q4 Sprob WHLP

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• illustrates: (a) null hypothesis; (b) alternative hypothesis; (c) level of significance;

(d) rejection region; and (e) types of errors in hypothesis testing.

• identifies the parameter to be tested given a real-life problem.

• formulates the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses on a population mean.

• identifies the appropriate form of the test-statistic when: (a) the population
variance is assumed to be known; (b) the population variance is assumed to be
unknown; and (c) the Central Limit Theorem is to be used.
• identifies the appropriate rejection region for a given level of significance when: (a)
the population variance is assumed to be known; (b) the population variance is
assumed to be unknown; and (c) the Central Limit Theorem is to be used.

• computes for the test-statistic value (population mean).

• draws conclusion about the population mean based on the test-statistic value and
the rejection region.

• solves problems involving test of hypothesis on the population mean.

• Formulates the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses on a population


• Identifies the appropriate form of the test-statistic when the central limit theorem
is to be used.

• Identifies the appropriate rejection region for a given level of significance when the
central limit theorem is to be used.

• Computes for the test-statistic value (population proportion).

• Draws conclusion about the population proportion based on the test-statistic value
and the rejection region.

• Solves problems involving test of hypothesis on the population proportion.

• Illustrates the nature of bivariate data.

• Constructs a scatter plot.

• Describes shape (form), trend (direction), and variation (strength) based on a

scatter plot.

• Calculates the Pearson’s sample correlation coefficient.

• Solves problems involving correlation analysis.

• Identifies the independent and dependent variables.

• Calculates the slope and y-intercept of the regression line.

• Interprets the calculated slope and y-intercept of the regression line.

• Predicts the value of the dependent variable given the value of the independent

• Solves problems involving regression analysis.


💛 Read and understand the lesson “Testing Hypothesis” on Module 1
pp. 4 – 15.
💛 Answer Assessment on Module 1 pp. 22 - 23.
💛 Read and understand the lesson “Identifying Parameters for Testing
in Given Real-Life Problems” on Module 2 pp. 4 – 7.
💛 Answer Assessment on Module 2 pp. 10 - 11.
💛 Read and understand the lesson “Formulating Appropriate Null and
Alternative Hypotheses on a Population Mean” on Module 3 pp. 3 –
💛 Answer What I Can Do (Performance Task 1) on Module 3 page 14.

💛 Read and understand the lesson “Identifying Appropriate Test

Statistics Involving Population Mean” on Module 4 pp. 4 – 10.
💛 Answer Assessment on Module 4 pp. 14 - 16.
💛 Read and understand the lesson “Identifying the Appropriate
Rejection Region for a Given Level of Significance” on Module 5 pp. 4 –
💛 Answer What I Can Do (Performance Task 2) on Module 5 page 14.

💛 Read and understand the lesson “Computing Test Statistic on

Population Mean” on Module 6 pp. 4 – 8.
💛 Answer Assessment on Module 6 pp. 14 - 15.
💛 Read and understand the lesson “Drawing Conclusion About
Population Mean Based on Test Statistic Value and Critical Region” on
Module 7 pp. 4 – 10.
💛 Answer Assessment on Module 7 pp. 14 - 16.

💛 Read and understand the lesson “Solving Problems Involving Test of

Hypothesis on Population Mean” on Module 8 pp. 5 – 10.
💛 Answer Assessment on Module 8 pp. 13 - 15.
💛 Read and understand the lesson “Formulating Appropriate Null and
Alternative Hypotheses on a Population Proportion” on Module 9 pp. 5
– 11.
💛 Answer Assessment on Module 9 pp. 22 - 23.

💛 Read and understand the lesson “Identifying Appropriate Test

Statistic Involving Population Proportion” on Module 10 pp. 4 – 10.
💛 Answer Additional Activities (Performance Task 3) on Module 10
page 17.

💛 Read and understand the lesson “Identifying Appropriate Rejection

Region Involving Population Proportion” on Module 11 pp. 4 – 10.
💛 Answer Assessment on Module 11 pp. 16 - 18.

💛 Read and understand the lesson “Computing Test Statistic Value

Involving Population Proportion” on Module 12 pp. 4 – 9.
💛 Read and understand the lesson “Drawing Conclusions About
Population Proportion Based on Test Statistic Value and Rejection
Region” on Module 13 pp. 5 – 10.
💛 Answer Assessment on Module 13 pp. 14 - 16.

💛 Read and understand the lesson “Solving Problems Involving Test of

Hypothesis on Population Proportion” on Module 14 pp. 4 – 9.
💛 Answer What I Can Do (Performance Task 4) A only on Module 14
page 11.

💛 Read and understand the lesson “Illustrating the Nature of Bivariate

Data” on Module 15 pp. 4 – 7.
💛 Answer Assessment on Module 15 pp. 11 - 13.
💛 Read and understand the lesson “Constructing a Scatter Plot” on
Module 16 pp. 5 – 10.
💛 Answer Assessment on Module 16 pp. 16 - 21.
💛 Read and understand the lesson “Describing the Shape (Form),
Trend (Direction), and Variation (Strength) Based on a Scatter Plot” on
Module 17 pp. 5 – 15.
💛 Answer Assessment on Module 17 pp. 20 - 23.

💛 Read and understand the lesson “Calculating the Pearson’s Sample

Correlation Coefficient” on Module 18 pp. 14 – 17.
💛 Answer Assessment on Module 18 pp. 10 - 11.
💛 Read and understand the lesson “Solving Problems Involving
Correlation Analysis” on Module 19 pp. 4 – 9.
💛 Answer Assessment on Module 19 pp. 14 - 16.
💛 Read and understand the lesson “Identifying Dependent and
Independent Variables” on Module 20 pp. 4 – 9.
💛 Answer Assessment on Module 20 pp. 13 - 15.
💛 Read and understand the lesson “Calculating the Slope and Y-
Intercept of a Regression Line” on Module 21 pp. 4 – 10.
💛 Read and understand the lesson “Interpreting the Calculated Slope
and Y-Intercept of the Regression Line” on Module 22 pp. 4 – 8.
💛 Answer Assessment on Module 22 pp. 13 - 15.

💛 Read and understand the lesson “Predicting the Value of Dependent

Variable Given the Value of Independent Variable” on Module 23 pp. 4
– 8.
💛 Answer Assessment on Module 23 pp. 13 - 15.

💛 Read and understand the lesson “Solving Problems Involving

Regression Analysis” on Module 24 pp. 4 – 8.
💛 Answer Assessment on Module 24 pp. 12 - 13.
Answer incomplete activities from week 1 - 6.

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