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Reviewer in Ge 104

Globalization of Religion
In General we define religion as a system of belief and practices that creates both cultural and
religious differences and gives the strength to respect and tolerate other religions in the age of
The word religion comes from Latin “religare” which means to bind together again that which
was once bound but has since been torn apart or broken.”
On the other hand, globalization creates new door to strength religion such as enhancing
beliefs and values, teaching equality for everyone, showing kindness etc.
While it creates obstacles and challenges as it breaks traditional values while weakening
their own religious values, reinforces specific identities, creates a circle of conflict and
competition among various religion etc. So, we can see that, relationship between globalization
and religion is a complex issue, one with new possibilities and furthering challenges.
Religion Much more than culture has the most difficult relationship with globalism.
Religion and globalism are entirely contrasting belief systems.
The Malaysian government places religion at the center of the political system.
it’s constitution explicitly states that "Islam is the religion of the federation", and the rulers of
each state was also "The head of religion of Islam“
He argues that far from being secularized the contemporary world is furiously religious.
There are veritable explosions of religious fervor, occurring in one form of another in all the
major religious traditions(Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism).
Religions is the foundation of modern republics
The followers of the Dalai Lama established Tibet to create impenetrable sanctuaries where they
can practice their religion without the meddling and control of the state authorities.
Buddhist monasteries located away for civilizations that hermits can devote themselves to prayer
and contemplation.
Rizalistas of Mount Banahaw and the Mormons of Utah.
Religion and Globalism
Aspire to become a saint.
Detest politics and the quest for power for they are evidence of humanity weaknesses
Evangelization is in itself a form of globalization.
Concerned with spreading holy ideas globally.
Trains to be a shrewd business person.
Values politics and the quest for power as both means and ends to open up further weakness the
economies of the world
Focused on the realm of market.
Wishes to spread goods and services.
concerned with the sacred
follows divine commandments
assume that there is the positivity of communication between humans and the transcendent
Places value on material wealth
Abides by human made laws
Yardstick is how much of humans actions can lead to the highest material satisfaction
Globalization and religion one with possibilities:
With globalization religion becomes a culture of pluralism that teach us to respect of other
As globalization brings economic marginalization, many various religious organizations play an
important social role such as- Catholic Relief Services, World Vision International, and Islamic
Relief Worldwide etc. serve many disadvantage areas such as- poverty relief, health care, the
HIV/AIDs crisis, and environment problems etc. that draws massive followers while
strengthening religious values and ideas.
Globalization also brings global political forums that try to diminish cultural, ethnic, ideological
and religious differences such as- while discussing issues such as international peace and
security, health, poverty, environment etc., the UN, WHO, EU, AU, OIC etc. organization also
shares basic commitments of religious tradition such as peace, human dignity and equality,
religious freedom, conflict resolution etc.
Globalization opens a new door for religion that enhances cooperation, tolerance and brings new
opportunities and possibilities.
There is hardly a religious movement today that does not use religion to oppose “profane”
Yet, two of the so-called “old world religions” – Christianity and Islam – see globalization less
as an obstacle and more as an opportunity to expand their reach all over the world.
Religious fundamental may dislike globalization’s materialism, but it continues to use “the full
range of modern means of communication and organization” that is associated with this
economic transformation.
While religious may benefits from the processes of globalization, this that does not mean that its
tensions with globalist ideology will subside.
Religion for and Against Globalization
What Catholics call “preferential option for the poor” is a powerful message of mobilization but
looks substance when it comes to working out a replacement system that can change the poor
condition in concrete ways.
The traditionalism of fundamentalist political Islam is no alternative either. The terrorism of ISIS
is unlikely to create a “Caliphate” government by justice and stability.
In Iran, the unchallenged superiority of a religious autocracy has stifled all freedom of
expressions, distorted democratic rituals like elections and tainted the opposition.
Religious fundamentalism has tapped “fast long-distance transport and communication, the
availability of English as a global vernacular of unparalleled power, the know-how of modern
management and marketing”, which unable the spread of “almost promiscuous propagation of
religious forms across the globe in all sorts of directions”.
These fundamentalist organization are the result of the spread of globalization and both find
ways to benefit or take advantage of each other.
Religion is not the “regressive force” that steps or slows down globalization; it is a “pro-active
force” that gives communities a new and powerful basis of identity.
Religion for and Against Globalization
Religion is an instrument with which religious people can put their mark in the reshaping of this
globalizing world.
Religious fundamentalism may dislike globalizations materialism, but it continues to use “the
full range of modern means of communication and organization” that is associated with
economic transformation.
CHRISTIANITY and IASLAM or the so-called “old world religions” see globalization less as an
obstacle and more as an opportunity to expand their reach all over the world.
Globalization has “freed” communities from the constraints of the nation-state but in the process
also threatened to destroy the cultural system that bind them together.
Religion seeks to take the place of these broken ties to either help communities cope with their
new situation or organize them to oppose this major transformation of their lives.
“Not only do the American practice their religion out of self-interest but they often even place in
this world the interest which they have in practicing it”.
“Historically religion has always been at the very center of all great political conflict and
