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ART406A: Art Criticism: Theory And Practice

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Q.1 Wild animals and hunting scenes abound, while the scenes of daily life were depicted
Resources alongside representations of ceremonies and deities. In which prehistoric period with the
advent of agriculture herders and cows appeared.
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Q.2 The God of the funeral rites, Anubis is represented as?
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Q.3 In Roman sculptures the subject of the artwork, or the various elements that form the
composition, is used to symbolize a deeper moral or spiritual meaning such as life, death, love,
virtue, justice etc. The aspect is known as Allegory in art which is a distinctive feature of
Renaissance as well.

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1


Q.4 Constantine established a new center of power in the east of the Roman Empire Centre
gradually grew in wealth and power while Rome in the West gradually declined. This left
Constantinople as the sole seat of Roman power. Constantinople is the present day,

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1


Q.5 The culture that was marked with specialization of tools,that included the invention of
burin and drawings with shades and modeling of shapes, is known as,

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

Aurignacian Culture
Magdalenian Culture
Shinichi Culture

Q.6 Greek statues depicting youths are referred to with modern designated terms: Kouros
(Kouroi plural) for the maiden youths and Kore (Korai plural) for young males. Made of
marble or limestone, the statues tend to be life size.

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1


Q.7 Threatening figures during the Primitive Art were used to serve more than the cause for
decoration as they were used for purposes of working magic and exorcizing evil spirits.
Which age resembles the ideas of contemporary tribes.

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

Art of Middle Age

Art of Dark Age
Art of Golden Age

Q.8 Colossal sculptures of Lamassuin the throne room of which King, shown as a composite
being with the head of a human, the body of a bull & the wings of a bird, a protective spirit.

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

King Sargon II
Tiglath-Pileser III

Q.9 Image from Dark Age that displays a cross composed of rich lacework of intertwined
serpents standing against an even more complicated background is,

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

Celtic Gospel
Lindisfarne Gospel
Bayeux Tapestry

Q.10 The reason primitive Art is called “primitive “is,

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

People who made them had a thought process were obsolete

People who made them were simpler than we are
People who made them are closer to the state from which all mankind once

Q.11 Egyptian sculptures (stone) are not completely three dimensional in nature but a form
of very high relief sculpture since attached to the stone slab from the backside. They cannot
stand independently without an external support. Less than ¼ of the body is immersed in the
stone. Example is,

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

Tutenkhamen’s back panel throne

Mycerinus accompanied by his queen
The Seated Scribe

Q.12 Catacomb is the long spacious building that Romans traditionally used as meeting halls

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1


Q.13 Process of evolution in the art of Mesopotamia was,the representation of the forms
(human figures) starts with geometric shapes and gradually moves towards realism.

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1


Q.14 Perhaps the best-known copy of the Doryphoros of Polykleitos now resides in the
Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli belongs from the Classicalstyle was excavated in
which of the following site.

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1


Q.15 This Roman technique of using marble in its natural colours to decorate villas. It was
later adopted by Byzantine artists using pieces of glass with irregular shapes and sizes. Those
pieces of tiny tiles were known as,

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1


Q.16 Tool making industry and artistic tradition of Upper Paleolithic Europe, lived 11000 to
17000 years ago at the time when reindeer, wild horses, and bison formed large herds, are
known as,

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 0

Aurignacian Culture
Magdalenian Culture
Shinichi Culture

Q.17 Like the Hellenistic heads, Roman portraits deal with the Psychological aspects and
display certain characteristic feature that enable us to read the mind or thought of the
character portrayed.

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1


Q.18 During which period Catacomb paintings were created underground passageways to
bury dead and hold occasional religious services, grew to be massive underground networks
of tunnels, lighted and ventilated by air shafts.

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

Byzantine Art
Early Christian art
Greco- Roam Art

Q.19 Migration period, which was marked by frequent warfare, upheavals and invasions also
called Dark Ages of western European history when there was no Holy Roman emperor in the
West, it is the period between 500 and 1000, this time is marked as

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

Five hundred years did not see emergence of any clear and uniform style.
Art practice was under prohibition for Five hundred years.
Five hundred years under strict rules of commissioned art works.

