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A visit to a bird cage

Last Saturday, Encik Amin and his family ________ ( mengunjungi ) a bird park.
They saw many _______ ( jenis ) of birds there. The birds were in a large cage
called_________ ( aviary apiary ). They _________ ( boleh ) fly and move around freely
______( kerana/memandangkan ) the cage is very big.

Encik Amin and his family _________ ( meluangkan) several enjoyable hours walking
in the bird park. They had fun ________ ( try/ trying) to name all the birds they saw
there. In the afternoon, they found a ___________ ( sesuai ) place to have lunch. They
______( berehat ) for a while.

Then the children helped their parents to pack their __________ ( belong /
belongings ) before ______( retuned / returning ) home. They all _________ ( setuju )
that they had a whale of time together.

( 106 words )

My new words today

Aviary = Whale of time =

Apiary = Belongings =

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