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codex .nfj48stx series of 2021



1. I teach in a traditional school that subscribes to a perennialist and essentialist philosophy of

education. Which is most likely the curricular approach implemented?
A. Activity – centered
B. Subject – centered
C. Student – centered
D. Hidden
2. My class is not a very good one. The students find it hard to draw generalizations. Which approach
to lesson planning may be most efficient and effective?
A. Inductive
B. Intuitive
C. Reflective
D. Deductive
3. Teacher Nene’s lesson plan is dominated by highly-instructive lesson consisting of pupils watching
demonstration, taking down notes and rote learning. What approach to lesson planning does
Teacher Nene use?
A. Intuitive
B. Behavioral
C. Cognitive
D. Inductive
4. How will I develop my lesson plan if I want to develop my students’ skill to draw generalizations?
A. Reflectively
B. Intuitively
C. Deductively
D. Inductively
5. I want my pupils to find the rule in adding similar fractions after I have given them sufficient
examples of similar fractions with their sums. Which method should I use in my plan?
A. Discovery method
B. Deductive method
C. Reflective method
D. Expository method
6. If I want to teach my students how to play chess, which method of lesson development is most
A. Direct method
B. Inquiry method
C. Discovery method
D. Inductive method
7. The education supervisor from the Department of Education explains to the student teachers that
the content in Science must be used in the teaching of language skills in English in Grade. Which
approach does the supervisor promote?
A. Deductive
B. Integrative
C. Experiential
D. Inductive
8. Which is expected if a teacher develops her lesson in an experiential manner?
A. She begins her lesson with pupils’ experiences and ends by connecting subject matter to
their life experiences.
B. The teacher narrates her experiences and ask questions to challenge the students think
C. Students are made to learn from vicarious experiences through the use of success stories
D. Students are taught that experience is the best teacher
9. Every time I plan the lesson on the human digestive system in Biology I relate it to the disease
associated with the human digestive system which are discussed in a later chapter of the course
syllabus in biology. Which approach do I use?
A. Interactive
B. Multidisciplinary
C. Interdisciplinary
D. Collaborative
10. With collaborative effort as point of reference in lesson planning, which one does not belong to
the group?
A. Computer-assisted instruction
B. Peer tutoring
C. Team teaching
D. Project method
11. Which one should I do if I want to apply the integrative approach in my lesson development?
I. Design activities that cater to multiple intelligences
II. Relate lesson to other lesson in other subjects
III. Teach lesson in the cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains
A. I and II
B. I, ll and lll
C. I and lll
D. Il and lll
12. The topic is environmental degradation. Teacher tackles it from the perspective of an ecologist,
economist, medical doctor, educator and sociologist. For his lesson plan, which method will be
most appropriate?
A. Brainstorming
B. Panel discussion
C. Debate
D. Focus group discussion
13. In a lesson which intends to generate as many ideas as there are, which technique ought to be
A. Values Clarification
B. Brainwashing
C. Brainstorming
D. Inquiry
14. Teacher Jing wants to develop team work, group and individual accountability for learning among
her students. Which teaching technique is a major part of her lesson plan?
A. Cooperative learning
B. Small group discussion
C. Team building
D. Group dynamics
15. If you abide by Bruner’s three-tiered model learning, which will you begin a lesson on the
definition fraction?
A. Show a cake divided into two
B. Write a fraction, e.g. ¾ on the board
C. Project the definition on the screen
D. Ask your students to give examples of fraction.
16. Applying the principle, “the more senses that are involved, the more effective the learning
becomes” which instructional technology should be preferred?
A. Workbooks
B. Field trips
C. Video Presentation
D. Dramatization
17. I want to help chemistry students develop and practice research skills by using a laboratory
similar to that of a real laboratory before the students use the riskier, more expensive real
equipment. What methodology shall I use?
A. simulation
B. apprentice-like activity
C. laboratory
D. process approach
18. Feedback is necessary for effective teaching. Which educational technology supports person – to
– person feedback?
A. Electronic mail
B. Electorate
C. World-wide web
D. Computer-assisted instruction
19. If you apply Edgar’s Dale’s Cone of Experience in teaching, which would you do?
A. Connect the concrete and the abstract
B. Use one audio-visual aid at time
C. Do away with interactive teaching
D. Avoid the use of the chalkboard since it has been overused
20. If you apply the principle “less is more” in the use of the chalkboard for teaching-learning, which
should you do?
A. Limit your writing/diagrams on the chalkboard to the most important details
B. Write every word on the chalkboard to ensure clarity and completeness of ideas
C. Use the board only for diagrams
D. Avoid using the chalkboard all the time even when there is no other material available.
21. Which instructional method is aligned to this lesson objective: “Given a tabular data on weights
and heights of school athletes, the students will be able to draw conclusions regarding correlation
of weights and heights of the athletes.
A. Inductive method
B. Intuitive method
C. Deductive method
D. Meta-cognitive method
22. If I want students to connect educational theory and practice, which learning experiences will be
most appropriate?
A. School immersion
B. Role playing
C. Simulation
D. Microteaching
23. Which activity is most fit if Teacher Flor wants to develop in her students understanding and
compassion for the aged and children with special needs?
A. Immersion in communities of the aged and children with special needs
B. Watching a movie on the aged and children with special needs
C. Conducting research on the aged and children with special needs
D. Composing poems about the aged and children with special needs
24. I want my students to take a personal stand on the Reproductive Bill and defend the same. Which
assessment item/activity matches my objective?
A. Are you for or against the Reproductive Bill? Why or why not?
B. Research on reasons given by those who are pro Reproductive Bill and by those who are
C. Why are a number of leaders in favor for the Reproductive Bill?
D. Why is the Catholic Church against the Reproductive Bill?
25. “Give a summary of the chapter by means of a graphic organizer, jingle, dance, song, or poem or
in any manner of your choice.” Which objective is this assessment activity meant to measure?
A. The students must be able to give a chapter summary by considering multiple intelligences
of the students
B. The students must be able to display their talents as they give a chapter summary.
C. The students show their multiple intelligences by giving a chapter summary.
D. All of the above
26. Here is a Unit objective: “To develop appreciation for all the sacrifices that our heroes made for
our freedom as a nation.” What activities will be most appropriate?
I. Dramatization of selected nationalistic episodes from the life of our Filipino heroes
II. Debate on who should have been declared as national hero- Rizal or Bonifacio
III. Writing a thank you letter to at least two Filipino heroes in appreciation of the sacrifice they
have made
A. I and III
B. III only
C. I only
D. II only
27. A school wants to develop the learners’ metacognitive skills. Which practice is inconsistent with
the school’s goal?
A. Rote teaching and learning
B. Emphasis on HOTS
C. Constructivist instruction
D. Authentic assessment
28. Schools want to develop students to become lifelong learners. Which is LEAST helpful in the
attainment of this goal?
A. Stress on factual learning
B. Mastery of the 4 r’s
C. Use of authentic assessment
D. Teaching learners, the skills to learn
29. Schools want to develop children to become critical thinkers. Which one can be of help?
A. Emphasis on HOTS
B. Application of Paolo Freire’s banking system” of education
C. Use of convergent questions
D. Authorization classroom setting
30. If schools want to equip children with the basic skills, what should teachers do?
A. Make pupils master reading, writing and arithmetic
B. Develop pupils “multiple intelligences
C. Teach them to ask the right question
D. Teach them livelihood skills
31. Is the learner a resource in the classroom?
A. Yes, she/he is a very important resource
B. No, he is still very inexperienced
C. No, only he teacher who is trained to teach can serve as resource
D. Yes, provided she/he is a high performing pupil
32. To enhance metacognitive reading skills, what should I make my students do?
I. Reflect on what they have read
II. Write their reflections
III. Make them answer comprehension question on what was read
A. I and ll
B. Ill only
C. I, ll ang lll
D. Il only
33. Which question can help develop students’ creative thinking skills after reading the story of The
Monkey and the Turtle?