Q.20 Religious beliefs and practices have long influenced human perceptions and uses of
nature. Animals in particular play a prominent role in magico-religious practices and provide
historical and cultural depth of these relationships. Understanding human-faunal relations is
often fundamental to the cause of meaningful wildlife conservation. The believe system is
rooted to
Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

Animal and wildlife activism

Magico-religious inspiration from Paleolithic caves
Folk tales and fables of Chalcolithic era

Q.21 The death of Laocoön was famously depicted in a much-admired marble Laocoön and
His Sons.
The style of which is categorized as,

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1


Q.22 Thepaleolithic cave Altamira located in which part of Spain,

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

Montealegre del Castillo

Santillana del Mar
Sierra de las Nieves

Q.23 Ancient block statues representing squatting figures are often inscribed. Only the head
receives realistic treatment, feet are well defined while arms have merged at times the body
and limbs completely fused together. The style of execution is similar to,

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

Semi abstraction with a cubic view

Analytical cubism
Abstract expressionism

Q.24 The Egyptian sky God,Horous is represented with which animal or Bird

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1


Q.25 Drawn with vitality and the elegance of great simplicity, the animals of prehistoric cave
paintings are the masterworks of an accuracy that provides invaluable evidence to,

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

Zoologists researching on Paleolithic age remains

Renaissance painters researching on anatomy
German expressionists

Q.26 Greek sculptors started by carefully copying the appearance of a real man and then
beautified it by omitting any irregularities or traits that did not conform to their idea of a
perfect body. Therefore, they fall under the category of,

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1


Q.27 Venus of Willendorf - carved limestone,c. 30,000-15,000 BC. Assumed to have madefor
the following cause,

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

Petroglyphs more widespread than pictographs preserved chiefly in dry

regions, inside caves, and under overhanging cliffs with designs created for
purposes of communication of religious propitiation and based on magical beliefs.
As a fertility symbol to mark the importance of fertility, as infant mortality
rates were high making it a necessity to have many children for survival.
Figures were painted or carved on natural protrusions from the rock face, the
creator of the designs exploited the natural contours or the facets of the rock

Q.28 A large ancient Greek painted vase to mix wine and water in a cemetery served as
grave markers. Transport of the mortal remains to the place of burial used to be illustrated on
its surface with a whole underneath for a constant supply of liquid is known as,

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

Dipylon Vase
Puebla Vase
Kamakura Vase

Q.29 The medieval narrative woolen embroidery of Bayeux Tapestrydepicts which event of

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

The Sealing of Magma Carta

Norman Conquest of England
The Battle Of Hastings
Q.30 Paleolithic art: art of the most recent ice age discovered at various sites in Western
Europe developed in,

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

Huge limestone caves, that served as habitation

Moderate caves that served as assemblies
Catacombs that served as underground sewage system

Q.31 THE COLUMN OF TRAJAN 106-113A.D erected to celebrate the Emperors victorious
campaign against the ancient inhabitants of Romania to

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

Recounting history of the Dacian war

Recording the ancestry of Trajan
Recording Roman population

Q.32 In prehistoric Australian and American designs were more oftenSymbolic and
geometric, while art of Europe and Africa the style was largely?

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1


Q.33 Kore and Kouros are examples of

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

Classical Greek statues

Archaic Greek statues
Hellenistic Greek statues

Q.34 6th c. the Pope’s reminder to people who were against all paintings - ‘Painting can do
for the illiterate what writing does for those who can read’ It was of immense importance for
the history of art that such a great authority had come in favour of painting. His saying was
quoted at times when people attacked the use of images in churches. He was,

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

Saint Mathew
Pope Gregory
Pope Paul

Q.35 Mesopotamian Art was contemporary to,

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

Gupta Period
Indus Valley Civilization
Edo period of Japan

Q.36 Roman art encompasses a broad spectrum of medium including marble, painting,
mosaic, gems, silver and bronze work, and terracotta. A consistent trend, of portraiture and
narrative relief sculpture, deeply rooted to the Roman society.

