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Waste Management 22 (2002) 521–530

Brick production with dredged harbour sediments.

An industrial-scale experiment
Kay Hamer*, Volker Karius
Department of Earth Sciences, Section Geochemistry and Hydrology, University of Bremen, 330440 Bremen, Germany

Accepted 7 July 2001

A volume of 600.000 m3 harbour sediments is annually dredged out of the harbour basin of Bremen to maintain a certain water
depth. Because of its perpetual availability, homogeneity and mineralogical, petrographic and chemical composition, the sediment
is regarded as a suitable raw material for brick production. A pilot experiment was conducted at a full-scale industrial brickworks.
During production, the environmental standards concerning waste-water treatment and the quality of exhausted gas were suffi-
ciently fulfilled. Bricks specified as ‘‘building bricks’’ were produced according to German industrial standards. The parameters pH-
value and grain size were varied in leaching tests performed on the bricks as both parameters are likely to change in the course of
the brick’s life cycle. The leaching data showed that As was stabilised and heavy metals were immobilised in a way that the bricks
were not (hazardous to soil or groundwater) neither by their use, for example, in masonry, nor afterwards, when they will be
deposited as mineral demolition mass. # 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction sediment treatment techniques in order to assure the

effectiveness of a long-term solution.
Harbour authorities have to dredge harbour basins One solution being discussed is to manufacture bricks
and waterways in order to maintain an adequate ship- out of the harbour sediments [1,2]. This concept gives
ping channel depth. The ports of Bremen consist of the priority to waste recovery over its deposit in landfills.
two harbour sections Bremen-City and Bremerhaven. The use of harbour sediments was not the first attempt
Annually, each accounts for a volume of approximately to introduce a waste material into brick production. In
600.000 m3 of partly contaminated sediment. According the past, a range of different types of waste materials
to the European Waste Catalogue, dredged harbour has been assessed as raw materials for brick production,
sediments are classified as waste material. The super- for example, fly ashes [3], steel dust [4], papermaking
visory authorities of both harbours applied different sludge [5], incinerator ashes of sewage sludge [6], coal
concepts to manage the dredged material. In the case of fly-ash and slag [7].
Bremen-City, sediments were dewatered in drainage The technology of producing bricks out of harbour
ponds after dredging and then deposited at a landfill for sediments was reviewed as a possible concept for the
contaminated harbour sediments. By contrast, the port sediments in Bremen [1]. Consequently, the government
of Bremerhaven was used to dump the dredged material of Bremen initiated a project to produce bricks made of
into the North Sea. As the sediments were contaminated Bremen harbour sediments on an industrial scale.
with such chemicals like tributyltin, the responsible Construction materials like bricks must comply with
authorities of Bremen and Lower Saxony decided to construction standards and human health requirements
avoid marine disposal. At present, a new concept to [8]. Although the constructional standards are well
treat the dredged sediments is being elaborated. Both defined, there still is a need for acknowledged leaching
port authorities are attempting to integrate various tests to assess the environmental impact [9]. Therefore,
three main objectives of technical and environmental
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49-421-218-7120; fax: +49-421-
importance were pursued in this project: first, to ascer-
218-4321. tain whether Bremen’s harbour sediments fulfil the
E-mail address: (K. Hamer). requirements of a raw material in brick production;
0956-053X/02/$ - see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0956-053X(01)00048-4
522 K. Hamer, V. Karius / Waste Management 22 (2002) 521–530

