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Bài 1 - I.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in
the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

Câu 1
A cosmetics B economics
C photography D experience

Trọng âm của từ " economics" rơi vào âm tiết thứ ba. Trọng âm của các từ còn lại rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai.
( A: /kɔz´metik/ ; B: /,i:kə'nɔmiks/ ; C: / fəˈtɒɡrəfi / ; D: /iks'piəriəns/ )

B - Trả lời B
Câu 2
A lemon B physics
C decay D decade

Trọng âm của từ " decay " rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai. Trọng âm của các từ còn lại rơi vào âm
tiết đầu tiên.
(A: /´lemən/ ; B: / ˈfɪzɪks / ; C: /di'kei/ ; D: / ˈdekeɪd / )

C - Trả lời C
Câu 3
A modernise B vaporise
C organise D deliver

Trọng âm của từ " deliver " rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai. Trọng âm của các từ còn lại rơi vào
âm tiết đầu tiên.
(A: /´mɔdə¸naiz/ ; B: /'veipəraiz/ ; C: / ˈɔˈrɡənaɪz/ ; D: / dɪˈlɪvər/ )

Câu 4
A vacancy B calculate
C delicious D furniture

Trọng âm của từ " delicious " rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai. Trọng âm của các từ còn lại rơi vào
âm tiết đầu tiên.
( A: / ˈveɪkənsi / ; B: / ˈkælkjuleɪt / ; C: / dɪˈlɪʃəs/ ; D: / ˈfɜˈnɪtʃə(r) / )

Câu 5
A enjoy B require
C apply D whisper

Trọng âm của từ " whisper " rơi vào âm tiết đầu tiên. Trọng âm của các từ còn lại rơi vào
âm tiết thứ hai.
( A: / ɪnˈdʒɔɪ / ; B: / rɪˈkwaɪə(r) / ; C: / əˈplaɪ /; D: / ˈwɪspə(r) /

D - Trả lời D
Bài 2 - II. Mark the letter A,B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.

Câu 1 At parties, Kill was always very _______ and talkative.

A outgoing B insecure
C tense D calm

Outgoing (adj) = sociable ( thoải mái, chan hòa)

A - Trả lời A
Câu 2 “ shall I turn on the televison? “ – No, I‟d rather not _________ television tonight.
A watching B watch
C to watch D be watched

Would rather + ( not) bare infinitive => to express preferences

B - Trả lời B
Câu 3 she‟s looking for a roommate as she can‟t get used to _____everything on her own.
A have to do B have been doing
C having done D having to do

Get/ be used to sth/ to doing sth: quen với điều gì/ làm việc gì

D - Trả lời D
Câu 4 _________ she got home, her husband had dinner ready and waiting for her.
A by the time B as soon as
C once D until

By the time => time expression ( by the time one event occurred, another had occurred
before it)

A - Trả lời A
Câu 5 “ it‟s cold in here!” – “___________ the window?”
A shall I close for you B would you like me to close
C do you like that I close D would you like my closing

Would you like me to close the window? => polite offer.

Câu 6 I will keep you application ________ file for the time being.
A in B with
C on D at

On file = in a file, to be used later ( Cắt vào hồ sơ lưu trữ) => common phrase

Câu 7 “could you lend me twenty dollars?” – “__________ you promise to repay it next
A in case B on condition that
C if only D as long

On condition that = provided/ providing that = as long as = only if ( với điều kiện)

B - Trả lời B
Câu 8 she can‟t be interested in the lessons,___________ that she always arrives late.
A viewing B seeing
C noting D judging

Seeing that (idm): because of the fact that

B - Trả lời B
Câu 9 When his business failed, he started again from_________.
A scratch B blank
C introduction D beginning

From scratch (idm): từ con số không, từ đầu

Câu 10 The lecture_________ from prehistory to modern times and gave the audience much
to think about.
A covered B included
C ranged D dealt

Range from sth to sth : từ … đến….

