The Architecture and Implementation of The New Generation Business System in A Commercial Bank

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2009 International Conference on Business Intelligence and Financial Engineering

The Architecture and Implementation of the New Generation

Business System in a Commercial Bank

Zhang Sheng Zhang Gang

College of Information Engineering College of Information Engineering
Taiyuan University of technology Taiyuan University of technology
Taiyuan, Shanxi, China Taiyuan, Shanxi, China

Chang Qing Wang Yan

College of Information Engineering College of Information Engineering
Taiyuan University of technology Taiyuan University of technology
Taiyuan, Shanxi, China Taiyuan, Shanxi, China

Li Pingping
College of Information Engineering
Taiyuan University of technology
Taiyuan, Shanxi, China

Abstract—At present, there are many problems in domestic environment, many banks are obliged to adopt the advanced
commercial banks. This paper describes the fundamental core system [1] matched with international standards to
solution to these problems through the presentation of a rebuild its business system. This paper explains the main
domestic commercial bank, which integrates various business resolving problem and disposing method with the example of
channels by centralizing business platforms and altering the a domestic commercial bank.
business model based on accounting treatment into the
operation model of customer-oriented. It builds a new II. THE NEW SYSTEM’S ARCHITECTURE
generation of business system that is divided into access layer,
Facing with the domestic and external competition of the
support layer, application service layer and business system
layer which respectively implements the functions of docking
financial environment and the openness of the country's
client, unifying data format, exchanging data, database financial industry, this bank realizes the main problems by
services and etc. This paper describes the new architecture, analyzing the existing application system and puts forward
technical support and the physical configuration of the new the architecture of its objective application system[2] by
system. The new system includes eight application combining the business requirements.
subsystems ˖ Core and auxiliary systems; EAI-Synthetical The architecture of the new application system is shown
Front-end system; Plug-business system; Agency business in Figure 1. It can be seen that the new system, though the
system; Managed application System; Analytic applications intranet platform, improves the data utilization by integrating
System; Payment, UnionPay and other external front-end the head office and branches as a whole, which is beneficial
system; Fore-end service channel and their support system. to the cross-regional and overseas business development.
Meanwhile, take the business process of core business This system can be divided into the access layer, the
inquiring and reports printing for example to show the technical support layer, the application service layer and the
effectiveness of the new system. business systems layer. The access layer is the interface
between the various business and financial systems; the
Key words-B-CBS; B-EAI;CRM;C/S technical support layer converts the access information to the
data that can be processed by the bank business system; the
I. INTRODUCTION application services layer (middleware) achieves the data
transformation between clients and servers; the database
After decades of continuously upgrading and expansion,
server clusters of the business system layer includes the core
the current financial IT system platform was formed to
business system and other business systems module.
support running of commercial banks in our country.
The new business system falls into 8 application sub-
Confronting the growing volume of transactions, the
systems: (1)Core and auxiliary systems; (2)EAI-Synthetical
business systems based on splicing and supplementing have
Front-End[3](SFE) system; (3)Plug-business system;
been overwhelmed and are not able to suit China's financial
(4)Agency business system; (5)Managed application system;
openness after entering WTO. Facing with the increasing
(6)Analytic application system; (7)Payment, UnionPay and
competition existing in domestic and international financial

978-0-7695-3705-4/09 $25.00 © 2009 IEEE 501

DOI 10.1109/BIFE.2009.119
other external front-end system; (8)Fore-end service channel III. TECHNICAL SUPPORT
and their support systems. Plug-business system includes
In order to realize the structure of the new application
Foreign Exchange Card system (FEC), fund business system,
system, the designed technical support [5] blueprint is shown
credit management system, exchange liquidation system and
in Figure 2. The access layer changes the costumer’s data
international service system and so on. Agency business
needed to handle into those that can be identified by protocol
system is composed of FET system, fund sales agent system
layer. The protocol layer includes RMI/IIOP/CORBA,
and treasury and taxation front-end system etc. Managed and
analytic application systems include MIS system, CRM [4]
provide transparent access to the remote distributed objects.
system, Asset-liability management, report platform, other
HTTP/ HTTPS/FTP allow users share files with a remote
subsystem and so on. Service channel supporting system
computer. J2EE application services framework is divided
includes the internet-bank, mobile bank, calling centre,
into expression layer and EBSP application layer. JavaBeans,
message platform and so on.
that can be used repeatedly, is Java components’ technical