second, to examine the pathways of the contaminants in and 40% of two clays was used in the industrial-scale
the environment during the whole life cycle of the experiment (Table 1).
bricks. This included the production process, the var-
ious stages of the product’s use as a building material, 2.2. Industrial scale experiment: production of bricks
and its properties as a waste material; and third, it was from wet sediments
investigated whether the produced bricks complied with
the German industrial standards. The use of wet and polluted harbour sediments
required an innovative input compared with the proce-
dures of traditional brickworks. Pollutants in harbour
2. Materials and methods sediments might be released into the environment in
several ways during the production process: waste water
The study was divided into three phases, consisting of originating from drying the raw material is likely to
mixing the raw material, the experiment of industrial- contain volatile contaminants. Volatile contaminants
scale brick production using this raw material and, ulti- like mercury, dioxins and furans might escape into the
mately, testing the product’s physical and chemical atmosphere due to the physical conditions inside the
properties. kiln, and the product itself contains heavy metals and
metalloids which might leach out subsequently during
2.1. Materials any of the various stages of the brick’s life cycle.
These facts led to several adaptations in operational
Sediment dredged from Bremen’s harbour was dewa- practise as compared with conventional brick produc-
tered in drying fields and transported to the Hanseaten- tion (Fig. 1) [2].
Stein Brickworks, a factory located near Hamburg, still At the Hanseaten-Stein Brickworks the various input
having the status of a demonstration plant. In addition materials were mixed and dried in a closed system. The
to sediments obtained from the port of Hamburg, the raw mixture was dried in a steam-dryer which utilised
brickworks accepted sediments from other harbours, in the surplus energy of the kiln, generated steam at a
order to improve their knowledge for a scale-up of the temperature of 400  C and dried the mixture possessing
factory in the future. The brickworks’ annual capacity an average initial moisture content of 30% to a residual
of presently five million facade bricks is yet too low for value below 2%. The water extracted was condensed,
commercial success. collected in a closed container and then cleaned by
Two hundred tonnes of dried harbour sediment from being passed through an active-carbon filter into a sec-
Bremen was mixed with other clays and burnt into ond container. The waste-water tanks were sampled
bricks. In a brickworks’ routine production process over a tap, the samples filtered (pore size: 0.45 mm) and
nearly 10% of the bricks do not fulfil the industrial preserved for further analysis.
standards which would allow them to be marketed. The dry raw material was stored in silos for several
These bricks were crushed and sieved and mixed with days. In contrast to the customary brick manufacturing
the harbour sediment and the clays. A mixture consist- process, the bricks were dry-moulded in a press at a
ing of 50 wt.%. harbour sediments, 10% crushed bricks maximum pressure of approximately 200 bar.

Table 1
Chemical composition of the raw material mixture [wt.%]

Wt.% Harbour sedimenta 50% Clay 1b 27% Clay 2b 13% Crushed bricks 10%

SiO2 63 67 70 66
Al2O3 11 22 19 16
Fe2O3 8.3 6.1 6.4 7.7
TiO2 nvc 1.3 1.0 064
CaO 1.8 0.19 0.44 1.2
MgO 0.9 0.40 0.80 0.84
Na2O 1.9 0.20 0.18 1.0
K2O 1.6 2.5 2.0 1.6
S 0.3 ndd nvc nvc
MnO nvc 0.01 nvc nvc
LOI 10 6.3 5.5 ndd
Nonpublished data of the port authorities, RFA-analyses, 1998.
RFA-analyses of the clays.
No value.
Not detectable.
K. Hamer, V. Karius / Waste Management 22 (2002) 521–530 523

Subsequently, the bricks were burnt at a temperature volatile contaminants eventually released under the
of 1050  C in an opposing motion kiln with two sepa- physical conditions prevailing inside the furnace.
rate channels. During the burning process approxi- To control the quality of the stream of exhaust gas,
mately 1700 m3 of air were exchanged in the furnace per three steps were included as part of the concept. First,
each ton of sediment. The exhaust air was to capture Ca (OH)2 was injected into the flue-gas stream to neu-
tralise the acidic components HF, HCl and SO2, second,
activated carbon was added into the gas stream to
adsorb volatile metals. At last, a cloth filter was
employed to remove dust from the flue gases. Samples
of cleaned flue gas were withdrawn from the chimney
for analysis. The gas sampling in the chimney was con-
ducted under isokinetic conditions and the analysis
conducted in accordance with either German or Eur-
opean standard procedures (Table 2) [10–17].
The ergo research institute, Hamburg, conducted the
sampling and analysis of the gas stream. This institute is
qualified to conduct monitoring programs in a brick-
works using wastes as raw material according to the
German emission regulations x 26 and x 28 [18]. The
quality control was based on external control during the
sampling and interlaboratory tests to evaluate the qual-
ity of the analytical standard.