movement of social reform… but also on both sides of the political barricades.
A traditionalist Sunni (largest denomination) Islam movement in Indonesia.
Has Islamic school (pesantren) where students are taught not only about Islam but also about
modern science, social science, modern banking, civic education, rights of women, pluralism and
Late Iranian religious leader
“there is no fundamental distinction among constitutional despotic, dictatorial, democratic and
communistic regime”
All secular ideologies were the same they were flawed and Islamic rule was the superior form of
government because it was spiritual
Globalization and Religion
Globalization Is the networking and expansion of once local products, beliefs, and practices into
universal products, beliefs and practices often through technology.
Religion Is a collection of cultural systems, belief systems, and world views that establishes
symbols that relate humanity to spirituality and to moral values.
The most known religions across the world are
•Christianity- Its deity is Jesus, 2.2 billion adherents, Holy Bible
•Islam- The God is Allah, Quran, 1.57 milliard adherents
•Hinduism- 811 million, Many Gods
•Buddhism- 380 million adherents, Buddha,
Religion has entered the "information age" and has globalized at accelerating rates, in the
methods religions use for teaching and in belief systems.
Tools of uniting people all over the world on religious basis
Cell phone apps
Social networks
Charity funds
Special internet sites
Religious schoolsReligion epitomizes the definition of globalization due to the fact that it can be
spread more efficiently than ever before through the use of different technological tools
Face book
It is now possible to spread beyond national borders, allowing even small new religious
movements to engage in overseas activities and leading to new unseen religious developments.
Small religious movements are also spreading thanks to the celebrities following and advertising
Tom cruise technology
Kabellah with Madonna
Britney Sprears
Demi Moore
Claudia Schiffer and others.
Religion is concerned with the sacred.
Religion follows divine commandments
Religion assumes that there is "the possibility of communication between humans and the
transcendent" and defines and judges human action in moral terms (good vs. bad)
Religious people are less concerned with wealth and all that comes along with it. A religious
person's main duty is to live a virtuous, sin-less life such that Religious people are less concerned
with wealth and all that comes along with it. A religious person's main duty is to live a virtuous,
sin-less life such that when he/she dies he/she is assured with the place in the other world. (E.g.
The Religious aspire to be a saint
The religious detest the politics and the quest for power for they are evidence of humanity's
Globalism places value on material wealth.
Globalism abide with human-made laws
Globalism's yardstick is how much of human action can lead to the highest material satisfaction
and subsequent wisdom that this new status produces.
Globalist on the other hand, is less worried about whether they will end up in heaven or hell.
Their skills are more pedestrian as they aim to seal trade deals, raise the profit of private
enterprises, improve government revenue collection, protect the elite from being excessively
taxed by the state and naturally enrich themselves. If he/she has a strong conscience, the globalist
sees his/her work as contributing to the general progress of the community, the nation and the
global economic system.
The Religious aspire to be a saint
The globalist trains to be a shrewd business person.
The globalist values them as both means and ends to open up further economies of the world.
Finally, Religion and Globalism clash over the fact that religious evangelization is in itself a
form of globalization. The religious is concerned with spreading holy ideas globally, while
the globalist wishes to spread goods and services.
Religions regard identities associated with globalism (Citizenship, language, and race) as inferior
and narrow because they are earthly categories. In contrast, membership to a religious group,
organization, or cult represents a superior affiliation that connects human directly to the divine
and the supernatural
Being a Christian, a Muslim, or a Buddhist places one on a higher plane that just being Filipino,
a Spanish speaker, or Anglo-Saxon
These philosophical differences explain why certain groups “flee” their communities and create
impenetrable sanctuaries where they can practice their religions without the meddling and
control of state authorities, (Dalai lama in Tibet, Buddhist in monasteries Rizalistas in Mount
Banahaw, etc.)
Communities justify their opposition to government authority on religious grounds
Religious fervor in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism
Religions are the foundations of modern republics.
Religions as a result of a shift in state of policy
Church of England
Philippines Independent church
Four Categories of Religion
Simple supernaturalism - the belief that supernatural forces affect people lives positively or
Animism - the belief that plants, animals, and elements of natural world are endowed with
spirit's that impact events in society
Theism - belief in a God or Gods,
Transcendent idealism - belief in scared principle of through and conduct, such as truth justice,
life and tolerance to others,
Types of religious organization
-Encompasses all members of a society
-people are primarily born into the ecclesia, do not convert Influential in government affairs
-stable, institutional organization well educated clergy elaborate rituals and beliefs
-tolerate of religious pluralism and the secular world
-Less organized than denomination Charismatic, less educated ministers
-Growth by recruiting rather than being born into church
-Higher levels of devotion reject worldliness and impure denominations
-tend to draw recruits from the lower classes
Symbolic Interactionist Perspective
-Religion serves as a reference group to help people define themselves
-People are socialized into certain roles through group expectations
-People attach sacred meaning to symbols.
Protestant Ethic and Spirit of Capitalism
Max Weber Studied the attitudes of Protestants and Catholics in Western Europe towards work
and this life in late 19th Century
He discovered the protestants, particularly Calvinists, developed a rational worldview of hard
work and thrift that propelled their economic activities
Protestants Ethic spread to America, to non-Calvinists
In General we define religion as a system of belief and practices that creates both cultural and
religious differences and gives the strength to respect and tolerate other religions in the age of