A. Why did the Turtle treat the Monkey that way?
B. Who is wiser – the Monkey or the Turtle? Why?
C. If you were to re-write the story, how would you end it?
D. Did you find the story interesting? Explain your answer.
34. Is outlining an essay read in the level of creative and metacognitive reading?
A. No (cognitive only)
B. Yes
C. Yes, if a student is asked to go beyond a skeletal
D. No, if a student is asked just an ordinary outline.
35. Which word is contrary to a creative classroom atmosphere?
A. Perspective (strong opinion, judgment, biases)
B. Non-judgmental
C. Open
D. Liberal
36. Have factual skills something to do with metacognitive skills?
A. Yes, the prerequisite knowledge must have been mastered so a student can engage in
higher metacognitive process.
B. No, the prerequisite knowledge is disconnected to metacognitive processes
C. Yes, if the subject matter is extremely difficult
D. No, if the subject matter is quite easy
37. If you apply the cognitive theories of learning with which do you agree?
A. Learning is an active process of organizing and integrating information.
B. Learning is strengthening the connection between stimulus and response.
C. Learning involves a mind that is totally blank.
D. Learning is automatically responding to a stimulus.
38. How would you make your students look forward to coming to school every day from the point of
view of B.F. Skinner’s reinforcement theory?
A. Make them enjoy learning activities.
B. Make use of mental drills in the classroom.
C. Convince them of the importance of education.
D. Always end your lessons with a clear summary.
39. How would you make the teaching-learning process effective from the point of view of Gestalt
A. Ask your students to draw their insights from the lesson.
B. Reward every performing child.
C. Dwell on the development of critical thinking.
D. Punish a child who does not do his/her assignment.
40. Which is an application of Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development?
A. Guide the child for learning until she/he can be on his/her own
B. Transmit information to students
C. Reward every child for every good work
D. Create a stimulating learning environment
41. If a teacher is humanistic, on which learning goal is he focused? Facilitating the development of
A. Self-actualized individuals
B. Learners who can process information
C. Independent learners (liberal-minded)
D. Highly skilled technical individuals
42. Which is an application of Gardner’s MI theory?
A. Make use of variety of teaching strategies
B. Stick to one proven effective teaching for learners with multi-intelligences
C. Present one model of a project for class to imitate
D. Demonstrates the steps in doing an experiment completely
43. Which would be Piaget’s advice to teachers?
A. Challenge the learner’s ability but do not present information far beyond their level
B. There is no such thing as information beyond the level of learners provided it is presented
C. Use varied teaching strategies to cater to learners in varied developmental stages
D. Arrange subject matter in a hierarchal manner
44. Which activity/ties should be used for students in the formal operation stage of Piaget?
I. Make them come up with hypothetical to explore
II. Teach facts and make them connect the facts
III. Make the students pay attention to the BIG ideas.
A. l, ll and lll
B. l and lll
C. l and ll
D. ll and lll
45. Which flows from Kohlberg’s theory of moral development?
A. Use of moral dilemmas
B. Teacher as model of values
C. Using the inculcation method of values education
D. Teaching the unchanging values
46. For discipline, how should you approach a student’s misbehavior from the point of view of
Skinner’s extinction or non-reinforcement theory?
A. Ignore the misbehavior (mild)
B. Punish the misbehaving student as inconspicuously as possible (not acceptable-positive
C. Withdraw a privilege which the student used to enjoy (negative punishment-undesirable)
D. Isolate the student to prevent disruption of class activities (antiseptic bouncing-heavy)
47. Applying information processing theory, how can you help learners increase retrieval of
information by context?
A. Connect the information to a situation (remembering)
B. Recite the information, not just hear
C. Personalize the information
D. Connecting pieces of information (comprehension)
48. If you apply Bruner’s concept of knowledge representation in teaching Math, in which order will
you use these materials?
I. Symbols
II. Blocks
III. Pictorials
A. ll, lll and l
B. l, ll and llI
C. l, lll and ll
D. ll, l and lll
49. What is an application of Ausubel’s subsumption theory to instruction?
A. Make use of advance organizers
B. Teach from the concrete to abstract
C. Arrange curriculum hierarchically
D. Connect one information to another
50. If a teacher is guided by Gestalt’s Law of Figure/Ground when he/she teaches, what does she/he
A. Highlights the words I want to give attention to
B. Relates the topic to something the student already knows (background)
C. Arranges topics logically
D. Teaches topic that are similar close to one another
51. If you want to apply Skinner’s operant conditioning theory in reinforcing a learner’s good behavior,
what should you do?
I. Reward the learner for good behavior
II. (Punish the wrong behavior-not promoted by skinner)
III. (Ignore behavior)
A. l and lll
B. l only
C. lll only
D. ll only
52. In the context of Bruner’s theory of learning, if a teacher teaches in the iconic level, what does she
A. Models
B. Symbols
C. Realia
D. Words
53. Which order of steps should I follow if abide by Kolb’s experiential learning theory?
I. Do (concrete experience)
II. Plan (testing in new situations)
III. Observe (observation and reflection)
IV. Think (form abstract concepts)
A. l, lll, IV, and ll
B. l, ll, lll and IV
C. lll, ll, and IV
D. l, ll, IV and lll
54. If a teacher applies Kolb’s experiential learning theory in his teaching, with which will he begin his
A. Concrete experience
B. Testing in new situations
C. Observation and reflection
D. Abstract concepts
55. Which is a pedagogical consequence of John Locke’s tabula rasa?
A. Teacher does not expect students to have built-in mental content
B. Teacher withdraws ideas from students’ minds
C. Teacher expects knowledge contributions from students
D. Teacher draws insights from learners
56. In the context of Piaget’s cognitive theory, to which do you attribute a kindergartners inability to
see reality from other’s point of view?
A. Egocentrism
B. Assimilation
C. Decent ration
D. Accommodation
57. If your approach to teaching is constructivist, which class behavior is observable?
A. Students uncompounded words by creating their own compound words using comic strip
B. Teacher introduces and develops the lesson without interruption
C. Students don’t ask questions as these are signs of inattention
D. Students drill on subject- verb agreement
58. Which assumption about learning underlies the cognitive model of learning?
A. One cannot force someone to learn
B. The process of learning excludes sensory input
C. Meaningful learning can be imposed on learners
D. Mistakes committed in the process of learning are unacceptable
59. Research says that the adolescent compares her parents to an ideal standard and then criticizes
their flaws. To which can you attribute this behavior?
A. Adolescents increased sense of idealism
B. Society urgent for model parents
C. Adolescents desire for recognition
D. Biological maturation of adolescents
60. Research findings show that conformity to pressure in adolescence can be positive or negative.
How can a teacher channel this conformity for good? Challenge them to __________.
A. Work on a noble project of fund raising for indigent children
B. Organize sororities / fraternities
C. Embark on class projects by group
D. Think like everyone in their group
61. Group identity often overrides personal identity in adolescence. Which should be done for
optimum learning?
A. Organize group work
B. Assess learning by group
C. Eliminate individual projects
D. Make greater use of intrapersonal activities
62. Harry Stack Sullivan (1953), the most influential theorist to discuss the importance of adolescence
friendships, argued that there is a dramatic increase in the psychological importance and intimacy
of close friends during early adolescence. What then should be done?
A. Adolescents should develop genuine friendships
B. Adolescents should allow to go dating
C. Parents should choose the friends for their children
D. Adolescents should set standards that govern their choice of lifetime partners
63. Researches on the brain tell that the brain is more “plastic” in younger children and potentially
more malleable for re-routing neural circuits. What is an implication on reading disabilities?