2.3. Tests performed on the bricks made from harbour


The constructional characteristics of the bricks, for

example, ceramic body density, compressive strength,
shape and dimensional stability, water absorption, frost
resistance and content of hazardous soluble and efflor-
escent salts were investigated according to German
industrial standards [19].
Two sets of leaching tests were performed. The Ger-
man standard leaching test [20] was performed in order
to fulfil official requirements. The bricks were crushed to
Fig. 1. Producing bricks of Hanseaten-Stein Brickworks GmbH. The
three ‘‘products’’ waste water, exhaust air and bricks can leave the a maximum grain size of 10 mm and leached with de-
brickworks. All these pathways can contain pollutants and were con- ionised water for 24 h in an end-over-end shaker. The
trolled during the study. liquid/solid ratio was 10:1 [l/kg].

Table 2
Methods of sampling and analysis of the exhaust gas stream

Parameter Sampling Analytical method

Stream Sampling site acc. VDI 2066 [10] Micromanometer Digima premo
Hydrostatic pressure in the chimney Sampling site acc. VDI 2066 [10] Micromanometer
Temperature in the flue gas Sampling site acc. VDI 2066 [10] Ni/Cr-Ni-Thermoelement Greisinger Elektronic GTH 1150
Moisture in the flue gas Adsorption on silica gel Gravimetric method
CO VDI 2459 [11] Maihak, Hamburg Multor 610
NO2 VDI 2456 [12] Maihak, Hamburg Multor 610
HCl VDI 3480 [13] Zeiss photometer PM 7
HF VDI 2470 [14] Orion Research modell 96-09
Dust Isokinetic sampling acc. VDI 2066 [10] Quartzfilter Munktell MK 360
Cd and Ti VDI 3868, Part 1 [15] and Part 2e [16] HNO3/HCLO-digestion and AAS-graphit-tube-method
Hg VDI 3868, Part 1 [15] and Part 2e [16] HNO3/HCL-digestion and AAS-cold-vapour-method
Sb, As, Pb, Cr, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, V, Sn VDI 3868, Part 1 [15] and Part 2e [16] HNO3/HCLO-digestion and AAS-graphit-tube-method
TE-value PCCD/PCDF EN 1948-1 [17] HRGC/HRMS via SP 2331/DB 5 on VG AutoSpec
Condensate: dichlor-methan-extraktion
Cartidge: soxhlet with toluol
524 K. Hamer, V. Karius / Waste Management 22 (2002) 521–530

PH-static experiments constituted the second leaching 3. Results

test performed in this study. The bricks were tested as
cubes (3 cm edge length) and broken down to grain-size 3.1. Raw material
fractions, fine gravel (2–6.3 mm) and coarse sand (0.63–
2 mm). The samples were placed on a nylon net in a After drying the harbour sediment in dewatering
glass beaker, with two stirrers positioned below and fields it became homogeneous [21] and had a moisture
above the nylon net to ensure a constant flow through content of 43 wt.% relative to the original substance.
the sample. The pH was kept at a preset value (pH 4– The grain-size distribution classified the material as
11), using a pH-stat controller and an autoburette. The clayey, slightly sandy silt. Analysis of the harbour sedi-
liquid/solid ratio was 10:1 [l/kg] as in the German stan- ment by powder diffractometry indicated the following
dard leaching experiment (DIN 38 414-4). After 24 h the mineral composition: 28% clay minerals (2.6 smectite,
solution was filtered (pore size: 0.45 mm), acidified and 4.3 chlorite, 17 illite and 3.5 kaolinite), 42% quartz,
stored for subsequent analysis. 8.6% feldspar, 2.7% calcite, 4.9% hematite and 14%
Total acid digestions of the bricks were performed to amorphous components.
determine the total amount of the contaminants. All According to the recommended threshold limits
solutions obtained in the course of the leaching experi- regarding the content of pollutants in mineral recycling
ments and dissolving the bricks were filtered (pore material [22], the harbour sediments of Bremen could be
size:0.45 mm) and analysed by ICP-MS (Finnigan- used as raw material for brick production (Table 3).
MAT-Sola) and ICP-AES (Perkin Elmer optima 3300).
3.2. Emission during the production
Table 3
Recommended limit and pollutants in the sediment (mg/kg dry sub-
Exhaust gas and waste water were analysed in the
pilot experiment. The concentrations in the exhaust gas
Parameter Recommended Dredged complied with the threshold limits stated in the German
limit (LAGA, 1996) harbour sediment emission regulations [18], with the exception of SO2
EOX 15 0.33 (Table 4). The waste water extracted by drying the raw
Hydrocarbons 1000 340 material complied with the threshold limits specified by
Sum BTEX 5 <0.01 the water regulation standards [23] (Table 5) and could
Sum LHKW 5 <0.015
therefore be discharged into the sewage water system of
Sum PAH acc. EPA 20 3
Sum PCB congenere 1 0.22 Hamburg.
(DIN 51527)
As 150 15 3.3. Characteristics of the bricks
Pb 1000 122
Cd 10 6
All constructional tests showed that the bricks made
Cr (ges.) 600 131
Cu 600 87 of Bremen’s harbour sediments could be used as build-
Ni 600 60 ing bricks according to the German specifications [10].
Hg 10 0.3 The data pertaining to these bricks were compared with
Tl 10 0.6 investigation on bricks made of Hamburg’s harbour
Zn 1500 790
(Table 6).
Cyanide 100 nva
The data obtained by applying the German standard
No value. leaching test (Table 7) showed that all parameters were

