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HCMC University of Technology & Education

TEG International Education Centre

Ho Chi Minh City Campus

Assessment Summary

Student Name & ID: Nguyen Truong Dieu Trinh _ B200011

Module Number and Title: BMG101 Introduction to Management

Academic Year: 2021/2022

Module Assessor: Dr Pham Hoang Hien

Read the case study and research on Tran Ba Duong and THACO
Answer ALL the following questions.

Question 1
a) Using Tom Burner and G.M. Stalker’s mechanistic and organic systems, select and describe any two (2)
characteristics of each system to THACO. Provide one relevant example and apply to the each system.
(10 marks)
Organizational goal are important aims that an organization's management develops to outline desired
outcomes and steer representatives' efforts. Building up hierarchical aims has many advantages: they direct
representative endeavors, legitimate an organization's exercises and appearance, specify execution
guidelines, provide prerequisites to pursuing useless objectives, and capacity as conduct motivating
impulses. (searchcio, 2021)
The purposes of goals setting to an organization:
Objectives aid in describing an organization's motivation, assisting in company development, and
achieving monetary goals. Defining defined hierarchical objectives may also assist a company in
measuring their organization's progress and determining the tasks that should be enhanced to fulfill those
business objectives. The goals should be clear, quantitative, attainable, and convenient. Associations may
make greater progress and grasp their mission if they create clear, achievable objectives. Setting and
achieving objectives may also help an organization achieve more proficiency, efficiency, and production.
Associations should plainly convey authoritative aims to entice representatives to participate in their task
and achieve the organization's best outcomes. Having a clear understanding of hierarchy objectives aids
representatives in determining their game plan to support the firm in achieving those goals.
Representatives should also be supplied with the legal tools and assets necessary to carry out their duties in
order to help fulfill the overall hierarchical objectives. Making individual representative aims that aid
overall authoritative objectives, for example, and assessing individual execution against those unique
objectives. While an organization can communicate its hierarchical goals through traditional channels, the
best and most direct way to do so is through representatives' immediate bosses. This enables administrators
to collaborate with their employees to establish SMART objectives that align with the goals of the
association. Defining hierarchical targets also aids in the development of workplace concordance since it
motivates employees to strive towards comparable goals. (searchcio, 2021)

Question 2

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HCMC University of Technology & Education
TEG International Education Centre
Ho Chi Minh City Campus

Figurehead: An administrator is responsible for official and social duties that reflect their position and
power in the organization. It is linked to developing strong relationships with companions and
subordinates. For example, manage ceremonies, status requests, solicitations solicitation (searchgate,
Spokeperson: Provide important information about the organization to outside partners. This might be for
public relations, government agreements, or provider management. To be a good representative, you need
have a reasonable idea of your organization's image picture.
Example: Attends board meetings and manages connections with information transfer to outsiders.
Negotiator: A productive interaction leads to a mutually beneficial outcome. An administrator must
participate in negotiations with colleagues and other partners in order to achieve a favorable outcome for
both parties. This position distinguishes you from other administrators since you must consider the well-
being of your team. For instance, a top employee is pressing for a raise since you promised them one a
while back and they have accomplished all of the agreed-upon targets. You wish you could assist them, but
you are unable to do so. You recollect a talk but don't recall exactly what was promised, and in any case,
your hands are tied: there is a head-count freeze in effect, and no fresh promotions are available. The
employee persists and threatens to depart if they do not receive one. (management-issues, 2021)
b) With specific examples from THACO, describe any two (2) roles Tran Ba Duong played. In addition,
relate how interpersonal skills Tran Ba Duong need to display. Provide an example. (7 marks)

Question 3
Basing on your research on the industry of THACO of today, identify any (2) external environment that
most influence the company. Explain with discussion how it impacts THACO. Research one relevant ex-
ample for each of the identified environment.
Economic: This element influences the flow of cash for the company's investment operations as well as
the spending capabilities of individuals and organizations in the economy, such as the government's inter-
est rate-cutting policy. offering loans to manufacturing and commercial organizations in the last months of
the year in order to create circumstances for these firms to grow in the current favorable economic condi-
Inflation: In recent years, Vietnam's inflation has tended to rise, which is evident in all three factors: drag,
cost, and currency. In 2007, inflation was 12.6 percent faster than the rate of DP growth; by 2008,
1,000,000,000 inflation rates had risen to 22.97 percent, the highest rate since 1993 until today. Inflation
not only raises the cost of capital for the firm, but it also has a direct influence on input prices such as raw
materials, labor, and transportation. This is followed by a rise in product pricing, which has a significant
impact on the consuming process and market expansion. Inflation is a straightforward issue in Vietnam. In-
flation can cause market interest rates to move in a negative direction for both manufacturing firms and
consumers, having a substantial influence on production capacity and consumer demand in general. car
manufacturers, and particularly automobile manufacturing customers
Evironment: Natural elements include the ecological environment in which the firm performs production,
for the company's inputs, for the transportation of the company's input materials, fuel resources such as
electricity, gas, oil, and so on. Some of the natural variables impacting the company's output include: in-
dustrial waste, air pollution, the environment, and natural catastrophes, while our nation has a more unpre-
dictable climate than other countries. The natural component is very essential; with the country's natural
advantages, the state has built large-scale planning zones and industrial hubs, allowing her to build a pro-

