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Table of Contents

The Problem with Potions 1

Potion Crafting 2

Ingredient Tracking 4

Alchemist’s Supplies 5

Alternative Rules 7

Credit and Thanks 8

OGL & Legal Information 9

The Problem with Potions

Throughout their adventures, heroes cut from all sorts of cloth will down
countless healing potions, from major to superior. One might even be so fortunate
as to encounter a potion of invisibility, or perhaps a potion to alter size. However,
despite the opportunity to be pro cient in Alchemist's Tools, the actual practice
of brewing anything is unclear, even when adhering to the collection of craftable
'alchemical items' listed as such: acid, alchemist's re, antitoxin, oil, perfume, or
soap. Now as overjoyed as one might be at the notion of making soap, the options
do seem rather lackluster. Alas, there is no reasonable ruleset for the crafting of
potions. That is why I have designed the mechanics below, demystifying the
crafting of potions, and establishing alchemy as something heroes can pursue like
anything else.

Rules for Alchemy ©2022 Christian Ray, Noble Yarn Gaming

Potion Crafting
There are two ways to go about trying to craft a potion: Improvised or Instructed.
Improvised potion crafting can be attempted for any potion so long as the
alchemist is both familiar with the potion they are trying to craft and they are able
to obtain the two primary ingredients for that potion. No recipe, teacher, or
manual required, just you, your tools, and some solid guesswork. This is the only
option available to players not pro cient in Alchemists’ Tools/Kit. If you
successfully craft a particular potion three times, you may create your own recipe,
using the ne ink and parchment (50 gp) required for copying spellbooks. After
10 successful craftings of a particular potion, and at least one critical success, you
may create a recipe for a potion doubly as potent or lengthy as the normal potion
(such crafted potions should be priced at anywhere from %100 to %150 the cost of
the standard potion price based on rarity(see page 7 Alternative to Ingredient
Tracking)). Instructed potion crafting can only be attempted when the alchemist
has access to a recipe for the particular potion they are trying to craft, or when
they have the assistance and help of an instructor who has an equivalent or greater
skill level than the one associated with the rarity of the potion you are trying to
make. Once you have determined the method in which you will go about crafting
your potion, you can then refer to the associated chart and see how long your
attempt will take, and what the DC of your crafting roll will be, barring other
factors. After taking the required time, and using the required ingredients, you

Rules for Alchemy ©2022 Christian Ray, Noble Yarn Gaming

will make a Craft Roll. For alchemists, this is your pro ciency bonus + your
Intelligence modi er. If you fail your roll, the potion is inert, or if it is particularly
volatile, perhaps it catches re(use your imagination). If you succeed on your roll,
you successfully craft the potion you intended to. On a critical failure, the failed
potion will become unstable, and ruin both the bottle it is in, as well as possibly
some of your other tools. Lastly, if you critically succeed (Natural 20), then your
potion not only has the desired e ect(assuming you meet the DC of your roll),
but is doubly as potent or lengthy, and if improvised, you are immediately able to
record your own recipe for the normal elixir. As an additional note, consider the
power the legendary potions in YOUR world have. These can be implemented as
plot devices employed by your villains or the players. Entire missions and story arcs
can be born from solving a regicide by poison, or if a party member is sick, they
will need to brew an antidote. Generally speaking, the DC for reverse brewing
and/or creating an antidote to a potion should be the improvised crafting DC +5.
However, if players have the recipe, and need to brew an antidote, use the
instructed roll DC as a base number instead.

Instructed Potion Crafting Table

Potion Rarity Roll DC Time Required
Common DC 8 Short Rest
Uncommon DC 11 Short Rest
Rare DC 15 Long Rest
Very Rare DC 19 1 Day
Legendary DC 25 3 Days

Rules for Alchemy ©2022 Christian Ray, Noble Yarn Gaming

Improvised Potion Crafting Table
Potion Rarity Roll DC Time Required
Common DC 10 Short Rest
Uncommon DC 14 4 Hours
Rare DC 20 Long Rest
Very Rare DC 26 1 Day
Legendary DC 30 Up to 1 Week

Ingredient Tracking
As mentioned in the chapter on potion crafting, there are two primary ingredients
for any and all potions, barring a few select exceptions. Ingredients have their rarity
de ned by the potions it is used in. This is an incomplete list that contains the
primary ingredients of potions of Rare and lower rarity. Keep in mind, these are
ingredients that I have in my games, they can act as stand-in avored names for
ingredients your PC's have to gather or purchase, or you can use entirely di erent
ingredients, drawing on these for inspiration or nothing at all.

