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Control Valves
On-Of Valves
By Baishakhi Bhattacharyya

Defnition : Valve
Defnition : Control Valves
Parts o Control Valves
Defnition : On-O Valves
Need and Application o On-o valve
Types o Valve
• Globe Valve
• Btter!y Valve
• Ball Valve
• Gate Valve
•"ccentric #otary pl$ 
C%aracteristic O Control Valves
Cavitation ( )las%in$ and t%eir *iti$ation
Noise and Noise #edction
+o, to *a'e valves fre-sae
".D Tri$$ers
Peror*ance Tests
Partial .tro'e test
.tandards #elevant to Control Valves
.tandards #elevant to On-O Valves
Test and Certifcation #elevant to Control Valves
Test and Certifcation #elevant to On-o Valves
Control valve si/in$

What is a Valve?

 A valve is nothing but a restriction. A valve is a device that regulates, directs or controls
the flow of a fluid (gases, liquids, fluidized solids, or slurries) by oening, closing, or
artially obstructing various assageways.


%otor Operate
Control valve On-of valve

 A !ontrol valve is a  An #$%#&&'shut down +otor #erated valve is a valve

restriction which is valve (also referred to as where the Actuator art is
caable of being "ergency shutdown relaced by a "otor. +#V are
"odulated in a conduit valve, V, *, or nor"ally used for -arger
that contains a flowing *V) is an actuated rocess lines where the
fluid valve designed to sto neu"atic ressure is not
the flow of a fluid enough to rovide required
torque Valves "ove"ent.

CON'(O$ V#$V!
he "ost co""on final control ele"ent in the rocess
control industries is the control valve.
 A !ontrol valve is a restriction which is caable of being
"odulated in a conduit that contains a flowing fluid.
!ontrol valves are co"rised of two "a/or arts0
the valve body, which contains all the "echanical
co"onents necessary to influence fluid flow1 and the
valve actuator, which rovides the "echanical
ower necessary to "ove the co"onents within the
valve body.
2A 34.54 defined control valve as a ower oerated
device which "odifies the fluid flow rate in a rocess
control syste".
2t consists of a valve connected to an actuator
"echanis" that is caable of changing the osition of a
flow controlling ele"ent in the valve in resonse to a
ingle%seat globe valve signal fro" a controlling syste".

• Valve Body- The main pressure boundary of the valve that also provides the pipe connecting ends and the
fluid flow passageway, and supports the valve trim.

• Bonnet Assembly- The portion of the valve that contains the packing box and stem seal and also may guide
the stem. t may also provide for the attachment of the actuator to the valve body. Typical bonnets are bolted,
threaded, welded, pressure-sealed, or integral with the body.

• Trim- The internal components of a valve that modulate the flow of the controlled fluid. !n a globe valve
typically, it would include plug, seat ring, cage, stem"

• Valve #lug- The movable part of the valve that is positioned in the flow path to modulate the rate of flow
through the valve.

• $uide Bushing- The bushings fitted into the body, bonnet, bottom flange to guide the plug%s post.

• &age- A part of a valve trim, in a globe or angle body, that surrounds the closure member and whose flow
passages may provide flow characteri'ation and(or a seating surface. t may also provide stability, guiding,
balance, and alignment.

• )eat *ing- A part of the valve body assembly that provides a seating surface for the closure member and may
provide part of the flow control orifice.

• )eat- The line of contact between the closure member and its mating surface that establishes valve shutoff.

• )tem &onnector- The device that connects the actuator stem to the valve stem.

•  +oke - The structure that rigidly connects the actuator power unit to the valve.

• Actuator - The purpose of a actuator is to provide the motive force to operate a valve mechanism.

• #ositioner - a positioner is a device attached to an actuator that receives an electronic or pneumatic signal
from a controller and compares that signal to the actuators position. f the signal and the actuator position
differ, the positioner sends the necessary power, usually through compressed air to move the actuator until
the correct position is reached.

!S Operate)ON-O**
• #n ON-O**)s%t do,n valve 
+also re,erre to as "*er$ency
s%tdo,n valve ".V ".D or
".DV. is an act/ate valve
esine to stop the o o, a
ha3aro/s /i or e4ternal
hyrocarbons +ases. /pon the
etection o, a anero/s event5
• !S)!SV valves provies e,ense
aainst process miscreations5
• !S ) !SV valves are connecte
to 6rorammable $oic Controller
+6$C. an toether ith sensors
,orm the Sa,ety $oop5
•  'hey enerally have a 'a Name
startin as "V or "V5

N!! #N #66$IC#'ION

•  'he lack o, sprin ret/rn capabilities on the
iferent electric act/ator esins on the market
an its epenence on the s/pply so/rce to
operate an react to any iven sit/ation kno
makes the /sers v/lnerable to anero/s
sit/ations an potential environmental
• #lso ith toay7s environmental stanars an
re8/ire practices the nee to have !S
capabilities becomes prevalent an chanes the
operational ,/nction o, sectionin valves5

Nee & #pplication +Cont5.

• 'his provies protection aainst possible
harm to people e8/ipment or the
• Sh/ton valves ,orm part o, a Sa,ety
instr/mente system +SIS.5
• 9henever sensors ienti,y an abnormal
anero/s process sit/ation the 6$C
isconnects the poer to !S solenoi valve
an the valve oes to esire ,ail sa,e moe
by means o, sprin ,orce +*ail Close)*ail
• 'he process o, proviin a/tomate sa,ety
protection /pon the etection o, a ha3aro/s
event is calle */nctional Sa,et 5

T+#) / VA0V)


6-#7 !!$92!
789&-: 6A 7A-- *2A;9A6+
9#A9: -86

2$6- *#87-
 A$6- < WA: 6+$* ' V%$#!; &8-- 7#9
A* A*

*2V92$6 +2=2$6

1a2orly the following kind of valves are used for &ontrol valves3
-ccentric *otary #lug
-)egmented ( V-4otch Ball

1a2orly the following kind of valves are used for 4(// purposes
-Ball Valve
-Butterfly Valves
-$ate Valves


6lobe valves are na"ed for their sherical body shae

with the two halves of the body being searated by an
internal baffle.
$lobe valves restrict the flow of fluid by altering the
distance between a movable plug and a stationary

When the lug is fitted into the seat, it stos the flow of
water. he lug can be left in any osition fro"
co"letely closed, to co"letely oen, deending on
the required flow of fluid.

$0B VA0V

•  > to >@1 higher size available on request.

• he globe valve design is one of the "ost oular valve designs
used in throttling service.
• o control large range of rocess ara"eters, secially in
etroche"ical, che"ical, fertilizer, oil and gas, ower, and other
rocess lants.
• 6lobe valves are frequently used for control alications because
of their suitability for throttling flow and the ease with which they
can be given a secific characteristic, relating valve oening to

!ontrol Valve 7ody


Sinle seate lobe valve

ingle%seated valves are the "ost widely used of the

globe body atterns.
here are good reasons for this0

• ;igh flow caacity

• ight shut off 

• ;igh rangeability

• hey are available in a wide variety of

configurations, including secial%urose tri"s.

• hey are available with wide range of

interchangeable tri" size.

• hey have good seating shut%off caability, are less

sub/ect to vibration due to reduced lug "ass, and
are generally easy to "aintain.

/low through a single seat


;igh flow caacity
ight shut off 
;igh rangeability. Valve flow rangeability, is the ratio of "aBi"u" rated flow to "ini"u"
controllable flow. he governing ara"eter is 9ated !v.
;igher urndown, is the ratio between the valveCs "aBi"u" and "ini"u" controllable flow
rate at stated oerating ressures.
Various tye of tri" e.g. contour, single stage, "ulti stage low noise, anti%cavitation tri"s, etc.
Wide range of interchangeable tri" size.
 Available characteristics % DuicE oening, -inear F qual ercentage. he valve tri" consists
of the internal arts contained within the body and wetted by the rocess fluid. he "ain
co"onents are the lug and ste" and the seat rings. 'he trim esin also serves to
etermine the inherent o characteristics o, the valve5

Valve plug shapes to produce the three

common flow characteristics:
equal percentage, linear, and quick opening.