The word religion comes from Latin “religare” which means to bind together again that
which was once bound but has since been torn apart or broken.”
On the other hand, globalization creates new door to strength religion such as enhancing
beliefs and values, teaching equality for everyone, showing kindness etc.
While it creates obstacles and challenges as it breaks traditional values while weakening
their own religious values, reinforces specific identities, creates a circle of conflict and
competition among various religion etc. So, we can see that, relationship between globalization
and religion is a complex issue, one with new possibilities and furthering challenges.
Religion Much more than culture has the most difficult relationship with globalism.
Religion and globalism are entirely contrasting belief systems.
-The Malaysian government places religion at the center of the political system.
- it’s constitution explicitly states that "Islam is the religion of the federation", and the rulers of
each state was also "The head of religion of Islam"

-He argues that far from being secularized the contemporary world is furiously religious.
-There are veritable explosions of religious fervor, occurring in one form of another in all the
major religious traditions(Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism).
-Religions is the foundation of modern republics

-The followers of the Dalai Lama established Tibet to create impenetrable sanctuaries where they
practice their religion without the meddling and control of the state authorities.
-Buddhist monasteries located away for civilizations that hermits can devote themselves to
prayer and
-Rizalistas of Mount Banahaw and the Mormons of Utah.


-Aspire to become a saint.
-Detest politics and the quest for power for they are evidence of humanity weaknesses
- Evangelization is in itself a form of globalization.
- Concerned with spreading holy ideas globally.

-Trains to be a shrewd business person.
-Values politics and the quest for power as both means and ends to open up further weakness the
economies of the world
-Focused on the realm of market.
-Wishes to spread goods and services.
- concerned with the sacred
- follows divine commandments
- assume that there is the positivity of communication between humans and the transcendent
-Places value on material wealth
- Abides by human made laws
-Yardstick is how much of humans actions can lead to the highest material satisfaction
Globalization and religion one with possibilities:
With globalization religion becomes a culture of pluralism that teach us to respect of other
As globalization brings economic marginalization, many various religious organizations play an
important social role such as- Catholic Relief Services, World Vision International, and Islamic
Relief Worldwide etc. serve many disadvantage areas such as- poverty relief, health care, the
HIV/AIDs crisis, and environment problems etc. that draws massive followers while
strengthening religious values and ideas.
Globalization also brings global political forums that try to diminish cultural, ethnic, ideological
and religious differences such as- while discussing issues such as international peace and
security, health, poverty, environment etc., the UN, WHO, EU, AU, OIC etc. organization also
shares basic commitments of religious tradition such as peace, human dignity and equality,
religious freedom, conflict resolution etc.
Globalization opens a new door for religion that enhances cooperation, tolerance and brings new
opportunities and possibilities.