Potion of Healing: 4x any common ingredient, Drop of blood

Potion of Greater Healing: 3x any uncommon ingredients. 1d4 hp of blood

Potion of Superior Healing: 2x any rare ingredients. 2d4 hp of blood

Potion of Supreme Healing: 3x any very rare ingredients. 2d4 hp of blood

Rules for Alchemy ©2022 Christian Ray, Noble Yarn Gaming

Alchemist’s Supplies
Alchemist's Supplies includes: two glass beakers, a metal frame to hold a beaker in
place over an open ame, a glass stirring rod, a small mortar and pestle, and a
pouch of common alchemical ingredients, including salt, powdered iron, and
puri ed water. This is... ne. But without the application to making or crafting
potions, it feels like meaningless avor text. So in part to accommodate the
ingredient tracking mentioned in the previous chapter, I've created my own
slightly less meaningless avor text.

Alchemist Supplies:
- 2 Glass Beakers
- 1 Small Flask
- 1 Lorevian Stand
- 1 Glass Stirring Rod
- Mortar and Pestle (small)
- Brewing Cauldron (small)
- Small Knife
- Gardener Scissors
- Alchemist's Pouch (see below)

Alchemist's Pouch (10 gp):

- 1 tbsp Troll Oil
- 1 oz. Powdered Iron
- 3 Daemon Fire petals
- 1 Vulture Claw
- 5 Ever Burning Packets
- 20 Quiver Seeds

Rules for Alchemy ©2022 Christian Ray, Noble Yarn Gaming

Alternative to Ingredient Tracking
For the sake of any game masters reading who might want to implement these
optional rules, but are either overwhelmed by or have no desire for tracking the
ingredients required for any and every potion: these variant rules are for you. In
the stead of actual ingredient requirements, simply track the cost of any materials
required to make a potion-crafting attempt (as determined by potion rarity). The
logic for the cost can be based on how much a player might pay for a magic item of
that rarity, I suggest anywhere from 10-30% of this cost. So the cost per rarity level
will (roughly)be:

Common - 10gp or less

Uncommon - 100gp
Rare - 200gp
Very Rare - 500gp
Legendary - 5,000gp

If you have questions regarding implementation of these rules or anything else, please email
your concerns to
Rules for Alchemy ©2022 Christian Ray, Noble Yarn Gaming
Writing & Design
Christian ‘Curly’ Ray

Claritza (Rabid Swan on Youtube)


Rules for Alchemy ©2022 Christian Ray, Noble Yarn Gaming

Legal Information:
This work includes Open Game Content under the terms of the Open Game License

Designation of Open Game Content:

‘Potion of Healing’, ‘Potion of Greater Healing’, ‘Potion of Superior Healing’, ‘Potion of Supreme
Healing’, ‘Alchemist’s Tools’, and the basic rule set of 5th edition gaming included in the SRD5
are all used or implied in this work under the terms of the Open Game License.

Permission to copy, modify and distribute the files collectively known

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Tarterian Depths of Carceri, Gray Waste of Hades, Bleak Eternity
of Gehenna, Nine Hells of Baator, Infernal Battlefield of
Acheron, Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus, Peaceable Kingdoms
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Rules for Alchemy ©2022 Christian Ray, Noble Yarn Gaming

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Rules for Alchemy ©2022 Christian Ray, Noble Yarn Gaming

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Rules for Alchemy ©2022 Christian Ray, Noble Yarn Gaming

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Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast,
LLC. System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of
the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris
Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J.
Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based
on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Rules for Alchemy ©2022 Christian Ray, Noble Yarn Gaming

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