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Om Sri Sairam

Rama Katha Rasa Vahini quiz.

1.What is the meaning of the word Rama?
Ans: RAMA means source of Blissin every individual.

2. What are the two lessons Ramayana teaches us?

Ans: The value of detachment.
The need to become aware of the divine in every human being.

3. Match the following characters in Ramayana with their significance:

A. Dasaratha 1) four purusharthaas
B. Three queens 2) Brahma Gnana
C. Four sons 3) Three gunas( Sathwa,Thamas,Rajas)
D. Sugriva 4) Embodiment of courage.
E. Hanuman 5) Represents 10 senses.
F. Sita 6) Discrimination.
Ans: A—5, B---3, C---1, D---6, E---4, F----2.

4. What does Kanda denote?

Ans: Kanda means water,an expanse of water.

5. What is the river flowing through Ayodhya?

Ans: Sarayu river.

6. Which dynasty Sri Rama belong?

Ans: Surya Dynasty.

7. Name the forefathers of Sri Rama mentioned in Rama katha rasa

Ans: Khatwanga
Dileepa and sudakshina.
Aja and indumathi.
Sri Rama
8. What is the name of the cow in Vasishta’s ashram?
Ans: Nandini.

9. Who is the prime minister of Dasaratha?

Ans: Sumanthra.

10. What is the name of the princess of the kingdom of kosala?

Ans: Kausalya.

11. who heard the fame of Dasaratha?

Ans: Ravana the rakshasa king of Lanka heard the fame of dasaratha
and was filled with envy.

12. What did Ravana do after hearing the fame of Dasaratha?

Ans: Ravana determined on a plan to destroy him.

13 What was Ravana’s next plan to disturb DAsaratha?

Ans: HE sent word through messenger that unless tribute was paid to
him, He would have to meet him on the battle field and demonstrate his
superior might in war.

14. What did dasaratha do when he heard Ravana’s messenger speak?

Ans: Dasaratha shot deadly arrows which reached Lanka itself and
fastened the gates of that city.

15.What happened after dasaratha closed all the gates of lanka with his
Ans: The messengers went back and told the king what has happened
and the doors of the city is closed, Ravana was stuck with shame.

16. What was Ravana’s next plan after he failed to win over Dasaratha
and was stuck with shame?
Ans: Ravana did thapas to get Boon from Brahma. He got the boon from
Brahma that Dasaratha will not have sons.

17. What was Ravana’s next plan after he got boon from Brahma that no
sons will be born to Dasaratha.?
Ans: Ravana thought that dasaratha might marry the daughter of Kosala
king. So he kidnapped the princess Kausalya put her in a wooden box
threw the box into the sea.

18. What happened to the box where Kausalya was kept and thrown into
the sea by Ravana?
Ans: Sumanthra the prime minister of Dasaratha found the box with the
princes, took her to the kosala kingdom,handed over to the king.
19. What happened after sumanthra took Kausalya to her father king of
Ans: The king of kosala decided to give her daughter Kausalya to the king
Dasaratha in marriage.

20. whom did sumanthra marry?

Ans: Sumanthra got married to the daughter of veeradasa minister of
kosala kingdom,from the clan of Ganga.

21. what is the name of the princess of Kekaya?

Ans: Kaikeyi

22. What was the condition given by the king of kekaya to Dasaratha for
his marriage with Kaikeyi?
Ans: The son born of Kaikeyi should rule Ayodhya.

23.What was Dasaratha’s other wife’s name apart from Kausalya and
Ans: Sumithra.

24. What was the name of the yaga performed by Dasaratha to have
Ans: Putrakameshti Yaga.

25. What was the name of the person recommended by Vasishta as a

chief priest for the yaga.
Ans: Rishyasringa.

26. What happened in the Putrakameshti yaga?

Ans: There arose a divine person from the yaga sacred fire holding a
golden vessel in his hand.

27.What was the message from the sky when the divine person rose
from the fire?
Ans: Maharaja! Accept the vessel and give the payasam brought there in
equal share to your three queens.

