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2014 Sixth International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks

A Study of Task Scheduling Based On Differential Evolution Algorithm

in Cloud Computing
Jing Xue, Liutao Li, SaiSai Zhao, Litao Jiao
School of AutomationˈNorthwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an,China,,,

Abstract—In this paper, we put forward a task scheduling In this paper, we put forward a task scheduling
algorithm in cloud computing with the goal of the minimum algorithm with the goal of the minimum completion time,
completion time, maximum load balancing degree, and the maximum load balancing degree, and the minimum
minimum energy consumption using improved differential energy consumption using improved differential
evolution algorithm. In order to improve the global search
evolution algorithm in cloud computing. And then make a
ability in the earlier stage and the local search ability in the
later stage, we have adopted the adaptive zooming factor simulation verification combine with CloudSim.
mutation strategy and adaptive crossover factor increasing
strategy. At the same time, we have strengthened the
selection mechanism to keep the diversity of population in In cloud computing environment, a large-scale computing
the later stage. In the process of simulation, we have tasks require a distributed parallel processing. We put a
performed the functional verification of the algorithm and large task into n mutually independent sub-tasks, and then
compared with the other representative algorithms. The assigned to the m virtual resource node (virtual machine)
experimental results show that the improved differential
to perform, those participate in scheduling independent
evolution algorithm can optimize cloud computing task
scheduling problems in task completion time, load balancing,
sub-task sets are represented as D={d1,d2,...,dn}(di:task
and energy efficient optimization. i).The system uses appropriate strategies to handle tasks
assigned to different resource nodes,we use R={r1,r2,...,r3}
Keywords- Cloud Computing; Task Scheduling; (ri:virtual node i) stand for virtual resource nodes those
Differential Evolution Algorithm who participate in scheduling. Execution speed of each
resource node represented by MIPS, task length
I. INTRODUCTION instruction is represented by MI,each individual task can
Cloud computing [1][2] is a kind of technology that only be assigned to execute on a virtual node, Now the
integrates the distributed computing, the parallel task execution time on each resource node is represented
computing, the virtualization technology and Web service with a matrix T, T={tij}(i=1,2,...,n;j=1,2,...,m),Where tij
technology. It has the characteristics of large scale, high represents the execution time that task di running on rj.
reliability, abstraction, generality and so on, and it is t ij  MI[i] MIPS[ j ] (1)
getting the attention of scientific and business like Google
Distribution relation is represented by matrix X,X={xij}
cloud computing, IBM "blue cloud", Amazon EC2 and so
(i=1,2,...,n;j=1,2,...,m),xij=1 stands for task di is running
on. The architecture of cloud computing is mainly
on rj, otherwise xij=0. The time perform on rj is
including service and management. Due to the n
unreasonable resource scheduling in cloud computing, E(R )  x t
i 1
ij ij
some of the cloud servers paralyze easily, while other
servers are in the idle state. So the resource scheduling is All tasks completion time is
the key to the cloud computing research [3][4].In cloud C  max E ( Rj ) (3)
computing resource scheduling is a NP problem, various Load balancing is to split tasks into multiple unit
heuristic algorithms can be used for the task allocation operation to perform. Load balancing degree is higher,
problem of resource scheduling. In a massive task for the utilization rate of resources is higher, and the concrete
resource scheduling, resource security, load balance, can be defined as [9] :
energy consumption and other issues should be m
considered. Literature[5] has design a task scheduling 
P  1  (C  E ( R )) ( N * C )
j 1
algorithm based on particle swarm by introducing
Here, we ignore communication energy consumption,
particles and more variable population collaboration, it
energy consumption of processor is only considered in
has realized the optimization of task time. Literature[6]
dealing with tasks. We use matrix L to represent the
has put forward an algorithm of cloud computing cluster
energy consumption, L={lij}(i=1,2,...,n;j=1,2,...,m), lij
resource scheduling based on the clonal selection
represents the consumption of energy that task di running
algorithm .In literature[7], a dynamic task allocation
on rj.Then the energy consumption of completing a task
model is established, then it uses particle swarm
scheduling can be expressed as
optimization algorithm to realize the resource load n m
balancing. Literature[8] takes the resource utilization and Q   lij xij
energy consumption as the optimization goal, it has used i 1 j 1
ant colony algorithm to solve and improve the resource In this paper, the cloud computing task scheduling is
utilization of the physical machine. The targets of the abstracted as the following multi-objective optimization
above documents are relatively simple, although the problem like {min(C),max(P),min(Q)}.
particular aspect has been optimized, but they has ignored By the formula (1) - (4),The smaller C, the greater P.
other problems. Therefore, in the process of evaluation, we only take one