I. Early identification of reading disabilities is very important
II. Remediation for reading disabilities must be given as early as possible
III. Reading disabilities in late childhood are beyond remediation
A. I and ll
B. Il only
C. I only
D. Ill only
64. In the formal operation stage of Piaget’s cognitive development, which can individuals do?
I. Views things only from his perspective
II. Begin to think abstractly
III. Reason logically
IV. Draw conclusions from given information
A. I lll and IV
B. II and IV
C. I ang ll
D. I and IV
65. According to Erikson, what happens to a young adult who is confused about his/her possible
future role as an adult?
A. Isolates himself / herself
B. Findings intimacy through meaningful friendship
C. Fails to grasp a sense of meaning in life
D. Trust himself / herself
66. Girls start puberty earlier than boys. What is an implication of this to classroom instruction?
I. Avoid comparing performance of boys and girls
II. Use a differentiated approach to instruction
III. Compare boys’ and girls’ performance to motivate them to perform better
A. I and ll
B. Ill only
C. I only
D. Il only
67. Assessment must be authentic. If you want to know how well children read and write, which
should you do?
A. Have them read and write
B. Have them mark, circle and underline words after you have read them
C. Allow children to select how they will be evaluated
D. Have them list the stories they read for the month
68. Which practice goes with authentic assessment?
A. Make students dance tango to determine if they learned how to dance tango
B. Make students recite the multiplication table to check for mastery
C. Make students check their own answer after quiz
D. Make students come up with a flow chart to demonstrates a process
69. In what way are the results of summative assessment utilized?
A. To assign a grade
B. To diagnose learning difficulties
C. To guide teacher in her choice of class activity
D. To check attainment lesson objectives
70. What does a grade given to the students measure?
A. Learners achievement
B. Learners intelligence
C. Parents involvement in the learning of a child
D. Teacher effectiveness
71. What does the phrase assessment for learning imply?
A. Assessment is meant to improve learning.
B. Assessment is a necessary ingredient of the teaching learning process
C. There can be no learning without assessment
D. There is no assessment without learning
72. In an average grading system, what will be the average of grade VI students with the following
grades 75,78, 76 and 75 in the 4 gradings periods?
A. 76
B. 76.3
C. 76.1
D. 76.2
73. _____________ introduced the idea of “child’s garden” or kindergarten.
A. . Maria Montessori
B. Friedrich Froebel
C. Edward Paparazzi
D. John Locke
74. If a teacher believes in the concept of education that makes every individual a useful citizen to the
state, then he is influenced by the concept:
A. Conformity
B. Humanitarianism
C. Security
D. Utilitarianism
75. It is a science that deals with the methods and strategies of teachings.
A. Epistemology
B. Metaphysics
C. Pedagogy
D. Ethics
76. If the teacher would say that honesty is still an important value even if nobody values it, then he is
considered as:
A. Pragmatist
B. Reconstructivist
C. Idealist
D. Progressivist
77. If the teacher believes that an individual has ideas about the world and he learns these ideas by
reflecting on them, he is considered as_______________.
A. Empiricist
B. Rationalist
C. Existentialist
D. Constructivist
78. If a teacher believes that even though there is an external world from which human beings
acquire sensory information, ideas originate from the working of the mind, then we can consider
him as:
A. Idealist
B. Empiricist
C. Existentialist
D. Pragmatist
79. If a teacher believes that a child’s mind is TABULA RASA, then the teacher will most likely
engage the students in _____________ process for them to learn.
A. Sensory impressions
B. Reflections
C. Reasoning
D. Meta-cognition
80. A teacher who believes that one should not trust the senses since ideas are arrived at only by
reason in influenced by:
A. Naturalist
B. Existentialist
C. Rationalist
D. Empiricist
81. The individual soul is part of the absolute soul. This thought is from ____________ philosophy.
A. Greek
B. Hebrew
C. Chinese
D. Hindu
82. The school curriculum includes the study about Rizal and other heroes to inculcate love of
country. This is in accordance with what philosophy?
A. Pragmatist
B. Nationalism
C. Existentialist
D. Realist
83. ____________ said that schools must develop human reason because reason is superior to
experience as a source of knowledge.
A. Humanist
B. Hedonists
C. Stoics
D. Rationalists
84. The belief that love, hope, and faith are values for eternity whether they are valued by others or
not, is deeply rooted on what philosophy?
A. Idealism
B. Realism
C. Existentialism
D. Pragmatism
85. The concept of karma originated from:
A. Hebrews
B. Hindus
C. Greeks
D. Chinese
86. The teacher stresses the need to revise the curriculum in order to make the curriculum responsive
to the needs of the society. What philosophy does the teacher adhere?
A. Pragmatism
B. Essentialism
C. Existentialism
D. Reconstructionism
87. After Marcos’ declaration of Martial Law, he signed PD 6-A in order to:
A. Establish a complete, adequate and integrated system of education
B. Undertake educational development/projects and the mechanics of implementation and
C. improve the quality of education in all levels
D. Regulate and control the practice of teaching profession
88. Which law requires the teachers to be a college graduate and a passer of the Professional Board
Examinations for Teachers (PBET)?
A. RA 7836 (for LET)
B. RA 1006
C. PD 1006
D. RA 9155
89. During the time of Marcos, which agency served as DEC’s partner in the licensing of teachers?
90. According to Education Act of 1982, which of these processes would promote the standard of the
A. Promoting an environment conducive to learning
B. Promoting the rights and duties of citizenship
C. Submitting all programs/system to voluntary accreditation
D. Establishment of the complete, adequate, and integrated system of education
91. If all requirements are met in accordance with the law, can religion be taught in public schools?
A. Yes
B. No
C. It depends on the executives of education
D. It depends on the religious institution
92. If religion is taught in public school with the completion of all requirements, where is it done?
A. Outside class hours
B. Within class hours
C. According to agreement
D. None of these
93. _____ is the start of Education in human rights as provided for in the 1987 Constitution.
A. Loving others
B. Caring for others
C. Liking others
D. Respects towards others
94. According to the Republic Act 7836 the licensure exam for teachers at present is with:
D. Civil Service Commission
95. Which schools are under the control, regulation and supervision of the government?
A. Public, private, sectarian, and nonsectarian school
B. Private schools under the religious group
C. Public schools under the supervision of the executives of education
D. Sectarian and nonsectarian schools
96. _____ was adopted to provide universal access to basic learning, and to eradicate literacy.
A. “Paaralan-sa-bawat-Baranggay”
B. Values Education Framework
C. Education for All (EFA)
D. Science and Education Development Plan
97. The importance of providing free public education for both in primary and secondary levels is
highlighted in Article XIV section 2. This is needed because:
A. Elementary and Secondary school provides formal education
B. These levels provide the foundation for life functions and roles
C. No one goes to college without passing the grade and high schools
D. A few people cannot afford the expensive quality of private schools
98. When we say that rights and duties are correlative, we mean that_______________.
A. Right and duties regulate the relationship of men in society
B. Each right carry with it one or several corresponding duties
C. Rights and duties ultimate come from God
D. Rights and duties arise from the natural law
99. Teacher’s Professionalism Act is ___________.
A. RA 7836
B. RA 7722
C. RA 4670
D. RA 9293
100. What should teachers teach students to eradicate bullying among kids in school?
A. Full development of talents
B. Respect for the dignity of persons
C. Athletic skills
D. Full development of physical power
101. The provision on ________ enables the blind and deaf students to partially or fully integrate
inside the classroom.
A. Academic freedom for students and teacher
B. Providing vocational training to adult citizens and out of school youth
C. Creating scholarship for poor and deserving student
D. Protecting and promoting the right of all citizens to quality education
102. A teacher compiled the outputs of her peers and put her name as the author. Which is
unprofessional? in her action?
A. Not giving credit to others for their work
B. Failing to correct what appears to be unprofessional conduct
C. Giving due credit to others for their work
D. Holding inviolate all confidential information concerning associates
103. How can teachers uphold the high standard of the teaching profession?
A. By working for the promotion in the system
B. By continuously improving themselves personally and professionally
C. By pointing out the advantages of joining the teaching profession
D. By good grooming to change people’s poor perception of teachers
104. According to the Constitution, the State is required to establish and maintain free public and
compulsory education in the __________.
