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Presented to the English Education Department

Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training
University State Islamic of Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung

NIM. 12203193177


APRIL 2022
TABLE OF CONTENT……………………………………………………iii
1.1 Background of The Study......................................................................1
1.2 Focus of The Study................................................................................2
1.3 Purpose of The Study.............................................................................2
1.4 Significance of The Study......................................................................3
1.5 Research Result......................................................................................3
2.1 Song........................................................................................................4
2.1.1 The Essence of Foreign Language Learning.................................4
2.1.2 The Essence of Using Songs As Learning Media.........................5
2.1.3 The Benefits of Using a Song........................................................5
2.1.4 The Essence of Speaking Skills.....................................................6
3.1 Research Design.....................................................................................7
3.2 Research Variable...................................................................................7
3.3 Data.........................................................................................................8
3.4 Data Source.............................................................................................8
3.5 Research Instrument................................................................................8
3.6 Validity Instrument..................................................................................9
3.7 Instrument Reliability..............................................................................9


1.1 Background of the Study

The importance of communication between the world's people causes foreign languages to
become one of the needs of society. Foreign languages are also a means of communication
between humans that make it easier for humans to interact with other humans around the world.
As a result of the rapid development of science and technology, it allows the world community
to absorb information and of course be able to communicate and interact with various
Indonesia itself has begun to promote foreign language learning in SMP, SMA, and SMK,
both public and private. This is a preparation effort so that the Indonesian people can face
global competition. The process of intensifying foreign language teaching in Indonesia is
marked by the start of a variety of foreign languages taught in secondary schools, including
English, German, Mandarin, Japanese, Arabic, French, and so on. In learning English itself,
there are four skills that students must learn, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
In the process of learning English, many learning media are used to facilitate the learning
process. However, from the survey results in the field, it can be seen that educators in teaching
English still use conventional learning media. Educators still do not take advantage of varied
learning media, for example, whiteboard and whiteboard media are still used as a medium for
delivering material. Although this is also an effective learning activity, this makes the language
learning process seem monotonous and students tend to be passive and experience boredom in
learning English if this learning method is not accompanied by the use of varied learning
media. At SMPN 3 Tulungagung , class VIII students still often find it difficult to follow the
material because learning is monotonous and boring.
Songs in language learning are an alternative to be able to arouse students' motivation in
the learning process. Through songs, the learning atmosphere becomes more fun, and students
are more motivated to be active in the learning process. Students sing along and understand
the meaning of the lyrics of the songs they sing, so that the speaking skills taught will be

delivered effectively. In addition, with the song media, students can better remember the
material given by the teacher. It is hoped that the difficulties of students in improving their
English speaking skills can be resolved and their learning outcomes will be more optimal.
The use of songs in foreign language learning does not only involve listening or speaking
aspects and vocabulary, but also linguistic structure and cultural aspects. At SMPN 3
Tulungagung the use of song media is still rarely used and this is one of the reasons for
researchers to examine the use of song media as a medium for learning skills speaking English.
In learning a foreign language, the use of songs can be a medium that helps students to
achieve the ultimate goal in the learning process. English sentence pronunciation exercises
using songs can familiarize students with using words or expressions in foreign languages. In
addition, with a fun learning process with songs, it can be assumed that students are able to
understand and absorb information and explanations from the teacher, so that learning
objectives can be achieved properly.

1.2 Focus of the Study

The formulated of the research problem are:
1. Is there a difference in the learning achievement of English speaking skills for class VIII
SMPN 3 Tulungagung students who are taught using songs and not using a song?
2. Is the use of song media in learning English speaking skills of eighth grade students of
SMPN 3Tulungagung more effective than conventional media?

1.3 Purpose of the Study

Based on the focus of the study, the purposes of the study are:
1. The difference in the achievement of English speaking skills of students in class VIII of
SMPN 3 Tulungagung between students who are taught using song media and those who
are taught using conventional media.
2. The effectiveness of the use of media songs in learning English speaking skills for grade
VIII students of SMPN 3 Tulungagung

1.4 Significance of the Study
The researcher hopes this study can give contribution both theoretical and practical:
1. Theoretical
This research gives a new way or technique in teaching for developing students’ vocabulary
2. Practical
a. For researchers to improve teaching skills as a good teacher. And for other
researchers, make this research as a reference for conducting further research.
b. For teachers, to improve their teaching methods in the future, then get better results
for mastering students' vocabulary.
c. For students, to apply and introduce the technique in the learning process and to
master students' vocabulary after applying the technique using songs.