 Angle valve

Typical )eatres:
12 +i$% )lo, Capacity
32 Ti$%t .%t-o 

• #nle valves are typically /se in hih press/re rop
applications an ,or erosive service here impinement o, Angle valve
soli particles is to be avoie5 #t hih press/re rops the
velocity o/l be very hih there,ore epenin on act/al
onstream velocities these applications can re8/ire a
larer pipe si3e than the valve5
• 9here process /i contains soli particles5
• Corrosive or hih visco/s /i hich shall solii,y at room
temperat/re beca/se the onars o/tp/t port oes
not allo the solii;e material to stay insie valve boy5

< Way valve

Three-way valves are another for" of secialized globe valve body configuration that serve
two basic services0

>. +iBing service for the co"bination of two fluid strea"s assing to a co""on outlet ort.
G. *iverting service for searating a co""on inlet ort into two outlet orts.
hree way valves are ideal for "iBing two searate flows by having two inlets and one
outlet, or dividing a flow into two roortional arts by having one co""on inlet and two


7utterfly valve
he rotary valves such as butterfly, ball, and lug valves were once considered to be only on'off valves. 2n recent decades
the rotary valves in general and the butterfly design in articular have been used "ore and "ore as throttling control

 A*VA$A60 9elative to the traditional globe control valve, the butterfly valves have the advantages of lower cost and
weight, two to three ti"es the flow caacity of globe valves fire%safe designs, tight shut%off and low ste" leaEage. -ittle
resistance to flow (allows s"ooth flow).
#ti"al for auto"ated oeration with a low oerating torque and H5 degrees oerating angle.

*2A*VA$A60 When used for throttling service, so"e of their disadvantages are a direct consequence of the above
advantages. heir high%caacity design results in either using oversized valves or having s"all valves "ounted in large
ies. 2f s"all valves are used, this "eans substantial waste of u"ing energy caused by the reducer ressure dros.

The vane positions of butterfly valve when closed, throttling, or open.


B/ttery Valves
  B/ttery valves esine ,or tiht sh/t-of +'SO. ,all into to
• One is the valve that is provie ith an elastomer or plastic
•  'he other tiht sh/t-of esin is the <6BV ith the camme isc
•an#vailable in ,olloin
a separate seal esins
rin clampe into the boy <6BV 'ype

-ug ye Wafer ye *ouble &langed ye

*esigns on basis of connection ;igh erfor"ance design


B/ttery Valves +Cont.

DO5B&" O))."T T#0P&" O))."T

4"#O O))."T
  •  'he sha,t is ofset ,rom
•Concentric valve +3ero •  'he thir ofset is the eometry esin o, the
the centre line o, the
ofset.5 sealin components not the sha,t position5
isc seat an boy
•isc rotates aro/n the  'he sealin components are each machine
seal +ofset one. an
centre a4is alloin ,or into an ofset conical pro;le res/ltin in a
the centre line o, the
a potential >?0 rotation5 riht anle cone5
bore +ofset to.5
•Sealin is achieve by •  'his ens/res ,riction ,ree strokin thro/ho/t
the isc e,ormin the its operatin cycle5 Contact is only mae at
so,t seal res/ltin in ,/ll the ;nal point o, clos/re ith the @0A anle
,riction thro/h the ,/ll actin as a mechanical stop res/ltin in no
operatin cycle5 over - travel o, the isc seat5

Ball valve
 A ball valve is a valve with a sherical disc'ball, the art of the valve
which controls the flow through it. he shere has a hole, or ort,
through the "iddle so that when the ort is in line with both ends of
the valve, flow will occur. When the valve is closed, the hole is
erendicular to the ends of the valve, and flow is blocEed 7all
valves are straight%through flow valves which rovide ositive shut
off with "ini"al ressure dro and flow turbulence. he barrier to
flow is a ball which is rotated H5 degrees to the direction of flow.

he ball valve is very reliable. 2t can be engineered to

withstand ;26; ressure. It takes a quarter turn to
open or close them fully . 2t is widely used for #$%
#ff'shutdown alications and in secial cases for
regulating services.

Ball Valves
• Ball valves are /rable an /s/ally ork to achieve per,ect
sh/tof even a,ter years o, is/se5
• se in stea*6 ,ater6 oil6 $as6 air6 corrosive !ids6 and can
also %andle slrries and dsty dry !ids5
• #brasive an ;bro/s materials can amae the seats an the ball
•  'heir tiht sh/t-of characteristics correspon to #NSI Class IV an
•  'he ;re-sa,e esin o, ball valves can be certi;e to #6I-?0D
hich speci;es the types o, seconary seats that are acceptable
to control the leakin o, ammable /is hen the primary seat
+/s/ally 6'*!. s/blimes /rin ;re5

 – ;igh flow caacity.
 – +etal to "etal tri", soft seated tri".
 – ight shut off (-eaEage % A$2 class 2V) with soft seat.
 – +ini"u" obstruction for the flowing "edia.
 – I# ball and IV notch construction available. he V%notch
ball rovides nearly equal ercentage flow characteristic.
T%e V-s%aped notc% c/t into the openin lip o,
the ball provies a narroer area ,or /i o at
lo openin anles proviin more precise o
control than a plain-bore ball valve5 #lso knon as
semente ball valve5

V-4otch Ball 5esign


 'ypes O, Ball Valve

)loat ball valve:
• *loatin ball in the ball valves means a ball
that is ,ree to EoatF beteen the seat rins5
 'he ball is hel on to seat rins5 In eneral
e can also say that the oatin ball valves
have oat ball an ;4e seat5
• *loatin ball valves by its constr/ction /se an
/pstream press/re to p/sh the ball aainst its
• In eneral practice the oatin ball valve is
/se at lo press/re application /e to its
seat limitation +at hih press/re the ball is
leanin to p/sh an broke the seat.5 *loatin
ball valves also /se at small si3e only /e to
its iGc/lties to alin to seat i, the ball si3e is
• In eneral practice ,or pipin application ,or
belo >F si3e at 1H0 or >00 #NSI class sho/l
be /se oatin ball valves5 

 'ypes O, Ball Valve +Cont5.

Trnnion 7onted:
•  'r/nnion mo/nte ball in the ball valves
means the ball is hel by a ;4e vertical
• In tr/nnion mo/nte the /pstream
press/re is absorbe by a bearin an the
tihtness is achieve by a sprin insie the
seat5 'his seat is p/she by a sprin to
have a tihten sealin5
•  'he tr/nnion mo/nte is capable to /se at
hih press/re application an lare si3e
ball valves itho/t maor problem5
•  #t hih press/re an lare si3e application
the tr/nnion mo/nte is s/perior to the
oatin ball valves type5
• *or si3es >F an above +1H0 or >00 #NSI
class. or at #NSI class ?00 an above all
si3e it shall be /se o, tr/nnion mo/nte
ball valves5
oa n a v s r/nn on

In eneral application the act/ate ball valves /se ,or sh/ton valve or blo on is
cateori3e as a critical application5 It serves a Sa,ety Instr/mente System +SIS. that has
a certain re8/irement o, Sa,ety Interity $evel +SI$.
• /e to its critical role the ".D ball valves are sally trnnion *onted instea o,
oatin type5
• Tor8e and t%e pstrea* pressre actin on the seat is the main point ,or choice the
type5 I, the press/re actin on the seat is hih the stem o, the oatin type can not bear
the press/re an m/ch o, it ill act on the Seal seat 'his ill mae the seat broken also
hen e close or open the valves the tor8/e ill be hih5 9e may nee to choose a bi
• 0n Trnnion type the ball is f9ed an can redce so*e tor8e5 It also protects
t%e seat hen the valve is close an hih /pstream press/re act on the ball5
• B/t it also depends on the *anactrer capabilities5 Sometimes man/,act/rer
capabilities to ,abricate a tr/nnion mo/nte ball valves is limite to 2F smallest si3e5 In
this case the oatin type is /navoiable5
• So as a concl/sion instr/ment ball valves /se as sh/ton or blo on application
shall be tr/nnion mo/nte type an the /se o, oatin type is only acceptable i, the /se
o, tr/nnion mo/nte type isnJt ,easible5

6ate valve
he 64/ $AT-T+# 0 2t worEs by changing the rocess fluidCs
flow rate by sliding a late ast a stationary hole.