Table 4
Exhaust gas during the production with harbour sediments of Bremen

Parameter Minimum Maximum Mean Threshold limit acc.

German emission regulations

CO (mg/m3) <12 22 19 100

NO2 (g/m3) 0.09 0.13 0.11 0.4
HCl (mg/m3) 0.5 1.0 0.7 30
HF (mg/m3) <0.3 <0.3 < 0.3 4.0
SO2 (mg/m3) 210 290 260 200
Dust (mg/m3) <0.7 <0.7 < 0.7 20
Cd and Ti (mg/m3) <0.0004 <0.0004 < 0.0004 0.1
Hg (mg/m3) 0.0080 0.0091 0.0085 0.1
Sb, As, Pb, Cr, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, V, Sn (mg/m3) 0.10 0.13 0.11 2.0
TE-value PCCD/PCDF (ng/m3) 0.0014 0.0016 0.0015 0.1
K. Hamer, V. Karius / Waste Management 22 (2002) 521–530 525

Table 5
Compostion of the condensed waste water after cooling and after filtering

Parameter German waste water regulation standard Condensate after cooling Condensate after filtering

T [ C] 35 nva nva
pH-value 6.5–10 6.8 7.0
Particle load [mg/l] 10 <0.1 <0.1
Conductivity (mS/m) nva 8.5 11.6
As [mg/l] 0.1 0.002b nva
Ba [mg/l] 3 0.68 0.017
Pb [mg/l] 1 ndb nva
Cd [mg/l] 0.2 <0.001 <0.001
Cr [mg/l] 1 0.007 <0.002
Cu [mg/l] 1 0.051 0.006
Ni [mg/l] 1 <0.01 <0.01
Hg [mg/l] 0.05 <0.001 <0.001
Zn [mg/l] 2 0.10 <0.05
Sn [mg/l] 2 nva nva
NH+ 4 /NH3 calculated as N [mg/l] 150 <40 nva
F [mg/l] 50 0.14 0.06
NO2 [mg/l] 20 0.6 nva
SO4 [mg/l] 600 <500 nva
S2 [mg/l] 2 ndb nva
Hydrocarbons [mg/l] 20 0.55 0.43
AOX calculated as Cl [mg/l] 1 0.007 <0.002
PAK (EPA) [mg/l] nva 1.98 ndb
TBT [mg/l] nva 0.1 0.02
No value.
Not detectable.