Religion for and Against Globalization

There is hardly a religious movement today that does not use religion to oppose “profane”
Yet, two of the so-called “old world religions” – Christianity and Islam – see globalization less
as an obstacle and more as an opportunity to expand their reach all over the world.

Religious fundamental may dislike globalization’s materialism, but it continues to use “the full
range of modern means of communication and organization” that is associated with this
economic transformation.

While religious may benefits from the processes of globalization, this that does not mean that its
tensions with globalist ideology will subside.
Religion for and Against Globalization

What Catholics call “preferential option for the poor” is a powerful message of mobilization but
looks substance when it comes to working out a replacement system that can change the poor
condition in concrete ways.
The traditionalism of fundamentalist political Islam is no alternative either. The terrorism of ISIS
is unlikely to create a “Caliphate” government by justice and stability.
In Iran, the unchallenged superiority of a religious autocracy has stifled all freedom of
expressions, distorted democratic rituals like elections and tainted the opposition.
Religious fundamentalism has tapped “fast long-distance transport and communication, the
availability of English as a global vernacular of unparalleled power, the know-how of modern
management and marketing”, which unable the spread of “almost promiscuous propagation of
religious forms across the globe in all sorts of directions”.
These fundamentalist organization are the result of the spread of globalization and both find
ways to benefit or take advantage of each other.
Religion is not the “regressive force” that steps or slows down globalization; it is a “pro-active
force” that gives communities a new and powerful basis of identity.
Religion is an instrument with which religious people can put their mark in the reshaping of this
globalizing world.
Religious fundamentalism may dislike globalizations materialism, but it continues to use “the
full range of modern means of communication and organization” that is associated with
economic transformation.
CHRISTIANITY and ISLAM or the so-called “old world religions” see globalization less as an
obstacle and more as an opportunity to expand their reach all over the world.
Globalization has “freed” communities from the constraints of the nation-state but in the process
also threatened to destroy the cultural system that bind them together.
Religion seeks to take the place of these broken ties to either help communities cope with their
new situation or organize them to oppose this major transformation of their lives.


“Not only do the American practice their religion out of self-interest but they often even place in
this world the interest which they have in practicing it”.
“Historically religion has always been at the very center of all great political conflict and
movement of social reform… but also on both sides of the political barricades.
A traditionalist Sunni (largest denomination) Islam movement in Indonesia.
Has Islamic school (pesantren) where students are taught not only about Islam but also about
modern science, social science, modern banking, civic education, rights of women, pluralism and
Late Iranian religious leader
“there is no fundamental distinction among constitutional despotic, dictatorial, democratic and
communistic regime”
All secular ideologies were the same they were flawed and Islamic rule was the superior form of
government because it was spiritual

Globalization and Religion

Globalization Is the networking and expansion of once local products, beliefs, and practices
into universal products, beliefs and practices often through technology.
Religion Is a collection of cultural systems, belief systems, and world views that establishes
symbols that relate humanity to spirituality and to moral values.
The most known religions across the world are
•Christianity Its deity is Jesus 2.2 billion adherents Holy Bible
•Islam The God is Allah Quran 1.57 milliard adherents
•Hinduism 811 million Many Gods
•Buddhism 380 million adherents Buddha Religion has entered the "information age" and has
globalized at accelerating rates, in the methods religions use for teaching and in belief systems.
Tools of uniting people all over the world on religious basis
•Cell phone apps
•Social networks
•Charity funds
•Special internet sites
•Religious schools
Religion epitomizes the definition of globalization due to the fact that it can be spread more
efficiently than ever before through the use of different technological tools
Face book
It is now possible to spread beyond national borders, allowing even small new religious
movements to engage in overseas activities and leading to new unseen religious developments.
Small religious movements are also spreading thanks to the celebrities following and advertising
Tom cruise technology
Kabellah with Madonna
Britney Sprears
Demi Moore
Claudia Schiffer and others.

Religion is concerned with the sacred.