1.5 Research result

The results of this research are expected to:
1. Provide information to teachers about the effectiveness of the use of media songs to
improve the achievement of English speaking skills.
2. Illustrating to the teacher that song media is one of the alternative media that can be applied
in learning English speaking skills.
3. Become a reference that can be used properly by students who will carry out research and
references for compiling a thesis.


2.1 Song
2.1.1 The essence of foreign language learning
Learning is essentially a process that is marked by a change in a person. As stated
by Mouly (in Trianto, 2009: 9) that learning Basically, it is the process of changing a
person's behavior due to experience. Changes as a result of the learning process can be
indicated in various forms such as changes in knowledge, understanding, attitudes and
behavior, skills, skills and abilities, as well as changes in other aspects of learning
A foreign language is a language that is not used by the people of an area in general
(Subiyakto-Nababan, 1993: 3). Parera (1993: 16) says that a foreign language is a
language that is learned by a student in addition to the student's own language. This
statement gives the meaning that a foreign language can be said to be a language that
someone learns other than the original language itself, whether it is studied at school
(formal) or other than at school (informal).
In addition, Dulay & Burt (1978: 79) revealed that learning a foreign language that
is in a calm, happy and not nervous or afraid state, students will easily absorb new
information into the brain and sharpen their foreign language skills. In essence, every
student already has a foreign language talent. Thus, foreign language talent controls
more language awareness (Gardner, 1985: 127).
From some of the opinions above, it can be concluded that foreign language
learning is a conscious effort of educators and students to carry out the process of
acquiring language that is not used in the daily life of students intentionally through
language symbols that have meaning through a learning process that involves students
so that the goal of understanding a new language will be achieved by fulfilling aspects
of language skills.

2.1.2 The essence of using songs as learning media
Song is an important distinct form of human communication which is conveyed
through harmony, melody, rhythm and lyrics that can evoke feelings, memories,
creativity and all the possibilities that can be done with feelings. In addition, the purpose
of using songs is to intensify the emotional power and creativity of students, so that this
can also train the right brain of students. If both brains are used in the learning process,
of course this can help students to more easily remember and accept learning materials.
The songs introduce a joyful, fun and informal atmosphere in the classroom with
an environment that is much more conducive to language learning than a strict
atmosphere where students will feel pressured to deviate from grammatical norms
unnecessarily. The song is part of the audio media because the song is a rhythmic sound.
From the statement above, it can be concluded that song as a learning medium is a
way for message senders to send messages to recipients, in this context teachers and
students to convey messages or learning materials using songs that are able to make the
recipient of the message understand the intent and essence of the message from the
sender of the message.
The song used as a medium for learning English speaking skills that is adapted to
the material and learning objectives is used as a tool so that the learning process becomes
more effective, interesting, easy to remember, easy to reach, the class atmosphere is
more lively, and students are not bored. This advantage is because the nature of music
is for entertainment, so that students will learn English speaking skills with pleasant
feelings, with the aim of becoming more optimal learning outcomes.

2.1.3 The Benefits of Using Song

Listening to songs as a medium for student learning can make the brain relax and
can improve mood while studying, besides the benefits of listening to songs while
studying can also increase focus and help remember new information.

2.1.4 The Essence of Speaking Skills
One aspect of language that must be mastered by students is speaking, because
speaking skills will support other skills and are interrelated. This skill is not a type of
skill that can be passed down from generation to generation, although basically naturally
every human being can speak. However, formal speaking skills require intensive
practice and direction.
Stewart and Kennert Zimmer in Haryadi and Zamzani, 1997: 56 view the need for
effective communication as essential to achieve the success of each individual or group.
Students who have good speaking skills, the conversation will be more easily
understood by the listeners. According to Saksomo 1997: 75, there are several
techniques in learning speaking skills, namely 1 guided speaking skill learning
technique, 2 semi-guided speaking skill learning technique, and 3 free speaking skill
learning technique.
Speaking skills are essentially the skills of producing a stream of articulation sound
systems to convey wishes, needs, feelings, and desires to others, in this case the
completeness of a person's speech apparatus is a natural requirement that allows him to
produce a wide variety of articulation sounds, pressure, tone, silence. and talk songs.
This skill is also based on the confidence to speak fairly, honestly, correctly, and
responsibly by eliminating psychological problems such as shame, low self-esteem,
tension, heavy tongue, etc. Iskandarwassid and Sunendar, 2008: 241. Speaking
functions as an activity. language production and information conveying. The ability of
students to speak will also be useful in reading comprehension and listening activities.