Figure 1. The architecture of the new application system

Figure 2. Target system technical support

specification (including JSP). In J2EE, Session Beans IV. CORE BUSINESS SYSTEM PRODUCE
behaves as a client session, which gets remote service by CONFIGURATION
calling the conversation components. The XML Web service
is an important distributed computing standard by which it The aim to build world-class bank will come true by
can be implemented that the connectivity and interoperability implementing new core system, rebuilding business
of the cross-platform and cross-programming language processes and following the best empirical examples. The
among systems. LDAP is a protocol that distributes the new generation core business system[6] includes: new core
catalogue information to many different resources. MQ system, business general ledger system, SFE system, branch
supports the communication of application program between counter system(see shadow portion in Fig. 2).
different components such as processor, subsystem, OS and New core system contains the commercial bank deposits,
communication protocol network. loans, payment liquidation and card business. The

Figure 3. The physical configuration of new core business system

Figure 4. The business process of core business IRP system

production environment configuration is shown in Figure 3. whole bank’s analytical system, which is based on data
Two sets of production machines are used to form HA (High warehouse technology after completing on-line running and
Availability).Using two machines Active-Standby can promoting. System users are the tellers of core system's sub-
guarantee the system to service continuously. In the branch and the management staff of the head office or the
following ones, there are two systems to form double- branches relevant business. Figure 4 is the business process
machines hot backup. They are interface platform system, of core business IRP system.
interface platform database, reports data extraction system, Process is as follows: the entire data of the core system is
B-EAI system, the application software system of new core daily loaded to the core data extraction platform; the
system, database software system, SFE system, general increased data of the core extraction platform is daily loaded
ledger system, general ledger system database and branch to IRP system; IRP system preserves historical data; the
SFE system. Furthermore, SFE system backup and general business EAI and the general ledger system daily load the
ledger system fix in the same host computer, while general incremental business data into the IRP system which provide
ledger system backup and SFE system in another one. other systems with the data of the general ledger system and
SFE system is divided into the head office one and the the core business/ business EAI.
branch one. General ledger system and SFE system are
divided into three separate parts running in one machine: VI. CONCLUSIONS
SFE system, general ledger system application and general By system rebuilding, the commercial bank solves the
ledger database. Adopting two host machines is to achieve conflict between the original architecture and business
Active-Standby. The branch SFE system includes: development. Thus it eventually achieves the development
intermediary business platform, UnionPay front-end, Central strategy of the “market-oriented, customer-centric”,
Bank of large, small-payment, ATM, POS front-end and so possesses rapid reaction capability of answering market
on. The branch SFE systems are concentrated in the head changing, and is able to create new financial products to
office and placed on one machine, which is divided into five attract different customer groups. Ultimately, the
separate parts: four branch front-end systems and a front-end commercial bank can provide industry-leading customer
data system, while using two host machines achieves service with more clear objectives, concise process and
Active-Standby. appropriate channels, which could also improve the core
General ledger system receives the accounting data from competitiveness of the commercial bank from the whole.
financial affairs system, core system, FEC system and fund
business system to marshal the entire general ledgers of the VII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
whole bank. It implements unified data structure of financial It is a project supported by Chinese National Natural
affairs information in commercial bank and supports Science Foundations (No. 60772101).
financial report, information bulletin and other purposes. At
present, this bank financial general ledger system has been REFERENCES
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