28. Give the details of the four sons born to three queens of Ayodhya.
Ans: Sri Rama:
Mother : Kausalya.
Month: Chaithra
Star: Punarvasu.
Thithi: Navami.Sukla paksham.
Day: Monday.
Mother: Kaikeyi.
Month: chaithra.
Star: Poosam.
Thithi; Dasami Sukla paksham.
Day: Tuesday.
Lakshmana and satrugna:
Mother: Sumithra.
Month: Chaithra.
Star: Ayilyam( ashlesha)
Thithi: Ekadasi. Sukla paksham.
Day: Wedness day.

29. What is the name of the text : The dialogue between Sri Rama and
Ans: Yoga vasishtam or Rama gita.

30. Who took Sri Rama And Lakshmana to guard the yagna?
Ans: Sage Viswamithra.

31. A great lake formed near mount Kailash by the will of Brahma. What
is its name?
Ans: Manasarovar.

32. Name the ogress killed by Sri Rama while going with sage
Ans: Thataki.

32. What was Thataki’s son’s name?

Ans: Maricha
33. Who was Thataki’s father?
Ans: Sukaetu

34. Who was Thataki’s husband?

Ans: Sunda.

35.What are the instruments Sage Viswamithra gave to Rama after

killing Thataki?
Ans:1. Dharma chakra, 2. Kala chakra, 3. Indrastra,4.Vajrastra, 5. Dharma
chakra, 6. Siva inspired Trisula, 7. Brahmasirastra, 8. Aishikastra, 9.
Brahmastra, 10. Two powerful maces- Modak and Sikar. 11. Agni astra,
12. Krauncha missile, 13. Narayana missile, 14. Vayu missile.

36. what were the two manthras initiated to Sri Rama and Lakshmana by
the sage Viswamithra?
Ans: Bala and Athibala.

37. The ashram of Viswamithra was called?

Ans: Siddhashram.

38. why did Vishwamithra take Sri Rama and Lakshmana with him?
Ans: To guard the Yagna he is going to perform from Rakshasas.

39. Who is the ruler of Mithila?

Ans: Janaka.

40. Why did Viswamithra wanted to go to Mithila?

Ans: At the invitation from the king Janaka to participate in a yagna.
41. What is Viswamithra’s family History?
Ans: Kasu----( born of brahma’s will)------he had four sons( Kusamba,
Kusanabha, Adhoorthrajaka, and Vasu.
Kusanabha had a son Kausika. He is sage viswamithra.

42. Why was he named Kausika?

Ans: Since he was born in the lineage of Kasu.

43. Where was siddhashram built?

Ans: On the banks of the river Kausiki.

44. The other name of Kausika?

Ans: Viswamithra.

45. Who are the two daughters of Himavan?

Ans: Ganga And Uma.

46. Name the country ruled by the King Sagara.

Ans: Ayodhya.

47. Name the two queens of the king Sagara.

Ans: Kesini and Sumathi.

48. What is the name of the son of Kesini?

Ans: Aswamanja.

49. What is the name of Aswamanja’s son?

Ans: Amsumanta.

50. Name of the yagna performed by the king Sagara.

Ans: Ashwameda yaga.

51. Where did the sons of Sagara find the horse?

Ans: In the Ashram of Kapila.

52. What did Kapila do after seeing the sons of sagara disturb him?
Ans: Sage Kapila burnt the numerous sons of the King Sagara into ashes
by merely casting his eyes on them.

53. What did Amsumanta find in Kapila’s ashram?

Ans: Amsumanta finds his uncles have been reduced into heap of ashes .

54.What was the suggestion given by an old man to Amsumanta in

kapila’s ashram?
Ans: He should get the holy waters of Ganga to earth , which should flow
over the ashes.

55. Who did bring celestial ganga to earth?

Ans: King Bageeratha brought the ganga to earth and the forefathers of
Bageeratha were redeemed.