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1


Q.37 ‘Hadrian’ is a 48 cm high Roman portrait statue made of Bronze in

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

117-138 AD
132-148 AD
156-168 AD

Q.38 Egyptian art was meant to be seen by no one but the dead man’s soul.

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1


Q.39 The Mesopotamian valley confined to the center on the basin of the two great rivers.

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

Tigris and Euphrates

Yellow River and Yangtze
Blue Nile and White Nile

Q.40 An Italian word; describes the balanced non-symmetry of this relaxed, natural pose. The
leg that carries the main weight is called the engaged leg, the other the free leg is,

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1


Q.41 In Egyptian paintings human figures are more naturalistic, dynamic and lively as
compared to the flora and fauna.

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1


Q.42 A group of twelve statues from the first half 3rd millennium BC discovered together by
Henri Frankfort from the Favissa in the,

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

Temple of Ashnunanak
Temple of Abu at Tell Asmar
Temple of Akkad

Q.43 Which are the ageless geometric motifs found all over the world are simplified
andknown as,

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1


Q.44 Tradition derived from the Greek custom of placing votive statues of athletic victors
and other important individuals in the sanctuaries of

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

Delphi and Olympia

Dipylon and Delft
Pompei and Delft

Q.45 Mesopotamian Art primarily reveals the message of a theocratic social system in which,

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

A state or society governed by one person with absolute power

God is transcendent and impersonal, creation is the product of spiritual
emanations from God, and that humans are sparks of the divine trapped in the
material world who desire to return to their spiritual home
A ruler or group uses the power of God and divine texts to create laws and
guide government decisions

Q.46 Early Christian art under prohibition differed from the art of Rome in many ways.
Artists showed little interest in the grace and power of the human body so very important to
Greek and Roman artists. Christian art was intended to illustrate the glory and power of

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1


Q.47 Egyptian art is not based on what the artist could see at a given point, but rather on
what he knew belonged to a person or a scene.

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1


Q.48 The base of The Column of Trajan serves as burial chamber of Emperor’s ashes.

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1


Q.49 Unfortunately, the last four hundred years of this Roman tradition is a closed book as
not a single roman portrait has been found yet that can be dated before the first century BC.

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1


Q.50 Among the ancient Egyptian sculptors, the most famous was part of an ancient tradition
of humanizing statues, who had an atelier at Akhetaten and created many works. His name

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1


Q.51 Read the passage carefully and Answer the questions 51 to 60:
The greatest god of the ancient Egyptians was Usire (Osiris in Greek), who represented life
and death. Himself having died and risen from the dead as a metaphor of the dead grain which
sprouts afresh in spring, Osiris, therefore, held the key to fertility and eternal life. He was the
great judge of the Underworld, where every Ka or soul would have its heart weighed in a
scale against a feather representing justice. If the heart was lighter, the Ka would gain
eternal life; if weighed down with evil deeds, the heart would be thrown to the crocodile god
Sobek to devour. Osiris is always depicted with green skin as a god of vegetation. He holds in
one hand an 'ankh' or looped cross, the symbol of life, and in the other a flail, signifying his
power over all things. His double crown and royal beard proclaim him master of Upper and
Lower Egypt, which the Pharaohs ruled in his name.

Isse (Isis in Greek) was the mother goddess who presided over childbirth, prosperity and
harmony. As the devoted wife of Osiris, she was the one who brought him back to life after he
had been killed by his jealous brother Seth. She was also the mother of Osiris of the god
Horus (Horus in Greek) and is often depicted suckling the baby Horu. Isis is also the goddess
of the Moon and wears a full Moon on her head along with a pair of cow's horns. The cult of
Isis survived into Roman times, even in Rome itself, and continued till all pagan worship was
banned by the Christian Emperor Theodosius I in the 5th century AD.

