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Mixture operation

 On button to start the process when motor starts and V1 is open.

 Then check the level, is its high level has been reached or not.
 If a high level is reached turn off V1 and turn ON the stirrer & heater at a time.
 After mixing & heating turn OFF the stirrer & heater.
 Finally, release this mixture through valve V2.
 After the low level is reached turn off valve V2 and turn ON valve V1.

PLC Programs

 Temperature Control using Thermostat

 PLC-based Tank Heating Control
 Automatic Mixing Control in a Tank

2. Wood saw cutter

 A wood saw cutter (W), a fan (F), and a lubrication pump (P) turns on when a START push
button is pushed. Following is the stopping sequence:
 STOP push-button stops the saw only before the fan stops it should run for an additional 5
sec to blow the chips away and the tube pump is to run for 8 sec.
 Additionally, before it stops. if the saw has run more than 1 min, the fan should stay ON
indefinitely. The fan may be turned OFF by pushing a separate fan reset switch

3. Traffic control

 We have to control the traffic on 4 roads.

 The green light on each side is ON for 10 sec only one side at a time and at the same time,
the respected red light is ON for 30sec.
 The same sequence is followed by each side.

4. Fume extractor Control

 In Auto Mode, press the start PB to open the Actuator.

 After 100% open the Actuator, Turn on the blower.
 After the start, the blower waits for 10 sec.
 After 10 sec, based on temperature Actuator operates (open and close)
 Max temperature is 50 degrees, If the temperature is more the 40 degrees, the Actuator
opened 100%.
 If the Actuator opened 100% blower is running in 50HZ.
 Based on the Actuator position Blower speed is controlled.

Actuator 1 analog input and 1 analog output.

Blower 1 analog input.
Blower speed control using VFD.
5. HUL Robot Palletizing

 In Auto Mode, Press the start PB to Start Infeed Conveyor & Highway Conveyor & Line-1
Pickup Conveyor.
 When Box is Entering a highway line Check the Infeed Part Trigger Sensor Feedback and
Down the Highway line-1 Stopper and After Sensing Stopper 1 Crossing Sensor Back to
Home That Stopper (Stopper UP).
 Before Box Pushing the line-1 please check the robot’s required box count.
 After Coming Line 1 Pickup Conveyor Check the line-1 Part Present Sensor after that Pusher
Push to the Box to Line-1.
 When Required Box Pushed at the Line-1 Pickup Conveyor Give the Pickup Command to
 After Pickup, Make the Present value 0 Please Send the Next Required Box at Line-1.
 Whenever need to stop press the stop button to stop all operations means pusher action
and stopper action and All Conveyors Should be stopped.

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