• Jnife 6ate valves are relatively ineBensive, have high caacity,

and are suited for slurry and dirty services.
• #n the other hand they have oor control characteristics, do not
rovide tight shut%off, and are not suited for corrosive services.
• 2t is a for" of Iguillotine%tye gate valve and is "uch used due
to its non%lugging body design.
• $on%abrasive slurry services such as in the ul F aer
• &or large dia"eter water services as found in waste water 64/ $AT-T+#

#)T45-5)& VA0V)3 9otation of a "ovable disc with two

holes, which if rotated can rogressively cover two holes in the
stationary disc, can successfully throttle flow.
• he ositioned sliding disc designs are ideal for high%ressure
(u to >5,555 26), cavitating, abrasive, or erosive services,
but are relatively eBensive and are not suited for sludge, slurry,
viscous, or fibrous services.

#)T45-5)& VA0V)

.lab-type 'nie

Gillotine-type 'nie
Gate Valve:
.lide $ate $illotine valves
are sed on lo, pressre !e
$as or air!o, service as a
bloc' o valve2 T%ese valves
are available in bonneted or
bonnetless desi$n5

ccentric 9otary lug valve

• he eccentric lug rotary control valve features an eccentrically "ounted lug or ball, which co"bines
rotary valve efficiency with globe valve ruggedness..
• Bcellent &low !haracteristic
• ;igh !aacity
• #ne%iece 7ody
• 9ugged !onstruction
• 9eliable erfor"ance
• he ;igh 9angeability
• #ne of the "ain advantages of the rotary lug valve is its free assage. *ue to the flow restrictor which
"oves crossways to the flow, the lug does not directly bears the brut of the flowing fluid. his confers
a secial advantage on abrasive or adhesive "edia.

)r. 4o. Type of VA0V Area of Application

> 15 B/ttery Valves >.a. !ontrol F 2solation (on%off) of Air, 6as, oBic !he"icals,
25 <ih 6er,ormance  Acids F AlEalies tc.
B/ttery Valves >.b. 8sed for control alication at higher valve sizes instead of
globe valves
>.c. &or corrosive services, where body lining of globe valves
beco"es econo"ically unattractive.
G. !ontrol F 2solation of ;igh e"erature, ;igh ressure
&luids tc.

G 7all Valves >. 2solation (on%off) of &luids at +oderate ressure F e".

G. DuicE #ening
< *iahrag" Valves >. #n'#ff alications in slurry service.
G. 6landless Valve ;ence +ost uitable for Vacuu" Alication
K Jnife dge 6ate Valves >. 2solation #f lurry F ul Alications
G. #n%#ff alication
4 >. 6lobe valve >. o control large range of rocess ara"eters, secially in
G. 7elow ealed 6lobe etroche"ical, che"ical, fertilizer, oil and gas, ower, and
Valves other rocess lants
G. !ontrol F 2solation (on%off) of ;ighly oBic &luids F Lero
-eaEage to At"oshere.

&ontrol Valves &haracteristic

&haracteristic  0 he flow characteristic of a control valve is the relationshi between the flow rate through
the valve and the valve travel, as the travel is varied fro" 5 to >55M.

DuicE #ening

Normally classi;e three types

o, characteristics
• K/ick openin <8
• $inear
• !8/al percentae
• S8/are root 7 /low 0inear 
• %oi;e parabolic
• <yperbolic :8


8 98 :8 ;8 <8 =88
7 0ift

• ic' Openin$ 
#n inherent o characteristic in hich there is ma4im/m o ith minim/m travel5
K/ick openin valves are typically /se ,or ON-O** service5
se ,or processes here EinstantlyF lare o is neee5

• &inear 
 'he rate o, chane o, o is same to the rate o, chane o, valve travel5
$inear characteristics are provie ,or most level control loops an loops here the
meas/rement is linear an the variation in the press/re rop across the control valve
is small5

• >ual percentage 
• rovides equal ercentage increases in rate of flow for equal incre"ents of lug "ove"ent.
• he equal ercentage valve offers an advantage over the linear valve at low flow rates. !onsider, at a >5M flow
rate of > "'h, the linear valve only lifts roughly KM, whereas the equal ercentage valve lifts roughly G5M.
 Although the orifice ass area of both valves will be eBactly the sa"e, the shae of the equal ercentage valve
lug "eans that it oerates further away fro" its seat, reducing the risk of impact damage  between the valve
lug and seat due to quicE reductions in load at low flow rates.
• ?igher rangeability.

electing a valve with the correct flow characteristic (the relationshi between valve oening and flow
caacity) is very i"ortant.
 Actually, a control valve has two characteristics, an 2$;9$ !;A9A!922! and an 2$A--*
he inherent characteristic of a valve is the characteristic ublished by the "anufacturer, based on tests
erfor"ed in a syste" where great care is taEen to ensure that the ressure dro across the test valve is
held constant at all valve oenings and flow rates. he inherent characteristic, therefore, reresents the
relationshi between valve flow caacity and valve oening when there are no syste" effects involved.

The inherent characteristic can be determined in a flow-test lab with a constant, pressure
drop, but what if the pressure drop is not constant as is >uite often the case@  
he answer is because of the installed characteristic .
he 2nstalled characteristics of a control valve refer to the relationshi between the flowrate through the
valve and the valve travel, as the valve is oened fro" its closed osition to various degree of oening,
when the ressure dro across the valve varies.

$ote that, the ressure dro across the valve (*V) varies in "ost actual installation, influenced also by
various ressure%reducing devices in series with the control valve, such as the ie length, ie fittings and
various tyes of valves, flow"eter and rocess equi"ent.

$#0 2n actual flow conditions (installed characteristics) the equal M "oves toward linear and linear characteristics to
quicE oening characteristics. DuicE oening characteristics is undesirable for throttling alications since in dyna"ic
condition it "oves toward on%off characteristics.

• 5efinition3 A neu"atic, hydraulic, or electrically owered device that sulies force and "otion to osition a
valveCs closure "e"ber at or between the oen or closed osition. hus, an actuator is any device that causes
the valve ste" to "ove.
 'he p/rpose o, a control valve act/ator is to provie the motive ,orce to operate a valve
2t "ay be a "anually ositioned device, such as a handwheel or lever.

• Pne*atic - Valve is operate by pne/matic s/pply on the act/ator5 6ne/matic
valve act/ators respon to an air sinal by movin the valve trim into a
corresponin throttlin position5
6ne/matic act/ators /se air press/re p/shin aainst either a e4ible iaphram or
a piston to move a valve mechanism5
% iaphram
% 6iston operate
• Sinle actin
• o/ble actin
• "lectric - Valve is operate by electrical motor hich is co/ple to the valve sha,t
thro/h ear bo45 !lectric motors have lon been /se to act/ate lare valves
especially valves operate as on)of +Esh/tofF. evices5
• +ydralic-<yra/lic act/ators /se li8/i press/re rather than as press/re to
move the valve mechanism5 Nearly all hyra/lic act/ator esins /se a piston
rather than a iaphram to convert /i press/re into mechanical ,orce5
• #s sh/ton valves ,orm part o, a SIS it is necessary to operate the valve by
means o, an act/ator5
• .cotc% ( ;o'e < #ac' ( Pinion are the most commonly /se mechanisms in on-

#iston actuators
-inear iston actuators rovide longer stroEes and can oerate at higher air ressures than can the
sring'diahrag" actuators. !o"ressed air is alied to a solid iston contained within a solid
cylinder. iston actuators can be single acting or double acting.
iston Actuators are used with on%off valves and also with large size valves which require longer

&obe #crobat D50


5iaphragm actuators
*iahrag" actuators have co"ressed air alied to a fleBible
"e"brane called the diahrag". &igure shows a rolling
diahrag" where the effective diahrag" area is virtually constant
throughout the actuator stroEe.
• he oularity of the sring'diahrag" actuator is due to its low
cost, its relatively high thrust at low air suly ressures, and its 5iaphragm actuator 
availability with Ifail%safe srings.
ring diahrag" actuators are the "ost widely recognized and
used by control valve suliers.
i"listic design ,few "oving arts, and easy to "aintain.