56. Who was the king tried to bring Ganga to earth after Amsumantha?
Ans: Dileepa.

57. Why Ganga must be made to fall first on Siva’s head from heaven?
Ans: When ganga descends upon earth the effect will be calamitous. So
the river must be made to fall first on the head of Siva . then the waters
may be led on to earth with lessened impact.

58. How many streams were formed when it fell from Lord Siva’s head?
Ans: 7 streams were formed.1. Hladini, 2. Nalini, 3. Paavani ,
4.Subhikshu, 5. Sitha, 6.Sindhu. The seventh one named bageerathi
followed the foot steps of Bageeratha to the place where the ashes of
his forefathers lay in heaps awaiting rescue from hell.

59.Who were the two wives of sage KAsyapa?

Ans: Diti and Aditi.

60: What were used by the sons of Diti and Aditi to churn the ocean of
Ans: The mandhara peak was used as a churning rod. The serpent Vasuki
was used as rope.
61. Who took the halahala poison?
Ans: Lord Shiva took the Halahala poison and drank off.

62. Who helped the sons of Diti and Aditi when the mandara peak
started sinking?
Ans: Lord Vishnu took the form of Tortoise and held the mandara peak
on the hard shell.

63. What emerged from the ocean of milk at the end?

Ans: Amrith ( nector)

64. Who brought pot full of liquor from the ocean of milk.?
Ans: The daughter of Water god Varuni brought.

65. Who accepted the liquor?

Ans: Sons of Aditi accepted it. So they are called Suras. Sons of Diti
refused it. So they are called Asuras.

66. Who was the king of Visala city when viswamithra entered it with Sri
Rama , Lakshmana and his disciples.
Ans: Sumathi was the king.

67. Who was the wife of Gauthama rishi?

Ans: Ahalya.

68. What was the curse given to Ahalya by her husband Gauthama?
Ans: You have to lie in a bush , sad and starving until Sri Rama come this
way and seeing you. He will shower His grace on you allowing you to
touch His Feet. That will cleanse you and you will shine fourth in real
form and charm.

69. Who was the emperor of Mithila when Viswamithra took Sri Rama
,Lakshmana and his disciples to participate in the yagna?
Ans: King Janaka.

70. What is the name of the bow King Janaka possessed?

Ans: It is a Shiva Dhanush.
71. What did king Janaka see when he was using a furrow on the
grounds to perform a yagna?
Ans: He found a vessel, Which had a female child. He named her Sita
( means furrow). He brought her up.

72. What did Sri Rama do with the siva Dhanush?

Ans: Sri rama opened the box with His left arm and with His right raised
the bow from its box,strung the bow fixed an arrow ,drew the string
back upto the ear,in order to release it. But the bow snapped.

73. What did Janaka say after Sri Rama broke the bow?
Ans: He announced that he shall give Sita in marriage to Sri Rama.

74. Who were the brides chosen for all the four brothers.
Sri rama ,Lakshmana,Bharatha And Satrugna.?
Ans: Sri Rama—Sita, Lakshmana—Urmila ( daughters of king Janaka)
Bharatha—Mandavi, Satrugna—Srutha keerthi ( Daughters of

75. who is Kushadwaja?

Ans: Younger brother of King Janaka.

76. Who confronted Dasaratha his sons and others when they were
returning to Ayodhya After the wedding.?
Ans: Parasurama.

77. Who were the parents of Parasurama?

Ans: Sage jamadagni and Renuka

78. Another name of parasurama?

Ans: Bhargavarama.

79. What was the instrument He had?

Ans: He had Vishnu Dhanush.

80. Who killed the sage Jamadagni?

Ans: The king kartaveeryarjuna.

81. What did Parasurama do with the Vishnu Dhanush?

Ans: He handed over to sri Rama.

82. Why did Dasaratha decide he should not rule over the kingdom?
Ans: One night King Dasaratha wanted to drink water. He poured a little
into the cup. His hands were shaking. His grasp was not firm. He thought
that old age has brought on debility. So he decided that he should not
rule over the empire.

