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Services Performed For: Business Requirement Document (BRD)

SaaS Contact Center Solution

Client Name: The Gap, Inc.
Business Unit: 4604359
Services Provided by:
2 Folsom St, San Francisco
CA 94105
(800) 427-7895

75 West Towne Ridge Parkway, Tower 1

Sandy, UT 84070
+1 (801) 320-3200

9777 Pyramid Court, Suite 160

Englewood, CO 80112
(303) 376-6161

Version 4 – eCommerce

BRD version 4 – eCommerce 1|Page

Version 4 – eCommerce..............................................................................................................................1
1. Business Requirements Approval Process...........................................................................................4
1.1 Business Requirements Document...............................................................................................4
1.2 Phase Requirements Addenda......................................................................................................4
2. Contract Reference..............................................................................................................................4
3. Attachments.........................................................................................................................................4
4. Solution Overview...............................................................................................................................5
4.1 Scope of Work.............................................................................................................................5
4.2 Outside this Scope of Work.........................................................................................................6
4.3 Connectivity................................................................................................................................6
4.4 Emergency Routing.....................................................................................................................6
4.5 Call Allocation to Concentrix......................................................................................................7
5. Understandings....................................................................................................................................8
5.1 General Understandings...............................................................................................................8
5.2 Technical Understandings – Nice CXOne ACD/IVR..................................................................8
5.3 Technical Understandings - Integration.......................................................................................8
5.4 Technical Understandings – Reporting Capabilities....................................................................9
5.5 Training Understandings............................................................................................................10
5.6 Client Resources........................................................................................................................10
5.7 Client Name’s Roles and Responsibilities.................................................................................10
6. Implementation Framework...............................................................................................................11
7. High Level Timeline & Phasing........................................................................................................11
7.1 Schedule....................................................................................................................................11
7.2 Project Phasing..........................................................................................................................12
7.3 Parking List................................................................................................................................12
8. Training.............................................................................................................................................13
9. Services Fees and Invoicing Terms...................................................................................................13
9.1 Travel Related Expenses............................................................................................................13

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10. Revision History............................................................................................................................14
11. Initial Business Requirements Signature........................................................................................14
12. Attachments...................................................................................................................................15
12.1 Attachment A: Connectivity Diagram........................................................................................15
12.2 Attachment B: Link to Project Plan or Dashboard.....................................................................15
12.3 Attachment C: Initial Flow Diagrams........................................................................................15
12.4 Attachment D: Workbook..........................................................................................................16
12.5 Attachment E: Phase Addenda...................................................................................................16

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1. Business Requirements Approval Process
1.1 Business Requirements Document
The Business Requirements Document (“BRD”), defines project scope, phasing and expectations
for the Nice CXOne implementation.  The BRD will be signed and approved by Client Name to
begin the project requirements phase.

1.2 Phase Requirements Addenda

Each phase of the project will have a Phase Requirements Addendum (“PRA”).  The PRA will
serve as a blueprint for the design, build and configuration of this project phase. The PRA will
include supporting implementation documents such as Visio call flows, data collection
workbooks and user stories provided by Client Name. 

At the end of the requirements gathering process for each phase, the PRA will be agreed to and
signed by Client Name. The build phase will begin upon completion of the PRA.

2. Contract Reference
This Business Requirements Document, effective 5/16/2022 (“Effective Date”), sets forth the
implementation, training, and professional services (collectively, the “Services”) to be performed by Nice
CXOne to implement the subscription services set forth in the Service Contract, Quote Number Q-112344
last dated 3/30/2022 (“Service Contract”), is governed by the Nice CXOne Standard Terms of Use or
master terms of use between Client Name and Nice CXOne. All references in this SOW to “we”, “our” or
“us” shall mean Nice CXOne; all references to “you” and “your” shall mean Client Name.

3. Attachments
This BRD includes the following attachments:

 Attachment A: Connectivity Diagram

 Attachment B: Link to Project Plan or Dashboard
 Attachment C: Initial Call Flow Diagrams
 Attachment D: Workbook

4. Solution Overview
4.1 Scope of Work
Client Name has asked Nice CXOne to deliver a configured Nice CXOne SaaS Contact Center Solution
(“Solution”) comprised of the products and services listed in the Service Contract.  This BRD sets forth