)cotch  +oke ( *ack  #inion3 hey are the

"ost co""only used "echanis"s in on%off rotary valve
actuators because of their high torque roduction

• In aition to the /i type act/ators also vary in the

manner in hich the enery is store to operate the valve
on eman as ,ollos:
  .in$le-actin$ cylinder< .prin$ #etrn - !nery is
store by means o, a compresse sprin
  Doble-actin$ cylinder - !nery is store /sin a vol/me
o, compresse /i
•  'he type o, act/ation re8/ire also epens /pon the
application site ,acilities an also the physical space
• #ltho/h the *a=ority o actators /se ,or s%tdo,n
valves are o, the sprin$ retrn type /e to the ail sae
natre o sprin$ retrn syste*s2

#ac' ( Pinion Actator


he valve alication engineer "ust choose between the two readily available fail%safe sche"es for control valves,
either fail open or fail closed. his "eans Nwhat osition will the valve "ove to should the suly air or control
signal to the valve falls awayN. his is i"ortant to safe guard the rocess at various laces so so"e valves will be
fail oen and so"e fail close.

• /ail open% A condition wherein the valve closure "e"ber "oves to an oen
osition when the actuating energy source fails.

• /ail close% A condition wherein the valve closure "e"ber "oves to a closed
osition when the actuating energy source fails.

• /ail safe% A characteristic of a articular valve and its actuator that uon loss of
actuating energy suly will cause a valve closure "e"ber to be fully closed, fully
oen, or re"ain in the last osition, whichever osition is defined as necessary to
rotect the rocess.

• /ail lock% neu"atic locE%u syste"s are used with control valves to locE in
eBisting actuator loading ressure in the event of suly ressure failure.
his is done by installing a NlocEu valveN inline with the neu"atic actuators air
line traing air inside the actuator under NfailN conditions. When the locEu valve
shuts, no air can enter or eBit the control valves actuator, which "aEes the control
valve hold its osition.

2n valves without a ositioner, when the valve is given a co""and to oen to a certain oint, there is no
feedbacE to verify that the valve has oened to that osition.
With a valve ositioner, the co""and is given and the valve ositioner reads the oening, verifying the osition
and read/usting until it gets it to the eBact osition needed. his allows for great recision in the valve ad/ust"ent
7y definition, a positioner  is a device attached to an actuator that receives an electronic or neu"atic signal fro"
a controller and co"ares that signal to the actuatorCs osition.  
2f the signal and the actuator osition differ, the ositioner sends the necessary owerOusually through
co"ressed airOto "ove the actuator until the correct osition is reached.

 A ositioner ensures that for a given

inut signal, the valve will always
atte"t to "aintain the sa"e osition
regardless of changes in valve
differential ressure, ste" friction,
diahrag" hysteresis and so on.
 A ositioner "ay be used as a signal
a"lifier or booster .
2t accets a low ressure air control
signal and, by using its own higher
ressure inut, "ultilies this to rovide
a higher ressure outut air signal to
the actuator diahrag", if required, to
ensure that the valve reaches the
desired osition.

here are four basic valve ositioner tyes0 neu"atic, electronic, electro%neu"atic and digital.
• neu"atic valve ostioners co""unicate with air.
• lectric valve ositioners use electric signals1 single or three%hase A! or *! current is used.
• lectro%neu"atic valve ositioners taEe an electric signal and convert it to a neu"atic (air) signal.
• *igital valve actuators use a "icrorocessor to "onitor the valve accurately.

A fre>uently asked >uestion is, %Chen should a positioner be fitted@

 A ositioner should be considered in the following circu"stances0

>. When accurate valve ositioning is required.

G. o seed u the valve resonse. he ositioner uses higher ressure and greater air flow to ad/ust
the valve osition.
<. o increase the ressure that a articular actuator and valve can close against. (o act as an
K. Where friction in the valve (esecially the acEing) would cause unaccetable hysteresis.
4. Where varying differential ressures within the fluid would cause the lug osition to vary.

%Chen should a positioner 4T be fitted@

>. A ositioner should not be used if the rocess

is too fast.
G. Another is a s"all valve with a relatively large
actuator and good available force

 The response of a “fast” process is better without a positioner,


01T )CT&?
The indication from the valve limit switches that tells the operator and the
logic when the valve is fully open or fully closed.
)witches are installed on electric motor-driven valves to open the circuit and
stop driving the motor when the valve is at its limit !fully open or closed". The
name Dlimit switchE is also used to describe switches installed to signal
when a valve is at or beyond a predetermined position.
/or ha'ardous area, switch shall be either intrinsically safe or switch
mounted in ex-proofing housing.
Chen specifying the limit switches, one should specify the re>uired contact
ratings, the contact configurations !)#5T, 5#5T, and so on", and the type of
housing re>uired. Typical choices include weatherproof, explosion proof etc.
T+#) / 01T )CT&?) )53
45&TV T+#


D0.TANC" + A& AG".
#AT" ."N.0T0V0T0".
&i*it #ny 6hysical ><3 'emperat/re Simple 6hysical
.,itc% Contact %oist/re Ine4pensive Contact
re8/ire #rcin
P%oto- Opa8/e 051-H0mm 100- /st irt Loo (esol/tion
electric 1000<3 #mbient $iht
5ltrasoni Non- >0mm-10m H0<3 Noise #ir %otion 6oor
c poro/s (esol/tion
Type lare

0ndctive Con/ctive *erro/s-H0mm >00- Other nearby s/ally ,ails ON

Type %aterial Non-,erro/s- H000<3 sensors oo (esol/tion

.olenoid Valves:
  Solenoi valves are o,ten ,o/n in applications in
hich a control valve /ner certain conitions m/st
be 8/ickly riven to the ,ail position
•  'he solenoi valve as a control valve accessory is
  +1. 'o operate on)of pne/matic act/ators
+2. 'o interr/pt the action o, mo/latin valves by
sitchin air or hyra/lic press/res5
• In orer ,or the system to sh/t on +valve to close.
in case o, loss o, poer or emerence o, an /nsa,e
conition it is esirable ,or the solenoi valve to be
contin/o/sly eneri3e /rin normal operation5 3<3 ,ay nor*ally closed
 'his ill /arantee that any ,ail/re loss o, poer or solenoid valve  
a broken ire ill ca/se a ,ail-sa,e action5
• 9e can /se brass6 al*in* or even ?1@ .. ,or
the boy material since all o, this material is
compatible ith the instr/ment air5
•  'ho/h solenoid valve *aterial is ?1@&.. as
*ini** or per proect speci;cations as it is
corrosion resistant2
?<3 ,ay nor*ally closed
solenoid valve  


•  9hen the solenoi valve is eneri3e there is some heat enery enerate by
this con/ctors inin5 Since the con/ctors inin issipate some heat
enery the ins/lation m/st en/re this heat5
• I, the ins/lation isnJt stron eno/h to en/re aainst the heat then it ill melt
or b/rnt5 */rthermore the broken ins/lation ill ca/se a short circ/it an the
solenoi ill ,ail to operate5
• In eneral t%e inslation o solenoid valve coil can be *ade ro* paper6
polyester6 polyret%ane6 nylon etc5
• .olenoid Valve Coil 0nslation Class 7a9i** Te*peratre
  B 1? de$ C
  ) 1 de$ C
  + 1 de$ C
• In eneral application ,or sh/ton valve trierin the vendor ill provide  
the te*peratre rise data o t%e solenoid at ll load Eener$i/edF 5 9ith
this temperat/re rise ata t%ey ,ill provide standard inslation class
and state t%e *a9i** a*bient te*peratre or t%at solenoid valves 5
• *or e4ample the solenoi valves have an inherent temperat/re rise @0 0 C at
,/ll loa5 By proviin ins/lation class * +ma4 temperat/re 1HH 0 C. it ill be
alloe to operate at ?H 0 C ambient temperat/re5 In most application the
ambient temperat/re ill not e4cee M00 C there,ore it ill have 2H 0 C e4tra
thermal capabilities5 'his e4tra thermal capability can be /se to e4ten the
solenoi valve li,e e4pectancy5 

Air filter regulator 

uly ressure regulators, co""only called airsets,
reduce lant air suly to valve ositioners and other
control equi"ent.
hey erfor" two critical functions0 roviding a constant air
suly ressure to the instru"ent or valve, and filtering the
instru"ent air, that is to re"ove "oisture, oil, and all
articles that are 4 P or larger.
  he pressure-reducing function is essential to a lantCs
erfor"ance and safety. +ost lant instru"ent air syste"s  Air &ilter
oerate at ressures of >55 si (@.H bar) or higher, while 9egulator 
"ost control valves and other instru"ents are designed to
run at "uch lower air suly ressuresOas low as G5 si
(>.K bar) in so"e cases.
Bceeding the rated suly ressure can lead to early
failure, "echanical da"age, syste" shutdowns and
otentially unsafe conditions.
2t is often urchased with the valve, "ounted, and ied.
 An air set "ust be used when the ressure rating of the
actuator or ositioner is lower than the air suly ressure.
  $eneral filter material 0 intered olyroylene, intered