Câu 11 Thomas Malthus claimed that disease, war, famine, and _______________ checks on
population growth.
A moral restraining B morally restrain
C by moral restraint D moral restraint

Moral restraint: ràng buộc về đạo đức => cấu trúc song song

D - Trả lời D
Câu 12 it‟s crucial ____________ late, or the tour bus will depart without you.
A your not being B that you won‟t be
C that you not be D to be not

It‟s crucial (that) you not be late => adjevtive of urgency + that clause with negative bare

C - Trả lời C
Câu 13 Believing he would pass the test without opening a book was wishful___________
A thought B thinking
C think D thinker

Wishful thinking (n): điều mơ tưởng

Câu 14 The beach was so crowded the other day that we _________ difficulty finding an
empty spot.
A have B have had
C had D have been having

Had => simple past

C - Trả lời C
Câu 15 ___________Tom‟s very good at physics, his little brother is absolutely hopeless.
A despite B as soon as
C while D whenever

While (conj) => used to contrast two things ( trong khi đó)

C - Trả lời C
Câu 16 We can‟t go skating. The__________ has been closed for repair.
A ring B course
C rink D pitch

Rink (n): sân băng, sân trượt pa-tanh

C - Trả lời C
Câu 17 Ralph Waldo Emerson‟s belief________ the individual freedom of all people greatly
influenced later American thinkers.
A as of B on
C in D as in

Belief (in sth / sb) (n) niềm tin vào cái gì/ vào ai

C - Trả lời C
Câu 18 “ how‟s the new job?” – “_______”
A as far as it goes B few and far between
C so far so good D far from it.

So far so good = up to now , everything is fine => expression with “far” ( cho đến nay
mọi việc đều ổn)

Câu 19 It was wrong of him _______ for what he did to you and your family.
A not having to apologize B not to have apologized
C not apologizing D that he hadn‟t apologized

It was wrong of him not to have apologized… => it + be+ adjective + of + object + not +
to – infinitive (predicate adjective + negative infinite)

Câu 20 There‟s a good weather_________ for tomorrow
A prediction B foretell
C prophecy D forecast

Weather forecast : chương trình dự báo thời tiết

D - Trả lời D
Câu 21 She was _______ with intelligent and wit.
A talented B presented
C endowed D complied

Be endowed with sth (cụm) : to naturally have a particular feature, quality, ect ( được trời
phú cho)

C - Trả lời C
Câu 22 The gallery is closed for _________.
A reproof B renovation
C resemblance D repentance

Renovation (n): sự nâng cấp, sự sửa chữa

B - Trả lời B
Câu 23 She‟s just bought three new dresses, ________ her if she gains weight
A none of them will fit B that won‟t fit
C but none of them fit D none of which will fit
None of which will fit her => qualifier + relative clause ( = but none of them will fit her)

D - Trả lời D
Câu 24 He winked at me and gave me one of his __________ looks.
A known B ackowledged
C knowing D knowledgeable

Knowing look: a look that suggests sb knows about sth ( cái nhìn biểu hiện)

Câu 25 The sergeant was furious because he hadn‟t been __________ of the maneuvers.
A notified B announced
C referred D communicated

Notify sb of sth/ notify sth to sb/ notify sb that (v) = inform ( thông báo)

Câu 26 The local press has been pouring ________ on the mayor for dissolving the council.
A blame B hatred
C disapproved D scorn

Pour scorn on sb/sth (idm): dè bĩu ai

Câu 27 I‟m _________ to keen on visiting the parkers again so soon.
A that B none
C such D very

“none” used with “ too” and an adjective or adverb to mean “ not at all” , “ not very” (
không…. Lắm)

Câu 28 It‟s no wonder the children felt disappointed because first their parents promised to
take them to Disneyland and then they _________ on their word.
A played down B drew out
C came off D went back
Go back on one‟s word: không giữ lời hứa

Câu 29 ________ a new job until he was offered a substantial raise and promotion
A his intention to find B he‟s intent on finding
C he‟d been intending to find D his intention of finding

Verb tense : past perfect continous to emphasize the continuous nature of an action which
happened before another in the past.