83. What did the king Dasaratha do after he decided that he should not
rule over the empire.?
Ans: King Dasaratha decided to place the burden of the empire on Sri

84. When was the coronation of Sri Rama decided upon by Dasaratha?
Ans: Dasaratha decided the coronation should be performed as early as

85.Who poisoned the mind of Kaikeyi ?

Ans: Manthara the maid of kaikeyi poisoned her mind.

85.What was the promise given by Dasaratha at the time of Marriage

with kaikeyi?
Ans: The son born of Kaikeyi will rule over Ayodhya.

86. What were the two Boons asked by Kaikeyi to Dasaratha?

Ans: One boon shall be that Bharatha her son should become a
The second boon should be Sri Rama be sent into the forests for 14

87.. when was the two boons given to kaikeyi?

Ans: Years ago during a battle between Devas and Asuras king Dasaratha
got wounded. Kaikeyi nursed him back to normal. That time Dasaratha
granted two boons to Kaikeyi and also promised her that she can ask for
that whenever needed.

88.What did Sri Rama say when Kaikeyi asked him to go to Dandaka
Ans: Rama immediately agreed to go to dandaka forest for 14 years.

89.Who accompanied Sri Rama to the forest?

Ans: Sita and Lakshmana accompanied Sri Rama to the forest.

90.Who was the chieftain of the boatmen?

Ans: Guha.

91.What are these boatmen called?

Ans: They are called Nishadas.

92.what did Guha say when Sri Rama told him to go back to his country?
Ans: Rama I shall be with you for some time in the forest. I know all the
paths of the jungle. I am desirous of serving you this way. Please do not
say No.

93. What was Sri Rama’s reaction when Guha told his desire to serve
Him in the forest?
Ans: Sri Rama was happy when he noticed Guha’s love and devotion
and he took Guha with him.

94.Where did Sri Rama, Sita,Lakshmana and Guha go after visiting

confluence of three rivers.( Prayag)
Ans: Sri Rama entered the hermitage of Bharadwaja.

95. After receiving the hospitality of Bharadwaja where did Sri Rama go?
Ans: They entered the deeper recesses of the forest.

96. What did Bharadwaja do when sri Rama asked for which direction to
Ans: Bharadwaja sent four of his pupils to accompany Sri Rama to show
him the track to reach the hermitage complex.
97. where did Sri Rama , Sita, Lakshmana and Guha reach from
Bharadwaja’s hermitage?
Ans: They reached the banks of Yamuna river.

98. After travelling for a long distance from Yamuna River where Did
Sri Rama, Sita and Lakshmana reach?
Ans: They reached the ashram of Valmiki.

99. What did Valmiki suggest when Sri Rama asked his advice where to
live in the forest.?
Ans: Valmiki suggested that they can live in Chitrakoota hill.

100. where did they select a spot where a hut can be built?
Ans: They selected a place on the northern banks of mandakini river.

101. What did Guha see after returning from Sri Rama?
Ans: He saw sumanthra sitting in his chariot on the banks of Ganga
weeping and wailing inconsolably alone.

102. when sumanthra went back to Ayodhya to meet Dasaratha,what

did he ask?
Ans: Sumanthra! Where is my Rama?

103. What other questions dasaratha put to Sumanthra when he left Sri
Rama,Sita and Lakshmana in the forest.?
Ans: Sumanthra! Tell me about my Sita ,Rama. Tell me all about them.
How is Lakshmana? Tender Sita must be very tired. Where are they

104. What was the curse that was pronounced on Dasaratha by the blind
hermit father of Sravana.
Ans: Dasaratha narrated the incident happened long ago to Kausalya.
One day when Dasaratha and his soldiers went on hunting, he couldn’t
meet any animal. So he waited and at night he heard some sound near a
lake. Dasratha thought that must be some animal. He shot an arrow
towards the direction where the noise was heard. Unfortunately that
was a person not an animal, who came to take water from the lake to his
blind parents. Dasaratha went to the place to see a young person
holding a pot with water. He pleaded with the king, that the water must
be given my old parents living in a hut and died.
Dasaratha took the water to the old couple and told them he killed their
son by mistake. They were in terrible shock and gave a curse to the king
that “ You will end your life as we are doing now out of unbearable
agony at separation from your son.”