Table 6
Constructional data about the bricks made from harbour sediments

Parameter Harbour sediment Bremen Harbour sediment Hamburga

Shape and dimensional stability Length, width and height Given within tolerances Given within tolerances
Water absorption [wt.%] 11–15 12–15
Frost resistance Slight damages (microcracks) Fulfilled
Brick bulk density [t/m3] 1.72 1.8
Ceramic body density [t/m3] 1.85 1.9
Compressive strength [N/mm2] 18–24 47–49
Content of harmful soluble and efflorescent salts Fulfilled Not tested
Data from [2].

Table 7
Leaching on crushed bricks acc. German standard leaching test (DIN 38414-4)

Parameter Bricks Threshold limit acc.

LAGA Z0 (no restricted use)

pH-value 9.9 7.0–12.5

Conductivity [mS/m] [mS/cm] nva 500
SO4 [mg/kg] 1890 500
As [mg/kg] 105 100
Pb [mg/kg] <1.6 200
Cd [mg/kg] 1.3 20
Cr [mg/kg] 70 150
Cu [mg/kg] 22 500
Ni [mg/kg] 61 400
Tl [mg/kg] ndb 1000
Zn [mg/kg] ndb 1000
No value.
526 K. Hamer, V. Karius / Waste Management 22 (2002) 521–530

Table 8
Leaching in pH-static experiments at varying grain sizes and pH-values

Grain size pH 4 pH 5 pH 6 pH 7 pH 11

SO4 [mg/kg] Cubes 30 mm 360 370 350 340 390

2–6.3 mm 1150 1150 1300 1200 1060
0.63–2 mm 2000 1680 1930 1800 1630
As [mg/kg] Cubes 30 mm 360 140 88 118 19
2–6.3 mm 2850 1540 890 640 27
0.63–2 mm 2454 1610 974 697 37
Pb [mg/kg] Cubes 30 mm 5.3 nda nda 1.0 5.8
2–6.3 mm 4.6 1.8 0.67 0.050 0.69
0.63–2 mm 7.4 1.8 1.0 1.1 0.96
Cd [mg/kg] Cubes 30 mm 1.7 0.76 0.34 0.59 1.4
2–6.3 mm 6.8 2.8 1.3 1.5 0.64
0.63–2 mm 7.4 3.8 2.3 1.6 1.2
Cr [mg/kg] Cubes 30 mm 21 14 18 20 15
2–6.3 mm 84 77 96 78 50
0.63–2 mm 125 95 106 99 62
Cu [mg/kg] Cubes 30 mm 640 580 162 84 68
2–6.3 mm 109 33 17 9.0 8.0
0.63–2 mm 162 53 26 20 15
Ni [mg/kg] Cubes 30 mm 44 17 11 19 8.0
2–6.3 mm 89 110 77 80 14
0.63–2 mm 232 160 150 125 21
Tl [mg/kg] Cubes 30 mm nda nda nda nda 1.0
2–6.3 mm nda nda nda nda nda
0.63–2 mm nda nda nda nda nda
Zn [mg/kg] Cubes 30 mm nda 320 nda nda nda
2–6.3 mm 260 nda nda nda nda
0.63–2 mm 270 nda nda nda nda
ANC24 [meq/kg] Cubes 30 mm 3.1 1.5 0.89 nvb nvb
2–6.3 mm 17 8.8 7.4 5.8 nvb
0.63–2 mm 38 22 20 15 nvb
Not detectable.
No value.

Table 9
Chemical composition of harbour sediment from Bremen and natural clay used for brick production in Lower Saxony

Clays in Lower Saxony SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO Na2O K2O S Loss of

Mean valuea 59 16 6.2 2.2 2.2 0.80 2.5 0.3 9.8

Maximum valuea 78 22 11 6.3 10 2.9 4.6 1.0 14
Minimum valuea 43 8.0 3.9 0.30 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.01 4.1
Harbour sedimentb 63 11 8.3 1.8 0.9 1.9 1.6 0.3 10
Data cited in: [24].
Nonpublished data of the port autorities, RFA-analyses, 1998.

