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Code E1-2

Issue(2) 17/4/2018

Elementary and Early Childhood Lesson Plan

Trimester: 3 Subject: Science Grade: 2

Week: 3 ✔ Single
Date: 12/4/ 2020 – 16/4/2020 Session
Day: 1 € Block

Topic Chapter 1- Lesson 3: What are some ways mater can change?
DCI-2-PS1.A.1: Different kinds of matter exist and many of them can be either solid or liquid, depending
Standards on temperature. Matter can be described and classified by its observable properties.

Objectives Students will be able to Investigate to determine ways that matter can be changed.

✔ Research € Communication ✔ Thinking € Social

✔ Self-management
ATL Skills

Stage Time Steps Material

- Students will be asked to get what is available

from the following objects:
✔ Paper
✔ Play dough
✔ Pencil
en ✔ A straw
5 min. ppt
- They will have to elicit some of the physical
properties of these objects
- Students will then be asked to change the
properties of those objects without changing the
matter or its state.
Att 20 - Students will then be introduced to different ways Ppt
ain min. to change the physical properties of their objects
such as (mold, tear, sharpen, cut, fold, bend)
- They will then know that matter can be changed.
Code E1-2
Issue(2) 17/4/2018

A Physical change happens when matter changes

but does not become a new kind of matter.
- They can cut a paper using scissors to change its
size. Cutting the paper changes its size and shape
but still it is a paper after you cut it.
- There are other different ways that matter can
- Students will also get to know that some changes
can be reversible like when you put clay apart,
you can return the parts back together. But, if you https://
cut a paper, you won’t be able to put it back
together. watch?v=91ZXVw58Ths
- Students then will be moved to another type of
change, which is the chemical change.
- Students are going to guess what the object in the
mystery box is using some clues about the new
type of change.
- They will then watch a video about making bread:

Ac Students are going to watch the following video Ppt

5 min. summing up physical and chemical changes:
on v=BgM3e8YZxuc

€ By Process
✔ By € By Product
Differentiation: € By Content Different
Support Different outcome

HW Assignment:
Code E1-2
Issue(2) 17/4/2018

Elementary and Early Childhood Lesson Plan

Trimester: 3 Subject: Science Grade: 2

Week: 3 ✔ Single
Date: 12/4/ 2020 – 16/4/2020 Session
Day: 2 € Block

Topic Chapter 1- Lesson 3: What are some ways mater can change?
DCI-2-PS1.A.1: Different kinds of matter exist and many of them can be either solid or liquid, depending
Standards on temperature. Matter can be described and classified by its observable properties.

Objectives Students will be able to Investigate to determine ways that matter can be changed..

✔ Research € Communication ✔ Thinking € Social

✔ Self-management
ATL Skills

Stage Time Steps Material

en 5 - Students will be reminded with the part of the ppt
tio min. lesson they covered in the previous session.

15 - Students will then move to mixing and separating Ppt

Att min. mixtures.
- The will apply making a mixture on salad, and
me https://
nt through it they will be introduced to the new
concept “mixture”. v=ppMdfnt80NE
- They will then apply it on fruit salad.
- Students will then move to water mixtures and
the different ways they are separated.
- They will watch the following video to see how
salt is separated from water through evaporation:
Code E1-2
Issue(2) 17/4/2018


- Students will play the following online games on

physical and chemical change: https://
in-matter-games/changes-in-matter-word-o- changes-in-matter-
rama.html games/changes-in-
Ac matter-word-o-
tiv 10 rama.html
ati min.
- Students will answer the booklet pages. 1

Booklet pages

€ By Process
✔ By € By Product
Differentiation: € By Content Different
Support Different outcome

HW Assignment: Week 3- Science task (assigned on Edmodo)

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