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the professional services methodology and defines the scope of work for design, configuration,
integration, deployment, and related enablement and implementation activities for the solution
Products to be implemented by Nice CXOne include the following:
 N/A
Implementation Services include the following:
 CXone ACD functionality with
o Priority, Skills & Proficiency Based Routing
o Inbound and Outbound calls
o Channels including: Voice 
 CXone ACD Call Recording for:
o 100 percent , Audio not guaranteed – various groups stored for 90 days
o Active and Long term Storage
 CXone Quality Management Analytics
o Category Manager for creating your own categories
o Out of the Box Categories available
o Quality Planner including advanced sampling using analytics categories
 Agent for Salesforce
 MAX Agent with Integrated Softphone
 CXone IVR with DTMF only
 Enabling Data Streaming
 Custom Queue Call back function that connects the contact before the agent – only for eComm &
Store Exp. & Support
 CXone Attendant
o Dial by name, extension, DNIS, or company directory
 Single Sign-on (SSO)
 Integrations:
o Zoom via SIP
o Salesforce
o Integration with Amelia for Existing Orders and Gift Card Balances
o Integration to OMS / Frontline
o Integration to Eckoh
 CXone Standard Dashboard and Reporting tools
o Dashboards with Real-Time status displays
o Prebuilt Standard historical reporting tools
o iBenchmark Lite for benchmarking reporting

4.2 Outside this Scope of Work

The activities in this Section are outside the Scope of Work of this BRD and will not be performed by
Implementation Services.
Client Name has the following additional tasks, activities, projects that are associated with this Project
which will be completed independent of the services described in this BRD.

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 ServiceNow Agent Interface
 Workforce Management (WFM) – Covered under a separate BRD
 Employee Engagement (EEM) – Covered under a separate BRD
 Payment Integration
 Confluence Integration
 Workday Integration
 Work Item routing
 Real-time Interaction Guidance
 Screen Recording/Storage – Covered under a separate BRD
 Customer Surveys – Covered under a separate BRD
 Gamification – Covered under a separate BRD
 Credit Card Number Masking
 Concentrix Onboarding
 Post-contact surveys via email/SMS – Covered under a separate BRD
 Ability for customer to schedule callback on website for voice or chat
 Secure payment by webform/SMS
 IVA Bot
 Customer Authentication through voice

4.3 Connectivity
 Callers will reach the The Gap via toll-free numbers (TFNs) or direct inbound dial numbers (DID
 Nice will be the RESPORG for phone numbers to the CXone solution. Phone numbers will be
either RESPORGed (TFNs) or PORTed (DIDs) to the solution.
 Customer will need to provide documentation to Nice for the REPORG and PORT process.
Authorization from the Customer will also be required for the carrier to approve the required
forms. Nice will submit the paperwork to the carriers for migration, which can take up to 30
business days to complete. If there are rejections from the carrier, the timeframe can take longer.
 Calls routed to agents will be delivered via the integrated softphone within the MAX interface or
Agent for Salesforce.

4.4 Emergency Routing

Nice CXOne has an included option for Emergency Routing. This call flow allows an inbound caller to
toggle an emergency mode in their call flows. This option has the following features:

 The flow will allow the caller to toggle one (1) emergency condition on or off for the contact
center. This emergency condition will be referenced in the customer-facing call flows with a
defined result.
 The flow will allow the caller to inspect and/or record one (1) specific emergency prompt that can
play in the customer-facing call flows when the emergency condition is active.
The Emergency Routing is included with the implementation, with the following limitations that the
defined features above are standard. Additional customization/duplication of flows are available for an

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additional NRC (billed at the contracted Professional Services rate). Examples of such customizations
may include (but are not limited to):

 Multiple PIN’s available for use.

 The creation of more than one (1) call flow to activate the emergency condition.
 The inclusion of more than ten (10) call flows that engage the outcome of this logic.
 Multiple variations of the emergency condition. For example, having three (3) pre-defined
outcomes available.
 Multiple emergency prompts being available and selectable by menu.
 Variation from the templated flow (embedded in the attached Visio documentation).
Client Name will use Nice CXOne’s Emergency Routing flows. There is no custom functionality.

4.5 Call Allocation to Concentrix

For some eCommerce skills, Gap will send a portion of their call volume to agents working at Concentrix.
In order to accomplish this functionality, CXone will use Workflow Data objects to manage the
percentage of calls that are retained by Gap, or sent to the outsourcer.
For each of the eCommerce skills, a Workflow Data object will be created to store a number between 0
and 100. The configuration item will represent the Percentage of Calls that should be routed to
Concentrix. If the number is set to 100, then 100% of calls should be sent to the outsourcer. If the
number is set to zero (0), then no calls will be sent to the outsourcer – all calls will be retained and
delivered to Gap agents.
Calls that are sent to Concentrix will use a Blind Transfer. The number used for the Blind Transfer will
be configured in the Studio script (set either by DNIS at the beginning of the call flow, or in the snippet
when the skill has been assigned).
Scheduled Job
A scheduled job will be created to reset all of the Workflow Data objects to 0 every morning at 1am. Gap
would like to start each day with 100% of calls handled internally by Gap agents, and will adjust
parameters manually as needed throughout the day.