C - Trả lời C
Câu 30 Jane‟s been _________ a bad patch – a holiday should cheer her up
A coming up with B going through
C bringing up D getting down

Go through a bad patch: trải qua giai đoạn khó khăn => common phrase

B - Trả lời B
Câu 31 The minister assured us that there were_________ funds for this project
A rich B financial
C ample D deep

Ample (adj) = plenty of ( nhiều, dư giả)

Bài 3 - III. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs
correction in each of following questions.

Câu 1 In accordance the wishes of most of his electorate, president Franklin D. Rooselt
postponed entering the Second World War until December 11, 1941.
A In accordance the B most of his electorate
C postponed entering D until

In accordance the => in accordance with the ( the word “ with “ has been omitted: the
phrase should read “ in accordance with the”)
A - Trả lời A
Câu 2 It has long been known as an entire cluster of galaxies may sometimes lie buried
within a vast, dense ball of gas.
A long B as
C lie buried D within

As => that ( “ that” is the correct noun clause marker)

Câu 3 It is generally believed that Thomas Jefferson was the one who had researched and
wrote the “Declaration of Independence” during the months prior to its signing in
July 1776.
A It is generally believed B wrote
C its signing D in July 1776.

Wrote => written ( the auxiliary “ had” requires a past participle ( written)

Câu 4 Each year, one million teenagers start smoking, and every day about three thousand
become addicted to the tobacco.
A start smoking B three thousand
C addicted D the tobacco.

The tobacco => tobacco ( the sentence makes a generalization about the uncountable noun
“ tobacco”; therefore, no article is needed)

Câu 5 The first writing ink was made from pigment find in the octopus‟s ink sac, which also
helps the animal avoid being attacked.
A was made B find
C helps D being attacked

Find => found (the past participle “ found” should be used in place of the simple form of
the verb (find). The past participle is used to reduce (shorten) a relative clause with a
passive verb)

B - Trả lời B
Bài 4 - IV. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is closest in
meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

Câu 1 He had reached the zenith of his career when he became president of General Motors
A ambition B zeal
C happiest moment D summit

Summit (n): đỉnh, điểm cao nhất

Câu 2 She agreed to collaborate with him in writing her biography
A resist B fight
C confront D cooperate

Cooperate (V): to work together with sb else in order to achieve sth ( chung sức, hợp tác)

D - Trả lời D
Câu 3 The builder‟s conservative estimate of the time required to remodel the kitchen was
six weeks.
A reactionary B cautious
C protective D traditional

Cautious (Adj) Thận trọng, dè dặt, vừa phải

Bài 5 - V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is correct and
closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Câu 1 it‟s a pity we don‟t have a bigger apartment.

A if only we had a bigger apartment B only if we had a bigger apartment
C Even if we had a bigger apartment D if so we had a bigger apartment.

If only: for wishes

A - Trả lời A
Câu 2 The students didn‟t take to their new lecturer
A The new lecturer was unpopular with B the students didn‟t empathize with the
the students new lecturer.
C the new lecturer didn‟t like the D the students didn‟t pay much
students attention to the new lecturer.

Unpopular with sb: not likely by sb ( không được ai đó yêu mến)

Câu 3 Don‟t run away with the idea that this job is easy.
A This job is easy, so don‟t run away B the idea that this job is easy often
runs through my mind.
C don‟t draw the conclusion that this D forget about this easy job.
job is easy.

Draw the conclusion : rút ra kết luận

C - Trả lời C
Câu 4 The head teacher was at a loss to understand the girl‟s behavior.
A the girl‟s behavior was nothing but a B the head teacher though that the girl‟s
shock to the head teacher. behavior was contemptible.
C the girl‟s behavior was D the head teacher treated the girl with
incomprehensible to the head teacher. suspicion because he didn‟t
understand her.

