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Title: Second Long Quiz

You are now about to take the Long Quiz in the subject English for Academic and Professional
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Test I. Multiple Choice

A. Choose the correct verb in each of the sentences.
B.  Read each of the given statements carefully. Then, choose the letter that corresponds to your
answer to each item.
 Test II. True or False
Choose whether each of the following statements is True or False.

One more reminder:

Do NOT click “SUBMIT QUIZ” if you are not done yet with the entire test.

A. Choose the correct verb in each of the sentences. (15 items)

1. Ms. Lopez or Ms. Galang ___ the school event.
a. spearheads
b. spearhead
2. Neither my sister nor my brothers ___ excited for their presentation.
a. seem
b. seems
3. The faculty ___ for their individual demonstration.
a. prepares
b. prepare
4. One million people ___ the program for a special cause.
a. join
b. joins
5. The books of a student ___ missing.
a. are
b. is
6. The students ___ their lesson.
a. study
b. studies
7. My seatmate and best friend ___ Angel.
a. is
b. are
8. The number of students who passed ___ increased.
a. has
b. have
9. The student ___ the activity on time.
a. does
b. do
10. Either my mother or my father ____ coming to the meeting.
a. is
b. are
11. The committee ____ these questions carefully.
a. debates
b. debate
12. George and Tamara ____ to watch that movie
a. like
b. likes
13. The players ______ to win.
a. want
b. wants
14. The dance group ____ talent fee.
a. demand
b. demands
15. The movie ____ about two hours to watch.
a. take
b. takes
16. Rob ____ like sports. He likes to play the guitar.
a. doesn’t
b. don’t
17. Ted and Ben ____ going to the movies. They seldom spend their time together.
a. is
b. are

B. Read each of the statements carefully. Then, write the letter that corresponds to your answer to each
(15 items)
1. It means the effective sticking together of your ideas.
a. Coherence c. Support
b. Grammar d. Unity
2. This includes the prewriting, writing, and post writing stages.
a. Coherence c. Unity
b. Communication Process d. Writing Process
3. This is the most basic punctuation mark.
a. Question mark c. Period
b. Comma d. Exclamation Point
4. It uses to separate items in a series.
a. Question mark c. Period
b. Comma d. Exclamation Point
5. These are raw data collected firsthand by the researchers or writers done through field research.
a. Primary Sources c. Magazines
b. Secondary Sources d. Data
6. These are abounding anywhere in printed and electronic forms.
a. Primary Sources c. Magazines
b. Secondary Sources d. Data
7. This is the main source of secondary data.
a. Park c. Government office
b. Community d. Library
8. This is referred to as the act of using another person’s word, idea, or work without giving credit to that
a. Theft c. Violation
b. Robbery d. Plagiarism
9. This is stating a borrowed idea using your own words.
a. Citation c. Quoting
b. Borrowing d. Paraphrasing
10. This is when you use quotation marks to denote exact wordings in your work that are the same as the
original source.
a. Citation c. Quoting
b. Borrowing d. Paraphrasing
11. These are those that are free from copyright law.
a. Primary Sources c. Public Domain Materials
b. Secondary Sources d. Data

12. This pertains to classifying the generated ideas into groups.

a. Freewriting c. Coherence
b. Clustering c. Unity
13. It is a type of writing in which you are expressing your ideas and thoughts in a creative way.
a. Creative Writing c. Technical Writing
b. Critical Reading d. Writing Process
14. It is a type of writing in which the writing mechanics and grammar is very important.
a. Creative Writing c. Technical Writing
b. Critical Reading d. Writing Process
15. This stage of writing is also known as proofreading stage.
a. Post Writing Stage
b. Prewriting Stage
c. Writing Stage

16. The type of paper which is known to be most academic in nature.

a. Critique Paper
b. Review Paper
c. Reaction Paper

17. This paper contains a proposed idea.

a. Concept Paper
b. Position Paper
c. Report
d. Reaction Paper

18. A type of paper which is known to be a more complex version of persuasive essay.
a. Position Paper
b. Concept Paper
c. Report
d. Review Paper

Tell whether each of the following statements is True or False. Choose True if the statement is correct
and False if otherwise.
F 1. The verb has no ‘s’ if the subject is singular.
F 2. An autobiography is a secondary source of data because it is printed.
T 3. In the Philippines, the copyright protection of a literary work is additional 50 years from the death of the

F 4. In writing, you may change the information for the sake of your purpose.