3.1 Research Design

Research design is basically the whole process of ideas and determining the things that will
be done. It is the basis, and can also be used as a basis for assessment by both the researchers
themselves and others on the assessment (Margono, 2009: 100). This research can be
classified as a quasi-experimental research using pre-test and post-test designs. According to
Campbell and Stanley (2007: 84) quasi-experiments are often viewed as incorrect
experiments, because this type of experiment does not meet the requirements of a scientific
experiment that follows certain rules.
In this research, the researcher will use the experimental method because the researcher
wants to know the effectiveness of the use of songs on students' vocabulary mastery.
Experimental research is defined as a research method used to find a certain effect on
controlled conditions. Specifically, this research design is a pre-experimental design with a
one group pretest posttest design. According to Jun Wang & George A. Morgan (2010), the
pre-experimental design is one group of participants from several groups who are observed
after several interventions or treatments are considered to cause changes.

3.2 Reseacrh variable

The relationship between variables is a term that is never left behind in any type of research,
Kerlinger (2007: 118) calls the variable as a concept just like men in the concept of gender. In
this study there are two types of variables, namely the independent variable and the dependent
variable. The independent variable is a variable whose variations affect other variables. The
dependent variable or dependent variable is a research variable that is measured to determine
the magnitude of the effect or influence of other variables (Azwar, 1998: 62).

1. Independent variable
The independent variables are attributes or characteristics that affect or affect an
outcome or the dependent variable. The independent variable is the main variable used
by researchers to research. The independent variable of this research is the use of songs.
2. Dependent variable
The dependent variable is the attribute or characteristic that depends or is influenced
by the independent variable. The dependent variable is the variable that is observed and
measured by the researcher to determine the effect of the independent variable. The
dependent variable in this study is the students' vocabulary mastery.

3.3 Data
According to Oxford dictionary data is facts or information, especially when examined
and used to find out things or to make decisions. Arifin (2012) added by explain that data is
group of fact about a phenomenon in the form of number or category. The data of
quantitative research will be presented in numerical data. In this research, the form of the
data will number of students’ score of pre-test and post-test.

3.4 Data Source

The method of collecting data in this study is to use a test. The test is a series of
stimulation given to someone with the intention of getting answers that can be used as the
basis for determining a numerical score, In this research the data source will be in the form of
student work at the eighth grade of SMPN 3 Tulungagung in administering pre-test and post-
test. (Margono, 2009: 170). In this study, the test used is a speaking skill test using simple
English text which aims to measure the level of mastery and English speaking skills.

3.5 Research Instrument

Research instruments are tools or facilities used by researchers in collecting data so that
their work is easier and the results are better, in the sense of being more accurate, complete,
and systematic, so that they are easier to process (Arikunto, 2007: 160). A test is a tool or
procedure used to find out or to measure something, with predetermined ways and rules
(Arikunto, 2003: 53).

In this study, the instruments used were developed independently based on the research
objectives. The form of the instrument in this study was a test of speaking ability in English.
The test in this study was an English speaking ability test made by the researcher himself
based on an English curriculum. Selection of indicators in ability test questions speaking
English has been adapted to the material that has been taught by the English teacher at
SMPN 3 Tulungagung.

3.6 Validity Instrument

Validity is a measure that shows the levels of validity an instrument. A valid and
authentic instrument has high validity. An instrument will be valid if it is able to measure
what is desired (Arikunto, 2006: 168). Valid instruments also mean the measuring tools used
to obtain valid data (Sugiyono, 2010:172). The validity used in this study are:
a. Content validity
According to Arikunto (2002: 67) a test is said to have validity if it measures
certain specific objectives that are parallel to the material or content of the
lessons given. Because the material taught is listed in the curriculum, content
validity is also called curricular validity. For instruments in the form of tests,
validity testing can be done by comparing the contents of the instrument with
the subject matter being taught.
b. Construct Validity
A test is said to have construction validity if the items that make up the test
measure every aspect of thinking as stated in the Specific Instructional
Objectives. In other words, if the items measuring the aspect of thinking are in
accordance with the aspect of thinking that becomes the Special Instructional

3.7 Instrument Reliability

Reliability refers to an understanding that an instrument is reliable enough to be used as a
data collection tool because the instrument is already good. Instruments that can be trusted,
which are reliable will produce reliable data as well. If the data is indeed in accordance with

the reality, then no matter how many times it is taken, it will still be the same (Arikunto,
2006: 178).


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