105. what happened after Dasaratha passed away?

Ans: Vasishta arrived and sent the messengers to kekaya kingdom to
bring Bharatha and Satrugna.

106. who performed the funeral rites for the king Dasaratha?
Ans: Bharatha did.

107. who narrated the entire incidents happened after Bharatha and
Satrugna left for kekaya and what did he say?
Ans: Vasishta narrated the entire series of eventsfrom the plot woven by
kaikeyi to the day when SriRama left for the forest with Sita and
Lakshmana. Then the attempt made by the king dasaratha to celebrate
the coronation of Sri Rama and the obstacles that came in his way,which
resulted in the exile of Sri Rama and the death of the emperor himself
through grief at the separation from His Sri Rama.

108. After hearing the sad incidents happened in their absence in

Ayodhya, what were their reaction?
Ans: Bharatha and Satrugna were too full of anger at Kaikeyi for her
nefarious conduct.

109. What did Bharatha answer when Vasishta placed the burden of
ruling Ayodhya on Bharatha?
Ans: Instead of inflicting this punishment of ruling Ayodhya ,please send
me to the forest where Sri Rama is.

110. What did Bharatha say to Kausalya after he told his wish to move to
the forest instead of ruling the kingdom to vasishta.?
Ans: I cannot move or walk about in Ayodhya. This empire belongs to Sri
Rama.I want to go the forest ,engage in the task of sweeping the paths
ahead of Sri Rama.

111. what did satrugna do when he saw Manthara at the entrance of the
palace of Kaikeyi?
Ans: Satrugna dragged Manthara by the hair and rained blows on
her.She bawled out.When the sound reached the ears of Kaikeyi ,she ran
to the spot and started berating Satrugna for his action.

112. What did Bharatha say after seeing Kaikeyi?

Ans: Fie upon you blackest sinner. You placed faith in this wicked
manthara’s words and committed despicable sin. Bharatha went on
finding fault of his own mother by various means. He also said ,” instead
of fouling these minutes conversing with you ,I would rather proceed to
the forest to be with Sri Rama.”

113. What was Kaikeyi’s reaction after hearing from Bharatha?

Ans: Kaikeyi ruminated over her erroneous action. She lamented at the
turn her plot had taken.She felt that wicked plans by whosoever
entertained might grant only temporary happiness.But they are certain
to pave the way to ultimate downfall.

114. What did Bharatha decide after coming from KAikeyi’s palace?
Ans: Bharatha and satrugna went to the place where ministers and
Vasishta assembled. Bharatha told them that He will proceed to the
forest where Sri Rama is.

115. What did the elders of the city say when Bharatha decided to go to
the forest where Sri Rama is?
Ans: we will also come with you to have the darshan of Si Rama.

116. Who all joined the group to go to the forest?

Ans: Men,Women, children, young ,old got ready to start. The mothers
Kausalya,sumithra too set out to join. Vasishta and his wife also joined .
Kaikeyi took permission from Kausalya whether she can join. Ever loving
Kausalya agreed for that.
117. How did the people of Ayodhya travel to the forest where Sri Rama
Ans: The army with entire force of chariotry,elephantry,cavalrygot ready
to march.The mothers came in palanquins. But Bharatha and Satrugna
started walking barefoot.
118. When everybody insisted bharatha and satrugna to come by
chariot,what was the reply given by Bharatha?
Ans: “ I am Sri Rama’s servant, and I am bound only to His chariot. Until I
get the chance to act as his Charioteer ,I shall not hold the reins of any
other steed.”

119. why did Guha have doubt about Bharatha?

