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Page 8 | October 17-23 2019 The Financial Gazette

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News Worth Knowing

Stop the blame-game,

address the root causes
THERE must be a sense of déjà vu — about what is happening in the country at the
moment — for those who were in Zimbabwe around 2008.
Many — except for a few elite, particularly the politically-connected ones — must
be having their hearts pounding with fear.
It was scary, an epic disaster.
Back then, Zimbabwe’s economy hit rock bottom. It sunk to depths unimag-
inable. Inflation reached an unprecedented 231 million by mid-2008, severely wiping
out people’s pensions and savings.
There was untold suffering.
And going by what we are witnessing today, the motherland is headed for tougher
times ahead — far worse than 2008.
Yet amid all this chaos of hyperinflation, unrelenting power cuts, fuel and foreign
currency shortages as well as collapsing industries, we have a whole government led
by President Emmerson Mnangagwa planning anti-sanction galas and any such oth-
er useless extravaganzas as the December 12 Movement's New York marches when
the regime is doing nothing to change its rogue ways.
On the other hand, we have excitable characters like Finance minister Mthuli
Ncube, who want to tell us that his “reforms are on course and the stage for economic
rebound has been set”, yet Rome is burning.
He not only insists inflation will come down to double-digit figures by year-end,
but this is clearly laughable — and tragic — when he continues to print money for
command agriculture and when his International Monetary Fund friends have told
him that Harare has limited chances of balancing its books.
And we need not mention the crippling medical practitioners’ strike — which has
been poorly addressed, at the cost of human lives — and continued human rights
And having seen this before, people have not only been desperate for solutions, SMOKEY BUSINESS... The Roots Movement director Hannes Swan displays products made by the Zimba-
but wondering where the 'real leadership' is to solve all these heart-rending problems bwe Industrial Hemp Trust during the official planting of the first batch of industrial hemp at Harare Central
which have actually consigned Zimbabwe to a new moniker of: closed for business. Remand Prison last week. Industrial hemp is a strain of the Cannabis sativa plant species that is grown spe-
And it has actually been extremely disappointing to find out how the so-called cifically for industrial use of its derived products. The global cannabis market is thought to be worth US$150
new dispensation has chosen to handle the situation. billion today. Barclays, in their European Consumer Staples Report in September 2018, suggests that this
From experience, Mnangagwa's administration surely knows the outcome of its figure could increase to US$272 billion by 2028. Picture by Freedom Mashava
actions and such obvious consequences, include Harare's increasing international
isolation and investors' reluctance to commit to a country so much given to policy

Do we need a president
changes, and over-regulation.
In the meantime, arrogance, deception, endless threats, pigheadedness and ob-
fuscation seem to be the staple or totem of choice of this government, and its leaders
— for example the banning of inflation figures.
These are all desperate, and pathetic response measures not only because the su-

to lead universities?
permarket shelves continue to tell the (real) story anyway, but which also beg the
question of whether the alleged 'western sanctions' are the cause of problems and the
current mess — beyond Munhumutapa's madcap policies.
And the nonchalant attitude, which saw the demise of the old regime, has never
been starker or illustrated than Ncube's recent interview in which he was asked how