• <an heel may be s/pplie ,or man/al operation o,
control valves ,or emerency /se /rin start /p or in the
event o, the air ,ail/re5

•  'hey are /se in,re8/ently & primarily in critical services

or hen block & bypass valves are not provie5

his is the basically the fluid which asses through the valve when the valve is fully closed. o this
leaEage shall deend on the contact of the valve lug seat with the seating force alied for holding
the lug over the seat.

eat -eaEage
 According to A$2 7>@.>5K%>H3@ (&!2 35%G)
4ominal #ort Bubbles #er
ml #er 1inute
5iameter 1inute
0eakage   1aximum Test
Test #ressures
&lass  Allowable 1edium
>.55   5.>4   >.55  
K4%@5 26 or "aBi"u"
22 5.4M of rated valve caacity   air or water difference ressure,
whichever is less >%>'G   5.<5   G.55  

222   5.>M of rated valve caacity   air or water

K4%@5 26 or "aBi"u"
difference ressure,
G.55   5.K4   <.55  
whichever is less

G%>'G   5.@5   K.55  

K4%@5 26 or "aBi"u"
    air or water difference ressure,
2V 5.5>M of rated valve caacity
whichever is less
<.55 5.H5 @.55

5.5554 "l er "in. er inch
orifice dia"eter (seat
K.55 >.35 >>.55
dia"eter) er si >55 2 "ini"u" or "aBi"u"
V water
difference ressure
differential   @.55   K.55   G3.55  
air or 45 2 or "aBi"u" difference
V2   9efer to table ad/acent   nitro
ressure, whichever is
Q.55 @.34 K4.55

Class 02 Ientical to Class II III an IV in constr/ction an

esin intent b/t no actal s%op test is *ade2
Class 002 Intene ,or o/ble-port or balance sine-port
valves ith a metal piston rin seal an metal-to-metal
seats5 #ir or ater at MH to ?0 psi is the test /i5
Allo,able lea'a$e is 2 o t%e rated ll open
Class 0002 Intene ,or the same types o, valves as in Class
II5 #lloable leakae is limite to 21 o rated valve
Class 0V2 Intene ,or sinle-port an balance sinle-port
valves ith e4tra-tiht piston seals an metal-to-metal
seats5 &ea'a$e rate is li*ited to 21 o rated valve
Class V2 Intene ,or the same types o, valves as Class IV5
 'he test /i is ater at 100 psi or operatin press/re5
$eakae alloe is limite to H " 10 ml per min/te per inch
o, ori;ce iameter per psi iferential5
Class V02 0ntended or resilient-seatin$ valves2  'he test
/i is air or nitroen5 6ress/re is the lesser o, H0 psi or
operatin press/re5 'he leakae limit epens on valve
!-A 2Vsi3e
is alsoan
Enown as "etal to
ranes "etal.051H
,rom 2t is theto
Eind of leaEage
?5DH rate you
ml per can eBect
min/te ,orfro" a valve with a "etal
lug and "etal seat.
si3es 1 thro/h  inches5
!-A Vl is Enown as a soft seat classification. oft eat Valves are those where either the lug or seat or both
are "ade fro" so"e Eind of co"osition "aterial such as eflon or si"ilar.

/lashing  &avitation #henomena


/low restriction

 p1 nlet pressure

 p2 utlet pressure

 pv Vapor pressure
 pvc Vena &ontracta pressure

2f the ressure at the vena contracta dros below the vaour ressure of
the liquid, bubbles will for" in the flowing strea". 2f the ressure
downstrea" re"ains below the vaour ressure, the bubbles will
re"ain and the rocess is said to have Iflashed. &lashing can
roduce erosion da"age, nor"ally at the oint of highest velocity at
or near the seat line of the valve lug and the seat ring.
 When the liquid flashes into vaour, there is a increase in
volu"e, resulting in the increase in the velocity of the fluid.
;ence this high velocity will erode the surface.
 &lashing da"age can be identified as s"ooth olished
aearance of erode surface. 2t is usually at or near seat line of
the valve lug and seat. &lashing da"age is "arEed by shiny,
s"ooth gouges in "aterial.
 When a liquid flashes into vaor, there is a large increase in
volu"e. 2n this circu"stance, the iing downstrea" of a valve
needs to be "uch larger than the inlet iing in order to Eee
the velocity of the two%hase strea" low enough to revent
erosion. he ideal valve to use for such alications is an angle
valve with an oversized outlet connection.
o rotect
the valve the valve "aterial "ust be hardened. 2f there is >55M
flashing then the valve should be slightly oversized in order to
acco""odate the increased volu"e and Eee velocity of
vaour low enough.

!avitation is said to have occurred if the downstrea" ressure
recovery is sufficient to go above the vaour ressure,
collasing the bubbles, releasing energy, "aEing noise, and
causing erosion.
!hoEed cavitation is the oint where the vaorization of the
fluid reaches sonic velocity in the valve ort and li"its the
flow through the valve.
 !avitation da"age can be identified as rough and
itted surface. !avitation da"age "ay eBtend to the
downstrea" ieline if that is where the ressure
recovery occurs.
• *estruction is due to the i"losions( the bubbles
collase ) that generate the eBtre"ely high%ressure
shocE waves in the substantially non%co"ressible
strea". !avitation is usually couled with vibration
and a sound liEe rocE frag"ents or gravel flowing
through the valve.
!avitation *a"age

2n order to -2+2$A !AV2A2#$0

 2nstall two or "ore control valves in series as ressure dro is distributed.

 he "ore treacherous the flow ath through a articular valve, the less
liEelihood eBists for cavitation.
2nversely, the valves "ost liEely to cavitate are the high recovery valves
(ball, butterfly, gate) as the flow ath is less co"licated.

 !ontrol valve designs that are less liEely to cavitate are ones having
"ultiath and "ultiturn flow aths.

 -abyrinth%tye valves avoid cavitation by a very large series of right%angle

turns with negligible ressure recovery at each turn.. he "ultiste valves

 he "ultiste ' "ultistage valves can avoid cavitation by relacing a single

and dee vena contracta with several s"all vena contracta oints as the
ressure dro is distributed.

 +ulti%6rooved !ascade tri" for non%co"ressible fluid alications. here

are QRH grooves designs available deending on ressure dro and
otential for cavitation. he fluid asses through the flow ath generated
by incororating angled flats onto the surface of the lug. he ressure
dro rogressively reduces as it asses through the grooves of the tri".

 7yroer "aterial selection. uch as -iEe <>@ ' !#-+#$#: @ coating'

--2 coating ' A--#: @ which are liEely to survive longer.

+8-2 A; 92+ !2#$


4oise Theory 
 A rando" "iBture of sound and ressure waves of various a"litude and frequency, which
eole do not liEe.
8nit of noise S d7A (*ecibels) T G5-og (Bisting sound ressure level ' .555G "icro bar).
yical noise li"it is Q4 d7A before so"e Eind of action is required.