below the level restricting the use as building materials. 4. Discussion

The only exceptions were sulphate exceeding the
threshold and As reaching it. One advantage of continuous maintenance dredging
The results of the leaching regime in which the pH- in Bremen was that the harbour sediment became
value and grain size (Table 8) were varied showed that homogeneous after dewatering, and that the masses
the mobilised amounts of contaminants generally annually amounted to a nearly constant value of 72 000
increased at low pH values (Fig. 2). Only chromium did t of dry substance [21]. Homogeneity and sufficient
not display any pH dependence in the range examined. availability are pre-conditions for using harbour sedi-
Comparing the leaching from different grain sizes ments as a raw material in any technological process.
showed that smaller grain sizes leached higher amounts The mineralogical and chemical composition of the
than larger ones. harbour sediment was similar to other raw materials
K. Hamer, V. Karius / Waste Management 22 (2002) 521–530 527

used in brickworks in north Germany (Table 9). The

petrography varied within common ranges of grain-size
distribution for raw materials [24]. Accordingly, har-
bour sediments from Bremen-City could be a suitable
raw material for producing bricks.
With the exception of SO2, all emissions complied
with the threshold limits for the exhaust gas stream and
the waste water. Injecting more Ca(OH)2 into the flue
gas stream could reduce the SO2-concentration in the
exhaust gas. The experience gained with harbour sedi-
ments from Hamburg as raw material for making bricks
[2] showed that such optimisation is feasible.
The brick’s physical characteristics also indicated that
harbour sediments could be generally applied as a raw Fig. 2. As-release from bricks made of harbour sediments. Data from
material in brick production. The German system of pH-static experiments varying pH-values and grain size.
industrial standards distinguishes between building, face
and industrial bricks [10]. The demands for a classifica- Table 10
tion as face or industrial bricks are higher as compared Life cycle periods of bricks and variables in the leaching experiments
with building bricks. The classification strongly depends Life cycle period pH-value Grain size
on the compressive strength and the frost resistance.
According to the standards applied here the bricks Storing or pedestrian walk ways Acidic Stones or cubes
Masonry Neutral/alkaline Stones or cubes
could be specified as building bricks. Mineral demolition masses Alkaline Gravel or sand
The objective of a full-scale production based on
sediments of Bremen harbour was to manufacture face
bricks. However, the frost-resistance test revealed some
micro-cracks within the samples. Less microcracks nells which had been described as resulting from high
could improve the frost resistance as well as the com- temperature treatment [28].
pressive strength. Okuno and Takahashi [25] investi- If wastes are recycled into new products it is necessary
gated bricks made of sewage-sludge ashes and also to ensure that these new products are sustainable in a
reported having problems with microcracks. The way that the environment is not endangered by new
authors discussed the content of the organic substance emissions. The leaching data provided in this study gave
and the grain-size distribution in the raw material as information about different stages of the brick’s life
being responsible for the micro-cracks observed. They cycle . Leaching of the sample cubes at acidic pH values
suggested to use ashes as raw material as it has an had been done to simulate the leaching process other-
amount of organic substance below 1 wt.%, as was wise induced by acid rain, a process which is likely to
measured by the loss of ignition. They showed that such occur when bricks are stored unsheltered at a construc-
impairments can be compensated for by optimising the tion site or used without the addition of mortar on
burning temperature in the kiln. pedestrian walkways. In the masonry of a house, the pH
The chemical composition of clays available in value of the run-off-water is expected to be between
northern Germany showed that nearly all clays had a neutral and alkaline. Alkaline pH-values are to be
loss of ignition exceeding 1%. Consequently, the con- expected [29] after a building is pulled down and the
tent of organic substance does not exclusively account bricks become a part of the mineral demolition mass
for the occurrence of micro-cracks in the product. It has consisting of concrete and broken bricks. Concerning
to be kept in mind that the data based on the harbour the changes of pH-value and grain sizes, the chosen
sediment bricks presented here originated from a pilot conditions in the leaching experiment of this study
study. In routine production, the quality of the bricks comprised all the stages of a brick from ‘‘the cradle to
could be improved to avoid the micro-cracks observed the grave’’ (Table 10). In order to assess the data
and to produce face bricks instead of building bricks. describing the different stages in the brick’s life cycle,
Experience with sediments from the port of Hamburg the data were compared with officially acknowledged
demonstrated the possibility of adapting the burning threshold limits and with reference material.
process to sediments with an ignition loss exceeding In Germany, there are recommended threshold limits
9wt.% [2]. values for the content of pollutants and the leaching
Thermal treatment of contaminated soils has the behaviour compounds in soil, for example, [13], but not
advantage that organic contaminants are destroyed and applying to construction material [9].
the remaining heavy metals can be fixed in new minerals The comparison of leaching data obtained by apply-
[26,27]. For example, Cr is known to be fixed in Cr-spi- ing the German standard leaching test [11] with LAGA
528 K. Hamer, V. Karius / Waste Management 22 (2002) 521–530

