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Hanoi Metropolitan University

Faculty of Foreign Languages

Course : Speaking Skill 1

Group : N01
Student’s name : Dương Phương Ngân
Student ID: 221001392


1,Unit 1 :
a, Key ideas :

- Improve English Skills

- Have ability to made students feel interested in yours lectures
- Be organized
- Comply norm of behaviors
- Always learning new knowledges , new teaching methods
- Improve communication skills
- Understand the mentality of students
- Be patient with students
- Have ability to solve the problems
- Learn basic computer skills

b, Language for discussing

- Clarìfying
- Asking for opinion
- Giving opinion

2, Unit 2
a, Key ideas

- Exercise regularly
- Eat healthy food such as whole grains ;dark red ; fish; foods high vitamins
- Avoid sweets
- Get enough sleep
- Try new things
- Enhance your knowledge
- Having a positive thinking
- Avoid take drug in a long time
- More interact with others
- Doing daily activities biorhythm

b, Language for discussing

- Use It+ adjective + to v , should or

- Use sho
3. Unit 3
a, Key ideas
* Negative effects

- Pollute environment in local area

- Loose cultural identities
- Negative effects on ecosystem in local area
- Increase crime rates and lead to social problems
- Harm to historic sites or famous sport


- Set the rules to punish people who pollute the environment and harm to
- Propagate
- Upgrade the infrastructure in tourist areas
- Educate the local people proud of their culture

b, Language for discussing

4, Unit 4
a, Keys ideas
*The role of body language

- Realize the emotions of others or their messages

- Knows that someone is lying
- Help your speech become more persuasive
- Make your mark on the others
- Hide our true feeling

*Notice when use body language

- Learn about the difference between the body language of nations

- Keep your back straight
- Use eye contact suitably ( don’t stair at the opposite person or look around too
much . Let’s
- Don’t cover yours mouth
- Maintain a suitable distance

b, Language for discussing

5, Unit 5
a, Key ideas
b, Language for discussing
6, Unit 6
* Positive effects

- Help made decisions easily

- Learn good behaviors from others

* Negative effects

- Less interact face to face with others

- Have violent behaviors
- Made bad decisions
- Forget our goals
- Desire for attention
- Loose our creativity
- Comparing yourself to others

7, Unit 7

- Take part in environmental protection activities

- Help develop local economy :
- Improve the quality of education in remote area
- Protect security in local and prevent social issues in local area
- Help poor people take care their health
- Have technology inventions to improve our life
- Play and important role to Covid-19
- Upgrade the infrastructure in remote area
- Help improve the life of people in less-developed countries

8, Unit 8

- Help us escape from dangers

- Break bad habits to become better
- Connect to others people
- Strengthen the immune system
- Help loose your weight

- Bad effects to your health
- Lead to metal problems
- Prevent you from doing daily activities
- Miss chances to improve yourself

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