)ource of valve noise

• +echanical noise S 2t roduces high "echanical stress% fatigue failure of vibration

art. +echanical noise can be reduced by i"roved design to suress vibration
by good suort and rugged construction.
  Vibration of valve co"onents S it is due to lateral "ove"ent of valve lug against
the guide surface. he sound level roduce will nor"ally have frequency less
than>455 ;z and is Enown as "etallic rattling.
• ;ydrodyna"ic noise S 2t is due to cavitation and flashing. 2t is because of
collasing of vaour bubbles.
•  Aerodyna"ic $oise S Aerodyna"ic noise is generated by the turbulence created in
the flow of vaor, gas, or stea" as the fluid asses through a control valve

• 4oise control
 – #ath treatment

• nsulation of pipe 0
Thermal nsulation 0< to 4 d7A of noise attenuation er inch.
  Acoustical nsulation3 Q to >5 d7A er inch

• ?eavy duty pipe

• )ilencer3
n-line silencers3 Absorb sound energy
  Alied when source treat"ent is insufficient
  !ost effectively rovide u to G4d7A attenuation

tandard chedule  Acoustic tandard ilencer tandard

chedule Q5 ie 2nsulation chedule chedule
K5 ie (G%inches) K5 ie K5 ie
>>5 d7A >5@ d7A H@ d7A >>5 d7A Q4 d7A Q4 d7A

• 4oise control
 – )ource treatment
• revents noise at its source,
• +ini"izes turbulence.
 – taging ressure dro through use of diffusers
 – *ividing u flow ath through slots or drilled holes

•-ow $oise ri" S !age style (e.g. Whiser tri")
Whiser &lo ($oise reduction u to >5 d7A)
Whiser 2 ($oise reduction u to >Q d7A)
Whiser 222 ($oise reduction u to <5 d7A)
•7y 2n line diffuser 
•7y whiser disE

$oise reduction tri"


<O9 'O %#! V#$V!S *I(!-

•  'here are also to methos to achieve a ;re-sa,e esin by sin$ a
fre-proo co*ponent or by sin$ a non fre-proo co*ponent
bt spported by a special desi$n t%at ,ill prevent lea'a$e
ater t%e co*ponent is *elt2
• T%e frst *et%od to achieve a ;re-sa,e esin by /sin a ;re-proo,
component /s/ally is re,errin as an inherently ;re-sa,e valve5 s/ally
this type o, valve is a *etal seated valve by sin$ a $rap%ite
seat insert Ein ball valve or btter!y valveF and $rap%ite ste*
pac'in$5 By /sin raphite as a seat insert an stem packin the
raphite ill remain stan even a,ter ;re e4pos/re5
• T%e second *et%od to achieve a ;re-sa,e esin by /sin a non
;re-proo, component /s/ally is re,errin as ;re-teste valve5 T%is
valve is sin$ a t%er*oplastic seat *aterial and a
t%er*oplastic ste* pac'in$ *aterial sc% as PT)" 5 In the seat
esin even tho/h the seat is thermoplastic it is esine so that
hen the thermoplastic is meltin /e to hih temperat/re e4pos/re

!S 'riers
• Pressre sensin$ +i$% ( &o,
   'hese kin o, triers  provie
hih an lo press/re sensin on
as or li8/is an can be ;tte ith
either an a/tomatic or man/al

• )sible &in' 
  */sible links are set to melt an
activate an !S system in the event
o, ;re5


6!(*O(%#NC! %!#S(!%!N' *O( !S

• *or !S valves it is essential to kno that the valve is capable o,
proviin the re8/ire level o, sa,ety per,ormance an that the
valve ill operate on eman5
•  'he re8/ire level o, per,ormance is ictate by the Sa,ety
interity level +SI$.5
•  'he metric ,or meas/rin the per,ormance o, a sa,ety ,/nction is
calle the Avera$e Probability o ailre on de*and  +or
6*av. an this correlates to the SI$ level as ,ollos:
  .0& P)Dav$
  M Q 10RH to 10RM
  > Q 10RM to 10R>
  2 Q 10R> to 10R2
  1 Q 10R2 to 10R1

 'ypes O, 6er,ormance 'ests

 'here are 2 types o, testin methos available:
• Proo test - # man/al test that allos the
operator to etermine hether the valve is in
the Tas oo as neT conition by testin ,or
all possible ,ail/re moes an re8ires a
plant s%tdo,n2 +L!N!(#$$U ON! ONC! IN
# U!#( O( '9O U!#(S.
• Dia$nostic Test - #n a/tomate on-line test
that ill etect a percentae o, the possible
,ail/re moes o, the sh/ton valve5 #n
e4ample o, this ,or a sh/ton valve o/l be

6#('I#$ S'(O! '!S'INL

• Partial stro'e testin$  +6S'. is a techni8/e /se in
SIS to allo the /ser to test a percentae o, the
possible ,ail/re moes o, a sh/t on valve itho/t
the nee to physically close it5
•  'he 6S' is /se to check the ,/nction o, the sa,e
position o, !S valves5
• # s/ccess,/lly e4ec/te partial stroke emonstrates
that certain /nresolve errors that o/l otherise o
/netecte s/ch as sprin ,ract/res in the sprin
chamber o, the pne/matic act/ator5
•  'he test can be starte both locally on the evice in a
time-controlle manner or ,rom remote5

<o is 6S' per,ormeP

• 'he positioner evac/ates an o/tp/t /ntil
the position chane e;ne in avance
occ/rs5 I, this oes not happen ithin the
set time +timeo/t val/e. an alarm can be
• #t the en o, the test the positioner
moves the valve to the last vali position
an reverts to the most recently active
control moe5
• *or oc/mentation p/rposes the test
res/lt is save in the non-volatile memory5

Vario/s 6S' 'echni8/es

  7ec%anical Ha**ers
• # evice is inserte into the valve an
act/ator assembly that physically prevents
the valve ,rom movin past a certain point5
 'hese are sed in cases ,%ere
accidentally s%ttin$ t%e valve ,old
%ave severe conse8ences or any
application here the en /ser pre,ers a
mechanical evice5
• %echanical limitin methos are
ine9pensive in terms o, capital an
installation costs5
•  'hese methos are *anally initiated in
the ;el an are *anpo,er intensive5
• # limit sitch or vis/al inspection is /se to
con;rm valve movement5
• One o, the biest rabacks to these

Drin$ nor*al operation t%e device is

passive and ,ill allo, t%e valve to ".D
7ec%anical Partial .tro'e Test Device on de*and2
s%o,n in disen$a$ed position

>%en a partial stro'e test is re8ired6 t%e

device is Ien$a$edJ and t%e ".D valve ,ill
only travel to t%e specifed percenta$e o
7ec%anical Partial .tro'e Test stro'e2 T%e
Device s%o,n in en$a$ed position2 device *ec%anically prevents *ove*ent
past t%e interloc' 

6S' %ethooloies +Cont5.

  Position Control
• 6osition control ses a positioner to *ove t%e valve to a pre-
deter*ined point5 'his metho can be /se on risin stem an
rotary valves5
• Since most emerency block valves are not installe ith a
positioner this metho does re8ire installation o additional
• 6ositioner operation also re8ires an analo$ otpt hich is
typically not installe in SIS applications5 Conse8/ently cost is a
*a=or dra,bac'  ,or the position control metho5
• # li*it s,itc% or position trans*itter  can be /se to etermine
an oc/ment the s/ccess,/l completion o, the tests5
• I, a smart positioner is /se ,or the position control a +A#T
*aintenance station can collect t%e test inor*ation and
$enerate test doc*entation2 O, co/rse the /se o, a smart
positioner an maintenance station ,/rther increases the capital cost5
•  'he positioner does contribte to t%e sprios trip rate  /rin
normal operation since the positioner can ,ail an vent the air ,rom
the valve5
• Bt ,%en a solenoid is installed bet,een t%e positioner and
t%e actator t%e saet nctionalit is never lost drin t%e

6S' %ethooloies +Cont5.

• # partial-stroke test can be accomplishe by plsin$ a solenoid
valve5 'he solenoi can be the same solenoi /se ,or valve
act/ation res/ltin in a lo, capital and installation costs  ,or
the metho5
• I, the act/ation solenoi valve is /se this metho ,ill also test
t%e solenoid valve nctionality5
• Valve travel confr*ation is acco*plis%ed by a li*it s,itc%  
or position transmitter alloin a/tomatic oc/mentation o, test
•  'he test can be pro$ra**ed in t%e .0. lo$ic solver ith the
test bein implemente a/tomatically base on a proramme
cycle time or initiate by the operator on a maintenance sche/le5
• Since the valve is never bypasse or isable the valve remains
available ,or sh/ton /rin the test5 #s ith the other partial-
stroke testin methos a *aintenance bypass is re8ired to
allo maintenance to be per,orme on-line itho/t a process
• #,ter all the solenoi is bein e-eneri3e ,or the test an re-
eneri3e to stop the test5
• I, the solenoi valve oes not reset the test becomes a trip5

Bene;ts O, 6S'
• (e/cin the probability o, ,ail/re on eman5
• !4tension o, the time beteen comp/lsory plant
• 6reictin potential valve ,ail/res ,acilitatin the pre-
orerin o, spare parts5
• 6rioritisation o, maintenance tasks5
• I, the sa,ety is o, an appropriate level the nee ,or
costly re/nant valves may be eliminate5