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HCMC University of Technology & Education
TEG International Education Centre
Ho Chi Minh City Campus

duction complex. The most modern and biggest scale in the country. Furthermore, natural variables con-
tribute to product orientation, which must be appropriate for the product's topography, climate, and
weather. National natural factors include plentiful resources, a big supply of raw materials, and inexpen-
sive pricing. delivering various advantages to the firm in manufacturing, shifting the localization process
from spare component manufacture to product assembly and distribution rather than importing from sup-
plying nations

Question 4
On the internal environment of an organisation

 Customers 
 Products/services 

 Location 

b) For each of these three (3) influences, describe two (2) valid. (6 marks)

Question 5 [16 marks]

Outline the four stages of creative thinking process and analyze its applications in decision-making by the
managers of THACO.

Question 6 [14 marks]

a) Basing on your research on the industry of THACO of today, when THACO ventured overseas, which
market strategy option did it adopt? Explain the five (5) objectives of the strategy. (6 marks)
b) Identify two (2) favourable reasons and six (6) potential problems of the above entry. (8 marks)
THACO has a quality-assured approach for contributing to and upgrading its conveyance and
administration frameworks. The firm established four locations in key areas, as well as more than 23 linked
exhibition places and more than 40 specialists around the country. All THACO exhibit spaces and experts
must adhere to THACO's high standards, contribute intentionally, offer show areas, spare parts stores, and
repair large models. At the moment, the company can transport items across the country, even the most
remote places, while remaining focused on the clients. As a result, THACO's business yield is increasing.
On June 19, 2014, in Paris, France, during the Global Peugeot Distributors Conference. Thaco, the sole
distributor of Peugeot brands and models in the Vietnam market, received the PSA Group award for
"Developing the quickest showroom system and service workshop in the world." This award is based on
the number of Peugeot showrooms in each nation that satisfy worldwide 3S criteria, as determined by
distributors. At the same time, this award demonstrates Thaco's commitment to and investment in
constructing a network of showrooms and service workshops as part of its plan for promoting Peugeot
brands and models in the Vietnamese market. Currently, Thaco has opened 7 Peugeot dealerships around
the country, including two in the South, four in the North, and one in the Central area. This number will be
increased to 13 showrooms by the end of 2014, as anticipated.

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HCMC University of Technology & Education
TEG International Education Centre
Ho Chi Minh City Campus

Overall layout and language [10 marks]

Harvard referencing [10 marks]

 Assignments without citations and/or a reference list will not be accepted.


1. Sources
Require at least 4 academic sources (i.e. textbooks, academic journal articles, etc.), websites of
government and/ or international bodies, such as the websites of government bodies and
Department(s) of Statistics of respective countries.
Information sources from Wikipedia, Yahoo, Google or unreliable/non-academic sources are not

2. Referencing
Use the Harvard style of referencing to cite and reference sources used in the assignment.
Assignments without citations and/or a reference list will not be accepted.
Assignments with more than 40% of direct quotes (with or without analysis) will not be accepted.

3. Format
Essays should be 1.5-line spaced, 12 font sized, Times New Roman and justified alignment.
Headings are encouraged to lead the reader through the researched essay.
The student must indicate the total word count at the end of the assignment.

4. Marking criteria
Marking of the researched essay will be based on the elements of good presentation, content,
evidence of research and logic, an ability to apply relevant concepts to real-life scenarios.

5. Positive Marking
Use of proper language, grammar and spelling with the appropriate length and good presentation
skills will be rewarded accordingly.

6. Assignment submission
This assessment must be submitted on or before the due date.

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HCMC University of Technology & Education
TEG International Education Centre
Ho Chi Minh City Campus

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