Religion follows divine commandments
Religion assumes that there is "the possibility of communication between humans and the
transcendent" and defines and judges human action in moral terms (good vs. bad)
Religious people are less concerned with wealth and all that comes along with it. A religious
person's main duty is to live a virtuous, sin-less life such that Religious people are less concerned
with wealth and all that comes along with it. A religious person's main duty is to live a virtuous,
sin-less life such that when he/she dies he/she is assured with the place in the other world. (E.g.
The Religious aspire to be a saint
The religious detest the politics and the quest for power for they are evidence of humanity's


Globalism places value on material wealth.

Globalism abide with human-made laws
Globalism's yardstick is how much of human action can lead to the highest material satisfaction
and subsequent wisdom that this new status produces.
Globalist on the other hand, is less worried about whether they will end up in heaven or hell.
Their skills are more pedestrian as they aim to seal trade deals, raise the profit of private
enterprises, improve government revenue collection, protect the elite from being excessively
taxed by the state and naturally enrich themselves. If he/she has a strong conscience, the globalist
sees his/her work as contributing to the general progress of the community, the nation and the
global economic system.
The Religious aspire to be a saint
The globalist trains to be a shrewd business person.
The globalist values them as both means and ends to open up further economies of the world.

Finally, Religion and Globalism clash over the fact that religious evangelization is in itself a
form of globalization. The religious is concerned with spreading holy ideas globally, while
the globalist wishes to spread goods and services.
Religions regard identities associated with globalism (Citizenship, language, and race) as inferior
and narrow because they are earthly categories. In contrast, membership to a religious group,
organization, or cult represents a superior affiliation that connects human directly to the divine
and the supernatural

Being a Christian, a Muslim, or a Buddhist places one on a higher plane that just being Filipino,
a Spanish speaker, or Anglo-Saxon

These philosophical differences explain why certain groups “flee” their communities and create
impenetrable sanctuaries where they can practice their religions without the meddling and
control of state authorities, (Dalai lama in Tibet, Buddhist in monasteries Rizalistas in Mount
Banahaw, etc.)

Communities justify their opposition to government authority on religious grounds

Religious fervor in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism

Religions are the foundations of modern republics.


Religions as a result of a shift in state of policy

Church of England
Philippines Independent church

Four Categories of Religion

Simple supernaturalism - the belief that supernatural forces affect people lives positively or
Animism - the belief that plants, animals, and elements of natural world are endowed with
spirit's that impact events in society
Theism - belief in a God or Gods,
Transcendent idealism - belief in scared principle of through and conduct, such as truth justice,
life and tolerance to others,
Types of religious organization
-Encompasses all members of a society
-people are primarily born into the ecclesia, do not convert Influential in government affairs
-stable, institutional organization well educated clergy elaborate rituals and beliefs
-tolerate of religious pluralism and the secular world
-Less organized than denomination Charismatic, less educated ministers
-Growth by recruiting rather than being born into church
-Higher levels of devotion reject worldliness and impure denominations
-tend to draw recruits from the lower classes

Symbolic Interactionist Perspective

-Religion serves as a reference group to help people define themselves
-People are socialized into certain roles through group expectations
-People attach sacred meaning to symbols.
Protestant Ethic and Spirit of Capitalism
Max Weber Studied the attitudes of Protestants and Catholics in Western Europe towards work
and this life in late 19th Century
He discovered the protestants, particularly Calvinists, developed a rational worldview of hard
work and thrift that propelled their economic activities
Protestants Ethic spread to America, to non-Calvinists


Global Population
- Is the total number of people/humans in the world.
Global Mobility
- Is a Human Resources(HR) function that refers to a multinational corporation’s ability to move
its people to offices in different countries.
- Is a Human Resources(HR) function that refers to a multinational corporation’s ability to move
its people to offices in different countries.
- affects rural and peri urban areas, global forces are centered in cities.
- a primary node in the global economic network.


Is a concentration of wealth in the hands of owners, partners, and professionals associated with
the high-end firms in this system.
is a growing disconnection between the city and its region.
Is the growth of a large marginalized population that has a very hard time earning a living in the
marketplace defined by these high-end activities.