)tandards *elevant to &ontrol Valves

A)1 B=;.= and B=;.F.
  A+ 7>@.> 0 !ast 2ron ie &langes and &langed &ittings. his tandard for !lasses G4, >G4, G45 !ast 2ron
ie &langes and &langed &ittings covers.
  A+ 7>@.4 0 ie &langes and &langed &ittings. he standard includes flanges with rating class >45, <55, K55,
@55, H55, >455, and G455 in sizes $ >'G through $ GK.
A)1 B=;.=8-=GG
 *efines &ace%to%&ace *i"ensions of valve bodies

)A )HF.=G
 &or ;ydro testing of !ontrol Valves (-atest dition)

A)1 B=;.I:-=GG; 3Valves - /langed, Threaded and Celded nd

 *efines design criteria for valves with &langed, hreaded and Welding ends
 *efines "ini"u" wall thicEness require"ents
 *efines ressure%e"erature 9atings for various "aterials
 er"its Asse"bled ;ydrostatic ressure ests

A4) B=;.=8:-=GH; !/& H8-9"3 )tandard for &ontrol Valve 0eakage &lassification !/luid &ontrol nstitute"
 tandard for eat -eaEage !lassification
 stablishes test rocedures and seat leaEage classes
 iB -eaEage !lass *esignations % !lass 2 through V2

A4)()A-HF.8F.8=-9888 !*988F"
 !ontrol Valve er"inology

A)1(A4) B=;.:H J =GG;

 -arge *ia"eter teel &langes0 $ G@ through $ @5

American #etroleum nstitute !A#"3

  A2 * @& &ire est for Valves
  A2 * 4HQ Valve 2nsection F esting
  A2 * 4HH +etal lug Valves S &langed, hreaded and Welded nds
  A2 * @5G teel, 6ate, 6lobe F !hecE Valves for izes *$ >55 and "aller for the
  etroleu" and $atural 6as 2ndustries
  A2 * @5Q +etal 7all Valves S &langed, hreaded, and Welded nds
  A2 * @5H 7utterfly Valves0 *ouble &langed -ug and Wafer ye.
  A2 * G555 Venting At"osheric and -ow ressure torage anEs $on%refrigerated and 9efrigerated

4ational Association of &orrosion ngineers !4A&"3

 $A! +95>5< and $A! +95>34 and 0 etroleu" and $atural 6as 2ndustries +aterials for use in ;G%!ontaining
nviron"ents in #il and 6as roduction art >0 6eneral rinciles for election of !racEing%9esistant 2rons S art <0
!racEing%9esistant !9As (!orrosion%9esistant Alloys) and other Alloys

V#(IOS S'#N#(S  On-Of

• 0"C@1:  */nctional sa,ety o, electrical) electronic) prorammable
electronic sa,ety-relate systems
• 0"C@111:  */nctional sa,ety o, SIS ,or the process in/stry sector5 It
imposes aitional re/nancy re8/irements to achieve hih SI$ ratin
these can be mitiate here ianostics are shon to be /se to
provie preictive maintenance5
• T5V Certifcate: 'he p/rpose o, this paper is to s/mmari3e the test
an certi;cation policies /se /rin a 'V certi;cation o, a sa,ety
component)s/bsystem5 'hese components)s/bsystems are typically
electrical)electronic) prorammable electronic systems5
• AP0 KEValve 0nspection and Testin$F:  'he stanar covers
inspection s/pplementary e4amination an press/re test re8/irements
,or both resilient-seate an metal-to-metal seate ate lobe pl/
ball check an b/ttery valves5 6ertains to inspection by the p/rchaser
an to any s/pplementary e4aminations the p/rchaser may re8/ire at
the valve man/,act/rer7s plant5
• AN.0<AP0 @LE)ire Test or .ot-.eated arter Trn ValvesF: 'he
stanar covers the re8/irements ,or testin an eval/atin the
per,ormance o, straihtay so,t-seate 8/arter-t/rn valves hen the
valves are e4pose to certain ;re conitions e;ne in this stanar5
• A.7" B1@21: *ace to *ace an !n-to-!n imensions o, Valves

T)T) and &*T/&AT4 K &ontrol valves

>. &or our ervices and services with ; G, $A! +9%5>%34 certification needed for valve "aterial.
G. *2+$2#$A- 0 he face%to%face di"ensions of flanged globe%body control valves shall be as given in
the relevant standard A+ 7>@.>5.
<. ;:*9#A2! 0 !ontrol valves shall be hydrostatically tested in accordance with the standards secified
for the articular tye of valve.
K. A -AJA6 0 he seat leaEage test shall be in accordance with A$2'&!2 35.G and 2!%@54<K%
K,tandard for control valve leaEage. he seat leaEage test rocedures shall be eBecuted for all control valves
of !lass V or V2.
4. 9&#9+A$! A$* +!;A$2!A- #9A2#$ 0 he control valve shall be co"letely asse"bled
and fitted with all accessories.
he erfor"ance and "echanical test shall include a ;ysteresis test, a dead band test etc.
he ;:92  shall consist of "easuring the valve ste" osition for the following sequence of inut
signals0 45M, 34M, >55M, 34M, 45M, G4M, 5M, G4M and 45M. ;ysteresis shall not eBceed 5.4M of "aBi"u"
valve stroEe.
he *A* 7A$*  is eBressed in ercentage of the inut san and shall be "easured at 4M, 45M and
H4M of the inut san. he "aBi"u" dead band found shall not eBceed >M of rated inut.
@. -#W +9A89 0 A low te"erature or a cryogenic test shall be "ade on selected control valves
used in low te"erature service (down to %45U!) or in cryogenic service (below %45U!).
3. !AA!2: 0 2f secified in the requisition, the actual !v value shall be de"onstrated by a test in
accordance with 2! @54<K%G%<.
Q. 2+A! 2$60 2s done for carbon steel co"onents used in low te"erature services (below >4 degrees)
H. $#$ *98!2V ($*)0 9adiograhy esting, *ye est etc.

 '!S'S & C!('I*IC#'IONS  On-

of Valve
• NAC" Certifcation ,or Corrosive)So/r Services an services
ith <2S N#C! %(-01-DH certi;cation neee ,or valve
• D07"N.0ONA& T".T: 'he ,ace-to-,ace imensions o, ane
lobe-boy control valves shall be as iven in the relevant
stanar #S%! B1?5105
• +;D#O.TAT0C T".T: Control valves shall be hyrostatically
teste in accorance ith the stanars speci;e ,or the
partic/lar type o, valve5
• ."AT &"AMAG" T".T: 'he seat leakae test shall be in
accorance ith #NSI)*CI D052 an I!C-?0H>M-MStanar ,or
control valve leakae5 'he seat leakae test proce/res shall
be e4ec/te ,or all control valves o, Class V or VI5
• C#;OG"N0C T".T: # lo temperat/re or a cryoenic test shall
be mae on selecte control valves /se in lo temperat/re
service +on to -H0AC. or in cryoenic service +belo -H0AC.5
• 07PACT T".T0NG: Is one ,or carbon steel components /se
in lo temperat/re services+belo 1H erees.
• NON D".T#5CT0V" T".T.ENDTF: (aioraphy 'estin ye

ONT#O& VA&V" .040NG CA&C5&AT0ON.

!ontrol valve izing is eBtre"ely critical and involves a lot of calculations. 7eing and ! we donCt directly
calculate a valve !V, but we "ust be aware of each ad every governing factor and be caable of choosing the "ost
correct valve according to our require"ents.

*lo CoeGcient +CV.

he valve flow coefficient, !V is the nu"ber of 8.. gallons er "inute of water at @5 degrees & which will ass through a
given flow restriction with a ressure dro of > si.
&or eBa"le, a control valve which has a flow coefficient, or !V, of >G has an effective ort area that it asses >G gallons
er "inute of water with > si ressure dro.
Jv is the flow coefficient in "etric units. 2t is defined as the flow rate in cubic "eters er hour "<'h of water at a
te"erature of >@X celsius with a ressure dro across the valve of > bar.
$ow we have concet of 9ated !v and !alculated !v.
9ated !v is "aBi"u" !v of valve, ie. When the valve is fully oen. his is rovided by the vendor.
!alculated !v is flow coefficient calculated according to rocess conditions. 2t is always less then 9ated !v.