A. Elementary level only
B. Secondary and tertiary levels
C. Secondary level only
D. Elementary and secondary levels
105. The Educational Act of 1982 expressly granted to institutions of higher learning the freedom to
determine on academic grounds who shall be admitted to study, who may teach and what shall
be the subject of the study and research. This refers to _________.
A. Academic freedom
B. Institutional freedom
C. Educational freedom
D. Constitutional freedom
106. Article XIV of the 1987 Constitution provides that State shall assign the highest budgetary
priority to education to:
A. Ensure that all schools are provided with modern equipment and facilities
B. Encourage teachers to conduct more researchers and studies on the arts and culture
C. Attract the best available talents to adequate remuneration (mentioned in art. 14)
D. Curtail the exodus of teachers seeking employment abroad
107. Jerome Burner taught that curriculum should revisit basic ideas, build on them, until the students
grasp the full formal concept. Which is an off short of this taught?
A. Basic curriculum
B. Spiral curriculum
C. Hidden curriculum
D. Re-structured curriculum
108. The design of the 2002 Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) is based on the principles that the
main sources for contemporary basic education are the expert systems of knowledge and the
learner’s experience in his/her context. This shows that the BEC is ___________ in orientation.
I. constructivist (experience)
II. behaviorist (expertise)
III. essentialist (expertise)
B. I and III
C. I
D. I, II and III
109. When a delinquent, failing student comes to you for help and asks you for extra work so he can
cope. What is ethical for you to do?
A. Give him the extra work he is asking, then if he passes quality work, give him a passing
B. Make the extra work that he is asking extremely difficult for him to learn a lesson (not
C. Extend the needed assistance in solving the student’s difficulties, not necessarily by giving
the extra work that he is asking (not connected to the question)
D. Give an easy extra work so he can really be helped to pass (not helping)
110. Which of the following is assumed under the doctrine of IN-LOCO PARENTIS?
A. Students should be under parents’ control
B. Students are not yet ready to handle full adult responsibility
C. Parent ‘s has the primary duty to educate their children
D. Students are prone to commit infractions of disciplinary conduct
111. Which actions show that political factors affect schools as agents of change?
I. The strengthening of the teaching of English in Philippines school.
II. The introduction of mandated subjects such as Rizal in the curriculum
III. The practice of mainstreaming
IV. The transfer of cultural affairs to NCCA under R.A 9155
A. I and III
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. II and IV
112. For more efficient and effective management of school as agents of change, one proposal is for
the DepEd to cluster remote stand-alone schools under one lead school head. Which factor has
the strongest influence on this proposal?
A. Psychological
B. Historical
C. Geographical
D. Social
113. As provided for the Educational Act of 1982, how are the institutions of learning encouraged
setting higher standards of equality over the minimum standards required for state recognition?
A. Granting of Special Permit
B. Academic freedom
C. Continuing Professional Education
D. Voluntary accreditation
114. Which violate(s) the principle of respect?
I. Teacher A tells her students that what Teacher B taught is wrong.
II. To retaliate, Teacher B advises students not to enroll in Teacher A’s class
III. Teacher C secretly gives way to a special favor (e.g. add 2 points to grade) requested by
student A who is vying for honors.
A. II and III
B. I, II and III
C. I and II
D. I and III
115. The authoritarian setting in the Filipino home is reinforced by a classroom teacher who:
A. Encourage pupils to ask questions
B. Is open to suggestions
C. Prescribes what pupils should do
D. Ask open ended questions
116. The Constitutional provision on language has the following aims, except:
A. To make the regional dialect as auxiliary media of instructions in regional school
B. To maintain English as a second language
C. To make Filipino the sole medium of instruction
D. To make Filipino the national language and medium of instruction and communication
117. “It is hereby declared that policy of the State to provide relevant, accessible, high quality and
efficient technical education and skills development in support of the development of high-quality
Filipino middle-level manpower responsive to and in accordance with the Philippine
development goals and priorities.” This is the declaration of policy of __________.
B. DepEd
D. Presidential Decree No. 6-A
118. Which is the most authentic proof of nationalism on the part of teacher?
A. Winning the award “Most Outstanding Teacher”
B. Utilizing every minute of the academic time for competent teaching
C. Earning graduate degree for promotion
D. Being a member in the National Organization for Professional Teachers
119. What statement is FALSE with reference to Section 1 and Section 2, Article XIV of the 1987
A. quality education is privilege in so far as all citizens are concerned (it is a right)
B. public education in the elementary is free and compulsory
C. scholarship grants, student loan programs, subsidies and other incentives to deserving
students in both public and private schools
D. non-formal, informal and indigenous learning, self-learning, independent, and out-of-school
study programs are encouraged.
120. Under the present Constitution, pupils’ attendance in religious instruction in public elementary
and high schools shall be allowed only if ________.
A. the superintendent, supervisors and principals will issue an instruction compelling
B. the parish priest or pastor shall authorize them in writing
C. when parents shall submit written authority allowing their children to attend religious
D. when school children have become delinquents
121. One of the millenniums aims of education for economic competence is ____________.
A. Gender equality
B. Eliminate Diseases
C. Eradicate poverty
D. Equal access and equity
122. The offering of Spanish in the curriculum of education is in response to the demand of teachers
in the US where most students are Latinos. Which criteria is in focus of the new course offering
in education?
A. Balance
B. Utility
C. Feasibility
D. Validity
123. The use of the integrated approach in both secondary and primary level subjects is a result of
the implementation of the:
A. Program for Decentralized Education
B. Basic Education Curriculum
C. School- based management
D. School First Initiative
124. What does the acronym EFA imply for schools?
A. The acceptance of exclusive schools for boys and for girls.
B. The stress on the superiority of formal education over that of alternative learning system.
C. Practice of inclusive education
D. The concentration on formal education system
125. The wide acceptance of “bottom up” management style has influenced schools to practice which
management practice?
A. Exclusion of politicians from the pool of guest speakers during graduation exercises.
B. Prescription of what ought to be done from the Center Office.
C. Involvement of students, parents, teachers, and community in school planning
D. Allowing schools to do what they think is best
126. The failure of Filipino students in the study conducted about independence was attributed to
A. Unpreparedness from schooling
B. Ambivalence
C. High degree of independence
D. High degree of dependence on authority
127. Which is a valid assessment tool if I want to find out how well my students can speak
A. Writing speeches
B. Written quiz on how to deliver extemporaneous speech
C. Performance test in extemporaneous speech
D. Display of speeches delivered
128. Teacher J discovered that her pupils are weak in comprehension. To further determine in which
particular skill(s) her pupils are weak, which test should Teacher J give?
A. Standardized test
B. Diagnostic
C. Placement
D. Aptitude test
129. “Group the following items according to phylum” is a thought test item on ___________.
A. Inferring
B. Generalizing
C. Classifying
D. Comparing
130. Which will be the most authentic assessment tool for an instructional objective on working with
and relating to people?
A. Writing articles on working and relating to people
B. Organizing a community project
C. Home visitation
D. Conducting mock election
131. While she was is in the process of teaching, Teacher J finds out if her students understand what
she is teaching. What is Teacher J engaged in?