Table 11
Time period until consumption of the acid neutralizing capacity of a layer of bricks against acid infiltration of pH 4

ANC24 Infiltration to consume L/S-ratio Time until pH 4 is reached [a]

[mmol/kg] ANC24 [l/m2] [l/kg] for an infiltration rate 200 [mm]

Cubes 30 mm 3.1 4960 31 24.8

2–6.3 mm 17 27 200 170 136

limit values [13] showed that no value exceeded the necessary to consume the ANC at a pH value of four
respective threshold limit, with the sole exception of SO4 can be estimated by the equation:
(Table 7). SO4 is important in brick production, because
its concentration in the range detected could lead to ANC  s
VANCcons ¼
efflorescence, even if the test determining the content of ½Hinf:water
harmful soluble and efflorescent salts met with the
requirements [30]. Efflorescence could be controlled by with: VANCcons [l m2]: volume of water at a pH-value
adding BaCO3 to the mixture of the raw material, with of four to consume the ANC; ANC [mmol kg1]: acid
the effect that the nearly nonsoluble BaSO4 will pre- neutralising capacity;  [kg m3]: compactness of the
cipitate [31]. In order to produce a marketable brick, the layer; s [m]: thickness of the layer of crushed bricks; and
addition of BaCO3 is necessary to optimise the raw [H+]inf. water [mmol l1]: H-activity of the infiltration
material and would also lead to a decreased leaching of water.
SO4. In neutral and alkaline pH ranges, leaching Dividing the amount of water necessary to consume
remained at a nearly constant level, which was below the ANC by a given annual infiltration rate yields the
the concentration restricting the use of the material in time required to consume the ANC.
any way (Table 8). Alkaline pH values are likely to
come into effect after the use of the bricks, because the VANCcons

bricks, upon being recycled with other mineral demoli- I
tion wastes, are combined with alkaline concrete com-
ponents [22]. Walda [32] discussed producing bricks with: t [a]: time required to consume ANC; and I [l
from harbour sediments in the Netherlands. He assumes a1m2]: infiltration rate.
that an increased emission should be expected after the Of interest is the liquid/solid ratio resulting from
demolition of the buildings. According to our data this infiltration
assumption must be contradicted.
Leaching in the acidic pH range was found to be VANCcons:
L=S ¼
below all threshold values limiting the use of the brick,  s
with the sole exception of As. Arsenic was leached
above the limit value defined by LAGA [13]. Thermal with: L/S [l kg1]: liquid/solid ratio; and  [kg m3]:
treatment of polluted soils could lead to the fixation of compactness of the layer.
heavy metals but was not applicable to As in this In order to assess the increased release of As at low
regard, as leaching of As increased after thermal treat- pH values the following scenario is discussed: a 10-cm
ment [21]. Additionally, the leaching of As increased thick layer of broken bricks is used to prepare a path
with decreasing pH values after the thermal treatment and exposed to acid rain with a pH of four. The layer
of sludges [33]. has a compactness of 1.6 t/m3 and an ANC of 17.4
Being able to predict the concentrations of As in the mmol/kg. This is the ANC calculated for coarse sand
pore water of a such layer of material under the condi- released from broken bricks (Table 8). The given infil-
tion of long-term exposure, it is an important issue to tration rate is 200 mm.
assess whether the quality of soil or groundwater The result of these calculations is that it can last dec-
underlying the brick layer can be affected. A key para- ades to consume the ANC of the brick layer (Table 11),
meter for such an approach consists in the acidic neu- however, the model used to calculate the ANC con-
tralisation capacity (ANC) of the broken bricks in such sumption presents a simplification of the processes
a layer. The ANC can be used to estimate the time at actually taking place: in addition to the pH value, the
which the decrease of pH-value might take place [9]. leachate concentrations in the field are influenced by the
The pH-value will decrease if the buffer capacity of the biological degradation of organic matter, redox poten-
layer is consumed because of acid infiltration. tial, ionic strength, liquid/solid ratio, complexing agents
Just by defining the thickness, the compactness and and the granular or monolithic structure of the sample
the ANC of a layer of crushed bricks, the water volume [34]. However, as far as the field conditions during the
K. Hamer, V. Karius / Waste Management 22 (2002) 521–530 529