Incomprehensible (to sb) (Adj): impossible to understand ( không thể hiểu nổi)

C - Trả lời C
Câu 5 She didn‟t like the fact that he had been treated so badly.
A she treated him so badly because she B she didn‟t feel like treating him
didn‟t like him. badly.
C she objected to him being treated so D she had no intention of treating him
badly so badly

Object (to sb/sth) (V): to say that you disagree with , disapprove of or oppose sth (phản
đối, chống lại)

Bài 6 - VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word for each of the blanks.

The story of man‟s mastery of the air is almost as old as man himself, a puzzle in which the
essential clues were not found until a very late stage. However, to (1)________ this we must
first go back to the time when primitive man (2)___________ his food, and only birds and
insects flew. We cannot know with any certainly when man first deliberately shaped weapons
for throwing, but that (3)_______ of conscious design marked the first step on a road that
(4)________ from the spear and the arrow to the airplane and the giant rocket of the present
(5)______. It would seem, in fact, that this (6)_________ to throw things is one of the most
primitive and deep-seated of our instincts, (7)__________ in childhood and persisting into old
age. The more mature ambition to throw things swiftly and accurately, which is the origin of
most (8)_____ games, probably has its roots in the ages when the possession of a (9) ________
the difference between eating and starving. It is significant that such weapons were (10)_______
and brought to their (11)____ form at an early stage in history. If we were restricted to the same
(12)__________ , it is doubtful if we could produce better bows and arrows than those that
(13)_________ the armies of the past. The arrow was the first true weapon capable of
maintaining direction over considerable (14)______________. It was to be centuries before man
himself could fly.

Câu 1
A value B approve
C understand D realize

Understand (v) hiểu

C - Trả lời C
Câu 2
A pursued B hunted for
C followed up D chased

Hunt for : săn lùng, tìm kiếm

B - Trả lời B
Câu 3
A act B deed
C action D event

Act of sth (n): việc làm, hành động

Câu 4
A brings B moves
C takes D leads

Lead from …. To: đi từ …. Đến

Câu 5
A instant B day
C hour D moment

The present day : ngày nay

B - Trả lời B
Câu 6
A feeling B urge
C encouragement D emotion

Urge to do sth (n) : a strong desire to do sth ( ham muốn mạnh mẽ)

Câu 7
A coming B arriving
C appearing D growing

Appear (v) xuất hiện

Câu 8
A exterior B outside
C external D outdoor

Outdoor (adj): ( only before noun): ngoài trời

Câu 9
A suitable B fitting
C related D chosen

Suitable (adj): right or appropriate for a particular purpose or occasion (phù hợp, thích

Câu 10
A involved B meant
C told D showed

Mean (v) có nghĩa là

B - Trả lời B
Câu 11
A cultivated B imagined
C planned D produced

Produce (v): sản xuất, chế tạo

Câu 12
A last B older
C latest D final

Final (Adj): cuối cùng

Câu 13
A matters B substances
C materials D sources

Material (n): vật liệu, nguyên liệu

Câu 14
A destroyed B ruined
C spoiled D exploded
Destroy (v) tiêu diệt, phá hủy

Câu 15
A lengths B extents
C areas D distances

Distance (n) khoảng cách

Bài 7 - VII. Read the following passage on transport, and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet
to indicate the correct answer to rach of the question..

The wrestler who became an author

Pete Watson looks like the biggest , sweetest teddy bear you ever saw.It is only when be opens
his mounth that you notice the missing front teeth.Watson is a three –time world champion
wrestler turned author.He was adored by fans because he was different:while other wrestlers
were supreme athletes , he was just a hulk who knew how to take a hit.You could throw as many
chairs as you liked at Pete Watson , you could smack him repeatedly , but he wouldn‟t go down.