A. Criterion-reference
B. Formative evaluation (PART OF INSTRUCTION)
C. Summative evaluation
D. Norm-reference evaluation
132. With types of test in mind, which does NOT belong to the group?
A. Restricted response essay c.
B. Multiple choice
C. Completion
D. Short answer
133. In a one hundred-item test, what does Ryan’s raw score of 70 mean?
A. He surpassed 70 of his classmates in terms of score
B. He surpassed 30 of his classmates in terms of score
C. He got a score above the mean
D. He got 70 items correct
134. Which statement holds TRUE to grades? Grades ___________.
A. Are exact measurements of intelligence and achievement
B. Is necessarily a measure of students’ intelligence?
C. Are intrinsic motivators for learning
D. Is a measure of achievement?
135. Is it a wise practice to orient our students and parents on our grading system?
A. No, this will court a lot of complaints later
B. Yes, but orientation must be only for our immediate customer’s the students.
C. Yes, so that from the very start student and their parents know how grades are derived
D. No, grades and how they are derived are highly confidential
136. Zero standard deviation means that: (verify)
A. The students’ scores are the same
B. 50% of the score obtained is zero
C. More than 50% of the score obtained is zero
D. Less than 50% of the scores obtained is zero
137. Which is the least authentic mode of assessment?
A. Paper-and-pencil test in vocabulary
B. Oral performance to assess student’s spoken communication skills
C. Experiments in science to assess skill in the use of scientific methods
D. Artistic production for music or art subject
138. Which statement applies when scores distribution is negatively skewed?
A. The mode corresponds to a low value
B. The median is higher than the mode
C. The mode and median are equal
D. The mean corresponds to a high value
139. What should a teacher do before construct items for a particular test?
A. Prepare the table of specifications
B. Determine the length of time for answering it
C. Review the previous lessons
D. Announce to students the scope of the test
140. Under which of the multiple-choice type of test can this question be classified? Which of the
following statements expresses this concept in different forms?
A. Association
B. Definition
C. Difference
D. Cause
- a concept is to be defined
141. Of the following types of test which is the most subjective in scoring?
A. Matching type
B. Simple call
C. Multiple choice
D. Essay
142. In which of these research methods can the researcher control certain variable?
A. Experimental
B. Ex post facto
C. Descriptive
D. Historical
143. During the first grading period, a student obtained failing marks in five academic subjects. Which
of the following tests would best explain his performance?
A. Mental ability
B. Personally
C. Attitude
D. Aptitude
144. Measuring the work done by a gravitational force is a learning task. At what level of cognitions is
A. Application
B. Knowledge
C. Evaluation
D. Comprehension
145. Setting up criteria for scoring essay tests is meant to increase their __________.
A. Objectivity
B. Reliability
C. Validity
D. Usability
146. The difference between Christian and Muslim marriage, the former being monogamous and the
latter being polygamous is called _____.
A. Ethical Relativism
B. Acculturation
C. Enculturation
D. Cultural relativism
147. A perfect duty is exemplified:
A. Supporting a poor but deserving student school.
B. Donating an amount for noble project.
C. Paying the worker, the wages agreed upon.
D. Giving alms to the needy
148. Fear of something that was caused by a painful experience in the past is an example of:
A. Insight
B. Operant conditioning
C. Classical conditioning
D. Imitation
149. Who introduced the technique of sign drawing of a man as a measure of intelligence?
A. Binet
B. Aristotle
C. Herbert
D. Goodenough
150. The Gabaldon Act in the Philippine Assembly helps greatly in the expansion program of the
educational system by _______.
A. authorizing the levy of taxes for school purposes
B. providing local funds for educational facilities
C. providing for a highly centralized system of administering the public schools
D. appropriating a large sum for the construction of schools (during American Period)


1. Where COVID 19 started?

a. China
b. Italy
c. Greece
d. Spain
2. When did COVID 19 come to Greece?
a. March 2020
b. April 2020
c. January 2020
d. February 2020
3. What is the first step of virus infection?
a. Entry
b. Attachment
c. Replication
d. Assembly
4. How is COVID-19 passed on?
a. Through droplets that come from your mouth, nose, what you cough or breathe
b. By drinking unclean water
c. By talking to others on mobile phone
d. All of the above
5. What are the common symptoms of Covid-19?
a. A new and continuous cough
b. Fever
c. Tiredness
d. All of the above
6. What is a way to become immune to a disease without first having the disease?
a. Antibiotics
b. Anti-retroviral drugs
c. Vaccinations
d. Exposure therapies
7. Can you always tell if someone has Covid-19?
a. No, not everyone with COVID-19 has symptoms
b. Yes - it will be obvious, a person with COVID 19 coughs a lot
c. Yes, you can tell just by where a person comes from their race and ethnicity
d. Yes, when he or she coughs two times
8. When should fabric masks be worn?
a. On public transport
b. In confined or crowded spaces
c. In small shops
d. All of the above
9. Which of the following is an example of physical distancing?
a. You stop going to crowded places and visiting another people's house
b. You stop talking to the people you live with
c. You stop speaking to your friends on phone
d. All of the above
10. When experts talk about flattening the curve, what does that mean?
a. It's an axiom that means follow the evidence, rather than trust appearances, such as the
earth appearing flat when it is actually round
b. It means to slow the spread of a virus to reduce the peak number of cases and related
demands on hospitals and infrastructure
c. It means to arrive at the point in the pandemic when the number of daily deaths
due to COVID-19 are flat
d. Both A and C
11. What is herd immunity?
a. A situation where you purposefully get diseases from animals in order to protect
yourself from future disease
b. A situation in which a sufficient proportion of a population is immune to an
infectious disease (through vaccination and/or prior illness) to make its spread
from person to person unlikely
c. When a sufficient number of animals are immune from disease that they are less likely
to transmit it to humans
d. Both A and B
12. Which of the following people is COVID-19 more dangerous for?
a. Children
b. Older people - especially those aged 70 and above
c. People with certain underlying health conditions
d. Both B and C
13. Can washing your hands protect you from COVID-19?
a. Yes - but only if you use a strong bleach
b. Yes, normal soap and water or hand sanitizer is enough
c. No - Washing your hands doesn't stop COVID-19
d. All of the above
14. Why should we follow COVID-19 precautions?
a. So, we become the most irresponsible humans in the world
b. Help increase the spread of COVID-19
c. Protect ourselves from COVID-19
d. Protect ourselves and others from COVID-19
15. Judge this situation: “I have recently been in a tram. In this tram, a person coughed on you.
This person had caught coronavirus and was unaware until now. You are not quarantined as
they do not know you may have caught coronavirus. What is the best thing you should do?”
a. Call the police and ambulance
b. Call the hospital and explain what happened
c. Explain What happened and demand to be quarantined
d. Don’t tell anybody, just quarantine
16. According to WHO, what should we avoid doing?
a. Staying home.
b. Hanging out with friends.
c. Washing hand regularly.
d. Disinfecting touched surfaces.
17. Which of the following precautions are useful in preventing Covid-19?
a. Washing hands with soap
b. Wearing face mask or face shield
c. Using hand sanitizer
d. All of the above
18. What happens to cells when their membranes break apart?
a. The virus dies
b. The virus destroys and damages a host cell
c. the capsid bursts
d. the virus becomes dormant
19. When you have a fever before going to school, you...
a. drink water then goes to school
b. goes to see a doctor and stay at home
c. just go to school and advise the principal
d. takes the medication then go to school and quarantine for 14 days
20. Covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze is recommended to:
a. Prevent germs from entering your body
b. Get rid of germs from inside your body
c. Avoid getting other people sick
d. Warn other people that you are sick
21. What is the minimum time you should wash your hands for?
a. 10 seconds
b. 15 seconds
c. 20 seconds
d. 30 seconds
22. How can we reduce the risk of Coronavirus (COVID-19) except ____________?
a. Washing our hands often for 20 seconds.
b. Playing with each other and sharing food
c. Covering our mouth while coughing, specifically with tissue or the inside of our elbow.
d. If we feel ill with fever, visit the doctor and stay home.
23. When is it safe to be closer than 6 feet to another person who is not sick with COVID-19?
a. When the person is related to you.
b. When you have already had COVID-19.
c. When the person normally lives with you.
d. When you are outdoors.
24. Which of these is not a common COVID-19 symptom?
a. Blurred vision.
b. cough.
c. Unusual fatigue.
d. Fever.
