CH# 8 Water A-Common Compound System

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Water -A common compound system

Q.1 What is water?

Water is a compound which is contained by the chemical combination of

hydrogen and oxygen.

Q.2 What is the number of hydrogen and oxygen atom in a molecule?

A molecule of water contains two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen

Q.3 Write the name of the most abundant compound present on earth.

Water is the most abundant compound present on earth.

Q.4 How much percent of the earth’s surface is covered by water?

Water covers 71 percent for the earth’s surface.

Q.5 What is the amount of water in human body.

Human body contains 65% to 75% of water by mass.

Q.6 What is importance of water.

The water not only performs many functions in our body but also takes an
essential part in our daily life activities.

Q.7 Write down the names of a scientist who prepared water by the chemical
combination of hydrogen and oxygen.

Cavendish prepared water by the chemical combination of hydrogen and oxygen.

 Properties of water
Q.1 Define pure water.
Pure water is colourless ,odourless and tasteless compound.
Q.2 In how many forms can the water exist?
The water exists in the three physical states in the earth’s sphere. ordinary
water is liquid, its solid form is ice and gaseous form is steam and water
Q.3 Water is the freezing and boiling point of water?
The freezing point of water is 0 C and its boiling point is 100 C.
 Water is a universal solvent.
Q.1 Why Water is a universal solvent?
Water is a universal solvent because a large variety of chemical compounds,
salts and minerals are soluble in it.

Q.2 Write the name of the compounds which are soluble in it.

Common salts, glucose, sugar, sodium nitrate and potassium sulphate are all
soluble in water.

Q.3 Write the name of the compounds which are partially soluble in water.

Calcium sulphate and magnesium sulphate are partially soluble in water.

Q.4Write the name of compounds which are insoluble in water.

Calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate are in soluble in water.

 Water is a universal solvent. Disadvantage

Q.1 Define impurities.

Clay ,sand and microorganisms like bacteria are taken as impurities.

Q.2 Write down the names of present in water.

The name of impurities present in water are: (i) dissolved impurities

(ii)suspended impurities (iii) microorganisms

Q.3 Give an example of dissolved impurities and suspended impurities.

dissolved impurities: soluble salts and components etc

suspended impurities: clay and sand etc.

Q.4Write the name of the methods used for the removal of impurities.

The methods used for the removal of impurities are as follows

(i) Filtration (ii) uses of potash alum (iii) boiling(iv) chlorination

(v) aeration

Q.5Define the purification of water.

The process of removal impurities is called purification of water.

Q.6What is the use of water of water coming out of springs?

Water out coming of springs may contain compound of sulphur. These

compounds act as germicides. These type of water is used for treatment of skin

Q.7Define filtration.

The removal of insoluble salts and suspend solid particles present in the water
with the help of filler

Q.8Write a simple method to purify water.

Boling: germs, bacteria and other microorganisms present in the water may be
killed by boiling in it a large container for 15 to 13 minute.

Q.9Define chlorination.

The method of killing germs by dissolving an appropriate amount of chlorine in

water in water is called chlorination.

Q.10Define aeration.

The method of killing germs with air and sunlight is called aeration.

Q.11Write down the name of different source of obtaining water.

Water my be obtained from different sources. for example rain ,water etc.

Q.12Write percentage of water usage in different sectors.

82% of water present in this world is used in agriculture, 10% for domestic
purposes and only 8% is used in the industries.
Q.13Differentiate between soft water and hard water.

Soft water Hard water

The water which gives good The water which does not give good
leather with soap is called soft leather with soap and forms curds is
water. called hard water.

Q.14How many types of hard water are there? name these types.

There are two types of shard water. the name of these types are as follows:

(i)Temporary hard water (ii) permanent hard water

Q.15Define temporary hard water.

Water which contains bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium is called

temporary hardy hard water.

Q.16Define permanent hard water.

Water which contains chlorides and sulphates of calcium and magnesium is called
a temporary water.

Q.17How many methods for the removal of temporary hardness of water?

Write their name.

There are two methods for the removal of temporary hardness of water. The
name of methods are as follows: (i) boiling (ii) by using lime water or Clark’s

Q.18How many methods for the removal of permanent hardness of water?

Write their name.

There are two methods for the removal of permanent hardness of water. The
name of methods are as follows: (i) using washing soda(sodium carbonate) (ii) ion
exchange method.

Q.19What disease is caused by drinking hard water?

Drinking hard water causes stomach disorder.

Q.20What is the disadvantage of using hard waters in boilers and turbines?

Using hard water in boilers and turbines deposits salts inside them .And in their
pipe line. it is not only reduces the strength of metal of boiler but also blocks the
pipelines which can cause boiler to explode.

Q.21Define pollutants.

The harmful compounds present in water are called water pollutants.

Q.22What are the main cause of water pollutant?

Fertilizers, wastes of chemicals industries ,animal wastes and sewage water are
the main causes of water pollution.

Q.23What is tap water?

Water from tube-well is supplied to homes by pipe lines. It is called “tape


Q.24Define Lon exchange method.

Permanent water is passed through a vertical column containing a bed of

hardness in water are converted into insoluble zeolites by chemical reaction.

In this way soft water is obtained

Q.25Define the Clark’s method.

The method of removing temporary hardness of water by using lime water is

called Clark’s method.
 Water logging and salinity.
Q.1Define water table.
Underground water level is called “water table”
Q.2 Define water logging.
water table rises up to earth’s surface is called “water logging”.
Q.3 What is salinity?
The salts which are left behind after the evaporation of water in water logged
land is called salinity.
Q.4 How much land becomes unfit for cultivation in the provinces of Punjab
and Sind.
According to a survey, almost one lac acres of land becomes unfit for
cultivation due to water logging and salinity in the provinces of Punjab and
Sind every year.
Q.5 How can land be made fit for cultivation?
Millions of acres of land can be made fit for cultivation if the problem of water
logging and salinity is properly, dealt with.
Q.6 Explain chemical methods to remove salinity.
Chemical method may also be used to remove salinity. Fertilizers like gypsum
chemically react with these salts and convert them into such compounds
which are not harmful to crops.

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