*A variety of international financial services, notably in finance, insurance, real estate, banking,
accountancy, and marketing.
*Headquarters of several multinational corporations
*The existence of financial headquarters, a stock exchange, and major financial institutions
*Domination of the trade and economy of a large surrounding area
*Major manufacturing centers with port and container facilities
*Considerable decision-making power on a daily basis and at a global level
*Centers of new ideas and innovation in business, economics, culture, and politics
*Centers of media and communications for global networks
*Dominance of the national region with great international significance
Makati is a global city? Makati has become a major financial hub with the highest concentration
of multinational and local business establishments in the country. With more than 80,000
business establishments, Makati is easily the Philippines' link to global finance and economy.
"Home of the Passionate Heart," Bonifacio Global City and known as BGC exudes the charm of
a sophisticated, contemporary city that coexists with walkable green spaces and a vibrant
multicultural community. This modern, urbanized business and commercial district southeast of
Manila has many names (BGC, Global City, Fort), but what is certain is that its inhabitants
always have a good time. is. Once operated as a US military base, BGC now houses the
headquarters of one of the world's largest companies. Whether you're indulging in top-notch
entertainment, biking around the city, finding delicious food, or admiring colorful street art,
you'll be captivated by BGC's truly dynamic community.
Today, globalization is happening where many people work and live in cities. However, cities
need values and ideas that affect other parts of the world to win the global title. Global cities
boast wealth, power and influence over other countries and are home to the largest capital
markets. In addition, a thriving multinational corporation, superior infrastructure, a better
economy, a well-educated and diverse population, a strong organization, and an excellent
political structure that connects with other parts of the world like no other. The equipped city is
considered global. Therefore, global cities are the most important and influential cities in the
world that cover aspects of globalization. These aspects are cultural experience, business
activities, human capital, and political commitment.
There are several ways in which a city can be considered as a global city and I have two ways.
Firstly, a city should have a combination of powerful, strong and unique culture, style and
history. This is because culture is one of important businesses in a city that provides many tourist
attractions. Rome for instance, has been very powerful and influential in the development of
world culture. It is one of the richest and dynamic cities in Europe. For the past few years,
Roman culture has been contained within that boundary. However, as globalization increases the
speed of communication, Roman culture is now rapidly mixing on a global scale. Culture does
not necessarily mean the traditions and values of that particular city, but also art, food and
architecture. Second, global cities are cities of vital and economic change. It includes various
companies such as international organizations, law firms, headquarters in multinational
countries, and stock exchanges that affect the global economy. According to Lipsitz (2010),
global cities require a lot of capital trade, businesses and multinationals.
Reasons of increase in global cities, the increase in global cities is linked to the global of
economies and the centralization of mass production within the urban centers, urban centers is a
big, densely populated urban area that may have numerous administrative districts.
China has the world's largest human population, with 1, 447,948,327 people and growing. India
is the second largest country, with a population of 1, 405, 016,486 people. The United States
comes in third with a population of 334,571, 698 people.
Reasons of increase in global cities
Globalization of economics - Economic globalization refers back to the growing interdependence
of globalwide economies because of the developing scale of cross-border exchange of
commodities and services, go with the drift of global capital and huge and fast unfold of
Centralized of mass production -can basically be compared to the basic or core process.
Centralized manufacturing can basically be compared to the basic or core process. A large
number of standardized products with assembly lines or automation techniques. Mass production
allows efficient production of many similar products. This is a single factory or location where
you can reduce production costs per unit by using versatile and adaptable equipment.

