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General Instructions. Read the following sentences/phrases and write only the most appropriate answer.
Have this in 1 WHOLE SHEET OF YELLOW PAD. With parent/guardian signature.
Multiple Choice. Write only the letter of the most appropriate answer.
1. It is the body’s response to anything that makes us feel threatened or pressured.
A. Stimulus B. Behavior C. Stress D. Attitude
2. The collection of physiological changes that occur when you face a perceived threat—when you face
situations where you feel the demands outweigh your resources to successfully cope.
A. Stressor B. Stress C. Stimuli D. Response
3. Which of the following is not considered a stressor?
A. A break up C. Watching your favorite TV show
B. Death of a loved one D. Conflict with your best friend
4. All, EXCEPT one, are signs of stress; which one?
A. Excessive sweating B. Laughing C. Nausea D. Chest pains
5. All, but one, are other major causes of stress:
A. Care of the elderly C. Domestic violence
B. Drug and alcohol abuse D. Listening to your favorite song
6. This system controls everything you do.
A. Endocrine system B. Nervous system C. Olfactory system D. Respiratory system
7. It has three major parts- the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the brain stem.
A. Brain B. Heart C. Liver D. Stomach
8. These are the basic functional units of the nervous system that are key to brain functions.
A. Electrons B. Nephrons C. Neurons D. Protons
9. The following can contribute to the brain’s damage EXCEPT_______
A. Alcohol B. Balanced diet C. Inhalants D. Lack of sleep
10. It is the scientific study of the mind and behaviour
A. Anatomy B. Biology C. Psychology D. Zoology
11. Which is not part of the brain?
A. Brain Stem B. Cerebellum C. Cerebrum D. Foramen magnum
12. Which part of the brain allows movement of the right side of your body?
A. Left frontal lobe B. Left parietal lobe C. Right frontal lobe D. Right parietal lobe
13. Which region of the brain controls voluntary movement?
A. Brain stem B. Cerebellum C. Cerebrum D. Foramen magnum
14. In humans, what age does the brain slow down or stop growing?
A. Eighteen years old B. Five years old C. Three years old D. Twenty-one years old
15. Your emotions are believed to come from the___________.
A. Amygdala B. Cerebellum C. Heart D. Medulla oblongata
16. Which of the following has the biggest possibility of causing permanent damage to the brain?
A. Addictive drugs B. Cellular phones C. Too little sleep D. Unhealthy diet
17. What is suspected to be one influence why Math giftedness seems to favour boys over girls, appearing
an estimated six to 13 times more often?
A. Estrogen B. Serotonin C. Testosterone D. Thyroxine
18. It determines a person’s preferences, problem-solving style, personality characteristics, and even career
A. Actions B. Brain dominance C. Decisions D. Thoughts
19. It is a graphical technique that mirrors the way the brain works, and was invented by Tony Buzan.
What is it?
A. Meditation B. Mind mapping C. Puzzle D. Rubrik’s cube
20. What happens to the tiny connections in the brain when you learn new things?
A. Divide and get stronger C. Multiply and get stronger
B. Divide and get weaker D. Multiply and get weaker
Stress Survival Kit

People deal with stress differently. Survival kits are essential to prepare before a crisis. Sometimes,
we also need to prepare survival kits for stressful situations, before they happen. In this activity, you will be
making your own survival kits that will help cope with stress within your everyday lives. Write your
responses in 1 SHORT BOND PAPER with parent/guardian signature.
1. Choose 3 objects or symbols that make you feel relaxed to include in your kit.
• You can make symbols.
• You can use words or pictures.
• You can use an object from your home.
2. Think about how the symbol helps you when you are dealing with stress and stressful situations.
3. Write a paragraph for each symbol or object in your kit and how it helps you cope with stress in your
everyday life.
4. Sharing a part of your kit with peers may be a follow-up activity.

Rubric for Performance Task no. 3

Exemplary Sufficient Minimal Beginning

100 points 95 points 90 points 85 point

Selfdisclosure / Student demonstrates an in-depth Student demonstrates a general Student demonstrates a minimal Student demonstrates a lack of
Depth of reflection on, and personalization reflection on, and personalization reflection on, and reflection on, or personalization of, the
reflection of the theories, concepts, and/or of, the theories, concepts, and/or personalization of, the theories, theories, concepts, and/or strategies
strategies presented in the course strategies presented in the course concepts, and/or strategies presented in the course materials.
materials. Viewpoints and materials. Viewpoints and presented in the course Viewpoints and interpretations are
interpretations are insightful and interpretations are supported. materials. Viewpoints and missing, inappropriate, and/or
well supported. Clear, detailed Appropriate examples are interpretations are unsupported unsupported. Examples are not
examples from personal provided from personal or supported with flawed provided.
experiences are provided, as experiences, as applicable. arguments. Examples are not
applicable. provided or are irrelevant to the
Connection to Student makes in-depth synthesis Student goes into some detail Student goes into little detail Student merely identifies some
outside of thoughtfully selected aspects of explaining some specific ideas or explaining some specific ideas general ideas or issues from outside
experiences experiences related to the topic and issues from outside experiences or issues from outside experiences related to the topic.
makes clear connections between related to the topic and makes experiences related to the topic
what is learned from outside general connections between what and m very few connections
experiences and the topic. is learned from outside experiences between what is learned from
and the topic. outside experiences and the
Connection to readings Student makes in-depth synthesis Student goes into more detail Student goes into little detail Student identifies some general ideas
of thoughtfully selected explaining some specific ideas or explaining some specific ideas or issues from readings related to the
aspects of readings related to the issues from readings related to or issues from readings related topic. Readings are only those
topic and makes clear connections the topic and makes general to the topic and makes general assigned for the topic.
between what is learned from connections between what is connections
readings and the topic. learned from readings and the between what is learned from
Includes reference to at least two topic. Includes reference to at readings and the topic.
readings other than those least one reading other than those
assigned for class. assigned for class.
Connection Student synthesizes, Student synthesizes Student Student has difficulty restating some
to unit analyzes and clearly some attempts to general ideas or issues from the class
objectives evaluates thoughtfully selected directly appropriate ideas or synthesize some discussion as they relate to this topic.
aspects of ideas or issues from the issues from the class discussion as directly
class discussion they relate to this topic. appropriate ideas or issues from
as they relate to this the class discussion as
topic. they relate to this topic.

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