After two autobiographyes and a series of children‟s stories , he has just written a brilliant first
novel : a work of immense power and subtlety,likely to gain a wide readership.At its simplest , it
is about a boy and his dad getting together after a lifetime apart , through there is far more to it
than that.Was he inspired by anyone he knew?The father , he says, is based on guys he met on
the road , wrestlers, friends of his , who appeared to be leading exciting lives, but deep down
were pretty miserable.

Watson does not come from traditional wrestling stock.He grew up in Long Island , New York .
His father was an athletics director with a PhD, his mother a physical education teacher with two
master‟s degrees – one in literature ,the other in Russian history.He was a big boy,bullied for his
size.One day his neighbour had a go at him , and for the first time Watson realized he could use
his weight and size instead of feeling awkward about it.It was a turning point.

At college , he did a degree in communication studies .Meanwhile, he was learning the ropes of
professional wrestling .Did his parents try to dissuade him? „No .They were just really insistent
that I finished college. I am pretty sure they trought I‟d get hurt and quit wrestling‟. But he

He looks in remarkably good condition for someone who spent 20 years in the ring. His skin is
smooth and firm ; there are few visible scars. „It‟s amazing what retirement can do for you. I
looked really rough five he says. People are surprised by the softness of his handshake. „ Yeah,
that‟s the wrestler „s handshake , he says.

Do you have to be a good actor to be a good wrestler ?

„I used to really resent the acting label , but it is acting.When it‟s really good , when you‟re
feeling it and letting that real emotion fly , it comes closer to being real „ .What did his children
think when they saw him getting hurt ? „ Well , they used to think I never got hurt because that‟s
what I told them.When they got old enough to realise I did , they stopped enjoying it. That was ,
in part , what led to my decision to get out.‟

Nowadays , his time is dedicated to family and books – his next nevel is about boy wrestlters
living on the same block , and he is also writing more children‟s stories. He does not think this
life is go different from wrestling.‟Wrestling is all about characters , „ he says . „ So when my
fans hear I‟ve written a novel , I don‟t get the sense that they feel I‟ve abandoned them‟.

Câu 1 What impression do we get of Pete Watson‟s skills as a wrestler ?

A he frequently lost because he was not B he was to gentle and friendly to be a
very aggressive good wrestler.
C He was injured a lot because he D His speciality was letting his
didn‟t fight back opponent hit him

Chúng ta có ấn tượng gì về các kỹ năng của pete Watson trong vai trò một đô vật?
D. nét đặc biệt của ông là để yên cho đối thủ đánh

Câu 2 It is suggested that Watson‟s first novel________
A is based on his own autobiography. B will be popular with those who liked
his autobiographies.
C will not only appeal to his fans D is not much more than a simple story

Tiểu thuyết đầu tay của pete Watson được coi là______
B. Sẽ không chỉ hấp dẫn những người hâm mộ ông

Câu 3 What does „traditional wrestling stock „ in line 13 refer to ?
A Watson‟s childhood B Watson‟s family background
C Watson‟s educational background D Watson‟s background in athletics
Cụm từ “ traditional wrestling stock” ở dòng 13 chỉ điều gì?
C. Lai lịch gia đình Watson

B - Trả lời B
Câu 4 What did Watson‟s parents feel about his interest in wrestling?
A They were afraid he would get hurt. B They insisted that he should have
proper training at college .
C They wanted him to give up wrestling D They throught he would abandon the
sport quite soon.

Bố mẹ Watson suy nghĩ về việc ông thích môn đấu vật?

D. Họ nghĩ ông sẽ sớm từ bỏ môn thể thao này.

Câu 5 Watson seems to be in good condition now_________
A and this makes his children happy B in spite of being a wrestler for so
C because he stopped a wrestling five D and he finds this fact amazing.
years ago.