Ans: Since Bharatha was the son of kaikeyi, he had a doubt that
Bharatha might be going to harm Sri Rama. He offered three types of
food to find out his innate intent.

120. What good omens Guha saw when he went to greet Bharatha?
Ans: He saw the great sage Vasishta and recognized Guha as Great
companion of Sri Rama.

121. what is the other name of Prayag?

Ans: Triveni. Ganga Yamuna and Saraswathi too enters here.

122. where did Bharatha and others go in Triveni?

Ans: They went to Bharadwaja’s ashram.

123. what was the dream Sri Rama had while in chithrakoot?
Ans: Dasaratha came into His consciousness more often than on other

124. what was Sita’s dream?

Ans: I saw Bharatha and Satrugna became very weak, and finding it
impossible to be in Ayodhya without you ,they are coming to us with
people of Ayodhya,but also the queens.

125. what did Lakshmana see at a distance?

Ans: Laksmana saw an army on the move with a king as their head.

126. who were the tribes men?

Ans: They were Bhils and Kirathas.

127. What did the tribes men inform to Sri Rama?

Ans: They informed that a military force was advancing towards the spot
and the chariot of the royal leader had a flag with the sign of Banyan
128. What did Sri Rama and Lakshmana confirm after hearing from the
tribes men.?
Ans: They confirmed ,It is Bharatha who coming to see them.

129. Why did Lakshmana become angry?

Ans: Kaikeyi must have advised her son to attack Sri Rama lonely and
unarmed in his jungle retreat and ensure that he does not return and
reign. That is the reason Bharatha is coming.

130.What did Bharatha do when he was approaching chitrakoota?

Ans: He sent word through some forest dwellers that he was seeking
darshan of Sri Rama along with his brother Satrugna and their
attendants and followers.

131. How did Sri Rama consoled Lakshmana when the latter lamented
over his father’s demise.?
Ans:Sri Rama said, “Physical bodies are as transient as bubbles in water.
They are bound to burst and disappear,if not today ,at least a day after.”

132. what did Vasishta say to Sri Rama?

Ans: Vasishta directed Sri Rama to perform the obsequies of the
departed father.

133. What was the request put forth by Bharatha to Sri Rama in the
Ans: Sita, Sri Rama, Lakshmana must return to Ayodhya and he along
with satrugna will be in the forest as exiles until the sentence lapses.
134. What was the reply given by Sri Rama when Bharatha said that he
and Satrugna will live in the forest.?
Ans: Sri Rama said, “ Bharatha! For me as well as you the commands of
the father are unbreakable.Return to Ayodhya , that has been alotted to
you ,I shall carry out the task alotted o me guarding and fostering the
forest realm assigned to me.”
135. Name the well where Bharatha cleaned the water?
Ans: bharatha kupa is the name of the well. It is honoured even today .
It had in it holy waters from all the sacred rivers and lakes.

136.what was Sri Rama’s reactions after hearing Bharatha’s hesitation to

go back and rule over Ayodhya for 14 years.?
Ans: Sri Rama loosened His sandals and gave them to Bharatha.
Bharatha accepted them in his palms and placed them on his head.

137. when all of them reached Ayodhya What did Bharatha do with the
sandals of Sri Rama?
Ans: Bharatha proceeded to the throne with the sandals on his head
praying for the blessings of Vasishta and those assembled he placed
them on the throne and placed all the responsibilities in their custody.

!38. Did Bharatha stay in Ayodhya till Sri Rama’s return?

Ans: Bharatha never stayed in Ayodhya after he installed the sandals of
Sri Rama on the throne. He went to a village Nandigrama. He had
thatched hut made for his residence. He wore his hair braided as Sri
Rama and Lakshmana did. His apparel was made of the bark of trees. He
lived the life of the ascetics till Sri Rama returned to Ayodhya.

139. What is the name of the capital city of Nishadas?

Ans: Sringivera.

140. Name some of the rivers flowing in Ayodhya.

Ans: Thamasa , Ganga, Sarayu

Jai Sai Ram..

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