25. COVID 19 invades very fast across the world. Invade means
a. To enter in large numbers
b. To hide by running away
c. To enter in groups
d. To enter by RNA
26. This country is formerly known as Siam announced that it has proceeded to test its novel
coronavirus vaccine on which animal?
a. Monkeys
b. Lizards
c. Hens
d. Mouse
27. In a study, which cells are found in COVID-19 patients 'bode well' for long-term immunity?
a. P-Cell
b. D-Cell
c. T-Cell
d. Endothelial Cells
28. Name the vaccine that is jointly developed by the German company BioNTech and US pharma
giant Pfizer for COVID-19?
a. BNT162
c. Both A and B
d. Neither A nor B
29. Name a clinical trial in which blood is transfused from recovered COVID-19 patients to a
coronavirus patient who is in critical condition?
a. Plasma Therapy
b. Solidarity
c. Remdesivir
d. Hydroxychloroquine
30. How does a COVID 19 virus' size compare to the size of a bacterium?
a. COVID 19 Viruses are smaller than bacteria.
b. COVID 19 Viruses are larger than bacteria.
c. COVID 19 Viruses are about the same size as bacteria.
d. The size of a virus can vary. Some are much larger than bacteria; others are much
31. What is a novel virus?
a. A virus that hasn't been seen before
b. A virus that has been seen before
c. A virus with 37 variants
d. Both A and C
32. Which part of your body should you avoid touching?
a. Elbow
b. Legs
c. Eyes
d. eyelids and retina
33. From where did Coronavirus get its name?
a. due to leaf like projections
b. due to crown like projections
c. does to brick like structure
d. derived from the circular form in China
34. What does Coronavirus look like?
a. a crown
b. an apple
c. a cow
d. a dog
35. Why COVID 19 is considered a high mutation rate virus?
a. Because it is DNA virus
b. For a reason, it is an RNA virus
c. Because it is a type of a Bacteriophage
d. Because it’s a Virion
36. The Coronavirus is a deadly disease.
a. Yes, it is.
b. No, it is not.
c. As far as we know, either.
d. Yes, for young children.
37. How can border entrance help people to prevent the virus?
a. explains to people the signs of symptoms
b. informs people the risk of air infection,
c. advises people what they should do when they contract the virus.
d. all of these above
38. What are common items we touch every day that easily spread germs and viruses?
a. Cell phones
b. kitchen utensils
c. water faucet
d. computer mouse
39. A community quarantine is declared when all of the following happens except:
a. At least 2 persons are infected in different households
b. At least 2 persons are cured in different households
c. At least 2 persons are infected in different barangays
d. At least 2 persons are infected in different municipalities
40. When washing your hands, what is the most important area to clean well?
a. Back of the hand
b. Palm
c. Finger tips
d. Finger nails
41. What do viruses use to identify hosts?
a. They puncture the host with their spikes.
b. They dock with receptors on a cell's surface.
c. They use their DNA to integrate with a host's DNA.
d. The host is usually random.
42. In school, when should you wear a mask?
a. At all times unless eating time
b. Only in the hallways
c. Only in the classrooms
d. When a teacher releases module
43. Which of the following is correct classroom procedure?
a. Do not touch anything but my assigned desk
b. Remove my mask when I need to sneeze or cough
c. Put my book bag on the closest lab table
d. Switch my chair with someone else if I don't like mine
44. Which is/are the establishments considered as accommodation by the IATF except ________.
a. hotel
b. resort
c. ecolodges
d. schools
45. Which of the following are vaccines normally made to combat?
a. Bacteriophages
b. Virions
c. DNA viruses
d. RNA viruses
46. Which of the following is safe during Biology Lab?
a. Where appropriate protective equipment
b. Follow instructions
c. Report accidents to the teacher when glass is broken
d. Both A and B
47. Where can we get the reliable information about this disease?
a. from our government information
b. from our Ministry of health
c. Social media
d. Doctor
48. Corona virus cases in children have been _________.
a. As common as elderly
b. Rapidly rising
c. Rare, as of now
d. Non-existent
49. What is the word which is associated with COVID 19 which means objects and things can
carry the virus or infection?
a. Formites
b. Fomites
c. Famites
d. Famrites
50. This refers to the implementation of temporary measures limiting movement and
transportation, regulation of operating industries, and presence of uniformed personnel to
enforce community quarantine protocols
a. Enhanced community quarantine
b. Modified enhanced community quarantine
c. General community quarantine
d. Modified general community quarantine
51. Who is the spokesperson of the World Health Organization?
a. Tedros Adhanom
b. Allison Becker
c. Christian Lindmeier
d. Gregory Harti
52. Coronaviruses are a bit different from other RNA viruses. How?
a. They are quite large with many genes and they are usually much more stable
b. They are usually much more stable
c. They often have a faster mutation rate
d. Mutations can make a virus less recognizable
53. "Everyone is mandated to stay at home. The government will provide all the basic needs.
Relief goods will be brought to every house or one household member is allowed to go out to
buy food and necessities in the neighborhood establishment." Which term does this definition
refer to?
a. Interzonal movement
b. Quarantine
c. Lockdown
d. Buffer Zone
54. "Individuals can freely go outside their homes, do your job, public transportation won’t stop as
well as other basic services. Your movement though is confined only within the designated
community or area to avoid spreading virus to other cities or provinces." Which term does this
definition refer to?
a. Interzonal movement
b. Quarantine
c. Lockdown
d. Buffer Zone
55. A person can get infected with multiple cold and flu viruses because
a. They are DNA viruses.
b. They have very low mutation rates.
c. They have slightly different spike genes.
d. Their capsids are unique.
56. Who is the IATF spokesperson reporting on COVID-19?
a. Salvador Panelo
b. Karlo Nograles
c. Martin Andanar
d. Herminio Harry Roque
57. People in China at a higher risk are the ones who got ___________.
a. Influenza and pneumonia
b. Diarrhea
c. Eczema
d. Difficulty in breathing
58. How can we contribute to contain the virus?
a. Read the international news from CNN
b. Follow Twitter and Facebook to get update
c. Understand about the virus by getting related information from trustful resources.
d. Value and deepen our faith in God all the time
59. How does this outbreak differ from SARS?
a. The Ratio of death to the number of SARS is much less than Covid19 (2% compare to
b. The Ratio of death to the number of SARS is much more than Covid19 (10%
compare to 2%)
c. The Ratio of death to the number of SARS is go beyond the curve
d. The Ratio of death to the number of SARS is increasing and unstoppable
60. Why closing land border does not help to prevent the virus?
a. Because we don't have enough thermometer
b. Because the land border is huge
c. Because of some diplomatic issues
d. Because of the incubation time
61. How can border entrance help people to prevent the virus?
a. Explains to people the signs of symptoms
b. Informs people the risk of air infection,
c. Advises people what they should do when they contract the virus.
d. All of the above
62. What else haven't we known about the virus?
a. How long the virus survives in the outside environment
b. We don't know who the patient zero is
c. we don't know how it is transmitted in a wide spread area.
d. all of the above
63. What haven't we done to help the developing countries affected by this Virus.
a. Helped them to prepare for more epidemics in the future by strengthen their
medical capacity.
b. Helped them to understand the main problem
c. Not giving them enough money.
d. Not giving them enough support to stop the virus
64. Why did he say that there will be more epidemic like this one in the future?
a. There is less interface between human and animals due to their reduction in numbers
b. There is more and more interaction between human and animals due to their reduction.
c. Human and Animals are living in a crowed melting pot which is an ideal
environment for this kind of disease
d. All of the above
65. We have to make sure that ________ in the world is there to understand this outbreak when
they occur and rapidly provide information necessarily to control it.
a. Technical cooperation
b. Technical collaboration
c. Technical organization
d. Technical celebration
66. Amidst the pandemic, if any poor old lady is begging so what will you do?
a. Inform to police so they can take care of begging lady
b. Give some money without hesitation
c. Ignore because the risk of COVID case is spreading
d. Help her as much as you can following the protocol
67. Students will be required to transition between classes using “one directional hallway” as
directional references will guide student. Floor stickers will be placed around the campus to
ensure social distancing. All doorways and entries will have signage with information regarding
campus practices for social distancing. Which is not?
a. Students will follow the arrows using "one directional hallways".
b. Floor stickers will be placed around campus to ensure social distancing.
c. All students may run around hugging their friends and sharing snacks.
d. All doorways and entries will have signage with information regarding campus practices.
