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Name: Adrian B.

Montenegro Grade: 12- Stevens

General Biology II Quarter 1 – Module1.1 Genetic

1. A 6. C 11. B
2. B 7. B 12. C
3. B 8. D 13. A
4. D 9. C 14. D
5. A 10. D 15. A

Genetic engineering. Some students may not come to this answer on their own. Expect some to
suggest mutations.) The difference is due to genetic engineering. The animal (or plant) that has
been changed is called a genetically modified organism, or GMO.

Various Pros of Genetic Engineering
• Tackling and Defeating Diseases
• Getting Rid of All Illnesses in Young and Unborn Children
• Potential to Live Longer
• Produce New Foods
• Organisms Can be ‘Tailor-Made’
• Faster Growth in Animals and Plants
• Pest and Disease Resistance
Various Con of Genetic Engineering
• Limits Genetic Diversity
• Lead to Genetic Defects
•  Is it ‘Right’?
• Can it Go Too Far?
• Reduced Nutritional Value
• Risky Pathogens
• Negative Side Effects
• Unfavorable Diversity

3. Things I learned today

Deoxyribonucleic acid, Importants of protein,
Genetic Engineering Technique, and many more.
2. Things I found interesting
When a protein is made by its gene, it's said that
the gene is "expressed," or used.
1. Question I still have
How is DNA employed in gene-splicing?

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