978-1-4799-6929-6/14 $31.00 © 2014 IEEE 638

DOI 10.1109/CICN.2014.142
inconsideration between C and P, so we define the fitness generated NP individual with the length of M. every one
function is: of each individual has randomly value from the set {1,
f ( X )  w1C ( X )  w2Q( X ) (6) 2,... , N} .
w1 and w2 are the actual requirements for the proportion B. The adaptive zooming factor mutation strategy
of time and resources,w1+w2=1 . The zoom factor F in the formula (7), general value
The standard differential evolution algorithm in [0, 1]. The zoom factor F plays a regulatory role in
Differential evolutionary algorithm is a kind of heuristic global search and local search of algorithm . If F is bigger,
random search algorithm based on group differences, it which is beneficial to keep the population diversity and
global search. Smaller F is conducive to improve the
solves the optimization problem through cooperation and
convergence precision and local search. In order to
competition between individuals within a population. The maintain the population diversity and global search, and
basic principle of DE is to weight difference vector of any get as many possible global optimal seeds in the initial
two individuals in the population, and added to the third stages of the search, and strengthen the local search
according to the corresponding rules to get a new ability in the late search, this paper used the method of an
individual. According to the ideas of the greedy choice, if adaptive scaling factor F, the F decreases with the
new individual is better than the original individual, increase of the number of iterations.
received a new individual, otherwise, saved the original
individual into the next generation. The basic operation of F  Fmax  ( Fmax  Fmin )( t )2
T (10)
algorithm includes mutation, crossover and evolution. Where Fmax is the largest scale factor, Fmin is the
Firstly, random initialization population, X(0)=[X1(0), minimum scale factor, t is the current number of
X2(0),...,XNP(0)]. Then make a mutation to the individual iterations , T is the maximum number of iterations.
Xi(t) of t generation in population to get Vi(t+1):
C. The adaptive crossover factor increasing strategy
Vi (t  1)  X r (t )  F  ( X r (t )  X r (t ))(r1  r2  r3  i) (7) Similarly, the crossover factor CR in the formula (8)
1 2 3
also affects the search ability and convergence of the
r1,r2,r3∈{1,2,...,NP},Xr1(t)is the base vector of parent algorithm and CR generally value in [0.5, 1], the smaller
generation, (Xr2(t)-Xr3(t))is the difference vector of parent the CR, more conducive to keep population diversity and
generation, F is the zoom factor and t is the number of global search; The larger the CR, the more benefit in local
iterations. search and accelerate convergence speed. So, we use the
Next, make a crossover operation to Vi(t+1) to get test crossover factor increment method to improve the
individual Ui(t+1), the j dimensional component of Ui(t+1) effectiveness of the algorithm, the specific formula is as
is ui,j(t+1): follows:
V (t  1), If (rand () CR )or ( j  jrand ) CR  CRmin  (CRmax  CRmin )( t )2
ui, j (t  1) 
i, j (8) T (11)
 xi, j (t ), Otherwise
Where CRmax is maximum crossover factor, CRmin is
CR is the probability of crossover which range between the smallest crossover factor, t is the current iteration
0~1, rand () is the generated random number within the number, T is the maximum number of iterations.
range 0 ~ 1,jrand is a random quantity between {1,2,...,D}.
D. Selection strategy
using the following formula to compare the fitness
function of Ui(t+1) and Xi(t). Then select the low value of The standard differential evolution algorithm using
the fitness function of the individual as the offspring. f() greedy algorithm when came to the selection strategy,
is the fitness function though beneficial to speed up the convergence, but it has
. reduced the diversity of the population, easy to fall into
"premature". In order to ensure the diversity of population
U (t  1), If ( f (U i (t  1)) f ( X i (t ))) (9)
X i (t  1) 
i in the later algorithm, this paper adds the option