68. As a teacher, what is the first thing to do when you come into the classroom?
a. Go to your desk
b. Talk to your friends
c. Start your work
d. Get a pump of hand sanitizer
69. A typical corona virus infection:
a. Is extremely dangerous
b. Has mild symptoms
c. Cannot spread to humans
d. Is resistant to hand washing
70. What does it mean when a city is quarantined during a virus outbreak?
a. Everyone in the city is infected
b. No one can enter or leave the city
c. The city's population is immune to the virus
d. Doctors in the city are developing a cure
71. Although there are hundreds of coronaviruses, only ________ currently infect humans.
a. Ten
b. Seven
c. Five
d. Four
72. Who is at higher risk for serious illness from COVID-19?
a. Toddlers and young teenagers
b. People of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions only
c. Older adults only
d. Older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical
73. From where did Coronavirus get its name?
a. due to leaf like projections
b. due to crown like projections
c. do to brick like structure
d. none of the above
74. What is it about RNA viruses that makes them more successful than DNA viruses?
a. Smaller and fewer genes
b. Infect many hosts and replicates quickly
c. More likely to mutate
d. All of the above
75. How do mRNA vaccines differ from conventional vaccines?
a. mRNA vaccines are made out of conventional vaccines in a small factory just outside of
b. mRNA vaccines carry a "recipe" for making a portion of the actual virus, while
conventional or traditional vaccines are made from a weakened form of the actual
c. mRNA vaccines are made from the actual virus while conventional vaccines carry a
"recipe" for making a portion of the actual virus.
d. mRNA vaccines and conventional or traditional vaccines are actually the same thing
with different names.
76. What is the public health practice that prevents sick people from coming into contact with
healthy people in order to reduce risk of disease transmission?
a. Social break
b. Social time-out
c. Social curfew
d. Social-distancing
77. A change in body function that is felt by a patient as a result of disease
a. Contagious
b. Symptoms
c. Epidemic
d. Vaccine
78. What kind of news did the article say this year has been largely full of?
a. Medical news
b. Bad and tragic news
c. Pandemic news
d. Doom and gloom
79. Disease that occurs over a wide geographic area - an entire country, continent, or whole world.
It affects a very high proportion of the population.
a. Pandemic
b. Symptom
c. Epidemic
d. Quarantine
80. What are some ways the staff at SRA will keep the building safe?
a. Sanitizing classrooms and high traffic areas
b. Ensuring students are wearing masks and staying at safe distances from each other
c. Taking students to wash their hands at scheduled times throughout the day
d. All of the above
81. What is the incubation period for the Corona-virus?
a. 3-5 days
b. 7-10 days
c. up to 14 days
d. 24 hours
82. What did Pfizer's CEO say "today" was a great day for?
a. Science and humanity
b. Research and universities
c. Hospitals and clinics
d. People worldwide
83. Able to be passed easily from one person to another
a. Epidemic
b. Vaccine
c. Contagious
d. Asymptomatic
84. What two countries are the companies that developed the vaccine from?
a. The USA and Canada
b. Canada and Japan
c. Japan and Germany
d. The USA and Germany
85. What is the definition of a pathogen?
a. A microorganism that causes a disease
b. A small organism that is a carrier of disease
c. A microorganism that protects against a disease
d. A microorganism that is immune to disease
86. What is the period between the contraction of the virus and manifestation of the disease?
a. Incubation period
b. Infection period
c. Expectation period
d. Multiplication period
87. ___________ is a rise in the number of cases of a disease beyond what is normally expected
in a geographical area.
a. Pandemic
b. Vaccine
c. Asymptomatic
d. Epidemic
88. What is one reason that mRNA vaccines considered safe?
a. One reason that mRNA vaccines are considered safe is because they can
alter deoxyribonucleic acid (D.N.A.).
b. One reason that mRNA vaccines are considered safe is because they are very small
and easy to hide.
c. One reason that mRNA vaccines are considered safe is because they can remain in the
body for fifty-years or more.
d. One reason that mRNA vaccines are considered safe because they do not alter or
change deoxyribonucleic acid (D.N.A.).
89. Which of the following diseases are related to coronavirus?
c. Both A and B
d. Neither A nor B
90. ___________ substance prepared from killed or weakened pathogens and introduced into a
body to produce immunity.
a. Influenza
b. Vaccine
c. Quarantine
d. Pandemic
91. The expression "no corners have been cut" means
a. All the medical steps were duly respected
b. Risks have been taken to get the vaccine quickly
c. A lot of money has been invested in the vaccine
d. None of the above
92. PM Sh. Modi addressed the world about precautions of COVID-19...first time on
a. March 17,2020
b. March 19,2020
c. March 18,2020
d. March 20,2020
93. ____________ relating to the human system. A series of organs responsible for taking in
oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide where the COVID 19 can directly multiply.
a. Respiratory System
b. Digestive System
c. Nervous System
d. Organs System
94. How far apart should we be from others in order to stay safe?
a. 3 feet /1 meter
b. 6 feet / 1 meter
c. 6 feet / 2 meters
d. 3 feet / 2 meters
95. ________ is showing no symptoms of disease.
a. Symptomatic
b. Asymptomatic
c. Contagious
d. Symptom
96. You do not want to catch a coronavirus. From the lesson, what are four effective methods of
avoiding an infection?
a. Wear a mask to protect yourself and others and stop the spread of COVID-19 and avoid
b. Stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arm lengths) from others who don't live with you and get the
COVID 19 Vaccine when time.
c. The more people you are in contact with, the more likely you are to be exposed to
d. All of the above
97. Each of the following statements is true, except _________.
a. Viruses come in different types
b. Viruses affect living cells
c. Viruses can cause illnesses
d. Viruses can replicate without hosts
98. The genetic material of SARS-COV-2 comprises of
a. Protozoa
b. DNA
c. RNA
d. Chromanone
99. What is a quarantine?
a. A state of emergency where people have to do as instructed to stop a contagious
b. A code and/or law that prohibits people to spread a contagious disease
c. A chemical that spreads a contagious disease
d. An obnoxious noise that spreads throughout time
100. What is Coronavirus?
a. It is a large family of viruses.
b. It belongs to the family of Norovirus.
c. Both A and B are correct
d. Only A is correct.
101. A virus infects a host in order to:
a. Take in nutrients
b. Make the host sick
c. Make copies of itself
d. Destroy the host's cells
102. An outbreak of a virus occurs when ______________.
a. Someone dies from the virus
b. The virus spreads to more and more hosts
c. The virus spreads to more than one organ
d. Symptoms of the virus get worse
103. In simple terms, the recipe carried by mRNA vaccines contain the instructions for making
which specific protein?
a. mRNA vaccines carry the specific instructions for making the spike proteins
found on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
b. mRNA vaccines carry the specific instructions for making the tasty proteins found on the
surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
c. mRNA vaccines do not carry instructions at all.
d. All of the above
104. The distinguishing feature of a coronavirus is its:
a. Size
b. Mobility
c. Shape
d. Deadliness
105. Coronaviruses are a large family of zoonotic viruses that cause illness ranging from the
common cold to severe respiratory diseases. Zoonotic means _________.