5. Understandings
5.1 General Understandings
1. Nice CXOne professional service resource allocation and assignment will be at Nice CXOne’s
discretion based on timeline, needs and availability.
2. Nice CXOne’s normal business hours are Monday - Friday 6AM-6PM Mountain. All work including
cutover and testing shall be completed during these hours unless special arrangements are made with
Client Name’s Project Manager in advance.
3. All BRD Services shall be performed remotely except as explicitly defined herein or upon mutual
agreement of the Parties in writing.

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5.2 Technical Understandings – Nice CXOne ACD/IVR
1. Client Name has confirmed that its environment meets all of the system requirements available online
from the following URL:
2. Client Name will provide audio prompts and hold music to Nice CXOne in an 8-bit MONO µ-law, 64
kbps, 8kHz WAV format.
3. Increasing or decreasing queueing or concurrent call handling capacity requires an authorized Client
Name contact to submit a request to Nice CXOne Support to change the number of available
universal ports.
4. Transferring contacts off the Nice CXOne platform, Studio or through the Agent Interface, may have
billing implications. Billing implications include additional port and telco usage costs. Please refer to
the agreed upon Contract for details.
5. Any station or outbound phone skill that is not configured with a specific caller ID will be assigned
the Global Caller ID.
6. Client Name will have the ability to add, manage and record IVR prompts.
7. Contact scripts will be developed pursuant to Nice CXOne’s best practices. Aligning scripts to Client
Name quality assurance or development practices is out of scope.

5.3 Technical Understandings - Integration

1. Integration to systems or services not explicitly defined herein are out of scope.
2. Integration endpoints will be available and accessible for development and testing pursuant to the
agreed upon Project Plan.
3. Integration to an ADO/ODBC database requires Client Name to install, configure and maintain a
secure database connector provided by Nice CXOne. The connector runs as a service in your network
to establish a secure tunnel to Nice CXOne and authenticates to Client Name’s ADO/ODBC
database. Development of database queries that shall be run by Nice CXOne is the responsibility of
Client Name, unless specifically stated otherwise in this BRD or the Contract.
4. Integration via a URL call that returns an HTML Table must contain only <tr>, <th>, and <td>
elements nested inside a <table> element. Header elements are required and may not contain spaces
or any other special characters except an underscore. The use of colspan and rowspan attributes is not
5. Web service integration via SOAP must adhere to SOAP 1.1 or 1.2 standards and be accessible
through the open internet or your Client Name managed connection with Amazon Web Services
(AWS) via AWS Direct Connect. In order to utilize a SOAP web service, Client Name will need to
provide the WSDL or associated DLL for Nice CXOne to compile and test the structure of the web
service to ensure it complies with the aforementioned standards. HTTP authentication is not
supported. The credentials object or custom HTTP headers may not be used for authentication.
Credentials must be contained in the body of the request and may be a separate object in the body.
Only simple objects are supported, the use of XML or Schema as inputs or outputs is not supported.
The use of an XML Stream response may be supported in some circumstances. SSL certificates
cannot be installed in the Nice CXOne environment.
6. Web service integration via REST must be accessible via the open internet or your managed
connection with Amazon Web Services (AWS) via AWS Direct Connect. HTTP authentication is not
supported. HTTP headers can be used for authentication. Request values will be placed on the URL
or in the body of the request as JSON or XML. Return values must be formatted to match the request,

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JSON or XML. If Client Name require that the request contain XML, the return must be given in
XML also. The use of any other request format other than JSON or XML may require additional time
for development and testing.
7. Development of third-party software to facilitate integration between Nice CXOne and unsupported
environments is solely the responsibility of Client Name.
8. Client Name is responsible to test integration(s) to production environment(s) before Go-Live.
9. All Nice CXOne APIs are documented at

