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Will - going to (same meaning).

Will -> momentarily decisions

Going to -> pre-planning

I will marry her in one hour. -> will you marry me?
I’m going to marry her in one hour.

Probably -> helping verb. X auxiliary verbs

Adverbials of probabilities

I go to school.
I am going to school
When is a wh-word. We use when to ask questions, as a conjunction and to introduce relative

When as a question word

We can use when to ask for information about what time something happens:
When did you leave?
When are you going on holiday?
When will you know the result of the exam?

We can use when in indirect questions:

She asked me when I would be ready to start the job.
She said “When will you >>>?”
Haifa said “Could you open the windows, please?”
Haifa asked me to open the windows.
I wonder when the new computers will arrive.

When as a conjunction
We use when as a conjunction meaning ‘at the time that’. The clause with when is a subordinate
clause (sc) and needs a main clause (mc) to complete its meaning. If the when-clause comes
before the main clause, we use a comma.

Talking about the past

[SC]When I was young, [MC]there were no houses here.
[MC]Nobody spoke [SC]when she came into the room.

Talking about the present
When you start the engine, there’s a strange noise.
If/when/whether/unless-> 4 cases

Talking about the future

In references to the future with when, we use the present simple or the present perfect in
the when-clause, not the future with shall and will:
When the new park opens, I’ll go there every day.
Not: When the new park will open, I’ll go there every day.
When I’ve finished my homework, I’m going to phone Marita.
Not: When I’ll finish my homework, I’m going to phone Marita.
We can use when as a conjunction to mean ‘considering that’:
What’s the point in going out when we have to be home by eleven o’clock?

When as a relative pronoun

We can use when as a relative pronoun in relative clauses:
That was the week when we booked our holiday.
The parcel arrived in the post at 11 am, when I was still at work.
Restrictive clause, non-restrictive clause.

Ahmed, who is a diligent student, studies at university.

July, the month when I was born, is extremely hot.

Since when?
We can use since when to ask at what time something began. We often use it as a response when
we are surprised that something has begun:
Hilary’s working at the Art Museum now.
Really? Since when?
Oh, she’s been there about three months.
Using Since when at the start of a question can express anger or sarcasm:
[talking about children watching television]
Maybe you should try not to let them watch so much television.
Since when are you an expert on childcare? (This is very direct.)

When or if?
We use when to refer to a future situation or condition that we are certain of, whereas we use if to
introduce a possible or unreal situation.

When I see Gary, I’ll tell him that you said hello. I will definitely see Gary.

If I see Gary, I’ll tell him that you said hello. I may see Gary but I am not certain.

When or since?
We use when to mean ‘(at) the time that’. We use since to refer to a particular time in the past
until another time or until now:
I had a great time when I went to the coast.
I have been having a boring time since I came back home.
Not: I have been having a boring time when I came back home.
Since I was a child.
I knew her when I was a child.

When: typical errors

 Be careful not to use when instead of if:
If you arrive too late, you are not allowed to take the examination because they don’t accept late
Not: When you arrive too late, …
 Be careful not to use when instead of since:
I was very surprised to see him because it’s been a long time since I last saw him.
Not: … it’s been a long time when I last saw him.
 We don’t use will after when to mean ‘at that time’:
When I start college, I’ll miss my old school friends.
Not: When I’ll start college, I’ll miss my old school friends.

Past simple vs Past Progressive:

I was playing video games.

While my brother was watching T.V

I was playing video games when my dad arrived.

While = 7 to 8 PM =
When = 7 PM sharp

When you heat water, it boils.

If you heat water, it boils.

When you take his toy, he cries.

When you take his toy, he’ll cry.

I have seen her, when I was walking.

I ate an apple ten minutes ago.

(Time) in the mood for another apple.
I have eaten an apple.

Process of Elimination
Process of Implementation
Two similar options, probably both are wrong.
I always liked him.
(Keywords -> Beginners)

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