Hiện nay pete vẫn rất khỏe _____

B. cho dù là đã từng là đô vật trong một thời gian dài đến như vậy

B - Trả lời B
Câu 6 What does „That „ in line 32 refer to ?
A the fact that Watson‟s children got B the fact that Watson often got hurt
C the fact that Watson „s children no D the fact that Watson could not tell his
longer enjoyed watching him perfom children the truth

Từ “ that” ở đoạn 6 chỉ điều gì?

C. việc các con của pete không còn thích xem ông thi đấu nữa.

Câu 7 The word “ dedicated” in the last paragraph could best be replaced by
A Devoted B attributed
C related D opposed
Từ “ dedicated” trong đoạn cuối có thể được thay thế thích hợp nhất bằng từ ______
A. Devoted = cống hiến

Câu 8 The word “ inspire“ in the second paragraph could best be replaced by_____
A encourage B disappointed
C refresh D incourage

Từ “inspire” = encourage = khuyến khích, khích lệ

Bài 8 - VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions.

If parents bring up a child with the sole aim of turning the child into a genius, they will cause a
disaster. According to several leading educational psychologists, this is one of the biggest
mistakes which ambitious parents make. Generally, the child will be only too aware of what his
parents expect, and will fail. Unrealistic parental expectations can cause great damage to

However, if parents are not too unrealistic about what they expect their children to do, but are
ambitious in a sensible way, the child may succeed in doing very well - especially if the parents
are very supportive of their child.

Michael Collins is very lucky. He is crazy about music, and his parents help him a lot by taking
him to concerts and arranging private piano and violin lessons for him. They even drive him 50
kilometers twice a week for violin lessons. Michael‟s mother knows very little about music, but
his father plays the trumpet in a large orchestra. However, he never makes Michael enter music
competitions if he is unwilling.

Winston Smith, Michael‟s friend, however, is not so lucky. Both his parents are successful
musicians, and they set too high a standard for Winston. They want their son to be as successful
as they are and so they enter him for every piano competition held. They are very unhappy when
he does not win. Winston is always afraid that he will disappoint his parents and now he always
seems quiet and unhappy.

Câu 1 One of the serious mistakes parents can make is to ______.

A help their child to become a genius B neglect their child‟s education
C push their child into trying too much D make their child become a musician
Câu này nhiều bạn nhầm thành A

Câu 2 Parents‟ ambition for their children is not wrong if they ______.
A themselves have been very successful B arrange private lessons for their
C understand and help their children D force their children into achieving
sensibly success

thông tin tìm ở đoạn 2

Câu 3 Who have criticized the methods of some ambitious parents?
A Successful musicians. B Educational psychologists
C Unrealistic parents. D Their children.

thông tin từ dòng thứ 2 đoạn 1

Câu 4 Michael Collins is fortunate in that ______.
A his parents are quite rich B his mother knows little about music
C his father is a musician D his parents help him in a sensible way

thông tin ở đoạn 3

D - Trả lời D
Câu 5 The phrase "crazy about" in the passage mostly means ______.
A "confused about" B "surprised at"
C "completely unaware of" D "extremely interested in"

nghĩa là đam mê cuồng nhiệt

D - Trả lời D
Câu 6 Winston‟s parents push their son so much and he ______.
A cannot learn much music from them B has become a good musician
C has won a lot of piano competitions D is afraid to disappoint them
thông tin ở câu cuối cùng

D - Trả lời D
Câu 7 The word "They" in the passage refers to ______.
A Michael‟s parents B concerts
C violin lessons D parents in general

ở đây chỉ bố mẹ của Michael

Câu 8 All of the following people are musical EXCEPT _____.
A Michael‟s father B Winston‟s mother
C Winston‟s father D Michael‟s mother

(thông tin ở dòng thứ 4 đoạn 2 Michael’s mother knows very little about music, câu
này chắc bạn nào cũng làm đúng!)

D - Trả lời D

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