5.4 Technical Understandings – Reporting Capabilities

1. Direct Data Access (DDA) results can only be accessed and displayed via Microsoft Excel for use in
Pivot tables. Any other third-party tools do not support reporting via DDA. Currently the only
supported export file formats are .csv, excel, word and pdf.
2. Custom metrics (outside of what is available in Custom Reports) cannot be configured or built by
Client Name inside the Nice CXOne platform. Nice CXOne offers a fee-based service that leverages
Data Download to build a custom report. Custom Data Download reports are designed to provide
raw data that may not be found in out-of-the-box reporting. They will contain data on a contact or per
agent basis and are not intended to group or summarize data. Custom Data Download reports cannot
combine contact level data with agent level data within the same report. The number of available
columns within the Custom Data Download report is limited based on the type and amount of data
that needs to be included. Information around customer versus datadownload can be found in DoJo
NICE inContact - CXone Reporting: Custom Reporting (
NICE inContact - CXone Reporting: Data Download (
3. Nice CXOne reporting is not intended to be used to drive payroll or billing activities because the level
of detail in reporting may not be appropriate for such activities.  Customer agrees that Nice CXOne
will not be liable to Customer for claims arising from or related to Customer’s use of Nice CXOne
reporting data for payroll or billing activities.
4. IVR Press Path reporting is designed to identify opportunities to optimize IVR and/or reduce
abandoned calls. The Nice CXOne platform stores this data for 90 days, however the report can only
be run in 30 day increments and is limited to 100 entries per contact. If additional detail beyond what
is available in the pre-built report is needed, expanded call flow logic may be necessary in order to
capture required data elements. The report is limited to 100
entries per contact.
5. Data Streaming will be enabled. Customer will need to use API’s that are available in CXOne to
query data. Direct access into CXOne databases is not available.
6. Customer has access to CXone APIs for collection of reporting data and/or the ability to export data
to a data mart. API access is included with CXone, and is not licensed separately. More information
about APIs is available at

5.5 Training Understandings

1. Training dates and resources for on-site training are subject to availability.
2. On-site training may be provided at Client Name’s location or Nice CXOne’s, based on Client
Name’s preference or the format of the selected training. Training may be delivered via video
conferencing. E-Learning is available via Nice CXOne DOJO available at

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3. Training classes conducted in-person should include a reasonable number of participants such that
sufficient space and resources are provided and learning can be effective. Specific class size limits
will be set with Client Name’s trainer(s) prior to commencement of training.
4. One (1) trainer is provided except as explicitly stated herein.

5.6 Client Resources

1. Client Name agrees to assign a resource to act as primary point of contact for Nice CXOne resources
and facilitate the necessary communications with and participation of other Client Name Subject
Matter Experts in the accomplishment of the tasks necessary for a successful deployment of the
overall Solution.
2. Client Name will coordinate access to and sufficient time with, the following subject matter experts.
Not all resources will be required for the entire duration of the project. Nice CXOne will coordinate
with Client Name regarding specific details about when and for what duration resources will be

5.7 Client Name’s Roles and Responsibilities

1. Timely delivery of BRD Services coordination tasks and communication responses needed from
Client Name.
2. Timely coordination for creation of the Project Plan.
3. Collaborate with Nice CXOne to modify the Project Plan if circumstances will delay the BRD
4. Disclose all deadlines for you to enable achievement of the requested Go-Live date.
5. Timely completion of End-user Testing.
6. Timely return of the Build Completion Form email.
7. Provide an environment that meets the minimum requirements as documented at https://help.nice- Under Platform Requirements, Ports, Servers, Desktop Virtualization Policy,
Supported Environments, and Supported Languages.
8. Provide Nice CXOne with no less than fifteen (15) calendar days’ written notice prior to the
scheduled start date of any activities related to this BRD if you desire to reschedule the start date of
the project herein. You understand that providing shorter notice period to Nice CXOne may result in
delays in the project schedule and additional costs to you, such as travel and expenses, airfare change
fees, hotel change fees, and any other applicable rescheduling fees. You agree that, if you postpone
any activities related to this SOW without providing timely notice Nice CXOne may, at its discretion,
impose, and you agree to pay any additional Nice CXOne fees or other fees or expenses incurred in
connection with rescheduling.
9. Complete all of the required documentation in a timely manner based on the agreed project schedule.
10. Provide timely access to appropriate stakeholders, project managers, approvers, decision makers,
technical teams, and all supporting resources.
11. Be responsible for and ensure the prompt responsiveness and performance of any third-party vendor
(TPV) and/or subcontractor engaged by the Client Name in connection with the Solution. If the third-
party vendor and/or subcontractor miss commitments or dates, the delivery dates will need to be
assessed and adjusted.
12. Follow Nice CXOne’s implementation methodology and practices.

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6. Implementation Framework
This BRD defines project-specific activities, deliverables, timelines, functional requirements, and detailed
technical requirements necessary for Nice CXOne to provide services to Client Name as identified during
the sales process. Nice CXOne Professional Services will only perform implementation tasks necessary
for the functionality specified in this document.
Products purchased as part of the Contract that are not included in this initial BRD will be included in
subsequent addenda to this document or additional BRD(s). Each document will require approval.