X i (t ), Otherwise mechanism in the original algorithm: in order to prevent
the mutation and crossover operation damage the optimal
parent individuals, the optimal parent individuals directly
into children group, to solve the problem of useful
individual may be discarded, thus effectively maintaining
A. The Initialization the diversity of population.
Here the focus is the encoding for queue scheduling, E. The steps of algorithm
differential evolution using real number coding method,
Step1:Initialize the parameters. Set the population size
and the article based on the literature [10] resources
as NP, the maximum scaling factor Fmax, the minimum
indirect encoding method. Length coding for the number
scaling factor Fmin, the biggest crossover probability
of tasks,every value is the number of occupied resources.
factor CRmax,the minimum crossover probability factor
If you have10 tasks (d1,d2,...,d10),5 available resources
CRmin, the maximum iteration times T, t=1.
(r1,r2,r3,r4,r5), the code length is 5, each bit has a value in
Step2:Initialize the population reference to the above
the set{1,2,3,4,5}. assuming that the individual is
encoded as[2,3,1,3,4,5,2,2,5,3], The first bit code is 2,
Step3:Seek fitness function for each individual, then
said d1 run on r2, and so on.Assume that population size
sort them, find the fitness of the best individual, the best
is NP, number of tasks is M, resources is N, the random
individual directly go into the next generation population.
initialization described as: by the system randomly
Step4:Determine whether the target value has

achieved accuracy or has achieved the maximum number
of iterations, if so, go to Step8, otherwise, go the next
Step5:Do the mutation operation according to (7) and
(10) to the individuals of t generation population, then
generate variation individuals.
Step6:Do the crossover operation according to (8) and
(11) to the individuals of t generation population, then
generate crossover individuals.
Step7:According to (9) type selection operation,
generate the individuals of t+1 generation population.
Step8:T = t + 1, turn to step 3.
Step9:Get the optimal solution and end of the algorithm.
Fig.1 Task completion time figure


A. Functional simulation
To evaluate the performance of the cloud computing
task scheduling algorithm, we make simulations based on
the open source cloud computing simulation platform
CloudSim. Experimental environment is as follows: with
15 virtual node resources, 100 scheduling independent
tasks, each resource node execution speed MIPS and task
length instruction MI and energy consumption matrix L
random by Matlab.
The parameters of the algorithm are set as follows:
population size NP is equal to the number of tasks 100,
the largest scaling factor Fmax=0.8, the minimum zoom

Fig.2:Energy consumption figure

factor Fmin=0.4, maximum crossover probability factor
CRmax= From Fig.1, 2 can see that TLDE and PDE in the task
0.9, the smallest crossover probability factor CRmin=0.5. completion time and the energy consumption is formed
During the experiment, the fitness function formula on the complete opposite: TLDE can quickly complete
(6), when the w1=1,w2=0,at this time, only consider the the task, but consumes too much energy. Although the
task time and task scheduling algorithm of load balance, PDE to complete the task time is long, consumes less
defined as TLDE algorithm; When w1=0,w2=1, the task energy. And just TLPDE for both compromise, not only
scheduling algorithm for only consider energy can ensure complete the task more quickly, but also can
consumption, noted as PDE algorithm.When consume less energy. At the same time,it can be seen
w1=0.4,w2=0.6,the time for both task time and load from the figure,the 3 algorithms can converge rapidly,
balancing, and also consider the energy consumption of and embodies the good optimization performance of the
task scheduling algorithm, for TLPDE algorithm. algorithm.
Because in our modeling task completion time is less, the B. The performance contrast experiment
corresponding load balance factor is greater, so in the In order to verify the improved optimization
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scheme for the three algorithms of task execution time is shown in Fig.3.
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in figure 1, 2;

Fig.3: Task completion time comparison chart

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