5. Conclusion

The industrial-scale experiment showed how manu-

facturing bricks with harbour sediments could be opti-
mised and that bricks made of sediments from the
harbour of Bremen would have no environmental impact
restricting their application. The brick manufacturing
process has to be improved in order to reduce SO2-con-
centrations in the exhaust gas stream. Injecting more
Ca(OH)2 into the flue gas stream is therefore discussed to
be a suitable method. In the future the raw material must
also be improved. Adding BaCO3 to the raw material
could prevent the bricks from possible efflorescence.
The applied leaching programme provided data on
the leaching behaviour of metals and metalloids. While
running the programme the master variables, grain size
and the pH-value, were varied to get information on the
Fig. 3. Comparsion of As-contents in clays [35]. chemical conditions the bricks might become exposed to
at any specific time in their entire life cycle. No leaching
was observed to an extent that can have exerted any
hazardous impact on the environment. This study con-
phases of the brick’s life cycle are concerned, the pH- centrated on elements mentioned in the German reg-
value and the grain size can be assumed to be the master ulations. In further studies additional parameters like
variable influencing the release of As from the bricks. Mo and V should be investigated because they are likely
The starting-point of this discussion was that the to become mobilised by sintering [36].
release of As at pH four exceeded the threshold limit In summary, it can be stated in terms of geochemical
value restricting the use of mineral materials as recom- engineering [37] that using harbour sediments for brick
mended by LAGA [13]. Our calculation showed that it production leads to the stabilisation of As and the
could take decades before a pH value of four is reached. immobilisation of heavy metals.
The leached concentration measured in the pH-static The beneficial use of harbour sediments, instead of
experiment will differ from that of drainage water in the depositing them, could prevent depletion of resources in
brick layer as is to be expected in the scenario. two ways: natural clay resources would be spared for a
Two factors will reduce the As concentration in drai- longer period of time and space consumption by con-
nage water: first, it cannot be expected that the As con- structing new landfills equipped with dewatering facil-
centration measured in the pH-static experiment will be ities and compensation areas would also be avoided.
released spontaneously once pH 4 is reached. The The latter is an important aspect because the munici-
release of As will occur before the worst case of pH 4 pality of Bremen disposes of only a limited area for
emerges (Table 8). Thus, the As reservoir that can be future urban development. In Bremen, producing bricks
mobilised at pH 4 will continuously decrease during from harbour sediments is a promising alternative
ANC consumption. Second, the layer will be percolated within the concept of harbour sediment management.
several times in the course of ANC consumption, as
described by the L/S ratio (Table 11). The calculated L/
S ratio is more than 10 times higher than in the pH- Acknowledgements
static experiment. Both factors will lead to the dilution
of the concentrations in drainage water, as compared The project was funded by the municipal administra-
with the concentrations measured in the pH-static tion of the City of Bremen. Waste water, exhaust gas,
experiments. In order to predict the drainage water and, finally, the industrial standards were monitored by
concentration, more precise column experiments simu- the Ergo Research Institute, Hamburg, Limnological
lating such a layer should be conducted in the future. Institute, Dr. Nowak, Ottersberg, and Keramisch-
Additionally, a comparison of the As contents in the Technologisches Baustofflabor, Hamburg. We thank
harbour sediments with other clays in Germany showed these companies for their excellent co-operation.
that the As content of the harbour sediment is in the
same order of magnitude as many other clays in Ger-
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