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In a digital world that has an increasing demand for goods due to all the easy access to products from
home, consumers are now more eager to try new products and receive them at their door. Since covid
appeared there has been a lot of changes in how trade is done, most importantly a lot of business have
been affected. How can small farmers or producers compete in an industry that has forced them to
digitalize or update their processes if they can`t even have enough capital to be able to secure their
supply chain.

There is a different reality in each industry, what’s important is the involvement of each government to
analyze each case independently to secure that small farmers and producers can grow in a healthy
environment that allows them to make good margins and be able to improve their processes to have a
better quality in their products.

One aspect to consider is also how governments protect their industries with laws against predatory
prices from international companies that may take small producers out of business, no matter if the
government is from the right or left, the main topic goes as deep as how important for the country is to
balance internal frow with trade opportunities with specific countries.

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