a. Viruses can be transmitted from animals to humans
b. Viruses can be passes from humans to animals
c. Viruses can be transmitted to animals to animals then humans
d. Viruses can be transmitted airborne
106. Which of the following is not correct Ashbrook Procedure?
a. Follow the directional signs in the hallway
b. Share my school supplies with my neighbor
c. Wash my hands before and after lunch
d. Do not congregate in the hallways or doorways of classrooms
107. Which one is the official name of the disease given by WHO?
b. New Epidemic Disease
c. Novel Crown Virus
d. Corona Virus Disease
108. How does the virus move from person to person? Coughing, Sneezing and ____________.
a. Eating a taco
b. Taping a head
c. Speaking
d. Sharing a coat
109. Which of the following virus causes COVID-19?
a. SARS- Cov-2
b. Ebola
c. Hantavirus
110. How many hours does a person need to be without symptoms to not have COVID-19?
a. 72 hours
b. 64 hours
c. 48 hours
d. 24 hours
111. Who is trying to develop a vaccine to fight against COVID 19?
a. Parents and Teachers
b. Leaders and Governments
c. Scientists
d. Botanist and Doctors
112. What is the purpose of a vaccine?
a. The purpose of a vaccine is to make lots of money.
b. The purpose of a vaccine is to get vaccinated.
c. The purpose of a vaccine is to cure a disease or illness.
d. The purpose of a vaccine is to trigger an immune response to prevent further
113. What is the difference between SARS-CoV-2 and CoViD-19?
a. CoViD-19 is the virus that can lead to the disease commonly known as SARS-CoV-2.
b. SARS-CoV-2 is the virus that can lead to the disease commonly known as CoViD-
c. CoViD-19 and SARS-CoV-2 are exactly the same thing and everybody knows this for a
d. CoViD-19 and SARS-CoV-2 is a new video game that will be released in the early
114. What provides a source of energy and resources for a parasite or virus?
a. Hidden virus
b. Active virus
c. Host
d. Bacteriophage
115. Immune system of the body needs to be activated in order to prevent the COVID 19. What is
the main purpose of the immune system?
a. Support the body through bones and muscles
b. Get rid of waste from the body
c. Protect the body from pathogens
d. Move blood through the body
116. What happens in the lysogenic cycle?
a. Virus goes in and leaves the host cell
b. Virus quickly kills the host cell
c. Virus inject the nucleic acid into the host cell, and the nucleic acid integrates into
the host cell DNA, and stay dormant for a long time
d. None of the above
117. What is the best way to treat most viral infections?
a. Exercise
b. Antibiotics
c. Heat
d. Rest and fluids
118. What type of microbe is used in a vaccine?
a. It doesn't really matter
b. A damaged one
c. A weakened or inactivated one
d. A normal one
119. Vaccinations can be
a. Active immunity
b. Passive immunity
c. Active and passive immunity
d. None of the above
120. How are viruses and parasites similar?
a. Both are living things.
b. Both are made of cells.
c. Both harm their host.
d. Both are good for their host.
121. What is virus that infects bacteria cells called?
a. Bacteriophage
b. Parasite
c. Host
d. Hidden virus
122. What happens in the lytic cycle?
a. Virus goes in and leaves the host cell
b. Virus quickly kills the host cell
c. Virus sleeps inside of the host cell
d. Virus stay dormant for a long time
123. How do viruses get the resources they need to reproduce?
a. From cells
b. From their host
c. From parasites
d. From a shopping trip to the mall
124. What type of virus starts replicating right away, as soon as its DNA enters the host cell?
a. Hidden virus
b. Active virus
c. A very bad virus
d. A hairy virus
125. Active immunity is when
a. You produce your own antibodies to a disease
b. You are given antibodies to a disease
c. You are immune to any type of disease
d. Macrophages invade your lymphatic system and shield you from ever falling sick
126. What is the function (job) of a virus' surface proteins?
a. To create DNA
b. To reproduce
c. To fight off the host cell
d. To help the virus attach to a host cell
127. What does a vaccine do to your body?
a. Trains your immune system to be ready to fight a particular virus
b. Cures you of a sickness
c. Makes you strong
d. Makes you sick
128. What do viruses have in common with your body's cells?
a. Their genetic information is surrounded by a nucleus.
b. They contain many complex organelles.
c. They contain DNA or RNA
d. They are surrounded by a protein coat known as a capsid.
129. What does a virus have on the outside?
a. A protein coats
b. A fur coats
c. Crispy skin
d. Membrane
130. Passive immunity is when
a. You produce your own antibodies to a disease
b. You are given antibodies to a disease
c. You are immune to any type of disease
d. Macrophages invade your lymphatic system and shield you from ever falling sick
131. Why are viruses considered to be nonliving organisms?
a. They do not have genetic information.
b. They are not able to move on their own.
c. They do not interact with their environment.
d. They are not able to reproduce without a host cell.
132. Full Form of XLPE
a. Cross-linked Polymer ethylene
b. Cross-linked poly ethylene
c. Cross-Lime Poly ethylene
d. Cross-Line Poly ethylene
133. Corona viruses are a group of
a. Single stranded RNA viruses
b. Double stranded RNA viruses
c. RNA viruses
d. DNA viruses
134. Corona virus causes disease in:
a. Only mammals
b. Mammals and birds
c. Mammals and reptiles
d. All forms of life on earth
135. Even though most viruses are highly specific to its host species and host cells, _________ is
when a virus can be transmitted between species.
a. Virus sex
b. Binary Fission
c. Zoonosis
d. Genetic Recombination
136. Which therapy uses blood donated by recovered patients to introduce antibodies into those
under treatment of COVID 19?
a. Radiation therapy
b. Immunotherapy
c. Blood transfusion
d. Plasma Therapy
137. Corona is a Latin word meaning:
a. Wreath
b. Projection
c. Virus
d. Deadly
138. Is a vaccine a cure or a prevention?
a. Prevention, because you have to get it before you ever get sick
b. Cure, because you take it once you get sick and it kills the bacteria or virus.
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above
139. What major disease did Europeans catch in the Americas and bring back to Europe?
a. Smallpox
b. Scarlet fever
c. Syphilis
d. COVID 19
140. Which virus inspired the movie 'Contagion'?
a. Nipah
c. H1N1
d. Flu
141. What song should you sing to make sure you wash your hands for the minimum amount of
time to knock off bacteria and virus particles?
a. “This Is The Way We Wash Our Hands” (4 minutes 2 seconds)
b. The “Happy Birthday” song once (roughly 10 seconds)
c. “This Is The Song That Never Ends” (infinity minutes)
d. All of the above
142. Diseases that are always present in a community, usually at a low, more or less constant,
frequency are classified as having an _________ pattern.
a. epidemic
b. endemic
c. pandemic
d. None of the above
143. Which of the following statements is true concerning epidemic diseases?
a. They are usually not very contagious.
b. At the end of an epidemic, a disease spreads at an increasing rate and then abruptly
c. They usually appear and disappear seasonally.
d. Both A and C
144. An epidemic that becomes unusually widespread and even global in its reach is referred to as
a __________.
a. Pandemic
b. Hyperendemic
c. Spanish flu
d. COVID 19
145. Most of the major health problems in the poorer nations are due to __________.
a. Parasitic worms and microorganisms
b. Psychological tension resulting from work
c. Air pollution
d. All of the above
146. Diseases that are due mostly to environmental changes, increased population densities, and
pollution that result from modernization in third world nations are referred to as ___________.
a. Diseases of poverty
b. Diseases of development
c. Schistosomiasis
d. None of the above
147. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Modern medicine has at times been responsible for causing health problems.
b. Malnutrition has been essentially eliminated in the United States.
c. Persistent undernourishment among children rarely results in serious health problems.
d. Both B and C
148. Which of the following statements is true concerning culture specific diseases?
a. They sometimes become world-wide epidemics.
b. They are found only in small-scale societies.
c. They cause only relatively minor illnesses.
d. None of the above
149. What do you call a small group of people you agree to socialize with during lockdowns and
social distancing?
a. Quaranteam c. Corona
b. Migos buddy d. Corona Crew
150. What do you call someone who boldly flouts basic coronavirus safety guidelines?
a. A pandenemy c. A Covidiot
b. A virus teases d. A Coro-no-no


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