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COMPONENT ADULT (13 years old CHILD (1-12 years old) INFANT (under 1 year
and above) old)
Recognition of Cardiac Unresponsive (for all ages)
Arrest No Breathing or no normal breathing (only gasping)
No definite pulse felt within 10 seconds
Activation of EMS If you are alone with no Witness Collapse: Follow instruction in the left
mobile phone, leave Unwitnessed Collapse: Give 2 minutes CPR then
the victim to activate leave the victim to activate help and get AED
emergency response then return to the child and infant to continue
system and get the CPR.
AED before beginning
CPR. Otherwise if
someone is there to
help get AED and start
CHECKING OF Carotid pulse Brachial pulse
BREATHING AND Breathing could be checked by the rise and fall of the chest
CIRCULATION For Rescuer if no breathing start CPR
CPR SEQUENCE Compression-Airway-Breathing only if the airway is patent
COMPRESSION RATE At least 100-120/min
COMPRESSION DEPTH 2 inches (5cm) not At least 1/3 AP At least 1/3 AP
more than 2.4 inches diameter diameter
About 2 inches (5cm) About 1 ½ inches (4cm)
CHEST WALL RECOIL Allow complete recoil between compressions
HCPs and PRs rotate compressors every 2 minutes
COMPRESSIONS Minimize interruptions in chest compressions
INTERRUPTIONS Attempt to limit interruptions to <10 seconds
AIRWAY Head-tilt-chin lift (HCP & PR: suspected trauma: Jaw thrust)
VENTILLATION RATIO 1 or 2 rescuers Single Rescuer
(until advanced airway 15:2
placed) 2 HCP rescuers
VENTILATIONS WITH 1 breath every 5-6 seconds (10-12 breaths/min)
ADVANCE AIRWAY Asynchronous with chest compressions
(HCP & PR) About 1 second/ breath
Visible chest rise
DEFIBRILLATION Attach and use AED as soon as available. Minimize interruptions in chest
compressions before and after shock; resume CPR beginning with chest
compressions immediately after each shock.
Abbreviation: AED= Automated External Defibrilator; AP=Antero-posterior, CPR= cardiopulmonary resuscitation, HCP= Healthcare provider,
PR= Professional Rescuer
*Excluding the newly born, in whom the etiology of an arrest is nearly asphyxia.

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