Nebet-Het (Nephthys in Greek) was the sister of Isis, and presided over deaths as her sister
did over birth. She is always shown in tombs. Horu (Horus in Greek) was the god of power,
war, strength, and Son of Osiris and Isis. He is always depicted as a falcon. His folded wings
protect the monarch from his enemies. His round, unblinking eye, often depicted all by itself
as the 'Eye of Horus', was a symbol of health and well-being and survives even today in the
Coptic Christian worship as a symbol. It is a popular motif for modern jewellery.

Horu (Horus in Greek) was the god of power, war, strength, and Son of Osiris and Isis. He is
always depicted as a falcon. His folded wings protect the monarch from his enemies. His
round, unblinking eye, often depicted as the Eye of Horus' was a symbol of health and well-
being and survives even today in the Coptic Christian worship as a symbol. It is a popular
motif for modern jewellery.

Isis was the mother goddess, and as such, she has often depicted suckling the child Horus.
This iconography passed through Roman times into Christian iconography as the Madonna
suckling the baby Jesus, producing some of the finest Christian paintings.

Hut-Horu (Hathor in Greek) was the Egyptian goddess of love, laughter and joy. Initially a
mother goddess and a fertility deity, by classical times, she had been identified as the wife of
Horu and a daughter-in-law of Isis. She is depicted with a small Moon and cow's horns like Isis,
but is characterized by having cow's ears. She often carries a sistrum, or musical rattle,
signifying her role as patroness of the arts.

Ra was the ancient Egyptian god of the Sun and stood for life, warmth and fertility. By
dynastic times he was merged with Horus and worshipped as Ra-Horakhty. Both deities are
represented with the head of a falcon. The solar disk above signifies Ra. The Pharaoh would
generally present the first fruits of his victories, Ra's earnings, and his later merged versions.
Sun worship always played a significant role in Egyptian religion.

Amun (Ammon in Greek) was a god of the air adopted by the Theban kings as their patron. He
was initially represented as a ram or a man with a ram's head. As Thebes rose to prominence
in the New Kingdom, Amun's importance grew under powerful rulers like Amenhotep,
Hatshepsut, Thothmosisll, and Amenhotep ll. He was merged with Ra as the great god Amun-
Ra. Under the Ramesside kings, he was also merged with Osiris.

Thoth (Though or Tut in Greek) was the god of wisdom, writing and philosophy. He mainly was
represented with the head of an Egyptian ibis and sometimes as a baboon or the god Babi. He
was also the god of magicians, physicians, and soothsayers.

<------------------------End of the Passage--------------------------->

Question 51: Usire is considered as the God of Life and death, therefore metaphorically, he is
also represented as

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

Dead Grain which sprouts afresh in spring

Fertility and Eternal Life
As a key to reincarnation

Q.52 According to the above passage, what does the God with Greencolored skin presents

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

Flora and Fauna
Growth and Renewal

Q.53 Mark the below statement True or False

Isse, the devoted wife of her husband Seth, has brought back her husband to life after being
killed by his jealous brother Osiris.

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1


Q.54 According to Egyptian mythology, which God/Goddess is depicted with Falcon?

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1


Q.55 According to the above paragraph, Which Egyptian God/Goddess appeared to be the
inspiration for roman and Christian Iconography as Mother feeding to her child?

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1


Q.56 Which Egyptian goddess is identified as the wife of the God Horus/Horu?

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1


Q.57 Which animal/ bird represented the deities ‘Ra-Horakhty’?

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

Ram and Snake

Snake and Falcon
Falcon only

Q.58 Which deity is considered as the God of sorcerers and fortunetellers?

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1


Q.59 What do you understand by the word Amun-Ra?

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

God of Fertility and Rain

God of Air and Sun
God of Birth and Death

Q.60 Choose an appropriate title for the above passage

Max. score: 1; Neg. score: 0; Your score: 1

The Gods of ancient Egypt

History of the ancient Egyptian civilization
Gods and their Symbols

Score: 59

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