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The ‘Sinners’ Label

Mark 2:13-17
Labels – piece of paper you stick on something to describe what is inside
Can, jar, bag…
Labels are also ways we identify people
In politics, labels are not usually complimentary – bigots, radicals, war mongers
In religion, we find labels as well – liberal, conservative, Bible believing,
Church names also a sort of label – Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian
One label that was used in Jesus’ day was ‘tax collectors and sinners’
‘tax collectors and sinners’ made you a pariah, you were despised and rejected
In the passage we look at this morning ‘tax collectors and sinners’ is used 3X’s
‘sinners’ is used one additional time.
Today in Mark 2:13-17 we will look at the ‘sinners’ label [parallel in Mt99ff and Lk527ff]

I. Jesus Invites People Who Are Labeled ‘Sinners’ To Follow Him 13-14
A. Many came to Jesus and Jesus taught them 13
He went out again … and all the multitude came to Him and He taught them, see 22
B. Jesus passing sees Levi and invites him to follow 14a
As He passed by116 He saw Levi sitting at the tax office and He said to him follow Me
Also called Matthew Mt9:9
Tax office – Herod Antipas had responsibility for Galilee, sold job to highest bidder
collectors collected wht Herod/Rome requird and beyond tht they kpt 4self Lk312,13
collectors were social outcasts with bad reputations Mt 18:17
Jewish books of oral tradition and rabbinic teaching group tax collectors with
thieves and murderers i.e. they were serious sinners
Jesus is breaking all social norms by inviting a tax collector to follow Him
For the record Jesus is not sanctioning sin or sinners by calling Levi/Matthew
C. Levi rises and follows Jesus 14b
Lk5:28 tells us that he left all – income, job, future and followed Jesus
Others left and followed when Jesus called them as well Mk1:18, 20
Lesson – Jesus extends an invitation to ‘sinners’ to follow Him. Jesus does not care what your
social background is or was. You must make the first step and rise and follow Him.
II. Many People Labeled ‘Sinners’ Follow Jesus 15
A. Jesus ate in Levi’s house
B. Guests included many tax collectors and sinners – Levi invited his friends to meet Jesus
Levi’s friends were tax collectors and sinners
No godly, righteous, sensible Jew would be a friend of a tax collector
This was the mission field for Jesus, the friends of his new disciple
Luke 15:1-7 the parable of the lost sheep, Jesus is trying to reach sinners
C. Many ‘tax collectors and sinners’ followed Jesus
Jesus offered them hope
Jesus offered them teaching and a way out of being labeled ‘tax collectors and sinners’
Lesson – You are not alone when you follow Jesus, all who went before you also labeled
Perhaps you need to give an invitation to someone you think of as a sinner to ff JS.
Do you want your friends and family to meet Jesus, invite them to your house, talk.
III. Some Have Contempt For People They Label ‘Sinners’ 16
A. Scribes and Pharisees
Scribes and Pharisees – these are lawyers of the Law of God, often self-righteous
Seriously religious separatists – for them holiness was separating from sinners
Righteousness was external, Matthew 23 Jesus strongly criticizes as hypocrites
These will give Jesus the most trouble 26 224 36 322 75 811 1118 1213 1238 141 151
B. Observe Jesus eating with ‘sinners’
Eating was a way of fellowshipping or sharing with someone
Jesus a teacher of the law fellowshipping with tax collectors and sinners
Guilt by association,
C. Ask why Jesus eats with ‘sinners’
The question is not a question of inquiry so that they be educated on how or why
The question is one of contempt for Jesus and His eating with tax collectors and sinners
Note what Luke adds in 5:30 they complained or grumbled. Mt 11:19 they label JS…
Story – A woman in London lived with a Chinese man and had a child. She started attending a
Women’s meeting. After a while, the vicar asked her not to come. The other women will
not come if you continue to come, he told her. She said: Sir I know I am a sinner, but
isn’t there anyplace a sinner can go? Eventually she found a church accept her help her.
Lesson – People use labels all the time. We categorize and group people: them, those people,
Be careful of sticking labels on people to show contempt for them – this is Scribes and
Pharisees behavior. Illegal immigrants, LGBTQ,…

IV. Jesus Came To Call People Labeled ‘Sinners’ To Repentance 17

This is the heart of the passage
A. Figure or proverb 17a
well people do not need a physician
sick people need a physician, sick people seek a physician
any physician had to get his hands dirty to do medical work, close to the sick
remember the closeness of sickness and sin see 2:5
The Matthew citation of this passage includes Mt 9:13 [12:7]
But go and learn what this means I desire mercy and not sacrifice Ho6:6
They never did learn this, God wants His people to be merciful
B. Jesus purpose 17b
Stated negatively – He did not come to call the righteous
There is no comment on what He means by righteous here
It is pretty clear from their question and attitude that they thought selves righteous
There is nothing Jesus can do for people who need nothing, sad thing is they are
sinners who do not see their need
Stated positively – He came call sinners to repentance
Call an invitation an offer
Sinners, all are sinners, all Ro3:23
All need repentance – same as 1:14-15
Not the religious system of the Jews sacrifices but change of heart and mind
Repentance = change of mind about sin, turn in a opposite direction,
Luke 18:9-14, 15:7
Lesson – church is not filled with perfect people it is forgiven people. 1Co6:9-11
Called to repent, repentance is not a one and done activity, it is as needed when your mind
is thinking opposite of God’s mind and will.
Do you need the physician of the soul? Of course you do. Every soul has sin and needs JS.

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