much a loaf of bread was, and he retorted: It is what it is, so?
HE other day, I read a feature in The dent days challenging, motivating and organisational structures and policies and
Such arrogance and insensitivity also shows in the way number one has chosen
"to fly the world — achidya mazondo — with his beloved ministers" while doctors Financial Gazette on the appoint- rewarding; but because quality higher allocating various resources).
are on strike. ment of a new vice chancellor (VC) education teaching, learning and research This should go hand-in-hand with the
In a recent report on Zimbabwe’s progress under the staff-monitored pro- at the University of Zimbabwe (UZ) with is absolutely crucial in enabling our higher principle of academic freedom, in other
gramme, the IMF said: “Policy actions are urgently needed to tackle the root causes so much excitement that at last the baton education institutions to produce the criti- words, freedom of thought, which is a
of economic instability… There is also need to…improve transparency on monetary had been passed to another person at the cal-thinking, creative, adaptable graduates basic human right. Having spent the best
statistics.” institution following the unfortunate exit who will shape Zimbabwe’s future. They part of my life in academia at UZ, I totally
The time for blame-games and half-baked measures is over. Address the “root of Levy Nyagura. are products of the think industry. agree with this sentiment.
causes” of this recurring crisis. Nyagura should have known better Today in Zimbabwe there are many Furthermore, UNESCO affirms that
about the role of a university in any soci- tertiary private and public institutions. “the right to education, teaching and re-
ety, having been chair of the Zimbabwe Unfortunately, they all appear not have search can only be fully enjoyed in an
Southern Africa’s Leading Business and Financial Newspaper
Council for Higher Education (ZIMCHE) clear mandates in spite of being aware of atmosphere of academic freedom and
Established 1969
for a while. ZIMCHE is supposed to be massive changes in science, technology, autonomy for institution of higher edu-
Publisher: Modus Media
the quality assurance agency of all tertiary medicine, social and political sciences, cation and that the open communication
EDITORIAL MARKETING institutions programmes in our beloved the world of work and the onward march of findings, hypothesis and opinions lies
Editor-In-Chief & Chief Oper
General Manager - Marketing country. of democracy and human and civil rights at the very heart of higher education and
Christopher Goko: Since he was the chair and VC at the provides the strongest guarantee of the ac-
Associate Editor Brand Executive - Advertising same time, one wonders whether ZIM- curacy and objectivity of scholarship and
Eric Chiriga: Edwin Vengesa: ev .zw CHE got instructions from the chancellor, Open Forum research”.
Senior Assistant Editor Senior Sales Executives who according the Zimbabwe Constitu- Any threats to academic freedom and
Chris Gumunyu: Christobel Washaya: cwashay .zw tion was the president of our republic. with institutional autonomy run counter to basic
Managing Editor .zw Please allow me to raise the question democratic principles of freedom, equity,
Tabitha Mutenga: .zw because I am deeply concerned with the Norman Nyazema fairness and justice.
Assistant Editor Sales Representatives - Harare manner in which quality in relation to My humble plea to the new UZ vice
John Kachembere:
.zw teaching, learning and research, is assured chancellor and his colleagues at other in-
Markets Editor Frank Nyandoro: fny .zw
Kudakwashe Chideme: Edreck: emudzingany .zw
at our tertiary institutions. ZIMCHE is discourses. stitution, through an independent associ-
Group Digital Editor highly dependent on the government of Each one of these institutions should ation of vice chancellors, is to interrogate
Sales Representative - Bulawayo Zimbabwe, that is, its governance, man- be specific focal points for imparting what the idea of having the president of country
Paul Nyakazeya:
Clever Pedzisai:
Companies Editor agement and financing appears to be tight- is known, interrogating what is not known, being the chancellor of their institutions.
Shame Makoshori: Brand Executive - Events ly-controlled and its decisions are subject producing new knowledge, shaping criti- I am assuming they all have different
Chief Sub Editor K .zw to approval by the government through the cal thinkers, problem solvers and doers mission statements which clearly state
Tawanda Chiwara:
Brand Executive - Subscriptions ministry of Higher Education. so that we have the intellectual muscle to their mandates.
Staff Writers Tatenda Taka: t .zw The governance situation does not in- tackle societal challenges at every level I strongly feel it is a barrier to teaching,
Omega Ukama:
Subscriptions Representatives spire anyone, at all. necessary. learning and research environment that
Adelaide Moyo:
Nelson Gahadza: Ronald Madiviko: rmadivik .zw Whenever I think about the people Zimbabwe’s higher education system discourages students to develop confi-
Freedom Mashava: Elizabeth Nyamaruze: eny .zw who have most inspired or motivated me is the key building block of our democratic dence in their own creative abilities, strong
Production Supervisor Chief Executiv during my life, I return, without fail, to my society at all levels of our society that in- community engagement and a sense of
Kudzai Rushambwa: .zw student days. cludes universities. ethical responsibility allied to humility that
I still remember a particular lecturer According to Kemal Guruz, former comes from understanding that to live is to
Editorial, Advertising & Circulation 1st Floor, Princess Court, who inspired me. His positive influence president of the Council of Higher Educa- learn.
2nd Floor, Green Bridge South, Eastgate Complex, Corner Forth Street/9th Avenue, on me then continues to this day. tion of Turkey, institutional autonomy and The current economic and social situa-
P. O. Box CY 376, CAUSEWAY, Harare, Zimbabwe
Tel: +263-242-781 572
This experience of learning from, and self-governance is the right of any univer- tion in our country originates from brazen
Tel: (029)75873/75270
Website: www Distributed by: ANZ alongside a good university or college sity to decide how best to run its institution corruption and with unbridled pursuit of
teacher is one that should be shared by without unreasonable interference (for short-term profit at all costs, should be in-
VOLUNTARY MEDIA COUNCIL OF ZIMBABWE every one of the thousands of students in example, in appointing, suspending and structive in this regard.
The Financial Gazette newspaper subscribes to a Code of Conduct that promotes truthful, accurate, fair and balanced
news reporting. If we do not meet these standards, register your complaints with the Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe, including those at the Army promoting academic staff and leadership, Each institution of higher learning in
Zimbabwe at: staff college. in determining admission and graduation Zimbabwe requires its own chancellor to
No 34 Colenbrander Rd, Milton Park, Harare. Telephone: 04-778096 / 778006 24 Hr Complaints line: 0772 125 659
Email: or Twitter: @vmcz | Facebook page: vmcz
Not only because good teachers and requirements, in providing curriculum and assist in running its clearly stated mandate.
Zimbabwe learning environment makes one's stu- other programmes or services, in defining I rest my case.

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