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2013316676 Đỗ Lê Duy

2013316684 Nguyễn Thị Hồng Hà

2013316708 Nguyễn Quốc Khánh

2013316716 Trần Thị Huệ Linh

2013316731 Huỳnh Kim Ngân

2013316737 Nguyễn Tống Nguyên

2013316746 Trần Ngọc Phương Nhi

2013316815 Nguyễn Duy Thuận Tú

Answer 1: 6 inches of top is removed

Style A has the shape with dimensions: 11 inches high, 11 inches diameter
12 inches =1 foot
However, the lamp was loaded in the shape of a carton: 1^3=1 cube feet
8,6 - 0,6 =8 (foot high)
The volume of a 40-foot container: = 40*8*8.6=2752 (foot^3)
The available volume: → 40*8*8=2560 (cube feet)

So container can hold 8*8*40 = 2560 package

supplier 8100 lights → 8100 cube feet → container needed = 8100/2560 = 4 (containers)

Answer 2:
40 inches = 10/3 foot
the volume of a cartons: 1*1*(10/3) = 10/3 (cube feet)
The available volume: 40*8*8=2560 (cube feet)
The container can hold 2*8*40=640 packages
So there are 640*6=3840 lamps
1 cartons carries 6 lamps → the cartons needed: 8100/6=1350 (cartons)
the volumes of total cartons: 1350 *(10/3)= 4500 (cube feet)
The total weight of 1350 cartons = 1350*62 = 83700 (pounds)
1 container can carry 44000 pounds
(1) số cartons sao cho cân nặng < 44000 pounds
(2) số carton sao cho xếp vừa container ( 2560 cube feet)
→ số carton xếp vào 1 container phải bé hơn < 710 cartons (*)
Xếp dọc để tránh xếp chồng nhiều lớp hàng lên nhau vì đây là hàng dễ vỡ:
40x8x8 : 1x1x3,3 = 40x 8x 2 = 640 (cartons) → phù hợp với điều kiện (*)
→ xếp 2 tầng
Số containers cần: 1350/640 = 3 (containers)
Answer 3:
8 feet x 8.5 feet x 40 feet container
~> 96 x 102 x 480 inches container
Each 12x48x12 inches carton contains 10 shades
Ratio = 8:2:40
Each carton weighs 101 pounds, maximum carton a container can contain = 44,000/101 =
435 cartons maximum => 4350 Style C shades
Based on the dimension, a container can contain 8*8*10 = 640 cartons (outnumber the max
value) => invalid

12*8=96 (over


colu (27

Total: 2*8*27=432 cartons stacked neatly + 3 extra cartons put anywhere
48 inches = 4 foot
the volume of a cartons: 1*1*4=4
The containers needed: = 8100/ (435*10)=2 (containers)
Answer 4:
The total costs of delivering the Style A shades to the Port of Shanghai:
Total manufacturing cost = 4* 8,100 = $32,400
Packaging cost = 0.6 * 8,100 = $4,860
Shipping cost to Port of Vancouver = 4 containers x 1,400 = $5,600
Value of the shipment: 5,600+4,860+32,400 = $42,860
Insurance 2% x $44,260 = $857.2
Ocean freight rate 4 containers x $800.00 = $3,200
Total = $32,400 + $4,860 + $5,600 + $857.2 + $3,200 = $46,917.2

Answer 5:
Manufacturing cost: $4.5
Number of required units: 8100
=> Manufacturing cost = $4.5*8100 = $36.450
Unit packing cost = $2
8100 required units => 8100/6 = 1350 (cartons)
Packaging cost = $2*1350 = $2.700
Number of required containers = 8100/3840 = 2,10. Rounding to 3 (containers)
Shipping cost to Port of Vancouver = 3 containers x $1.400 = $4.200
Insurance cost = 2% of shipment = 2%*(manufacturing cost + packaging cost +
transportation cost) = 2% * ($36.450 + $2.700 + $4.200) = $867
Ocean freight rate = 3 containers x $800 = $2400
Total = $36.450+$2.700+$4.200+$867+$2400 = $46.617

Answer 6:
The total costs of delivering the Style C shades to the Port of Shanghai:
Manufacturing cost = $5.00 * 8,100 = $40,500
Packaging cost = $2.25 * 810 = $1822.5
Shipping to Port of Vancouver 2 containers x $1,400 = $2800
Insurance 2% x $45,122.5 = $902.45
Ocean freight rate 2 containers x $800.00 = $1600
Total = $47624.95

Answer 7:
We believe the company should use Style B without pallets as their final decision in order to
deliver 8,100 lamp shades to China. Style B not only has the lowest cost among Styles A and
C, but it is also in the middle of the pack in terms of box weight, cargo unloading, box
unpacking, labor required, and number of containers.
So style B is the final option that is the most efficient.

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