T 5. Colons are used in series that contains commas.

T 6. The subject ‘the number’ takes a singular verb.

F 7. A critique paper is more on opinion and some factual information.

F 8. The primary goal of a position paper is to convince or persuade the readers.

F 9. In a position paper, you only need to present the weakest point of the opposition for your readers to believe
in your side.

T 10. One can also use a colon with salutations.

T 11. Performing another person’s copyrighted music is plagiarism.

F 12. A student who forgot to copy the source of another article copied the source from his classmate to have
citation is not plagiarism.

T 13. Copying a quotation as the caption of your photo with the name of the person who originally said it and
placing quotation marks is not plagiarism.
F 14. Using a sentence on your paper from another article is not plagiarism when you change some of the words
into their synonyms.

T15. Naming the author of an article yet he/she is not the real source of data is plagiarism.

T 16. Paraphrasing the original text using your own words and including citation is not plagiarism.

F 17. Telling a story as if you personally witness it is not plagiarism because plagiarism is only possible in
writing not in speaking.

T 18. Composing a piece of music which heavily borrows from another composition is plagiarism.

F 19. Changing the words yet the structure is still the same to maintain the main idea is not plagiarism.

F 20. A borrowed idea used on your own paper is not plagiarism when you already paraphrased it.

T 21. Proofreading is carefully checking for errors in a text before it is published or shared.

T 22. Primary source is a document or physical object which was written or created during the time under study.

T 23. Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation is a ground for Plagiarism.

F 24. Reusing a portion of old work for new assignments or research is not plagiarism.

T 25. In writing, there are generally accepted standards of conduct and moral judgment that writers should observe.

T 26. Quotations are the exact words of an author, copied directly from a source, word for word. Quotations must be

T 27. The audience, information, values, and approach are the factors to consider in writing sensitive issues.

T 28. A writing output has three parts: the introduction, body, and conclusion.

T 29. Grammar and writing are always connected.

T 30. Critique Paper is an intellectual discourse integrating just a few personal opinions, many facts supported
by sources, and other aspects.

T 31. Review Paper balances opinions with facts, thus giving the paper a more mature outlook.

T 32. A position paper is a more complex version of a persuasive essay.

T 33. In argumentative writing, you should consider in choosing words carefully and write with style and

T 34. The primary goal of a position paper is to declare a position on a certain matter or issue.

T 35. A concept paper provides a framework that may be used in writing a proposal.

T 36. An outline helps a writer become more organize in writing.

T 37. Presenting a well-prepared resume is your first step toward employment.

T 38. Some of the sources of job advertisements are billboards, newspapers and TV announcements.

T 39. A writing output has three parts: the introduction, the body and the conclusion.

T 40. Grammar and writing are always connected.

F 41. Creative writing is a type of writing in which the writing mechanics and grammar is very important.

T 42. Technical Writing is also called as “Academic Writing.”

F 43. Freewriting is a method under the prewriting stage wherein we group the ideas according to their relevance.

F 44. Review paper is commonly used in senior high school, in college, and even in graduate school.
T 45. Self- Plagiarism is when you copy an old work and submit it as a new research.

T 46. Subject and Verb are the core parts of a sentence.

T 47. A semi-colon can be used to shorten the gap between two short sentences with parallel thoughts.

F 48. Colon is used because there should be a pause in a sentence.

T 49. In ethical writing, we need to consider the ff: audience, information, approach, and values.

T 50. A resume is a written compilation of your education, work experience, credentials, and accomplishments.

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