GLOBAL DEMOGRAPHY- is the statistical study of human populations

- Is the study of population based on factors such as age, race and sex.
- It's usually used to find out how well a product or service is selling, who likes it, and/or where
it's most popular.
The Demographic transition
The demographic transition theory is a generalized description of the changing pattern of
mortality , fertility and growth rates as societies move from one demographic regime to another.
The term was first coined by the American demographer Frank W. Notestein in the mid-
twentieth century, but it has since been elaborated and expanded upon by many others.
Global Migration – is a situation in which people go to live in foreign countries, especially to
find work.
Reasons why people move
Social Factors
Cultural Factors
Push-Pull Factor
-Push Factors: Reasons to live
-Pull Factors: Reasons to migrate
Health and Social Aspect
Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) is a word used to describe Filipino migrant workers, who are
citizens of the Philippines but work in another nation for a brief time.
1. In all its forms, is a denial of human dignity and a violation of human rights.
A. Internal migration
B. Labor market
C. Economic Growth
D. Forced Migration
2. Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his
personality is possible.
A. Article 29
B. Article 9
C. Article 24
D. Article 4
3. The number of people that live in a certain area, for example, per square km.
A. Population Density
B. Population Distribution
C. Population Pyramid
D. None of the above
4. Mundialization came for Latin word ____ that means WORLD
A. Mundos
B. Mondus
C. Mundus
D. Hera
5. This is the act of a city or local authority declaring itself a ____ and being aware of global
with a sense of shared rights and responsibilities.
A. Universe citizen
B. Earth citizen
C. San Pablo citizen
D. World citizen
1. _________ cycles can’t help the individuals as well as the community.
ANSWER: Emulate natural
2. Global migration has contributed to our ________ and interconnected world.
ANSWER: Increasingly Diverse
3. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted by the UN General Assembly
ANSWER: December 10, 1948
4. ________ It is the pattern of where people live in an area.
ANSWER: Population Distribution
5. Mundialization ___ connection as a way of fostering world peace and global understanding.
ANSWER: Encourage
1. Immigration : People moving in to another country
__________ : People moving away from their home country.
ANSWER: Emigration
2. Global Citizenship : It is a program develop students knowledge, skills, attitudes and values.
______________ : Is someone who feels like they are a part of an emerging world community
and someone who works to contribute to this society's values and beliefs.
ANSWER: Global Citizen
3. Global citizenship : Idea that one’s identity transcend geography or political borders and that
responsibilities or rights are derived from membership in a broader class.
______________ : expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults
ANSWER: Criticism
4. International Migration : movement of people from one country or another.
__________________ : any movement from one place to another from the same country.
ANSWER: Internal Migration
5. Demographic Factor : The population growth rates of the different regions of a nation have
found to be determinant.
________________ : Arrive with skills and contribute to human capital development of
receiving countries.
ANSWER: Economic Growth

1. Demo means ______
Answer: People or the population
2. Graphy means
Answer: Measurement of the picture
3.People moving away from their home country.
Answer: Emigration
4. Are groups of countries located in the same geographical area.
5. A process of dividing an area into smaller segments called regions.
1. It is the scientific study of human population in which includes study of changes in population
size, composition and its distribution
Answer: Demography
2. People moving in to another country
Answer: Immigration
3. . He said, “Not only do the American practice their religion out of self-interest but they
often even place in this world the interest which they have in practicing it”.
4-5 Give at least two of Tools of uniting people all over the world on religious basis.
1. According to the ___________, on environment and development, the definition of
sustainable development (SD) is " development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own need"
2-4. What are the 3 pillars of sustainable development?
Answer: 1. SOCIAL
5. Abides by human made laws.

1. It allows people to contact each other worldwide and therefore hold forums and debates that
allow religious ideas to spread. (INTERNET)
2. It is aprocess that produce change inside a group or system. (DYNAMICS)
3. It is everything that we create and share as part of our lives in the place where we live or work.
4. It is the main means of mass communication. (MEDIA)
5. Specific extent of land or space. (AREA)

1. What are the three (3) perspective on global cultural flow
(Cultural differentialism, Cultural hybridization and Cultural Convergence)
2. The way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs of a particular group of people at a
particular time. (CULTURE)
3. It contributed considerably to the emergence, revivalism and fortification of religion.
4. It is not the regressive force that steps or slows down globalization. (RELIGION)
5. It is the worldwide integration of media through the cross-cultural exchange of ideas.

1. FILL IN THE BLANKS: Globalization is also associated with _________ & __________
(Westernization and Americanization)
2. Emphasizes the integration of local and global cultures. Globalization is considered to be a
creative process which creates hybrid entities that are not either global or local. (CULTURAL
3. He is the late Iranian religious leader. (AYATOLLAH RUHOLLA KHOMEIN)
4. It encompasses all members of a society. (ECCLESIA)
5. It is a type of land degradation in which a relatively dry land region becomes increasingly arid.


1. It means the people or the population.


2. It means measurement or the picture.

3. It is the scientific study of human population in which includes study of changes in population
size, composition and its distribution.


4. It means people moving in to another country.


5. It means people moving away from their home country.



1. It provides temporary financial assistance to member countries to help ease balance of

payments adjustments.


2-3. Labor market integration occured between of these years.

1882 - 1936

4. It defined by the existence of a division of labor.


5. It sometimes referred to as world governance.

Global governance


1. It aims to protect human rights and provide humanitarian assistance when needed.

United Nation

2. It plays a significant role in the process of standard setting in the codification of international

UN General Assembly

3-5. Give at least 3 demographic processes

Fertility, Marriage, Social Mobility, Mortality, Migration

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