040NG T"#70NO&OG; 
  y"bol *escrition 8nit
y"bol *escrition 8nit
G outlet absolute static resure Ea or bar
! &low coefficient (Jv,!v) Various (2! @54<K)
"easured at oint 7 ee note G
see note K

!f   Assu"ed flow coefficient for iteritive Various (2! @54<K) c Absolute ther"odyna"ic critical Ea or bar 
uroses see note K ressure

r 9educed ressure (>'c) >

d $o"inal valve size "" v  Absolute vaour ressure of the Ea or bar 
liquid at inlet te"erature
* 2nternal dia"eter of iing ""

*> 2nternal dia"eter of iing "" d *ifferential ressure between Ea or bar 
ustrea" and downstrea" ressure
*G 2nternal dia"eter of iing "" tas (>%G)

*c #rifice dia"eter "" D Volu"etric flow rate +<'h

&d Valve style "odifier > 9ev Valve 9eynolds nu"ber >
see note K
> 2nlet absolute te"erature J
&& -iquid critical ressure ratio factor >
c Absolute ther"ody"anic critical J
&- -iquid ressure recovery factor of a > te"erature
control valve w'o attached fittings see note K ts  Absolute reference te"erature for J
standard cu."etre
&- !o"bined liquid recovery factor F > f 9educed te"erature ( >'c) >
iing geo"etry factor
W +ass flow rate Jg'h
& iing geo"etry factor >
B 9atio of ressure differential to inlet >
&9 9eynolds nu"ber factor > absolute ressure(d'>

&Y ecific heat ratio factor > B ressure differential ratio f actor of a >
control valve w'o attached fittings at ee note K
+ +olecular "ass of flowing fluid Jg'E"ol choEed flow
$ $u"erical constants Various see note > B ressure differential ratio f actor of a >
> 2nlet absolute static resure Ea or bar control valve w'o attached ee note K
"easured at oint A ee note G fittings at choEed flow

y"bol *escrition 8nit

: Bnsion factor > >. o deter"ine the units for the nu"erical constants,
di"ensional analysis "ay be erfor"ed on the
L !o"ressibility factor > aroriate equations using the units given in table
v Jine"atics viscosity +G'sec G. > bar T >5G Ea T >54 a
ee note < <. > centistoEes T >5%4 "G'sec
Z> *ensity of fluid at  > and > Jg'"< K. hese values are travel related and should be stated by
the "anufacturer 
Z>' Z5 9elative density (Z>' Z5) T> for water >
at >4X! 4. Volu"etric flow rates in cubic "etres er hour, identified
by the sy"bol D, refer to standard conditions. he
Y ecific heat ratio >
standard cubic "etre is taEen at >5><.G4 "bar and either
G3< J or GQQJ
[ Velocity head loss coefficient of a >
reducer, eBander or other fitting
attached to a a control valve
[> 8strea" velocity head loss >
coefficient of fitting

[G downstrea" velocity head loss >

coefficient of fitting
[7> 2nlet 7ernoulli coefficient >

[7G outlet 7ernoulli coefficient >


*&2$A2#$ # 9++79

Si3in e8/ations ,or Non-Compressible


Where. !T !v in 86'"in.
D flow rate in +<'h
Z>% density at ressure  > and te".  >
Z5 %density >.5 at >4X!
$> %$u"erical constant
d S >%G 
o $ote &-  -iquid ressure recovery &actor 
&&  -iquid critical ressure ratio factor 
* choEed flow or \ch T & -G (>%&& B v)
v S absolute vaour ressure at inlet Ea ' bar 
;ere \ ] \ch >  inlet absolute ressure in Ea or bar 
G outlet absolute ressure in Ea or bar 
  ecific weight at inlet conditions Zg


Where. !T !v in 86'"in.
D flow rate in +<'h
Z>% flowing density at ressure > and te". >
Z5 %density >.5 at >4X!
$>,$@ %$u"erical constant
d S >%G
&- -iquid ressure recovery &actor 
&& -iquid critical ressure ratio factor 
v S absolute vaour ressure at inlet Ea ' bar 
> inlet absolute ressure in Ea or bar 
G outlet absolute ressure in Ea or bar 
&- co"bined ressure recovery factor and iing geo"etry factor 
& S iing geo"etry factor 
  secific weight at inlet conditions

o e ow
he basic liquid sizing equation tells us that the liquid flow rate through a control
valve is roortional to the square root of ressure dro. his si"le relationshi is
shown grahically by the green ortion of the grah in &igure >. ($ote that the scale
of the horizontal aBis is the square root of ressure dro.) his linear relationshi
does not always hold true. As the ressure dro is increased, the flow reaches a oint
where it no longer increases. #nce this haens, additional increases in ressure
dro across the valve do not result in additional flow, and flow is said to be choEed.
;ere we will call this li"iting or choEing ressure dro the er"inal ressure *ro,
 \. (he sa"e thing is also so"eti"es referred to as the Allowable ressure *ro,
 \allowable, so"eti"es as the +aBi"u" ressure dro, \+aB, and so"eti"es as the
!ritical ressure *ro, \!rit.)

Where. !T !v in 86'"in.
D flow rate in +<'h
Z>% density at ressure > and te". >
Z5 %density >.5 at >4X!
o $ote $> %$u"erical constant
* choEed flow or \ch T & -G (>%&& B v) d T >%G
&& -iquid critical ressure ratio factor 
;ere \ ^ T \ch v S absolute vaour ressure at inlet
Ea ' bar 
When above is true, the flow is choEed. > inlet absolute ressure in Ea or bar 
;ence, for $on%!o"ressible fluids(liquids etc) G outlet absolute ressure in Ea or bar 
 \"in is taEen in the deno"inator ie. & S iing geo"etry factor 
&- -iquid ressure recovery &actor 
"aller value between \ and \ ch
&& -iquid critical ressure ratio factor 

 ! i !v in 86'"in.
D flow rate in "<'h
Z> density in Eg'"< at ressure > and te". >
_>'Z5 T> for water at >4X!
$> %$u"erical constant
d >%G
&& -iquid critical ressure ratio factor 
v absolute vaour ressure at inlet Ea ' bar 
> inlet absolute ressure in Ea or bar 
G outlet absolute ressure in Ea or bar 
& iing geo"etry factor 
&- -iquid ressure recovery &actor 
&- co"bined ressure recovery factor and iing geo"etry factor 

Where. !T !v in 86'"in.
D flow rate in "<'h
Z>% density in Eg'"< at ressure > and te". >
_>'Z5 T> for water at >4X!
$> %$u"erical constant
d (>%G )
> inlet absolute ressure in Ea or bar 
G outlet absolute ressure in Ea or bar 
&9 9eynoldCs nu"ber factor 

 !T !v in 86'"in.
D flow rate in " <'h
W "ass flow rate in Eg'h
` eBansion factor 
$@,$Q,$H %$u"erical constant
+ "olecular "ass of fluid Eg'E"ol
>  inlet absolute ressure in Ea or bar 
G outlet absolute ressure in Ea or bar 
> 2nlet absolute te"erature in Jelvin
L co"ressibility factor 
B (>%G)'>

!T !v in 86'"in.
D flow rate in " <'h
W "ass flow rate in Eg'h
` eBansion factor 
$@,$Q,$H %$u"erical constant
+ "olecular "ass of fluid Eg'E"ol
>  inlet absolute ressure in Ea or bar 
G outlet absolute ressure in Ea or bar 
> 2nlet absolute te"erature in Jelvin
L co"ressibility factor 
B (>%G)'>

!T !v in 86'"in.
D flow rate in " <'h o $ote
W "ass flow rate in Eg'h
` eBansion factor 
$@,$Q,$H %$u"erical constant When above is true, the flow is choEed.
+ "olecular "ass of fluid Eg'E"ol
>  inlet absolute ressure in Ea or bar 
G outlet absolute ressure in Ea or bar   At choEed flow, the gas attains sonic velocity, >+ach
> 2nlet absolute te"erature in Jelvin
L co"ressibility factor 
B (>%G)'>
B  ressure differential ressure factor S vendor data

! !v in 86'"in.
D flow rate in "<'h
W "ass flow rate in Eg'h
` eBansion factor 
$@,$Q,$H %$u"erical constant
+ "olecular "ass of fluid Eg'E"ol
>  inlet absolute ressure in Ea or bar 
G outlet absolute ressure in Ea or bar 

> 2nlet absolute te"erature in Jelvin

L co"ressibility factor 
& iing geo"etry factor 
B  ressure differential ressure factor S vendor data
&` secific heat ratio factor 
Z>% density in Eg'"< at ressure > and te". >

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