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Version : 001
Update : August, 2018


Flexible PVC Waterstop

5 years from the date of production if stored
properly in original, unopened and undamaged
sealed packaging in dry conditions at temperatures
between +10°C and +25°C.

Polyvinyl Chloride

Specific Gravity

DESCRIPTION Temperatures
Flexible PVC waterstops used to seal construction in • Service : -35 to +55 0C
concrete structures. CONSOL PVC WATERSTOP are • Welding : ~+ 1800 C
available in different sizes and types, depending on their
Tensile Strength
CONSOL PVC WATERSTOP are used to seal
construction : Shore ‘A’ Hardness
• In water retaining structures such as reservoirs, water 75 ± 5
towers, dams, spillways, canals, swimming pools, sewage
tanks, etc. Elongation at Break
• To keep water out of concrete structures such as 320% min
basements, underground car parks, tunnels, subways,
Water Absorption
retaining walls, etc. 0.04 (at +32°C)

BENEFITS Thermal Stability

• High quality PVC for long durability 258
• Suitable for high water pressure
Loss of Mass
• Easy to weld on site.
• Many different sizes and types available, depending on
their use Chemical Resistance
• Permanent Water, seawater and sewage
PRODUCT DATA • Temporary Diluted inorganic alkalis, mineral acids
Colour and mineral oils

20m Rolls



A wide range of standardised prefabricated junction Placing of Waterbars
pieces are also available allowing easy site welding of Placing is executed in accordance with the engineer’s
butt joints to CONSOL PVC WATERSTOP junction drawings on which the waterbar profile and the position
pieces. Customised pieces can be made available. In required are marked. Level differences, bends, junctions,
such cases, drawings must be provided giving exact etc. should be carefully considered before placing. The
dimensions and jointing details. use of factory produced junction pieces are encouraged
so that on-site welding is reduced to only simple butt
joints, thereby minimising joint failure. CONSOL PVC
WATERSTOP are placed continuously, thereby
maintaining an integral sealing network.

Placing The Concrete

CONSOL PVC WATERSTOP provide an effective and
thorough means of waterproofing. However, care must
be taken to ensure that concrete is well placed and
compacted around the waterbar area.

The CONSOL PVC WATERSTOP perform only if both

sides are well embedded in the concrete. The
accumulation of coarse aggregates (honeycombs) should
be avoided around the waterbars. Only dense, well
CONSOL PVC WATERSTOP recommends the use of its compacted concrete can ensure proper sealing between
specialized welding equipment for on-site welding which the concrete and CONSOL PVC WATERSTOP.
consists of thermostatically-controlled welding blades and
special welding jigs (each type of Waterbar requires its
own welding jig to suit the particular shape).

Placing of fresh concrete near the CONSOL PVC Site Joining Guidlines
WATERSTOP requires care or it may be forced from its Following is the recommended procedure for field splicing
position by pressure of the fresh concrete. To prevent CONSOL PVC WATERSTOP.
this, the same concrete pressure must be present on
both sides of the waterbar during placing. The 1. The number of joins in CONSOL PVC WATERSTOP
consistency of the concrete itself should be neither too shall be the minimum practical. Straight splices can be
plastic nor too stiff and the aggregate must be well carried out in the field but all intersections shall be factory
graded. Vibration should be executed with care. produced and supplied by CONSOL.

Concreting the Second stage 2. Preheat Welding Iron until the desired welding
The concrete around the waterbar should be thoroughly temperature is achieved, which is approximately 190o C-
checked for honey-combing on the stopends and 210o C.
repaired if necessary. The waterbar must be cleaned of
all hardened concrete remnants adhering from the first 3. Place the ends of the CONSOL PVC WATERSTOP
concrete stage. The same precautions highlighted above through the adjustable Welding Jig and clamp down using
should also be observed during second stage concreting. the assembly, cut both ends off square with a sharp knife
or fine tooth saw. (Pict. 1)
Waterbars Selection 4. Loosen the clamps and slide back PVC Waterstop
The selection of a suitable waterbar is governed by the allowing approximately 10-15mm of CONSOL PVC
type of joint, location of waterbar, concrete thickness, WATERSTOP to protrude from both ends, then clamp
grade or concrete, reinforcement position, expected the Welding Jigs down tightly in position with the screws.
movement (expansion/shear) as well as waterhead/ At this stage when the Welding Jig slides together, the
pressure to which it is to be exposed to. ends should meet squarely, and the profiles are to match
up. If the CONSOL PVC WATERSTOP is not square to
However, a simple rule-of-thumb for selection is as each other or the profiles do not meet up, loosen the
follows: clamps on the Welding Jig and adjust the waterstop until
• Up to 250 mm thick slab/wall: the ends meet up perfectly, then tighten up the clamps
Waterbar width should be equal to or approximating to ready for welding. (Pict. 2)
the slab/wall thickness, example for slabs 200 mm thick,
select 200 mm waterbar size. 5. Slide the two halves of the Welding Jig apart and
position the pre-heated
• Above 250 mm thick slab/wall: Welding Iron on top of the bars between the CONSOL
Select largest waterbar size. PVC WATERSTOP profiles. Slide the two sections back
together until they press against the sides of the Welding
Iron and maintain the pressure in this position until a bead
of molten PVC, approximately 3mm-5mm thick, appears
along the length of the Iron. The PVC must melt without
charring or burning. (Pict. 3)

6. Slide the Welding Jig apart, remove the Welding Iron

vertically and then slide the two halves of the profile back
together holding under pressure for approximately 1
minute, allowing the molten PVC to fuse together.
(Pict. 4)

7. Unclamp the Welding Jigs and carefully remove the

joined CONSOL PVC WATERSTOP taking care not to
flex the join until it is cool (approximately 10 minutes).
Depending on the requirements by the engineer, 2
layers of waterbars may be required for high water
pressure and/or deep section.

Applications Method/ Tools

Centrally Placed Waterbars
• Fixing To Reinforcement – pre-punched eyelets
are located in the outer flanges of the profiles. Sources of welding errors:
These simplify the fixing of waterbars to the steel • Irregularity of cut edges
reinforcement with tie wires to ensure the • Insufficient or excessive heating of blade
waterbars are not displaced during concreting. Dirt accumulation on blade including charred remains of
• Fixing To Formwork – a 2-part (split) formwork PVC. Clean PVC from blade while it is still hot.
may be used (preferred). In this method, allow half Stripping
of the waterbar to jut out while the other half is Removal of the formwork around waterbars must be
cast-in. This waterbar is clamped between the done with care.
See “Typical Detailing of CONSOL PVC Cleaning of Tools
WATERSTOP”, Figure 1 and 2. Clean all tools and application equipment with water
immediately after use. Hardened and/or cured
Externally Placed Waterbars material can only be mechanically removed.
• Fixing To Slab - place the waterbar flat on the
lean concrete or base of the structure. The SYSTEM INFORMATION
formwork for the stopends will terminate in the For information and advice on the safe handling,
middle of the waterbar, allowing half of the storage and disposal of chemical products, users
waterbar to be cast while the other half is exposed should refer to the most recent Material Safety Data
to receive the next casting. Sheet (available upon request) containing physical,
See “Typical Detailing of CONSOL PVC ecological, toxicological and other safety-related data.
WATERSTOP”, Figure 3.

thermoplastic PVC and therefore allow an easy
onsite welding. However, it is recommended to use
factory fabricated junctions such as T, L, X and
Corner pieces. The ends are heated with a welding
blade until the PVC melts (without burning or
charring). The welding blade is removed and the
molten ends are immediately pressed together.
The welded joint should be inspected once it has

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