewelry. is on the beauty
than written activities. care.

Moods and • They happy to get • They are sensitive
temperament of simple things. • They confident to when they are been
expression of • They jolly and easy to share their thought. triggered.
feeling make them happy. • Always like to • They are more
• There are sometime express their selves. expressive.
Emotional they not in the mood • Sometimes thy are • More confidence to
independence and not participating to sensitive and can’t speak at front.
the class. control their • They can control
Others • They always hug their emotion. their
teacher to express their emotion/feelings.

• They are talkative and • They can • They can
always communica te communicate with communicate with
Communication with their classmate simple word using English language
Skills and teacher. other language like with a broader
• They speak clear but English. vocabulary.
simple words. • They can more • They can share
• They can share their speak with a clear clear and
thoughts statement. informative
understandable. • They can rapidly statement.
• Some of them rapidly remember the recall • They rapidly recall
Thinking Skills answer the teacher lesson. the lesson.
question and some
Problem-solving need more time to • Some can rapidly • Their thinking is
think to answer. answer the question broader.
Others and other need time • They can quickly
to think. solve and answer
the problem

Videos Link:



High School

Write the most salient development characteristics of the learners you observed. Based on these
characteristics, think of implications for the teacher.
Level Salient Characteristic Implications to the Teaching-Learning
Observed Process

• They like to move • Always make a performance activity,

Preschool around. where the students are able to move
Age range of • There are sometime around and they can use their body.
learners observed they not in the mood • We have to make sure that the student
and not participating will not just sit because they easily to
to the class. be bored.
• We have to make lesson to be more
interesting and enjoyable that the
student will be focused to the lesson.
• We have to make our student to have
• They are talkative. freedom to share their thoughts.
• Be a listener’s teacher that we can
know the feelings of the student. Also,
it can boost the confidence of the
student and have a good relationship
with them.

Elementary • They can • Encourage student to learn more

Age range of communicate with English word to make broaden their
learners observed simple word using vocabulary.
other language like • Sharing a 5 new English word every
English. class to make them get a new word.
• Use English in reciting and compliment
• They have a good them every time they try to share their
bond to their thoughts.
classmate and
always talk to each • Use a group activity in making a task
one. for the subject.
• Let them have sharing about each one
story and understand the differences of
each one.

High School • The boys interested • Support the student to their interest and
Age range of to the sport and the Encourage them to join clubs to make
learners observed girls is on the beauty them improve their skills.
care. • Also give them a time, where they can
share talents and interest.
• They are more
expressive and • Give them to have experience to talk in
confident. the front of the class, practice to be the
• They can share clear speaker of a day and conduct a
and informative reporting task to more excel their skills
statement. in communicating and public speaking.

While you were observing the learners, did you recall your own experiences when you we
their age? What similarities or differences do you have with the learners you observed?

While observing those videos it feels so nostalgic, I remember the times when I was in their age.
It really gives back a lot of memories while observing them. One of memory I recall is when I
was a kindergarten, I remember that I so cooperative to my teacher, I always an energetic student
and I want to lead to my classmate. There a day my teacher gives me chance to lead our opening
ceremony, she places me on the front and guide me to lead our opening. I think the similarities
that I have with those learners is being cooperative, when I was in the preschool I always
cooperative to our class, every activity I want to join. I also attentive to the class and always
reciting and sharing my thoughts. Lastly is being engaging to the classmate, when I was like
them, I always have a lot of group of peers and everyone in the classroom is my friend. I don’t
see any differences I have to them because as I remember I always like them when I was a little

Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons. How did she/he help
not help you with your needs (physical, emotional, social, and cognitive)? How did it affect

The teacher I will not forget is my adviser teacher when I was grade 1, I will not forget her
because she the one who motivates me to learn. I remember that she gives me a book where I can
take home to practice to read. She is so kind and approachable teacher and her teaching skill
affect me through cognitive and emotional. Because of her I enhance my skill and inspire me to
be a teacher. And the teacher that have negative effect to me is my grade 3 English teacher, he is
a negative teacher because every time we made mistake he shouting and saying bad/curse words
to us that make me scared to the male teachers.
Share your other insights here.

As I observe we can see that the children have difference in characteristic and development. I
realized that we must not differentiate and compare them to each other because everyone has
unique personality and character. As a teacher we have to help the student to enhance
themselves, provide their need and guide them to their develop as a human being. We must not
force the student is can’t able to do things and being left behind instead we should look for an
appropriate strategy that can help the student to develop and meets his needs. The student
development also has different in paces that we should use a different strategy that appropriate to
their learning style and interest. We always have to remember that our student is diverse that we
have to be careful to handle them and be a responsible teacher and also us, teacher is the most
influential to their development that we should make a positive impact to our student.

Theory to Practice

Directions: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer

1. A 14-year-old felt ignored by her crush whom she believes is her one true love She is crying
incessantly and refuses to listen and accept sound advice that the teacher is offering Her refusal
to accept is because

A. she thinks what she feels is too special and unique, that no one has felt like

this before B. the teenager's favorite word is "no," and she will simply reject everything the
teacher says
C. 14-year-olds are not yet capable of perspective taking and cannot take the teacher's

D. teenagers never listen to adult advice

2. A preschool teacher is thinking about how best to develop the fine motor skills of the 4-year-
olds. Which of the following should he best consider? A. Provide daily coloring book activities.

B. Ask the children to do repeated writing drills everyday. C. Encourage children to eat

D. Conduct a variety of fun and challenging activities involving hand muscles daily.

3. Science Teacher Rita showed her class a glass of water with an egg in it. She asked the class:
"What happens to the egg if I add three- tablespoon salt to the glass of water?" This is hypothesis
formulation. What can you infer about the cognitive developmental stage of Teacher Rita's class?

A. Formal operational stage B. Concrete operational stage

C. Pre-operational stage

D. Between concrete and formal operational stage

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

Which is your favorite theory of development. How can this guide you as a future teacher? Clip
some readings about this theory and paste them here.

This is my favorite theory; it is Psychosocial Development theory by Erik Erikson. I like this
theory because this theory covered all age of a human where it shows the development stage
from the infancy to the Old age or death. This theory makes us inform that in our development
have positive and negative side that we have to make sure that we can develop appropriately.
When our development is on the positive side it will make you gain the satisfaction feeling of a
human being while when you are in the negative side you will feel full of regrets. This theory is
so helpful for us a future teacher because it makes us knowledgeable to the development and
need of the students. We can see in this theory it discusses the possible problem and fixation of
the student if they can’t achieve their needs and fall to the negative development. It guides us
how we will make the student to have a positive development, handling them and give an
appropriate guidance for them. It makes us knowledgeable to the skill that the student should be
attained in a certain age and how we will make develop the character and personality of the
student. We know that childhood is the foundation of a person that important from the infancy he
can achieve the positive side of this theory that it will continue and there will no problem to their
development and will not fall to regrets.

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