7. High Level Timeline & Phasing

7.1 Schedule
The Project will follow the schedule outlined in the Project Plan. The schedule is our best estimate for
completion of each item in the Project Plan based on our experience and technical assumptions.
Completion of the Project Plan per the schedule is not guaranteed if due to factors outside Nice
CXOne’s sole control. Timely completion of the Project Plan schedule depends also on Client
Name’s active participation and cooperation in the Project Plan processes and in responding timely to
questions and guidance from the Nice CXOne implementation team. Together the Project Plan will be
completed timely and successfully.

Client Name’s responsibilities per the Project Plan schedule:

1. Client Name reviews and signs the BRD and future Phase Addenda timely.
2. Completion of End-user Testing.
3. Confirmation of build completion.
4. End-user training of all contact center agents.

Below is a link to the Project Plan for this implementation:

7.2 Project Phasing

PHASE 1 - To be completed by peak 2022

ACD Agent/Supervisor
Zoom Integration
Amelia Integration
Voice Recording
Reporting – RealTime, Historical, Custom
Quality Monitoring
Performance Management

BRD version 4 – eCommerce 11 | P a g e

PHASE 2 - To be completed Q1 - 2023
Automated Directed Speech Recognition

PHASE 3 - To be completed 2023

ServiceNow Integration
Enlighten XO-refines Amelia AI
IVA Bots - Limited
CXOne Digital Channels (SMS, Chat, Social)

7.3 Parking List

The parking list is intended for any products and/or services not to be implemented pursuant to this BRD.
To include any of the product or services in the Parking List will follow the Change Management


8. Training
Training is critical to the success of the Project. A formal training plan shall be drafted and mutually
agreed upon as part of the planning activities for the Project and is expected to include the following
high-level components:

 Pre-training needs assessment with facilitating trainer.

 Access to e-learning courses through Nice CXOne DOJO for trainers and supervisors.
o The training video scorm files can be downloaded and added to an internal Learning
Management System (LMS).
 Agent and Supervisor trainings are available to all users on the Nice CXOne help site:
o MAX Agent help page and training video are here.
o Supervisor application help page and training video are here.
 Detailed description of what will be offered in the training course, including:
o Training duration.
o Agenda and content to be delivered.
o Job aides, participant guides, facilitator slides and notes to be provided during training.

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9. Services Fees and Invoicing Terms
Charges and terms of payment for the Services are specified in the Service Contract or terms of use. The
scope of the project is determined by this BRD. Any changes to the scope of this BRD may require
additional charges per the change order process.

9.1 Travel Related Expenses

Services fees do not include travel and out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Nice CXOne in connection
with performance of the BRD Services (“Expenses”). If such expenses are required, Nice CXOne will
invoice Client Name for such Expenses monthly in arrears, and Client Name shall pay such invoices in
accordance with the payment terms in the Service Contract or terms of use. Expenses incurred by Nice
CXOne will comply with Nice CXOne’s Expense Reimbursement Policy and will be invoiced at cost
without mark-up.

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10. Revision History

Date Revised By Version Description of Modifications

5/16/2022 Jeff Taylor 1 Initial Draft
5/17/2022 Jeff Taylor 2 Changes to call flow and Scope of work
5/18/2022 Shannon Smith 3 Reporting verbiage added
6/2/2022 Jeff Taylor 4 Updated Call Flows

11. Initial Business Requirements Signature

This BRD is agreed and approved by Client Name
Signed for and on behalf of Client Name

Name (Print):

BRD version 4 – eCommerce 14 | P a g e

12. Attachments

12.1 Attachment A: Connectivity Diagram

12.2 Attachment B: Link to Project Plan or Dashboard

12.3 Attachment C: Initial Flow Diagrams

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12.4 Attachment D: Workbook

12.5 Attachment E: Phase Addenda

Phase 1 - To be Feature/functionality to be implemented in 2022 - Detailed
completed by peak 2022 requirements covered during Discovery/Concept Sprints
Phase 2 - To be Feature/functionality to be configured/tested during peak 2022
completed Q1 - 2023 Deployed Q1 2023
Phase 3 - To be Feature/functionality to be configured/tested in 2023 -
completed 2023 Deployment plan TBD
Overall evaluation will occur during 2023 and deployment plan will
Phase 3 - Evaluated be determined based on final recommendation. Separate
during 2023 considerations for eComm vs. Internal groups

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