Attendance and Time Management

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Attendance and Time Management

Purpose of this feature is to track the attendance, working hours and work analytics of employees.

1. QR Codes: Attendance can be managed using QR Codes. There shall be a monitor/screen at the
entrance of the office which displays the QR code which keeps on changing. Each employee is
required to enter his/her name against which a QR code appears. The employee is then required
to scan the QR code from his/her mobile which will mark his or her attendance or log-in time. At
the time of leaving, he/she is required to sign out by using the same procedure of scanning the
2. Location: To make sure that the employee has marked his/her attendance within the office
premises, his/her location shall be tracked by the application. The built-in location of office
premises shall be added in the HRIS which will only operate when an employee is within the
defined premises.
3. Company’s network: The HRIS shall only mark the attendance of the employee when connected
to the specific network of the company. If he/she is not connected to the network, the HRIS will
show the login error.
4. Bar codes: bar code cards shall be provided to employees which shall be integrated with HRIS.
Each time an employee enters or leaves the office premises he/she shall scan those barcodes
with the scanning machine, HRIS will automatically track the total working hours or Total Inn
hours of the employee.
5. Systems Timers: In addition to clause (4) the laptop or systems timer shall be set. If an employee
is away from his/her system, the laptop shall turn off and mark his time off, deducting his
working hours from his total hours.
6. Face recognition: face recognition devices shall be installed at the entrance of the office or with
the monitors so that when an employee logs in, along with the cards or QR codes the system
recognizes the face to ensure that no one else is logging in for someone else.
7. PIN verification: Each time an employee enters the office; he/she will enter his/her name in the
monitor placed at the front desk. By entering his name an automatic pin code will be generated
which is supposed to be entre in laptops to sign in within 15 minutes of their arrival in the office.
This is helpful to reduce the time wastage at the start of the day.
8. Bio-metric device compatibility: Resource in supports Biometric-based, RFID & Face detection
machines integrated with HRIS system which will use RFID cards detection along with face
detection to login. Either of it is invalid the login will fail.
9. Task Assignment/Task sheets: Supervisors and teams can delegate tasks to their subordinates
in the timesheets of HRIS. Where the verbal assigning of tasks will be reduced and it will track
the working hours and productivity of the employee.
10. Real-time Image/Video Capture: the feature shall allow employees to record a video by asking
them to say a different word each time or to capture a real-time picture once they log in. It can
ask employees to write or speak specific numbers (different each time) in order to eradicate
11. Geo-fencing; this feature can be used along with any other above-mentioned feature: with this
feature we can set a geographic boundary by using GPS, whenever an employee will enter that
boundary, his/her HRIS system will be activated and mark his attendance automatically.


1. Geo Location: for employees working in the field, the HRIS shall have a feature of selfie and
geo-location tracking where an employee will submit his/her selfie along with which the system
will track the location automatically.
2. MY IP: for employees working from home. Each time they log in, they shall choose the option
of working from home, which will next ask them to enter their IP. They can search their IP by
typing “MY IP” on the google search bar and can enter the IP number.
3. Specific IP: assign specific IP addressed to the employees and integrate it with HRIS to keep the
track of employees working remotely.
4. Location: while working from home, whenever they will select the option “Work from Home”
from HRIS to log in, the system will automatically trace their current location. With the support
of a system timer. Each time they will start their system, the HRIS will track their location.
5. PIN verification:
6. Real-Time Tracking: this feature can be used specifically for field workers where our HRIS can
track their real-time location once they log in till they log out (Similar to Uber & Careem).
7. Apps and Website Monitoring: this feature shall be added in HRIS to track or monitor the apps
or websites which are mostly used by Employees, e.g Azure DevOps. This shall track the
employee’s activity and time spent on each app or website. It will generate a daily report
identifying the number of useful hours an employee has spent.
8. Real-time Image/Video Capture: the feature shall allow employees to record a video by asking
them to say a different word each time or to capture a real-time picture anytime between their
working hours to keep the record that they are not faking their presence. It can ask employees
to write or speak specific numbers (different each time) in order to eradicate buddy-punching.
9. Registered devices: all the devices which an employee can possibly use for work purposes
(testing devices, personal/official laptops, personal/official computers, personal/official tablets)
shall be registered on HRIS and the company shall reserve the right to track the work-related
applications, sites and software to track.

The HRIS shall generate the automatic reports of attendance including their;

 All clock in,

 Clock out,
 Breaks duration,
 Number of time the pin code was entered (To log into the laptops/systems)
 Total Working Hours
 Over Time
 Negative Working Hours
 Extra working day.

The HRIS shall also generate a graphical report of working hours, (daily, weekly, and Monthly report) to
show a quick view of employees working hours.


The attendance module shall be integrated with other modules of the HRIS to ensure corrupt-free
Human resource management. It shall be integrated with:

Leaves Management Module-

 If someone has not marked his/her attendance, the module shall automatically mark his/her
leave and shall be automatically deducted from his/her leaves quota.
 If an employee has worked less than 5 hours a day, the HRIS shall automatically mark his/her
half day. Two half days in a month will be counted as 1-day leave and shall be automatically
deducted from the leaves quota.
 If an employee is working from home, by choosing the option of work from home from the
dashboard, the HRIS shall automatically mark his/her work from home, calculate the number of
hours he/she worked (marking the percentage of work done at home. E.g WFH 100%, WFH 70%
etc.). As developers are allowed to work 2 days from home each month. So HRIS shall
automatically deduct the respective days from the quota. Once the quota is exhausted

Pay Roll Module-

 As payroll is calculated on basis of the number of days worked, number of days appeared at
work, extra working days, extra working hours, leaves and attendance etc. so this attendance
module along with the leaves module shall be integrated with payroll to automatically calculate
the payroll of the month.
 The attendance and leave module integration shall allow the payroll module to extract the data
for leaves quota, and attendance and to calculate the payment of the days of the month
 If an employee has an exhausted quota the Payroll module shall automatically deduct the salary
of the employee accordingly.
 As per our company policy, 3 late arrivals (15 mis buffer) lead to deduction of one-day salary or
deduction of attendance bonus. So if an employee has arrived late on any 3 days of the month,
the payroll module shall automatically deduct his/her 1-day salary. Similarly, if an employee is
coming late continuously, not serving complete working hours, and taking unscheduled breaks,
the Payroll module shall deduct the attendance bonus from his/her salary automatically.
 Requests, amendments, and changes option shall be open and rights shall only be given to
authorized personnel in order to make changes if necessary but only with the approval of CEO.
 The approvals shall also be taken directly from HRIS. In order to amend the data, the Finance
manager shall generate a request on HRIS to the CEO (add notes or detail option shall be given).
On approval from CEO over the HRIS system the Finance manager shall be allowed to make the

Employee performance-
It shall be integrated with the employee performance module to review the overall working hours, extra
working hours, and performance of the employees.

 This Attendance management module shall generate the report which shall be integrated with
performance evaluation or management on a weekly and monthly basis which can help the HR
department to analyze one of the factors of employee’s performance i.e time served/time
 Whenever an employee is away from his laptop during working hours for a longer time, the HRIS
shall send a notification to the employee’s mobile number and on the HRIS dashboard to notify
the employee that his performance is being measured.
 However, 45 minutes Lunch break and Prayer break shall be added and given the leverage to the

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